Biac Arb.rule 2011 PDF

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  • 7/26/2019 Biac Arb.rule 2011 PDF



    Bangladesh Internat!nal Ar"trat!n Centre (BIAC)

    Ar"trat!n R#les 2011

    Ta"le !$ C!ntents

    %!del Ar"trat!n Cla#se

    R#les !$ Ar"trat!n

    Intr!d#&t!r' r!s!ns

    Rule 1: Short Title and Scope

    Rule 2: Definitions

    C!**en&e*ent !$ Ar"trat!n

    Rule 3: Request for Arbitration

    Rule 4: Response to the Request for Arbitration

    Rule 5: Notice and Periods of Tie

    Ar"trat!n Tr"#nal

    Rule !: Nuber of Arbitrators

    Rule ": Appointent of Arbitrators

    Rule #: $ulti%Part& Noination of Arbitrator's(

    Rule ): *hallen+e of Arbitrators

    Rule 1,: *hallen+e Procedure

    Rule 11: -ailure or .possibilit& to act

    Rule 12: Stateent of *lai and Stateent of Defence

    Ar"trat!n r!&eedngs

    Rule 13: /earin+s and 0ritten Proceedin+s

    Rule 14: idence

    Rule 15: 0itnesses

    Rule 1!: Appointent of perts b& the Arbitration Tribunal

    Rule 1": Place of Arbitration

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    Rule 1#: %parte counications ith arbitrators

    Rule1): an+ua+e

    Rule 2,: Representation and assistance

    Rule 21: *opetence of Arbitration Tribunal

    to rule on its 6urisdiction

    Rule 22: .nteri easures ordered b& Arbitration Tribunal

    Rule 23: Applicable a


    Rule 24: Aard

    Rule 25: *orrection and interpretation of Aard and

    Additional Aard


    Rule 2!: *osts

    Rule 2": Deposits

    ,ast Tra&- Ar"trat!n

    Rule 2#: -ast trac7 arbitration


    Rule 2): clusion of liabilit&

    Rule 3,: *onfidentialit&

    Schedule%.: -ees of Arbitration

    Schedule%..: -ees of -ast Trac7 Arbitration

    *onstitution of the 8.A* Arbitration *oittee

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    %!del Ar"trat!n Cla#se

    8.A* Arbitration Rules are desi+ned to facilitate the use of arbitration in the settleent of

    business disputes9 The& re+ulate the filin+ of clais the foration of the arbitration tribunals

    the conduct of proceedin+s the renderin+ of aards as ell as the finali;ation of the costs

    associated ith the arbitration proceedin+s9 .n short the& coer alost all aspects of the

    arbitration process that a& be releant in a noral proceedin+9

    0hile offerin+ a definitie fraeor7 in hich to conduct the proceedin+s the 8.A*

    Arbitration Rules also hae enou+h fleibilit& to accoodate the preferences of the parties in

    seeral areas particularl& in the choice of arbitrators etc9

    Parties that ish to adopt the 8.A* Arbitration Rules are adised to reach an eplicit a+reeent

    that reflects this understandin+9 -or this purpose the 8.A* has dran up a standard clause to

    assist parties9 .deall& this clause or a ariant thereof dependin+ on the needs of the parties a&

    be incorporated into the contract9 .t is iportant that the dispute resolution clause be drafted ith

    care so as to aoid an& abi+uit&9

    S#ggested Cla#se

    All disputes arisin+ out of or in connection ith the present contract shall be finall& settled under

    the Rules of Arbitration of the 8an+ladesh .nternational Arbitration *entre b& one or ore

    arbitrators appointed in accordance ith the said Rules9

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    BIAC Arbitration Rules 2011

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    1. Sh!rt Ttle and S&!/e

    '1( These Rules shall be called the 8.A* Arbitration Rules 2,119 These Rules proide for

    the settleent b& arbitration of business disputes9

    '2( These Rules shall appl& here the parties hae a+reed in ritin+ that the arbitration shall

    be adinistered b& the 8.A* in accordance ith these Rules9 The ersion of the Rules ineffect on the date of the filin+ of the Request for Arbitration shall appl& to the arbitration

    unless otherise a+reed b& the parties9

    '3( These Rules shall +oern the arbitration ecept that here an& of these Rules is in

    conflict ith a proision of the la applicable to the arbitration fro hich the parties

    cannot dero+ate that proision shall preail9

    2. De$nt!ns

    .n these Rules unless the contet otherise requires


    =Aard> eans a decision of the Arbitration Tribunal on the

    substance of the dispute and includes an interi partial and?or final aard9

    'b( =Arbitration Tribunal> eans all arbitrators ho hae been appointed in relation

    to the arbitration and includes one or ore arbitrators9

    'c( =Arbitration *oittee> eans the 8.A* Arbitration *oittee constituted

    pursuant to the *onstitution of the 8.A* Arbitration *oittee as adopted b&

    the 8.A*9

    'd( =8.A*> eans the 8an+ladesh .nternational Arbitration *entre and includes an&

    of its re+ional offices9

    'e( =*laiant> eans one or ore claiants9

    'f( =Respondent> eans one or ore respondents9

    '+( =Panel of Arbitrators> eans the list of arbitrators as approed b& the Arbitration


    'h( =Rule's(> eans the 8.A* Arbitration Rules 2,119

    'i( =Request for Arbitration> eans notice of arbitration under the Rules9

    '@( =Schedule> eans a Schedule to these Rules9

    '7( =*ourt> eans an& court ith @urisdiction inrelation to arbitration proceedin+s9

    'l( =Secretar& eneral> eans the Secretar& eneral of the 8.A* appointed

    pursuant to the *onstitution of the Arbitration *oittee9

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    . Re#est $!r Ar"trat!n

    '1( A part& initiatin+ the arbitration '=*laiant>( shall send a Request for Arbitration to the

    other part& '=Respondent>( and shall also file a cop& ith the 8.A*9

    '2( The arbitral proceedin+s shall be deeed to coence on the date on hich the Request

    for Arbitration is receied b& the 8.A*9 The Secretar& eneral shall notif& theRespondent of the request for arbitration9

    '3( A Request for Arbitration shall include the folloin+:

    'a( a request that the dispute be referred to arbitrationB

    'b( the nae's( address'es( telephone nuber's( fa nuber's( and eail

    address'es( 'if 7non( of the parties to the dispute and their representatie's( 'if


    'c( a reference to the contract out of or in relation to hich the dispute to be

    subitted to arbitration has arisenB

    'd( a reference to the arbitration a+reeent relied uponB

    'e( a brief stateent in relation to the +eneral nature of the clai includin+ the relief

    claied and here possible the aount of the claiB

    'f( the preferred nuber of arbitrators if not alread& proided for in the arbitration


    '+( an& coents re+ardin+ the place of arbitrationB

    'h( an& coents re+ardin+ the la applicable to the erits of the disputeB

    'i( an& coents re+ardin+ the lan+ua+e's( of the arbitrationB

    '@( unless the parties hae otherise a+reed the noination of an arbitrator in the

    eent that the arbitration a+reeent proides for ore than one arbitrator or a

    proposal for a sole arbitrator in the eent that the arbitration a+reeent proides

    for a sole arbitratorB

    '7( a request that the other part& noinates its arbitratorB

    'l( pa&ent of the requisite Re+istration -ee as stated

    in Schedule .?Schedule ..9

    . Res/!nse t! the Re#est $!r Ar"trat!n

    '1( The Respondent shall send to the *laiant and to the 8.A* a Response to the Request

    for Arbitration ithin 3, da&s of the receipt of the Request for Arbitration fro the

    8.A* or ithin such period as a& be specified b& the 8.A*9

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    '2( The Response shall contain:

    'a( a brief response to the clai the relief claied and if applicable the aount of

    the claiB

    'b( a brief stateent in relation to an& counterclai specif&in+ the relief claied

    and here possible the aount of the counterclaiB

    'c( unless the parties hae a+reed otherise the noination of an arbitrator if the

    arbitration a+reeent proides for ore than one arbitrator or if the arbitration

    a+reeent proides for a sole arbitrator a+reeent ith *laiantCs proposal for a

    sole arbitrator or a counterproposal or proposal for nuber of arbitrators if the

    a+reeent is silentB

    'd( the pa&ent of the requisite Re+istration -ee for an& counterclai as stated in

    Schedule .?Schedule ..9

    '3( The Secretar& eneral a& +rant the Respondent an etension of the tie for filin+ the

    Response proided the application for such an etension contains the RespondentCs

    coents concernin+ the nuber of arbitrators and their choice and here required b&

    Rules ! " and # the noination of an arbitrator9 .f the Respondent fails to do so the

    Arbitration *oittee shall proceed in accordance ith these Rules9

    '4( An& counterclai's( ade b& the Respondent shall be filed ith its Anser and shall


    'a( a description of the nature and circustances of the dispute +iin+ rise to the

    counterclai's(B and

    'b( a stateent of the relief sou+ht includin+ to the etent possible an indication of

    an& aount's( counterclaied9

    '5( The *laiant shall file a repl& to an& counterclai ithin 3, da&s fro the date of

    receipt of the counterclai's( counicated b& the Secretariat9 The Secretar& eneral

    a& +rant the *laiant an etension of tie for filin+ the Repl&9

    3. N!t&e and er!ds !$ T*e

    '1( All notices and counications fro an& part& or arbitrator to the 8.A* under theseRules shall be addressed to the Secretar& eneral9

    '2( An& notice or other counication that a& be or is required to be +ien b& a part&

    under these Rules shall be in ritin+ and shall be deliered b& re+istered post or courier

    serice or transitted b& facsiile e%ail or an& other eans of telecounication that

    proides a record of its transission9

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    '3( A part&Cs last%7non residence or place of business durin+ the arbitration shall be

    considered a alid address for the purpose of an& notice or other counication in the

    absence of an& notification of a chan+e to such address b& that part& to the other part& or

    parties the Arbitration Tribunal and the Secretar& eneral9

    '4( The notice or other counication shall be treated as hain+ been receied on the da& it

    is deliered or in the case of telecounications transitted in accordance ith sub%

    rule '2( of Rule 59

    '5( -or the purpose of calculatin+ a period of tie under these Rules such period shall be+in

    to run on the da& folloin+ the da& hen a notice or other counication is receied9 .f

    the last da& of such period is an official holida& or a non%business da& at the residence or

    place of business of the addressee the period shall be etended until the first business da&

    that follos9 fficial holida&s or non%business da&s occurrin+ durin+ the runnin+ of the

    period of tie shall be included in calculatin+ that period9

    4. N#*"er !$ Ar"trat!rs

    0here the arbitration a+reeent is silent and the parties hae not been able to reach

    a+reeent on the nuber of arbitrators the arbitration shall proceed before a sole

    arbitrator appointed b& the Arbitration *oittee unless the *oittee considers that a

    tribunal coposed of three arbitrators ould be ore appropriate9

    5. A//!nt*ent !$ Ar"trat!rs

    '1( 0here the arbitration a+reeent proides for three arbitrators each part& shall noinate

    one arbitrator and the to part&%noinated arbitrators shall appoint the third arbitrator

    ho shall sere as the presidin+ arbitrator9

    '2( The Arbitration *oittee shall appoint:

    'a( an arbitrator if a part& fails to noinate an arbitrator ithin 3, da&s fro the

    receipt of a request to do so fro the other part&B or

    'b( the presidin+ arbitrator if the noinated arbitrators fail to a+ree on the presidin+

    arbitrator ithin 3, da&s fro the date of their appointent

    '3( 0here the arbitration a+reeent proides for a sole arbitrator and the parties fail to a+ree

    on the arbitrator ithin 3, da&s fro the receipt of a request b& one part& to do so the

    appointent shall be ade b& the Arbitration *oittee9

    '4( -or appointent of an arbitrator under sub%rule '2( of Rule " the folloin+ procedure

    shall be folloed:

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    'a( the Arbitration *oittee throu+h the Secretar& eneral shall counicate to

    the parties a list containin+ the naes addresses nationalities and a description of

    qualifications and eperience of at least three indiiduals fro the Panel of


    'b( ithin 1, da&s folloin+ the receipt of the list a part& a& delete an& nae to

    hich he ob@ects and return the list to the Secretar& eneralB

    'c( on receipt of the list returned b& the part& the Arbitration *oittee shall

    appoint the arbitrator fro the listB

    'd( if for an& reason the appointent cannot be ade accordin+ to the procedure

    specified in 'a( to 'c( the Arbitration *oittee shall appoint the arbitrator fro

    the Panel of Arbitrators ecludin+ the persons hose naes are deleted under sub

    clause 'b(9

    'e( in appointin+ an arbitrator the Arbitration *oittee shall consider the nature ofthe dispute in order to include in the list persons hain+ appropriate professional

    or business eperience lan+ua+e abilit& and nationalit&9

    '5( The Arbitration *oittee shall:

    'a( a7e the appointent as proptl& as possible hain+ re+ard to:

    'i( an& qualifications required of the arbitrator b& the a+reeent of the


    'ii( such considerations as are li7el& to secure the appointent of an

    independent and ipartial arbitratorB

    'iii( aailabilit& of the arbitrator for propt and efficient deterination of the

    disputeB and

    'i( in the case of appointent of a sole or presidin+ arbitrator in an

    international coercial arbitration nationalit& other than the

    nationalities of the parties9

    'b( infor the parties throu+h the Secretar& eneral proptl& in ritin+ of the


    '!( A decision b& the Arbitration *oittee ith respect to the appointent of an arbitrator

    shall be treated as final and bindin+ on the parties9

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    '"( An arbitrator if required to be substituted? replaced ill be appointed in the sae anner

    in hich his?her predecessor had been appointed9


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    '2( A part& a& onl& challen+e an arbitrator appointed b& hi for reasons of hich he

    becoes aare after the appointent has been ade9

    10. Challenge r!&ed#re

    '1( A part& ho intends to challen+e an arbitrator shall ithin 14 da&s of bein+ notified of

    the arbitratorCs appointent or becoin+ aare of an& +round referred to in Rule )'1(send a ritten notice statin+ the reasons for the challen+e to the 8.A* Arbitration

    Tribunal the arbitrator ho is bein+ challen+ed and the parties to the arbitration9

    '2( The other part& a& a+ree to the challen+e hen an arbitrator is challen+ed b& one part&9

    The challen+ed arbitrator a& ithdra fro his office9 .n neither case does this ipl&

    acceptance of the alidit& of the +rounds for the challen+e9

    '3( .n case the part& a+rees or the challen+ed arbitrator ithdras fro office a substitute

    arbitrator shall be appointed in accordance ith Rule "9

    '4( .f ithin " da&s of receipt of the notice of challen+e the other part& does not a+ree to

    the challen+e or the arbitrator does not ithdra oluntaril& the Arbitration *oittee

    shall decide on the challen+e9 The Arbitration *oittee a& offer the challen+ed

    arbitrator an opportunit& to respond in ritin+ to the challen+e if the latter so ishes9 .f

    the challen+e is not successful the Arbitral Tribunal shall continue ith the arbitral

    proceedin+s and a7e the Aard9 .f the challen+e is successful a substitute arbitrator

    shall be appointed in accordance ith Rule "9

    '5( The Arbitration *oitteeCs decision ith respect to a challen+e application shall be

    treated as final and bindin+9

    11. ,al#re !r I*/!ss"lt' t! a&t

    '1( The andate of an arbitrator shall terinate if%

    'a( he?she ithdras fro his?her office or all the parties a+ree to terination of

    his?her andateB


    'b( he? she diesB or

    'c( he?she becoes unable to perfor his?her functions or for other reasons fail to act

    ithout undue dela&9

    '2( 0here the andate of an arbitrator terinates a substitute arbitrator shall be appointed

    in the sae anner in hich his?her predecessor had been appointed9

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    '3( 0here an arbitrator is replaced under sub%rule 1 of Rule 11 an& hearin+ preiousl& held

    a& be repeated onl& if it is considered essential b& the Arbitration Tribunal9 .n the case

    of sole arbitrator the hearin+s a& also be repeated onl& if it is considered essential b&

    the ne arbitrator9

    '4( An& order of the Arbitration Tribunal ade prior to the replaceent of an arbitrator shall

    not be inalid solel& because there has been a chan+e in the coposition of the

    Arbitration Tribunal9

    12. State*ent !$ Cla* and State*ent !$ De$en&e

    '1( 0ithin 3, da&s of the constitution of the Arbitration Tribunal the claiant shall send to

    the 8.A* the Arbitration Tribunal and to the Respondent a stateent of clai clearl&

    statin+ all releant facts supportin+ the clai the points at issue related le+al ar+uents

    and the relief and?or reed& sou+ht9

    '2( The Respondent shall ithin 3, da&s folloin+ receipt of the stateent of clai send tothe 8.A* the Arbitration Tribunal and the *laiant a stateent of defence settin+ out all

    releant facts in respect of the defence an& counterclai related le+al ar+uents the

    points at issue and the relief and?or reed& sou+ht9

    '3( 0ithin 14 da&s of the receipt of the stateent of defence and counterclai the claiant

    shall send to the 8.A* the Arbitration Tribunal and the Respondent a re@oinder to the

    stateent of defence and a stateent of defence to the counterclai if an&9

    '4( 0ithin 14 da&s of the receipt of the stateent of defence to the counterclai the

    Respondent shall send to the 8.A* the Arbitration Tribunal and the *laiant the

    re@oinder to the said stateent9

    '5( The parties shall subit ith their ritten stateents copies of all supportin+ docuents

    upon hich the& intend to rel&9

    '!( A part& a& aend or suppleent stateents of clai counterclai or defence durin+

    the course of the arbitral proceedin+s ith the perission fro the Arbitration Tribunal9

    '"( .f the *laiant fails ithin the tie specified to subit its stateent of clai the

    Arbitration Tribunal a& issue an order for the terination of the proceedin+s and?or

    +ie such other orders as it a& consider appropriate9

    '#( .f the Respondent fails to subit a stateent of defence or if at an& point an& part& fails

    to aail itself of the opportunit& to present its case in the anner directed b& the

    Arbitration Tribunal the Arbitration Tribunal a& proceed ith the arbitration9

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    ')( .f the Arbitration Tribunal dees it necessar& it a& etend the periods or tie liits

    referred to aboe 7eepin+ in ie that the arbitration process should be concluded


    1. Hearngs and 9rtten r!&eedngs

    '1( The Arbitration Tribunal shall hold a preliinar& conference in person or b&teleconference at the earliest possible opportunit& and in an& eent no later than 21 da&s

    folloin+ the constitution of the Arbitration Tribunal9 The purpose of the preliinar&

    conference shall be:

    'a( to discuss ith the parties the procedure includin+ but not liited to issues in

    relation to the proisional tietable echan+e of inforation len+th of hearin+s

    hearin+ enue tiin+ for subission of itness stateents and epert reports and

    an& other issues the Arbitration Tribunal considers appropriateB

    'b( to fi dates for oral hearin+sB and?or

    'c( to deterine an& other atter required or peritted under these Rules to facilitate

    the efficient pro+ress of the arbitral proceedin+s9

    '2( The Arbitration Tribunal shall decide hether to hold oral hearin+s for the presentation

    of eidence and?or for oral ar+uents or hether the proceedin+s shall be conducted on

    the basis of docuents onl&9 All hearin+s shall be priate and reain confidential9 .f a

    part& fails to appear at a hearin+ ithout shoin+ sufficient cause the Arbitration

    Tribunal a& proceed ith the arbitration and a& a7e the Aard based on the

    subissions and eidence before it9

    '3( The Arbitration Tribunal a& in adance of an& hearin+ subit to the parties a list of

    issues hich it considers as releant to the case and aterial to its outcoe and?or hich

    a preliinar& deterination a& be appropriate9

    '4( The Arbitration Tribunal shall coence the oral hearin+s ithin 3, da&s fro the

    subission of the ritten pleadin+s b& both the parties and conclude the hearin+ ithin

    1#, da&s fro the date of the first hearin+ unless the Arbitration Tribunal decides that

    eceptional circustances eist requirin+ etension of the tie liits9

    '5( The parties shall be +ien not less than fie or7in+ da&s notice of an& hearin+ and of

    an& eetin+ of the Arbitration Tribunal for the purposes of inspection of docuents

    +oods or other propert&9

    '!( .f a part& intends to +ie eidence throu+h a itness it shall ithin the tie deterined

    b& the Arbitration Tribunal counicate to the Arbitration Tribunal and to the other


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    'a( the naes and addresses of the itnesses he intends to present and

    'b( the sub@ect upon hich and the lan+ua+e in hich those itnesses ill +ie

    their testion&9

    '"( The Arbitration Tribunal shall a7e arran+eents for the translation of oral stateents

    ade at a hearin+ and for a record of the hearin+ if%

    'a( either is deeed necessar& b& the Arbitration Tribunal under the circustances

    of the case or

    'b( the parties hae a+reed to it and hae counicated such a+reeent to the

    Arbitration Tribunal at least 14 da&s before the hearin+9

    1. Eden&e


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    '4( An& itness ho +ies oral eidence a& be questioned b& each part& or its

    representatie under the control of Arbitration Tribunal and a& be required b& the

    Arbitration Tribunal to testif& under oath or affiration9 The Arbitration Tribunal a&

    question the itnesses at an& sta+e of the eaination9

    '5( The testion& of itnesses a& be presented in ritten for either as si+ned stateents

    or b& dul& sorn affidaits and the Arbitration Tribunal a& order that such stateents

    or affidaits shall stand as eidence%inchief9

    '!( .f a itness or epert itness fails to appear before the Arbitration Tribunal to +ie

    eidence in spite of such a request b& an& part&?parties or b& the Arbitral Tribunal the

    Arbitral Tribunal or an& such part& ith the approal of the Arbitration Tribunal a&

    appl& to the *ourt for assistance in ta7in+ eidence9

    14. A//!nt*ent !$ E:/erts "' the Ar"trat!n Tr"#nal

    '1( The Arbitration Tribunal a&%

    'a( appoint one or ore independent eperts to report to it on specific issues to be

    deterined b& the Arbitration Tribunal and counicated to the parties and

    'b( require a part& to +ie the epert an& releant inforation or to produce or to

    proide access to an& releant docuents +oods or other propert& for inspection9

    '2( .f a part& so requests or if the Arbitration Tribunal considers it necessar& the epert

    shall attend the oral hearin+ after delier& of the report participate in an oral hearin+

    here the parties shall hae the opportunit& to put questions to the epert9

    '3( The epert shall on the request of a part& a7e aailable to that part& for eaination

    all docuents +oods or other propert& in the possession of the epert based on hich the

    report as prepared9

    '4( .n relation to an& eidence ta7in+ the proision contained in Rule 14 shall be folloed

    unless otherise decided b& the Arbitration Tribunal9

    '5( The fees and epenses of an& epert appointed b& the Arbitration Tribunal under this

    Rule shall be paid out of the deposits pa&able b& the parties under Rule 2! and shall for

    part of the costs of the arbitration9

    15. la&e !$ Ar"trat!n

    '1( The parties a& a+ree in ritin+ the seat 'or le+al place( of their arbitration9 -ailin+ such

    a choice the seat of arbitration shall be Dha7a9

    '2( The Arbitration Tribunal a& hold hearin+s eetin+s and deliberations at an&

    conenient place at its discretion9 Despite holdin+ hearin+s and?or eetin+s in other

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    places the arbitration shall be treated as an arbitration conducted at the seat of the

    arbitration and an& aard as an aard ade at the seat of the arbitration9

    16. E:7/arte &!**#n&at!ns +th Ar"trat!rs

    Parties a& not counicate ith ebers of the Arbitration Tribunal outside the presence of

    all parties9

    18. Lang#age

    '1( 0here the arbitration a+reeent does not proide for the lan+ua+e to be used in the

    arbitral proceedin+s the official lan+ua+e of the arbitration shall be n+lish9

    '2( The Arbitration Tribunal a& order that an& docuentar& eidence shall be

    accopanied b& a translation into the lan+ua+e a+reed upon b& the parties or deterined

    b& the Arbitration Tribunal9

    20. Re/resentat!n and Assstan&e

    '1( ach part& shall adise in ritin+ the other part& the 8.A* and the Arbitration

    Tribunal of:

    'a( the naes and addresses of persons ho ill represent or assist hi and

    'b( the capacit& in hich those persons ill actB

    'c( an& chan+es in 'a( and 'b( aboe9

    '2( ach part& shall proide:

    'a( Proof of authori;ation of persons that ill represent hiB

    'b( Proof of authorit& to file the arbitration9

    21. C!*/eten&e !$ Ar"trat!n Tr"#nal t! r#le !n ts ;#rsd&t!n

    '1( The Arbitration Tribunal a& rule on its on @urisdiction includin+ an& ob@ections ith

    respect to the eistence or alidit& of the arbitration a+reeent and for that purpose:

    'a( an arbitration clause hich fors part of a contract shall be treated as an

    a+reeent independent of the other ters of the contractB and

    'b( a decision b& the Arbitration Tribunal that the contract is null and oid shall not

    entail ipso @ure the inalidit& of the arbitration a+reeent9

    '2( A plea that the Arbitration Tribunal does not hae @urisdiction shall be raised no later

    than the subission of the Stateent of Defence9 A part& shall not be precluded fro

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    raisin+ such plea erel& because he has appointed or participated in the appointent of

    an arbitrator9

    22. Inter* *eas#res !rdered "' Ar"trat!n Tr"#nal

    '1( The Arbitration Tribunal a& at the request of a part& order a part& to ta7e an& interi

    easure of protection in respect of the sub@ect%atter of the dispute as it a& considernecessar&9

    '2( The Arbitration Tribunal a& require a part& to proide appropriate securit& in

    connection ith a easure ordered under sub%rule '1(9 The Arbitration Tribunal shall

    hae the discretion to dra the appropriate aderse inferences in the eent of a part&Cs

    noncopliance ith the TribunalCs order9

    '3( The poers of the Arbitration Tribunal under this rule shall not pre@udice an& part&Cs

    ri+ht to appl& to an& national court or other @udicial authorit& for interi easures9 The

    application of a part& to a @udicial authorit& for such easures or for the ipleentationof an& such easures ordered b& an arbitral tribunal shall not be deeed an infrin+eent

    or aier of the a+reeent to arbitrate and shall not affect the releant poers resered

    to the Tribunal9

    2. A//l&a"le La+

    '1( The Arbitration Tribunal shall appl& the rules of la desi+nated b& the parties as

    applicable to the substance of the dispute failin+ hich the Arbitration Tribunal shall

    appl& the la hich it deterines to be appropriate9

    '2( The Arbitration Tribunal shall decide as aiable copositeur or e aequo et bono onl& ifthe parties hae epressl& authorised the Arbitration Tribunal to do so9

    '3( .n all cases the Arbitration Tribunal shall decide in accordance ith the ters of the

    contract if an& and shall ta7e into account an& usa+e of trade applicable to the


    2. A+ard

    '1( An Aard shall be ade in ritin+ and shall be si+ned b& the ebers of the

    Arbitration Tribunal9

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    '3( .f an& arbitrator hain+ been +ien a reasonable opportunit& to do so fails to cooperate

    in the a7in+ of the Aard the reainin+ arbitrators shall proceed in his absence9

    '4( -or the purposes of sub%rule '1( in arbitral proceedin+s ith ore than one arbitrator

    the si+natures of the a@orit& of all the ebers of the Arbitration Tribunal shall be

    sufficient so lon+ as the reason for an& oitted si+nature is stated9

    '5( The Aard shall state the reasons upon hich it is based unless:

    'a( the parties hae a+reed that no reason are to be +ien or

    'b( the Aard is an aard recordin+ the a+reed ters of the settleent9

    '!( The Arbitration Tribunal shall state the date and place of arbitration and the Aard shall

    be deeed to hae been ade at that place9

    '"( The Arbitration Tribunal shall deposit the ori+inal aard to+ether ith record of the

    arbitration proceedin+s ith the 8.A* ho shall transit certified copies to the partiesupon the full settleent of the costs of arbitration9

    '#( The Arbitration Tribunal a& at an& tie durin+ the arbitral proceedin+s at the request

    of one or both the parties a7e an interi Aard on an& atter ith respect to hich it

    a& a7e a final aard9

    ')( .n the eent of a settleent the parties a& request the Arbitration Tribunal to render an

    Aard recordin+ the settleent9 .f the parties shall confir to 8.A* that a settleent has

    been reached and that the parties do not require an aard to be rendered the arbitration

    proceedin+s shall be deeed concluded upon pa&ent of an& outstandin+ costs of


    '1,( The parties to the arbitration shall carr& out the Aard hich is final and bindin+ on the

    parties iediatel& and ithout dela&9

    '11( The Arbitration Tribunal a& aard siple or copound interest on an& su hich is

    the sub@ect of the arbitration at such rates and for such periods as the Arbitration Tribunal

    dees fit9

    23. C!rre&t!n and Inter/retat!n !$ A+ard and Addt!nal A+ard

    '1( 0ithin 14 da&s fro the receipt of the Aard:

    'a( a part& ith notice to the other part& a& request the Arbitration Tribunal to

    correct an& coputation errors an& clerical or t&po+raphical errors or an& other

    errors of a siilar nature occurrin+ in the AardB and?or

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    'b( a part& ith notice to the other part& a& request the Arbitration Tribunal to

    +ie an interpretation of a specific point in the Aard9

    '2( .f the Arbitration Tribunal considers the request ade under sub%rule '1( to be @ustified it

    shall a7e the correction and?or +ie the interpretation ithin 14 da&s fro the receipt of

    the request and the interpretation shall for part of the Aard9

    '3( The Arbitration Tribunal a& correct an& error of the t&pe referred to aboe on its on

    initiatie ithin 14 da&s fro the date of the Aard9

    '4( A part& ith notice to the other part& a& request ithin 14 da&s fro the receipt of

    the Aard the Arbitration Tribunal to a7e an additional Aard as to clais presented

    in the arbitral proceedin+s but oitted fro the Aard9 .f the Arbitration Tribunal

    considers the request to be @ustified it shall a7e the additional Aard ithin 14 da&s

    fro the receipt of such request9

    '5( The Arbitration Tribunal a& etend if necessar& the period of tie ithin hich itshall a7e a correction +ie an interpretation or a7e an additional Aard9

    24. C!sts

    '1( The costs of arbitration shall be fied b& the Arbitration Tribunal and stated in the


    '2( The Arbitration Tribunal shall deterine hich part& shall bear the costs ta7in+ into

    account the circustances of the case and a& apportion the costs beteen the parties as

    it dees fit9

    '3( ean costs relatin+ to%

    'a( the fees and epenses of the arbitrators and itnesses

    'b( le+al fees and epenses

    'c( the adinistratie fees and char+es of the 8.A* and

    'd( an& other epenses incurred in connection ith the arbitral proceedin+s and the


    '4( The fees and char+es to be included in the costs shall be as specified in Schedule%.?Schedule%..9

    25. De/!sts

    '1( The Arbitration Tribunal shall upon its constitution direct each part& to deposit ith the

    8.A* an equal aount as an adance for the costs referred to in Rule 2! hich it

    epects to be incurred9

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    '2( Durin+ the arbitration proceedin+s the Arbitration Tribunal a& in consultation ith

    the 8.A* direct suppleentar& deposits ith the 8.A* in an equal aount fro each

    part& for the costs referred to aboe9

    '3( .f the required deposits are not ade in full in respect of the clai or counterclai

    ithin 14 da&s of notif&in+ the parties the Arbitration Tribunal shall reind the parties

    in order that one or the other part& a& a7e the required deposit and if the required

    deposit is still not ade ithin " da&s the Arbitration proceedin+s shall continue e%parte

    a+ainst the part& failin+ to a7e the required depositB proided that the other parties to

    the arbitration proceedin+s shall a7e the required deposit of the defaultin+ part&B further

    proided that the aard shall order the defaultin+ part& to reiburse the other part& the

    aount so paid9

    '4( The 8.A* shall hold all deposits required under these Rules9 The 8.A* a& fro tie

    to tie pa& to the Arbitration Tribunal fro an& deposit it holds under these Rules an&

    aount it considers reasonable and appropriate for fees earned or epenses incurred b&

    the Arbitration Tribunal in the arbitral proceedin+s9 The 8.A* shall also notif& the

    parties accordin+l&9


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    28. E:&l#s!n !$ la"lt'

    '1( The *entre includin+ its directors officers eplo&ees or an& arbitrator shall not be

    liable to an& person for ne+li+ence act or oission in connection ith an& arbitration

    +oerned b& these Rules9

    '2( The 8.A* includin+ its directors officers eplo&ees or an& arbitrator shall not be underan& obli+ation to a7e an& stateent in connection ith an& arbitration +oerned b&

    these Rules9 No part& shall see7 to a7e an& director officer eplo&ee or arbitrator act

    as a itness in an& le+al proceedin+s in connection ith an& arbitration +oerned b&

    these Rules9

    0. C!n$dentalt'

    '1( The parties and the Tribunal shall at all ties treat all atters relatin+ to the proceedin+s

    and the aard as confidential9

    '2( A part& or an& arbitrator shall not ithout the prior ritten consent of all the parties

    disclose to third part& an& such atter ecept:

    a( for the purpose of a7in+ an application to an& copetent court of an& State to

    enforce or challen+e the aardB

    b( pursuant to the order of or a subpoena issued b& a court of copetent


    c( for the purpose of pursuin+ or enforcin+ a le+al ri+ht or claiB

    d( in copliance ith the proisions of the las of an& State hich are bindin+ on

    the part& a7in+ the disclosureB

    e( in copliance ith the request or requireent of an& re+ulator& bod& or other

    authorit&B or

    f( pursuant to an order b& the Tribunal on application b& a part& ith proper notice

    to the other parties9

    '3( .n this Rule =atters relatin+ to the proceedin+s> eans the eistence of the

    proceedin+s and the pleadin+s eidence and other aterials in the arbitration

    proceedin+s and all other docuents produced b& another part& in the proceedin+s or the

    aard arisin+ fro the proceedin+s but ecludes an& atter that is otherise in the

    public doain9

    '4( The Tribunal has the poer to ta7e appropriate easures includin+ issuin+ an order or

    aard for sanctions or costs if a part& breaches the proisions of this Rule9

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    'all aounts are in 8an+ladesh Ta7a(

    1. Regstrat!n ,ee

    191 Alon+ ith the Notice of Arbitration the *laiant shall pa& a Re+istration -ee of Ta7a


    192 0ithout the Re+istration -ee 8.A* shall not proceed ith the arbitration9

    193 A Re+istration -ee of Ta7a 1,,,, shall also be paid b& the Respondent if filin+ a

    counterclai9 This fee shall be paid at the tie of filin+ the counterclai as required in

    Rule 492'd(9

    194 The Re+istration -ee is not refundable9

    2. Ad*nstrate ,ee

    8.A*Cs Adinistratie -ee shall be char+ed in accordance ith the folloin+ table:


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    S#* n ds/#te Ar"trat!r=s ,ee

    (*n*#*)Ar"trat!r=s ,ee


    up to 5,,,,,, 1,,,,, 5,,,,,

    fro 5,,,,,1

    to 1,,,,,,,

    1,,,,, E 295F aboe


    5,,,,, E 59,F aboe


    fro 1,,,,,,1

    to 5,,,,,,,

    225,,, E 1925F aboe


    "5,,,, E 295F aboe


    fro 5,,,,,,1

    to 1,,,,,,,,

    "25,,, E ,95F aboe


    1"5,,,, E 19,F aboe


    fro 1,,,,,,,1

    to 5,,,,,,,,

    )"5,,, E ,91F aboe


    225,,,, E ,92F aboe


    fro 5,,,,,,,,

    to 1,,,,,,,,,

    13"5,,,E,9,5F aboe


    245,,,, E ,91 aboe


    aboe 1,,,,,,,,, 1!25,,, E ,9,1F aboe


    2)5,,,, E ,9,2F aboe


    . C!*/#tat!n !$ ,ees

    491 *lais and counterclais are added for the deterination of the aount in dispute9 The

    sae rule applies to set%off defences unless the arbitration tribunal after consultin+ ith

    the parties concludes that such set%off clais ill not require si+nificant additional or79

    492 The 8.A*Gs Adinistratie -ees and the ArbitratorCs -ees a& eceed the aounts set

    out in the scale aboe here in the opinion of the 8.A* there are eceptional

    circustances hich shall include and not be liited to the parties conductin+ the

    arbitration in a anner not reasonabl& conteplated b& the arbitration tribunal at the tie

    of appointent9

    493 .nterest clais shall not be ta7en into account for the calculation of the aount in

    dispute9 /oeer if the interest clais eceed the aounts claied in principal the

    interest clais alone shall be considered in calculatin+ the aount in dispute9

    494 .f the clais are ade in an& currenc& other than in Ta7a the& shall be conerted into

    Ta7a usin+ the ean of the bu&in+ and sellin+ rates of echan+e published b& the

    8an+ladesh 8an79

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    495 .f the aount in dispute is not quantified the 8.A*Gs Adinistratie -ees and the

    ArbitratorsG -ees shall be fied b& the Secretar& +eneral ta7in+ into account all releant


    3. Ar"trat!n E:/enses

    The epenses of the arbitration shall relate to the actual disburseents for the arbitrationother than Re+istration -ee Adinistratie -ee and ArbitratorCs -ee9 These epenses

    a& coer but are not liited to: fees and epenses for eperts appointed b& the

    Arbitration Tribunal trael 'business class airfare unless special arran+eents hae been

    a+reed( accoodation eals 'if in hoe cit& onl& eals aon+ arbitrators are ta7en

    into account( tai counications costs and an& other costs related to the conduct of

    the proceedin+s 'such as rental of hearin+ roos char+es for ideo conferencin+ court

    reportin+ serices interpreters etc9(9 8.A* a& issue +eneral +uidelines to the arbitrators

    for the accountin+ of their epenses9 The epenses of the arbitration shall be inoiced and

    paid separatel& and are not included in the ArbitratorsG -ees under Section 39

    4. Inter* a'*ents

    8.A* a& direct that interi pa&ents shall be ade fro tie to tie out of funds held

    on deposit to coer 8.A*Cs Adinistratie -ees and the ArbitratorsG -ees and penses9

    ach part& shall pa& its share of the total adance on costs in cash9 /oeer if a part&Cs

    share of the adance on costs is +reater than Ta7a 5,,,,, such part& a& post a ban7

    +uarantee for an& aount aboe Ta7a 5,,,,,9 8.A* a& odif& this requireent if

    circustances so require it9

    5. artes >!ntl' and Seerall' La"le

    "91 The parties shall be @ointl& and seerall& liable to the arbitration tribunal and 8.A* for

    the costs of the arbitration9 8.A* a& authori;e the pa&ent of adances on costs or an&

    part&Cs share thereof in installents sub@ect to such conditions as it thin7s fit9

    "92 A part& that has alread& paid in full its share of the adance on costs fied b& 8.A* or

    the arbitration tribunal a& pa& the unpaid portion of the adance oed b& the

    defaultin+ part& b& postin+ a ban7 +uarantee9

    6. Len !n A+ard

    8.A* and the arbitration tribunal shall hae a lien oer an& aards issued b& a tribunal to secure

    the pa&ent of the costs referred to in Article 2! and a& accordin+l& refuse to release an& such

    aards to the parties until all such costs hae been paid in full9

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    'all aounts are in 8an+ladesh Ta7a(

    1. Regstrat!n ,ee

    191 Alon+ ith the Notice of Arbitration the *laiant shall pa& a Re+istration -ee of Ta7a"5,,9

    192 0ithout the Re+istration -ee 8.A* shall not proceed ith the arbitration9

    193 The Re+istration -ee is not refundable9

    194 A Re+istration -ee of Ta7a "5,, shall also be paid b& the Respondent if filin+ a

    counterclai9 This fee shall be paid at the tie of filin+ the counterclai as required in

    Rule 492'd(9 This Re+istration fee is not refundable9

    2. Ad*nstrate ,ee

    8.A*Cs Adinistratie -ee shall be char+ed in accordance ith the folloin+ table:


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    C!nstt#t!n !$ the BIAC Ar"trat!n C!**ttee

    Art&le 1@ C!*/!st!n !$ the Ar"trat!n C!**ttee

    19 The Arbitration *oittee shall consist of up to fifteen ordinar& ebers appointed b&

    the *ouncil of Directors of the 8.A* 'Hthe *ouncilC(9

    29 The ebers of the Arbitration *oittee shall sere for a period of si &ears9 Sub@ect

    to the *ouncilCs discretion an& eber a& be re%appointed for a further si &ear period

    after due consultation ith other Arbitration *oittee ebers9

    39 The Arbitration *oittee shall a7e recoendations to the *ouncil to fillappointents arisin+ fro retireents or casual acancies and on other issues relatin+ to

    the coposition of the Arbitration *oittee fro tie to tie as appropriate9

    49 The Arbitration *oittee shall consist of:

    a9 A President appointed b& the *ouncil on the recoendation of the Arbitration

    *oittee to sere for a period of up to three &ears and to be eli+ible forreappointentB and


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    d9 Proote the ob@ecties of the 8.A* and international arbitration +enerall&9

    29 The functions of the Arbitration *oittee under this *onstitution and the 8.A*

    Arbitration Rules shall be perfored in its nae b& the President or in his absence b& a

    Iice President of the Arbitration *oittee9

    39 -or the purpose of perforin+ specific tas7s in relation to the functions of theArbitration *oittee the President a& set up ad hoc sub%coittees of the

    Arbitration *oittee chaired b& an& eber appointed b& the President9

    49 .n the perforance of its functions under this *onstitution ebers of the Arbitration

    *oittee shall at all ties act independentl& of the *ouncil9

    59 No eber of the Arbitration *oittee ho is related ith an arbitration hich is

    bein+ adinistered in accordance ith the 8.A* Arbitration Rules shall participate in or

    influence an& decision of the Arbitration *oittee relatin+ to such arbitration9

    Art&le @ %eetngs !$ the Ar"trat!n C!**ttee

    19 The Arbitration *oittee shall eet hen required under the 8.A* Arbitration Rules

    and at least once eer& si onths9

    29 The eetin+s shall be chaired b& the President or in his absence b& a Iice%President

    and the quoru shall be fie9 The *hairan of the eetin+ shall hae a castin+ ote9

    Art&le 3@ A//!nt*ent !$ ar"trat!rs

    19 All appointents of arbitrators in the nae of the Arbitration *oittee shall be ade

    b& the President or in his absence b& a Iice%President on the PresidentCs behalf9

    29 All ordinar& ebers of the Arbitration *oittee shall be eli+ible for appointent as

    arbitrators proided the& hae not ta7en part in the appointent of an arbitral tribunal to

    hich the& hae been noinated or in an& other function of the Arbitration *oittee

    relatin+ to such an arbitration9

    Art&le 4@ ,#n&t!ns !$ the Se&retar' General

    The Secretar& eneral shall carr& out da& to da& operations of the 8.A* and adinistratie

    functions under the 8.A* Arbitration Rules9

    Art&le 5@ A*end*ents

    The proisions of this *onstitution a& onl& be aended ith the utual consent of the

    Arbitration *oittee and the *ouncil9

    Printed on 1st $arch 2,13