Bhsa Ingris 3

v: I heard from mr sukijan that you sell borax A: Hmm..that's true I sell borax. Who told about it? How dare he is (berani2nya dia) V: It's Mr Sukijan who told me that you sell pisang ijo in this market. Why do you sell it,Sir? A: Well, i sell it because it can give me much salary from selling it and it doesn't need much asset to sell it. v: do you sell birax to all the buyers? A: Yes I sell to all buyers who needs it v: Hmm well if it's true,so how long do you sell it? A: I have sold it for 7 years. Although I don't have many consumers but it is not matter as long as they always pay much money to me. V : What chemical substansion do you sell besides borax,Sir? A : I sell syntetic color,such a textile color.. V : Who often buys it? A : I don't really know it but as i Know some of my consumers are food sellers. v : Why did you give it to them? don't you know the effect of your products, if they are used in foods, such as pisang ijo? A: I don't care at all Maam.. I just want to make money. It's not my business to know why people buy my product. Well,i know, it is very dangerous if they are used in foods v: when they are used in foods it will cause cancer, anemia, kidney disease, and anuria A: oh yes, I've got it,Maam. v: You must close this market and end up your job. Cause it gives so much dangerous thing to others. A: Mm..well I will think about it Thank's Maam for making me aware v: your welcome. v : saya dengar dari mr sukijan bahwa anda menjual boraks a : iya saya menjual boraks. anda tau dari siapa? v : saya tahu dari pak sukijan yang menjual pisang ijo. kenapa anda menjual boraks? a : ya, karena itu menghasilkan keuntungan yang besar dan tak memakan biaya yang besar dalam jualan saya v : apakah anda menjual barang tersebut kepada semua pembeli?



Transcript of Bhsa Ingris 3

Page 1: Bhsa Ingris 3

v: I heard from mr sukijan that you sell boraxA: Hmm..that's true I sell borax. Who told about it? How dare he is (berani2nya dia)V: It's Mr Sukijan who told me that you sell pisang ijo in this market. Why do you sell it,Sir?A: Well, i sell it because it can give me much salary from selling it and it doesn't need much asset to sell it.v: do you sell birax to all the buyers?A: Yes I sell to all buyers who needs it v: Hmm well if it's true,so how long do you sell it?A: I have sold it for 7 years. Although I don't have many consumers but it is not matter as long as they always pay much money to me.V : What chemical substansion do you sell besides borax,Sir?A : I sell syntetic color,such a textile color..V : Who often buys it?A : I don't really know it but as i Know some of my consumers are food sellers.v : Why did you give it to them? don't you know the effect of your products, if they are used in foods, such as pisang ijo?A: I don't care at all Maam.. I just want to make money. It's not my business to know why people buy my product. Well,i know, it is very dangerous if they are used in foods v: when they are used in foods it will cause cancer, anemia, kidney disease, and anuriaA: oh yes, I've got it,Maam.v: You must close this market and end up your job. Cause it gives so much dangerous thing to others.A: Mm..well I will think about it Thank's Maam for making me awarev: your welcome.

v : saya dengar dari mr sukijan bahwa anda menjual boraks

a : iya saya menjual boraks. anda tau dari siapa?

v : saya tahu dari pak sukijan yang menjual pisang ijo. kenapa anda menjual boraks?

a : ya, karena itu menghasilkan keuntungan yang besar dan tak memakan biaya yang besar dalam jualan saya

v : apakah anda menjual barang tersebut kepada semua pembeli?

a : ya saya menjual ke semua pembeli yang memerlukan

v : jika begitu, apakah anda sudah lama menjual boraks tersebut?

a : saya sudah 7 tahun menjual boraks, meskipun pembelinya hanya sedikit tetapi menjanjikan

v : apakah anda tahu efek dari boraks jika digunakan dalam makanan, seperti pak sukijan lakukan pada pisang ijo?

a : iya saya tahu, itu sangat berbahaya

v : selain itu, apabila dipakai pada makanan akan menyebabkan kanker, anemia, gagal ginjal, dan anuria

a : oh iya, saya sekarang mengerti

Page 2: Bhsa Ingris 3

v : oleh karena itu anda harus menjual terhadap orang-orang tertentu

a : iya, terimakasih atas informasi yang anda berikan

v : sama-sama