BHSEA Birmingham Health, Safety Environment ... · BHSEA. Birmingham Health, Safety & Environment...

Birmingham Health, Safety & Environment Association B H S E A k Hazard Spotting Members’ Corner Main presentation Other presentation(s) Toolbox Poster / Cartoon Members questions News / Stop Press Next event Links via icons or arrows For further information: Liz Prophett Tel: 07881 290238; Email: [email protected] March 2017 BHSEA 2017 Programme Construction / WWT Business Continuity – Seminar Newsletter Harry Jakeman Memorial Event Sharing Learning Improving CDM – Is it doing the job? Tony Mitchell, HSE Safety by Design Ray Gold, RDG Engineering Use of CCTV in Manufacturing Nick Ayres, Ecl-ips

Transcript of BHSEA Birmingham Health, Safety Environment ... · BHSEA. Birmingham Health, Safety & Environment...

Page 1: BHSEA Birmingham Health, Safety Environment ... · BHSEA. Birmingham Health, Safety & Environment Association. MARCH 2017 Harry Jakeman-s In Memoriam. 28 June 1927 – 8 May 2016

MARCH 2017 Birmingham Health, Safety & Environment Association BHSEA

Hazard Spotting

Members’ Corner

Main presentation

Other presentation(s)


Poster / Cartoon

Members questions

News / Stop Press

Next event

Links via icons or 


For further information: Liz Prophett Tel: 07881 290238; Email: [email protected]

March 2017

BHSEA 2017 Programme Construction / WWT Business Continuity – Seminar

NewsletterHarry Jakeman Memorial Event

Sharing Learning Improving

CDM – Is it doing the  job?

Tony Mitchell, HSE

Safety by DesignRay Gold, RDG Engineering

Use of CCTV in ManufacturingNick Ayres, Ecl-ips

Page 2: BHSEA Birmingham Health, Safety Environment ... · BHSEA. Birmingham Health, Safety & Environment Association. MARCH 2017 Harry Jakeman-s In Memoriam. 28 June 1927 – 8 May 2016

MARCH 2017 Birmingham Health, Safety & Environment Association BHSEAGuests and New Members

A special welcome was extended to:

Andy Chappell, retired BHSEA secretary

Gerry Mulholland, previous Chair of BHSEA Construction Section

Alex Stobart, Trainee Inspector, HSE

New Members and Guests also welcomed:

Matt Pickett, Safeline


Clive Lamb, Contract Fire Security Systems

Andrew Hornby, Arcadis

Ross Folley, Hintons

Paul Swift, Matrix

Page 3: BHSEA Birmingham Health, Safety Environment ... · BHSEA. Birmingham Health, Safety & Environment Association. MARCH 2017 Harry Jakeman-s In Memoriam. 28 June 1927 – 8 May 2016

MARCH 2017 Birmingham Health, Safety & Environment Association BHSEA

Harry Jakeman-

In Memoriam28 June 1927 – 8 May 2016

It is with great sadness that we report the death of Harry 

Jakeman, a long‐time Association member and stalwart. Harry joined the Association in 1950 and served with 

distinction on Council, the Management Committee and 

Construction section before retiring from the 

Association in 2005 – 55 years of continuous support 

and service!He held ‘high‐office’

on a number of occasions:1979 – 81 Construction Section Chairman1982 – 83 Association Chairman2000 – 01 Association Chairman for a second period –

unprecedented at that time.Harry did so much for the Association and his passion 

and enthusiasm rubbed off on others. He also played a significant role on the Management 

Committee of the National Health and Safety Group 

(later Safety Groups UK) and always took a leading role 

in the Annual RoSPA

Safety Exhibition at the NEC.He will be fondly remembered by so many.

As also co

vered at 

May 2016 ev

ent and 



Page 4: BHSEA Birmingham Health, Safety Environment ... · BHSEA. Birmingham Health, Safety & Environment Association. MARCH 2017 Harry Jakeman-s In Memoriam. 28 June 1927 – 8 May 2016

MARCH 2017 Birmingham Health, Safety & Environment Association BHSEAWorking at Height

What is good or not good?What would you do?What would you say or ask?

1710141_48 safety (ben wright)

Page 5: BHSEA Birmingham Health, Safety Environment ... · BHSEA. Birmingham Health, Safety & Environment Association. MARCH 2017 Harry Jakeman-s In Memoriam. 28 June 1927 – 8 May 2016

MARCH 2017 Birmingham Health, Safety & Environment Association BHSEA

Believed to be attributed to IOSH circa 2006 but an enquiry with IOSH and a web search has failed to locate it. If you are the copyright holder or know who is please contact BHSEA: Tel: 07881 290238 or email: [email protected]

Hazard Spotting - Construction

Page 6: BHSEA Birmingham Health, Safety Environment ... · BHSEA. Birmingham Health, Safety & Environment Association. MARCH 2017 Harry Jakeman-s In Memoriam. 28 June 1927 – 8 May 2016

MARCH 2017 Birmingham Health, Safety & Environment Association BHSEACCTV –

Assisting a Health 

and Safety Practitioner

Aaron Kernaghan, Ecl‐ips

Key Points

Use of CCTV can:‐ help thwart false compensation claims‐ benefit lone workers, who may also be provided with panic alarms‐monitor contractors on site to ensure they are working safely‐provide alerts to employers where there are dangerous practices occurring , eg


up to notify when there are  pedestrians or discarded pallets in

a designated forklift 

truck area‐monitor unlawful trespass which could lead to accidents‐monitor unmanned assembly lines and alert staff to malfunctions

Use of CCTV is on the increase and now provides high resolution images, which could 

be invaluable in a legal context.  Latest technology can also monitor vehicle speeds.

There is no problem with data protection laws, as long as employees are made aware 

that the CCTV is in place specifically for health and safety purposes.  Copies of 

recordings can be stored “in the Cloud”

for employers to access should their copies 

be seized by investigators.

Page 7: BHSEA Birmingham Health, Safety Environment ... · BHSEA. Birmingham Health, Safety & Environment Association. MARCH 2017 Harry Jakeman-s In Memoriam. 28 June 1927 – 8 May 2016

MARCH 2017 Birmingham Health, Safety & Environment Association BHSEACDM – Is it doing the job?

Tony Mitchell, HSE

Key points

HSE believe that in the two years since CDM 2015 was launched, there have been vast 

improvements across the construction industry.The introduction of additional responsibilities and accountability for designers , who are now 

required to consider how their buildings can be safely built and

maintained ‐

and adapt their 

designs accordingly ‐

should lead to greater worker safety in the long run.The WWT campaign highlights that for every construction worker killed, 100 more will die through 

work‐related illnesses.  Long latency illnesses such as those caused by asbestos and silica have yet 

to peak.   Controls must continue to be put in place and managed

to protect today’s workers from 

harmful substances to ensure they do not suffer a similar fate in 20‐30 years’

time.The Regulations set the standards to be achieved and provide a framework but do not dictate the 

process.  The question should be “What is the best system for managing my business to meet the 

requirements of legislation?”

Tony clarified that the Regulations apply to all construction work 

including, for example, decoration and cleaning of windows with pressure washers.  The Client now needs to be more specific as to his requirements and also to ask the contractors 

what arrangements are in place to protect workers and to make sure the contractors’


Phase Plan is in place prior to commencement of work.Remember:  The Client (an organisation or an individual) needs to know they have responsibilities 

under the Regulations and be aware that they are ultimately accountable for any dereliction of 

duty, even if they have appointed an agent to act on their behalf.  Ignorance is not a defence.

Page 8: BHSEA Birmingham Health, Safety Environment ... · BHSEA. Birmingham Health, Safety & Environment Association. MARCH 2017 Harry Jakeman-s In Memoriam. 28 June 1927 – 8 May 2016

MARCH 2017 Birmingham Health, Safety & Environment Association BHSEASafety by Design

Ray Gold, RDG Engineering

Key pointsSafe by Design is about looking at the safety of designs from an

engineering point of view; the aim 

being to eliminate or reduce risks starting with development, through to construction, operation, 

maintenance and decommissioning.Since CDM 2015  designers are now more aware of their obligations regarding  building safety and 

longevity into their designs.  They now focus on innovation rather than purely invention; adapting 

and evolving existing ideas to solve new problems.  They look to

design out the labour intensive or 

dangerous elements, particularly with regard to on‐going maintenance.Value Engineering refers to the elimination of unnecessary costs, whilst improving function and 

quality.  This  involves consideration of availability of materials, construction methods, 

transportation costs, site limitations, etc.Newer methods of construction now include assembling components at ground level for 

installation on site.Historic structures, such as the Forth Bridge, have astronomical

maintenance costs and pose 

significant risks to workers.  Designers of today’s buildings must ensure that they may be 

maintained more economically and safely.There is no substitute for experience; graduates may have new ideas but the experienced 

designers will have the edge and a considerable understanding of

the pitfalls.  Collaboration is key.It is important to recognise that however good  the design it will never eliminate problems caused 

by errors of judgement and those which occur when there is pressure to meet deadlines, but the 

designers can make a significant difference by reducing risks through improved design.

Page 9: BHSEA Birmingham Health, Safety Environment ... · BHSEA. Birmingham Health, Safety & Environment Association. MARCH 2017 Harry Jakeman-s In Memoriam. 28 June 1927 – 8 May 2016

MARCH 2017 Birmingham Health, Safety & Environment Association BHSEAManaging Contractors ‐

Questionnaire / self‐assessment

Based on HSE – HSG 159

1. We always know who’s on site.2.

There has never been a major incident or 

accident involving contractors on site.3.

We assess contractor’s competence in 

health, safety, environment / risk & check for 

evidence before they do work for us.4.

We look into contractors’

procedures for 

health, safety, environment / risk to make 

sure they can fit in with ours.5. We ensure hazards are identified and 

risks are assessed at each stage and the job 

is planned.6.

We inform them of the hazards on the 

site & of our emergency procedures before 

they start.7.

We keep track of their progress until the 

job finishes.8.

After the job we talk to the contractor 

about the work, including health, safety, 

i t /

i k If


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MARCH 2017 Birmingham Health, Safety & Environment Association BHSEA

Poster / Useful  Website

Workplace Safety and Health 

(WSH) Council – Singapore

Page 11: BHSEA Birmingham Health, Safety Environment ... · BHSEA. Birmingham Health, Safety & Environment Association. MARCH 2017 Harry Jakeman-s In Memoriam. 28 June 1927 – 8 May 2016

MARCH 2017 Birmingham Health, Safety & Environment Association BHSEA

Crown copyright information taken from most HSE publications, may be re-used under the terms of the Open Government Licence (OGL). This licence takes the form of a simple set of terms and conditions for re-use at

Poster downloaded from:

See also:

Page 12: BHSEA Birmingham Health, Safety Environment ... · BHSEA. Birmingham Health, Safety & Environment Association. MARCH 2017 Harry Jakeman-s In Memoriam. 28 June 1927 – 8 May 2016

MARCH 2017 Birmingham Health, Safety & Environment Association BHSEA

A search has been carried out but any copyright holder not found. If you are the copyright holder or know who is please contact BHSEA: Tel: 07881 290238 or email: [email protected]

From websitePermission granted by website owner c/o [email protected]

Page 13: BHSEA Birmingham Health, Safety Environment ... · BHSEA. Birmingham Health, Safety & Environment Association. MARCH 2017 Harry Jakeman-s In Memoriam. 28 June 1927 – 8 May 2016

MARCH 2017 Birmingham Health, Safety & Environment Association BHSEAMembers Questions / Requests

Do you have a question, concern or request? ‐

perhaps something you are working on or something on your to‐do list; or‐ a question / issue from a manager, employee, supplier, contractor or customer;‐maybe something you have always wanted to know or ask, or‐ simply to get something off you chest that has been bothering you.We can help!‐

either via BHSEA members or one of our many contacts including the HSEWhat to do‐

if possible send an email to Liz Prophett

(BHSEA Secretary), or‐ raise your question, concern or request at a monthly meeting.What we will do‐

forward your question etc to our Council members (experienced practitioners), or ‐ contact someone we think can help, and‐ raise the question etc at the next monthly BHSEA meeting, and‐ post the answer in the next Newsletter.

By raising / sharing questions etc in this way we hope everyone can benefit


Page 14: BHSEA Birmingham Health, Safety Environment ... · BHSEA. Birmingham Health, Safety & Environment Association. MARCH 2017 Harry Jakeman-s In Memoriam. 28 June 1927 – 8 May 2016

MARCH 2017 Birmingham Health, Safety & Environment Association BHSEA

9 Jan: AGM; HSE Annual Progress Report 

& Plans ‐

Jane Lassey, HSE Divisional 

Director, Wales, Mids

& South West 13 Feb: Influencing Others: Developing 

your Skills ‐Michael Emery, Securus; Lizz

Fields‐Pattinson, Tribe Culture Change.13 Mar: CDM – Is it doing the job? ‐


Mitchell, HSE; Safety by Design – Ray 

Gold, RDG Engineering10 Apr: Wellbeing: What, why and how ‐

Les Wright, University of Birmingham27 April: Business Continuity ‐


Seminar  Details to be circulated / 

publicised early in 20178 May: Cultural Safety, Engagement & 

Business Performance ‐

Ryder Marsh

* In addition events will include: Simple, visual and practical elements of HS&E,Members' Corner

presentation, and usuallySecond presentation / topic

Unless otherwise stated: Buffet lunch from 12.45 pm  Events start at 1.30 pm

2017 Programme – main themes*

12 Jun: Legal update ‐

Louise Mansfield, 


Masons; Preparing for an 

enforcement visit

– Richard Heath11 Sep: Control of Contractors: the law, 

case studies and good practice ‐


Brown, HSE; and others9 Oct: Health and Wellbeing in 

Construction ‐

Tony Mitchell, HSE; and 

others13 Nov: Ergonomics in practice – making 

it comfortable / making it safe –

Posturite; and others11 Dec: Risk Assessment Re‐visited plus

a festive themed learning activity, and 

seasonal fare

Page 15: BHSEA Birmingham Health, Safety Environment ... · BHSEA. Birmingham Health, Safety & Environment Association. MARCH 2017 Harry Jakeman-s In Memoriam. 28 June 1927 – 8 May 2016

MARCH 2017 Birmingham Health, Safety & Environment Association BHSEAFire Prevention in Construction – Tuesday 4th

April 2017

Page 16: BHSEA Birmingham Health, Safety Environment ... · BHSEA. Birmingham Health, Safety & Environment Association. MARCH 2017 Harry Jakeman-s In Memoriam. 28 June 1927 – 8 May 2016

MARCH 2017 Birmingham Health, Safety & Environment Association BHSEAOther Construction / WWT Events


10/17/19 May 2017 ‐

6 x 2 hour sessions (two per day)Venues:

Coleshill, Merry Hill‐Dudley, Central Birmingham.Providers:  Keepmoat, Arco, Mace Group


June/July 2017 (Half‐Day Event)Venue:


Rugby Club, Coventry or Arco Total Access Facility, Stafford.




September 2017 (Half‐Day Event)Venue:


CLOCS / Innovation‐Big & Small Plant /Handling Smaller Equipment Etc


November 2017 (Half‐

Day Event)Venue:


Manual Handling / COSHH Etc.

For further information: Liz Prophett Tel: 07881 290238; Email: [email protected]

Page 17: BHSEA Birmingham Health, Safety Environment ... · BHSEA. Birmingham Health, Safety & Environment Association. MARCH 2017 Harry Jakeman-s In Memoriam. 28 June 1927 – 8 May 2016

MARCH 2017 Birmingham Health, Safety & Environment Association BHSEABusiness Continuity Seminar

If your business were to suffer a serious incident or 

catastrophic event – internal or external, natural or 

man‐made –

would you be able to recover from it?

In particular:

Does your organisation have a business continuity plan in place?

If you arrived at your normal place of work later today or tomorrow and it 

was inaccessible would you know what to do?

If you were one of those in charge after a major event would you


comfortable in dealing with the situation?

Would you be able to apply your health and safety knowledge, experience 

and know‐how to other business issues including business continuity?

Page 18: BHSEA Birmingham Health, Safety Environment ... · BHSEA. Birmingham Health, Safety & Environment Association. MARCH 2017 Harry Jakeman-s In Memoriam. 28 June 1927 – 8 May 2016

MARCH 2017 Birmingham Health, Safety & Environment Association BHSEABusiness Continuity Seminar – 27th

April 2017

Page 19: BHSEA Birmingham Health, Safety Environment ... · BHSEA. Birmingham Health, Safety & Environment Association. MARCH 2017 Harry Jakeman-s In Memoriam. 28 June 1927 – 8 May 2016

MARCH 2017 Birmingham Health, Safety & Environment Association BHSEABusiness Continuity Seminar

Page 20: BHSEA Birmingham Health, Safety Environment ... · BHSEA. Birmingham Health, Safety & Environment Association. MARCH 2017 Harry Jakeman-s In Memoriam. 28 June 1927 – 8 May 2016

MARCH 2017 Birmingham Health, Safety & Environment Association BHSEA

Hazard Spotting

Members’ Corner

Main presentation

Other presentation(s)


Poster / Cartoon

Members questions

News / Stop Press

Next event

Links via icons or arrows

Sharing Learning Improving10th April 2017 12.45pm for 1.30pm – 3.45pm (ish)National Metalforming

Centre ‐

B70 6PY  (1 min from M5 j1)Next


If possible please confirm your attendance by contacting Liz ProphettTel: 07881 290238; Email: [email protected]



Wellbeing: what, why and 

howLes Wright, University of 


Page 21: BHSEA Birmingham Health, Safety Environment ... · BHSEA. Birmingham Health, Safety & Environment Association. MARCH 2017 Harry Jakeman-s In Memoriam. 28 June 1927 – 8 May 2016

MARCH 2017 Birmingham Health, Safety & Environment Association BHSEA