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action field, 2actors

actors-bricoleurs, 104collective, 80, 87, 98

adjustment mechanisms, 23apparatchiki, 24, 41, 64–5authoritarianism

local, 10sub-national, 85

bargaininginformal, 3, 92

blat, 13, 66bridging issues, 7, 8, 95budgets

material budgets, 12ratchet principle, 13

bureaucracymock, 90“regulative” and “directive”,


of the business environment, 79

external, 18, 22bureaugarchs, 65

capitalismdesigned abroad, 2variety of, 3, 38without capitalists, 2, 11–33

civicness, 84–5, 95clans for market, 4Coleman’s boat, 18

collectivismalienated, 101

company towns, 72, 88–9, 94corruption

asset stripping, 25, 38, 94“dead souls”, 17family, friends and cronies, 98honour and dishonour, 97krugovaya poruka, 15party of power, 92rent-extraction, 81

corporatism, 4, 92coupling

in different periods of Russian history, 8

inflection points, 36, 43institutional pressures, 36, 87, 96local socio-economic systems,

62organizational practices, 2, 21,

87, 96state-business relationships, 9

cycleshistorical, 41

dependencefrom factory welfare, 19, 23,

51, 59, 80from the historical path, 36,

40,67, 87from the state, 40, 42, 49

development“bottom of the pyramid”, 94SME development, 74


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dialoguemultidisciplinary, 39, 88, 96–7

economic sociologyand area studies, 5, 59–60, 96cognitive approach, 6structural approach, 6“there is more than that”, 5and the transition from socialism, 3,

7, 88economy

command economy, 13–14, 18, 39, 65–6

comparative political, 6planned, 21, 60, 63second, 60shadow, 19–20, 97, 99

embeddednessagentic prerogatives, 18and beyond, 96a disturbing return, 96–7economic action, 21, 89

enterprisesenterprise performance, 66–7, 73genuinely Russian, 8, 26, 76high- and low-priority, 14, 16,

22, 25military-industrial complex,

22–3, 52parastatal, 44quasi-enterprises, 8, 16, 20shifting, 22small business, 59, 62, 66socialist, 18, 57, 64splitting, 57–8strategic sector, 14, 37, 52, 64strategies, 92, 94“voice” and “exit”, 92

entrepreneurship,cultural legitimation, 64emerging, 2, 55, 58, 66–70, 74–5entrepreneurial potential, 64entrepreneurial vacuum, 92formal and informal

constraints, 55with historical roots, 93

informal, 78institutional, 39necessity- and opportunity-driven, 78new business venturing, 69productive, unproductive and

destructive, 23–4, 65reverse, 12subaltern, 63in Tsarist Russia, 64

environmentlocal, 28–9, 31, 77–9organizational, 13, 25–6, 55

explanationsblack box, 99“context-sensitive”, 104

Far East, 73flexibility

and the internal labour markets, 9

and the revival of Soviet practices, 50

salaries and working hours, 47foremen, 50–2

GEM (Global Entrepreneurship Monitor), 75–8

governancecorporate, 8, 101enterprise, 35, 43, 95

governors, 74, 80–1

Homo Sovieticus, 65HRM (Human Resource

Management), 49–50, 53–4

improvisations, 90incentives, 42, 48, 51industrialization

alternative, 98innovation, 22

constrained, 9(in) capabilities, 75–6

institutionsinstitutional void, 56standard-setting, 27, 33

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institutionalismand area studies, 89, 94, 96the institutional turn, 100old and new, 6sensitive to the actor, 10in sociology, political science and

economics, 6intrapreneurship, 78

kolkhoz, 63kollektiv, 17–19Komsomol, 16

Labour Code, 45–6labour force

ageing of, 26, 50turnover of, 45–7

lensChinese, 91Italian, 5, 7–9, 62

mafia, 92management

Gogolian, 17Soviet, 8, 12training, 12, 29–32, 84

marketsarchitecture of, 2, 58, 61market socialism, 17–18marketization, 20, 46, 48–9“market-wise” policy model, 69political market in the workplace, 3proto-market, 63social construction of, 42–3, 81, 93–4

micro-macro link, 9, 87Mr Working Class, 25

neoinstitutionalism, 9back-to-roots journey, 90the halting place, 90

networkingbetween organizational and institu-

tional elites, 9, 43, 75Nizhny Novgorod, 42, 84

Stroganov family, 42nomenklatura business, 63

oligarchs, 38–9, 43–4organization theory, 4, 88–9, 104organizations

“hybrid”, 4

perestroika, 63, 74personnel policies

paternalistic, 50political capital, 4population

organizational, 57–8, 81, 95power vertical, 54predation

bureaucratic, 58–9privatization, 3, 20

crypto-privatization, 9entrepreneurial transformation, 62imaginary experiment, 20insiders, 75, 80public policies, 83“transactors” and red directors, 36, 49without marketization, 49

propertysocialist, 15, 66without rights, 21

RCI (Regional Complexity Index), 71reforms

economic, 3, 13, 18, 27, 69economic calculation, 13enlightened instrumental rationality,

102unintended results, 3

regimeadministrative, 35, 62factory, 12, 18, 48statist, 53

regional governmentsand organized interests, 80red belt, 98

regional institutionsreformability of, 80

relationshipsamoral familism, 93cronyistic, 94patron-client, 93

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rent-seekingentrepreneurial, 24, 38, 83

re-statization, 37Russia

“dictatorship of the law”, 36doing business in Russian regions, 55,

66–70, 77“formula of rule”, 102laggard regions, 72low-trust society, 93“para-constitutional practices”, 37small-group solidarity, 93technological frontier, 46, 90

Russian factoriesagency relationships, 18McGregor’s X theory and old Soviet

practices, 54middle-level production cadres, 49paternalism, 90, 101“Sluggard Workers”, 16

salarysocial, 23, 51

shop floor accounts, 52, 68, 89–90, 101

social capital“benign” and “malign” forms, 8, 65

social mechanisms, 18socialist imprinting, 17, 49, 56socialist legality, 15–16sociology

American industrial, 8, 90, 95of markets, 87

Soviet Georgia, 15, 97Stakhanovism, 54start-up firms, 58, 94state

captured, 40developmental, 92, 95dual, 37party-state, 19, 41, 91–2rebuilding, 36state-business relationships, 81“state concessionaires” 37, 41

strategies of independence, 20surplus extraction, 90–1

Tacis (Technical Assistance to the Commonwealth of Independent States), 27–9

evaluation method, 28lessons learned, 32–3policies for Russia, 27training of managers, 26, 28

TEA (Total Entrepreneurial Activity), 75–8

Third Italy, 7, 84, 92–4industrial triangle, 93second industrial divide, 6“why not Italy and

France?”, 92

unions, 48–9, 51–2

Yukosseizure of, 44, 82