Beyond Research Guides

Beyond Research Guides Some innovative uses of LibGuides Carol Sabbar Carthage College Hedberg Library Kenosha, WI

Transcript of Beyond Research Guides

Beyond Research

GuidesSome innovative uses of LibGuides

Carol SabbarCarthage College Hedberg LibraryKenosha, WI

Who we are

Hedberg Library is the academic library for Carthage College. Founded in 1847, Carthage is a four-year, private college of the liberal arts and sciences in Kenosha, Wisconsin. With about 2,600 full-time undergrads, a small graduate program, about 150 faculty and approximately 200 staff. Library and Information Services includes library, media, and information technology services.

Who we are

The Carthage library staff includes…

Tools we use

We have many of the same tools as you all do:● Our web site:● Our catalog: WorldCat Local

from OCLC● Subject guides and access to

databases using the LibGuides platform:

but LibGuides can do

so much more...

● Some libraries build their whole library site on it. Not us.● Since we are involved in many areas that are not traditionally “library,” we use if for those, too...

The usual...

● It’s the perfect platform to build a research center:

● With subject guides, like:

● And database lists:

● And various tools like Ebsco A to Z, chat...

To the unusual...

Since libguides is the perfect platform to present the resources that you have, choose to showcase resources the people might not otherwise find or know about:● Graduate and other exam prep -

A great place for tutorials

● You can post how-to’s in PDF or video● Post your videos on YouTube or

elsewhere and put the links in LibGuides● It’s a nice, clean interface with a simple

URL: is our college LMS, and Chris Grugel is a librarian and our instructional technologist)

Showcase your resources

Provide the items that people need:● EdTPA:● Career services:● Statistics resources and guides:● Citing sources:● Archives:

Tips for expansive thinking

● Lose the “that’s not what we do” mentality

● Remember how much you love connecting people with information, and embrace it

● LISTEN to your patrons● Get ideas from others