Biblioteka Grupe Za Teoriju Umetnosti i Medija (1)

7/23/2019 Biblioteka Grupe Za Teoriju Umetnosti i Medija (1) 1/53 Oksfordska istorija muzike (I, II, i III) Learning to Look at Modern Art The DADA Reader Foucaut and the Iranian Re!oution Language and Death" The #ace of $egati!it% Remnants of Ausch&itz" The 'itness and the Archi!e Ideja roze The Oen Man and Animaa *utura +tudies as *ritica Theor%  Art After *oncetua Art Modernism and Music $e&s *uture Reorting 'ar ournaism in 'artime To -e *ontinued.... *hannes of Discourse Reassem/ed *inematic 0r/anism 0!od u feministi1ku teoriju sike Li!ing Room 'ars 2ssentia Frankfurt +choo Reader 3ontekstuana umetnost 4 0metnicko st!aranje u ur/anoj sredini, u situaciji, inter! Moderna umetnost 56674586749777 (I4II) Fashion, Desire and An:iet% Image and Morait% in the 97th *entur% +me;tanje kuture -eing and 2!ent Metaoitics Infinite Thought" Truth And The Return To #hiosoh% Theoretica 'ritings Manifest za fiozofiju -eing and 2!ent #oemics +!et sno!a i katastrofa  A Mieke -a Reader Louise -ourgeois< +ider The architecture of art&riting =uoting *ara!aggio Roan -art o Roanu -artu ImageMusic Te:t Reaism, Rationaism, +urreaism" Art -et&een the 'ars 4 Art /et&een the 'ars >o/aization 4 The ?uman *onse@uences $e& Music, $e& Aies T.A.. 4 Temorarna autonomna zona, Ontoo;ka anarhija, #oetski terorizam Introduction to *%/ercutures *%/ercuture, The 3e% *oncets  Architectura #hiosoh% 2mathic Bision Affect, Trauma, and *ontemorar% Art $e& 3e%&ords *entra 2uroean A!ant >ardes 2:change and Transformation, 5857458C7

Transcript of Biblioteka Grupe Za Teoriju Umetnosti i Medija (1)

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Oksfordska istorija muzike (I, II, i III)Learning to Look at Modern ArtThe DADA Reader Foucaut and the Iranian Re!outionLanguage and Death" The #ace of $egati!it%

Remnants of Ausch&itz" The 'itness and the Archi!eIdeja rozeThe Oen Man and Animaa*utura +tudies as *ritica Theor% Art After *oncetua ArtModernism and Music$e&s *utureReorting 'ar ournaism in 'artimeTo -e *ontinued....*hannes of Discourse Reassem/ed*inematic 0r/anism0!od u feministi1ku teoriju sikeLi!ing Room 'ars2ssentia Frankfurt +choo Reader 3ontekstuana umetnost 4 0metnicko st!aranje u ur/anoj sredini, u situaciji, inter!Moderna umetnost 56674586749777 (I4II)Fashion, Desire and An:iet% Image and Morait% in the 97th *entur%+me;tanje kuture-eing and 2!entMetaoiticsInfinite Thought" Truth And The Return To #hiosoh%Theoretica 'ritingsManifest za fiozofiju-eing and 2!ent#oemics+!et sno!a i katastrofa A Mieke -a Reader Louise -ourgeois< +ider The architecture of art&riting=uoting *ara!aggioRoan -art o Roanu -artuImageMusic Te:tReaism, Rationaism, +urreaism" Art -et&een the 'ars 4 Art /et&een the 'ars>o/aization 4 The ?uman *onse@uences$e& Music, $e& AiesT.A.. 4 Temorarna autonomna zona, Ontoo;ka anarhija, #oetski terorizamIntroduction to *%/ercutures*%/ercuture, The 3e% *oncets Architectura #hiosoh%2mathic Bision Affect, Trauma, and *ontemorar% Art

$e& 3e%&ords*entra 2uroean A!ant >ardes 2:change and Transformation, 5857458C7

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Dada Triumhs 4 Dada -erin 5856589C Artistr% of #oarities, MontagesMetaech2ndess $ight" *inema and #s%choana%sis, #arae ?istoriesForms of -eing 4 *inema, Aesthetics, +u/jecti!it% An Arsena for Democrac%" Media Accounta/iit% +%stemsThe Aesthetics of *utura +tudies

 Audience in 2!er%da% Life 4 Li!ing in a Media 'ord-anishing the -east Feminism, +e: and Morait%0metni1ka teorija u Itaiji 5E745G77Remediation" 0nderstanding $e& Media2uroean *uture and MediaIconograh% of #o&er" +o!iet #oitica #osters under Lenin and +tainThe Rethoric of R2T?ORI*The @uest for 2ffecti!e *ommunicationT?2 'AH ?OLLH'OOD T2LL+ IT" +TORH A$D +THL2 I$ MOD2R$ MOBI2+Fiozofija ti;ine*ritica Art 2nsem/e" Digitani artizani Iz/or teksto!a$arrati!e *omrehension and Fim#rojecting a *amera0!od u studije medijaRecaiming Femae Agenc%" Feminist Art ?istor% After #ostmodernism0nderstanding the 'omen of Mozart<s OerasOt!orenaBrataDeeuze and Music$eoA!antgarde and *uture Industr%, 2sse%s on 2uroean and American Art fromThe Making of *itizens 4 Houng #eoe, $e&s and #oiticsFashioning the Feminine Reresentation and 'omens Fashion from the Fin deLi!ing 2thics" De!eoing Baues in Mass *ommunication#ra!ia umetnosti$arciso!o ogedaoInDifferent saces, #ace and Memor% in Bisua *uture>o/a uke/o:, The internationa music industr%'e/ Theor% 4 An IntroductionImages, *utures Media J The of Bision Imaginar%'A*3 Art and the Feminist Re!oution, Museum of *ontemorar% Art Los Angee$e!oje s rodom 4 Feminizam i su/!erzija identiteta

The *itizen Audience *ro&ds, #u/ics and Indi!iduas AudienceBideost%e, 'e/st%e, $e&st%eDo/a sika u teoriji medioogije3ritika ostkoonijanog uma American Houth *uturesRosaind 3rauss and American #hiosohica Art *riticism" From Formaism to -*ee/rit%*uture

*hicanao *utura +tudies Reader 

The *hicanao *utura +tudies Reader *uture After ?umanism 4 ?istor%, *uture, +u/jecti!it%

+e:ua +u/ject A Screen Reader in +e:uait%

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Media 2thics" *ases and Mora Reasoning$e&% -orn 'oman, I. -. Tauris #u/ishers, London, 588GBideogames and ArtOera or the 0ndoing of 'omen?o%&ood Musicas Reader 

From +ateite to +inge Market Aroaches to *ommunication Through MusicInternationa Media Research 4 A *ritica +ur!e% Art in the Age of Terrorism*%/erhenge Modern #agans on the InternetMinds, -rains and *omuters The Foundations of *ogniti!e +cience" An AnthooDe&esternizing Media +tudiesMedia and *utura Theor%#o&er 'ithout Resonsi/iit% 4 The ress /roadcasting, and ne& media in -ritainMedia and #o&er, RoutedgeOt!oreno deo u muzici" -ouez +tockhausen *age A Theor% of *oud, To&ard a ?istor% of #aintingFenomen fima-e%ond the -rio -o:" The Bisua Arts in #ost?istorica #ersecti!e#hiosohizing Art" +eected 2ssa%sThe -od%-od% #ro/em" +eected 2ssa%sThe Madonna of the Future" 2ssa%s in a #uraistic Art 'ordBisua Digita *uture>ender, 2thnicit% and +e:uait% in *ontemorar% American Fim-e%ond Ma:imus, The *onstruction of #u/ic Boice in -ack Mountain #oetr%2thics in Media *ommunications" *ases and *ontro!ersies?o%&ood 2conomics0!od u medioogijuIn!estigating *uture 4 An 2:erientia Introduction to anthrooog%*inema 9 4 The TimeImage#okretne sike Anti2di3afkaKta je fiozofija

-e%ond +tructura Listening #ostmodern Modes of ?earing#edesete" teme srske umetnosti (58758G7)Kezdesete" teme srske umetnosti+edamdesete" teme srske umetnostiOsamdesete" teme srske umetnostiDe!edesete" teme srske umetnosti (58875888)0mjetnost konstrukti!nog ristua. 2:at 5 $o!e Tenedencije#riozi za drugu iniju 4 kronika jednog kriti1arskog zaaganjaedna mogua istorija moderne umetnosti 4 -eograd kao internacionana umetniOstanak umetnosti u !remenu krize

*ement >reen/erg, Ogedi o oseratnoj ameri1koj umetnosti?arod Rosen/erg, Ogedi o oseratnoj ameri1koj umetnosti

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Dossier -eu%sDimitrije Mia -a;ie!i Mangeos. Drugi o njemuDossier -eu%sRemaing 'ord *inema" Identit%, *uture and #oitics in Fim#oitike rijatejst!a

The #ost *ard" From +ocrates to Freud and -e%ond#aer Machine-e%ond -o%&ood-ack American *inema Reconsidered After $ihiism, 2ssa%s on *ontemorar% Art2ncikoedijski re1nik nauka o jezikuDigita #erformance" A ?istor% of $e& Media in Theater, Dance, #erformance Art,Maing *%/ersaceIstorija estetike I, IIReutation Management+tudije kuture" /ornik*uture, Media, Theor%, #ractice 4 #ersecti!esLeonid KejkaFaming *assics?orizonti 1itanjaFiguring the 'ord" 2ssa%s on -ooks, 'riting and Bisua #oeticsTheorizing Modernism Bisua Art and the *ritica TraditionThe Aha/etic La/%rinthThe Letters in ?istor% and Imaginationatocenici za" a!estanje ?ane Arent3ako naisati disertaciju 3ako anirati, skicirati, isati i do!r;iti doktorsku disertaIdeja kuture*utura Theor% 4 The 3e% Thinkers Art of the A!ant >ardes0nderstanding Bideo >ames>etting the Message 4 $e&s, truth and o&er Meodrama and Trauma?o%&ood TimeTrace% 2minBirtua 2ngish "Internet 0se, Language, and >o/a +u/jects

#ostmodernism and the #ostsociaist *ondition" #oiticized Art under Late +ociai0!od u antrooogiju 4 Od okanog do go/anog#rizori uice 4 #aniranje identiteta i kontroa u ja!nom rostoruThe *osts of 'ar 4 Internationa a&, the 0$, and 'ord Order After Ira@0nutra Iz!an 4 >ej i ez/ejska hrestomatijaLiterature after FeminismMahjong*ontemorar% *hinese art from the +igg *oectionMedia 2thics

Reeating Ourse!es" American Minima Music as *utura #ractice#ouarna kutura

#ostmodernism and the #ostsociaist *ondition. #oiticised Art under Late+ociaism

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Introduction to *ommunication +tudiesReading Tee!isionDada The *oordinates of *utura #oiticsFimosoh%Modernit% and Modernism" French #ainting in the $ineteenth *entur% 4 French #a

+inguar 'omen" 'riting the Artist>erhard Richter" AtasTre/a /raniti dru;t!o 4 #reda!anja na 3oeN de Fransu iz 586G. godine$enormani 4 #reda!anja na 3oeN de Fransu 586E586?ermeneutika su/jekta 4 #reda!anja na 3oeN de Fransu 585589#sihijatrijska moRaPanje /iooitike$e& 2conom%, $e& M%thFrame&orks for Modern Art Art of the T&entieth *entur%" A Reader #racticing $e& ?istoricism#ouar *uture and ?igh *uture" An Ana%sis and 2!auation of TasteThe ?onor of Thinking 4 *riti@ue, Theor%, #hiosoh%Dada $e& Hork$e& 'ord for Od+u/cutures Reader The #art% 'ithout -osses" Lessons on Anti*aitaism from Fei: >uattari and Lui*LO+20# 75, Fimmakers< *hoices The #o +ong in Fim?oocaust Fim, The #oitica Aesthetics of Ideoog% A Ro/ert >o/er Le:iconenit (5895589G)" Fototisko izdanje AntrooogijaLi1nost, dru;t!o i kutura+ocijaizam i ostsocijaisti1ka dru;t!a+a!remeno jugoso!ensko dru;t!oDemokratija i go/aizacijaQ +!oPenje ra1una'ar, Image and Legitimac% 4 Bie&ing contemorar% confictThe Internet" A hiosohica In@uir%-rand ?o%&ood, +eing entertainment in a go/a media ageBirtua Art 4 From Iusion to Immersion

2istemoogija !odi1 u teorije znanjaFiozofija umetnostiD%nast% Hears#romenji!a tea" ka teesnom feminizmu*utura +tudies>eorge >rosz" An Auto/iograh%Mind the Ma 4 ?istor% is not gi!en, A critica Antoog% /ased on the +%mosiumThree 2coogiesMaing -enjamin, The 'ork of Art in the Digita Age'riting ?istor% in Fim

?oocaust and the Mo!ing Image" Reresentations in Fim and Tee!ision +ince 5Iuminating Bideo" An 2ssentia >uide to Bideo Art

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*ritica Diaogues in *utura +tudiesResistance Through Rituas Houth +u/cutures in #ost&ar -ritain'e 3ee America on To of the 'ordThe *inema of 2uroe-odies in *ode

*ontours of the Theatrica A!ant>arde 4 #erformance and Te:tuait%Restaging the +i:ties 4 Radica theaters and their egaciesRadica Theaters and Their LegaciesImerijLa/or of Dion%sus, A criti@ue of +tateFormMutitude" 'ar and Democrac% in the Age of 2mireThe 0nsi!ered +creen" +urreaism on FimThe 0nsi!erd +creen 4 +urreaism on FimThe $e& Art ?istor% A critica introduction#ainting the Difference" +e: and sectator in modern art

2ssa%s on Art J Language Art in Theor% 58779777 4 An Anthoog% of *hanging Ideas Architecture and Design in 2uroe and America, 56797790ses of Tee!ision?iding in the Light$aisi o muzici>o/ani medijiFa/rications2!er%da% Life Reader 2!er%da% 2/a% 4 *uture, *oecting, and Desire?ijerogifi /udunostiFraming *ee/rit%$e& directions in cee/rit% cutureLjudska tragikomedijaMedia, ?ome and Fami%#rimar% Documents" A +ource/ook for 2astern and *entra 2uroean Art since thThe =ueer *omosition of America<s +ound" >a% Modernists, American Music, an-e%ond +u/cuture 4 #o, Houth and Identit% in a #ostcoonia 'ord2ast 2uroean *inemasMediaois 4 asects of te:t, ?%erte:ts and mutimedia communicationThe *inema of the -akansa, ti, mi 4 a kuturu razike2ast Art Ma" *ontemorar% Art and 2astern 2uroe Aftera, 2ast Art Ma 4 *ontemorar% Art and 2astern 2uroe?o& to do theor%+creen, *uture, #s%che 4 A #ostungian Aroach to 'orking &ith the Audience+ignatures of the Bisi/eLi!e Theor%The 2astern Dada Or/it" Russia, >eorgia, 0kraine, *entra 2uroe and aanIstorija umetnosti (dounjeno izdanje)

Bisua *utureBizuana kutura

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?and/ook of Media and *ommunications Research 4 =uaitati!e and =uantitati!eu ura s u es an e u % o ou ar u ure

Imaging in Ad!ertising 4 Ber/a and Bisua *odes of *ommercesImaging in ad!ertising Ber/a and Bisua *odes of *ommerce+igns of Life -io Art and -e%ond

Re1i s!etosti 4 Teze o fotografiji istorije#s%choana%sis and *inema2ssa%s on the -urring of Art and Life. 2:anded 2dition?earing Fim>irs Make Media*ontinenta Aesthetics" Romanticism to #ostmodernism An Anthoog%The *ontinenta #hiosoh% Reader 2thics for ournaists$e& Media, Od Media

*%/erfeminism and Artificia LifeMedia and MigrationDiscourse $et&orks 5775877*onsirac% *utureLutaiceBideo, 'ar and the Diasoric *ommunit%Feministicka iko!na kritika i teorija iko!nih umjetnostiFeministi1ka iko!na kritika i teorija iko!nih umjetnosti iza/rani teksto!iRerun $ation" ?o& Reeats In!ented American Tee!ision

2stetika komunikacijeBrata anike 4 Teo, dru;t!o i umetnost u mreNi tehnoo;ke dereaizacije*ritica Musicoog% and the Resonsi/iit% of Resonse" +eected 2ssa%s (Ashgate+taging #hiosoh% 4 Intersections of Theater, #erformance, and #hiosoh%The Otica 0nconscious (Octo/er -ooks)#assages in Modern +cutures-acheors (Octo/er -ooks)The Originait% of the A!ant>arde and Other Modernist M%thL<Amour fou " #hotograh% and +urreaismFormess" A 0ser<s >uideThe *oum/ia ?istor% of T&entieth *entur% French ThoughtDada" Themes J Mo!ementsIstorija fima (I)Tee!ision" A *haenge to the #s%choana%tic 2sta/ishment2crits" The First *omete Transation in 2ngish*ritica Theor% and $e& Media in a >o/a 2ra?ugo Munster/erg on FimLandscae and FimMascuinit%#ostdramsko kazai;te+ocia *ommunication in Ad!ertising 4 *onsumtion in the mediated marketace

Medijska kutura 4 +tudije kuture, identiteta i oitika izmePu modernizma i


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The +ight of +oundRea +ace>ender, Modernit% and Li/ert%Media, Ritua and Identit%$e& Media 4 A critica introduction

 A Return to Aesthetics, Autonom%, Indifference, and #ostmodernismMaso!ne komunikacijeero *omments-ogging and *ritica Internet cutureRemotecontro 4 $e& Media, $e& 2thicsMedijaaMetamediji, iz/or teksto!a Art ?istor% and Its Institutions*osmooitan ModernismsThe *rossing of the Bisi/eThe *inema of Lo& *ountries*%/eroDigita ifest%es and *omodit% *utureTee!ision >enres-ezgrani1ka za/a!a" 0son maso!ne kuture 575867*rossing $e& 2uroeModa +u/jecti!ities" +efFashioning in the Itaian MadrigaDigita +tor%teing 4 The $arrati!e #o&er of Bisua 2ffects in Fim-ook ?istor% Reader >u% De/ord and the +ituationist Internationa Te:ts and DocumentsRacing *%/ercuture 4 Minoritarian art and cutura oitics on the Internet0nderstanding Media+tritease *uture 4 +e:, Media and the Democratisation of DesireIntroduction to #oitica *ommunication*utura *haos ournaism, ne&s and o&er in a go/aised &ordIntroduction to #oitica *ommunicationResearch Methods A ?istor% of Bideo Art" The De!eoment of Form and FunctionFuture Acti!eTee!izija Anaiti1ka inija moderne umetnosti

0metnost u ino!itu stanju 4 esej o trijumfu estetike+tud%ing #ouar Music A comanion to cutura studies+u!remena umjetnost+usret na treem mestuDigita Fim 2!ent'atching -a/%onFiozofija jezika-o%&ood *inema'hat Do #ictures 'ant 4 The i!es and o!es of images

Lo!ing &ith a Bengeance " Massroduced Fantasies for 'omenOd 'i!es Taes

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Interrogation Machine Lai/ach and $+3Media Theor%, Thiunking a/out media J communications?ome Territories 4 Media, mo/iit% and identit%-ritanske studije kuture 4 geografija, nacionanost, identitet$e& Media #oetics" *onte:ts, Technote:ts, and Theories

Immersed in Technoog%" Art and Birtua 2n!ironmentsO!er ?ere 4 Internationa #ersecti!es on Art and *uture+igmar #oke" #aintings, #hotograhs, and Fims0nderstanding Media Theor% 4 Language, Image, +ound, -eha!ior, B93e% 'riters on Art" from Anti@uit% to the $ineteenth *entur%3e% 'riters on Art" the T&entieth *entur%+t!aranje s!ijeta ii mondijaizacijaInsurgencies *onstituent #o&er and the Modern +tate-iti digitaanThe transformation of the Media 4 >o/aisation, morait% and ethicsMinima Memoria In the 'ake of eanFranSois L%otardDi!ja anaiza2*rit" Digita Media, *ritica Theor%, and the ?umanities*ontract 'iththe +kin" Masochism, #erformance Art, and the 5867<sOd redmeta do teksta+ort in the 0++R" #h%sica, *utureBisua *uture2stetika fima Anaiza fim(o!)a Action TBHouth MediaThe Deeuze Dictionar%-et&een Deeuze and DerridaReading 3no&edge" An Introduction to Foucaut, -arthes and Athusser## Arhitektura i moderna2stetika UU !ekaBideo >ame Theor% Reader Themes in *ontemorar% Art#rimiti!ism, *u/ism, A/straction" The 2ar% T&entieth *entur% The 2ar% T&entiet#aris Dada" The -ar/arians +torm the >ates

I 2ffects, The media!ioence de/ateDada urichA *o&n s >ame from $othing>enerations and >eograhies in the Bisua ArtsFrom Technoogica to Birtua ArtThe *inema of FranceThe *am/ridge *omanion to LacanModernism" An Anthoog% After #oststructuraism" 'riting the InteectuaThe Ignorant +choomaster" Fi!e Lessons in Inteectua 2manciationThe A/ject O/ject" A!atars of the #haus in *ontemorar% French Theor%, Literatu

?igh on Technoog%Russian and +o!iet $ationa *inema

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Times of the TechnocutureThe *$$ 2ffect, The m%th of ne&s, foreign oic% and inter!ention Art as Art" The +eected 'ritings of Ad Reinhardt Art of the -atics" The +trugge for Freedom of Artistic 2:ression 0nder the +o!ieThe Aesthetic #aths of #hiosoh%

3utura i imerijaizam#roti! ra!nodu;nosti2:@uisite DadaA *omrehensi!e -i/iograh%+ound -ite +ociet%-ig #ictureTomas >utierrez Aea3e% *oncets in *utura Theor% A!ant>arde #erformance and the Limits of *riticism 4 Aroaching the Li!ing Th-e%ond the Mainstream 2ssa%s on Modern and *ontemorar% ArtDemocrac% OnineModern ArtRe!eaing Masks" 2:otic Infuences and Rituaized #erformance in Modernist MusiBirtua3uture interneta !irtuani rostori, st!arne o!ijesti...?o%&ood in *risis$e&s Around the 'ordMuticuturaism, #ostcooniait%, and Transnationa Media0nderstanding #ouar Music *uture-ourdieu" A *ritica Reader Mae +u/jecti!it% at the Margins#o!ratak /aroka0 ogedau zagonetki, ikonooski esejiBioence in American *inemaDisne% Discourse#ersistence of ?istor%#hiosohica De/ate A/out the +e: Industr%#rostitution and #ornograh%, #hiosohica De/ate a/out the +e: Industr%2nduring *reation" Art, #ain, and Fortitude#rimetime Animation

 Authorshi and Fim Arteconom% Teoretica reader MutimediaDada" *oogne?ano!er In!enting ouar cutureIntroduction to Theories of #ouar *uture#ojmo!nik su!remene umjetnosti#aragrami teafigure2stetika astraktnog sikarst!aImossi/e ?istories 4 ?istorica A!antgardes, $eoA!ant>ardes, and #osta!an

3oncetuana umetnosten i jaanska kutura

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 A #hiosoh% of -oredomFiozofija dosadeFiozofija modeFemae Trickster  Action and Ad!enture *inema

The Moment of *ome:it% 4 2merging $et&ork *utureMora #anicsData Made Fesh$esa!r;eni !rtOgedao scene-ogging, *itizenshi, and the Future of Media$ation, *uture, Te:tMedia 2thics and +ocia *hangeThe Imort of $othing ?o& dada *ame, +a& and Banished in the Lo& *ontriesThe Manifesta Decade, De/ates on *ontemorar% Art 2:hi/itions and -iennias inTeorija ritma>ramatika mno;t!a 4 #riog anaizi sa!remenih formi Ni!otaRadica Thought in Ita%" A #otentia #oiticsRadica Thought in Ita%" A #otentia #oiticsTheorising $ationa *inema0metnost i njeni redmetiMass Media and #oitica *ommunication in $e& DemocraciesBizuena riroda fimaRazarajui ozna1itejie erformansa 4 riog zasni!anju ozno oststrukturaisti1The $e& Media Reader Dada and the #ress>etting 0nder the +kin" -od% and Media Theor%*ontemorar% Art and the Museum A >o/a #ersecti!e+ignif%ing Art 2ssa%s on Art after 58G7#hotograh% Reader, Routedge=uestions of method in cutura studies+e:ing the >roo!e*%/ersace ?and/ookReconstructing the #ast

$e& 3e%&ords" A Boca/uar% of *uture and +ociet%#rotezaMessages Free 2:ression, Media and the 'est from >uten/erg to >oogeMutimedia A *ritica Introduction*hidren<s FimsDerrida" A *ritica Reader *oncetua Art (Mo!ements in Modern Art)Barieties of ModernismModernism in Disute" Art +ince the Forties Art since FortiesThe ViNek Reader 

*hick Lit0metni1ko deo 4 Imanentnost i transcendentnost

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0metni1ko deo 4 estetska reacijaFigure BManje ju/a!i 4 !i;e mrNnje Ii, za;to je !redno /oriti se za hri;ansko nasePeThe #araa: Bie&

+u/imni o/jekt ideoogije-irokratija i uNi!anjeReano iuzije#ouar *uture Reader" A Reader#ostmodernism and #ouar *utureDo/a sika u teoriji medioogijeFiozofija jezikaIdeja kuture3uture interneta#ostmodernism and the #ostsociaist *ondition" #oiticized Art 0nder Late +ociaisImossi/e ?istories" ?istoric A!ant>ardes, $eoA!ant>ardes and #ostA!ant >Theorising $ationa *inemaDiscourse and *ommunication" $e& Aroaches to the Ana%sis of Mass Media Di*utura +tudies and the +tud% of #ouar *uture+igns of Life" -io Art and -e%ond#ostcoonia Meanchoia ('eek Li/rar% Lectures)Fanon" A *ritica Reader >uattari Reader 3e%&ords" A Boca/uar% of *uture and +ociet%Digita +tor%teing" The $arrati!e #o&er of Bisua 2ffects in FimFrom Technoogica to Birtua Art>etting 0nder the +kin" -od% and Media Theor%Reaist Fim Theor% And *inema" The $ineteenthcentur% LukWcsian And IntuitioniMedia, #oitics and the $et&ork +ociet% (Issues in *utura and Media +tudies)#oints of Resistance" 'omen, #o&er and #oitics in the $e& Hork A!antgarde *inFim and *inema +ectatorshi" Meodrama and Mimesis XILL0+TRAT2DYMediaTheor% (*omedia)Media 2conomics" Theor% and #ractice (L2A<s *ommunication)>etting 0nder the +kin" -od% and Media Theor%

The Tee!ision >enre -ook#ouar *uture" An IntroductionThe Tee!ision +tudies -ookRethinking #ouar *uture" *ontemor% #ersecti!es in *utura +tudiesIn!enting #ouar *uture" From Fokore to >o/aization An Introduction to Theories of #ouar *utureImage 2thics in the Digita Age#hototruth Or #hotofiction" 2thics and Media Imager% in the Digita AgeLies, Damn Lies and DocumentariesRemote *ontro" $e& Media, $e& 2thics

The Aha/etic La/%rinth" Letters in ?istor% and Imagination*haosoh% (+emiote:t(e) Foreign Agents)

?o& to Read Lacan 

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The #oitics of +u/!ersion" A Manifesto for the T&ent%first *entur% A 0ser<s >uide to *aitaism and +chizohrenia" De!iations from Deeuze and >uLiterar% Theor%, an Anthoog% (-ack&e Anthoogies) Aesthetics and the #hiosoh% of Art" The Ana%tic Tradition#hiosoh% of Fim and Motion #ictures" An Anthoog%

Foucaut" A *ritica Reader Muticuturaism" A *ritica Reader -ataie" A *ritica Reader 

The Deirium of #raise" -ataie, -anchot, Deeuze, Foucaut, 3osso&ski#ostmodernism and the #ostsociaist *ondition" #oiticized Art under Late +ociaisThemes in *ontemorar% Art?afRea. Bideo >ames /et&een Rea Rues and Fictiona 'ordsFraming Terrorism Amrican Houth *uturesMedia 2thicsand +ocia *hange" Theor% and #racticeMedia 2thics and +ocia *hange" Theor% and #ractice*oming of +ound'ord *inemas, Transnationa #ersecti!es2nc%coedia of American ournaismIra@ 'ar and the Future of the 'ord Order Introduction to Language and +ociet%2!er%thing Hou 'anted to 3no& a/out +a!oj izek#ost +o!ietRussian MediaDesire /% DesignDigita DesiresIndian Times 4 $achrichten aus dem rotten AmerikaLe&is Rethinking OrientaismReading -uff%Das +zenische Auge 4 -idende 3unst und Theater ?istor% of Theor%-rand ?o%&ood#ozori;te utaka #inokio*utura +tudies, Bo. , $o. C

Reresentation" *utura Reresentations and +ignif%ing #ractices

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 A/raham, DNerad Acton, Mar% Ades, Da&n (ed.) Afar%, anetQ 3e!in -. Anderson Agam/en, >iorgio

 Agam/en, >iorgio Agam/en, >iorgio Agam/en, >iorgio Agger, -en A/erro, Ae:anderQ +a/eth -uchmann (ed A/right, Danie Aan, +tuart Aan, +tuartQ -ar/ie eizer (eds.) Aen, Ro/ert *. Aen, Ro/ert *. A+a%%ad, $ezar  AnPeko!i, -ranka (ed.) Ang, Ien Arato, 2ditaQ 2ike >e/hardt Arden, #o Argan, Zuio 3aroQ Akie -onito Oi!a Arnod, Re/ecca-a/a, ?.-adiou, Aain-adiou, Aain-adiou, Aain-adiou, Aain-adiou, Aain-adiou, Aain-adiou, Aain-akMors, +.-a, Mieke-a, Mieke-a, Mieke-art, Roan-arthes, Roand-atcheor, Da!idQ #au 'oodQ -rion% Fer -auman, %gmunt-ea, Am% *.-ej, ?.-e, Da!id-e, Da!idQ -rian D. LoaderQ $ichoas #-enjamin, Andre&-ennett, i

-ennett, T.Q L. >ross/ergQ M. [\rris-enson, Timoth% O.

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-ergius, ?anne (ed.)-ergstrom, anet (ed.)-ersani, LeoQ 0%sse Dutoit-ertrand, *audeean (ed.)-eru/e, M.

-ird, 2iza/eth +.-and, Luc%-ant, 2ntoni-oter, Da!idQ Richard >rusin-onde/jerg, I/Q #eter >oding (eds.)-onne, Bictoria 2.-ooth, 'a%ne *.-ord&e, Da!id-or;ard >rin, 2is-o;ko!i, A. (ed.)-ranigan, 2d&ard-ranigan, 2d&ard-rings, AdamQ #o 3o/i (eds.)-roude, $ormaQ Mar% D. >arrard-ro&nMontesano, 3risti-ruk, #iter-uchanan, IanQ Marce +&i/oda-uchoh, -enjamin ?. D.-uckingham, Da!id-ucke%, *her%Q ?iar% Fa&cett-ugeja, Michae .-urdije, #jer -urdije, #jer-urgin, Bictor -urnett, Ro/ert-urnett, Ro/ertQ Marsha #. Da!id-urnett, Ron-uter, *orneia ?.Q Lisa >a/riee Mark (e-uter, udith

-utsch, Richard-utsh, Richard-%strom, Diane]a1ino!i, $adeNda]akra!orti +i!ak, >.*am/e, $ei (ed.)*arrier, Da!id*ashmore, 2is*aughie, ohnQ Annette 3uhn (eds.)*ha/ram Dernersesian, Angie

*ha/ramDernersesian, Angie (ed.)*ham/ers, Iain

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*hristians, *ifford >.Q 3im -. RotzoQ Mar *i:ous, ?eeneQ *ement, *atherine*arke, And%Q >rethe Mitche*ement, *atherine*ohan, +te!en

*oins, Richard*orke, Margaret*orner, ohnQ #hii +chesingerQ Roger +i*outer+mith, >rahamQ Maurice O&en (e*o&an, Dougas 2.*ummins, Ro/ertQ Denise Dearosa *um*urran, ames*urran, amesQ Da!id More% (eds.)*urran, amesQ ean +eaton*urran,ames*!eji, -ojanaDamisch, ?u/ertDamnjano!i, MianDanto, Arthur *.Danto, Arthur *.Danto, Arthur *.Danto, Arthur *.Dare%, Andre&Da!ies, udeDa&e%, Anne Da%Da%, Louis A!inDe Ban%, Arthur De/re, ReNisDeane%, *aroDeeuze, >iesDeez, ViDeez, ViQ >atari, FeiksDeez, ViQ >atari, FeiksDeez, ViQ >atari, Feiks

De<Antonio, Andre&Denegri, .Denegri, .Denegri, .Denegri, .Denegri, .Denegri, .Denegri, .Denegri, .Denegri, .

Denegri, . (ed.)Denegri, . (ed.)

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Denegri, . (ed.)Denegri, ., -a;i1e!i, B. (eds.)Denegri, e;aDennison, +tehanieQ +ong ?&ee LimDerida, Vak

Derrida, ac@uesDerrida, ac@uesDesai, ignaDia&ara, ManthiaDickhoff, 'ifriedDikro, Os!adQ Todoro!, *.Di:on, +te!eDodge, MartinQ 3itchin, Ro/ Zoki, Radosa!Doore%, ohn ZorPe!i, eenaDorfman, -en (ed.) Zori, DejanDot%, Ae:ander Dragie!i1Ke;i, MienaDrucker, ohannaDrucker, ohannaDrucker, ohannaDuha1ek, Da;aQ +a!i, O/radDunea!%, #atric2ageton, T.2dgar, Andre&Q #eter +edg&ick2d&ards, +te!e2genfedt $iesen, +imon2dridge, ohn (ed.)2saesser, Thomas2saesser, Thomas2min,Trace%Q *ar FreedmanQ ?one% Luar2nteen, iian

2rja!ec, A. (ed.),2rja!ec, AesFa/ijeti, 0goQ Ro/erto MaigetiQ BincencoFajf, $.Fak, Richard A.Fas, D.Feski, RitaFi/icher, -ernhardQ Matthias Frehner Fink, *onrad *.

Fink, Ro/ertFisk, DNon

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Fiske, ohnFiske, ohnFoster, +tehen *. (ed.)Framton, DanieFrascina, FrancisQ Tamar >ar/Q $ige -ak

Frederickson, 3ristenQ +arah 2. 'e// (edFriede, ?emutQ >erhard Richter (eds.)Fuko, Mi;eFuko, Mi;eFuko, Mi;eFuko, Mi;eFuko, Mi;e>adre%, ean>aiger, ason>aiger, ason>aagher, *atherineQ +tehen >reen/att>ans, ?er/ert .>asch^, Rodohe>aughan, Martin Ignatius (ed.)>eder, 3en (ed.)>enosko, >ar%>i//s, ohnQ Dougas #%e>ins/erg, Terri>o/er, Ro/ertQ -renda Richardson>ou/o!i, Bidosa!aQ Irina +u/oti>ou/o!i, agorka>ou/o!i, agorka>ou/o!i, agorka>ou/o!i, agorka>ou/o!i, agorka>o&, ames>raham, >ordon>rainge, #au>rau, Oi!er 

>reco, ohnQ +osa, 2rnest (eds.)>rejam, >ordon>risrud, ostein>ros, 2iza/et>ross/erg, La&rence>rosz, >eorge>rNini, MarinaQ >unter ?eegQ Beronika D>uattari, Fei:>um/recht, ?ans 0richQ Michae Marrina>u%nn, 'iiam

?aggith, To/%Q oanna $e&man?a, DougQ +a% o Fifer (eds.)

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?a, +tuart?a, +tuartQ Ton% efferson (eds.)?ain, Danie *.?ames, #eter (ed.)?ansen, +unn%

?arding, ames M. (ed.)?arding, ames M.Q *ind% Rosentha?arding, ames M.Q *ind% Rosentha (eds.?ardt, MichaeQ $egri, Antonio?ardt, MichaeQ Antonio $egri?ardt, MichaeQ Antonio $egri?arer, >raemeQ Ro/ +tone?arer, >raemeQ Ro/ +tone (eds.)?arris, onathan?arrison, *hares

?arrison, *hares?arrison, *haresQ #au 'ood (eds.)?arrisonMoore, A/igaiQ Doroth% *. Ro&e?arte%, ohn?e/dige, Dick?ercigonja, $ikoa?erman, 2d!ard +.Q Ro/ert B. Mek1esni?erzog, *harott?ighmore, -en?iis, 3enQ Michae #etit?omes, -rian,?omes, +uQ +ean Redmond (eds.)?oo!ej, RonQ #askaje!i, >oran?oo!er, +te&art M.Q L%nn +chofied 3ark?otman, LauraQ Tomas #osisz% (ed.)?u//s, $adine?u@, RuaImre, AnikoInkinen, +am (ed.)Iordano!a, Dina (ed.)Irigara%, Luc%IR'I$ (ed.)IR'I$ (ed.)Iser, 'ofgangIzod, ohnameson, Fredricameson, FredricQ -uchanan, Iananecek, >eradQ Toshiharu Omuka (eds.)anson, ?.B.Q anson, 2.F.

enks, *hrisenks, *hris (ed)

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ensen, 3aus -ruhn (ed.)o n ore%

ohnson, Fern L.ohnson, Fern L.3ac, 2duardo

3ada!a, 2.3aan, Ann 2.3aro&, Aan3assa/ian, Anahid3earne%, Mar% *eeste3earne%, RichardQ Da!id Rasmussen3earne%, RichardQ Mara Rain&ater (eds.)3ee/e, Richard3eenan, Thomas '.

3ener, Dagas3em/er, +arah3ing, Russe3itter, Friedrich3night, #eter 3oaric, Badimir3oar#ano!, Dona3oesnik, Lj.3oe;nik, Ljijana (ed.)3omare, Derek

3on, Van3oic, Badimir (ed)3ramer, La&rence3rasner, Da!idQ Da!id . +atz (eds.)3rauss, Rosaind3rauss, Rosaind3rauss, Rosaind3rauss, Rosaind3rauss, RosaindQ ane Li!ingston (eds.)3rauss, RosaindQ H!eAain -ois3ritzman, La&rence D. (ed.)3uenzi, Rudof3uk, Dej!id A.Lacan, ac@uesLacan, ac@uesLando&, >eorge #.Langdae, AanLefe/!re, MartinLehman, #eter Lehmann, ?.T.Leiss, 'iiamQ +tehen 3ine, +ut ha%,

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Leert, RichardLe!inson, #auLe&is, Micke&righLie/es, TamarQ ames *urran (eds.)Lister, MartinQ on Do!e%Q +eth >iddingsQ I

Loes/erg, onathanLorimer, RoendLo!ink, >eertLum/%, *atharineQ 2seth #ro/%nMadNare!i, >radimir, D. (ured.)Mano!i1, L.Mansfied, 2iza/ethMarcer, 3o/ena (ed.)Marion, eanLucMathijs, 2rnest (ed.)Matri:, +idne% 2!eMatte, asonMaze, 3asar Mazierska, 2!aQ Laura RascaroiMc*ar%, +usanMc*ean, +hio T.Mc*eer%, Aistair McDonough, TomMc>ahan, *hristoher L.McLuhan, MarshaMc$air, -rianMc$air, -rianMc$air, -rianMc$air, -rianMc$ei, #atrickQ +te!e *hamanMeighAndre&s, *hrisMeike, >rahamMek3!in, Dej!idMena, Fii/erto

Michaud, H.Middeton, RichardMier, To/%Miet, *atherineMiutino!i, oranMinh?a, Trinh T.Mirzoeff, $ichoasMi;1e!i, $enadMishra, Bija%Mitche, '. . T.

Modeski, TaniaModeski, Tania

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Monroe, Ae:eiMoores, +haunMore%, Da!idMori, D.Q 3. Ro/ins (eds.)Morris, AdaidaQ Thomas +&iss

Moser, Mar% Anne (ed.)Mos@uera, >erardoQ ean Fisher Moure, >oriaQ +igmar #okeMuder, ArjenMurra%, *hrisMurra%, *hris (ed.)$anc%, eanLuc$egri, Antonio$egroont, $ikoas$ick +te!enson$ou!et, *aireQ rinka +tahujakQ 3ent +ti$o!ak, .O>orman, MarceO<De, 3ath%Osen, -j_rnarO<Mahon%, MikeOmon, VakQ Aan -ergaaQ Mi;e MariQ Mar Omon, VanQ Mi;e MariOsger/%, -iOsger/%, -i#arr, Adrian#atton, #au#a%ne, Michae#enson, Danije#ernioa, M.#erron, -ernard#err%, >iQ #au 'ood (ed.)#err%, >iQ Francis FrascinaQ *hares ?arr #eterson, 2mer (ed.)

#ete%, uianQ Martin -arker (eds.)#ichon, -rigitteQ 3ar Riha (eds.)#oock, >riseda#oer, Frank#o&rie, #hi (ed.)Ra/ate, eanMiche (ed.)Raine%, La&renceRajan, TiottamaQ Michae . O<DriscoRancier, ac@uesReader, 3eith

Reed, LoriRenfre&, Aastair 

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Ro/ins, 3e!inRo/inson, #iersRose, -ar/ara (ed.)Rosenfed, AaQ $orton T. Dodge (eds.)Ross, Aison

+aid, 2+aec, Renata+chafer, orgen (ed.)+cheuer, effre%+cheuer, effre%+chroeder,#au+edg&ick, #eter +e, Mike+ez, #eter+hane, #eter M.+hedon, uie+heard, '. Anthon%+hieds, Ro/+hieds, Ro/ (ed.)+hinder, *oin+hoemaker, #amea .Q Aki/a A. *ohen+hohat, 2aQ Ro/ert +tam (eds.)+huker, Ro%+husterman, Richard (ed.)+i!erman, 3aja+kareta, >.+kiris, +tamatis+ocum, Da!id+moodin, 2ric+o/chack, Bi!ian+ector, essica+ector, essica (ed.)+i!e%, $ige+ta/ie, *aro A.

+taiger, anet+tamenko!i, Marko (ed.)+teemers, eanette+tokes, *harotteQ +tehen *. Foster (eds.+tore%, ohn+trinati, DominicKu!ako!i, M.Ku!ako!i, M.Ku!ako!i, M.Ku!ako!i, M., Zuri, D. (eds.)

Ku!ako!ic, Mi;ko+uzuki, Daisec T.

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+!endsen, Lars+!ensen, La; Fr. ?.+!ensen, La; Fr. ?.Tannen, Ricki +tefanieTasker, H!onne

Ta%or, Mark *.Thomson, 3ennethThurte, #hiiTodoro!, *!etanTo!stonogo!, >eorgijTrema%ne, MarkTurner, >raemeBaerie, AiaBan Den -erg, ?u/ert F. (ed.)Banderinden, -ar/araQ 2ena Fiio!icBasije!i, orisa!a M.Birno, #aooBirno, #aooQ Michae ?ardt (ed.)Birno, #aooQ Michae ?ardt (eds.)Bitai, BaentinaQ 'iemen #auBohajm, Ri1ardBotmer, 3atriBorkai, +a!koBujano!i, A.'ardi Fruin, $oahQ $ick Montfort (eds.)'atts, ?arriete (ed.)'egenstein, -ernadette'ei/e, #eterQ Andrea -uddensieg (eds.)'eish, Marjorie'es, Liz (ed.)'hite, MimiQ ames +ch&och'hitee%, +heia'hittaker, ason'iiams, 3e!in

'iiams, Ra%mond'is, D.'inston, -rian'ise, Richard'ojikAndre&s, Ian'ood, Da!id (ed.)'ood, #au'ood, #au (ed.)'ood, #auQ onathan ?arrisQ Francis Fra'right, 2iza/ethQ 2dmond 'right (eds.)

Houng, Maor%Venet, V.

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Venet, V.Venet, V.ViNek, +.izek, +a!ojizek, +a!oj

ViNek, +a!ojViNek, +a!ojuan1i1, Aenka

m  rdes in Hugosa!ia, 5855885

scourse and *ommunication (Research in

t Reaist Traditions

  ema, 58EC65

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*io, -eograd, 97757E.

0ni!ersit% of Minnesota #ress, Minneaois, London, 5885

one -ooks, $e& Hork, 9779 A>M, agre/, 977E.+tanford 0ni!ersit% #ress, +tanford, *aifornia, 977EFamer #ress, 588The MIT #ress, *em/ridge, Massachusetts, London, 2ngand 4 >enerai Fondation

Oen 0ni!ersit% #ress, $e& Hork, 977Routedge, London and $e& Hork, 977E

*+0, -eograd, 9779.

*ontinuum, $e& Hork, London, 589Muzej sa!remene umetnosti Boj!odine, $o!i +ad, 9776*io, -eograd, 977E. i 977.I. -. Tauris #u/ishers, London, $e& Hork, 9775-eogradski krug, -eograd, 977E.*ontinuum, $e& Hork, 977Berso, London, $e& Hork, 977

*ontinuum, $e& Hork, 9776$akada asenski i Turk, agre/, 9775.

Berso, London $e& Hork, 977G-eogradski krug, -eograd, 977.

The 0ni!ersit% of *hicago #ress, *hicago, London, 97750ni!ersit% of *hicago #ress,*hicago, London, 5888+!eto!i, $o!i +ad, Oktoih #odgorica, 5889.?i and 'ang, $e& Hork, 586Hae 0ni!ersit% #ress The Oen 0ni!ersit%, $e& ?a!en J London, 588E#oit%, *am/ridge, 03, 977

*+0, -eograd, 977C.Routedge, London and $e& Hork, 977CRoutedge, London, $e& Hork, 977EThe Athone #ress, London, $e& -runs&ick, $, 9777+tanford 0ni!ersit% #ress, +tanford *aifornia, 977

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>.3.?a J *o., Farmington ?is, MI, 977C

-fi, London, 977E?amton #ress, *resski, $e& erse%, 977C.

Routedge, London and $e& Hork, 977CTauris #arke #aer/acks, London and $e& Hork, 9779*io, -eograd, 977E.

Inteect -ooks, London, 977E0ni!ersit% of *aifornia #ress, -erkee%, Los Angees, London, 5886-ack&e #u/ishing, 977E0$IB2R+ITH OF *ALIFOR$IA #R2++,>eooetika, -eograd, 9775.*+0, -eograd, 9777.Routedge, $e& Hork, London, 5889

*io, -eograd, 977. (9)

0ni!ersit% of *aifornia #ress, -erkee%, Los Angees, London, 9776*io, -eograd, 977G.

 An Octo/er -ook, The Mitt #ress, *am/ridge, Massachusetts, London, 2ngand, 97Routedge, London and $e& Hork, 977CI. -. Tauris #u/ishers, London, $e& Hork, 9779Ohio 0ni!ersit% A%n and -acon, -oston, London, Toronto, `+%dne%, Tok%o, +inga+!eto!i, $o!i +ad, 977C.*io, -eograd, 9777.0ni!ersit% of *aifornia #ress, -erkee%, Los Angees, London, 588GRoutedge, London and $e& Hork, 588GRoutedge, London, $e& Hork, 977CIndiana 0ni!ersit% #ress, -oomington and Indianaois, 588The Mit #ress, *am/ridge, Massachusetts, London, 2ngand, 9776Venska Infoteka, agre/, 9777.

Routedge, $e& Hork and London, 977.

$akada asenski i Turk, agre/, 9775.-eogradski krug, -eograd, 977C.Routedge, $e& Hork, 977E

Routedge, London, $e& Hork, 9776Routedge, London and $e& Hork, 977G

Routedge, London and $e& Hork, 977G.Routedge, London and $e& Hork, 9775

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#earson AJ-, $e& Hork, 977

Inteect, -risto, 03*hicago0+, 9776I. -.Tauris #u/isher, London, $e& Hork, 5886

Da!id Futon #u/isher, London, 977CRoutedge, London and $e& Hork, 5886s.)Routedge, London and $e& Hork, 977-ack&e, London, 9776

Routedge, London, $e& Hork, 9776Routedge, London and $e& Hork, 58London and $e& Hork, 9779+3*, -eograd, 977E.+tanford 0ni!ersit% #ress, +tanford *aifornia, 9779Institut za fim -eograd 0ni!erzitet umetnosti -eograd, -eograd, 58

0ni!ersit% of *aifornia #ress, -erkee%, Los Angees, London, 58880ni!ersit% of *aifornia #ress, -erkee%, Los Angees, London, 97750ni!ersit% of *aifornia #ress, -erke%, Los Angees, London, 9775

+tanford 0ni!ersit% #ress, +tanford, *aifornia, 9776.Lousiana +tate 0ni!ersit%, 977G

*io, -eograd, 9777.-ack&e, London, 977*ontinuum, London, $e& Hork, 977I3+, +r. 3aro!ci, 588.Izda!a1ka knjiNarnica orana +tojano!ia, +remski 3aro!ci, 5887.I3+, +r. 3aro!ci, 588.I3 orana +tojano!ia, +remski 3aro!ci, 588.

+!eto!i, $o!i +ad, 588C.+!eto!i, $o!i +ad, 588.+!eto!i, $o!i +ad, 588G.+!eto!i, $o!i +ad, 5886.+!eto!i, $o!i +ad, 5888.?oretzk%, agre/, 9777.?oretzk%, agre/, 977C.Dru;t!o istori1ara umetnosti +r/ije, -eograd, 588.*icero, -eograd, 977E.

#rometej, $o!i +ad, 5886. (9U)#rometej, $o!i +ad, 5886. (CU)

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DAF, agre/, 977C.izdanje B. -a;i1e!i, #rometej, $o!i +ad, 5886.

-eogradski krug, -eograd, 9775.

The 0ni!ersit% of *hicago #ress, *higago, London, 586+tanford 0ni!ersit% #ress, +tanford, *aifornia, 977

-eograd,The MIT #ress, *am/ridge, MassachusettsLondon, 2ngand, 9776Routedge, London and $e& Hork, 9775+uN/eni gasnik, -eograd, 977.

+uN/eni gasnik, -eograd, 977. Aa/org 0ni!ersit% #ress, A/orgDenmark, 977E+uN/eni gasnik, -eograd, 9776.

#ont, -eograd, 588C.>ranar% -ooks, $e& Hork *it%, 588*oum/ia 0ni!ersit% #ress, $e& Hork, 588EThames and ?udson, London, 5888-eogradski krug, enske studije, -eograd, 9779.agre/, 977 (fotokoija)$akada asenski i Turk, agre/, 9779.Routedge, London and $e& Hork, 977G

Routedge, London and $e& Hork, 588C

Rizzoi, $e& Hork, 977G

*aifornia 0ni!ersit% #ress, -erkee%, 977C.

*io, -eograd, 9779.*io, -eograd, 9779.Routedge, London and $e& Hork, 977*entar za Nenske studije, -eograd, 977C.

?atje cantz, Ostfidern, 9776The 0ni!ersit% of >eorgiaA%n and -acon, -ostonLondonToronto+%dne%Tok%o

0ni!ersit% of *aifornia #ress, -erkee%, Los Angees, London, 977*io, -eograd, 9775.

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>.3.?a J*o. 4 an Imrint of +imon J +chuster Macmian, $e& Hork, #rentice ?a

Hae 0ni!ersit% #ress The Oen 0ni!ersit%, $e& ?a!en J London, 588E

0ni!ersit% of *aifornia #ress, -erkee%, Los Angees, London, 977C

+!eto!i, $o!i +ad, 588.+!eto!i, $o!i +ad, 9775.+!eto!i, $o!i +ad, 977C.+!eto!i, $o!i +ad,+!eto!i, $o!i +ad,

Hae 0ni!ersit% #ress, The Oen 0ni!ersit%, $e& ?a!en J London, 977CHae 0ni!ersit% #ress The Oen 0ni!ersit%, $e& ?a!en J London

-asic -ooks, $e& Hork, 5888+tanford 0ni!ersit% #ress, +tanford, *aifornia, 9776>.3.?a J *o., Farmington ?is, MI, 977CRoutedge, London, $e& Hork, 977 Ar/eiter Ring #u/ishing, 'innieg, 977C

$arodna /i/ioteka +r/ije, -eogradQ #ros!jeta, agre/, 977.+uN/eni gasnik, -eograd, 9776.+uN/eni gasnik, -eograd, 9776.+uN/eni gasnik, -eograd, 9776.+uN/eni gasnik, -eograd, 9776.+uN/eni gasnik, -eograd, 9776.Routedge, London, $e& Hork, 9776Routedge, London, $e& Hork, 9779Routedge, London, $e& Hork, 977The MIT #ress, *am/ridge Massachusetts, London 2ngand, 977C

asenski i Turk, agre/, 977E.*io, -eograd, 9777.

*entar za Nenske studije, -eograd, 977.

0ni!ersit% of *aifornia #ress, -erkee%*aifornia, London2ngand, 5880ni!ersit% of Leizig, Leizig, 977*ontinuum, London, $e& Hork, 977+tanford 0ni!ersit% #ress, +tanford, *aifornia, 977C

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Routedge, $e& Hork, London, 977G

The 0ni!ersit% of Michigen #ress, Micigen, 9777The 0ni!ersit% of Michigan #ress, Michigan, 977G

  ) Arkzin, agre/, 977C.0ni!ersit% of Minnesota #ress, Minneaois, London, 588E#enguine -ooks, London, 977E

'afo&er #ress, London and $e& Hork, 9776Routedge, London, $e& Hork, 9775The 0ni!ersit% of *hicago #ress, *hicago, London, 977

-ack&e, 977G-ack&e, London, 977G

0metni1ka akademija u -eogradu, -eograd, 5869*io, -eograd, 977E.

Routedge, London J $e& Hork, 977G Arkzin, agre/, 977C.Routedge, London and $e& Hork, 977GE5 +emana Internaciona de *ine 4 Baadoid, *entar fim 4 -eograd, #rizma 4 3raRoutedge, London and $e& Hork, 977EThe Museum of Modern Art, $e& Hork, 9779

Routedge, London, $e& Hork, 9776

'ater de >ru%ter, -erin, $e& Hork, 5888

Venska infoteka, agre/, 5888. Aftera, *entra +aint Martins *oege of Art and Design, 0ni!ersit% of Arts London,

-ack&e, London, 977GRoutedge, London and $e& Hork, 977GRoutedge, $e& Hork, London, 9776*ontinuum, London, $e& Hork, 977G>.3.?a J *o., Farmington ?is, MI, 588 A/rams, +tanek, #rometej, $e& Hork, BaraNdin, $o!i +ad, 977.

asenski i Turk, agre/, 9779

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Routedge, London and $e& Hork, 9779n urg n !ers % ress,

Routedge, London and $e& Hork, 977Routedge, $e& Hork and London, 977.

-eogradski krug, -eograd, 9779.

Routedge, London and $e& Hork, 977G-ack&e, London, 9775Routedge, $e& Hork, London, 588GRoutedge, London and $e& Hork, 9775

*io, -eograd, 977E.Routedge, London, $e& Hork, 977C

+tanford 0ni!ersit% #ress, +tanford, *aifornia, 5877

+3*, 3raguje!ac, 977G.

*entar za Nenske studije, agre/, 5888Q

*io, -eograd, 9775.Orheius, $o!i +ad, 977.

The 0ni!ersit% of Michigen #ress, Michigen, 977G

The MIT #ress, *am/ridge, MassachusettsLondon, 2ngand, 58GThe *orcoran >aer% of Art, 'ashington, D.*.A//e!ie #ress, #u/isher, $e& Hor

*oum/ia 0ni!ersit% #ress, $e& Hork, 977G#haidon, $e& Hork 4 London, 977G*io, -eograd, 977.

'.'.$orton J *oman%, $e& Hork, London, 977GThe ohn ?okins 0ni!ersit% #ress, -atimore, 977G

*D0 i Tk?, agre/, -eograd, 977E.Routedge, London and $e& Hork, 977

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Routedge, London and $e& Hork, 588Routedge, London, $e& Hork, 977

*io, -eograd, 588.Routedge, $e& Hork, London, 977. (9)*am/ridge 0ni!ersit% #ress, *am/ridge, 977C+uN/eni gasnik, -eograd, 977G.*entar za sa!remenu umetnost, -eograd, 9775.

The MIT #ress, *am/ridge, Massachusetts, 977.+tanford 0ni!ersit% #ress, +tanford, *aifornia, 977E

Routedge, London and $e& Hork, 977G

+uN/eni gasnik, -eograd, 977.

Routedge, $e& Hork, London, 977Routedge, London and $e& Hork, 977GRoutedge, London and $e& Hork, 9779Routedge, London, $e& Hork, 9776Routedge, London and $e& Hork, 977G

Routedge, London, $e& Hork, 977G

*io, -eograd, 9777.*io, -eograd, 9775.

$akada Lje!ak, agre/, 977E.Oen 0ni!ersit% #ress, Miton 3e%nes, #hiadehia, 5887

Muzej su!remene umjetnosti agre/, agre/, 977E>eooetika, -eograd, 977G.

asenski i Turk, agre/, 977C.

The 0ni!ersit% of *hicago #ress, *hicago and London, 977

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Routedge, London and $e& Hork, 977Routedge, London and $e& Hork, 9776>eooetika, -eograd, 977C.The MIT #ress, *am/ridge, MassachusettsLondon, 2ngand, 977G

The MIT #ress, *am/ridge, Massachusetts, London, 2ngand, 588G

$Ai #u/ishers, Rotterdam, 977ERoutedge, London, $e& Hork, 977CRoutedge, London, $e& Hork, 977Casenski i Turk, agre/, 977E.0ni!ersit% of Minnesota #ress, Minneaois, London, 5888*io, -eograd, 588.#earson 2ducation Limited, 2din/urg, 5888

+3*, -eograd, 977E.0ni!ersit% of Toronto #ress, Toronto, -uffao, London, 977G

>eooetika, -eograd, 9779.

*io, -eograd, 977G.*io, -eograd, 9776.

*ontinuum, London, $e& Hork, 977E

*io, -eograd, 9775.+!eto!i, $o!i +ad, 977. Routedge, London and $e& Hork, 977CHae 0ni!ersit% #ress The Oen 0ni!ersit%, $e& ?a!en J London, 977EHae 0ni!ersit% #ress The Oen 0ni!ersit%, $e& ?a!en J London, 588E>ae >rou, Farmington ?is, MI, 9775

Routedge, London and $e& Hork, 588>.3.?a J *o., Farmington ?is, MI, 588G

*am/ridge 0ni!ersit% #ress, *am/ridge, 977C-ack&e, O:ford, Bictoria, 977

+tanford 0ni!ersit% #ress, +tanford, *aifornia, 5885Rodoi, Amsterdam, $e& Hork, 977G

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Routedge, London and $e& Hork, 97790ni!ersit% of *aifornia #ress, -erkee%, Los Angees, 5885Rutgers 0ni!ersit% #ress, $e& -runs&ick, $e& erse%, London 4 The ane Boorhe

-eogradski krug, -eograd, 9779. Arkzin, agre/, 9779.>.3.?a J *o., Farmington ?is, MI, 977

The 0ni!ersit% of Michigen #ress, Michigen, 977

0ni!ersit% of *aifornia #ress, -erkee%, Los Angees, London, 9775

asenski i Turk, agre/, 9775.

Routedge, London and $e& Hork, 977GRutgers 0ni!ersit% #ress, $e& -runs&ick, $e& erse% and London, 977CRoutedge, London J $e& Hork, 977-ack&e, O:ford, Massachusetts, 5888Routedge, $e& Hork, London, 5889+!eto!i, $o!i +ad, 977C.#ra!osa!ni -ogoso!ski fakutet 0ni!erziteta u -eogradu, -eograd, 977.

+tanford 0ni!ersit% #ress, +tanford, *aifornia, 977G

-eograd, 9776

>.3.?a J *o., Farmington ?is, MI, 5886-ack&e, 03, 977E

?oretzk%, agre/, 977.*eni, -eograd, 9775.$arodna knjiga, -eograd, 5886.The MIT #ress, *am/ridge MA, 977C.

Muzej sa!remene umetnosti Boj!odine, $o!i sad, 9776>eooetika, -eograd, 977.

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>eooetika, -eograd, 977E.>eooetika, -eograd, 977.

The 0ni!ersit% of *hicago #ress, *hicago and London, 9775Routedge, $e& Hork, London, 977

>eooetika, -eograd, 977C.0ni!erzitet umetnosti u -eogradu, -eograd, 58E.

2din/urg 0ni!ersit% #ress, 2din/urg, 977E>.3.?a J *o., Farmington ?is, MI, 9779

0ni!erzitet umetnosti u -eogradu, -eograd, 58.asenski i Turk, agre/, 977E.0ni!ersit% of Minnesota #ress, Minneaois, London, 588G0ni!ersit% of Minesota #ress, Minneaois, London, 588G

*io, -eograd, 9779.Routedge, London and $e& Hork, 977G*io, -eograd, 588E.+3*, -eograd, 977E.

>.3.?a J *o., $e& Hork, 977EThe MIT #ress, *am/ridgeMassachusetts, London2ngand, 988G?atje *antz, Ostfidern, 9776*am/ridge 0ni!ersit% #ress, *am/ridge, 5888 London and $e& Hork, 977G

Routedge, London and $e& Hork, 977E

-eogradski krug, -eograd, 9775.Routedge, London and $e& Hork, 977Routedge, London and $e& Hork, 9777

-ack&e, O:ford 03, *am/ridge 0+A, 5889

Hae 0ni!ersit% #ress The Oen 0ni!ersit%, $e& ?a!en J London, 977EHae 0ni!ersit% #ress The Oen 0ni!ersit%, $e& ?a!en J London, 588E-ack&e, London, 9776

+!eto!i, $o!i +ad, 588G.

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+!eto!i, $o!i +ad, 588.+!eto!i, $o!i +ad, 9779.-eogradski krug, -eograd, 9775.The MIT #ress, *am/ridge, MassachusettsLondon, 2ngand, 977G2.'.$orton J *oman%, $e& Hork, London, 977G

 Arkzin, agre/, 9779.+I*, -eograd, 58E.asenski i Turk, agre/, 9775.

Te:t Theor%)

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Das Museum der 'etkuturen Frankfurt am Main, 977C

Institut fur Ausands/eziehungen, 588G

#ozori;te utaka #inokio emun, -eograd, 977C.Octo/er 588E.

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, Biena, Austria, 977G

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ore, 588G

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ingaore, 588

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  Internationa, London, Me:ico *it%, $e& Dehi, +ingaore, +%dne%, Toronto, 588G

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uje!ac, 588G.

ondon, 977G

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London, 58

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s immeri Art museum, Rutgers, The +tate 0ni!ersit% $e& erse%, 9779

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1asois Fiozofski !estnik, Lju/jana1asois Tk?, -eograd1asois #reom, -eograd1asois Frakcija, *D0, agre/1asois Maska, Lju/jana

1asois Venske studije i >enero1asois #rofemina1asois Trei rogram