Bgl Data Large- Skymem

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  • 8/9/2019 Bgl Data Large- Skymem


    From: Jai HR Consulting Services Date: Sat, Sep 1, !"11 at #:$% &'Su(ject: )*%*!"1"+o: [email protected], [email protected],evi. gajenran@0isseninotec/.com

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    anu(/[email protected]/is/c@/er(alie.comjo([email protected]/os/[email protected]/-@sa/

    (/[email protected]

    /[email protected](uro2garg@a/, ino@ma/es/punja(

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  • 8/9/2019 Bgl Data Large- Skymem


    tec/jo(s@s/ine.commasi@tec/, [email protected]@a/

    ps!""@gmail.comjo(s@apsglo(, jo(s@iinotec/.com

    [email protected]

    -is/, ruc/i@glo(altec/

    resume@s/ivsai.comsa-s/[email protected]


    /[email protected]/[email protected], jo([email protected]

    'intree 'r Ranga F'6S+78 &C+898+8S; "*="= $"""'in+ree 3t.lo(al 9illage, R9C 7ost,'sore Roa call again

    &ranis ?usiness 7rocess Services 3t., " $11 %$1%, #1 "$11 %$1= (ang !""?!A Corp B?tes to Ano0lege (ang

    !%"Compu0are Corporation " $1$ 1#"" (ang %"" 1)emploee in iniaCrossomain Solutions 7vt. 3t. !!1! !% (ang%" call againCR7 +ec/nologies B8nia 7vt 3t !! $"! (ang)%% call againCustomer First agies (po no0 ==)==== (ang =""Decip/er 8ntime +ranscriptions 7rivate 3imite(ang !""logic +ec/nologies 7vt 3t " $1!1"#! (ang )""call on 1% mploees are out source " emp in /ouse onllsot +ec/nologies 7vt. 3t. ===$ )"" "1 (ang !""Compan not oune'is +ec/nologies (ang 1%" call agains/an-ar prasaHeartlan !=%)11=,,!=%1!1 ?ang !""" Calltomorro0 manis/ -umar jos/i F'H+'+ lo(al Solutions (ang 1$"""i*Data E++F 8ntegrate Services 67vt.; 3t (ang)%"8mmaculate 8ntractions 8nia 3imite (ang $""8noss ?7 (ang %%%%8noss 'eia ?7 G utsourcing Services (ang#$)#8nter orl Contact Center (ang !%"8nvensis +ec/nologies 7vt 3t (ang )%"8on8ea 8nc (ang %""ACS*?7 (ang %""

  • 8/9/2019 Bgl Data Large- Skymem


  • 8/9/2019 Bgl Data Large- Skymem


    1" Convergs 9ino Aris/na Das !="#%)"" C3DSot0are +R&NN Follo0 up 1"*11*!""# Follo0 up

    !%*11*!""# %""""" n Hol11 Core 7rojects G +ec/nologies 3t +rilo- Sut/ar 6!!; !$""C3D Sot0are +R&NN Follo0 up 1*11*!""# Follo0 up1*")*!"1" * &uit still going on, 0ill get (ac-

    1! Datacrat 8nia 3t Kmes/ S/arma 6!!; !$#1!1! C3DSot0are +R&NN Follo0 up !$*"#*!""# Follo0 up1*11*!""# %%"""" +rac-ing an Dep moules 4uote to (e sent or %.%3e5cluing /ar0are,pening 0it/ mgmt1) Deccan Heral 9en-atramana !%"""" C3D Sot0are+R&NN Follo0 up !"*"*!""# Follo0 up "#*"!*!"1"

    #"""" +rac-ing moule 4uote sent,call in Fe( !"1"1$ Delp/i 6?G7 'oule; 7rasa/ant/ 'urali #$%11#$% C3DSot0are +R&NN Follo0 up 1"*11*!""# Follo0 up 1#*11*!""# !!"""" 0ill /ave 8n/ouse evelope1% Directi 6+R&NN; Saneep =$%"!! C3D

    Sot0are +R&NN Follo0 up !"*1"*!""# Follo0 up1*"!*!"1" =""""" Demo) to (e given to C, no progress

    1= 'C 6Cu(icle Space 'gmt; 7rasanna ==!!%%$1 C3DSot0are Cu(icle 'anagement Sstem Follo0 up !#*"=*!""#Follo0 up 1)*"=*!"1) =)"""" going or 'C C/ina in/ouse evelopepac-age1 nOen +ec/nologies &li =1!)") C3D Sot0areC&R Follo0 up 1"*")*!""# Follo0 up 1"*")*!"11

    )""""" client let t/e co.1 Filtrona 6C&R; 7rasa !!#) C3D Sot0areC&R Follo0 up !"*1"*!""# Follo0 up 1=*1!*!""#

    1$%"""" 0ill ta-e time, 0ait or callP going to K- ne5t0ee-, 0ill get (ac- ater ct !"t/1# FirstSource 7ras/ant/ 'J !!"#!%"" C3D Sot0are+R&NN Follo0 up "=*11*!""# Follo0 up 1$*11*!"1! "

    Eo response!" Fort &guaa ?eac/ Resort DenOil ?arretto ")!*==$%%C3D Sot0are +R&NN Follo0 up !"*"1*!"1" Follo0 up!*"1*!"1" %""""" Cape5 rejecte, contact in jan !"1"!1 Futurea5iom &(/a 7ane $=$1!= C3D Sot0are+R&NN Follo0 up !*1"*!""# Follo0 up 1"*1!*!""#

    !%"""" client et to get an internal ee(ac- rom t/e mgmt,on/ol!! 6Consuma(les 'gmt; Dines/ 3a-s/manan #$%#!!% C3DSot0are 7RJC+S Follo0 up !!*1"*!""# Follo0 up1=*11*!""# )%"""" e5poring to e5ten t/e material managent tool romKS, 0ill ta-e time!) Healt/care 6+R&NN; Diva-ar #$%#)$#) C3D

    Sot0are +R&NN Follo0 up 1%*"#*!""# Follo0 up1*11*!""# %""""" H7 to manage an o reporting or asset trac-ing!$ enpact 6+R&NN; Jagjeet Sarna $11#"1! C3D

    Sot0are +R&NN Follo0 up 1#*11*!""# Follo0 up!*"1*!"1" 1"""""" /aving a isc. internall ,0ait or /im toget (ac-!% olman Sac/s Damien insor #$%"$=# C3D Sot0are7RJC+S Follo0 up 11*")*!""# Follo0 up !"*"$*!"111%"""" Eo response!= olman Sac/s 6S +agging; Damien insor $1!1#)$ C3DSot0are 7RJC+S Follo0 up !#*"$*!""# Follo0 up!%*"=*!"1" $!""" on /ol! Heartlan 9ignes/ ?a(u C3D Sot0are +R&NNFollo0 up 1*"1*!"1" Follo0 up 1"*")*!"1" )"""""

    a0aiting mgmt approval, gone col

  • 8/9/2019 Bgl Data Large- Skymem


    ! Hone0ell Solutions 8nia Sumit ?/atac/ara !=%)="C3D Sot0are Compliance 'anagement Sstem Follo0 up )"*"*!""# Follo0 up 1*11*!""# $""""" Sumit /as 4uit t/e co. sentetails to &art/i Rao!# 8(i(o e( 7vt. 3t. Eagaraj Eagamangala )"%$$$ C3DSot0are +R&NN Follo0 up !#*1"*!""# Follo0 up !$*11*

    !""# 1"""" Eo Re4uirement, recentl gone or racle)" 8?' 63earning 'gmt 7roject; 9en-atesana R $1%"%" C3DSot0are 7RJC+S Follo0 up 1%*"#*!""# Follo0 up!"*"#*!"1! " 8n /ouse evelopment)1 8nauti5 C/ennai Ravi Rajamanic-am "#$1$1$1$ C3DSot0are +R&NN Follo0 up !"*"1*!"1" Follo0 up !%*"1*!"1" )""""" spo-e to t/e 97, F' to give time or emo, Re4uest C/anart/roug/ mail or emo)! 8nineon 67roject; ?/as-ar ?/at #$%$$#1$ C3D

    Sot0are 7RJC+S Follo0 up 1%*"1*!"1" Follo0up !1*"1*!"1" " 0oul loo- into t/is earl ne5t ear)) 8nstitute o ngineers Su(/enra ?asa- #)"$"11#C3D Sot0are +R&NN &ppointment Follo0up 1%*"#*!""# Follo0

    up 1=*"!*!"1" " gone or some local pac-age)$ 8ntellicomceneters 9ija #1%%)!= C3D Sot0are+R&NN Follo0 up 1*11*!""# Follo0 up !%*"!*!"1"

    !""""" client ot iscuss internall or !""- an get (ac-, 0illcome (ac- ater 1 mont/)% 8SE 6+R&NN; Eeval #==)=$ C3D Sot0are +R&NN&ppointment Follo0up 1=*11*!""# &ppointment Follo0up !=*11*!""#" C&R as a part o 8'S)= 8+C 0elcome group 6urgaon; &sjit Sing/ 6"1!$;$111 C3DSot0are +R&NN &ppointment Follo0up 1%*"#*!""# &ppointmentFollo0up "*"1*!"1" * Demo to (e i5e) J7 'or/an 8nia 7vt. 3t. &s0ani Dev #==1!1% C3DSot0are +R&NN Follo0 up !!*"=*!""# Follo0 up "1*1!*

    !""# )%"""" ollo0up) Airlos-ar 7une Sagar Eair ##!!#!$= C3D Sot0are+R&NN Follo0 up !1*"1*!""# Follo0 up !=*"1*!"11 "one or integrate solution or group (ase remote installation,g/ostimaging)# Aocera ireless 68; 7vt 3t S/an-aran $"1=""" C3DSot0are Compliance 'anagement Sstem Follo0 up "=*11*!""#Follo0 up 1#*11*!""# !""""" Spo-e to t/e Director*Finance, 0ill/ave t/e F' G 7urc/ase 'ngr call me (ac-.S/an-aran on leave toa$" 3e 'eriien 6C/ennai; Cent/il !!)1$)$) C3D

    Sot0are 7RJC+S Follo0 up !1*"*!""# Follo0up !1*"*!"1" !%"""" n /ol$1 'aura arments 6+R&NN; S/ivaprasa #$)##")$" C3DSot0are +R&NN Follo0 up 1*"*!""# Follo0 up 1)*"*!"11 %""""" Eo response, not (e intereste$! 'arvell 8nia C/et/an ##""!$)1$) C3D Sot0are+R&NN Follo0 up !"*"1*!"1" Follo0 up 1%*"=*!"1"

    )%""" Col stage$) 'ias Communication 7ra-as/ #$#""!%" C3D

    Sot0are +R&NN Follo0 up !"*"*!""# Follo0 up!!*"*!"1" " n /ol ,no movement e5pecte or ne5t 1 ear$$ 'inacs Hemant/ Samprat/i $1$$=""" C3D Sot0are+R&NN Follo0 up 1"*"*!""# Follo0 up !"*"*!"11

    =""""" Eot going a/ea, 'gmt /as ierent plans, spea- in etaillater$% 'E +ec/nologies 'urali/ar #=)!!!1)!$ C3D

    Sot0are 7RJC+S Follo0 up "1*"*!""# Follo0up 1*11*!""# !"""" 3ost orer to competition or price anavance

  • 8/9/2019 Bgl Data Large- Skymem


    $= 'K Sigma mmanuel 7eter #$%!=%#1 C3D Sot0are+R&NN Follo0 up !)*1"*!""# Follo0 up 1!*"$*!"1"

    )!%""" gone 0it/ 'icrolan or 8'S, venor ta-e care o assetmgmt$ 'u-tar 'inerals 7vt. 3t. S/ai-/ Kmar !%=)%% C3DSot0are 7RJC+S Follo0 up 1*11*!""# Follo0 up

    1*"!*!"1" )%"""" ollo0up$ Eetapp 6+R&NN * June !""#; ?riget Justine $1$)$=C3D Sot0are +R&NN Follo0 up 1%*"#*!""# Follo0 up1)*"#*!"1" $""""" Eo Re4uirement$# Eo-ia Siemens 67roject; &/nan Jit Sing/ $"$""""C3D Sot0are 7RJC+S Follo0 up 11*"*!""# Follo0up 1"*"*!"11 " 3o0 (uget, client not clear on Re4uirement%" Eort/ern +rust Rames/ Earaanan $"1%"" C3D

    Sot0are +R&NN Follo0 up 1"*11*!""# Follo0 up1)*11*!""# $""""" e5loring R7, 0ill get (ac- oct en%1 Eucleus Eoia 6+R&NN; &ita S/arma $")1$"" C3D

    Sot0are +R&NN Follo0 up !$*"#*!""# Follo0 up!=*11*!""# " eerre or t/e time (eing

    %! (eroi ran Hotel &rinam ?annerjee ))*!!$#!)!) C3DSot0are +R&NN Follo0 up 1%*"1*!"1" Follo0 up 1*"1*!"11 * Client /as iscusse internall, 0ill stic- to t/e pac-agepurc/ase a(out ! ears (ac-%) 78 lo(al 7ramo #$%11#1# C3D Sot0are +R&NNFollo0 up !)*"#*!""# Follo0 up 1*11*!""# $""""" n/ol (coO o slo0o0n%$ 7antaloon 6?angalore; 'ansoor &/me !%=""#!) C3D

    Sot0are +R&NN Follo0 up !*1"*!""# Follo0 up!%*11*!""# " call $!$!"!"! or !!!"!!%" Follo0up or emo%% 7ar- Hatt oa Resort G Spa &mres/ Eai- !%%==1, ==1!)$C3D Sot0are +R&NN Follo0 up 1%*"!*!"1" Follo0 up!!*"!*!"1" $%"""" Fi5 up emo 0it/ '

    %= 7/oton 8notec/ Janar/an )"=1""" C3DSot0are +R&NN Follo0 up "#*"*!""# Follo0 up1*11*!""# )""""" ollo0up 0it/ S/am, 0ill /ave an unternal isc t/is0ee-% I0est Sot0are 'anjunat/ #$%1)=$"# C3D Sot0are+R&NN Follo0 up 1#*")*!""# Follo0 up 1%*")*!"11

    1%"""" 8n/ouse evelopment% Ro(ert ?osc/ 'urali/aran ==% %% C3D Sot0areCompliance 'anagement Sstem Demo 1 1*1!*!"" Follo0 up !%*"*!"1! " &ll compliance trac-e in S&7 t/roug/ CR%# Roal rc/i Hotel 'orice !%!"%%== C3D Sot0are+R&NN Follo0 up !$*"*!""# Follo0 up "*1!*!""#

    !""""" Eo (uget at present=" Sas-en Communication 'urali Aris/na !%)% %%"1, ==#$ )""" C3DSot0are Compliance 'anagement Sstem Follo0 up )"*"*!""#Follo0 up 1*11*!""# )""""" 0ill not /appen in ne5t = mont/s=1 Sierra &tlantic opi &rugona ##"1)1)= C3D

    Sot0are +R&NN Follo0 up "#*11*!""# Follo0 up!=*11*!""# $""""" Demo! to (e given to 8+ Hea,0aiting=! Sonim Raju Aotagal $")"!"%% C3D Sot0are C&RFollo0 up !*"!*!""# Follo0 up 1$*"!*!"1) %""""" clientinaliOe venor 0it/ Ru( on rail tec/nologies=) Sonus Eet0or- Hanc/ilal $1#"!="% C3D Sot0are+R&NN Follo0 up 1#*"1*!"1" Follo0 up 1!*1"*!"1"

    %""""" 8n/ouse evelopment /appening=$ Smp/on Services Ram 9en-at Sing/ )"!1""" C3DSot0are +R&NN Follo0 up !"*"1*!"1" Follo0 up !*"1*!"1" " 7ening or mgmt approval, gone to col

  • 8/9/2019 Bgl Data Large- Skymem


    =% +am(a-a G oil Sat/ees/a )"%#1"" C3DSot0are +R&NN Demo 1 )"*11*!""# Follo0 up !!*"!*

    !"1" 1""""" 1"3 4uote or ) companies 0it/ %""" assets== +arget * n/ancement &run Aumar #$1)"1"$! C3D

    Sot0are +R&NN Follo0 up 1#*11*!""# Follo0 up1*"!*!"1" $"""" Eo reponse, loo-ing to s0itc/ to anot/er sot0are

    = +avant 6?G7, S+7C+); Sunil 9 $11#")"" C3DSot0are +R&NN Follo0 up 1*"1*!"1" Follo0 up!*"$*!"1" $"""" 0oul loo- at ater &pril en= +/eorem 7vt. 3t. 'o/an ##$%="111 C3D Sot0are+R&NN Follo0 up "=*"*!""# Follo0 up 1"*"!*!"1"

    !""""" 3o0 (uget, not going a/ea no0=# +os/i(a 6+ec/nical n/ancement; Ears/im/am ##="))1%C3D Sot0are +R&NN Follo0 up 1%*"*!""# Follo0 up!1*"*!"11 " Sree/ar to coorinate or 8nstallation o ne0version onl 7rocurement moule" +riveni nterprises R7 'o/ant $111!1!1 C3D

    Sot0are 7RJC+S Follo0 up 1%*"#*!""# Follo0up !*"#*!"11 !$"""" 3o0 (uget.Iuote sent or !$"-, Happ sas

    (uget or %"*="-, pament terms in installments, re4ueste to a e0moules1 K? 67romo Das/?oar; S0agat C/ou/ur #$"111%)) C3DSot0are 7RJC+S Follo0 up 1"*11*!""# Follo0 up!1*"1*!"1" %%"""" gone col! K? ngineering J A Sarana $"1=1"" C3D DKC&+8E7&'&E Follo0 up 11*"#*!""# Follo0 up 11*"#*!"1)

    )"""" 'r.?apat 0as on leave, 0ill /ave an internal isc 0it/ Can CF on 1"t/ Sept, orer palce 0it/ t/e ot/er venor or less t/an 1""-) KS3 6&'C or eStartup G +ec/ Center; Devant/an !!!1!)""C3D Sot0are 7RJC+S Follo0 up 1*"!*!""# Follo0up "*"!*!"1! 1$%""" eStartup &'C*"-, +ec/ center &'C*=%-$ KS3 6&uto Call logging; C/anra-umar !!!1!)"" C3D

    Sot0are C&R Follo0 up )"*"*!""# Follo0 up 1*"*!"11 1""""" roun 0or-s 8nstlle, C&R to (e installe% 9erisign Sant/os/ ?/aran ==%))"""*)$)$ C3D

    Sot0are +R&NN Follo0 up 1*11*!""# Follo0 up1=*"!*!"1" %""""" ollo0up en o t/e ear= 9'0are Sot0are 8nia 7vt. 3t. A ? 7onnanaa $"=$="""C3D Sot0are +R&NN Follo0 up !=*1"*!""# Follo0 up1*1"*!"1" !""""" glo(al team oing in/ouse evelopment o tool ortrac-ing, S+7C+) not re4uire ipro +ec/nologies Rajas/e-/ar #$%!)##1 C3D

    Sot0are +R&NN Follo0 up 1=*"#*!""# Follo0 up!!*"#*!"1" " n Hol

    Compan name 7/one num contact person &ress email iFee(ac- Fria status

    Claro 8nnovative Solution #1*"*$1%!!#" Q#!, !t/ 'ain,1st Floor, #t/ ?loc-, Eear ?ig ?aOar, Jaanagar. ?angalore*%=""$ tommoro0 11:)" cant aor an t/ing t/e r in (a p/ase rig/t no0)i 8notec/ 3t )"%$1)"1, )"%$1)"!, )"%$1)"), )"%$1)"$,)#=="1,)#=="!, )"%$1)"1 'r S/iva-umar6&min 'anage;'r S/es/as/aee6&min5ecutive;,'r Rajenranat/ Eaiu Eo.=!,?rigae C/ampa-, KnionStreet, 8nantr Roa, ?angalore * %="""1 /ttp:000.icici*inotec/.com000.)i*inotec/.com /a 0or 0it/ s/iv-umar /e tol callon 'ona an can give emo '73'E+ SR98C ?KR&K *#$%""# 'r. R.J&&D8SH.1#!%, 1"+H'&8E,R&J&J8E&&R, !ED S+&

  • 8/9/2019 Bgl Data Large- Skymem


    ?&E&3R * %=""1" 6Aarnata-a; 8nia/ not responing

    8noss +ec/nologies 7vt 3t !%!!$"%, $1")!""" 'r Su(siiarEo.!=), !=$ G !==, Hosur R, lectronic Cit, ?angalore * %="1""

    t/e /ave it o t/eir o0n

    HS?C ?7 =)!""",)""1!""","$")#$!""","$")#"!""","$"$$=$11"" ,,,,e5tT!),,,,!#1 covia ,m ra/a-iris/an Rag/avenra A 7arvat/avani on e5tn * !$!$000./s(,email presentation on solomon0eslle@/s( !%)1an oollo0 up 0it/ inance an purc/se epartment6mu-un an solomon; gautams me/ta6 mu-unt/irumale@/s( sreeram

    gautamsme/ta@/s( ra/a-ris/na@/s( ?7 $1%$""" Eo.1"!),m &rcae, ?ellarR,Sa/a-arnagar, ?atarananapura, ?angalore * %=""#! 000.-cs(po.comcompan oes not e5ist 0rong num&egis ?7 Services 3t !!=))%$ &min ganes/ Eo.% G =, 1st S+,1st 7/s, ?tm 3t, ?annerg/atta R, Hosur Roa, ?angalore * %=""!#

    000.aegis( call t/em an /ave ollo0 ups

    rajenera.sing/ in /a(a no0 s/ite to mum(ai is F'rajener.sing/@in.aegisglo(!$ 7vt 3t "*)"%!$")##"!$ n- a/uja

    m(ass ol 3in- sot0are 7ar- 7vt 3t,Surve Eo !1, !!, !), G%1 C/allag/atta 9art/ur Ho(li Sout/ ?angalore, ?angalore istrict?angalore, n-@!$ call 'ona o inance amin 11:)"mani-anta, prasun+avant +ec/nologies 8nia 7vt. 3t. "*$11#*")"" jo/nson amin ans/ree/arn inance mngr +avant +ec/nologies 8nia 7vt. 3t.

    [email protected] call jo/nson on 'ona ,t/e /ave itallrea)D 73' Sot0are Solutions 3t "*==#)11"" arun -umar Q1!, CSR8*88,uava aren not intereste

    %t/ ?loc-, Aoramangala?angalore %=" "#%8ED8&

    C& Computer &ssociates 8nia 7vt 3t ==$1)"" Eational Stoc-5c/ange 7laOa ?anra*Aurla Comple5, ?anra 'um(ai, 'H * $"""%1/tmt !%)!=%", !%)"=%!, !%))%", $11""!!,!%)%"#,1"

    nag(/us/an,su/eer 11+/ Am, /arve(/avi 7ala #$"!#$!!email presentation on tejas0ini.-iran@/ an o ollo0 up 0it/inance an purc/se epartment 1$ sep "# appointment, not conirm (ecausem is on tour -anan

    &rea : Hosur Roa

    asi 7rocess 7vt 3t 6";*==)$", ==)$# Knit Eo 1)$1G 1)$!,? ?l-, ?rigae +ec/ 7ar-,7attanur,&gra/ara9illage, /iteiel, ?angalore * %=""==

    emaile t/e presention to mo/ame.amanullag @ oollo0 up no0nortel ==!""",##""%#%!$",gurgaon,"1!$$!$!!"", pr(/u su(ramaniami&+ lo(al Solutions 3t. $1"$""""motorolla ==1$)"""'otorola 8nia lectronics 7vt +l ";*!="1"""", !="1=1$=, !="1""",!="1)!$ Eo.==1, 7lot Eo.%, $t/ G %t/ Flr, ?agmane +ec/ 7ar-, C 9Raman Eagar, ?angalore * %=""#)+ejas net0or-s $1#$=1= 'r C/a-ra/ar an/i Eo.% 1st 'ain J7Eagar )r 7/asegururaj e5t $1#$!= or CR' S&7 intigrate

    si/art/[email protected] rag/van mar-eting

    Customer Eame Contact 7erson 7/one Remar-s StatusKnite +elecom Aris/na #$$""1...=1))1"! ollo0 up Col

  • 8/9/2019 Bgl Data Large- Skymem


    ?ric-0or- 8nia 7vt 3t murali $"$" #### no re4uirment Col?ilO 8normation G +ec/nolog Ravi 'enon $1$1)%! spo-e to onemr 7ra(/u call uring t/e mont/ o ecem(er arm8+8 ponmalai !%=%1!11 no re4uirment. Col8nstitute or social an economic c/ange Aamat/ !)!1%$= maintainence Col

    Sartorius 8nia 7vt 3t rajan !)%)1 no /ospital rames/ !=%)="" no /ouse maintainenceCol+/e 7ar- /otel 7eter !%%#$=== ollo0 up arm'ia inomeia eepa- ===!$%$% Eo Col+/e c/ancer pavilion sunar rajan $1%1"""" no 9sa insurance aravin $1)$%1)$ no re4uirment arm&eronautical evelopment esta(lis/menttulasi as !%"%$" nore4uirment ColRaasi call net anson jaco( !%"!="% no re4uirment ColAetera Sot0are 8nia 7vt 3t 3esl Fernanes$1##%""" Eo re4uirement

    .is a0are o rcs tec/ Haris/ ==%#"" no re4uirment Col'ereic/ Sterila( 3imite Rajas/e-ar !%$#)))$ Eore4uirment.8n/ouse ColEaraana Hruaalaa opal s/ett !)%""" ollo0 up Colutsource 7artners 8nternational 8nc amit ==!" Colciti (an- Ravinra s/u-la$1)==$)" approval re4uire rom 'um(ai/ea oice ColCommercial ta5 janar/an !!!"%!)# su(mite t/e proile. Col*overnance Directorate anga/ar atanal !!")!"")

    meeting /as to /appen to issue avertisement.t/is is tentativel/appening on 1%t/ jul Col

    ConOerv Sstems 7vt. 3t. anan prasa $11#"" !%!"="$ sentmail*no re4uirements (ut tr to i5 appointment Col8normatics 8nia 3t &mit ma/ani $") no re4uirment.&5on ist/e venor. ColHone0ell +ec/nolog Solutions 3a( 6H+S3; vino sunaram !=%)="as-e to call ne5t 0ee-.ollo0 up on tuesa or appointment Col3ucent tec/nologies urumurt/* ##"!#)=$ sanipan sir 0illsen t/e presentation an i5 t/e appointment Col'caee Sot0are 68nia; 7vt 3t c/anra -umar ==%=#"""

    c/anra -ant is t/e it manager. ColJuniper Eet0or-s 8nia 7vt 3t s/arat garg $1#"$""" not reac/eCol&ccenture ?7 via got/e $1"=%1$! ollo0ing up Colsanis- nages/ ven-ates/ $!$!!""" not reac/e Colverisign santos/ (a/ran ==%))="" ==%))""" not reac/e ColFirst &vantageRo !$11%# Follo0 up. Colover talat/i $11!)$!1 ollo0 up ColEN7 Semiconuctors 8nia 7vt 3t -as/inat/ $"!$"""" callis (eing ans0ere ( r5 Col3ogi5 'icrosstems 3t /ussain !=%%#% Col0ipro inotec/ sanes/ #$%%!)% currentl no re4uirment.0ill call us0/enever t/e re4uirment comes up. Colnovellus j.ven-ates/ $1%""1!=, $1%""1! s/an-er Ranganat/anis t/e it manager.not reac/ on leave Col?ric-0or- 8nia 7vt 3t murali $"$" #### ollo0 up ColCrossomain Solutions 7vt 3t govin $11$$%!% ollo0 up Col$1%)%"8C8C8 First source 'aji #"!$%!! Can not inclue RCS as it isoing manpo0er sourcing to 8+ companies Col

  • 8/9/2019 Bgl Data Large- Skymem


  • 8/9/2019 Bgl Data Large- Skymem


    1"= &m(a Researc/ 68nia; 7vt. 3t., 'r7urus/otam""))1 'anager Finance)#" """,)#"!1

    niting@am(aresearc/.com siva-umar-@am(aresearc/.comcall tommoro0 $1##### $1#!## purus/ot/amg@am(aresearc/.com"!, 7restige 3o-a, 1, ?runton Roa?angalore*%="""1

    11= &ntenna Sot0are 8nia 7vt. 3t., 'r 9ija-umar+ R &ccounts Support*S !==1"= &lrea /ave in/[email protected] $" emploees stp compan t/e are intereste

    $"1%%%% $"1%%!% Eo: %",C'H Roa8nira nagar ?innamangala 1st Floor?angalore * %=" ")1)) &ri(a +ec/nologies 8nia 7vt. 3t., =!!$"$" 'rRaman Ses/ari Director*Finance $1#1$)$=U=!!$""" $"$=

    rses/ari@ari( e Call call ater 1 /our 1% sept$1#1$)"" $1#1$)"1 7alaceRoa ?angalore*%!!1 ?ristlecone 8nia 3t 6F*'a/inra Consulting 3t.,;'r autam ?/attac/ara 5ecutive*accountsGFinance $1)%)!"" $""

    ranaj D sar-ar6FD; ree(u.t/omas@( Call on 'ona?angalore * %=" "" !"1*!!$ !n Floor +o0er ?Diamon District Aoi/alli 9illage&irport Roa

    8'R? 8nternational * ?&E&3R 9ive- upta Sr.9ice 7resient !%$"1"!$ ,,$"1$""" #!" s su(ramaniam )"call again

    Consumer Researc/ * Sout/ D*, Devat/a 7laOa 1)1,Resienc Roa!% CDC Sot0are 8nia 7vt. 3t. 6F*7ivotal ?angalore Sot0areDevelopment 'r Eagaraja 7ra-asam icer Finance G &ccounts$1)=""" !)" emploee [email protected] callat !:)" ?angalore*%="""1 =t/ Floor Can(erra

    ?loc- K? Cit !$ 9ittal 'alla Roa!=) 'r 'o/an C S 'anager*&ccountsG&min$1))=1"$ [email protected] t/e

    alrea /ave +R&NN. ovinrajan 0ants some c/anges in current sot0arereer it to De(asis/ ?angalore*%=""#% !!& )rCross 1t/ 'ain =t/ ?loc- Aormangala!= Cerulean 8normation +ec/nolog 7vt. 3t., 'r ?ino 'o/anFinance&ccounts 'anager !%%!=)"

    umes/a@ceruleaninotec/.com not intereste ?angalore *%=""#% 8nustrial 3aout%t/ ?loc- Aormangala!=" Celstream +ec/nologies 7vt. 3t., ?rijes/ a/i

    eneral Finace G &ccounts Future customer""*$11#1#1# ""*$11#1#"" ""*$11#1#1# Eares/ victor6FH;

    [email protected]/[email protected] 7restige ?lue C/ip.?loc-

    Q#, Hosur Roa1)%= Li3 8nia lectronics 7vt. 3t., 'r Aanc/iSrinivas Finance 'anager G Compan Secretar !!!=#$"%$"=$!!))=" 1!" emploee Aanc/i as-e to call on 1!t/ oct orgiving emo on )r 0ee- o oct1!1 9alel ngineers an Constructors 7vt. 3t.,Knit*88Civil Station, Hosur Roa ?angalore*%=""!%F' 'r (/att num ==!!"") call on 0enusa or emop appointment inaternoon 1$oct"# or emo ==!!"!%1! 9anu 8nia 7rivate 3imite 8+73 /iteiel Roapraeep mal/otra ?angalore*%=""== !" emploee $1%!"1""$1%!%1)"

  • 8/9/2019 Bgl Data Large- Skymem


    1!# 9ennar Sot Sstems 7vt. 3t., C 9en-ates/0ara Rao97 Finance !!$$#1 t/ ?loc- Jaanagar ?angalore*%=""! iven &ppointment on 'ona 1!oct"# 11 am !!$$#1

    !==%$!%1"!# Samsung 8nia Sot0are perations 7vt. 3t. 6F*Samsung lectronics' 6Finance G &ccounts; 'r Rajenra & S #$%1)##=

    $11#### [email protected] call again 1%1" &prilCase6First Client visit an time in april; $11####[email protected] ?agmane

    3a-evie0, ?loc- ?, Eo.==1,?agmane +ec/ 7ar- C 9 Raman Eagar ?arasanra

    Samsung lectro*'ec/anics Co. 3t., &sst 'anager FinanceRangarao !1$ !!)#1)1$6e5t !11; vasant/[email protected] case vasant/[email protected] [email protected]

    millers roa s/ivaji nagar1")! Sanovi +ec/nologies 7vt 3t Finance G &ccounting Consultant Aaruna #$%#$!$#! [email protected] (a case#$%#$!$#! [email protected] Q !=%=!%t/ C 'ain 1=t/ Cross pp

    E8F+ HSR 3aoutScanis- F', 'r Aalanaramansuma6Ee0CF;#%)!"$"1 !$!$!""%U.$!$!!""" [email protected] callon 0e !!*'ar suma

    over F' C/anras/e-/r $11!)$!1,!=c/[email protected] +/e /ave t/eir o0n tool 1%" emp

    Eovell Sot0are Development 68; 7vt. 3t., m rag/um Sr 'anager*FacilitiesG&mn $""!!)"" /[email protected] ater $:$"ranjit /[email protected] ?agamane +ec/7ar-, DV ?loc-, ?agmane 3aurel, =%!,C 9 Raman, ?arasanra 7o?angalore*%=""#) $""!!)""$1=#""" Eovellus Sstems 68nia; 7vt. 3t., m +/omas6F';,'r

    7ras/ant/.part/asarat/6concern person; 'anager $1%""1!=pras/ant/.part/asarat/ Call on 'ona an tal- to 'r7ras/ant/.part/asarat/6concern person; call ater !" min'arut/i 8notec/ Centre !n Floor &*?loc- 111G1!1&marjot/i 3aout 8ntermeiate Ring Roa

    ?angalore*%=""1 $1%""1!= $1%""1)"'organ Stanle avantage services 7vt 3t 6ormel &vantage lo(al

    S&7 'anager*Compliance rames/ ==$11))1==$11$""61)"1; rames/.van-ara.put/[email protected]'p/asis 3imite, Knit * 89 F' vija -umar,ganes/

    $""$$$$$,,$""$%)1" $""$"$"$,,%!# %)1vija call or appointmentno0 vijaa-umar.m@mp/asis.comSut/erlan /as ta-eove &ventit 6CF; praeep (ac/-a

    ##=!$"$1 promomo jaisa0al "!!==1)!!$ praeep,)!"=,=###!"[email protected] call on !t/ nov urgent (asis. 6#1; 61!$;$1%*%"""

    Cpress Semi Conuctors 8nia 7vt 3t vis/vanat/=")###, =")# >%""emp )! Call on 'ona citra Secretor'u Sigma ?usiness Solutions 7vt 3t F' 'anoj emmanuel

    " $"%$ #1"" Eo 'one t/e /ave maile no0 olloup or emoSSg& * 8nia F' gururaj tantr " =! 1$"""gururaj2t/[email protected] maile no0 olloup or emo

    email or0ore to consern person 1% empsu(e5 ramnat/an6FH; ==%#""?alac/anra6==%#; in/ouse evelope tool9oaone ssar Sout/ 3t F' &rvin $11#)"""

    [email protected] call on 'ona

  • 8/9/2019 Bgl Data Large- Skymem


    Sitel 8nia jol$11$%"" pinjat/at/apai,0ilson,manjunat/ $11$%"",#"! ""$"". pinjat/[email protected] rat/is/.u/[email protected] Ratis/ call on april 6$%$!;

    evenra praeep+/omson Reuters 8nia 7vt 3t )#!##"==1""", ==!"%", $1)%=##", )#!!""e5t%!,$##"

    )#!#!6rures/; ##") naOnin,#$")1$%CogniOant +ec/nolog Solutions 8nia 7vt 3t promo pana=="""", $1=!""! %!% rspo-en to ric/a

    +im-in engg F' Raju upta $1)=!"""[email protected] )1)# Call on 'onaconOerve tec/ F' anes/ Ha0alar"$11#1)#1"!)",,,,)"!=#1%" ane/)"!=#1%! Call in morning 0enusa an

    come o0n or emo -es/v ongre 8 /ave spo-en toi 6CF;sanja (araisor +elecom 8nia 7vt 3t 6C/ie Financial &ministrator

    mr +/omas !%%!%!1, !%%!%!!, !%%!%!),Eo.=,)r Flr,roal &rcae, Er Ra/eja &rcae, "tR, Aoramangala, ?angalore * %=""#%Develope in/ouse ielit m6=!%;/armalingam sunaram

    'r 'a/usu/an Rao6=$$=;ma/usu/[email protected] ==#1="""6111; &nanAumar 6nterprise Senior Director; gaatri6assistant to ma/usuan;gaat/ri.pamana(/[email protected] sen email &nan -umar

    9erisign Services 8nia 7vt 3t m santos/==%))""", $!%=%=%= jagis/6inance manager;%")manoj6e5ecutive; call on 'ona call again+/e 3eela 7alace Aempins-i Hotel m uouri s/an-ar

    rastog !%!11!)$, )"%1!)$, ="""!!)) rastogi one case+aj Resienc Hotel inranil c/ou/urinranil.c/ou/ur@taj/ *==="$$$$ 'r

    Saleem osu6eneral 'anager 'arc/ caseterra Hotel F' ?iplav C/a-ro(rti $!======

    (ipla(@t/eoterra/ 11 tier sent an email no0 ollo0 up or emo

    in marc/Fle5tronics +ec/nologies 8nia 7vt.3t., &sst 'anager*Finance'r o0ri S/an-ar R ==!%1)$ Finance Controller6rag/venra; 'rSaneep D/ingrarag/venra

    Cegeim Sot0are 8nia 7vt 3t ganes/a ==!)1%"",==!)1"! e5t 1) call on +uesa nov Hal /our )""emploees Eot Re4uire currentl

    Dell Computers 8nia 7vt 3t !%"="1#,!%"="!%, !%"=##"

    Dell 8nternational Services 3t!%1""$=, !%1""", !%"="!=, !%"="1)Serco ?7 "1!$$1%$)),,,$1%$))# Sarvan Aumar1!$$""11"" $11)"#%,,##=##)")$ [email protected]

    vp sunil (ara, avp /imans/u, m menu,$""11"" C/anra-ant amin /ea &ntonor sales stream #==="

    &lstom 7rojects 8nia 3t auitor a/me $!"#%"""/emant avenger

    9olvo 8nia 7vt 3t inranil c/ou/ur==#1$%"", ==#1$== call again7/oeni5 +ec/nologiesSatam ?7 3t &min 9ijaa ?a(u #"%#=1# ==1=)=""

    $"==$%1$" vijaa2(a(u@satam( sai (a(a tcg (uiling 1stloor Call in april

    ?/arti &irtel 3t 6+elemeia; Eoal icer Des-$111%))

    &irtel Services Saravanan #"="$)!#,,$111%!"1SaggeOOa 8nia 7vt 3t W 'r 'anjunat/

    Eanjaia/6Director;,'S Eeelima6HR $11=11!%som

  • 8/9/2019 Bgl Data Large- Skymem


    +9S 8nterconnect Sstems 3t vina &gra0al6C; 'rHars/,'r Si/art/ Ro#$!"$$$ =1#""", =1#""), =1#""$,=1#""%

    pen Silicon Researc/ 7vt 3t mo(as/ira6F'; 'r 9ictor$11!)$$, $11!)$), $1"!"" mo(as/eera F' Call on Fria in/ouseevelope tool

    capita&merican 5press Services 8nia 3t 'r Sai Ais/ore!!1!%"!"

    Canon 8nia 7vt 3t Deepa Deepa- $""#$""Canon 8nia 7vt 3t Call Centre 'S Dimple

    )#"1"1"1, $""#$$%, $""#$""9irtusa 8nia 7vt 3t $$$!""!""9 F &rvin ?rans 7vt 3t 'r Ravi Aumar *

    $1%%"1""3 ) Communications 8nia 7vt 3t m ma/enra

    =1"!"" /*)com.comHerman 'iller Furniture 8nia 7vt 3t 'r Ais/ore

    Rag/upat/#""#"!# )"#!1))) 1"" emp ,call ater = mont/s ,t/e r

    e5paning+ata Communications 3t Customer Care="="""

    complaince Nalte 8normation Sstems 7vt 3t ilip F'r 'alli-arjan#$"%##" $1=)=="", $1=)=="1, $1=)=="$, $1=)=="%1!"emploees 8+ mngr rajnis/

    Careernet Consulting 7vt 3t 'SRis/ia67roprietor;,'r &s/is/6eneral 'anager#")1#$" ==%%""""

    Eational 8nstruments Sstem 8nia 7vt 3t ?el 'rDars/ana 11#"""", $11#""$$, $11#""!!

    ?rocae Communications Sstems 7vt 3t)#%$!""&irvana Eet0or-s 8nia 7vt 3t narenra 'r S/ant/igram

    Jagannat/ ==1#)"" 1%" emploee call in morning&t G + Communication Service 8nia 7vt 3t rajeev tal0ar$")=! p/:"11$)%#1)'anager in Del/i manoj gupta11$%"1)""$%"1)"" call again [email protected]

    Ksi8 Sot 8(a Healt/ roup Compan 'r Jaapra-as/

    )"#)#%""Sonic0all 8no Securit 7vt 3t lingamurt/$1=$#%%", $1=$#%%%, $11#=1 avinas/ e5 emploee amin

    pa/mana(/an !"" emp [email protected] 1":"" +uesa?osc/ 3t 'r 8nraneel ?/attac/ara6Countr

    Hea Ae &c irect num !!####" Su-ana ==%1#!Ro(ert ?osc/ 8nia 3t 'r Sripat/ ==%$%$%,

    ==%%%, !%"1""1, !%"11"1?osc/ 3t Sanja C/a-ravart/ $1=),

    !!##!1=, !!!!"", !!##!!1Sas-en Communication +ec/ ==#$$"""Sas-en Communication +ec/nologies==#$$""", !%)%%%"1, )##11!!, ==!%)===#$%""", $1!%= spea-

    to treasurEo-ia are /ouse 1!$$##"""$))""" 1!$$""))ES R7 F' S&S&n-a pana #=$#%%[email protected] Eot 8nteresteStar inia pvt lt ==#$!

    Eo.1%",m(ass 7oint,)r Flr, 8nantr Roa, ?angalore * %="""1em(ass group 'r +at/agatta C/atterjee$1#####omni care clinical researc/ $"=$"$""

  • 8/9/2019 Bgl Data Large- Skymem


    lanco inspiring gro0t/ $"==##""""el(it /ospital

    8?' &ccuire sterling E Sa/rma Finance Director)"#"=""" %"" emp ===% &pril Case

    ne(ula 11 !!$ell ser tsi instruments Sures/ Ramac/anra CF !$1)""",

    $1%!"")", !$1!%$, $1%!""1" call again nil-antan s/ee/ar,inrajeet lot/ara 8+ surenra6!=1; 1%"" emp call again(ran sstems 'r &l(erto DieO 7eterson ==1!!!%",

    ==)1!#, !!=""% small comp ro(in./oro@(" emp

    sunguar !!!!"%"1, !!!!"%"!, !!!!"%)%7ras/ant Rao

    uninorauto es- small compan%" emp(oio(ase ru(an F' $!%""" " emptieraOorsig/t vino (angale F' " $"!1"", $"!1"1,

    $"!1"! call

    inicomm glo(le service):)" ==%!$"7roton e( ?7 7vt 3t 'r Ei/ari-a Sing/$111####+essolve Services 7vt 3t 'r 9 9eerappan69ice

    7resient*8nia peration;,'r Srinivas C/inamailli69ice 7resient*ngine$11"!=!=, $11"!%"" #=$)$)1%

    9N3 8nstruments 3t !%!""$=, )"!!!%!%Convergs 8nia Services 7vt 3t$"="%)"", $11"=="!, $11"=="$&ccenture Services 7vt 3t $1)="""'icrosot 8nia R G D 7vt 3t Support Centre

    ==#1""", ==%==

    v*sac/[email protected] v sac/i- sac/in -ingal !$" KntillDevelope in/ouse utsourcing 7atner 8nternational "$)$$Santos/ poar6FH;1")$ &-as/1"$1 1",)$1,!! spoar@opiglo(al.comarni/arm culig C/etan

    8?' lo(al Service $"!"$$"",,,!%"")"""$1!#$===, !$1=))), $1#$===, $1"#$""" ==#1""" call

    again $"!"$$""&cculogi5 Sot0are Solutions 7vt 3t$"!"$!), $"!"$!%, $"!"$)1, $"!"$""'caee Sot0are 8nia 7vt 3t gurunat/6F';

    reerence ==%=#""" S/reepra-as/6;,, S/rutee6receptionist;gurinat/[email protected]

    'ole5 8nia 7vt mo/an rao,t/amai!$%!#11, $1!#)%"", $1!#)%%" iris/ Aumar8ntel +ec/nolog 8nia 7vt 3t !="%)""" ?as Eam(isan

    !%"%""", !%"=!"" c/arulat/[email protected] !="%)""" &s-ingname irst %"1! (/ai/r a-ram c/arulat/[email protected] %"%=

    7mc Sierra 8nia 7vt 3t Rajes/ ac/ara6&ccounts /ea;1% emp $1!""", $1!1"" 8s/ita65ecutive inanc0;

    is/ita2a/i-ar@pmc* 1!%+essolve Services 7vt 3t

    HS?C ?7 co via ,m ra/a-iris/an =)!""",)""1!""","$")#$!""","$")#"!""","$"$$=$11"" ,,,,e5tT!),,,,!#1n 'ali- )#"!#$&egis ?7 Services 3t rajenera.sing/ !!=))%$ =!% %!%=sanja set/i =!%# call on Fria 1 ecSpars/ 7rasa Sing/ania #!""$))$% call on+/ursa amit(o@spars/.com prsa

  • 8/9/2019 Bgl Data Large- Skymem


    J7 'or/an 8nia 7vt. 3t. &s0ani Dev6CR;6Corporate real estate;#==1!1% ,,,$1="""" Call on 1 an i5 accoringl mira rames/-us0anan ramu ven-ates/lo(al Smp/on Sot0are 8nia 7vt 3t 'r SanjaS/u-la )"!1"""enpact 6+R&NN; Sanja 'is/ra ##=11)%)) ;*$11####,

    !%!"", $11#11 Jagjeet sarnaConvergs 9ino Aris/na Das !="#%)""?osc/ 6+R&NN; ==%1%#) su(esan %%%c su-anaFirstSource 7ras/ant/ 'J !!"#!%""Eetapp 6+R&NN * June !""#; ?riget Justine $1$)$=pras/aant $1$))=! )1"" rajan6epriciation;$1$)""" #$%%=$$=!J7 'or/an 8nia 7vt. 3t. Sales Streampraeep,"!!=)"""Eirvana ?usiness Solutions sac/in6m; $11"))"" 1:)"sac/in.ra-ar@nirvana( Sigma +ec/ 7ar-&egis ? ==)==== Q/iteiel'ain Roa, ?angalore*==aru(a lo-es/ $"==""!

    te5as -ris/na evai-a !%)$%$%$ Reme sot0are t/eaare using 1%) *-ris/[email protected] Facilit H Haris/ spo-en tosae mailer /e sa /e /as or0are mail to concern person sonit/omas61)#;, Commercial /ea sapana je-ar6Hea 8+;!%$ [email protected] Communication !%)% %%"1, ==#$ )""" 'urali Aris/[email protected] ,,,,,,,,,,)!"! murliAris/na naraann $!!! [email protected] ==%#=""rmi tec/ !=$#)$, !=$#)$# 1"" emp 11:)"appointment or tra55 +/ursa gouri pati Eo.)$,!n Flr,Suraj angaSot 7ar-, 1st Crs,)r 'n R,)r 7H, J 7(rigeco ==11""" )% emp

    trianO 'r S/ri-ant/ 'anc/ala6'anaging Director;,'S 7ria6'ar-eting'anager; !!)""" antala5mi F' 1",,,1"!o(ject0in leena saji 6#1;*6";*$1)"$%##, $1"%")), $1"%")!'r &v Rag/uraman6'anaging Director;##"1#$$= " emp-eane ena(ling transorm !==%%1!!*!==)%%, !==%#$! 'a/es/ram, !==%#$! %""" ra-es/ gupta Fin mngr allen 6e5ecutive;

    Sreenivasan anggappa !$" $"%""aris glo(e 'r S/arle6&min;,'r &ja Sin/a6Director; #1;*6";*==!1!$X6!=#; taia, 8+ 'anager Aes/a0an !=# ma/e@arisglo("" emp /e 0ill onl replon mo(ile 'r &nana Rao,'r &ravin Rao 6#1;*6";*$""#=""", $""#=""#$1"!%"", $1$=!"" Rajes/ murt/ienevour 'r &ja $!%%"" 6#1;*6";*$!%%"",$11"%$#, $1)"%%)!npcilarctern S/iva $111"%"! Call again alrea /avevenoremetric stream $"$#=)=) Call again !"" empaslo $1$#$1$$ amin##""1=##$)" empinus to0ersaras0at inotec/ ne0 0avetec/nologiesHC3 +ec/nologies 3t $")1""" ,,$1$$""",,Hua0ei +ec/nologies 8nia 7vt 3t Aes/0an6Fin cont;,,-is/ore

    $111==, $11" $11"*1$)$ 'ail sent ons0apnas/an-ar@/ ))= nat/an )$) Eat/an#$1$)"&run Fac 'anager

  • 8/9/2019 Bgl Data Large- Skymem


    gooric/ aerospace vija -umar v =1"""" =) """"," vijaa.(ui/almat/@gooric/.com call $:$" 'ona callsata %% sat/ianaraanan.rajan@gooric/.comorlp/ Del/i "11*!=#" !"""000.( Hera(a : "$" == ! ! !ireless Solution 8nia 7vt 3t, Del/i

    'a/inra Satam =", ="1!) Santos/8nventor Hea &c/ut Commercial ept="Cross ta( $1%1$ 's pallani,,,, m leave-em0ell )#!=!"1 call ater 1" as %*'ar

    F'6?an-es/;)#!=!1= 1# 7/arma Compan !"" empinterple5 ==$$%)!#, ==$$%))" =*'ar )1=)"" empCrossomain Solutions 7vt 3t sas/a $1%)%" call tomorro0iti person/one0ell !=%)=", $11#!!! &rt/i Satis/&3 $")%)%% Demo an Fria

    giris/[email protected]'RCDS ?EL ===")$1#,,,,,,===")$"" 'r Hirenra meeting

    /iren.negan/[email protected] +/ursa emo at ):""S&78E+ 1!$$1=""" &s/o- Set/i CF anup+SC ==%""" #!%! t/elma+H'7S E F8E&EC ##=$1%%Rames/6Soursing;F&8R 8SS&C $1)1"", $1=$%= agantar s/e-ia6CF; callagain small38C& $1#$"""", $1)#$""" uruprasa F'FRR SS+' !$1)""",,,,,,,,,"1!"==%=""" inrjeet lot/ra 6noia;1!"$)%""+CH '&H8EDR& Call pune H nl $"$1""" m))1!

    $"!$))1!6Rajes/0ar; Call again Aris/na v, #$%1)11 /osursatis/ Demo on +/ursa tec/nical inrastructure group,CaY Coee a+arun $""1!)$% call tomorro0 Call

    on 1"t/ april an comeW !%%%"))) $11%====, ==#$=%"" nirures/ Fin HeaColla(era Solutions 7vt 3t $"11### 3isaj Sent an mail1%) Haris/ 8+ 'anager $"1)=1""E+6nort/ern trust; $"1%"" -antapati,se(i paul,m callon %t/ marc/ =!)+3 3imite !!*!= N3 Service Holings 1!" !$$*%#"")' inia !!!)1$1$ ajant/an sanja Finance mgr

    [email protected] +al-e to -avit/a accounts )' 8nia3imite&(n &(ro !!==%=)"" )! Su/ir (is0as Finance mgrConcore ?loc-, K? Cit, !$(arclas (an- !!=1#=%% 9ittal 'allaRoans glo(al "!!=#=1"" "!!$"#%!1"",,,";*!$#%%%", !$#%%%1,!$#%%%!, !$#%%%) -ris/ F'

    -ris/[email protected]&ccel ?7 $$$!!%!""" anan6m; sujata secratar 6CF;

    $!!%!"$ t/e /ve in/ouse evelope erp&ccentia +ec/ $11%)%=",,!%!%="" eepa.o@accentiatec/.com sujata(angalore ravis/an-ar 6'D; eepa trivenrum .rajeev.vs@accentiatec/.com, gopa-umar.(@accentiatec/.com 6#1;*6$1;*!""#=$, !$1%$)!&D7 3t $11%)%=",,!%!%="" ven-at -/uraa6CF;,, sata6F';not re4uire ,resentl migrate rom oracle to erp&ventit lo(al "!! =###""" rajeev munra Finance mgr&llsec tec/ "$$ $!##"",""% loges/!!$$""

    sar0anan.t@allsectec/.com c.loges/@allsectec/.com callloges/ on = nov or emo s/ravan t/um(as0ami vp tec/nolog ""%

  • 8/9/2019 Bgl Data Large- Skymem


  • 8/9/2019 Bgl Data Large- Skymem


    urgaon * 1!! ""!Harana

    1) Ciena 8nia 7vt 3t 7lot Eum(er 1$, Sector )! 6""; !"*)1$

    urgaon, Harana 1!!""!

    1$ C3C +ec/nologies 3t %#, Kog 9i/ar 7/ase*9, #1*"1!$*)"1$#"1, )"1$#"" 000.clctec/nologies.comurgaon, Harana

    1% Continuum Sstems 7vt 3t C*1!C, D3F Supermart 8, #11!$ $"$ )!%# 000.continuum*

    D3F 7/ase 89, urgaon,Harana, 1!!""!

    1= Convergs 8nia Services 7vt 3t Knitec/ +rae Center #1 1!$!% )#"1

    !n Floor, Sector*$)Sus/ant 3o-*1, ?loc- Curgaon, Harana * 1!! ""1

    1 Daoil Sot0are 3t !n Floor, 9ipul rc/i 7laOa #1*1!$*$1$*%"" (.aoils0.comSun Cit, Sector * %$,urgaon*1!!""1

    1 DC' Data Sstems DC' +ec/nologies 68+ Division o DC' 3t; 1!%,Kog 9i/ar, 7/ase*8, #1*1!$*$""*#!!$ to #!!=

    urgaon * 1!!"1=1# D3F Commercial Developers 3t S/opping 'all Comple5, #1*1!$*$))$!""

    &rjun 'arg,D3F Cit 7/ase*8,urgaon*1!!""!

    !" Dnamic 9ertical Sot0are 7vt 3t First Floor ?loc- &, 9ati-a

    +o0ers, #%* 1!$* $%1""" 000.namicverticals.comSector %$, D3F ol Course Roa,urgaon * 1!!""!

    !1 e(usiness0are 8nia 7vt 3t SC %, Sect. 1$, #1 1!$ $"11"1 000.e(

    urgaon 1!!""1!! DS * lectronic Data Sstems 68nia; 7vt 3t DS 8nia#1 1!$ !%$ "$"1

    roun Floor7laOa +o0erD3F Cit, 7/ase*1urgaonHarana 1!! ""!

    !) utec/ 8normatics 68; 7vt. 3t !$#*C, Kog 9i/ar, 7/ase*89)$)#$), )$!#$$, )$!%)

    urgaon * 1!!"1%!$ eFuns 8nternational 7rivate 3imite !!=, Kog 9i/ar, 7/ase

    urgaon, HR 1!!"1=!% ic/er ngineering Solutions 6& Knit o ic/er 'otors 3t; 1=t/Floor, +o0er * ? 6#1;*61!$;*$"%"!1

    000.eic/erengineeringsolutions.comKnitec/ C(er 7ar-Sector )#urgaon * 1!!""!Harana

    != merson Eet0or- 7o0er 68nia; 7vt 3t SC %= 6#1*1$!$; $!""1= 1,

  • 8/9/2019 Bgl Data Large- Skymem


    sector 1%7art !HKD&urgaon

    ! e'R +ec/nolog 9entures 7vt 3t $1%, Kog 9i/ar, #1*1!$*!)# )#!*#) 000.emrtec/

    7/ase * 888,urgaon * 1!! "1=,Harana

    ! 4uino5 lo(al Services 7vt 3t D3F 8ninit +o0er &, )rFloor

    D3F C(er Cit, 7/ase 88urgaon * 1!!""!

    !# stel +ec/nologies 7vt 3t 7lot Eo 1!=, Sector $$, #1*1!$*!% !""

    8nstitutional &reaurgoan

    )" verest ?usiness &visor 8nia 7vt 3t verest roup 8nia#1 1!$ )"$1"""

    roun Floor, +o0er &Knitec/ ?usiness 7ar-Sout/ Cit * 8, urgaonEe0 Del/i Eational Capital Region

    )1 5a 8notec/ 7vt 3t '*, l D3F Commercial Comple5, "1!$*%"==$$ 000.e5ainotec/.com

    Sector*1$, urgaon)! Fle5tronics Sot0are Sstems 3t Ee0 Del/i Corporate ice#1 1!$ !)$==== 000./

    7lot )1, lectronic CitSector 1urgaon 1!!"1%Harana

    )) Capital 8nternational Services 7vt 3t enpact, D3F Cit,7/ase 9, Sector*%), urgaon * 1!!""!, Harana #1*1!$*$"!!! Capital 8nternational Services 7vt 3t enesis ?urson*'arsteller, )r Floor, rc/i S4uare, Sus/ant 3o-*1, urgaon*1!!""1 #1*1!$*$"$$!$)$ 8nrastructure*8nia +ec/nolog Center 6& Div o 8nia5ports 7 3t; $&, D3F Corporate 7ar-

    Iuta( nclave, 7/ase * )urgaon * 1!!""!, Harana

    )% eine +ec/nologies 8nia 7vt 3t !#1, 7/ase*88, #1*"1!$*$""$1#1 000.geinetec/.com

    Kog 9i/ar,urgaon 6Harana;

    )= eness +elecommunications 3a(oratories, 8nc. * 8nia ?ranc/ice !n Floor, ? ?loc-P First 8nia 7lace #1 1!$ $"!

    000.genessla(.comSus/ant 3o- 7/ase 1'e/rauli urgaon Roaurgaon 1!!""!

    ) lo(al 9antege 7vt 3t *?, Sector 1, 8FFC Roa #1*1!$*$1#%"" 000.glo(

    urgaon* 1!! "1%Harana

    ) lo(alsot 7vt 3t 11*1!, ? tpe * Hartron Comple5, #1*1!$*%1""1!)$ 000.glo(

    lectronic Cit, Sector * 1

  • 8/9/2019 Bgl Data Large- Skymem


    urgaon)# +3 3imite =t/ Floor, '* ?loc-, #1*1!$*!%=="!" to !$

    000.gtllimite.comD3F S4uare, D3F Cit,Eational Hig/0a 9888,Jacarana 'arg, ,

    7/ase 88, urgaon*1!!""!, Harana$" Hanu Sot0are Solutions 68nia; 7vt 3t s/ore SolutionDeliver Center 6SDC; * #1.1!$.$"1$#$, #1.1!$.$1"!!#

    000./anusot0are.com7lot Eo. , 8DCurgaon, 8nia * 1!!""1

    $1 Hartron Communications 3t. ? * G , Sector * )!, #1*1!$*!%1= 000./

    urgaon * 1!!""!Harana

    $! Hero 'anagement Service 3t Hero 8+S #1*1!$*%"##"""000./

    7alm Court, 888r Floor

    !"$ Su-/rali C/o0-urgaon 1!!""1 Harana

    $) He0itt &ssociates 8nia 7vt 3t He0itt &ssociates 6#1;61!$; $1%*%""" 000./

    He0itt +o0erSector * $!, D3F CitHaranaurgaon 1!!""!

    $$ He0lett*7ac-ar 8nia Sales 7vt 3t +o0er D, =t/ Floor, lo(al?usiness 7ar- 6"1!$; !%= =111 000./

    'e/rauli*urgaon Roa

    urgaon * 1!! ""!$% HS?C lectronic Data 7rocessing 8nia 7vt. 3t. J'D RegentS4uare, D3F 7/ase 88, urgaon*'e/rauli Roa, B#1 611; !)) ##

    000./s(c.com1!urgaon 1!! ""!

    $= HS?C Sot0are Development 68nia; 7vt. 3t. J'D Regent S4uare,D3F 7/ase 88, urgaon*'e/rauli Roa, B#1 611; !)) ##

    urgaon 1!! ""!Harana

    $ Hua0ei +ec/nologies 8nia 7vt 3t $t/ Floor, D3F S4uare,Jacarana 'arg, ' ?loc-, D3F Cit, 7/ase*88, urgaon, Harana*1!!""!""#1*!!$*!%=)$#! 000./$ 8nia 7repai Services 7vt 3t "1, 7/ase * 9,#1 1!$$1%)

    Kog 9i/ar,urgaon * 1!! "1=

    $# 8nuctis 68nia; 7vt 3t !n Floor, +o0er ?, 9ati-a &trium#1*1!$*$)!*1""

    Sector*%), 'ain Sector Roa , urgaonHarana 1!!""1

    %" 8no5 lo(al Services 3t lo(al ?usiness 7ar- #1*1!$*$"=!)"

    +o0er ?, !n Floor'e/rauli urgaon Roaurgaon * 1!!"1=

    %1 8nterglo(e +ec/nologies 7vt 3t +o0er C, lo(al ?usiness 7ar-#1 6"1!$; !%$ #%)) 000.interglo(etec/

    'e/rauli*urgaon Roaurgaon 6Harana; * 1!!""!

  • 8/9/2019 Bgl Data Large- Skymem


    %! 8ntersot Data 3a(s 7vt 3t $t/ Floor, $"! 'illennium 7laOa#1 1!$ $)1!$"" * $"#

    +o0er ?, Sector !urgaon 1!! ""!

    %) 8ntraSp/ere 8normation +ec/nologies 7vt 3t ?loc- !*&, D3FCorporate 7ar- #1*1!$*%1=!"" 000.intrasp/

    D3F Iuta( nclave, 7/ase 888urgaon, Harana 1!!""!%$ Aeane 8nia 3t Knit Eo. =" G =", =t/ Floor #1 1!$!"))!!!)

    +o0er ?, lo(al ?usiness 7ar-'e/rauli, urgaon Roaurgaon 1!! ""!

    %% Aeane orlOen 8nia 7vt 3t Knitec/ +rae Center,#1.1!$.%"$)""

    Sector*$), Sus/ant 3o-*1urgaon, Harana 1!! ""1

    %= Aell Services 8nia 7vt 3t #"!, #t/ Floor, +o0er ? #1*1!$$)" ")!) *!=

    lo(al ?usiness 7ar-, ' Roaurgaon *1!!""!% A3 Sstel 3t Knit )*=, +o0er * &, roun Floor, #1 6"; 1!$*$1!##""

    Knitec/ ?usiness 7ar-,F*?loc-, Sout/ Cit *1, urgaon * 1!! ""1 6

    % AornFerr 8nternational 7vt 3t AornFerr 8nternational#1 1!$ $)! 1"""

    t/ Floor, D3F 8ninit+o0er &, D3F 7/ase 88urgaon 1!! ""!

    %# A7' &visor Services 7rivate 3imite A7' #1 "1!$

    )"$""" !%$#1#1 no $?D3F Corporate 7ar-, D3F Cit7/ase 888urgaonHarana 1!!""!

    =" 'ultitec/ Computers 7vt 3t !$#*?, 7/ase 89, Kog 9i/ar)$", )$"#, )$""

    urgaon 1!! "1==1 Eagarro Sot0are 7vt 3t 1%, lectronic Cit, Sector * 1#161!$; )"$=$=*$, $"1=%

    urgaon * 1!!"1%, Harana=! EaviSite 8nia 7vt 3t 9ipul rc/i 7laOa

    #1.1!$.)""" 000.navisite.comol Course RoaSector %), Suncit,urgaon, 8nia 1!!""!

    =) E88+ SmartServe 3t !!)*!!$, Kog 9i/ar, 7/ase 1 6#1; 1!$*$""!"!

    urgaon * 1!!""!

    =$ racle 8nia 7vt 3t ?loc- 1, D3F Corporate 7ar- #1 1!$!%$#!%"!%$#!="

    D3F Cit, 7/ase )'e/rauli * urgaon Roaurgaon, Harana * 1!!""!

    =% 7arsec +ec/nologies 3t 7lot no )$, #1*1!$*!)$##"#Kog 9i/ar *88,urgaon* 1!!"1=, Harana

  • 8/9/2019 Bgl Data Large- Skymem


    == 7/ilips Sot0are Centre 7vt. 3t. 3ig/ting Hea ice #11!$ %"#1#"" 000.inia.p/

    'otorola 5cellence Centre, %t/ Floor,Sector 1$, $1%!,'e/rauli*urgaon Roa,

    urgaon 1!! ""1= 7lanet 7C8 8notec/ 3t !*!, Kog 9i/ar 7/ase 88,urgaon, Harana 7olaris Sot0are 3a(s 3t. 7lot Eo. !$#, #1*1!$*!)##

    Kog 9i/ar 7/ase 89urgaon * 1!! ""1

    =# 7rometric +esting 7rivate 3imite +/omson 7rometric #1*1!$*$1$*$%

    !ED Floor, 8ninit +o0er &Sector*!%, 7/ase*88, D3F Citurgaon*1!!""!!6Harana;

    " Iuarant 8notec/ 8nia 7vt. 3t. ! lectronic Cit, Sector1, Kog 9i/ar, #%*1!$*!)$$=1, 000.4uarantinia.comurgaon, Harana 1!!"1= *

    1 Reservation Data 'aintenance 68nia; 7vt 3t $!1, Kog 9i/ar7/ase 888, urgaon #1 1!$ %1#""

    Harana * 1!! "1=! R8C &uto 8nustries 3t ) A' Stone, Del/i*Jaipur Hig/0a,A/ansa, urgaon, Harana #1 61!$; !!$)"), !!$)"%

    *1!!""1) Salient ?usiness Solutions 3t 9ipul rc/i 7laOa, !nloor, #1*1!$*$)$)$)$ 000.salient(

    Sun Cit,Sector %$, urgaon,

    Harana 1!!""1$ Sapient Corporation 7vt 3t Sapient +o0ers DG tel: #1 1!$$1=""" 000.sapient.comHome./tm

    D3F C(er reensD3F Cit 7/ase 888Sector !%*&urgaon 1!! ""!Harana

    % SC& +ec/nologies 8nia 7vt 3t SC& +ec/nologies 33C,Signature +o0er, 1!t/ Floor, +o00r &, Sout/ Cit, urgaon*1!!""1 #1*61!$;*!)1)$%*tec/.com= Score 8normation +ec/nologies 3t. %$, Kog 9i/ar, 7/ase*9,#1*1!$*%""!!!!)!$

    urgaon*1=, Harana Silicon rap/ics 3imite !! Kog 9i/ar 7/ase 8

    )$#11 000.sgi.comurgaon, Harana

    Solicore +ec/sot Sstems 8nia 7vt 3t Knitec/

    ?loc- C, reen0oo CitSector $%, urgaonHarana 1!!""1

    # Spanco +elesstems an Solutions 3imite $"#, 7/ase *888,Kog 9i/ar, #1 61!$; * %1%!="" %1%!"""

    urgaon * 1!!"1=" Structural Dnamics Researc/ Corporation ?loc- $? t/ Floor,D3F Corporate 7ar- )%#1

    Iuta( nclave 888

  • 8/9/2019 Bgl Data Large- Skymem


    urgaon 1!! ""!1 Summit 8normation +ec/nologies 3t 1=, 7/ase 9, Kog 9i/ar#1*1!$*$"" )"%1

    urgaon * 1!!"1=, Harana

    ! Sun 3ie 8nia Service Centre 7vt 3t Kni*+ec/ orl 6C(er 7ar-;

    #1*1!$*$%=%%"" 000.sunlie.comSector*)#roun Floor, urgaonHarana * 1!!""1

    ) Sunaram 8notec/ Solutions 6& Division o Sunaram Finance 3t;Signature +o0ers, #t/ loor, +o0er *! "1!$ * !))!

    000.sunaraminotec/.comSout/ Cit 1, EH *urgaon *1!! ""1

    $ S(ase Sot0are 68nia; 7vt 3t 11= #1 1!$ $11%!=$*=%000.s(

    rc/i S4uare

    Sus/ant 3o- 7/ase 1urgaon 1!!""!% +ata Consultanc Services 3t +ata Consultanc Services #1*1!$*$)"1$%

    7resienc +o0ers, 7lot no.)%1 G )%!,Sec * 1$, urgaon, Harana 1!!"1=

    = +CS ?usiness +ransormation Solutions 3t 6+CS*?+S; +ataConsultanc Services #1*1!$*$1=%"""

    7lot Eo.$$, 7/ase 9, Kog 9i/arSector 1#, urgaon, Harana 1!! "1=

    +eleperormance 8nia 6& ivision o CR' Services 8nia 7vt 3t;), Kog 9i/ar, 7/ase 88 6#1; 1!$.!$).##%%

    urgaon Harana, 1!!"1=

    +ele+ec/ Services 68nia; 3t 7lot Eo. =, Sector )$,#1.1!$.%1"."$%" 000.teletec/.comen*us

    8nocit, urgaon * 1!! ""1 6Harana;

    # +elserra 8nia 7vt 3t Suite %"1, 7aciic S4uare #11!$ $11 "1

    )!n 'ilestone, EH*,urgaon*1!! ""1

    #" +enneco 8nia ngineering G S/are Services 7vt 3t urgaon000.tenneco* +riton Corp 3t 11) Kog 9i/ar, 7/ase 1, #1 1!$$"""1"

    urgaon, 1!!"1=#! 9anguar 8no*Solution 3t 7lot Eo. J83 +o0er*88 Sector#1 1!$ %1!%$""

    1, urgaon Harana * 1!!""1

    #) 9enire 8+ 3t 9ati-a &trium, 88 Floor #1*1!$*$"%*1#!

    D3F ol Course Sector RoaD3F Citurgaon, HR 1!!""!

    #$ 8nia 7vt 3t 7lot Eo. $=!, #1*"1!$*$11"#""

    7/ase 9, Kog 9i/arurgaon, Harana 1!!"1=

  • 8/9/2019 Bgl Data Large- Skymem


    #% Nc/anging +ec/nolog Services 68nia; 7vt 3t Nc/anging#1 6";1!$ $))#))) 000.5c/

    !1, Kog 9i/ar7/ase 88urgaon 1!!"1=

    #= 8nnoata 8normation +ec/nologies 7vt 3t000.innoata* Sot0are G Sstems 7vt. 3t., 'r J ' Sunaresan 'D

    jms@accor* 7ra(/a Ramanujan pra(/a@accor* 'r 9 Raman,pra(/a F' &ccounts icer !%)%"1"%s/astr@accor* !" emp ramanan@accor*

    ramanan tol to call on 0e 1=."#."# !%)%"1"% !)!%!!)-p anan ceo call at $:)" Eo:) Aris/na Re Colon Domlur 3aout?angalore*%=""1 !%)%"1"% !)!%!!)&cusis Sot0are 8nia 7vt. 3t., * 88 6'sore; 'r A ? &nan

    [email protected] 'r E Eatesan [email protected] 'r EEatesan !!!$=!=)= call ater !:"" "!1*!)$1#1= 1st Floor,38*!=, Dou(le Roa C8+? HKDC, 1st Stage, Auvempu Eagar 'sore*%""!)

    "!1*!)$1#1=&ea +ec/nologies ! &ea 8nternational 7rivate 3imite *6 EetArat 7vt. 3t.,; 'r S/ouvi- ?/attac/ara

    s/ouvi-.(/attac/[email protected] 'r 3alit S/u-laFinancial controller ""*=!! ##!$1))lalit.s/[email protected] num(er (are $1##!))!$1##!))) E.)1#

    ?ommana/alli Hosur Roa ?egur Ho(li?angalore*%=""= $1##!))! $1##!)))7C67o0erHouseCooper;, Sataprasa $"%$, S/ar ramananra6FH;

    $"#$"""$"#%"""$"#="""$"#"""su(/asree.satamoort/ Eo.!!$1=, Ramanama/ars/i

    Roa Saas/ivanagar !)=1))$$ !)=1=!"1

    &iti +ec/nologies 7vt. 3t., 6F*EetIuest 8 7vt 3t ; 'r S Ret/inasam97*FinanceG&min ret/[email protected]&o(e geet/ag@ao( &o(e Sstems 8nia 7vt 3t6F*&o(e Sot0are8nia 7vt 3t6F$1#)#%%,,,,$1#)#%"" 7rema c/o/an6acilit;

    sp/utane@ao( prasa@ao(.com call ater ):"" 1$sept ms/ai@ao( Eet0or-s 8nia 7vt. 3t., Dr.S/antigram Jagannat/

    Director [email protected] Hemant Aumar. &sst 'anagerFinace ""*==1#) Devenra 8+ 'anager S/iva Aumar,==1#)""/[email protected] Dint pic-e up ==1#) ==1#)""

    [email protected] 1st Floor ? ing ?loc- & SalarpuriaSotOone Surve Eos."1.1!.G1!, ?ellanur 9illage 9art/urHo(li ?angalore*%="") ==1#&ja5.Com 7vt. 3t., 6F*&ja5 7etro 7vt 3t; 'r &ja Aumar opal

    Director [email protected] 'r &ja Aumar opal 'R E 7Eagenra S+7 &ctivities !)%)%1%= (a case )"" emp

    [email protected] s/reenivas is FH 'R E 7 Eagenra stpactivit given appointment on 'ona 11:"" am 1$ sept"#, num #$%1$"=#D8SIK&38F8D !)%)%1%= !)$)%1=%Eo, 1 )r Floor 'arut/i Comple5 R + Eagar 'ainRoa R + Eagar ?angalore*%="")! !)%)%1%= !)$)%1=%&-mai auri S/an-ar gutla, 7ras/ant68+ +eam;, 'r.Sanja Aumar Sing/'anaging Director [email protected] 'r,vis/un Sama-&ssoci ate&ccounting ""*==!%1=)% [email protected] intereste an 0ill/ave emo in mont/ en emaile to sama- sir no0 call on 'ona 11:)"""*==!%1="" ""*==!%1="# ,Salarpuria &scent,Jot/inivas collegeRoa -oramangala 8nl,&rea Jot/inivas

  • 8/9/2019 Bgl Data Large- Skymem


    Collage Roa ?angalore*%=""#% ""*==!%1=""""*==!%1="#&llegis Services 68nia; 7vt. 3t., 'r 7 A/arc/e 5ecitive Director-/arc/[email protected] 'r E opala-ris/nan 'r 7 3al-umar

    'anager &ccounts ==1$"1 [email protected](us ==1$""1 ==1$""" Q%$,&(acus Centre,1st Floor,1st 'ain

    J 7 Eagar, )r p/ase?angalore*%="" ==1$""1 ==1$"""&ltair ngineering 8nia 7vt 3t 'r 7avan Aumar C 9 'D, pavan-umar@altair com 'r 7 Srinivasa Rao 'r Ranganat/ C R &mn'anager ==!#$%"" s/reenivas rao Finance 'angr s ==!#$%""==!#$"" ranaganat/ rajagopalan@altair com 'ercur !? ?loc- %t/Floor 7restige +ec/ 7ar- Sarjapur ?angalore*%="" ==!#$%""==!#$""&m(a Researc/ 68nia; 7vt. 3t., 'r 7aul J &lapat 'D 'r7urus/otam""))1 'anager Finance)#" """,)#"!1

    niting@am(aresearc/.com siva-umar-@am(aresearc/.com calltommoro0 $1##### $1#!## purus/ot/amg@am(aresearc/.com"!, 7restige 3o-a, 1, ?runton Roa

    ?angalore*%="""1 $1##### $1#!##&ntenna Sot0are 8nia 7vt. 3t., 'r Reji ?a( Directorr(a( 'r 9ija-umar + R &ccounts

    Support*S !==1"= &lrea /ave in/[email protected] $" emploees stp compan t/e are

    intereste $"1%%%% $"1%%!% Eo: %",C'H Roa 8niranagar ?innamangala 1st Floor ?angalore * %=" ") $"1%%!%&ri(a +ec/nologies 8nia 7vt. 3t., 'r A Jaa Aumar'D

    j-umar@ari( 'r Raman Ses/ari 'r Raman Ses/ariDirector*Finance $1#1$)$=U=!!$""" $"$= rses/ari@ari(a.come Call call ater 1 /our 1% sept $1#1$)"" $1#1$)"1Eo:%1 R'L 8con 7alace Roa?angalore*%! $1#1$)"" $1#1$)"1

    ?ristlecone 8nia 3t 6F*'a/inra Consulting 3t.,; Directorgautam.(/attac/ara@( 'r autam ?/attac/ara 5ecutive*accountsGFinance $1)%)!"" $"" ranaj D sar-ar6FD;

    ree(u.t/omas@( Call on 'ona ?angalore * %=" "" !"1*!!$ !n Floor +o0er ? Diamon DistrictAoi/alli 9illage &irport Roa ?angalore *%=" ""8'R? 8nternational * ?&E&3R 9ive- upta Sr. 9ice 7resient

    !%$"1"!$ ,,$"1$""" #!" s su(ramaniam )" call againCDC Sot0are 8nia 7vt. 3t. 6F*7ivotal ?angalore Sot0are [email protected] icer Finance G &ccounts $1)="""!)" emploee [email protected] call at !:)" ?angalore*%="""1 =t/ Floor Can(erra ?loc- K? Cit !$ 9ittal 'alla Roa

    ?angalore*%="""1Centillium 8nia 7vt. 3t., Director mo/[email protected]

    'anager*&ccountsG&min $1))=1"$ [email protected]/e alrea /ave +R&NN. ovinrajan 0ants some c/anges in current sot0arereer it to De(asis/ !!& )r Cross 1t/ 'ain =t/ ?loc-Aormangala ?angalore*%=""#%Cerulean 8normation +ec/nolog 7vt. 3t., Director

    ( Finance&ccounts 'anager!%%!=)" umes/a@ceruleaninotec/.com not intereste ?angalore *%=""#% Eo:$% $t/ ? Cross 8nustrial 3aout %t/ ?loc- Aormangala?angalore * %=""#%Celstream +ec/nologies 7vt. 3t., 'anaging Director

    (rijes/.0a/[email protected] eneral Finace G &ccounts Futurecustomer ""*$11#1#1# ""*$11#1#"" ""*$11#1#1# Eares/victor6FH; [email protected]

  • 8/9/2019 Bgl Data Large- Skymem


    r.raganant/[email protected] 7restige ?lue C/ip.?loc-?angalore%=" "!#Li3 8nia lectronics 7vt. 3t., 'r 'a/enra JainDirector [email protected] 'r Aanc/i Srinivas

    Finance 'anager G Compan Secretar !!!=#$"%$"=$"[email protected] 'r Aanc/i Srinivas Finance

    'anager G Compan Secretar !!!=#$"%$"=$ !!))="1!" emploee Aanc/i as-e to call on 1!t/ oct or giving emo on )r0ee- o oct9alel ngineers an Constructors 7vt. 3t.,Knit*88 'r &nan'ara-ur C [email protected] 'R C R Su([email protected] 'r Aumar 'anager*Fianance

    ==!!""! ==!!""" Civil Station, HosurRoa ?angalore*%=""!% F' 'r (/att num==!!"") call on 0enusa or emop appointment in aternoon 1$oct"# oremo ==!!"!%9anu 8nia 7rivate 3imite 'r 7raeep 'al/otra 'D

    praeep.mal/[email protected] 'r D/armanan S/arma S+7 &ctivities##!!$$))1 $1%!"1"" $1%!%1)" 8+73 /iteiel Roa

    praeep mal/otra ?angalore*%=""== !" emploee $1%!"1""$1%!%1)"9ennar Sot Sstems 7vt. 3t., 9 D Eages/ ?a(u C

    nages/ C 9en-ates/0ara Rao [email protected] 9en-ates/0ara Rao 97 Finance !!$$#1 !!$$#1C 9en-ates/0ara Rao 97 Finance !!$$#1 t/ ?loc-Jaanagar ?angalore*%=""! iven &ppointment on 'ona 1!oct"#11 am !!$$#1 !==%$!%Samsung 8nia Sot0are perations 7vt. 3t. 6F*Samsung lectronics '6Finance G &ccounts; 'r u C/ool Aim 'D'r Rajenra & S#$%1)##= $11#### [email protected] callagain 1%1" &pril Case6First Client visit an time in april;

    $11#### [email protected]

    ?agmane 3a-evie0, ?loc- ?,Eo.==1, ?agmane +ec/ 7ar- C 9 Raman Eagar?arasanraSamsung lectro*'ec/anics Co. 3t., &sst 'anager Finance Rangarao!1$ !!)#1)1$6e5t !11; vasant/[email protected] one casevasant/[email protected] [email protected] millers roa s/ivajinagarSanovi +ec/nologies 7vt 3t Finance G &ccounting Consultant 'r9ive- 7a0ar Aaruna

    #$%#$!$#! [email protected] (a case #$%#$!$#[email protected] Q !=%=!%t/ C 'ain 1=t/ Cross ppE8F+ HSR 3aout )!#==!$Scanis- F', 'r Aalanaraman, Santos/.Rag/unat/@sanis-.comsuma6Ee0 CF;#%)!"$"1 !$!$!""%U.$!$!!"""

    [email protected] call on 0e !!*'ar sumaover F' C/anras/e-/r $11!)$!1,!= c/[email protected] +/e/ave t/eir o0n tool 1%" empEovell Sot0are Development 68; 7vt. 3t., Eovell Sot0are Development68; 7vt. 3t., m 'r Eares/ S/a/ 'D 'r S Hem-umar rag/u mSr 'anager*FacilitiesG&mn $""!!)"" /[email protected] Callater $:$" ranjit /[email protected] ?agamane +ec/ 7ar-, DV?loc-, ?agmane 3aurel, =%!, C 9 Raman, ?arasanra 7o?angalore*%=""#)$""!!)"" $1=#"""Eovellus Sstems 68nia; 7vt. 3t., Eovellus Sstems 68nia; 7vt. 3t.,m 'r &s/o- ?elle'anaging Director 'r 7ras/ant/.part/asarat/

    +/omas6F';,'r 7ras/ant/.part/asarat/6concern person; 'anager$1%""1!= pras/ant/.part/asarat/ Call on 'ona

  • 8/9/2019 Bgl Data Large- Skymem


    an tal- to 'r 7ras/ant/.part/asarat/6concern person; call ater !"min 'arut/i 8notec/ Centre !n Floor&*?loc- 111G1!1 &marjot/i 3aout 8ntermeiate Ring Roa'organ Stanle avantage services 7vt 3t 6ormel &vantage lo(al 'organStanle avantage services 7vt 3t 6ormel &vantage lo(al S&7

    'anager*Compliance ==$11))1 ==$11$""

    ==$11))1 ==$11$"" prites/[email protected]/ ==$11))1 ==$11$""61)"1;rames/.van-ara.put/[email protected]

    'p/asis 3imite, Knit * 89 F' vija -umar,ganes/$""$$$$$,,$""$%)1" $""$"$"$,,%!# %)1vija call or

    appointment no0vijaa-umar.m@mp/ 6CF; praeep (ac/-a ##=!$"$1 promomo jaisa0al

    "!!==1)!!$ praeep,)!"=,=###!"= [email protected] on !t/ nov urgent (asis. 6#1; 61!$; $1%*%"""Cpress Semi Conuctors 8nia 7vt 3t vis/vanat/ =")###, =")#>%""emp )! Call on 'ona citra'u Sigma ?usiness Solutions 7vt 3t F' 'anoj emmanuel " $"%$ #1""Eo 'one t/e /ave maile no0 olloup or emo

    SSg& * 8nia F' gururaj tantr " =! 1$"""gururaj2t/[email protected] maile no0 olloup or emoemail or0ore to consern person 1% empsu(e5 ramnat/an6FH; ==%#"" ?alac/anra6==%#; in/ouseevelope tool9oaone ssar Sout/ 3t F' &rvin $11#)"""

    [email protected] call on 'onaSitel 8nia jol$11$%"" pinjat/a t/apai,0ilson,manjunat/

    $11$%"",#"! ""$"". pinjat/[email protected] Rriarat/is/.u/[email protected] Ratis/ call on april 6$%$!;evenra praeep

    +/omson Reuters 8nia 7vt 3t )#!##" ==1""", ==!"%", $1)%=##",)#!!"" e5t%!,$##" )#!#!6rures/; ##")

    naOnin,#$")1$%CogniOant +ec/nolog Solutions 8nia 7vt 3t promo pana =="""",$1=!""! %!% rspo-en to ric/a+im-in engg F' Raju upta $1)=!""" [email protected])1)# Call on 'onaconOerve tec/ F' anes/ Ha0alar"$11#1 )#1"!)",,,,)"!=#1%"ane/)"!=#1%! Call in morning 0enusa an come o0n or emo -es/vongre 8 /ave spo-en toi 6CF;sanja (araisor +elecom 8nia 7vt 3t 6C/ie Financial &ministrator mr +/omas!%%!%!1, !%%!%!!, !%%!%!), Eo.=,)rFlr,roal &rcae, Er Ra/eja &rcae, "t R, Aoramangala, ?angalore *%=""#%ielit m6=!%;/armalingam sunaram 'r 'a/usu/anRao6=$$=;ma/usu/[email protected] ==#1="""6111; &nan Aumar6nterprise Senior Director; gaatri6assistant to ma/usuan;

    gaat/ri.pamana(/[email protected] sen email &nan -umar9erisign Services 8nia 7vt 3t m santos/ ==%))""", $!%=%=%=jagis/6inance manager;%") manoj6e5ecutive; call on 'ona callagain+/e 3eela 7alace Aempins-i Hotel m uouri s/an-ar rastog

    !%!11!)$, )"%1!)$, ="""!!)) rastogi one case+aj Resienc Hotel inranil c/ou/ur

    inranil.c/ou/ur@taj/ *==="$$$$ 'r Saleemosu6eneral 'anager 'arc/ caseterra Hotel F' ?iplav C/a-ro(rti $!======

    (ipla(@t/eoterra/ 11 tier sent an email no0 ollo0 upor emo in marc/

  • 8/9/2019 Bgl Data Large- Skymem


    Fle5tronics +ec/nologies 8nia 7vt.3t., &sst 'anager*Finance 'ro0ri S/an-ar R==!%1)$ Finance Controller6rag/venra; 'r SaneepD/ingra rag/venraCegeim Sot0are 8nia 7vt 3t ganes/a ==!)1%"", ==!)1"! e5t 1)call on +uesa nov Hal /our )"" emploees Eot Re4uirecurrentl

    Dell Computers 8nia 7vt 3t !%"="1#, !%"="!%, !%"=##"Dell 8nternational Services 3t !%1""$=, !%1""", !%"="!=,!%"="1)Serco ?7 "1!$$1%$)),,,$1%$))# Sarvan Aumar 1!$$""11""

    $11)"#%,,##=##)")$ [email protected] vp sunil(ara, avp /imans/u, m menu,$""11"" C/anra-ant amin /ea &nton orsales stream #==="&lstom 7rojects 8nia 3t auitor a/me $!"#%""" /emant

    avenger9olvo 8nia 7vt 3t inranil c/ou/ur ==#1$%"", ==#1$==call again7/oeni5 +ec/nologiesSatam ?7 3t &min 9ijaa ?a(u #"%#=1# ==1=)="" $"==$%1$"

    vijaa2(a(u@satam( sai (a(a tcg (uiling 1st loor Callin april?/arti &irtel 3t 6+elemeia; Eoal icer Des- $111%))&irtel ServicesSaravanan #"="$)!#,,$111%!"1SaggeOOa 8nia 7vt 3t 'r 'anjunat/ Eanjaia/6Director;,'S Eeelima6HR

    $11=11!%+9S 8nterconnect Sstems 3t vina &gra0al6C; 'r Hars/,'r Si/art/Ro#$!"$$$ =1#""", =1#""), =1#""$, =1#""%pen Silicon Researc/ 7vt 3t mo(as/ira6F'; 'r 9ictor $11!)$$,$11!)$), $1"!"" mo(as/eera F' Call on Fria in/ouse evelopetoolcapita&merican 5press Services 8nia 3t 'r Sai Ais/ore !!1!%"!"

    Canon 8nia 7vt 3t Deepa Deepa- $""#$""Canon 8nia 7vt 3t Call Centre 'S Dimple )#"1"1"1, $""#$$%,$""#$""9irtusa 8nia 7vt 3t $$$!""!""9 F &rvin ?rans 7vt 3t 'r Ravi Aumar *$1%%"1""3 ) Communications 8nia 7vt 3t ma/enra =1"!""

    /*)com.comHerman 'iller Furniture 8nia 7vt 3t 'r Ais/ore Rag/upat/#""#"!#

    )"#!1))) 1"" emp ,call ater = mont/s ,t/e r e5paning+ata Communications 3t Customer Care ="="""Nalte 8normation Sstems 7vt 3t ilip F, Surenra Raju 'r'alli-arjan#$"%##" $1=)=="", $1=)=="1, $1=)=="$, $1=)=="%1!" emploees8+ mngr rajnis/Careernet Consulting 7vt 3t 'S Ris/ia67roprietor;,'r &s/is/6eneral'anager#")1#$" ==%%""""Eational 8nstruments Sstem 8nia 7vt 3t ?el 'r Dars/ana $11#"""",$11#""$$, $11#""!!?rocae Communications Sstems 7vt 3t)#%$!"" Su-es/ni Sar-ar&irvana Eet0or-s 8nia 7vt 3t narenra 'r S/ant/igram Jagannat/==1#)"" 1%" emploee call in morning&t G + Communication Service 8nia 7vt 3t rajeev tal0ar $")=!,$)%$=""" p/:"11$)%#1)'anager in Del/i manoj gupta11$%"1)""$%"1)"" call again [email protected] Sot 8(a Healt/ roup Compan 'r Jaapra-as/ )"#)#%""Sonic0all 8no Securit 7vt 3t lingamurt/ $1=$#%%", $1=$#%%%,$11#=1 avinas/ e5 emploee amin pa/mana(/an!"" emp

    [email protected] 1":"" +uesa

  • 8/9/2019 Bgl Data Large- Skymem


    ?osc/ 3t 'r 8nraneel ?/attac/ara6Countr Hea Ae &c irect num!!####" Su-ana ==%1#!Ro(ert ?osc/ 8nia 3t 'r Sripat/ ==%$%$%, ==%%%, !%"1""1,!%"11"1?osc/ 3t Sanja C/a-ravart/ $1=), !!##!1=, !!!!"",!!##!!1

    Sas-en Communication +ec/ ==#$$"""Sas-en Communication +ec/nologies ==#$$""", !%)%%%"1, )##11!!,==!%)= ==#$%""", $1!%= spea- to treasurEo-ia are /ouse 1!$$##""" $))""" 1!$$""))ES R7 F' S&S&n-a pana #=$#%%$= [email protected] 8nteresteStar inia pvt lt ==#$!

    Eo.1%",m(ass 7oint,)r Flr, 8nantr Roa, ?angalore * %="""1em(ass group $1#####omni care clinical researc/ $"=$"$""lanco inspiring gro0t/ $"==##""""

    el(it /ospital8?' &ccuire sterling

    E Sa/rma Finance Director )"#"=""" %"" emp ===% &pril Case

    11 !!$ell ser tsi instrumentsSures/ Ramac/anra CF!$1)""", $1%!"")", !$1!%$, $1%!""1" call again nil-antan

    s/ee/ar, inrajeet lot/ara 8+ surenra6!=1; 1%"" empcall again(ran sstems 'r &l(erto DieO 7eterson ==1!!!%", ==)1!#, !!=""%small comp ro(in./oro@( )" empsunguar !!!!"%"1, !!!!"%"!, !!!!"%)% 7ras/ant Raouninorauto es- small compan%" emp(oio(ase ru(an F' $!%""" " emp

    tieraOorsig/t vino (angale F' $"!1"", $"!1"1, $"!1"! callinicomm glo(le service ):)" ==%!$"7roton e( ?7 7vt 3t 'r Ei/ari-a Sing/ $111####+essolve Services 7vt 3t 'r 9 9eerappan69ice 7resient*8niaperation;,'r Srinivas C/inamailli69ice 7resient*ngine $11"!=!=,$11"!%"" #=$)$)1%9N3 8nstruments 3t !%!""$=, )"!!!%!%Convergs 8nia Services 7vt 3t $"="%)"", $11"=="!, $11"=="$&ccenture Services 7vt 3t $1)="""'icrosot 8nia R G D 7vt 3t Support Centre ==#1""", ==%== v*sac/[email protected] v sac/i- sac/in -ingal !$" Kntillutsourcing 7atner 8nternational "$)$$ Santos/poar6FH;1")$ &-as/1"$1 1",)$1,!! spoar@opiglo(

    arni/arm culig C/etan8?' lo(al Service $"!"$$"",,,!%"")""" $1!#$===, !$1=))), $1#$===,$1"#$""" ==#1""" call again $"!"$$""valel ngineers an Constructors 7vt. 3t.,Knit*88 $"!"$!), $"!"$!%,$"!"$)1, $"!"$""'caee Sot0are 8nia 7vt 3t gurunat/6F'; reerence ==%=#"""

    S/reepra-as/6;,, S/rutee6receptionist;gurinat/[email protected]

    'ole5 8nia 7vt mo/an rao,t/amai !$%!#11, $1!#)%"", $1!#)%%"iris/ AumarF !="%)""" ?as Eam(isan !%"%""", !%"=!""

    c/arulat/[email protected] !="%)""" &s-ing name irst%"1! (/ai/r a-ram c/arulat/[email protected] %"%=7mc Sierra 8nia 7vt 3t Saneep FH 1% emp $1!""", $1!1""8s/ita65ecutive inanc0; saneep2s/ett@pmc* 1!%

  • 8/9/2019 Bgl Data Large- Skymem


    HS?C ?7 =)!""",)""1!""","$")#$!""","$")#"!""","$"$$=$11"" ,,,,e5tT!),,,,!#1 covia ,m ra/a-iris/an =)!""",)""1!""","$")#$!""","$")#"!""","$"$$=$11"" ,,,,e5tT!),,,,!#1

    000./s(,email presentation on solomon0eslle@/s( ano ollo0 up 0it/ inance an purc/se epartment6mu-un an solomon; 11:)"

    call mu-unt/irumale@/s( n 'ali- )#"!#$&egis ?7 Services 3t !!=))%$ rajenera.sing/!!=))%$

    000.aegis( call t/em an /ave ollo0 upsrajenera.sing/ in /a(a no0 s/ite to mum(ai is F'

    rajener.sing/@in.aegisglo(!% %!%= sanja set/i =!%# call on Fria 1 ecSpars/ 7rasa Sing/ania, ipes/s@spars/ #!""$))$% callon +/ursa amit(o@spars/.com prsaJ7 'or/an 8nia 7vt. 3t. &s0ani Dev6CR;6Corporate real estate;#==1!1% ,,,$1="""" Call on 1 an i5 accoringl mira rames/

    -us0anan ramu ven-ates/lo(al Smp/on Sot0are 8nia 7vt 3t'r Sanja S/u-la )"!1"""

    enpact 6+R&NN; Sanja 'is/ra ##=11)%))Jagjeet sarnaConvergs 9ino Aris/na Das !="#%)""?osc/ 6+R&NN; Sa(esan ==%1%#) su(esanFirstSource 7ras/ant/ 'J !!"#!%""Eetapp 6+R&NN * June !""#; ?riget Justine $1$)$=

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    J7 'or/an 8nia 7vt. 3t. Sales Stream praeep,"!!=)"""Eirvana ?usiness Solutions sac/in6m; $11"))""&egis ? ==)====Q/iteiel 'ain Roa, ?angalore*==aru(a lo-es/ $"==""!

    te5as -ris/na evai-a !%)$%$%$ mailer /e sa /e /asor0are mail to concern person soni t/omas61)#;, Commercial /easapana je-ar6Hea 8+;!%$ remeies

    [email protected] Communication !%)% %%"1, ==#$ )""" 'urali Aris/[email protected] ,,,,,,,,,,)!"! murli Aris/na naraann$!!! [email protected] ==%#=""rmi tec/ !=$#)$, !=$#)$# 11:)" appointment or tra55 +/ursagouri pati Eo.)$,!n Flr,Suraj anga Sot 7ar-, 1st Crs,)r 'n R,)r7H, J 7(rigeco ==11"""trianO 'r S/ri-ant/ 'anc/ala6'anaging Director;,'S 7ria6'ar-eting'anager; !!)""" antala5mi F' 1",,,1"!o(ject0in leena saji 6#1;*6";*$1)"$%##, $1"%")), $1"%")!'r &v Rag/uraman6'anaging Director;##"1#$$= " emp-eane ena(ling transorm !==%%1!!*!==)%%, !==%#$! 'a/es/ ram,!==%#$! %""" ra-es/ gupta Fin mngr allen 6e5ecutive;

    Sreenivasan anggappa !$" $"%""aris glo(e 'r S/arle6&min;,'r &ja Sin/a6Director; #1;*6";*==!1!$X6!=#;taia, 8+ 'anager Aes/a0an !=# ma/e@arisglo( %""emp /e 0ill onl replon mo(ile 'r &nana Rao,'r &ravin Rao 6#1;*6";*$""#=""", $""#=""#$1"!%"", $1$=!"" Rajes/ murt/ienevour 'r &ja $!%%"" 6#1;*6";*$!%%"", $11"%$#,$1)"%%)!npcilarctern S/iva $111"%"! Call again alrea /ave venoremetric stream $"$#=)=)

  • 8/9/2019 Bgl Data Large- Skymem


    aslo $1$#$1$$ amin##""1=##$)" empinus to0ersaras0at inotec/ ne0 0ave tec/nologiesHC3 +ec/nologies 3t $")1""",,$1$$""",,Hua0ei +ec/nologies 8nia 7vt 3t Aes/0an6Fin cont;,,-is/ore

    $111==, $11" $11"*1$)$ 'ail sent ons0apnas/an-ar@/ ))= nat/an )$) Eat/an#$1$)"&run Fac 'anagergooric/ aerospace vija -umar v =1"""" =) """" ,"vijaa.(ui/almat/@gooric/.com call $:$" 'ona call sata%% sat/ianaraanan.rajan@gooric/.comorlp/ Del/i "11*!=#" !"""000.( Hera(a : "$" == ! ! !ireless Solution 8nia 7vt 3t, Del/i'a/inra Satam=", ="1!) Santos/ 8nventor Hea &c/utCommercial ept="Cross ta( $1%1$ 's pallani,,,, m leave-em0ell )#!=!"1 %*'ar F'6?an-es/;)#!=!1= 1# 7/arma Compan

    !"" empinterple5 ==$$%)!#, ==$$%))" =*'ar )1= )"" empCrossomain Solutions 7vt 3t sas/a $1%)%" call tomorro0 itiperson/one0ell !=%)=", $11#!!! &rt/i Satis/&3 $")%)%% Demo an Fria giris/[email protected]'RCDS ?EL ===")$1#,,,,,,===")$"" 'r Hirenra meeting

    /iren.negan/[email protected] +/ursa emo at ):""S&78E+ 1!$$1=""" &s/o- Set/i CFanup+SC ==%""" #!%! t/elma+H'7S E F8E&EC ##=$1%%Rames/6Soursing;F&8R 8SS&C $1)1"", $1=$%= agantar s/e-ia6CF; call againsmall

    38C& $1#$"""", $1)#$""" uruprasa F'FRR SS+' !$1)""",,,,,,,,,"1!"==%=""" inrjeet lot/ra 6noia;1!"$)%""+CH '&H8EDR& Call pune H nl $"$1""" m))1! $"!$))1!6Rajes/0ar;Call again Aris/na v, #$%1)11 /osur satis/ Demo on +/ursatec/nical inrastructure group,CaY Coee aJairaj,+arun6==;,Satvi-6=11;, $""1!)$% calltomorro0 Call on 1"t/ april an come

    !%%%"))) $11%====, ==#$=%"" nirures/ Fin HeaColla(era Solutions 7vt 3t $"11### 3isaj Sent an mail 1%)Haris/ 8+ 'anager $"1)=1""E+6nort/ern trust; $"1%"" -antapati,se(i paul,m call on %t/marc/ =!)Corporation ?an-i*Fle58+C 8notec/EessSterling Commercials9ijaa ?an- !%%$""",)%= Satanaraan&' 8+ !%%$"== Callapril 1st 0ee-&maOon Development ?angalore $1#"""" S/ree Eivasan -angulu


    [email protected]