Bhuwan Project

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  • 8/3/2019 Bhuwan Project






    Report on

    Staffing management and Flexi timing implemented In Store

    Submittedto Lovely Professional University

    In partial fulfillment of the

    Requirements for the award of Degree of

    Master of Business Administration

    Submitted by:

    Bhuwan Grover

    University Roll No.







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    This report documents the work done during the summer training at HyperCITY

    Amritsar regarding the Staffing management and flexi timing implementation in

    Retail store.

    The report first shall give an overview of the tasks completed during the period of

    training. Then the results obtained shall be discussed and analyzed.

    I have tried my best to keep report simple yet technically correct. I have tried to

    put my best effort to complete this task on the basis of my skill that I have learnt

    in the last one year. I hope I succeed in my attempt.

    I have put my maximum effort to get the accurate statistical data. However I

    would appreciate if any mistakes are brought forward by my readers.

    Bhuwan Grover

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    I would like to express my gratitude to all those who gave me the possibility

    to complete this project titled Staffing management and flexi timing implemented

    in store The project would not have been complete without the guidance of Ms

    Parminder Kaur ,who was there to provide me the constant support and co-

    operation through every phase of the project. I would also like to thank members

    ofHuman Resource Department Ms Richa Sharma, Mr. Amit Kumar and the

    rest of the members of HyperCITY for their valuable inputs in helping me in

    making this project.

    Finally, this project would not have been possible without the confidence, endur-

    ance and support of my family. My family has always been a source of inspiration

    and encouragement.

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    Table of Contents

    Introduction Purpose About HyperCITY


    Staffing management


    Staffing process

    HR policies for effective workingGrooming standards

    Leave policy

    Flexible timing policy


    HyperCITY through my eyes


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    This project include staffing management by HyperCITY, how the organization

    manage its staff what sources and techniques they opt for managing the staff .It

    also include the time management by the store because retail sector is only sector

    which is opened for customer for 365 days and they provide proactive

    associates every time ready to attend the customers.


    To know about the staffing procedures of the organization and about the policies

    and methods used by the HR department for effective working of the organization

    and to learn about the timings implemented in store.

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    Overview of the Company

    HyperCITY provides a truly international shopping experience, where customers

    can shop in comfort in a large, modern, & exciting environment. It offers a wide

    and contemporary range of innovative products, sourced from both local and in-

    ternational markets.

    HyperCITY, Crossword and shoppers stop are part of K. Raheja Corp Group. It

    was incepted in the year 2005 and it provides a truly international shopping expe-


    Hyper Citys vision is to be an integral part of customer lives, of offering them a

    high quality shopping experience through great products at ever better prices.

    Hyper Citys Business Mission is to sustain profitable growth by encouraging

    customers to discover an authoritative assortment of quality products with excit-

    ing promotions in a globally competitive retail environment and create through

    our company values an environment where our associates grow within the busi-


    Values of Hyper CITY:

    o We all have a fundamental right to good leadership at every levelo We respect Family, Team, Self-in that order.o We are all real people with feelings, emotions and values.o We all have responsibility to innovate.o We demand absolutely integrity from each other.o We all ownership of our individual actions.o We are empowered to make decisions to satisfy our customers.

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    Hyper CITY launches its first store in Amritsar (Punjab)

    Hyper CITY, Indias finest hypermarket chain launched its 1st store in Amritsar.

    Hyper CITY retail ltd and Shoppers ltd of K Rhea Group have entered in Punjab

    with the launch of its stores in Amritsar .The sprawling 1, 20, 000 sq. ft. store is

    situated at Alpha One, on Main G.T. Road, Amritsar and offers a wide selection

    of innovative products sourced from both local and global markets, giving resi-

    dents of Amritsar a chance to enjoy a truly international shopping experience.

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    Staffing Management

    Staffing managementis the process of recruiting, evaluating, and selecting sala-

    ried, hourly, and contingent employees, following up and assessing their perfor-

    mance, and letting go those who are no longer needed or who do not meet com-

    pany's performance standards.

    Staffing Process - Steps involved in Staffing

    1. Manpower requirements- The very first step in staffing is to plan the manpowerinventory required by a concern in order to match them with the job requirements

    and demands. Therefore, it involves forecasting and determining the future man-

    power needs of the concern.

    2. Recruitment- Once the requirements are notified, the concern invites and solicitsapplications according to the invitations made to the desirable candidates.

    3. Selection- This is the screening step of staffing in which the solicited applicationsare screened out and suitable candidates are appointed as per the requirements.

    4. Orientation and Placement- Once screening takes place, the appointed candi-dates are made familiar to the work units and work environment through the ori-

    entation programmes. Placement takes place by putting right man on the right job.

    5. Training and Development- Training is a part of incentives given to the workersin order to develop and grow them within the concern. Training is generally given

    according to the nature of activities and scope of expansion in it. Along with it,

    the workers are developed by providing them extra benefits of in depth

    knowledge of their functional areas. Development also includes giving them key

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    and important jobs as a test or examination in order to analyze their performanc-


    6. Remuneration- It is a kind of compensation provided monetarily to the employ-ees for their work performances. This is given according to the nature of job-

    skilled or unskilled, physical or mental, etc. Remuneration forms an important

    monetary incentive for the employees.

    7. Performance Evaluation- In order to keep a track or record of the behavior,attitudes as well as opinions of the workers towards their jobs. For this regular as-

    sessment is done to evaluate and supervise different work units in a concern. It is

    basically concerning to know the development cycle and growth patterns of the

    employees in a concern.

    8. Promotion and transfer- Promotion is said to be a non- monetary incentive inwhich the worker is shifted from a higher job demanding bigger responsibilities

    as well as shifting the workers and transferring them to different work units and

    branches of the same organization

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    Staffing Process followed by HyperCITY

    1. Manpower requirements- The very first step in staffing is to plan the Manpowerrequirement in various departments and also find out the qualification and skills

    required by the department which helpful in calling the suitable candidates for re-


    2. Recruitment- After notifying the requirements HR department proceed to re-cruitment of the staff. Recruitment done by Hyper CITY:

    Company adopt 2 methods of recruitmentsInternal

    Associates willing to move within the company

    Through References





    Direct applicants

    Existing database

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    Online job portal

    Employment Type

    Full Timers

    Part Timers



    By all above given resources resumes are collected by the organization and then

    candidates are shortlisted according to the requirement and Hr department called

    the listed candidates asked about the current job future expectations, salary expec-

    tations and than if consider than finally called for the interview.

    An Interview assessment sheet attached with resume of the candidate used forassessing the candidate while interview.

    After first interview the shortlisted candidate are called for the 2nd round.Those who clear the second round are then asked to join the organization.

    Some candidates who are not fit for current job but suitable for future require-

    ments their resumes filed in RESUMES HOLD file.

    3 Selection-After the interview employee is selected and some basic formalities hehave to carry out which are:

    Filling of application form

    Filling of ESIC form

    Get the required documents

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    ID card given to employee

    Offer letter given to employee

    4 Induction programme

    After the selection the appointed candidates are made familiar to the workunits and work environment through the induction programmers, it is of 7days session.

    Induction include introduction of the company, HR Overview, Phraseology,

    Grooming and manners, Hyper CITY DCC, Cashier phraseology, Housekeeping

    Standards and some detail of retailing.

    5 Training and Development

    Training is a part of incentives given to the workers in order to develop and grow

    them within the concern. HyperCITY provides all kind of necessary training to

    their employees and also provide in depth knowledge for their working areas, key

    features, so that employee develops themselves.

    Ex: Safety training, Process training, Negative inventory training, product train-

    ing, soft skills training etc.

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    6 Remuneration:

    It is a kind of compensation provided monetarily to the employees for their

    work performances. This is given according to the nature of job- skilled or un-

    skilled, physical or mental, etc.

    With fixed salary company also provide some of the incentives to the employees

    such as:

    Travelling allowance:To reimburse the expenses incurred by the associates while travelling for official

    reasons within the city and outside the city. All associates of HyperCITY Retail

    India Ltd are covered under this policy.

    Lunch and dinner allowance:To provide associates with lunch and dinner during odd hours of work .lunch al-

    lowance can be claimed only when an associate goes out for work before 12 noon

    and is arriving back to office after 4:00 pm.

    Similarly dinner allowance can be claimed only when an associate is required to

    stay back in office after 9:00 pm for official purpose and has worked for an extra

    2 hrs after the end of his/her regular shift.

    Mobile Reimbursement Scheme:To reimburse the mobile bills of the managers for effective communication but it

    will not be valid for personal calls. The handset value can be claimed once every

    two years, In case the associate leaves before completing two years, the prorated

    amount of the handset will be deducted in his final settlement.

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    Employee Discount Scheme:To provide discounts to the associates on purchase of merchandise from Hyper-

    CITY. All regular employees get discount on every category purchased by em-


    Salary Advance Benefit:

    All confirmed employees are come under this policy .Under this company pro-vide monetary help to the employee in case of emergency. To get this benefit em-

    ployee will have to submit a salary advance application to his superior and its au-

    thorized by the respective SM/SOM/GM and human resources.

    Medical Reimbursement Scheme:

    The scheme shall apply only to regular association of HyperCITY for self and

    their dependent family members. It will also include association who are on pro-


    Profit Linked Reward Scheme:

    The PLRS for stores is designed to reward the employees of different stores of

    Hyper CITY for achieving desired results for their respective stores and empha-

    size performance based incentive compensation.

    All the employees in HyperCITY who are on the rolls of the company till the end

    of the fiscal year will be eligible for consideration of annual component of PLRS.

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    Employees not completing one year during the assessment period will be consid-

    ered on pro-rata basis.

    7. Performance Evaluation:

    After the joining company, employee gets appointment letter and he is taken on

    probation period for six months (associate) and three months (managers).Under

    this period, the management will assess the employee on various criterias pre-

    defined by Higher Management. The period is the judging period in we analyses

    that weather the person has acquired the requisite know-how and skills for per-

    manent placements and is a good fit in the team. If after defined probation period,

    associate is below expectations than company may extend probation for next

    three months. An associate gets confirmed after clearing the probation period.

    For Confirmation

    The HR department will forward the confirmation appraisal to the department

    head at least fifteen days prior to the date of the commission.

    The departmental head will then evaluate and put forward his/her recommenda-

    tions for confirmation.

    On receiving the assessment form, the HR department will issue confirmation let-

    ter. All other terms and conditions of employment will remain same as mentioned

    in the appointment letter.

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    After the confirmation of the employees, company gives opportunities to them to

    enhance their existing competencies and develop new ones by the performance

    appraisals scheme.

    Performance appraisal is conducted twice a year

    OctoberMedium year Appraisal and MarchAnnual Appraisal


    The HR Department will trigger the appraisal form on PeopleSoft for all the em-ployees Departments.

    The associate will complete the self appraisal section of the form and click onsubmit to enable to his supervisors to access the form.

    The superior and the associates will then together review the ratings and arrive ata consensus.

    The superiors fills the final ratings and clicks on submit to enable the reviewers toaccess the form. Once the reviewer has approved it, he click on submit for HR to

    access the appraisal form.

    The HR Department will consolidate the data and rate the individuals, which willeventually result in increase in pay or training.

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    8 Promotions and Transfer:

    HyperCITY provide promotion opportunities to their employees, those employees

    who want to grow and develop themselves they can give PDC test (potential de-

    velopment charter).


    First at the joining of the organization a work book is given to all the employees

    who cover all the departments information and policies and it is filled by the em-

    ployees in probation period.

    After six months a PDC is conducted which include written test based on work


    After the test if employee cleared the test he/she will go for an interview which


    CBI-Competency Based Interview

    Role Play

    In Basket

    Than after clearing the interview a report is send to SO (Service Office) and after

    assessing employees promoted to TTL(training team Leader) for six months than

    after continue assessment of six months ,he will become TL.

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    Company has to two type of transfer:

    1) Inter-Department Transfer:In this transfer employee is transferred from one department to another.


    A inter department transfer letter is given to employees and one copy is retained

    with HR as a Proof of transfer.

    2) Transfer to another Store:Under this transfer employees are relocated to the new location without undue

    personal/financial stress.


    1) The transfer letter will be issued at least 15 days before the date of transfer.2) The concerned HR department will process the transfer memo. The copy of trans-

    fer letter & transfer memo will be sent along with the individuals personnel file

    to the receiving store HR Dept.

    3) The employee can claim cost of transport of the household effects through Peo-pleSoft from the receiving location. Similarly, the cost of leave would be debited

    to the receiving location.

    4) The transfer benefits would be recovered in the event of any transfer due to em-ployee request for transfer back to his/her base location within a year.

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    HR policies for managing the staff

    Company has some of polices related to staff management which include groomingstandards policies, leave polices and flexi timing policy:

    Grooming and Manners:

    Grooming is the Process of making yourself neat, clean and attractive.

    Grooming Standards:

    Cleanliness Policy

    Bathe regularly, Cut your nails, Use Deodorants, Keep your hair clean, Wash your

    hands, and clean your ears and nose.

    Uniform Policy

    A uniform is a set of standards clothing worn by members of an organization. It

    provides a consistent and professional look to the front-end staff at the stores.

    The uniform should be:

    Worn with pride

    Should be well maintained

    Should be ironed

    ID card should be worn always

    Shoes should be formal and brown and also should be polished.

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    Formal Belt should be worn.

    Important things in Grooming:-

    When in uniform, hair must be in a burn or roll and no colorful pins are allowed.

    Wear one simple ring on each hand.

    Wear your smiley every time.

    Walk gracefully. Do not run on the floor.

    Cover your mouth when you cough.

    Do use a mouth freshener after smoking.

    Mobile phones/ I-pods are not allowed on the floor.

    Apply deodorantsspray to avoid body odor. Smell good to feel good.

    Leave Policy:

    HyperCITY provide two types of leaves to their staff which are as follows:

    Casual Leave: An employee can get 12 in a year means one in a month after proba-

    tion period and new joiner get casual leave only in emergency.

    Privilege Leave: An employee can get 25 privilege leave in a year after the proba-

    tion period and u can take minimum four leaves together not less than it.


    First employees write application on prescribed format given to them.

    After filling the application employee get it signed by manager

    Then give it to HR officer for updating in system.

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    Flexible Working Hours Policy:

    To provide flexibility in working hours that helps employees in balancing theirwork life and personal life and help in our endeavor to make HyperCITY A Great

    Place to Work.


    Associates will have an option to come to work at any time from 8:00 am to 10:00

    am and can leave anytime after 5:00 pm provided he/she has put in a maximum of

    9 hours (Example: if an associate will come in at 8:00 am then he/she can leave at

    7:00 pm)

    The associate will have to put in a maximum of nine hours a day. He can decide

    what works best for him and the company on a day to day basis after consultation

    with his immediate Supervisor. The common hours of work for all will be 10:00

    am to 5:00 pm- the two hours prior to this and the two hours following this period

    being the flexible time.

    In case the associate does not punch (marking attendance by punching your ID

    card on punching machine) in or out then he/she will have to regularize the attend-


    If an associate leaves or is on leave then he/she has to state the reason for the same

    (through leave application or attendance regularization)

    Monthly audits will be conducted by the HR department to see all associates are

    putting in nine hours of work .In case there are any discrepancies as well as late

    comings the same will be highlighted on a monthly basis to the functional Heads

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    by their respective HR Leaders who will need an initiate necessary action as and

    when required.

    Along with the monthly audits HR adopt some other methods to regularize the

    staff which is as follows:

    Fix shifts:

    It is difficult to give shift timings according to every employee thats why com-

    pany has three shifts for the employees which are as follows:

    8:30 Am to 6:00 pm 10:00 Am to 7:30 pm 11:00 Am to 12:00 Pm 1:00 Pm to 10:30 Pm

    These nine hours include 1 hour of lunch break .Night shifts are also there for re-


    All the staff is given one of the fix timing according to the requirement of their de-

    partment and the service manager of that department change the shift timing of

    their staff according to the need of department.

    Along with the own staff company also have brand staff which appoint by the

    some brands to promote their brand ,shifts for these promoters also fixed by the

    HR department of HyperCITY.

    Every person wants a day free from work which he can spend with their family and

    retail sector is the only sector where is no Sundays and for giving break to their

    staff from work all the staff members get a week off and this week off is fixed by

    HR members of the company as per the need of the store.

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    For successfully implementing the timing Policy and uniform policy company has

    Attendance registers:

    On the staff entry registers are placed in which employees have to mention theirentry and exit timings.

    Indiscipline Registers:

    This register is for maintaining the grooming standards of the organization, this

    register also placed at staff entry and at the time of entry of staff , security guard

    check each employee if they are not in uniform than his/her entry is done in regis-


    This register is checked by the HR officer on regular basis and if employee is regu-

    larly avoiding the grooming standards than warning is given to that employee and

    also informed to his service manager.

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    Notice Boards:

    Notice Boards are placed in back office and in canteen.

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    By this project I come to know about the staffing process of the HyperCITY, everycompany have their own process and methods of staffing. HyperCITY recruits

    staff by campus recruitment as well as by referrals, some documentation is done at

    the time of joining which include mark sheets, birth proof, residence proof etc for

    the company records. Company provide ID cards and a dress to every employee so

    that all employees look alike, no one can feel inferior from other. Along with the

    permanent salary company have different schemes for their employees such as

    medical reimbursement sheme, PLRS by which they get motivated and inspired to

    give more and more outputs and remain committed to the organization.

    Hyper CITY organize briefing in canteen on every Saturday in which they inform

    their employees about the sales targets, about the upcoming offers for the custom-

    ers and motivate their employees verbally and also appreciation letters are given to

    employees for their excellent performance in its department.

    Company works on the flexible timing policy which is a need of the retail store be-

    cause store is open for 12 hrs for the customers and for effective working of a store

    we required employees for 12hrs and also employees for refilling at night but as

    per government rules 8 hrs is the maximum working hour of an employee. So for

    fulfilling the needs of company by obeying government norms, company has dif-

    ferent shift timings for employees .

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    HyperCITY Through my Eyes

    In HyperCITY, Amritsar I spent 42 days as a management trainee, from where I

    got first experience of working in corporate world. I worked with staff of Hyper-

    CITY, they are very cooperative and friendly people.

    Here I am displaying some of the pictures of our departments, offices & activities.

    Entrance of HYPERCITY, Amritsar

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    Perishable and Food Section (My favorite department)

    It is perishable and food section from where a customer can buy fresh fruits &

    vegetables. Some fruits are also available in different transparent packaging, insidewhich they are freshly cut and decorated to maintain hygiene.

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    CDIT ( Consumer Durables & IT )

    One of the best sections HAM Section, which basically deals in consumer durableslike Televisions, mobile phones, DVD players, Laptops, Refrigerators, washing

    machines, air coolers, electric chimneys, Irons, Mixer grinders etc. Various acces-

    sories of mobiles and laptops are also available. The store has a good collection of

    movie DVDs and VCDs. Black single layer (4.7 GB) re-writable DVDs of Sony &

    Moser bear are available. Dual layer (8.5GB) writable DVDs of Moserbear , which

    are generally not available in local markets are also available. Laptop bags, wire-

    less keyboards & mouse, speakers & woofers, home-theatres, headsets, micro-

    phones etc. are readily available.

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    Crossword Book store

    Crossword, a world of books where u can read and buy books, its a part of K.

    Raheja group and its situated inside the Hypercity. Its a kind of Shop-in-shop.

    Here the customers can have a pleasant experience of sitting quietly in the sofa sets

    and browsing through the books they are interested upon. Apart from books

    Crossword has a good collection of Movie DVDs , some classics which are worth

    watching again & again, Crossword also has a good collection of latest PSP game

    DVDs like Need For Speed , Halo 2 etc.

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    STS Section ( Sports ,Toys & Stationary section)

    Its our sports section from where customer buys every kind of sports equipments.

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    Home Section

    Its our Home section where we have display of the entire home furnishing itemslike chairs, tables, beds, Almirahs, shoe racks, sofa sets and computer sets.

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    Here is check out section of HyperCITY,

    HyperCITY have 10 check outs in a series which provide convenient billing to cus-tomers and one check out in perishable and one in desi caf to reduce the waste of


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    Warehouse (present back store)

    Here I have some pictures of the warehouse of the Hypercity where all the goods

    are stored. On every rack signage is placed which inform about the department it

    belong and the categories stored in that section.

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    Back Office:

    Here we have some pictures of back office where all the official work is done.

    Back office has HR office, DGM office, Accounts office, Loss and prevention of-

    fice, IT office and B&M team office.

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    Some snaps of briefing activity held on every Saturday

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    Under this training I have learned a lot by working in actual corporate envi-

    ronment,firstly I was in fashion department where I interact with customers

    and employees and come to know about the different process like picsing

    ,code management etc than I was transferred to HR department where I

    worked for rest of the training in which I asit hr manager and some responsi-

    bilites are given to me like maintaining the grooming standards of

    MTs,listening their quiries of MTs and handle them ,solve the conflicts be-

    tween them and maintaining the attendance of MTs and Managers on daily

    basis,some other tasks I have done like arranging Saturday briefing on every

    Saturday ,filing of documents on every Sunday,making ppts for different ac-

    tivities held in organization ,calling employees for meetings from floor and in-

    forming them abt the new rules and new events company is going to organ-

    ize.some CSR activities like clothes distribution and also help my MTs in

    other activities like mango eating compition,blood donation camp,fathers day

    celebration organized by them,

    I learned a lot in this training and I am thankful to all my mentors and em-

    ployees of the company who teach me a lot and help me in preparing my pro-




    Induction book PAGE NO: 15 to 17

    HR policies Guide PAGE NO: 31, 56, 59, 80, 85, 93

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