Bibliography - Springer978-94-009-4806-8/1.pdf · Bibliography Adamczewski, S. 1950. Motyle...

501 Bibliography Adamczewski, S. 1950. Motyle minujgce na tie naturalnych srodowisk Bialowieskiego Parku Narodowego. - Ecological studies on the mining Lepidoptera of the National Park in Bia- Jowiez. Annales UMCS, C, 5: 135-195. Aulak, W. 1970a. Small Mammal Communities ofthe Bialowie- za National Park. Acta theriol. 15: 465-515. Aulak, W. 1970b. Studies on herb layer production in the Cir- caeo-Alnetum Oberd. 1953 association. Ekol. pol. 18: 411- 427. Aulak, W. 1973. Production and Energy Requirements in a Population of the Bank Vole, in a Deciduous Forest of Cir- caeo-Alnetum Type. Acta theriol. 18: 167-190. Aulak, W. 1975. Elementy presji zwierzgt na produkcjt; pier- wotng ekosystemow lesnych. - Elements of animal pressure upon primary production of forest ecosystems. Sylwan 5: 39-48. Aulak, W. 1976. Rozwoj i produkcja runa w zespole Tilio- Carpinetum Tracz. 1962 jako jednego z elementow pod- stawowego poziomu troficznego w ekosystemach lesnych. - Development and production of ground flora in Tilio-Car- pinetum Tracz. 1962 association as one of the elements of basic trophic level in the forest ecosystems. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW-AR w Warszawie, Rozpr. Nauk. 60: 1-151. Bac, S. 1970. Pierwsze coroczne pojawy fenologiczne niek- torych roslin. Warszawa. Barkman, 1.1., Masselink, A.K. and de Vries, B.W.L. 1977. Uber das Mikroklima in Wacholderfluren. In: Dierschke, H. (ed.), Ber. Int. Symp. Vegetation und Klima, pp. 35-81. Bauer,. E. 1962. Der Soonwald im Hunsriick. Mitt. forstgesch., Inst. Univ. Freiburg i Br. Bednarek, A. 1966. Proba wyroznienia i charakterystyka kli- matologiczna fenologicznego okresu wegetacyjnego w Bia- lowiety. Sylwan 6: 39-46. Bednarek, A. 1967. Uklad i charakterystyka klimatologiczna por fenologicznych w BiaJowiety. Sylwan 10: 71-76. Beideman, LN. 1974. Metodika izucenija fenologii rastenij i rastitel'nych soobscestv. Novosibirsk. Ber, A., Maksiak, S. and Nowicki, A.J. 1964. Z zagadnieri geologii czwartorzt;du dorzecza gornej Narwi. - From the problems of quaternary geology of the Upper Narew river- basin. Przeglgd Geolog. 12: 473-476. Bialobok, S. and Browicz, K. 1968-1969. Atlas rozmieszczenia drzew i krzewow w Polsce. - Atlas of distribution of trees and shrubs in Poland. 7-8 Zaklad Dendrologii i Arboretum Kor- nickie PAN. Bialobok, S. and Czubiriski, Z. 1963-1967. Atlas rozmiesz- czenia drzew i krzewow w Polsce. - Atlas of distribution of trees and shrubs in Poland. 1-6. Zaklad Dendrologii i Ar- boretum Kornickie PAN. Bialobrzeska, M. 1966. Zmiennosc lisci i owocow grabu w analogicznych zespoJach Puszczy Bialowieskiej, Boreckiej i Niepolomickiej oraz w lasach karpackich. Cz. I. Bialowieski Park Narodowy. Acta Soc. Bot. Pol. 35: 401-424. Bialobrzeska, M. 1970. Grab zwyczajny (Carpinus betulus L.). In: Jentys-Szaferowa, J. (ed.), Zmiennnosc lisci i owocow drzew i krzewow w zespolach lesnych Bialowieskiego Parku N arodowego. - Variability of the leaves and fruits of trees and shrubs in forest associations of the Bialowieta National Park. Monogr. Bot. 32: 86-100. Bloriski, F. and Drymmer, K. 1889. Sprawozdanie z wycieczki botanicznej do Puszczy Bialowieskiej, Ladzkiej i Swislockiej w 1888 r. Pam. Fizyograf. 9: 55-115. Bloriski, F., Drymmer, K. and Ejsmond, A. 1888. Sprawoz- danie z wycieczki botanicznej do Puszczy Bialowieskiej, od- bytej w lecie 1887 roku. Pam Fizyogr. 8: 59-155. Bobek, B., Borowski, S. and Dzit;cio1owski, R. 1975. Browse supply in various forest ecosystems. In: Grodziriski, W. and Pucek, Z. (ed.), The role of large herbivore mammals in woodland ecosystems. Pol. ecol. Stud. 1: 17-32. Borisova, LV. 1972. Sezonnaja dinamika rastitei'nogo soob- scestva. Polevaja Geobot. 4: 5-94. Bormann, F.H. and Likens, G.E. 1981. Pattern and Process in a Forested Ecosystem. New York/Heidelberg/Berlin. Borowik-Dgbrowska, M. and Dgbrowski, M.l.1973. Naturalne i antropogeniczne zmiany roslinnosci Bialowieskiego Parku Narodowego. Archeologia Polski 18: 181-200.

Transcript of Bibliography - Springer978-94-009-4806-8/1.pdf · Bibliography Adamczewski, S. 1950. Motyle...



Adamczewski, S. 1950. Motyle minujgce na tie naturalnych srodowisk Bialowieskiego Parku Narodowego. - Ecological studies on the mining Lepidoptera of the National Park in Bia­Jowiez. Annales UMCS, C, 5: 135-195.

Aulak, W. 1970a. Small Mammal Communities ofthe Bialowie­za National Park. Acta theriol. 15: 465-515.

Aulak, W. 1970b. Studies on herb layer production in the Cir­caeo-Alnetum Oberd. 1953 association. Ekol. pol. 18: 411-427.

Aulak, W. 1973. Production and Energy Requirements in a Population of the Bank Vole, in a Deciduous Forest of Cir­caeo-Alnetum Type. Acta theriol. 18: 167-190.

Aulak, W. 1975. Elementy presji zwierzgt na produkcjt; pier­wotng ekosystemow lesnych. - Elements of animal pressure upon primary production of forest ecosystems. Sylwan 5: 39-48.

Aulak, W. 1976. Rozwoj i produkcja runa w zespole Tilio­Carpinetum Tracz. 1962 jako jednego z elementow pod­stawowego poziomu troficznego w ekosystemach lesnych. -Development and production of ground flora in Tilio-Car­pinetum Tracz. 1962 association as one of the elements of basic trophic level in the forest ecosystems. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW-AR w Warszawie, Rozpr. Nauk. 60: 1-151.

Bac, S. 1970. Pierwsze coroczne pojawy fenologiczne niek­torych roslin. Warszawa.

Barkman, 1.1., Masselink, A.K. and de Vries, B.W.L. 1977. Uber das Mikroklima in Wacholderfluren. In: Dierschke, H. (ed.), Ber. Int. Symp. Vegetation und Klima, pp. 35-81.

Bauer,. E. 1962. Der Soonwald im Hunsriick. Mitt. forstgesch., Inst. Univ. Freiburg i Br.

Bednarek, A. 1966. Proba wyroznienia i charakterystyka kli­matologiczna fenologicznego okresu wegetacyjnego w Bia­lowiety. Sylwan 6: 39-46.

Bednarek, A. 1967. Uklad i charakterystyka klimatologiczna por fenologicznych w BiaJowiety. Sylwan 10: 71-76.

Beideman, LN. 1974. Metodika izucenija fenologii rastenij i rastitel'nych soobscestv. Novosibirsk.

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Bialobok, S. and Czubiriski, Z. 1963-1967. Atlas rozmiesz­czenia drzew i krzewow w Polsce. - Atlas of distribution of trees and shrubs in Poland. 1-6. Zaklad Dendrologii i Ar­boretum Kornickie PAN.

Bialobrzeska, M. 1966. Zmiennosc lisci i owocow grabu w analogicznych zespoJach Puszczy Bialowieskiej, Boreckiej i Niepolomickiej oraz w lasach karpackich. Cz. I. Bialowieski Park Narodowy. Acta Soc. Bot. Pol. 35: 401-424.

Bialobrzeska, M. 1970. Grab zwyczajny (Carpinus betulus L.). In: Jentys-Szaferowa, J. (ed.), Zmiennnosc lisci i owocow drzew i krzewow w zespolach lesnych Bialowieskiego Parku N arodowego. - Variability of the leaves and fruits of trees and shrubs in forest associations of the Bialowieta National Park. Monogr. Bot. 32: 86-100.

Bloriski, F. and Drymmer, K. 1889. Sprawozdanie z wycieczki botanicznej do Puszczy Bialowieskiej, Ladzkiej i Swislockiej w 1888 r. Pam. Fizyograf. 9: 55-115.

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Bobek, B., Borowski, S. and Dzit;cio1owski, R. 1975. Browse supply in various forest ecosystems. In: Grodziriski, W. and Pucek, Z. (ed.), The role of large herbivore mammals in woodland ecosystems. Pol. ecol. Stud. 1: 17-32.

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Subject index

* - on figures, photos and tables

/ - between two notions - in relation to

Ahandoned farmland 371*, 399, 400, 423, 434*, 435*, 437*,

439"', 440* ,441",443",444-463,469-476,490* Abandoned meadow 434*,435*,438*,439*,440*,441, 443*,

469-476 Agriculture/Forest communities 371, 488*

Alder, black, see: Alnus glutinosa

- hog forest, see: Bog alder forest, Carici elongatae­

Alnetum - pioneer properties 465*,466*

- stand structure 71*, 72*,466*

Alluvial flora, vegetation 23*,49,50, 100

- willow brush, see also: Salicetum triandro-viminalis 70*,

75", 100

- willow forest, see also: Salicetum albo-fragilis 75*, 100

Anmoor soils 123* Anthropogenic changes in evironment 202*,377*,382,413-

414, 488*, 490* - communities arising 365, 379, 380, 400, 401

- communities review 104-111 - communities transformations 402-406, 417

- transformation of forest communities 71', 82, 86, 89, 90--91, 92, 94,103,202*,212*,374-377,378,415*,488*

Apophytes 442, 444

Apophytism 365

Aspen, see:Populus tremula - flowering initiation 460, 461 * - generative reproduction 461 *

- population structure 461 *

- pioneer properties 465* - role in secondary succession 476*, 491 *

- sex dymorphisme of tree 461*

Aspen, sex ratio in population 46l"', 462

- vegetation reproduction 460

Bison/European bison/, environment-food preference 164*,


- impact on vegetation 165-169

- population distribution 164*

Black earths 121"', 123* Bog alder forest, anthropogenic transformation 98-99, 488*

- condition of occurence 97-98, 480*, 481 - distribution 76*, 77*

- dynamics 244, 246*,247*,282*,283-286,477*,491*

Bog g1ey soils 123 *

Bog low birch hush, see also: Salici-Betuletum humilis 75*,


Bog oak forest, see also: Carici elongatae-Quercetum 84*,


- dynamics 153, 155-157

Bog pine forest 55, 71*, 72*, 75*, 76*, 77*, 84 *,95,480*,481

- dynamics 157-161, 254-256, 257*,266--269,270"

Bog willow hush, see also: Salicetum pentandro-cinereae 75*,


- dynamics 248-250, 286--288 Brown gley soils 120, 123* Brown soils 120, 123* Browsing of trees 167*, 189*

Cattle grazing/Forest communities 211, 212*, 372, 373*,488* Cenopopulation, age structure 327, 342-343

- dynamics 327 - generally 307-309, 339

- phenological behaviour 30\-302, 309-314

- reproductive effort 321-324

Cenopopulation, size structure 309*,327

- spatial structure 328, 340--342

Charcoal piles 26,26*, 35()*, 351*, 355, 368, 372, 488*

Clearing communities 107, 380 Clone 307, 346*

Colonisation/Forest communities 202*,352,368-371, 372*,


Dangered communities 402, 416


- species 356, 416 Debarking of trees 167* Deciduous oak-linden-hornbeam forest, see also: Tilio­

Carpinetum 15, 19, 19*,21",74*,76-82,350--356,358-362 369-370

- animal impact \(i4*, 165-188,484*,485*,488* - anthropogenic transformation :12, 350--356, 358-362, 369-

370, 409-411, 415*, 488* - condition of occurence 78-79, 480",481 - distribution 77*, 82, 83*, 84* - dynamics 149, 150, 151, 152, 153-157, 157-160, 217-228,

274-278,279"'-281*,315*,324*,325*,326*,433-444, 472*,476*,477*,482,484,485,487,491*

- population structure 324-326, 327*,337*,340*,341 - stands structure 72"', 75, 76-78

Dioeeious species 444, 446", 447, 454*-456*, 457*, 460--463, 465*, 466, 467*

Dynamical rings of plant communities/Circles, cyclical seriesl 408-411

Dynamic groups of species 201 *,231, 236* - ephemeric sp. 20l '", 236", 237* , 245*, 249*, 252* , 254 * - permanent sp. 201"',236",245*,246*,249*,252*, 426*,

428 ' - progressive sp. 201*, 236*, 237, 249*, 252*, 254", 426*,

428" Dynamic groups of species, regressive sp. 201 *, 236*, 237,

249*,252",254*,427*,428* - re-occuring sp.lpassing sp.l 201. 236*, 237 - transitional sp. 20l*, 236*,245" , 249*,252*,254 *,427*,

428* Dynamic processes in vegetation, generally 5-8

- tendencies in forest communities 256-263 Dynamics indexlDII 6, 7

Ecotone/transition zonel - associated phenomena 130, 140, 141 *, 143, 144*,339 - associated environment factors 142-143

Ecotone hetween forest communities: - - bog f.l/deciduous f. 137*, 138*, 140--142, 157-161 - - Carici elong.-AlnetumllVaccinio ul.-Pinetum 140* - - Molinio-PinetumllVaccinio ul.-Pinetum 133, 136*, 138*.

140* - - Peucedano-PinetumIIPino-Quercetum 132, 133, 136* - - Peucedano-PinetumllSphagnetum medio-ruh. 132. 136* - - Pino-QuercetumIITilio-Carpinetum 132, 133, 134*, 135*,

136*, 141 - - Peucedano-PinetumllVaccinio ul.-Pinetum 138, 140* - - Pino-OuercetumllVaccinio ul.-Pinetum 136*,140* - - Querco-PiceetumllSphagnetum medio-rub. 132, 136* - - Querco-PiceetumllSphagno girg.-Piceetum 138 - - Querco-PiceetumllVaccinio ul.-Pinetum 136* - - Sphagno-PiceetumllVaccinio ul.-Pinetum 140* - - Tilio-CarpinetumllCarici elong.-Alnetum 132, 133, 134*',

135*, 136"', 137*, 138, 140*. 141 - - Tilio-CarpinetumIICircaeo-Alnetum 132. 133. 134*,

135*,136'.139 ' .141. 145'"

- - Tilio-Carpinetuml/Querco-Piceetum 136* Ecotone hetween forest communities:

- - Tilio-CarpinetumllVaccinio ul.-Pinetum 136*, 140*, 14],,',142'"

- community contacts 132-133, 134*, 135*, 136*, 137-142, 480*

- forest edge 310*,335 - generally 131-132,133-142,145,307,308,333*,338* - population aspects 329, 332-340 - seasonal dynamics 143 - synchorological aspects 136*, 140*, 143, 145, 480* - syndynamical aspects/Tree saltation 141*,142*,143,153-

161 - types 134*, 135"', 136*' - width of zone 133, 135*, 136*

Elk, see also: Alces alees 197, 199,484*,485* Ephemeral silt communities 104-105, 111, 379, 402, 425, 428-

430 Ephemeric species 20l *, 236*, 237, 245*, 249" , 252* , 254* Extincte communities 106, 415, 416

- species 49*. 356, 415, 416 Euneophyte phase 382 European bison, see: bison, Bison bonasus

Flood-plain forests, see: Riverside alluvial willow f .. Riverside ash-elm f., Streamiside alder-ash f.

Flora, apophytcs 39 - anthropophytes 39 - bryophyta 39 - fungi 39, 40, 42* - general characteristic 6' , 39-42 - geographical characteristic 6*, 46-48, 48* - lichens 3 *, 42

Flora, migrant species, migrations 50--51, 51 *, 363-364, 364*, 380, 417

- neophytes, see also: Ncophytism 385-388 - participation of woody plants 42-46 - statistics 39-40 - synanthropic 363-364, 416

Fluctuation 5, 6"',1"', 221. 228, 256, 258, 260, 261*, 463, 474*, 482

- in anthropogene Vegetation 261*, 474* Fluctuation Regeneration 258 Forest community. dynamic tendencies 482-486

- structure 71-73, 75*, 217-224 - surface participation 76*, 77*, 202*

Forest edge communities, species lOS, 364*, 381, 400--401, 416 Forest land shrinking 28*, 372*,380,414,415* Forest management/Forest communities 373-377, 381, 488* Forest pioneer 441, 442, 443, 460-465, 468-477 Forest relicts in agriculture landscape 395-400 Forest road communities \07-\08 Forest tree stands, sec: Tree stands Forests, primeval, characteristics, permanence 22, 489-493 Forest vegetation, see: Vegetation, forest; Forest community

Game impact on vegetation, see: herhivorous animals impact

on vegetation 372, 374* , 381, 484'" 485*, 488*, 490*

Gathering/Forest communities and species 356

Geophytcs/Hemicryptophytes ratio 183*, 185*

- phytocenosis structure and dynamics 182-185,236*

- significance for rooting by wild hoar 179, 182-185 Gley podzol soils 120, 121 * 123*

Grey brown soils 120, 123 * Ground freezing/Forest communities 127*, 129

Ground frost/Forest communities 125-127, 129-130

Ground frost/Pioneer trees 462

Hare, impact on shruh hahit 188-189, 190*

Heathlands 381

Herbivorous animals, impact on plant hahit 188-193 - browsing 167*, 189*

- debarking 167*

- environment preferences 484*, 485*, 488*

- food blocks 172-173*, 193-195

- seasonality in impact on vegetation 176*, 177*, 180*, 181" 183*, 185*, 188-193, 196*,372,374*, 381, 484 *,485,488*,


- review 162-165, 169,170--171,183,186

Hornheam, see also: Carpinus betulus 62-64, 486*

Hornbeam forests, see: deciduous oak-linden-hornbeam


Hornbeam, hiological properties 483*

Hornheam invasion in thermophilous oak forest 210

Ingathering/Forest communities 356, 488*

Iron pan soils 120, 121 *, 123'"

Juniper 445-468

Juniper-aspen hrush-wood 448" , 449*,463

Juniper brush 448"',449*,454,456,463

Juniper, generative reproduction 467*

- pioneer proporties 465 * - population structure 454-460 - recolonisation after cup 453 - role in secondary succession 445-468, 491* - sex dimorphism 445

Juniper, sex ratio in popUlation 454*-456*, 457*, 465, 467*

Key for forest communities habitats 124--125

Leaf area index 242, 243*

Lichens in secondary succession 448* , 451

Linden, see also: Tilia cordata 62-64, 486*

- generative reproduction 225*

Linden stand/Herbivorous animals 192*,227* 486"

- vegetative reproduction 227*

Lowmoor peat soils 122, 123*

Meadow communities 106, 380 - on charcoal piles 430-433

Mire- gley hog soils 123"

Mixed pine-oak forest, see also: Pino-Quercetum 19, 19*,

89-91, 370-371


- anthropogenic transformation 90--91, 350, 353, 358--362,

370-37L 409-411, 415", 488'"

- condition of occurence 90 - distrihution 76", 77*, 90

- dynamics 149*, 153-157,217-228,250--251,253*,272-274,


Modification factors 48(),,', 481

Mortality in popUlation 259*

Muck soils 123

Native/Foreign species 442-443, 444 Nature protection 1, 2"',3*, 8, 22, 380,421, 488*,489-494,


Neophytes, relatio to community native components 383-384, 384*,389-394,394*

Neophytism 382-383 Neophytism, causes 379

- local characteristics 385-388

- examples 89, 379, 381

- in forcst communities 385-388

- model 394"

- phases 382-383, 383"

Neophytism/Phytocenosis structure and dynamics 389-394, 394'"

Oak, see also: Quercus robur 61-62,31*-32*,486*

- hiological properties 483 *

Oak forests, see: Thermophilous o.f., Mixed pine-oak f., Bog

o. forest

Oak stands 203*-206

Parancophytc phase 382, 383*

Pastures communities 106

Permanent species 201 *,236*,245*,246*, 249*,252*,426*,


Permanent studies, conceptions 4--8, 12, 444, 446-447 - dendrochronological analysis 447 - cxperments 12, 131*,222-224,312,323,358-362,384,

385*, 390--393

- experimental garden 12*,312,319,321,433-444 - mapping 12, 134*, 135*, 136*, 140*, 144*,164*,180*,181*,

182*,183*,196*,198*,203*,204*,207*,208*,216*,225*, 227"',257*, 26l"', 306*, 310*, 340, 341*, 346*, 361*, 384*, 392*,430*,435*,445*,447*

- marking of individuals 205*,259*,446* - models 9*, 10*, 132*,145*, 185*,212*

- photorecording 11*, 12, 394

- photointerpretation 260--263*,445*

Permanent studies, permanent plots 9*,10-11, I\"', 125, 127, 128",129*,131*,134*,135*,136*,137*,139*,140,141* ,


224,229,244,257*,259*,265,358-359,371*,383,384, 385*,392*,425-426,435-436,446*

- pyramids of population structure 206* , 454 * -456* , 458* , 461*


- synthesis 130*,305*,306",394" Phenological barriers 314 Phenological seasons in forest communities 266, 304-306

- indicator species 266, 267-269, 271, 272, 274, 275, 277-278, 282-283, 284-285, 287

Pine, see also: Pinus sylvestris 58-59,60* - biological properties 465*,483*

Pine forests, see also: Peucedano-Pinetum, Cladonio­Pinetum, Molinio-Pinetum, Vaccinio uliginosi-Pinetum 19,19*,72*,74*,75*,76*,77*.92-95

Pine forest, anthropogenic transformation 488* - dynamics 251,254,270*,271-272,444--463,477*,491 - regeneration after fire 213-217

Pine invasion on raised bog 256, 257* Pine, pioneer properties 465* Pine stands 71 *, 72"', 75* Podzols 120, 121 *, 123* Polycorms 344--346, 465 Postneophyte phase 382, 383* Preforest community 462 Primary dependence factors 479, 480* Progressive species 201 *, 236*, 237, 249*, 254*, 257*, 426*,

428* Pronephyte phase 382, 383* Psammophilous flora, vegetation 22*,448*

Raised bog 95-96 Raised bog dynamics 254--256, 257*, 260, 262, 265-266, 270" Raised bog soils 123 * Red deer, see: Cervus elaphus

- environment-food preference 167*,169-170,171*,189*, 197,199,484*,485*

- impact on vegetation 167*, 169-170, 175*, 189* Reed swamp communities 105-106 Regeneration 5, 6*, 7*, 8, 213-217, 256-257, 261*, 263, 474*,

482,491* Regenerative succession, see: Succession, secondary

recreative Regression 5, 6*, 7*, 8, 258, 259, 261 *,482 Regressive species 201 *, 236*, 237*, 249*, 252*, 254*, 427*,

428* Re-occuring species/Passing species/ 201*, 231, 236*, 237 Reproduction, generative 222, 228*, 232*, 233*, 234*, 235"

236*,237*,232*-238*,310*,315-316,317-320,325-326, 456

- strategy 315-324 - vegetative 227*,307,315-316,320,329-330,344--346

Riverside ash-elm forest, see also: Ficario-Ulmetum 75" , 76*, 86, 415*, 481

Rodents, see: Rodentia - environment-food preference 183-188

Roeder, see: Capreolus capreolus - environment-food preference 167* ,169-170, 171*, 174 *,

197, 484*, 485* - impact on vegetation 167*, 169-170, 171 *

Rooting by wild boar, see: Wild boar

Ruderal communities 108-109, 365, 371, 379, 381, 412* - dynamics 424--425, 426*-427*

Sand herb-grassland, see: Psammophilous flora, vegetation Saprophytism of spruce 55, 56* Seasonal dynamics/Seasonality/ 6, 6*, 7*, 176*, 177*, 180'

181*, 183*,185* ,188-193,228-244,265 - colour aspect 299-301

Seasonal dynamics/Community degeneration 486 - flowering calendar 270*, 273*, 276*, 282*,288* - flowering rhytm 266, 270, 271, 273-274, 275, 277, 279-

282,283-284,287,288-291 - fruiting rhytm 266, 270, 271, 273-274, 275, 277, 279-282,

283-284,287, 291-295 - synphenological analysis 288-301 - synphenological spectra 296*, 297*

Seasonal rhytms/Ecological factors 302-304 - repeatability 236*, 240*-241*, 242-243

Secondary differentiation factors 479, 480* Seed production 222*,324--325,467* Seedling 217*,222',223*,224--225,435*,441* Segetal communities, see: weed communities Snow cover 17,18*,32,33,33*,127*,128* Snow cover/Forest communities 127*,128*, 129*, 131* Soil, forming factors 114-120

- processes 120-122, 480* - substrates 116*, 122*', 480* - types 120-122, 480* - - an moor s, 122, 123" - - black earths 121", 123* - - bog gley s, 123* - - brown gley s, 120, 123*

Soil types, brown s, 120, 123* - - gley podzol s, 120, 121 *, 123* - - grey brown s, 120, 123* - - iron pan s, 120, 121 *, 123* - - lowmoor peat s, 122, 123* - - mire-gley bog s, 123* - - muck s, 123* - - podzols 120, 121, 123* - - raised bog s, 123* - - transitional bog s, 123*

Soil, water relationship 114, 117*, 120 Soil types/Forest communities 122-125 Soil, water balance 480* Spruce, see also: Picea abies 15, 44*,52-58,71*,72*,74*,

486* - biological properties 483 *

Spruce forests, see also: Sphagno girgensohnii-Piceetum, Ouerco-Piceetum 15, 19*, 44*, 74*, 75*, 76*, 77*, 91-92, 480*, 481

Spruce forests, distribution 76*, 84*, 92 - dynamics 92*,250-251, 258-259, 269-271, 273* - condition of occurence 92 - floristic composition 91-92 - stands structure 72*, 75*

- structure 92*

Spruce invasion on raised bog 256, 257*

Spruce stand 71"', 72*

Spruce, uprooting trees 142, 141", 149"', 150*, 154*, 158

Stabilisation factors 479, 480*

Stability, level of reproduction 238-239

- of forest communities 228-244, 482-483, 486

Stability, permanence of community structure 236*, 237

- permanence of species composition 229-237

- repeatably of seasonal rhythms 236*,240*-241*,242-243

Stimulation factors 480*, 481 Streamside alder-ash forest, see also: Circaeo-Alnetum 72",

74*,75*,76*,71",82-87,415*,424*,480*,481 - dynamics 244,245",278-283,424*,466*,471*,472*,

471",49l'" Substitution communities 203, 406-413

Succession 5, 6*, 7*, 8 - primary 6"',7*,258, 26\,,',482

- progressive 6", 7* - raised bog 258,259,261 *

- regressive 6*, 1" - repeated 6"', 7*, 8 - secondary 6*, 7*,8, 12,399,340-346,423-478

Succession, secondary

- - anthropogene constrained 261*, 262

- - creative 259, 482

- - regenerative, see: Succession secondary recreative 6*, 1" Succession, secondary recreative 6*, 7*,258,260,261,261"


Survivorship in population 259*,316,320,323-324

Synanthropisation 8, 347-348, 416-417

- factors 348-377

- history 377-382

- limiting factors 421-422

- range 420"-421

- steps 41", 416-421

Tcrmophilous oak forest, see also: Potentillo albae-Quercetum 19, 19*, 87-89, 369-371

- herbivorous animal impact 89 - regression 20\-213

- anthropogenic transformation 88-89, 202*,369-371,409-411, 415*

- condition of occurence 87 - distribution 76*

- dynamics 201-213

- geographical character 19, 87 - social structure of oak stand 203*,205,206*

Therophytes in secondary succession 450-453, 457, 464'"

Therophytes, participation in forest communities 330, 400

Trampling-resistant communities 108, 358

Transformation factors 480*, 481

Transitional bog soils 123*

Transitional species 20\*,236*,245*,249*,252*,254*,421", 428*

Transition zone between communities, see: ecotone

Tree, saltation 142, 145-161

Tree saltation/Forest dynamics 151*, 153-157, 157-161, 260,


Tree saltation/Forest biotope 141*, 142*, 151-153

Tree saltation in raised bog 157-161

Tree saltation/Wild boar rooting 198*

Tree stands, age 71-73

- basal area 220-221

- growth increment 73

- layering 75'

- origin 71-73

- role of spruce 219*', 227* , 262, 486*

Tree stands, regeneration 192*,217-228,486*

- structure 22, 72-73*, 217-228

Trees, age 51

- biological properties 70, 483

- browsing, sec: Browsing

- debarking, see: Debarking

- dimensions 30, 31",50, 51",53'


- dioecism 444, 447, 445*-456*,457*,460-463,465*,466,

461" - habit 30-31, 51-52, 54, 51" - invasion on raised bog 159*, 256, 251" - invasion on old farmland 448*,449*,453*,469-476

- pioneer properties 465"

- review of species 42-45, 43*, 52-69

- self-thinning 220,221, 253*,260

- trunk decomposition 148*, ISO" Tumuli/burying grounds/ 25,26",27" , 348-356

Tumuli distribution/Forest communities 3SS-356

Uprooting trees 55"', 14S-161, 355-356

- in coniferous forest 149"

- in deciduous forest 149*

- in raised bog 157-161

Vegetation, anthropogenic communities 104-111 - community review 74-111

Vegetation/Environment differentiation 479-482 Vegetation, forest 15, 16, 19*,22, 74-103, 479-482

- geographical characteristics 15, 17-23 - lake 22"

- period, climatic 17

Vegetation period in forest communitics 236* - synphenologic 32,33*,265

Vegetation, pioneering 111

- potential natural 408'" - primary 406*

- real anthropogcnic 407*

- psammophilous 22*

- primary succession, see also: Succession 261* - regeneration 6*, 7"',291 *,491*

- regression 6"', 7"', IS3-IS7, 2()]-213, 261*

- relation to ground frost, see: Ground frost/Forest

communities - relation to snow cover, see: Snow cover/Forest


communities - relation to soiL see: Soil types/Forest communities - riverside alluvial 22 * , 23 - seasonal dynamics, see also: Succession 6*, 7*, 261 *

Vegetation succession/Population development 340--346, 463, 464*

Water plant communities 104 Weed communities/segetal communities 109-111, 371, 379,

400,434,447,449 Wild boar, see also: Sus scrofa Wild boar environment-food preference 171, 176-179, 185*,

197, 199,484*,485* Wild boar, impact on vegetation 175*,176,177*, 178, 185*,

198* Wild boar, rooting

- - intensity degrees 177*, 181 * - - seasonality 176*, 177*,180*,181 *, 183*, 185* - - stimulation of geophyte growth 183*, 184", 185*

Willow alluvial bush, see: Alluvial willow bush Willow alluvial forest, see: Alluvial willow forest Willow, as food 189* Willow bog bush, see: bog willow bush Willow, dioecism 460, 465*,467*

- role in succession 460, 473*,491* - species review 45, 69

Wood-chemical industry as synanthropisation factor 26, 26*, 29*,365-368,488*

Xenospontaneus communities 383* Xerothermic grasslands, species 22*,49,213


Systematic index

* - on figures, photos and tables

Abies alba 21*,42,43*,46,48,49*,59-61

Acer campestre 21 *, 62, 78

- negundo 46, 386*, 468

- platanoides 21*,43*,43,51,52*,62-64,65*,74*,78,79,

84,107,118*,149,151, 152,167*,192*,222*,223*,224,

225*,225,229,232*,233*,234*,235*,243*, 245*, 252*,

254",255*,324 0 ,390*,393*,397*,435*,437",438",441,

442, 468, 469, 470*

- pseudoplatanus 21*, 62, 78, 197

Achillea millefolium 210, 426*,428*,432*,437*,438*,439,

440*, 448, 449*

- - ssp. collin a 433*

Acinos arvensis 90, 427*

Acorus calamus 383, 385, 386*

Acrocladium cuspidatum 246*

Adenophora liliifolia 46

Adoxa moschatellina 232*, 233*,274,275,276*, 342* Acgopodio-Pctisitetum 105, 411* Aegopodium podagraria 78, 139*, 166, 169, 209*,232*,233*,


342, 390*,391. 393*,398 Agrimonia eupatoria 399, 437*

- pilosa 46, 399 - procera 109

Agropyron caninum 103 - rcpens 110, 427*,437*,438*,439,440*,449*

Agrostemma githago 109, 379, 437*

Agrostis gigantea/A. alba/ 109, 245*, 398, 433*, 438*

- stolonifera 428*. 437*, 443

Agrostis tenuis 253, 254*,433*,437*,438*,443,449*

Ajuga genevensis 47 - reptans 211 *,232*,234*,235*,239,252*,273*,273.274.

393*, 433*

Alces alces 484 *, 485*

Alchemilla 431. 438*, 439* - micans 432*

- monticola 438"

- pastoralis 432"

Alectoria implcxa 42 - nidulifcra 42

- setacea 42

Alisma plantago-aquatica 245. 246'"

Alliaria petiolata 139*, 429*

Alliarion pctiolatae 105 Alliario-Chaerophylletum temuli 105, 411*

Allium montanum 49

- oleraceum 397'"

- ursinum 78, 81, 86, 139*, 153, 179, 232* , 276*, 278. 279*,

281*, 341

Alnetea glutinosae 96. 97. lOO, 102. 385 Alnion glutinosae 84*, 101,430

Alno-Padion 82, 84 * , 385, 411, 430

Alnus glutinosa 21*, 43*, 43, 46, 51, 52*. 68, 71*, 72*, 74*, 79,


248,249*,375*,376*,428*,463,465*,466 0 ,468,472* ,

473*. 491* - incana 46

Alopecurus aequalis 379 - geniculatus 151, 159*. 161, 257*, 399,429*.437*,443

- pratensis 379, 437*.438* Alyssum alyssoides 364 Amaranthus blitoides f. accendes 365, 381 Anagallis arvensis 437*.438*

Anchusa arvcnsis 437*. 438* - officinalis 108. 379, 427"',438*

Andromeda polifolia 45. 95. 255*,266,267*.269*,270'"

Anemone nemorosa 78, 81. 86. 89, 91. 139*, 167, 174*, 179,




394, 395, 398. 399, 444

- ranunculoides 78. 86, 139,232*.395,396

- sylvestris 49 Angelica sylvcstris 235*


Antennaria dioica 94 Anthemis arvensis 109, 437* , 438 *, 448 Anthericum ramosum 209*, 211 *, 253, 254*, 270*, 271 *, 272 Anthoxanthum odoratum 431, 432*,437*,438*,443

Anthriscus sylvestris 429*,433* Anthyllis vulneraria 87, 379 Apera spica-venti 109, 405, 437*, 438*

Apodemus flavicollis 184, 186*

Aquilegia vulgaris 176, 209*, 211 * Arabidopsis thaliana 437*, 438*, 448

Arctium lappa 109, 364*, 379, 437* -minus 109, 364*, 379, 437* - nemorosum 169, 398, 429* - tomentosum 105, 169, 364*,379

Arctostaphylo-Callunetum 381, 411 * Arctostaphylos uva-ursi 45, 50, 94 Arenaria serpyllifolia 433*, 438*

Armeria elongata 50, 51* - - Dianthus deltoides-comm, 411*

Armillariella melle a 356, 357

Armoracia rusticana 111, 437*

Arnica montana 46, 107 Arrhenatheretalia 106, 416, 432" Arrhenatheretum elatioris 106, 351* .. 380, 395, 398, 409*,


Arrhenatherion elatioris 432 * Arrhenatherum elatius 106, 432*, 444, 437*, 438*

Artemisia 21 * - absinthium 109, 437* - campestris 109, 426*,429*,437*,448,449* - vulgaris 109, 429*,437"

Aruncus terrestris 186* Asarum europaeum 78, 139*, 176, 209*, 210, 232*, 276*, 278,

279*, 281 *, 393* Aster 387*, 388

- amellus 49 - cff. salignus 381

Astragalus arenarius 107, 108, 111. 426*,449,451 - cicer 49 - danicus 87, 107, 365 - glycyphyllos 87, 209*, 211 *

Astrantia major 46 Athyrium filix-femina 80*,86,91,97,232*,233*,244,245*,


Atrichum undulatum 78 Atriplex hortensis 437*

- patula 379, 380, 429*,437*,438"

Aulacomium palustre 95, 100,255* Avenella flexuosa 253,254*,364*,365,381,386*,387,395

Avenochloa pubescens 106

Baeomyces roseus 451 Ballotetum nigrae 109, 379 Balloto-Chenopodietum 411 * Barbarea arcuata 428"

- vulgaris 425

Bazzania trilobata 91 Bellis perennis 379 Berberis vulgaris 45, 401 Berteroa incana 109, 426*,429* Berula erecta 104

Beta vulgaris 379 Betonica officinalis 209*, 211* Betula 21*, 223*, 324*, 463, 465*, 468, 486*, 491"

- carpatica 43*,43, 68-69

- humilis 45, 47,69,97,100,101,468,491* - pendula 11*,43*,43,52*,68-69, 70, 71*, 72*,81,92,101,

107,118*,149,152,167*,172*,173*,204,216*,219,222* , 223*,224,229,250*,250,252*,253*,254*,375*,376* , 397*,435*,437*,438*,441,449*,463,464*,468,469, 470*, 472*, 473*, 475*, 491*

Betula pubescens 43*,43,52*,59,68,68-69,70, 71*, 72*,91, 92*,92,95,97,98,99,100,118*,159*,167*,167,172*, 173*,216*,222*,223*,248,249*,250*,255*,375*,376*,


Betuletum humilis subfos. 101 Bidens cernua 425, 428*

- tripartita 111, 425, 428*,430

Bidentctea 385, 418*,425 Bidcntion 8, 104, lll, 442

Bison bonasus 3*, 163, 165*, 167*,484 *,485*

Blysmo-Juncetum compressi 108, 365, 379, 380,410* Blysmus compressus 108, 380 Boletus edulis 357* Bos primigenius 163

Brachypodium pinna tum 209*, 210, 211" - sylvaticum 80, 234*, 235*, 398

Brachythecium albicans 94 - curtum 251 * - rutahulum 139* - salebrosum 211 *

Brassica o\eracea 378 Briza media 433* Bromus erectus 379

- hordeaceus 437* - inermis 51, 364 *, 365 - mollis 432* - secalinus \09, 379, 404 - tcctorum 108, 380, 425, 426*

Bryophytes 91

Bryum argenteum 425, 427" - cespiticium 425, 427*

Buglossoides arvensis 405, 437*

Calamagrostis arundinacea 81, 89, 94, 166, 209*,216*,234*, 235*,250*,251,252*,254*,267*,269*,270*,271,272, 273*,273,274,288*,359

- canescens 97, 102, 159*, 249* , 287, 429* - villosa 47

Calla palustris 96, 98, 99, 307 Callitriche 98, 245, 246*,399

- humulata 104

Calluna vulgaris 45. 92. 95. 172*.254*.255*.266.267*.268.


Caltha comuta 86. 245" . 249*. 398

- palustris 86. 101. 169. 176. 244. 245.246*.249*.278.280.

282*.283.284*.284.285.286*. 2fi,7, 288*. 288, 298. 300.


318. 319*. 321. 322. 323*.323.327*.341,343,344.398

Calthion fi,6. 122

Calystcgia scpium 103

Camclina alyssum 108 Campanula 40"

- bononiensis 47

- cervicaria 87. 107 - glomcrata 87. 209*. 211 *

- patula 106.432*

- pcrsicifolia 87. 20T'. 209*,211*.235*.239,251. 252*.272.

273*. 274

- rapunculoidcs 209*. 211"

- trachelium 209'"

Camptothecium trichoides 100

Cannabis rudcralis 381

- sativa 378

Cantharcllus cibarius 356, 357*

Capreolus caprcolus 16r, 169-170. 484*,485

Capsclla bursa-pastoris 108. 42T', 437*, 438*

Cardamine amara 231, 232*, 234*. 239, 244, 245*,246*.249,

281. 282*, 283, 284*. 284. 286*. 287. 288*, 298, 307,


320'. 320. 321, 322, 328*. 328. 334, 336, 33T', 429*'

- hirsuta 232" , 23)", 234*. 239

Card amino-Monti on 328

Carduus acanthoides 108. 379

- nutans 109

Caretum carvi 409", 411* Carex 40*, 98.176,249.286,298,323,390,425

- acutiformis 97,102,142*.159*.246*.249*.257*,284*,

286*, 288"', 429* - appropinquata 99, 100,249* - brizoides 192, 209',210.364*.384.385*.386*.388,389*.

389,390*,391°.390.391.392*.393*.393,394.395 - cancscens I02. I06. 157.251* - cespitosa 99, 249",249,286,287.288*,429*

- chordorrhiza 46

- davalliana 106 - diandra 100

- digitata 78. 81, 89,166,209*.233*,234*,235",237.239.

252"',273*,273.274.282*. 284. 360. 393*, 395

- dioica 100

- distans 108.365

Carex echinata 106 - clata 99, 102 - elongata 91,97.99.102,157,245*,246*.249*,282"',282,

283. 284 * .286*, 286. 287, 288*

- ericetorum 94

- flava 46. 100 - gracilis 429*


- helionastes 46

- hirta 108. 166.425,426" , 429*.433*

- lasiocarpa 95. 96. 100. 107

- lepidocarpa lOU

- leporina 433' . 43r, 443 - limosa 46

- loliacea 47. 91, 99. 245'

- montana 82. 87. 20r. 209*', 211*. 235*. 239, 252*. 395 - muricata 433'"

- nigra 100. 102, 106. 175*. 255" - pallcsccns 43T', 438*. 443

- paniculata 97. 429'

- pilosa 78. 81, 232"'.234*. 235*.239.275.276*.324*,395 - pilulifcra 431. 432* - praecox 427*

- pscudocyperus 97.246".282*,283.284*,286*.429'"

- remota 81, 92. 138.142*. 151, 152. 157, 159*.161, 257"


- rostrata 97. 100

- sylvatica 166.209*. 393". 395

- umbrosa 78

- vesicaria 97, 99.102.249*.249.287,288*.429*

Caricetum acutiformis 161, 398

Caricetum appropinquatac 398. 409". 41l" - davallianae 106. 411 * - diandrac 105. 106, 410, 411"

- clatae 100. 105. 106.398.405,409*,411*

- gracilis 103. 105. 106.411"

- lasiocarpae 411 *

- limosa-diandrae 101

- paniculatae 98.106.107,398.409*.411"

- ripariac 105

- ripario-acutiformis 106.411*

- rostratae/C inflatael 398. 411*

- vesicariae 105. 106,398,411*

- vulpinae 105. 411"

Carici-Agrostictum caninae 105, 106. 110*.400.405.411* Carica clongatac-Alnctum 19. 43*. 54". 54. 61. 64. 68, 69. 71*

71".74*,76*, 7T'. 79. 91, 92*. 92, 96. 97. 98. 99. 101,102. 104. 107. 108. 115. 119*. 120, 122. 123*, 124. 126"'. 127"'.*.136*. Br, 138,140"',141. 142. 143.157,159".168.198*.244.246*,247*.248,249.256.


293*.294*.294. 295*,295,296".297*.297.298.299, 300, 3U2, 30)"'.304.305. 308".309* ,31l"'. 318"'.328*,




Carici elongatac-Oucrcctum 71*. 75*, fW'. 101, 102, 123*,

147*,153.156'.157. 15g*. 259. 386*. 480"'. 481*. 482 Carici remotae-Fraxinetum 81. 410°

Carlina acaulis 46. 87

Carpinion betuli 21*. 76. 84*. 89. 202. 205, 208*, 210. 213

Carpino-Prune tum 401

Carpinus bctulus 11*'.21°,43*.43,52*.62-64,66*.71 *, 72'" 74",78.84,107.118°.149.151,152.166,167*,172*,173,


177",192*,204,206*,209*,210,219*,222*,223*,224, 225*,225,226*,227,233*,234*,235*,243*,245*,246*, 250*,252*,254*,324*,362*,375*,376*,390*,393*, 397",435*,437*, 438*,441. 442, 468, 469, 470*,472", 483*, 486*, 49l"

Carum carvi 433* Caryophyllaceae 40* Castor fiber 163 Centaurea cyan us 109, 437",438*

- jacea 433*, 433 Centunculo-Anthoceretum 410* Cerastium glomerantum 428*

- holosteoides 211 *, 437*, 438* - semidecandrum 47, 400, 452 - vulgatum 427*,429",433"

Ceratodon purpureus 425, 427* Cerinthe minor 364, 380, 381 Cervus dama 162, 163

- elaphus 167*,169,170,187*,193,197,484*,485*

Chaenarrhinum 364, 380 Chaenotheca brunneola 42 Chaerophyllum hirsutum 86, 245*,278,281,283,398 Chamaecytisus ratisbonensus ss. ratisbonensis 45, 47, 188,453

- ssp. ruthenicus 45, 47, 92, 253, 254 *, 272, 449*, 453

Chamaecyticus supinus 45 Chamaedaphne calyculata 45 Chelidonum majus 169, 386*,429* Chenopodiaceae 21* Chenopodietea 418" Chenopodietum glauco-rubri 104, 405, 410* Chenopodion fluviatile 104 Chenopodium album 110, 427*, 437* , 438*

- album ssp. striatum 108 - polyspermum 110, 429"

Chimaphila umbellata 92, 400 Chondrilla juncea 50 Chrysosplenium alternifolium 86, 139*,167,232*,233*,245*,

249*,249,275,276*,277,278,279*,280,281*,282*, 283, 295, 298, 316

Cichorium intybus 437*, 438* Ciconia nigra 488 Cicuta virosa 429* Cicuto-Caricetum pseudocyperi 105, 398, 409*,411*

Cimicifuga europaea 47 Circaea alpin a 138, 231, 232*, 233*, 234*, 237, 239, 245*,

246*,278,282*,282,283,398 - intermedia 81, 139*, 398 -lutetiana 81, 233*, 239, 276*, 277, 278, 279*, 281*, 398

Circaeo-Alnetum 19, 43*, 54, 56*, 57*, 61, 62, 63*, 64, 67, 68, 71*,72*,74*,75*,76*,77*,79,82,86,100,101,108,119*, 120, 122, 123*, 124, 126*,127*,127,129,130, 132, 133, 134*,136*,139*,139,141,145*,157,165,166*,166,171*, 173*, 176*, 176, 178, 186*, 186, 188, 191, 198*,222*,222, 223*,224,245,250,256,258,278,282*,289,290*,291, 292*,294*,294,295,296*,297",298,299,300,303, 305*,308", 309*, 310*,318*,319*, 327*,328*,329,330,

337*,339*,341*,351*,352*,353*,370*,376*,378,386*, 394,398,399*,399,409*,410*,414,415*,424*,466,469, 471*,472*,472,473*,477*,480*,481,482,484*,485*, 488*, 491"

Cirriphyllum piliferum 106 Cirsietum rivularis 105, 106, 398, 405, 409*,411 * Cirsium arvense no, 405, 427*,429*,437*,438*,439,440*,

441, 442 - oleraceum 86, 166, 245*,249*,282,283,287,288*,398 - palustre 106, 249*, 287, 288* - rivulare 106, 249*, 286, 287, 288*, 299, 416 - vulgare/C. lanceolatuml 429*, 437*

Cladonia 94, 451, 453, 464* - bacillaris 451 - chlorophaea 451 - cornutoradiata 451 - degenerans 451 - fimbriata 451 - furcata 451 - glauca 451 - minor 451 - mitis 451 - pleurota 451 - sylvatica 453 - verticillata 451

Cladonio-Pinetum 43*, 54, 58, 74*, 75*, 89, 94, 130, 353*, 400, 410*, 445, 480*, 481

Clethrionomys glareolus 184, 186*, 187* Climacium dendroides 91, 283 Cliopodium vulgare 207*, 211* Compositae 40* Conium macula tum 428* Consolida regalis 110, 379,437*,438* Consolido-Brometum 109, 110*, 110, 111, 379, 409* Convallaria majalis 90, 94, 209*, 211 *, 235*, 239, 252*, 254*,

270*,271,272,273*,273,274 Convolvulus arvensis 426*,433*,433,437*,438*,448,449* Convolvulus sepium-Asperula riv.-Ass. 411 *

- - Cuscuta-Ass. 411" Conyza canadensis 426*, 429*, 437*, 438*, 449* Corallorhiza trifida 46 Coriandrum sativum 379 Corispermo-Brometum 108, 365, 380, 381, 410*

- Plantaginetum 108, 365 Corispermum hyssopifolium 108-364

Cornicularia aculeata 451 Corniculario-Cladonietum 448*, 451, 464* Cornus hungarica 45 Cornus sanguinea 45, 86, 192, 379, 396, 397*, 397, 401 CoroniIIa varia 87, 427*, 433* Corvus cornix 487

- corvus 488 - frugilegus 487

Corydalis cava 46, 78, 81, 232* - solida 78, 86, 139*, 179, 232*, 276*, 277, 278, 279*, 281 *,

298, 396

Corylus 21*

- avellana 11*, 45, 63*, 78, 86, 87, 103,139*,167*,172*,



Corynephorus canescens 50, 448*,448,449*,450*,452*,452, 453,464*

Cotoneaster niger 51, 364, 401 Crataegus 45, 385, 468

- laevigata 45 - monogyna 45, 364, 396, 400, 425

Crepis biennis 437*, 438'

- mollis 47

- paludosa 232*

Cruciata laevipes 379 Cruciferae 40*

Cucubalus baccifer 103 Cuseuta epilinum 111, 404

- curopaea 103

Cynoglossum officinale 365 Cynosurus cristatus 106, 433* Cyperaceae 21*, 40* Cyperetum flavescentis 104, 379, 410* Cyperus flavescens 425, 428*

Cypripedium ca\ceolus 416 Cytisus scoparius ssp. scoparius 46,107,188,192,364*,372,

379, 385, 386*, 386, 468

Dactylis glomerata 106, 388, 390*,428*,430,432*,437*,

438*, 439, 440 - polygama/D. aschersonianal 211 * , 395

Dactylorhiza maculata 92 Danthonia decumbens 427* Daphne mezereum 45, 78, 79, 90, 209*,211 *,232*,233*,

234*,235*, 238, 239, 252*,272,273*,276*,278,279*,

281* Datura stramonium 379

Daturetum stramoni 109 Daturo-Malvetum 410*, 412*, 413 Daucus carota 379, 427*,429*,437*,438* Dentaria bulbifera 46, 78, 139*,179,182,184*,232*,233*,

234*,238,243*,275,276*,277,278,279*,281*,342*, 390*

Dcschampsia cespitosa 102, 108, 151, 157, 159* ,161, 166, 210, 211*,233*,239, 245*,246*,398,429*,437*,438*,443

Descurainia sophia 379 Dianthus arenarius 50, 94, 400

- deltoides 431, 432* - superbus 47

Dicrano-Pinion 84*, 89, 92, 95, 228 Dicranum scoparium 81, 102, 134*, 251 *,252*

- undulatum 82, 89, 94, 95, 250*, 252*, 253, 254*, 255*,

256,360,400,449*,453 Digitalis grandiflora 82, 87, 107, 167, 207* , 208, 209*, 251,


Digitaria ischaemum 110, 429*, 437*, 449 - sanguinalis 108

Digitarietum ischaemi 110, 111, 379, 409*,410*

Diphasium complanataum 46, 92, 400, 449*, 454, 475

Diplotaxis muralis 108, 427*

Dracocephalum ruyschiana 46, 87,399 Drepanoc\adus aduncus 100 Drosera rotundifolia 175* Dryopteris carthusian a 91, 97, 151, 167, 232*,233*,234*,

245*,246*,249*,250*,252*,253,254*,278,342* - cristata 47, 97, 98, 102, 246*, 249* - dilatata 91, 97, 245*, 246*, 249*, 250* - filix-mas 232*,233*, 393*

Echinochloa crus-galli 110, 429*

Echinochloo-Setarietum 409* Echio-Melilotetum 108, 365, 379, 380, 410*,424,426* Echium vulgare 108, 379, 427* ,438*

Elodea canadensis 383, 385, 386*,387


Elsholtzia ciliata 109, lll, 169, 364*,365,380,381, 386*,429*

Empetrum nigrum 45 Epilobio-Juneetum cffusi 411 *

- Salicetea capreae 418* - Salicetum capreae 107 All* - Senecionetum sylvatici 107, 410*

Epilobium adenocaulon 380 - angustifolium 96 - hirsutum 428*, 430 - montanum 209*,210,231,233*,239

- palustre 428 *

- roseum 429* Epipactis palustris 100, 106 Equisetum arvense 425, 426*,433*,437*,438*

- fluviatile 100, 249*, 398

- palustre 433 '" - pratense 78, 139*,232*,233*,243*,342*,393*,398,429*

- sylvatieum 80, 86, 245*,250*,316, 398 Equus silvestris/E. gmelini f. silvatical 163

Eragrostie minor 108 Erica tetralix 45, 95 Erieaeeae 21 *, 45 Erigeron 388

- acris 427*, 449* - annuus 381, 388 - - spp. strigosus 364 *, 386*, 387*, 388

Erigeron ramosus 381 Eriophorum angustifolium 100

- gracile 47 - latifolium 106 - vaginatum 95, 107, 175,254,255*,256,266*,267,269*,

270*, 295, 300

Erodium cicutarium 437* Erysimo-Melilotetum 410*

Erysiphaceae 40 Eu-Aretion 109, 379, 398, 413 Euonymus europaea 45, 78, 79, 86, 103, 139*,172*, 173*,210,

397*,397 - verrucosa 45, 46, 78, 87,397*,397


Eupatorium cannabinum 96, 249*, 286, 287, 288*, 288, 299

Euphorbia helioscopia 111 - virgata 379

Euphrasia rostkoviana 433* - stricta 449':'

Eu-Potemagetion 386*

Eurhynchium swartzii 78, 86, 139*, 245*

- zcttcrstcdtii 78, 252*,395

Fagetalia sylvaticac 205

Fagopyrum csculentum 109,378,447

Fagus 21'"

- sylvatica 21'", 7R, 197

Fallopia convolvulus 437*,438*

Festuca altissima 78, 234*

- gigantea 103, 108, 138, 139*, 209*, 21l*, 234*, 237, 239,

275, 276", 393", 39R

Festuca heterophylla 7R - ovina 134 *, 251, 252 * , 254*, 270" , 271, 272, 298

- pratensis 106, 425, 426*,428*,430,432*,437*,438*

- rubra 106, 432", 437*, 438*, 44S, 449"

Festuco-Brometea 111

- Koelerietum glaucae 449

- Sedetalia 448

- Thymetum 411"

Ficario-Ulmctum 19, 62, 72*, 74*, 75*', 76*, 79, 82, 86, 103,

122, 123', 130, 190*, 250, 370*, 37R, 386*,395, 398, 410*,

414,415*, 4RO"', 4R1, 4R4", 485'"

Filago arvensis 50, 44H, 449*

- minima 449 Filipendula ulmaria 12", 86, 169,244,245*,246*,249*, 2R2*,

2H2, 2R3, 2R4*, 2R4, 2R6*, 2H7, 2RR*, 288, 299, 310", 318",

335, 344:', 345*, 398, 433* - vulgaris 25"', 46, 399

Filipendulo-Geranietum \00, 398, 411"'

Fissidens taxifolius 395 Foeniculum vulgare 379

Fontinalis antipyretica \04 Fragaria vesca 94,174*',211*,233*',234*,235",237,239,

252",273", 273, 274, 351"',427", 433*, 437* Frangula alnus 45, 63', 69, 90, 91, 94, 97, 99, \07, 172", 173",

216",246*,249*, 250*, 252*, 356, 453

Fraxinus excelsior 43*,43, 51, 52*, 68, 72*,74*,79, R6, WI'", 139*, 152, 166, 167*, 172*, 173",210,222",223*,232*,

234*,235:,241, 245*,246* ,249*,375*,376*, 393*,397"',

429*,435*,431"',438*,441, 442, 46H, 491'

Fumaria officinalis 365

Gagea lutea 7H, H6, 139*, 179,232",239,276*,277,278,279'

2H1*, 395, 396

- minima 78, 139 - pratensis 364", .:104 - spathacca 46, 7H

Galeopsis ladanum 448, 449 - speciosa 42W' - tettahit 233*, 234*, 239, 393*, 437*, 43R*, 443

Galinsogo ciliata 3R1 - parviOora 379, 3RO, 425, 429*,437*

Galinsogo-Setarietum lll, 379, 409*, 4\0*

Galio-Carpinetum 78

Galium-aparine 210, 431"', 438*, 442, 443 - borcale 209"', 211 *, 3R8, 390*, 399

- mollugo 105, 209*, 399, 426",433*,438",449*,453

- odoratum/ Asperula odorata/ 78, 20H*, 209*, 210, 232*,

233*,234*,235*,243*,245*,275, 276*, 277, 278, 279*,

2R2, 2R3, 298, 311, 315*, 326, 342*,342,343, 360, 390*,


- palustre 91, \02,244,245*, 246*,249, 2R2*, 282, 283,

2R4*, 284, 286*, 286, 2R7, 2R8", 298, 299, 316, 317, 31R*,

320, 334, 335, 344, 428'",430

- schultesii 46, 78, 209*

- spurium ll1

- uliginosum 429*,433*

- verum 399, 427", 433, 449*, 453

Genista germanica 45, 49 - tinctoria 45, 209"',210,449*, 453

Gentiana cruciata 49

Geranion sanguinei \OS, 2\0, 41l'"

Geranio-Trifolietum 105

Geranium pusillum 108, 427*,429*,431"',438* - pyrenaicum 379 - robertianum 139", 153, 176,232*,233*,234*,235*,237,

239,245",249*,274,275,276*,277, 278, 279", 28P,

282*,282,283,298,300,327*,342*,393* - sanguineum 209*, 399

- sylvaticum, 87, 209*, 21l"', 235*, 239

Geum aleppicum 46, 365

- rivalc !OI, 139", 245*, 249*, 27R, 281, 282*, 283, 398, 433*

- urbanum 80",139*, IR4, 216*, 217, 232*, 233*, 234', 235*, 239,275,276*, 277, 27~, 279*, 281*, 282, 298, 315", 398, 429*', '+38', 443

Gladiolus imbricatus 87, \07,208,209* Glechoma hedcracea 276", 277, 278, 281", 427*, 429*

- hirsuta RI, 232*, 279*

Glyceria fluitans 151, 159*, 161, 245, 246*,249*,257*,286, 2R7, 281'1':',399, 425, 429*

- lithuanica 47, 91 - maxima 425, 429'-

Glyccrietum maximac 386*, 41\*

Gnaphalium sylvaticum 50, 443, 449*,449,451 - uliginosum \04, '+28*, 437*, 443

Goodycra repens 47,89,92,252*,254

Gramineae 2J"', '+0*, 176, 216*

Gymnocarpium dryopteris 155*, 233*, 234*', 244, 245*, 246*


- phegopteris 153

Gypsophila fastigiata 50, 94, 111, '+00, 449* Gypsophila llluralis 437*, 438*, 451

- paniculata SO,S\'"

Gyromitra esculenta 357*

Hammarbya paludosa 46

Hedera helix 45, 46, 48 Helianthemum nummularium 45 Helichrysum arenarium 448, 449*

Helichrysion arenariae 448 Helodium lanatum 100 Hepaticae 39, 91, 104 Hepatica nobilis 78, 81, 86, 89, 91, 184, 209*,211*,232*,233*,

234*,235*,243*,259*,274,275,276*,277,278,279* , 281*,295,298,300,310*,310,315*,317,326,342*,342, 360,388,390*,395

Heterobasidion annosum 360 Hieracium 40*, 89*, 432*, 437*, 438*

- lachenalii 235*,239 - pilosella 94, 216*,217,425,426*,432*,437*,438*,443,

448 - umbellatum 209*, 211*, 251, 252*, 273, 390*

Hierochloe australis 46, 9(), 356 - odorata 165, 356

Hippuris vulgaris 50 Holcus lanatus 427*, 431, 432*, 433

Hordclymus europaeus 46, 78 Hottonia palustris 98,134*,245,246*,399 Hottonietum palustris 104, 386* Hottoniol Alnetum 98 Humulus lupulus 50*, 50, 103, 245* Huperzia selago 46, 251 * HydrocharolStratiotetum 37*, 104, 105, 386* Hylocomium splendens 82, 90, 91, 94, 95, 97, 250*, 251, 252*,

253, 254*, 255*, 256, 360, 449*,453 Hyoscametum nigri 109 Hyoscyamo/Malvetum 410* Hyoscyamus niger 379 Hypericum humifusum 448

- montanum 209* - perforatum 432*,437*,438*,448,449*

Hypochoeris glabra 437*, 438* - maculata 433* - radicata 211", 252* , 437"', 438*, 448, 449*

Impatiens 331, 388 - glandulifera/I. royleil 378*, 388 - noli-tangere 80*,80,92,108,151,169,176,178,232*,

233*,234",238,239,245*,246*,277,278,279*,281* , 282*,282,283,284*,284,286*,299,308*,309*,313,316, 218*,324*,327*,328*,328,330,331,332*,334,336, 337*,342*,345,383,393*,394

- parviflora 360,364*,383,386*,387*,388,395 Iris pseudacorus 97,99,102,246*,249*,249,282*,283,284*,

284,286*,287,288*,299,398 - sibirica 46, 107, 416

Isoeto-Nonojuncetea 385, 418* Isopyrum thalictroides 46, 48, 78, 81, 232*,275,276*,277,

278,279*,281*,298,290*,395 Iva xanthiifolia 381

]asionc montana 448, 449*

Juncetum macri/J. tenuis/108, 358, 379, 380, 410* Junco/Cynosuretum 105, 106, 110*,405,409*,411*

- Cyperetum fusci 104, 410*

Juncus 40*, 176, 380, 437* - alpino-articulatus 47 - articulatus 47, 106, 428* - bufonius 111, 425, 429*,437*,438*,443 - bulbosus 46, 47 - compressus 108 - effusus 82,102, 106,107,157,159*,428*,438*,443 - tenuis 108, 365, 386*,387,395


Juniperus communis 45,50,251,252*,371*,447*,447,448*, 449*,451*,452*,453*,454*,454,456*,457*,457,458*, 459*,459,462,463,464*,465,467*,468,475,491*

Knautia arvensis 106, 432* , 437*, 438*, 448, 449* Kochia scoparia 381 Koeleria glauca 50, 94, 111,400,448*,448,449* Koeleria glauca-Cypsophilla fast.-comm. 411 * Koelerion glaucae 111. 409*,451,452*,464*

Labiatae 40*' Lamiastrum galeobdolon/Galeobdolon luteuml 78, 86, 139*,

176,184,208*,209*,210,232*,233*,234*,235*,239, 243*,245*,275,276*,277,278,279*,281,282,283,298, 3()0, 310*,311,324*,342*,342,343,359,389*,389, 39()*, 390, 391. 393*,394,395,396

Lamium maculatum 139*,245*,278,281,282*,282,283,385, 386",387

- purpureum 429",437*,438* Lapsana communis 231, 233*, 234*, 239, 393*, 429*, 437*,

438" Laserpitium latifolium 46

- prutenicum 207*, 211 * Lathraea squamaria 232*,234*,235*,239,276*,278,279*,

281 '" Lathyro-Melandrietum 110, 111 Lathyrus laevigatus ssp. laevigatus 46, 87, 207*, 208, 209*,

235*,238, 239, 399 - niger 82, 87, 105,207*,208,209*,399 - palustris 50 - pratensis 87,211",432*,438*,440* - sylvestris lOS, 437* - tuberosus 110 - vernus 78, 82, 87, 139*,208*,209*,210,211 *,232*,233*,

235'" 238, 272, 275, 276*, 277, 278, 279*, 281*, 299, 300, 315*, 342*, 388, 390*

Lecidea granulosa 451 - uliginosa 451

Ledum palustre 47, 95, 107, 134*,254,255*,256,266,267, 268,269*,269, 27()*, 300, 304

Leersia orizoides 428* Leersio-Bidentetum 104, 379, 410*,425,428*,430*,430 Leguminosae 40* Lembotropis nigricans 45, 47, 92, 172* Lemna minor var. major 104-


Lcmnetea 104

Lemnetum gibbae 104, 386*

- minoris-trisulcae 386*, 410*

Lemno majoris-Cardaminetum 386*

Lens esculenta 109, 378 Leontodon autumnalis 427* , 429* , 437* , 438*

Leontodon hispidus 106, 429*,431, 432*,437*,438*

Leonuro-Arcietum tomentosi 109, 379, 399*,409*,410*,412*,


Lcpidium densiflorum 381 - neglectum 364, 427*

- ruderale 379, 380

Lepus capensis 162

- tymidus 162 Lcucanthemum vulgare 106, 425, 427*,428*,432*,437* , 438*'

Leucobryo-Pinetum 92

Ligustro-Prunetum 401

Lilium martagon 90, 209*,235*,239,252*

Linaria vulgaris 425,426* Linnaea borealis 45, 47*,47

Linum catharticum 433*

Liparis loeselli 46 Listenl cordata 46, 91

Lobaria verrucosa 48

Logfia arvensis 50 Lolio-Cynosuretum 106, 110*, 398, 409*, 411*

- Plantaginetum 110*,365, 379, 380, 410*

- Potentilletum anserinae/Potentilletum anserinael 108, 365,


Lolium multiflorum 428*, 437*

- perenne 106, 379, 437*,438*

- remotum 111

- temulentum 404 Lonicera xylosteum 45, 86, 92, 192,379,396, 397* Lotus corniculatus 87, 427* , 429* , 437*, 438*

Lupinus luteus 447 Lupinus polyphyllus 89,107*,209*,210,364*,365,372,381,


Luzula campestris 432*,437*,438*,443 -luzuloides/L nemorosal 108, 364*, 365, 381, 386*, 387,

395 - multiflora 437*, 438*. 443 - pilosa 211*,216*,217.234*,235*,239,250*,252*.254*,

267*,269*,270*,270,271, 272. 273*,273,274,295

Luzulo-Fagion 89

Lychnis flos-cuculi 101, 249*,398,429*

- viscaria 431, 432 '"

Lycopodiella inundata 46 Lycopodium annotinum 91, 92, 97, 244, 246*, 250*

- c1avatum 92, 254 *, 400, 453 Lycopus europacus 97,102,245*,246*,249*,282*.284*,285,

286",286,287.288*.299,429* Lysimachia nummularia 86, 429*

- thyrsiflora 99. 246*, 249*, 282* , 283, 284*, 284, 286*, 286,


- vulgaris 80. 90, 246*,249*,251*,282*,283.284*,284,


Lysimachio-Filipenduletum 310*

Lythrum salicaria 96, 99, 246*, 249*, 282*, 283, 284*, 284,


Magnocaricetalia 105, 405, 416

Magnocaricion 86, 101, 105. 111, 122, 386*

Maianthemum bifolium 97,102,134*,167,209*,211*,233*, 234*,235*,243*,245*,246*,250*,252*,253,254*,

273*, 273, 274, 275, 276*,284*,286*,311.313,328*,


Malachium aquaticum-comm. 411*

Malaxis monophyllos 47 Malus 45, 223*,438*,470*

- domestica 425, 435*,441,442,468

- praecox 43 - sylvestris 43*,43,167*,223*,227*,235*,252*,425,429*,


Malva alcca 379 - neglect a 109, 111, 379

Marchantia polymorpha 216*, 217

Matricaria discoidea 365, 379, 380

Medicago falcata 427*, 428*, 438* - lupulina 106, 425, 426* , 428*, 430, 433*, 437*, 438*

- - ssp. jal.-comm. 410* - sativa 438 *

Melampyrum ncmorosum 46, 90, 174*, 209*, 252*, 270*,


- pratense 211*. 254*. 271, 272, 274, 400, 449*, 453, 475

Meles meles 348

Melica nutans 89, 90, 166,208*,209*,210,211*,235*,237,

239, 252*,273*.274,390*

Melilotus alba 108,364,379,425,426* - officinalis 108. 364. 379, 380, 425, 426*

Melissa officinalis 381 Melitti-Carpinetum 82, 210 Melittis melissophyllum 47, 82, 87, 90, 207*, 209*, 235*, 238,


Menegazzia terebrata 42 Mentha aquatica 429*

- arvcnsis ssp. austriaca 110*, lll, 405*,428*,437* ,438*,


- x villosa/M. niliacal 364 *, 381

Menyanthes trifoliata 96, 99, 100

Mcrcurialis perennis 86. 139*,232*,244,245*,313, 316. 318*,

320.328*, 341*,341.345*

Micromys minutus 186*

Microtus agrestis 186'" - arvalis 186'"

- oeconomus 186*

Milium cffusum 78, 81. 166,208*,209*,210,232*,233*,234*, 235".239.245".252*.272.273*,273.274, 27S, 276*, 277, 278, 279", 281", 310*, 315*, 324*, 390*, 393*

Mnium 39, 78. 245*,251, 360

- affine 211*. 25\*, 252*. 283

- cuspidatum 7R, 139*, 283

- seligeri 78

- undulatum 78, 86, 138, 245*, 283

Moehringia trinervia 211*,232*,233*,234*,239,252*,275,


Molinia caerulea 89,90,94,95,102,134*,157,215*,215,216*, 217,250*,254*,255*,266,267*,267,268,269*,269, 270*,271, 272, 273*,445,463

Molinietalia 351 *, 405, 416 Molinio-Arrhenatheretea 418*,432* Molinio/Pinetum 68, 72, 75*,77*,90,94, 121, 123*, 123, 130,


463,480*, 481 Moneses uniflora 47,91,245,252*

Monotropa hypopitys 208*, 210

Montio-Cardaminetea 385 Myosotis arvensis 109, 427*,433*,437*,437,438*

- micrantha 448 Mycelis muralis 233*,234*,392*,394,429* Myosotis palustris 246*, 249*, 282*, 284*, 286*, 288*, 428*

- scorpioides 283, 284, 287, 299, 310, 320, 430 - stricta 400, 452 - sylvatica 380, 386*, 396

Myosoton aquaticum 428* Myosurus minimus 104 Myriophyllo-Nupharetum 386*

Nanocypcrion 8,104, 111,399,402,442

Nardo-Callunetca 418* Nardus stricta 105, 110*,400,431,432*

Neckera complanata 65* Neomys anomalus 186*

- fodiens 186* Neottia nidus-avis 209* Neottianthe cucullata 47,92 Nicotiana rustica 379

Odontites verna 437* Oenanthe aquatica 429* Oenantho/Rorippetum 398, 411* Oenothera 427"

- biennis 109, 379

Omalotheca sylvatica 50 Ondatra sibethica 163 Ononis arvensis 365 Onopordetum acanthii 109 Onopordion acanthii 108, 109,365,379,413,424 Onopordum acanthium 379,380,427*,429*

Opegrapha vermicellifera 42 Orchidaceae 40*, 46, 47

Origanum vulgare 210 Orthilia secunda/Pyrola secundal 89,92,235*,239,246*,


Oxalis acetosella 78, 97,102,134*,139*,151, 153, 155*,167" 174*,184,232*,233*,234*,235*,243*,245*,246*,250*,

251,252*,267*,269*,270,271,272, 273*, 273, 274, 275, 376*,277,278,279*,281*,281, 282*, 284"', 284, 286*,


- corniculata 364*, 404

- dillenii/O. stricta/ 381,404,429*

Oxycocco/Sphagnetea 74, 95 Oxytropis pilosa 49

Panico-Eragrostietum 381, 410* Papaver dubium 48, 404

- rhoeas 110, 404 - somniferum 378

Papaveretum argemones 409*, 410* Papilionaceae 87, 388, 431


Paris quadrifolia 208*, 210, 232*, 234*, 239, 275, 276*, 277,

278, 279*, 281 '"

Pastinaca sativa 109, 379

Pedicularis sceptrum-carolinum 47, 416

Peloria pentandra 427" Pep lis portula 104 Peronosporales 40 Petasites spurius 23*, 50

Peucedano-Caricetum paradoxae 101 - Pinetum 19, 26*, 43*, 47*, 48*, 54, 57*, 58, 63*, 69, 71*,

72*,74*,75*,76*,77*,89,90,92,94,95,96,107,114, 119*, 120, 122*, 123*, 125, 126*, 127*, 129, 130, 132, 133, 134*,136*,138,139,140*,141,151,159*,165,166*,166, 171*,171,172*,176*,176,178,186*,188,198*,213,215*,

215,216*,217*,218*,222*,223*,224,251,253,254* , 256,257*,258,260,270*,271,289,290*,291, 292*,293*, 294*,294,295*,295,296*,297*,297,298,305*,311*,

350,353*,356,365,370,376*, 386*,409*,415*,443, 445*, 446, 448*, 449*, 453, 464*, 477*, 477, 480*, 481, 482, 484*, 485*, 488*, 491"

- - molinietosum 94 - - pu1satilletosum 94, 400, 445, 463 - - typicum 93*,358,400,410*,445,463

Peucedanum cervaria 208, 209* - oreoselinum 94, 209*, 210, 211*, 252*, 254*, 273, 390* ,

433*, 449*, 453 - palustre 102, 246*, 2R2*, 284*, 285, 286*, 429*

Phalaridetum arundinaceae 103, 411 * Phalaris arundinacea 134*, 249*, 249 Phleo-Veronicetum spicatae 25*

Phleum phleoides 49 - pratense 106, 432*,437*,438*

Phragmites austrialis/Ph. communisl 96,99,100,249*,249, 257*, 286, 398, 429

Phragmitetea 100, 105 Phragmition 105, 122,386*,409* Phyteuma spicatum 208*, 209*, 210, 211 *, 235* , 238 Picea 21* Picea abies ll*, 21*, 42, 43*, 44*, 47, 52*, 52, 58, 68, 71*, 72*,

74*,78,92*,97,99,100,118*,144*,149*,149,150*, ISO, 151, 152, 159*, 167*, 172*, 173*, 192*,216*,219*,222*, 223*, 226*, 227, 234*, 235*, 245*, 246*, 248, 249*, 250*,

252*,253*,254*,255'1',257*,324*,362*,375*,376*, 393*,448",449",464*,470*,483*, 4R6*, 491*


Pimpinella saxifraga 425,426*,431,432*,449* Pino-Quercctum 19, 26*,43*,51,54,57*,58,59,60*,62,63*,

64,69,71*,72*,72,74*,75*,75,76*,77*,79,81,89,90, 91,94,96,98,107,114,119*,120,122*,123*,126*,127* , 129,132,133,136*,137,139,140*,141,146,147,149*,149, 150*, lSI, 156*, 157, 158*,159*,163,165,166*,166,168, 171*,171,172*,176"',176,178,186*,188,197,198*,217-

228,242,250,251,253*,256,257*,258,260,272,273* , 274,289,290*,292*,293*,294*,294,295*,295,296*, 296,297*,298,304,305*,311*,328",350,352,353* ,

354*, 355, 356, 358, 359, 3600 , 360, 370", 371, 376*,

386*, 400, 409*,410*,413,414,415*,415,443,445,477*,


- - pulmonarietosum angustifoliae 90 - - serratuletosum 90, 125, 217

Pinus 21* - sylvestris 42, 43*,52*,58-59,60*,71 *,72*, 74*,81,92*,

100,118*,134*,149*,149,152,167*,172*,216*,219*, 222*,223*,250*,252*,254*,255*,257*,375*,376*, 448*,449*,463,464*,465*,468,475,483*,491*

Pitymus subterraneus 186* Plagiochila asplenioides 81, 250* Plantago lanceolata 425, 426*,428",432*,437*,438*

- major 379, 427*,428*,430,433*

- - vaT. brachystachya 108 - - ssp. intermedia 111, 437*, 438* - - spp. major 437*, 438 0

- media 106, 429*,432*,437*,438*

Plantaginetea majoris 107,108,365,418* Platanthera bifolia 234*,239 Pleurozium schreberi 81, 82, 90, 91, 94, 95, 97, 102, 216*,


Poa annua 427*, 437*, 438* - - vaT. aquatica 108, 428* - chaixii 380, 386 *, 396 - compressa 427*, 437*, 438*, 449*, 451 - nemoralis 208*,209*,210,233",234*,239,395

- palustris 398, 429*, 437*, 438* .. 443 - Pratensis 432*, 437*, 438* - remota 91, 245 * , 249*, 287, 288* - trivialis 211*,249*,282*,282,283,287,288*,398,429*,

437*, 438*, 443 Polemonium caeruleum 47,91,106,398,416

Polygala comosa 427* - vulgaris 433 *

Polygalo-Nardetum trictae 105, 110*,381,399,400,411* Polygonatum multiflorum 232*, 234 *, 276*, 278, 279* , 281 *,


- odoratum 90, 94, 209*, 211 * 254 0

Polygonion avicularis 107 Polygono-Bidentetum 104, 379, 410*,430*

- Cirsietum 105, 398, 405 Polygonum amphibium 437*

- aviculare 110,427*,428*, 430 - - ssp. heterophyllum 437*,438* - bistorta 106

- convolvulus 427* , 429* - hydropiper 110*, 111, 161, 399, 405*,425,428*,430,437*,

438*, 443 - lapathifolium 437*, 438*

Polygonum lapathifolium ssp. inc anum 110 - - ssp. lapathifolium 110 - mite 399 - nodosum 429*

- persicaria UO, 437*, 438* Polypodiaceae 21*

Polypodium vulgare 153 Polyporaceae 40

Polytrichum 217,467 - attenuatum 81, 90, 94, 102,216*,250*,252*,254*,256

- commune 90, 91, 94, 250*, 255* , 256 - juniperinum 216* - piliferum 216*, 217, 451, 452*, 467 - strictum 95, 255*,256

Populus alba 428* - nigra 43 *, 103 - trcmula 43*,43,51,52*,68-69,71*,72*,81,101,107,

118*,149,167",172*,173*,210,216*,219*,222*,223*, 229,234*,235*,250*,251,252*,254*,375*,376*,429* ,

436*,437*,438*,441,444,447,448*,449*,460,461*, 462,463,464*,465,467*,468,469,470*,472*,473*,


Potametea/Potamogetoneteal 104 Potametum filiformae/Potamogctonetum filiformae/104

- lucentis/Potamogetonetum lucentis/104 Potamion/Potamogetonionl 111 Potamogeton 40*, 104

- alpinus 47, 104 - crispus 104 - filiformis 104 - lucens 104

Potamogeton natans 98 - praelongus 104 - pusillus 104

Potentilla 40* - alba 46, 87, 107, 207*, 208, 209*, 211*, 390", 399 - anserina \08, 1lJ, 428*,433*,438* - argentea 109, 433*,437*,438* - demissa 109 - erecta 209*, 216*, 251, 252*, 254*, 270*, 272, 273*, 274,

433*, 438*, 443

- palustris 96, 98, 99, 100 - reptans 429* - tenuiloba 109

Potentillo-Absinthietum 109, 379, 410*,412*,413 - albae-Quercetum 19, 26*,43*,48*,61, 68, 71",72, 74*,

75*,76*,79,82,87,88*,90,105,107,108,109,110,120, 123*,125,171,193,201, 202*, 203*, 203, 204*, 204, 205*, 206*,209*,210,211 *,212*,251,258,259,350,353",360, 363, 365, 366*, 370*, 376*, 377, 378, 384, 386"', 388, 389*,390*,395,399,401,410*,411, 413, 414, 415*,415, 416,445,480*,481, 482, 484*,485*,485,488*

Primula elatior 364*

- veris 82, 87, 399, 433*

Prunella vulgaris \08,427*,429',431, 432*,437",438"

Prunello-Plantaginetum 108, 358, 365, 410'"

Prunetalia spinosae lO, 105, 381, 396, 397*, 400, 401, 411'

Prunus cerasus 21 *' - padus 43*,43,84,86,139",173*,235*,237,242,245'

246", 397*

- spinosa 45, 51, 364*,364,385,396,401

Pteridium aquilinum 89, 209*, 216*, 234*, 252*, 449'],451

Pteromys volans 163 Ptilium crista-castrensis 89, 94, 252*,254*,255",256

Pulicaria vulgaris 104, 379 - - comm. 410*

Pulicarietum vulgaris 405 Pulmonaria angustifolia 87, 207* , 208, 209*

- mollis ssp. mollis 47,51*,89,364*.386*,387

- obscura 78.86.232*'.233".234'.237.239,276*,277,278, 279*'.281'

Pulsatilla patens 94, 107,253.254*.381

- pratensis 49, 272

Pyrenula nitidclla 42

Pyrola chlorantha 89. 92 - media 46

- minor 89. 92

- rotundifolia 99. 252" ,273*.274,453,475

Pyrus communis 43' , 43. 45. 364, 397*.401. 425. 453. 462,


Pythiaceae 40

Querceto-betuletum uliginosum 101

Quercetum airosum 101

- mixtum 21*

Quercion petreae-pubescentis fl,7

- roboris-petreae 89

Querco-Carpinetum 19

- Fagetea 74, 76, 91. 396 - Piceetum 26*.43*.59,61,68, 72*,74*.75"', 77"'. 89.90.,119*.121, 123*, 124. 126*. 127". 127, 132,134",136",138.140*,143.151. 157.159"', 176". 176. 188*.250,256,257*.267*.268*,269.271. 273". 289. 290*.291,292"',294*.294.295,296*.297",297,298,

302.304. 30S". 3W. 350. 353*',386*. 394. 4IO*, 4IO. 477. 480*, 481. 482

Quercus 21*

- petraea 21*. 43*, 43. 48, 49*, 49. 61-62.197

- robur 1l". 21*, 30*. 43"', 43, 52*. 54*. 61-62, 71*. 72",

74".84.87.91,101, 107, ll8". 149, 151, 157, 159". 166,



375*, 393*.470*,472".483*.486".491

- rubra 46. 386*. 468

Ramalina crinalis 42 Ranunculaceae 21*. 40* Ranunculetum repcntis 410'

- scelerati 379, 410*

Ranunculion fluitantis 104


Ranunculo-Myosuretum 104. 110*.111, 399. 402. 404*.405*.


Ranunculus 40* - acris 106,209*,210. 2W. 429*,432*,437'],438*

- - subsp. friesianus/R. steve nil 106, 380

- auricomus 395. 398

- bulbosus 437*

- cassubicus 46. 78. 86. 232'"

- ficaria/Ficaria vernal 78.86,139*,167,179.183':,231,



- tlammula 1 UP - lanuginosus 78, 166, 186, 208* . 209*, 210, 232* , 233* ,



340*,343.391. 393".394,395

- lingua 244, 246',249*.282*.283,384*.284.286*

- polyanthemos*,208,209*

Ranunculus repens 80*, 86. Ill. 134*, 166. 169,245*,246*,


288',298,308*.310.313,316.317*,317,318*,318.319* .

320,321. 322, 327*, 327, 328*,328, 329*,329,331, 336,

343. 344. 398. 425, 428*.432*,433.437*,438",443

- sardous 104. 108, 429* - sceleratus 429*

Raphanus raphanistrum 437*. 438*

- sativus 378

Reynoutria japonica 386*

- sachalinensis 386*

Rhacomitrium canescens 94. 451

Rhamnus catharticus 45. 103.396.397*.401

Rhinanthus serotinus 432"

Rhynchospora alba 46, 47

Rhytidiadclphus 252*

- squarrosus \06 Ribes alpinum 45, 79. 86, 92

- nigrum,134".173*.244.245" - rubrum 45. 86. 192.397* - uva-crispa 45

Riccia 105 Ricciocarpus 98 Rorippa palustris 425, 428*

- sylvestris 429*, 437*

Rosa 45, 385. 386*,396,416.462.468

- bland a 45

- canina 45,364*.397*

- centifolia 401

Rosa coriifolia 45

- dahurica 45, 401

- dumalis/R. glaucal 45.364*.401 - francofurtana 45

- glabrifolia 45. 401

- maj alis 45. 364"' , 401 - pimpinellifolia 51. 364. 401, 425


- rubiginosa 45, 364*,401 - rugosa 45 - sherardii 45, 401

- tomentosa 425 - villosa 45, 401

Rosaceae 40* Rubus 45

- caesius 45, 103 - idaeus 45, 92, 107, 139*, 166, 172*, 173*, 178, 216*, 233*,

234*,239,245*,246*,249*,324*,342*,356,429*,435*, 437*,441,442

- nessensis 45, 46, 396, 401 - saxatilis 2ll*, 234*, 235*, 239, 245*, 246*, 252*, 254*,

356, 390* - scissus 45, 401

- suberectus 250* Rudbeckia 388

- laciniata 381, 386*. 387* Rumex acetosa 106, 427*, 429*, 432*, 437*, 438*

- acetosella 174*, 429*, 432*, 437*, 438*, 443, 448, 449*

- aquaticus 104 - confertus 364*, 364, 380 - crispus 106, lll, 427*. 429", 437*, 438*, 443 - hydrolapathum 425,428*

Rumex longifolius 429* - obtusifolius 92, 105, 109,169,386*,428*,437* - sanguineus 81, 108,398 - thyrsiflorus 51

Rumici-Alopecuretum 410*

Sagina procumbens 104, 429*, 437*, 438*

Sagino-Bryetum 108, 111, 379, 410'

Salicetea purpureae 74, 103 Salicetum albo-Fragilis 43*, 75*, 103, 122, 124, 370*, 386*.

395,410* 414.481

- auritae 107 - pentandro-cinereae 59, 63*, 69, 75*, 97, 98, 99,100,101,

107, lll, ll9*, 120,122,124,126*,126,127*,127,190.224. 248,249,258,286.288*,289,291*,291,292*,292.294*, 294,295*,295,296*,297*,297,298,299,302,303,305*. 376*,386*,476,482

- triandro-viminalis 70*, 75*, 103, 122,386*.410*

Salici-Betuletum humilis/Betulo-Salicetum repentis/75*, 97, 100, 101, 186*, 190

Salicornia patula 315 Salix 21 *,40*,69,379,463,465*,468,469.472*,473*

- acutifolia 463 - alba 43*,43,50,69,103 - aurita 45, 69, 95, 97, 99, 102, 107, 188, 189*,429*,435*,

437*,441,442,444,447,448*,449*,453,460,462,468, 470*, 491 *

- caprea 43*, 43, 45, 51, 68, 69, 72, 107, 118*, 166,167*,167, 172*,173*,188,216*,250*,258,397*,428*,435*,437*. 441,444,447,448*,449*,453,460,462,466,468,469, 470*, 476, 477, 491 *

Salix cinerea 45, 69, 97, 99, 107, 172*,173*,188,189*,216*,

248,249*,249,255*,306,429*,444,460,466,468,470*, 491

- dasyclados 45

- fragilis 43*,43, 50, 69, 103, 429*

-lapponum 45, 47, 69 - myrtilloides 45, 47, 69

- nigricans 45,46,69,103, 189*,401,444,453,460,468, 491*

- nigricans-comm. 411* - pentandra 43*,43,45,69,72,99, 100, 118*, 189*,258,

376*,429*,444,465,467*,468,469,473,477,491* - purpurea 45,50,69,103,429*,470*

- rosmarinifolia/S. repens ssp. rosmarinifolial 45,69, 76, 100,101,188,189*,433,444,447,448*,449*,453,460, 468,491 *

- silesiaca 45

- starkeana 45, 47, 69,107,188,189*,401,444,460,468, 491*

- triandra ssp. discolor 45,50, 69, 103 - - ssp. triandra 45, 50, 69, 103 - viminalis 45,50,69,103

Salsola kali ssp. ruthenica/S. ruthenica/108, 364, 381 Salvia pratensis 106, 364*, 379, 380

- verticillata 48, 51, 380 Sambucus nigra 46, 386*, 386, 397*

- racemosa 46, 107, 364*, 381. 486*, 386, 397*, 429* - - comm. 411

Sanguisorba minor 46

Sanicula europaea 184, 208*,209'",210,232*,234*,235*,239, 252*,273*,274,275,276*,359,390*,391,393*

Saperda carcharias 462, 463

Saxifraga hirculus 47,100,416 Scheuchzerio-Caricetea fuscae 100, 405 Scheuchzeria palustris 46 Scirpetum sylvaticae 398, 411 * Scirpo-Phragmitetum 98, 411* Scirpus sylvaticus 142*, 159*, 246*, 398, 429* Scleranthus annuus 437*,438*,448,449*,449,450*,451* Scarpidio-Caricetum elatae 101 Scorzonera humilis 46,94,209*,210,211*,252*,253,254*,


Scrophularia umbrosa 428*, 430 Scrophulariaceae 40* Scutellaria galericulata 102, 246*,249*,282*,283,284*,284,

286*, 298, 429'

Sec ale cereale 437' Secalietea 404. 418* Scdo-Sc1eranthetea 111, 448 Sedum acre-Sc1eranthus perennis camm. 411 *

- acre 426* - maximum 449*

Senecio jacobaea 437* - sylvaticus 107, 364*,381 - vernalis 426* - vulgaris 429*

Serratula tinctoria 46,87,90,209*,210,211*,235*,239,251,

252*, 273

Serratulo-Pinetum/Pino-Quercetum serratuletosuml 125

Seseli annuum 427*

Setaria glauca 110, 425, 426*,437*,438*

- viridis 110

Sicista betulina 183, 186*

Silene alba ssp. alba 427*, 429*, 437*, 438*

- inflata 433*

- noctiflora 110 Sinapis arvensis 437*, 438*, 448

Sisymbrietum sophiae 109,410*

Sisymbrion 108, 109, 379, 405, 413

Sisymbrium officinale 379 Sium latifolium 246*,249*,282*,283,284*,284,286*,299,


Solanum dulcamara 45, 91, 97, 99,102, 245*, 246*, 249*,


- nigrum 111 - tuberosum 379

Solidago 388 - gigantea 103, 386*,387* - virgaurea 90, 94, 209*, 211 *, 235*, 252*, 254", 270*, 272,


Sonchus arvensis 111, 425, 429*,433*,433,437*,438*

- asper 425, 427*,429*,437*,438*

- oleraceus 111, 425, 429*, 437*

Sorbus aucuparia 43*,43,91,97,101,152,167*,172*,173*,



Sorex araneus 184, 186*

- caecutiens 186*

- minutus 186*

Sparganio-Sagittarietum 104, 105, 386*,411*

Sparganium emersum 104

- minimum 47

Spergula arvensis 437*, 438*, 451 - - var. maxima 111

- morisonii 400, 449*, 450*, 451 *, 452 Spergularia rubra 104, 437*

Spergulo-Corynephoretum 410*,448*,452*,452,464* - Echinochloetum 110*, 110, 111, 379, 410*,434

- Lolietum remoti 111, 409*,410*

Sphagnaceae 39 Sphagnetum medio-rubelli pinetosum 55, 75, 95, 107, 119*,


159*,254*,254,255*,256,257*,258,259,265,267* ,

268*,270*,289,290*,291, 292*,293*,294,295*,295, 296*,296,297*,298,303,305*,311*,410*,480*,482

Sphagnion fusci 95 Sphagno girgenschnii-Piceetum 43*, 48*, 54, 57*, 59, 68, 71*,



356,376*,386*,410*,410,415*,480*,481,482,484* ,

485*, 488* Sphagnum 39, 91, 95, 256

Sphagnum apiculatum 95

- cuspidatum 100, 142, 257*

- fuscum 95

- girgenschnii 91. 250*

- medium/Sph. magellanicuml 95, 254, 255*

- nemoreum/Sph. acutifoliuml 95, 254

- palustre 91, 92*, 98, 246*,250*

- papillosum 95

- recurvum 254, 255*

- rubellum 95, 255* - squarrosum 98, 102

Spiraea salicifolia 46, 386*, 429*

Stachys annuua 448, 449


- palustris 111, 249*,286,287,288*,299,398,405,429*,

437*, 438* , 443

Stachys sylvatica 81. 167,184,209*,210,232*,233*,239,275,


Stellaria alsine 429*

- graminea 211 *, 432*, 437*, 438*, 449*, 453

- holostea 78,81,89,134*,139,167,208*,209*,210,232*,

233*,234*,235*,243*,274,275,276*,277. 278, 279*,

281*,298,311,315*,326,342*,342,343,359,390*,391. 393*,394,395,398,444

- longifolia 91

- media 110, 211*,386*,425,427*,429*,437*,438*,442

- nemorum 80*,80,92*,92, 108,139*,232*,233*,239,




- palustris 429*

Stellarietea mediae 404

Stereocaulon condensatum 94, 451

Stereocaulon incrustatum 451

Succisa pratensis 431, 432 *

Suillus 357*

Sus scrofa 170--183, 484*, 485 * Swertia perennis 47, 416 Symphoricarpus rivularis 46 Symphytum officinale 429*, 437*

- - Eupatorium cannabinum-comm. 105

Tanaceto-Artemisietum 109, 379, 399, 409*,413

- - agrimonietosum 109 Tanaceto-Artemisietum arctietosum minoris 109, 411 *,412*

- - leucanthemetosum/chrysanthemetosuml 411 *,412*

- - typicum 109, 411 *

Tanacetum vulgare 109, 437* Taraxacum officinale 176, 210, 211*,232*,239,425,426*,


Taxus baccata 42, 43*,46,49*,59-61,356,415

Teesdalea nudicaulis 400, 448, 449*, 450*, 451*, 452

Teesdaleo-Arnoseridetum 409*, 410*, 447, 448*, 464 *

Teucrium scordium 49

Thalictrum aquilegiifolium 209*, 235*, 239

-lucidum 46 - minus 46


- simplex 46 Thelotrema lepadinum 42, 48 Thelypteris palustris 91, 92*, 97, 102, 246*, 249*', 283

- phegopteris 155 * Thesium ebracteatum 46, 92 Thlaspi arvense 437*, 438* Thuidiaceae 39 Thuidium tamariscinum 251 * Thymus pulegioides 45, 432*

- serpyllum 45, 94, 449*,451

Tilia 21* Tilia cordata 11*, 21*, 43*, 43, 52*, 53*, 62-64, 71*, 74*, 78,

84,107,118*,149,151,152,166,167*,172*,173*,192", 209*,210,219*,222*,223*,225*,227*,232*,233*,234* , 235*,245*,250*,252*,254*,324*,362'",376*,397*,

435*, 437*,438*,441,442,468,469,486*,491'"

Ti1ia platyphyllos 21 *,62, 197 Tilio-Carpinetum 11, 19, 26*,27*,32,33*,43*,48*,51, 54"',

54,57*,57,58,59,61,62,63*,64,65*,67*,68,69,71*, 72, 74*, 75*, 75, 76*, 76, 78, 79*, 79, 81, 82, 83*, 84, 85", 86,90,91,94,96,97,99,105,107,108,109, 110, 114, 119*, 120,122*,122,123*,125,127*,127,128*,129*,129,130, 132,133,134*,136*, 137,137*,138,139*, 139,140*, 14J"',

141,142*,142,143,145*,146,147,148*,149*,149,150*, 150, 151*, 151, 152*, 152, 153*,153, 155*, 156*, 157, 158*,

159*,160*,160,163,164*,165,166,167,168,169,170,171, 176*, 176, 178, 184,187*,192",192, 196*, 198*,204,210,

217-228,230*,231*,231, 233*,237*,237,238*,238,240, 242,243*,244, 251,256,257*,258,259,260,262,272, 274,275,278,279,289,292,295,296,298,299,300,302, 304,305,309*,315*,318*, 324", 325*, 325, 326*, 326, 327*,330,337*, 339*,340*, 341, 342*,343,350*,350, 351*,352,353*,353,354*,355,356.358,359,360*,360, 361*,368,369,370*,370,376*,377,378,384,385,386*, 388,389*,389,390*,391 *,391, 392*,394,395,396,397*, 398,399,400,401,403*,409*,411,413,414,415*,415, 437*,438*,439*,445,470*,472*,476,477*,477,480*,

481,482,484*,485*,485,487.488*,491* - calamagrostietosum arundinaccae 33*,68,72*, 77*,79*,

81,82,102,123*,125,153,166*,167,168,171*,172",188, 217,219*,228,229,230,231*,231,235*,237*,237,238", 238,239,240,241,242,243,349*,352,410"

- caricetosum remotae 79*, 81 - coryda1etosum cavae 33*,79*,81, 82, 84*, 123*,124,228,


242,243,260,326*,410* - polytrichetosum 79*, 81 - primuletosum veris 79*, 81, 82

Tilio-Carpinetum stachyetosum sylvaticae 33*,52,53*, 57*, 61, 62, 68, 72*,77*,79*,80*,81, 82, 86, 123*, 124, 126*,

128*, 147*, 162, 166*, 171*, 171, 173*, 176, 177*, 178, 179, 181*, 182*, 183*, 184*, 186*, 188, 191, 222*, 222, 223*, 224,228,229,230*,231*,231,233*,237*,237,238*,238, 239,240,241,242,243*,243,244,262*,276*,277,279*, 280*,289,291*,291,292,292*,294*,294,295*,295, 296*,297*,298,303,305*,326,328*,329,330,331,351*,

352*,352,358,360,362*,396,398,410*,477 - typicum 11*,33*,72*,77*,79*,81,82, 102, 123*, 125,

126*,128*,153,154*,166*,167,171*,172*, lR6*, lR8, 222*,222,223*,224,228,229,230*,231*,231,234*,

237*,237,238*,239,240,241,242,243*,243,244,259" 274,275,276*,277,289,290*,291,292*,292,293* , 294*,294,295*,295,296",297*,298,303,304,30Y', 326*,326,328*,351*,352*, 360,362*, 385*, 396,4](]*, 4R4

Torilis japonica 169

Tragopogon oriental is 106, 364*, 380 - pratcnsis 106, 3RO, 438*

Tricholoma 357*

Trientalis europaea R9, 102,167,209*,211*,216*,217,235*,

237, 239, 250*, 252°, 254*, 255*, 267*, 269*, 270*, 271, 272, 273*, 273, 274

Trifolietea mediae 401 Trifolio-Geranietea 448* Trifolion medii 411* Trifolium 40*

- alpestre 87, 208, 209*, 211 *, 399 - arvense 429*, 437*, 438* - aurcum 437*

- campestre 437*, 438*

- dubium 437*,438*

Trifolium fragiferum 429* - hybridum 437*, 438*

-Iupinaster 46,92,107,254*,270*,271,272 - medium 87. 209*, 399, 431. 432*, 437*, 438*, 439, 440*,

443 - montanum 46, 87, 208, 399 - pratense 87, 320, 432*, 437*, 438* - repcns 87, 106, 428*, 430, 432*, 437*, 438* - rubens 46 - spadiceum 46, 47

Tripleurospermum inodorum 429*, 437*, 438* Trisetum flavesccns 106, 380 Trollius europaeus 47, 87, 207*, 208, 209*, 381 Tussilago farfara 428*, 430, 437*, 438* Typha 21*

Ulmus 21 *, 167*, 172*,173*, 189,223*

- glabra 43*,43,52*,64-68,74*,79,86,118*,118,190*, 225*,225,232*,233*,234*,245*,262*,356,362*,429*

- laevis 43*,43,64-68, 79, 86

- minor 43*,43,52", 64-6R, 79, 86, 232*,356 Umbclliferae 40* Uredinales 40

U rsus arctos 161

Urtica dioica 80*, 86, 92,103,107,108,109,139*, ISO, 151,

166,169,176,178,209",210,232*,233*,234*,235*,239, 243*,244,245*,249*,251*,275,276*,277,278,279*, 281*,282*,282,283,298,307,315*,316,324*,325,328, 342*,393*,398,399*,428*,433*,437*,438*,443

- urens 109, 379, 380 Urtico-Malvetum 109, 379, 380, 409*,410*,411*,413

Usnea 42

- ceratina 48

- extensa 42

- glabrescens 42 - longissima 42 - prostrata 42 - rugulosa 42

Ustilaginales 40

Vaccinio-myrtilli-Pinetum molinietosum 94

- Piceetea 74, 89 - Pice ion 89, 91, 228 - uliginosi-Pinetum 19, 43*,55,58,63*,71*, 72*, 74*,75*,

76*,77*,84*,89,92,94,95,96, 9S, 99, 100, \07, 1\9*, 120,122, 123*,124,125,126*, 127*, 127, 130, 133, 136*, 138*, 138, 140, 141 *, 141, 142*, 142, 147, 157, 159*, 161, 175*,224,254,255*,256,257*,258,259,267*, 26S*, 270*, 2S9, 290*,291,292*,294*,294,295*,295,296''', 296,297*,303,305*,311*,353*,356,376*,377,386* , 4\0*,415*,476, 4S0*, 4S1, 4S2, 4S4*, 4S5"', 48S*

Vaccinium microcarpum 45, 46, 95 - myrtillus 45, SI, 89, 91, 92*, 92, 94, 95, 97,102,107,167,


250*,252*,253, 254*, 254, 255",255,256,266,267*,

26S, 269*,269,270*,270,271, 272, 273*,273,274,282", 284,299,304,311*,356,357*,360,400,449*,453,475

- oxycoccos/Oxycoccus quadripetalusl 45, 95, 254, 255*, 266, 267*, 269*, 270*,356, 357*

- uliginosum 45, 95, 107, 255*,255,256,266,267*,268, 269*,269,270*,357*,400

Vaccinium vitis-idaea 45,81, S9, 91, 92, 95, 97, 107, 216*, 235*,237,239,244,246*,250*,252*,253,254*,255* , 256,266,267*,268,269*,270*,271,272,273,299,304,

311 * , 311, 366, 357*, 400, 449* , 475

Valeriana officinalis 106, 249, 287, 28S*, 288

Valerianella dentata no Verbascum nigrum 432*,438*

- phocniceum 48, 51 *, 51, 364, 381 Verbena officinalis 365 Veronica 40*

- agrestis 111


- anagallis-aquatica 104,428*

- arvensis 437*, 43S*

- beccabunga 429*

- chamaedrys 174*,231, 233*,234*,235*,239,252*,273, 393*,427*,429*,433*, 43S*, 443

- dillenii 400, 448 - longifolia 429*

- officinalis 94, 209*, 235" , 254*, 270*, 271, 272, 449* - persica 437*, 438* - scutellata 429*

- serpyllifolia 429*,433*,437*, 438*

- teucrium 49 - verna 400, 448, 450*, 451 *

Viburnum opulus 45,172*,173*,210,397*,429",439 Vicia 40*

- angustifolia 109, 437*, 437, 438* - cassubica 46,87,105,107,208,209*,399,462 - cracea 210, 432*, 437*, 438*

- hirsuta 109, 437*, 437, 438"', 438 - sativa 437*

Vicia sepium S7, 211*, 235*, 252*, 43S*

- sylvatiea S7, 235*, 239

- tetraspcrma 109, 429* , 437* , 437, 438*, 438 - villosa 109, 437*

Vicietum tetraspermae 109 Vincetoxieum hirundinaria 47,87,399,449*,453,462 Viola 40*

- arvensis 426*,432*,437*, 43S*, 44S

- canina 253, 254* - epipsila 47, 99, 249* - mirabilis 87, 209*, 210, 211*, 390* - odora ta 386 *, 396

- palustris 2S7, 288*

- reichenbachianaIV, sylvestrisl 78, 89, 139*,232*,233*, 234*,237,239,243*,252*,273*,273,274,275,276*,

277, 27S, 279*,281*,300,342*, 360, 388, 390*,391, 393*,

395 - riviniana 232*, 233*, 234*, 235*, 239, 252*, 270*, 271,

272,273*,274 Viscum album 45 Vulgaris inquinatus 42*