Bibliography for Photography Theory and Criticism

Bibliography for Ch 5 Anden-Papadopoulos, Kari. "The Abu Ghraib Torture Photographs: News Frames, Visual Culture, and the Power of Images." Journalism 9.1 (2008): 5-30. Web. ---. "Body Horror on the Internet: US Soldiers Recording the War in Iraq and Afghanistan." Media Culture Society 31 (2009): 921. Print. --- "US Soldiers Imaging the Iraq War on YouTube." Popular Communication 7.1 (2009): 17-27. Web. Apel, Dora. "Torture Culture: Lynching Photographs and the Images of Abu Ghraib." Art Journal 64.2 (2005): 88-100. Web. Azoulay, Ariella. The Civil Contract of Photography. New York: Zone, 2008. Print. ---. "What Is a Photograph? What Is Photography?" Philosophy of Photography 1.1 (2010): 9-13. Web. Baer, Ulrich. Spectral Evidence: The Photography of Trauma. Cambridge, MA: MIT, 2002. Print. Bajorek, Jennifer. "Introduction: Special Section on Recent Photography Theory: The State in Visual Matters." Theory, Culture & Society 27.7-8 (2011): 155-60. Web. Banerjee, Sumanta. "Pornography of Torture." Economic and Political Weekly 39.31 (2004): 3443-444. Web. Barthes, Roland. Camera Lucida: Reflections on Photography. Trans. Richard Howard. London: Vintage, 2000. Print. Batchen, Geoffrey. "Palinode: An Introduction to Photography Degree Zero." Photography Degree Zero: Reflections on Roland Barthes's Camera Lucida. Ed. Geoffrey Batchen. Cambridge, MA: MIT, 2009. 3-30. Print. ---. "Phantasm: Digital Imaging and the Death of Photography." Aperture 136 (1994): 47-50. Print. Baudrillard, Jean. Simulacra and Simulation. Ann Arbor: U of Michigan, 1994. Web.

Transcript of Bibliography for Photography Theory and Criticism

Page 1: Bibliography for Photography Theory and Criticism

Bibliography for Ch 5

Anden-Papadopoulos, Kari. "The Abu Ghraib Torture Photographs: News Frames, Visual

Culture, and the Power of Images." Journalism 9.1 (2008): 5-30. Web.

---. "Body Horror on the Internet: US Soldiers Recording the War in Iraq and

Afghanistan." Media Culture Society 31 (2009): 921. Print.

--- "US Soldiers Imaging the Iraq War on YouTube." Popular Communication 7.1 (2009): 17-

27. Web.

Apel, Dora. "Torture Culture: Lynching Photographs and the Images of Abu Ghraib." Art

Journal 64.2 (2005): 88-100. Web.

Azoulay, Ariella. The Civil Contract of Photography. New York: Zone, 2008. Print.

---. "What Is a Photograph? What Is Photography?" Philosophy of Photography 1.1 (2010): 9-13.


Baer, Ulrich. Spectral Evidence: The Photography of Trauma. Cambridge, MA: MIT, 2002.


Bajorek, Jennifer. "Introduction: Special Section on Recent Photography Theory: The State in

Visual Matters." Theory, Culture & Society 27.7-8 (2011): 155-60. Web.

Banerjee, Sumanta. "Pornography of Torture." Economic and Political Weekly 39.31 (2004):

3443-444. Web.

Barthes, Roland. Camera Lucida: Reflections on Photography. Trans. Richard Howard. London:

Vintage, 2000. Print.

Batchen, Geoffrey. "Palinode: An Introduction to Photography Degree Zero." Photography

Degree Zero: Reflections on Roland Barthes's Camera Lucida. Ed. Geoffrey Batchen.

Cambridge, MA: MIT, 2009. 3-30. Print.

---. "Phantasm: Digital Imaging and the Death of Photography." Aperture 136 (1994): 47-50.


Baudrillard, Jean. Simulacra and Simulation. Ann Arbor: U of Michigan, 1994. Web.

Bazin, Andre. "The Ontology of the Photographic Image." Film Quarterly 13.4 (1960): 4-9.


Benjamin, Walter. "A Short History of Photography." Screen 13.1 (1972): 5-26. Web.

---. "The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction." The Norton Anthology of Theory

and Criticism. Ed. Vincent B. Leitch. New York: Norton, 2001. 1163-189. Print.

Page 2: Bibliography for Photography Theory and Criticism

Blair, Sara. "The Photograph’s Last Word: Visual Culture Studies Now." American Literary

History 22.3 (2010): 673-97. Web.

Borradori, Giovanna. "Tiny Sparks of Contingency. On the Aesthetics of Human

Rights." Philosophical Dimensions of Human Rights: Some Contemporary Views. Ed.

Claudio Corradetti. Dordrecht: Springer, 2012. 157-72. Print.

Bourke, Joanna. "Torture as Pornography." Guardian 7 May 2004: 6. Web. 3 Jan. 2012.

Brothers, Caroline. War and Photography: A Cultural History. London: Routledge, 1997. Print.

Burgin, Victor. "'Something About Photography Theory'" Screen 25.1 (1984): 61-66. Web.

Butler, Judith. Frames of War: When Is Life Grievable?. New York: Verso, 2009. Print.

Campbell, David. "Representing Contemporary War." Rev. of Regarding the Pain of

Others. Ethics & International Affairs 17.2 (2003): 99-108. Web.

Chouliaraki, Lilie. "Witnessing War: Economies of Regulation in Reporting War and

Conflict." The Communication Review 12.3 (2009): 215-26. Web.

Crary, Jonathan. Techniques of the Observer: On Vision and Modernity in the Nineteenth

Century. Cambridge, MA: MIT, 1990. Web.

Dauphinee, Elizabeth. "The Politics of the Body in Pain: Reading the Ethics of

Imagery." Security Dialogue 38.2 (2007): 139-55. Web.

Debord, Guy. The Society of the Spectacle. New York: Zone, 1994. Web.

Duganne, Erina, Holly Edwards, and Mark Reinhardt. Beautiful Suffering: Photography and the

Traffic in Pain. Chicago: U of Chicago, 2007. Print.

Ghosts of Abu Ghraib. Dir. Rory Kennedy. HBO Documentary Films, 2007. DVD.

Griffin, Michael. "Media Images of War." Media, War & Conflict 3.1 (2010): 7-41. Web.

---. "Picturing America’s ‘War on Terrorism’ in Afghanistan and Iraq: Photographic Motifs as

News Frames." Journalism 5.4 (2004): 381-402. Web.

Grønstad, Asbjørn, and Henrik Gustafsson. Ethics and Images of Pain. New York: Routledge,

2012. Print.

Higgins, Lynn A. "Documentary in an Age of Terror." South Central Review 22.2 (2005): 20-38.


Hirsch, Marianne. "Editor's Column: Collateral Damage." PMLA 119.5 (October 2004): 1205-

219. JSTOR. Web. 1 May 2014.

Page 3: Bibliography for Photography Theory and Criticism

---. "Surviving Images: Holocaust Photography and the Work of Postmemory." Ed. Barbie

Zelizer. Visual Culture and the Holocaust. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press,

2001. 215-246. Print.

"Introduction: The Abu Ghraib Files." N.p., 14 Mar. 2006. Web. 3 Jan. 2012.

Jünger, Ernst. "War and Photography." New German Critique No. 59.Special Issue on Ernst

Junger (1993): 24-26. JSTOR. Web. 29 Apr. 2014.



Johnson, James. "‘The Arithmetic of Compassion’: Rethinking the Politics of

Photography." British Journal of Political Science 41.03 (2011): 621-43. Web.

Kennedy, Liam. "Seeing and Believing: On Photography and the War on Terror." Public

Culture 24.2 67 (2012): 261-81. Web.

Krauss, Rosalind. "Photography's Discursive Spaces: Landscape/View." Art Journal 42.4

(Winter 1982): 311-19. Web.

Linfield, Susie. The Cruel Radiance: Photography and Political Violence. Chicago: U of

Chicago, 2010. Web.

Marien, Mary Warner. Photography a Cultural History. Upper Saddle River ,NJ: Pearson

Prentice Hall, 2006. Print.

McClintock, Anne. "Paranoid Empire: Specters from Guantánamo and Abu Ghraib." Small

Axe 13.1 (2009): 50-74. Web.

Metz, Christian. "Photography and Fetish." October 34 (1985): 81-90. Web.

Mirzoeff, Nicholas. "Invisible Empire: Visual Culture, Embodied Spectacle, and Abu

Ghraib." Radical History Review 2006.95 (2006): 21-44. Web.

---. "The Right to Look." Critical Inquiry 37.3 (Spring 2011): 473-96. Web.

Mitchell, WJT. "Picturing Terror: Derrida's Autoimmunity." Cardozo Law Review 27.2 (2005-

2006): 913-25. Web.

Morris, Errol. Believing Is Seeing: Observations on the Mysteries of Photography. New York:

Penguin, 2011. Print.

Newhall, Beaumont. The History of Photography: From 1839 to the Present. New York:

Museum of Modern Art, 1982. Print.

Page 4: Bibliography for Photography Theory and Criticism

Orvell, Miles. "After 9/11: Photography, the Destructive Sublime, and the Postmodern

Archive." Michigan Quarterly Review XLV.2 (Spring 2006): n. pag. Web. 30 Apr. 2014.


Pinney, Christopher. "The Prosthetic Eye: Photography as Cure and Poison." Journal of the

Royal Anthropological Institute 14.S1 (2008): S33-46. Web.

Ranciere, Jacques. Dissensus: On Politics and Aesthetics. London: Continuum, 2010. Web.

Rosenblum, Naomi. A World History of Photography. New York, NY: Abbeville, 1984. Print.

Rosler, Martha. "In, Around, and Afterthoughts: On Documentary Photography." The Contest of

Meaning: Critical Histories of Photography. Ed. Richard Bolton. Cambridge, MA: MIT,

1989. 303-42. Web.

Sekula, Allan. "The Body and the Archive." October 39 (1986): 3-64. Web.

---. "Dismantling Modernism, Reinventing Documentary: Notes on the Politics of

Representation." Photography, Current Perspectives. Ed. Jerome Liebling. Rochester,

NY: Light Impressions, 1978. 231-56. Print.

---. "On the Origin of Photographic Meaning." Thinking Photography. Ed. Victor Burgin.

London: Macmillan, 1982. 452-73. Web.

---. "The Traffic in Photographs." Art Journal 41.1 (Spring 1981): 15-25. Web.

Shandler, Jeffrey. "Creating the Viewer (1945-1960)," "The Image as Witness," While America

Watches: Televising the Holocaust. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press,

1999. 1-40. Print.

Sliwinski, Sharon. "The Aesthetics of Human Rights." Culture, Theory and Critique 50.1

(2009): 23-39. Web.

---. "Camera War, Again." Journal of Visual Culture 5.1 (2006): 89-93. Print.

---. "The Childhood of Human Rights: The Kodak on the Congo." Journal of Visual Culture 5.3

(2006): 333-63. Web.

---. "A Painful Labour: Responsibility and Photography." Visual Studies 19.2 (2004): 150-62.


---. "Visualizing Human Rights: Photography, Atrocity, and the Ethical Imagination." Diss. York

U, 2005. Web.

Smith, Shawn Michelle. "Afterimages: White Womanhood, Lynching, and the War in

Iraq." Nka: Journal of Contemporary African Art 2006.20 (2006): 72-85. Print.

Page 5: Bibliography for Photography Theory and Criticism

---. At the Edge of Sight: Photography and the Unseen. Durham & London: Duke UP, 2013.


Snyder, Joel. "Documentary without Ontology." Studies in Visual Communication 10.1 (1984):

78-95. Web.

Solomon-Godeau, Abigail. Photography at the Dock: Essays on Photographic History,

Institutions, and Practices. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota, 1991. Print.

Sontag, Susan. On Photography. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1977. Print.

---. Regarding the Pain of Others. New York: Picador, 2004a. Print.

---. "Regarding the Torture of Others." New York Times Magazine 23 May 2004: 24. Web.

---. "What Have We Done?" Guardian 24 May 2004: n. pag. Web.

Standard Operating Procedure. Dir. Errol Morris. Sony Pictures Classic and Participant Media,

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Tagg, John. The Burden of Representation: Essays on Photographies and Histories. Amherst: U

of Massachusetts, 1988. Print.

---. The Disciplinary Frame: Photographic Truths and the Capture of Meaning. Minneapolis: U

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Wells, Liz, ed. The Photography Reader. London: Routledge, 2003. Print.

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Wigoder, Meir. "The Acrobatic Gaze and the Pensive Image in Palestinian Morgue

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