Bible Study 4-Leviticus

Walk Through the Bible Series Leviticus by S. Sebastian Campbell


Walk Through The Bible Series

Transcript of Bible Study 4-Leviticus

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Walk Through the Bible Series


by S. Sebastian Campbell

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Author: Not stated, but traditionally attributed to Moses.

Date: Approximately the mid 1400’s BC.

In A Nutshell: A Holy God explains how to worship Him.


Leviticus, meaning “about the Levites,” describes how that family line should lead the Israelites in worship. The book provides ceremonial laws as opposed to the moral laws of Exodus, describing offerings to God, dietary restrictions, and purification rites. Special holy days including the Sabbath, Passover, and Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) are commanded. The family of Aaron, Moses’ brother, is ordained as Israel’s formal priesthood. Leviticus lists several blessings for obedience and many more punishments for disobedience.


1. Complete the following:

The main theme of the book is the h _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , of God and the ways in which his people were to w _ _ _ _ _ p and l _ _ _ so as to maintain their relationship with “the holy God of Israel.”

2. Animals offered for sacrifice were to be (Ch. 1)?

a) Without defects b) Any animal c) pigs d) fat and well fed

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3. Salt was to be put on the offering (Ch. 2)

a) To keep it from spoiling b) To keep flies away c) To make it tasty d) None of the above

4. The sin of dishonesty was to be repaid (Ch. 6)

a) In full plus an additional amount b) Fully forgiven c) In part d) None of the above

5. What is a tithe? (Ch. 27)

a) One tenth of all produce b) One tenth after expenses c) Whatever you can afford d) All of the above

6. The lamps in the tent were to be kept burning (Ch. 24)

a) To signify the Lord’s presence b) To be a guide for the people c) To give security d) To signify that worship was to begin

7. A priest was consider holy because (Ch 21)

a) He presented offerings to the Lord on behalf of his people

b) He never shaved or cut his hair c) He was to be a celibate d) He was to be constantly in prayer

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8. The Lord gave Israel laws on sexual practices (Ch. 18)

a) So that they wouldn’t be like the people of Egypt b) So as to keep themselves pure and holy c) To be an example to all nations d) So that they would save their lives

9. Neither the people of Israel nor any foreigner was to eat any meat with blood (Ch 17.)

a) Because the life of every living creature is in the blood

b) Because blood is life and takes away sins c) Because, then, the Lord will not consider them His

people. d) None of the above

10. Lepers cured of their disease (Ch. 14)

a) Had to be certified by a priest b) A doctor had to certify them as healed c) Were to be considered unclean for life d) Were to shave and shower


Most readers pass over this book because its ancient rules and laws seem unimportant today. Let us use the following questions to lead us into a deeper exploration of this book.

1. Why did God give Moses and the Israelites so many rules to follow? (1:1-12) (God’s holiness requires that those who serve and worship Him do so with great care. God’s laws point to God’s purity: “You must be Holy because I, the Lord, am holy. I have set you apart.” Lev. 20:26)

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2. How are we made right with God? (1:4) (The Bible teaches that being right with God requires atonement, which means “to cover”. It is the same word used in Genesis 6:14, where Noah sealed the ark with pitch. Just as the pitch, covered the ark and provided protection from the deadly flood waters, so the blood of Christ sacrifice covers and protects us. Theologically speaking the word conveys the idea of satisfaction- satisfying the payment for sin. Read Lev. 16 on the subject of atonement. On that somber day the high priest washed himself and made a sacrifice for his own sin. Then to atone for the sins of the nation, he would obtain two goats, one to slaughter as payment for sins and the other to become a “scapegoat”. The priest laid hands on this second goat to symbolically transfer the sins of the people. The goat was then taken and released in the wilderness, representing the removal of guilt. Thus, the way of approaching a holy God through sacrifice would remain open for another year. In the New Testament, atonement is fully accomplished in the crucifixion of Christ for the sins of all God’s people, past and present.)



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3. What is the difference between a guilt offering and a sin offering? (4:2; 5:17-19) (Both offerings satisfied God’s holiness by covering human sinfulness. The sin offering was made when an individual or whole nation committed an unintentional sin. These were thoughtless or careless acts done out of ignorance or oversight, mistakes or moments of weakness. A sin offering restored fellowship with God. The guilt offering was more of a compensatory sacrifice. For instance, if a person failed to offer a required tithe, the guilt offering would give to God His rightful due. Guilt offerings were also made to pay back injured or wronged parties (often with a 20 percent penalty)).






4. Animal sacrifice seems barbaric and primitive. Why would God require such an unpleasant religious sacrifice? (4:15) (To kill an innocent animal seems cruel. Our modern sensibilities are offended by this requirement. The lesson is this: sin is serious! It offends a holy God. Human behavior bears consequences for all creation. The penalty for sin is death, yet God made it

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possible under Old Testament sacrificial system obsolete. Now people can be forgiven and experience spiritual life and union with God, not by killing innocent animals, but by trusting in the crucified and risen Christ as their substitute.)






5. Could leprosy or mildew really infect a house or an article of clothing? (13:47-53; 14:33-53) (The Hebrew word that is translated as leprosy refers to a contagious skin disease or even infectious mildew. This is likely some kind of fast-spreading mold or fungus. Israel was given specific instructions on how to check the spread.)






6. What’s the reason for all the special dietary restrictions of the Israelites? Why do Christians today not observe them? (Ch. 17) (The restrictions contributed to public health. Many of the forbidden animals were scavengers that fed on decaying and diseased carrion.

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By not eating such creatures, the Israelites would avoid contracting diseases. Such dietary laws also set Israel apart from her neighbours who had no such laws. Some of the laws recognized that certain animals were symbolic of evil or featured in pagan rites. The meat of these animals was not to be eaten. These laws were suspended in the New Testament.)(See Acts 10 and Mth 15:10-20.)






7. Why were penalties for sexual sin so severe? (18:29). (The Israelites found themselves in the midst of a Canaanite culture that was awash in pagan immorality. These heathen nations had merged spirituality with sensuality to create a very alluring and very dangerous combination. To keep His people from joining this around the clock celebration of perversion, God decreed severe punishment for those guilty of sexual sin.)(Read 1 Cor. 6:18)






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8. Why are handicapped people kept from Temple Services? (21:16-23). (Prohibitions against disfigured priests were part of Israel’s ceremonial law where every article and action was intended to highlight the perfection of God In the same way that God required unblemished animals for offerings, God stipulated that the priests administering the sacrifices had to be free from physical handicaps. In no way does it suggest that handicapped individuals are less valuable to God. This very passage insists that these Levites share in the priestly food. They most likely performed other important functions).






9. What is the significance of the different festivals that Israel was commanded to observe? (Ch. 23). (These festivals often symbolized deep truths. Passover (23:5) reminded the people of God’s miraculous delivery from Egypt. Unleavened bread (one week long) 23:6-8 reminded the people of their hurried exit from Egypt. First Harvest (First fruits) 23:9-14 was a day set aside during harvest to celebrate God’s provision of food and to present back to God the first part of the crops. The festival of Harvest (23:15-22) was a day marking the end of the barley harvest and the beginning of the wheat harvest when the people thanked God for their agricultural blessings. On the festival of Trumpets (23:23-25), the first day of the New Year, the people

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worshipped God and feasted. The day of Atonement (23:26-32) was a solemn assembly during which the people fasted and the high priest made a sacrifice for the sins of the nation. The Festival of the Shelters (23:33-43) commemorated God’s protection and guidance during Israel’s wilderness wonderings. These special days were in addition to the weekly Sabbath. The result was an annual calendar in which God was to be regularly worshipped, remembered and praised. In this system of feast days God was kept in the central place in the life of society.)






10. Were men more important than women? (27:1-7). The different amounts paid for males and females who had dedicated themselves to the Lord:

50 pieces of silver for young men

30 pieces of silver for young women

20 pieces of silver for young boys

10 pieces of silver for young girls

15 pieces of silver for elderly men

10 pieces of silver for older women

5 pieces of silver for male babies

3 pieces of silver for female babies

Was probably a factor of physical strength. Males were able to do more strenuous manual labour. People of both genders were equally loved by God, but labourers

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in a culture with few labour saving devices were often considered the more valuable economic resource.






11. Discuss the rite of purification (Ch. 12) (compare with the purification of Mary in St. Luke Ch. 2).







Please add to the list and discuss other quotations meaningful to you.

1. Ye shall be holy; for I (God) am holy (11:44)

2. The life of the flesh is in the blood. (17:11)




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Leviticus blood sacrifices are contrasted with Jesus’ death on the cross by the write of Hebrews: “Who needed not daily, as those high priests, to offer up sacrifice…for this He did once, when He offered up Himself.” (7:27)


Though we don’t live under the rules of Leviticus, we still serve a Holy God- and should treat Him as such.

What additional inspirational thought can you add?





