Bible Standard May 1879

T : :HE ihlt ~taudard. ISSUED MONTHLY BY THE Christian Association for the Dissemination of the Truth of Life and Immortality through Christ alone EDIT D BY Geo. A. B ROWN, P stor of Mint Lane Bapt i st C h urch, Lincol n . THE BIBLE STANDARD s devoted to the exposition of Biblical Truth, e s peci a l ly t he d oc tri ne o f Co nd it ion a l Immo rt alit y , th e l i teral R es u r r ec ti on o f the Dead, the Final Destruction of the Wicked, the Signs of the Times , th e S ec ond C om ing of Ch ri st, a nd Hi s P er so n a l R e i g n on ea rth. " The Wages of Sin is Death ; but the gift oj God is Eternal Life through Jesu s Chr i st our L o rd. " N o .20. MAY, Pric Id. 879. OUR LONDON CENTRE. THE time has now come for us to enlarge our work and lay urselves out for more extended usefulness. We find it utterl y impossible to make Lincoln the centre for our pub li ca ti on work, a nd to - do what must be done for the cause o f truth. We have therefore turned our attention to the obtaining a suitable place in the great centre of the Association Offices. This step seems imperative for many reason s . We have c a refully weighed the matter over, and have a tl a st taken rooms in London for the development of our wor k. W e h a ve sought the a dvice and co~nsel of our brethren who are on the Association Board, and have met with near ly unanimous a pproval, whilst some have entered into the matter with the i r whole heart, and have sub - stantially helped us in maturing o ur plans, so that we cannot but f e l th a t our way i s opened in the direction intimated. None can deny the fact that a great work is to be done in this great nation. We have great truths com- mitted to us by One who calls upon every man who has come to the light to do his dut y- " Let your light shine," is th e command of the Master. Can we refuse t en to occupy and utilize every meaus in our power to accomplish this gr a nd result ? Shall we shut ourselves in and simply look at gr e at things and say they are beyond our power to reach? Nay, brethren, we have stood still long enough. Already some have realized the state-that the light which was in them has become darkness through their neglect o let it shine. We are not doing our duty to God nor to our fellow - men, until we are doing all that lays in our power. Do you, dear brother or sister, feel that you have as yet done all you can to spread this heaven-born truth which burns upon the altar of many hearts? Have you turned over every stone? Have y ou gone to the uttermo s t of your ability i n this work ? If not, God calls for that I latent strength which a s yet has ne ver b ee n dev eloped in you. Have you done what y o u could ? If n ot, r e m e mb e r the unfaithful steward,-study the truth th e Mas t e r em- bodied in this illust ra tion. The work bravely comm e nced y ea rs ago b yf aith f ul m en of God, and much has been accompli s h e d ; but th a t w o r k h as flagged, and those who have borne the weight f or yea rs h av e f lt its pressure too great, and have had to r e f rai n f r om entering into larger and wider fields of use f uln ess, on account of the lack of sympathy a nd h e l p fr o m t h o se w h o ought to have held up their h a nds. We now come b e fo re the be ievers, in Conditional Immort a lity and kindred doctrines, of England, as an Association of Br e t h r e n w h o ae determined by God ' s help to keep th e se g r eat t r ut hs before the people. We mean by Hi s a id to r e a c h ever y nook and corner of the land . But in order to do this we must make a l l du e p r e p a r a t i o n, and it appears to us that our going to London a nd th e r e opening our Publication Rooms is on e o f th e f i r s t s t e p s needful for our work. We must print, we mu s t m a k e tracts a nd books , and a lso create c h a nn e l s thr o u g h wh i ch we can send those that a re already in print . A g r ea t d ea l of our literature is lying in the cellars of London publi s h e r s: it needs circulating-it needs pushing and brin gi n g t o t h e front, and this cannot be unless we take hold of th e m a tter in right good earnest , and shoulder th e we igh t a nd ca r r y it with the prayer, " God sp ee d th e Truth " upon o ur h ea r ts and lips . We do not purpo se laun c hin g out i nto any great expe ndit ur e : we ha ve a n opportunity now of obt ai nin g the services of one who is willing to devot e h is t ime a nd talent to this special work for a mere pitt ance -we ca nnot call it a salary-for the sum which ou r bro t h er w ho will take charge of the Book-room ask s f or h i s se r v i c e s is simply a sum requisite to get him the bare n e oes s aries o f life . We think we hear some of our r ea d e r s s aying, Well, wh a t do you want us to do ? We reply by say in g, W e wa nt you

Transcript of Bible Standard May 1879

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