Beverly Squadron - Oct 2008

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    The Eagle Eye 1

    The Eagle EyeBeverly Composite Squadron October 2008

    Massachusetts Wing Civil Air Patrol Volume 2, Number 10

    Promotions & Awards

    Promotions continues on Page 16

    CadetsWe had two cadet promotions to acknowledge this monthand three cadet awards. Once again the Seniors need tospend a little more of their copious free time working onprofessional development.

    Cadet Gotts Promoted Cadet Airman Christopher Gotts was promoted to Cadet

    Airman First Class this month.

    Cadet Airman First Class Christopher Gotts

    Danvers teen C/A1C Christopher Gotts has been amember of the Civil Air Patrol since June of 2008. AirmanGotts is a Junior at the Danvers High School in Danvers

    Massachusetts. Outside of school and Civil Air PatrolCadet Airman Gotts enjoys paintball.

    Airman Gotts likes the wide variety of activities offered byCAP both during the weekly meetings and weekends andsummer. Having just completed CAP Encampment at FortDevens Airman Gotts has vivid memories of the ride in an

    Army Blackhawk Helicopter.

    Cadet of the MonthC/AMN Colby Rodgers was selected as the Cadet of theMonth for September 2008 based on the accumulatedpoints.

    Cadet Airman Colby Rodgers

    As with past months the competition for Cadet of theMonth was a tight race. Points are awarded for meetingattendance; activities participated in, progression,physical fitness and uniform inspections.

    Airman Rodgers is entitled to wear the Black shoulder cord on his Blues uniform at all squadron only meetingsand activities.

    Well Done Airman Rodgers.

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    ESTO continues on Page 25

    ES Continues on Page 18

    2008 SAREX ScheduleSchedule subject to Change; Contact Lt Col [email protected]

    19 & 20 January 07:30 17:30 SAREX1: DONE

    16 & 17 February 07:30 17:30 SAREX2: DONE

    19 & 20 April 07:30 17:30 SAREX3: DONE

    17 & 18 May 07:30 17:30 SAREX4: DONE

    21 & 22 June 07:30 17:30 SAREX5: DONE

    23 & 24 August 07:30 17:30 SAREX6: DONE

    20 & 21 September 07:30 17:30 SAREX7: DONE

    18 & 19 October 07:30 17:30 SAREX8:

    22 & 23 November 07:30 17:30 SAREX9:

    From the Desk ofAMY S. COURTER, Major GeneralCAP National Commander

    October is here which means we have completedanother National Preparedness Month.

    It is hard to believe in this day and age of Blackberries,24 hour news channels, and electronic billboards thatpeople don't know a lot about the potential emergenciesin their area, but it still happens. Being informed aboutthe different types of emergencies that could happenwhere you live and the appropriate ways to respond tothem will impact the decisions you make and the actionsyou take. Learn about the emergency plans that havebeen established in your area by your state and localgovernment. Know what the plans are when schoolsclose because of a last minute emergency. Determine

    the evacuation routes from your community. And find outwhat resources are available in your area at: .

    For more information on how to be better informed go to: .

    Civil Air Patrol members across the country have donegreat things this past month to prepare themselves, their families, friends, and businesses, but it doesn't end there.We as citizens have a responsibility to help each other inemergencies and protect our homeland. Your volunteer

    work with Civil Air Patrol is just one way to use your talents and help your community. I encourage you toseek out additional partnerships with other groups withsimilar passions through Citizen Corps. Civil Air Patrol isa national affiliate with Citizen Corps, and encouragesmembers to work hard with other affiliates and CitizenCorps councils and activities to help people prepare, train

    From the Desk ofAndrew W. Buck, Captain CAP Emergency Services Training Officer

    Scanner ClassThe scanner class is on indefinite hold due tocircumstances beyond our control. We have tried toschedule this class several times and once it was on thecalendar, a typo on my part cause people to show up onthe wrong day. My fault.

    ICS TrainingHave you taken any of the ICS courses? You can takethese on line. Read the DCS article to get the informationyou need for these courses on which courses you needin order to keep your ES qualifications. This information

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    AE CE continues on Page 20 AE continues on Page 13

    AerospaceEducation ProgramBy Andrew W. Buck, Captain CAP

    Assistant Aerospace Education Officer

    PlutoFor those of us old enough to remember the KennedyNixon debates, Pluto was always the ninth planet,newly discovered in 1930. Studies of the orbit of theplanet Uranus indicated there was a ninth planet whichwas named Planet X.

    Percival Lowell

    In 1906 Percival Lowell, a wealthy Bostonian aristocrat

    Current EventBy Andrew W. Buck, Captain CAP

    Assistant Aerospace Education Officer

    The single engine airplane flown by aeronautical ledgendSteve Fossett has been located in the Californiamountains near Mammoth Lakes at an approximatealtitude of 10,000 feet.

    Steve Fossett The thoughts of many members of the flying communityturned to the many accomplishment of accomplishedairman, sailor, businessman and adventurer.

    Artifacts found by a hiker and his dog have leadauthorities to search a smll area of a mountainsidelocating the wreckage of the Bellanca Super Decathlonflown by Steve Fossett and missing now for just over ayear. It was September third 2007 when the Super Bellanca took off from the Flying M Ranch on what wasto be a short pleasure flight.

    That casual flight and its tragic ending prompted amassive multi-agency search for the man, and hismachine. Hopes were raised and dash as severalpreviously undiscovered plane wrecks were located andinvestigated only to be classified as Not Steve Fossett.

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    Fire continues on Page 20 Sprains continues on Page 16

    SafetyBy William Frank, 2 d Lt CAP

    Safety Officer

    Sprains and Strains Practice andPrevention

    If you are an active teen or adult, you probably have

    experience a sprain or strain at one time or another. Thisarticle will briefly discuss sprains and strains, the causesand preventions.

    SprainsThe American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons(AAOS) defines a sprain as "a stretch and/or tear of aligament, the fibrous band of connective tissue that joinsthe end of one bone with another." Sprains often occur inankles, knees, wrists, and thumbs.

    How They Happen The joint gets knocked out of place by falls, twists, or blows to the body. At that point the supporting ligamenteither overstretches or snaps.

    Signs Expect some pain, swelling, and bruising with all types of sprains, with intensity increasing with the severity of thesprain. You may hear or feel a pop at the moment of injury.

    Mild: can put weight on it, overstretching with no joint loosening

    Moderate: more difficulty putting weight on it,partial ligament tear with joint loosening

    Severe: cannot put weight on it, completeligament tear with nonfunctioning joint

    Fire Chief By Dan Parsons, 1 st Lt CAPProfessional Development Officer

    Putting on his Day Job Hat of Deputy Fire Chief. FirstLieutenant Dan Parsons shares a timely message fromthe Office of the State Fire Marshal Department of Fire


    Chimney and Woodstove Fire SafetyIn 2007, there were 880 fire incidents involving chimneys,fireplaces, and woodstoves. These fires were responsiblefor 1 civilian death, 3 civilian injuries, 13 fire serviceinjuries, and resulted in $3.3 million in property losses.These incidents make up 29% of all fires linked toheating systems.

    Purchasing Be sure the stove you are purchasing to burn wood,pellet or coal is approved by Underwriter's Laboratory or another recognized testing laboratory.

    Installation A building permit must be obtained prior to theinstallation of fireplaces, wood, pellet or coal burningstoves. They must be inspected by the local buildinginspector prior to their initial use as required by theMassachusetts State Building Code.

    Allow at least 36 inches of clearance around theappliance to prevent combustibles from coming intocontact with a heat source.

    Solid fuel heating appliances cannot share a commonflue with chimney flues utilized by other solid fuel, fossilfuel, or gas fired appliances.

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    Dance continues on Page 11

    Transformation of Hanger III Almost Complete. PhotoJames McIntosh

    At Seven PM Major Lyons asked the Band Leader Mr. AlSaloky if he wanted an introduction to get the musicstarted.

    Well take care of it. Assured Mr. Saloky and on hisdirection the band started to play In The Mood. twomeasure into the song, the dance floor was crowded withdancers dressed in period uniforms and civilian attire,and three measures into the song the transformation wascomplete.

    As the Sun Sets, the Dance Begins. Photo Gregory Carter

    The night was clear and cool as the big band soundsprovided by the Compaq Big Band created the audiobackground and the three large green bombers and thesmaller silver P-51 Mustang provided the visualbackdrop. The right music, the right decor, and thevintage aircraft parked right outside the hanger made for

    Beverly AirportTime Warp By Andrew Buck, Captain CAP

    Public Affair Officer

    Following almost a year of planning and preparation theBeverly Composite Squadron of the Civil Air Patrol heldthe First Annual WWII Hanger Dance on 20 September 2008 at the Beverly Municipal Airport. For a total of four hours the east side of the Beverly airport was transportedthrough time and space, back 65 years to a WWIIbomber base.

    In six hectic hours Saturday afternoon Hanger III wasemptied of airplanes, cleaned up, decorated, a bandstand erected, and a table edged dance floor were all


    Transformation of Hanger III under weigh. Photo JamesMcIntosh

    While the Squadron Seniors were in the hanger, theSquadron cadets filled the traditional role of providing air show perimeter security with a minimum of supervision,and a maximum of professionalism as the seniors racedagainst the clock to send Hanger III back in time.

    The band stand was still in the final stages of construction when the band arrived and started setting uptheir music stands and instruments.

    People lined up at five pm, a full two hours before thedoors were scheduled to open for the dance, ticket saleswere brisk.

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    Ribbon continues on Page 12 IT continues on Page 16

    Bits and BytesBy William Frisbee, 2 d Lt CAP

    IT Officer

    Building Your Own Computer So, did you get tired of searching all the stores, both thebig chains, and the mom and pop shops for your newcomputer? Couldnt find exactly what you wanted? Tiredof the sales games being played? How about buildingyour own computer? Sure you can, its not all that hardand in the next couple of IT columns, Im going to helpyou build your very own computer.

    Remember what I said in the last IT article; knowing whatyou want the computer for? And how much of a budget

    you have? Guess what; building your own computer starts right there. Make a list of what you want thecomputer to do. Fancy flight sims? Just web browsingand the occasional email? Figure it out. Of course themore you want to do with the computer, the more itsgoing to cost. Once you figure out what you want thecomputer to do, its much easier to set a budget. A goodlower end machine for your email and web browsingwithout a monitor should cost no more than $600 for thecomponents, and you can probably get by for around$400. Computers are a bit like cars though; cheaper ones

    just dont work as well as the more expensive ones. Keepthat in mind! A good, high end computer that plays all thelatest flight sims, killer movies on the wide screen TV anda sound system to put a rocket into orbit is going to costat least $1200, and of course, with these, the sky is thelimit. Its not unheard of for some flight sim fanatic to drop$3000 on his or her new computer!

    Ill break things down into two basic categories, thebudget system and the flight sim system for basics.There is a lot of in-between, so if you have questions, as

    always you can email me at [email protected] and Iwill do my best to get you the information as quickly aspossible. A warning, I consider myself an Intel guy, so myrecommendations all are based on Intel CPUs. However there is nothing wrong with the latest AMD CPUs theyare slightly slower than Intels current lineup and in mostinstances slightly more expensive.

    Lets start with the budget box. For the sake of argument

    Ribbon FunBy Bobby R. Thomas, Lt Col, CAP

    CAP Regulation 35-4, 1 March 1957 (7). Medal of Valor.The Medal of Valor was established as the highest Civil

    Air Patrol decoration by the National Executive Board. Itis awarded to any person who, while serving as amember of Civil Air Patrol, distinguishes himself conspicuously by gallantry and heroic action, at the riskof his life above and beyond the call of normal duty. Itmust be conclusively established the bravery or self-sacrifice involve conspicuous risk of life and the omissionof valiant act could not cause censure.

    Minutes, National Board-National Executive Board, 22 April 1960.The following resolution was unanimously approved: Thepresent Medal of Valor is changed to two types: theSilver Medal of Valor , to recognize acts of heroism for which the present Medal of Valor is now awarded; and,the Bronze Medal of Valor , to recognize act of heroismwhich do not meet the criteria for the award of the Silver Medal of Valor. It was decided as a cost savingapproach, that CAP rename the present Medal of Valorand casting it in a silver color with the accompanyingribbon having the addition of three silver stars. Thesecond type of action could be the awarded using thepresent Medal of Valor, and so renaming it to theBronze Medal of Valor, with accompanying ribbonwithout stars. It was noted that Silver stars are readilyavailable for purchase at a small price. The ColoradoWing Commander Col. Charles F. Howard, suggested,and was approved, that the Distinguished, Exceptionaland Meritorious Service Awards will no longer beawarded for acts of heroism. (AUTHORITY: p. 11, NEBMinutes, 22-23 April 1960.)

    Civil Air Patrol Regulations 39-3, 15 August 1960. 9.Criteria for Awarding Decorations. The following is theminimum criteria established for the consideration of actsof service for CAP decorations. (AUTHORITY: p. 11,NEB Minutes, 22-23 April 1960.) a. Silver Medal of Valor.Distinguished and conspicuous gallantry and heroicaction, at the risk of life, above and beyond the call of

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    PDO continues on Page 25 Health continues on Page 24


    By James McIntosh, Major CAP

    Assistant Health Services Officer

    Vision is one of the most powerful weapons in a Soldier'sarsenal. Protecting the eyes from injury should be a toppriority, but research indicates that eye injuries -- thoughon a downward trend -- continue to occur year after year.

    A study conducted by the Army Safety Center reported1,751 eye injuries in 1988-98. Eye injuries made up2.66% of the 65,944 total injuries in that 10-year timespan.

    Of those injured, 64% were not wearing eye protection.

    On average, personnel who did not wear eye protectionlost more work days and were hospitalized longer per injury than those who did wear eye protection.

    An eye injury can happen to any one, of any rank, in anyline of work. Over 50% of eye injuries occurred whileindividuals were performing maintenance, doingrepair/servicing, participating in sports, or engaging incombat Soldiering. However, injuries also occurredduring such activities as food and drink preparation,

    janitorial tasks, and supervision.

    Ninety percent of all eye injuries are preventable.Therefore, it is important to train personnel andsupervisors about vision safety and conservation,including the use of proper eye safety devices. Suchtraining can significantly reduce the incidence and cost of eye injuries in the workplace and in the Civil Air Patrol.

    How does this affects us you may ask? Granted, we havebeen very luck in the past regarding eye injuries. Thepotential is out there in many areas of operations. Theone that readily comes to mind is working in the filed,performing a routine line search. You walk along and you

    dont see the tree branch in front of you. WHACK youwalk right into it. Or someone is in front of you and lets abranch go.

    Another area is flight-line. Walking behind an aircraft thatis running up its engine. There is no maid service on aflight line. Dust and debris (called FOD, foreign object

    PDO MessageBy Dan Parsons, 1 st Lt CAPProfessional Development Officer

    Effective Followership

    EnthusiasticEnthusiasm is a contagious energy. Once youreassigned a task and you accomplish that task, you willwant your efforts to be accepted by the group. Your levelof enthusiasm will have a direct effect on the group or theleaders feelings concerning the task. Display an upbeatand energetic behavior when performing and promotingtasks. Mission accomplishment will often rest with thefollowers enthusiasm as well as the leaders.

    ProactiveEffective followers need to take a "proactive stance"toward organizational problems. Being proactive meansmore than taking initiative. Our behavior is a function of our decisions, not our conditions. We have to take theinitiative and the responsibility to make things happen.This includes building effective relationships with your supervisor. Highly proactive people recognize the

    importance of accepting responsibility.

    Own the Territory A proactive follower critically considers policies andactively presents suggestions up the chain-of-commandthat will directly contribute to unit success. Making theunit better is a task that needs to be "owned" by thefollowers within the individual units and squadrons.

    Versatile and FlexibleBeating your head against a brick wall isnt the mostefficient or effective way to get to the other side. A better approach is to take a step back and reevaluate. A secondlook will usually reveal a better way around the wall (i.e.,go around it, climb over it, or dig a tunnel under it.) Thepoint is choosing another option is less painful than tryingto break through the wall. Apply this same principle when

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    here, Im going to use that $600.00 limit. I HIGHLYrecommend price shopping at the various online shops,especially NewEgg ( ) and others.Remember to take into account shipping & handling andget the best deals that you can!

    Chassis: You need to start with something to holdthe computer together right? So thats our chassis, alsocalled a case. There are dozens of lower end chassissuppliers out there, so its a challenge to find a lower priced one, but one that will handle a bit of abuse andcome with a decent power supply. I recommendspending no more than $70.00 here. Take a look at themid-tower (perfect for more drives and future expansionshould you need it) from Antec, Evercase, In-Win and

    Apex. Chassis come in various colors, materials andexpansion. Try to stick with metal vs. plastic, has at leasttwo decent sized cooling fans (120mm) and has at least

    a 350 watt power supply. Be picky. Find what you want!Be wary though, make sure the chassis you choose hasa power supply! Most of the higher end chassis dont shipwith power supplies and they can get expensive quickly.

    CPU/Processor: Stick with the Intel E2200 (or E2180 if you can find one). These processor have plentyof power for the lower end computer, and support all thelatest Intel technologies allowing the processor to domore with less. You can get the E2180 for about $70.00and the E2200 for around $80.00. The 10 dollar performance increase is worth it in my eyes, but not for everyone, it honestly is not a huge speed difference. Motherboard: Again, there are lots of optionshere. For the basic box, the basic motherboards will do.You need to make sure your motherboard and your CPUare compatible. For the Intel E2xxx processors, using amotherboard based on the Intel P31 or P35 chipset willsave a bit of money and yet provide plenty of room togrow. I highly recommend sticking with the bigger motherboard manufacturers, like Gigabyte, Asus, Abitand DFI. A decent motherboard from any of those

    manufacturers should run no more than $90.00 and goas low as $65.00. A more budget minded board would bethe Gigabyte GA-P31-ES3G, which retails for approximately $65.00. A slightly higher end motherboardthe Asus P5K SE EPU retails for $85.00. Both boardsfeature on board audio, and on board Ethernet.

    RAM: RAM is cheap. Dont skimp here. Go for at least2.0 GB of RAM. You will thank me for it. You can easily

    get 2 GB of RAM for around $40.00. Make sure the RAMis compatible with your motherboard and processor. MostRAM today is DDR2-800, and works with most systems.Just make sure to double check! You dont want to buyRAM you cannot use.

    Video: Here is another component with lots and lotsof options, but there really are only two options, AMD/ATIor Nvidia. Both have good cards, both have expensivecards. I would highly recommend reading reviews on thevarious video cards on the market in the bargain range.Keep under $100 if possible. The Nvidia GeForce 9500GT based cards are decent performers as are theRadeon 4670 based cards. There are plenty of optionsfrom the various 3 rd parties, such as Gigabyte, Asus,Chaintech, EVGA, MSI and others using either of thesechipsets. You wont be disappointed with either.

    Hard drive : You cannot go wrong with hard drivesnow-a-days. Drives are cheap. The more space thebetter. Limit yourself to less than 500 GB to keep theprices down. Look at drives from Samsung, Hitachi,Western Digital and Seagate. A decent 320 GB drivefrom any of the above should cost no more than $60.00.Ensure the drive is SATA, as it is getting harder to findIDE drives and they are more complicated to set up.

    CD/DVD : Yet another place for low prices and highperformance. I highly recommend going with a DVD-RWthat can also record CD-RW (both formats are re-writable

    allowing you to add to a DVD or CD as needed, great for backing up your valuable data!). Stick with the Liteonbrand, and you can get a drive for $24.00 or so.Samsung and LG also make decent drives around$26.00. No matter which one you choose, make sure it isSATA.

    So that is that for this month. Next month I will cover some of the choices in a high end system, followed up byhow to put it all together.

    As usual, if you have any questions, feel free to email me

    at [email protected].

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    Dance continues on Page 12

    Dance continues from Page 6

    Foundation was raffled off. The winner, Mr. Bill Hefler of Exeter NH, present at the dance and seemed to take it instride. Following his trip aloft Sunday morning thebeaming smile on Mr. Heflers face as he exited theaircraft tip of observers as to how he really felt about theraffle win.

    As Mr. Bill Hefler of Exeter H following his ride onSunday. Photo Gregory Carter

    A beaming Major Lyons addressed the Squadron at theopening formation of the regular Wednesday nightmeeting. In 1996 when I first saw the CollingsFoundation Wings of Freedom airplanes on the Beverlyairport tarmac, I started telling everyone that we shouldsponsor a WWII Hanger dance. Shortly after assuming

    command of the Squadron in November of 2007 Major Lyons started to plan in earnest, his unwavering drive tohold this event inspired his team to continue to pushforward. His Dance Committee formed of himself and histop two staff members, Major Gregory Carter, DeputyCommander of Cadets and First Lieutenant DanielParsons, Deputy Commander for Seniors work manylong hours making plans and addressing concerns. Thedate for the dance was nailed down and was fastapproaching.

    Two months ago I asked for cadet parents to getinvolved and support us, I asked you cadets and seniorsto put up posters and sell tickets. Major Lyons continuedParents answered the call to help with setup, supportduring and cleanup after the Dance. Posters went up allover town and tickets were sold. You, the members of thesquadron, cadet and seniors, turned a dream into areality, and what a reality it was

    a magical night.

    Before long the Dance is in full Swing. Photo GregoryCarter

    Weve played a lot 1940s music at a lot of venues, the BandLeader Mr. Saloky confided to Major Lyons, but this is justawesome. According the Major Lyons the band rose to theoccasion and provided excellent music for the entire eveningTrue professionals, from start to finish. Said the Major of the band, they were a pleasure to work with and apleasure to listen to, as well.

    During the day WWII Re-enactors camped out near theairport diner, dressed in the work clothes of Americanand German soldiers and airmen. For the dance theychanged into more formal uniforms and put the finishingtouch on the ambiance of the evening. It was even

    rumored that Mata Hari was spotted on the dance floor.

    Re-enactors . Photo Thomas Lyons

    At eight thirty as part of the fundraising activities a ride onthe B-17, donated to the squadron by the Collings

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    Ribbon continues from Page 7 Dance continues from Page 11

    Mr. Paul Viatle, Chairman of the Beverly AirportCommission told the assembled Squadron, Magnificent

    job, We are very fortunate to have the Civil Air Patrol apart of the Beverly Airport family. On behalf of the entireairport commission, I wanted to come down here tonightto congratulate you, and thank you for a wonderful andmemorable event.

    The Staff, First Lieutenant Daniel Parsons, Major ThomasLyons, Major Gregory Carter. Photo Joel Heusser

    In a quiet moment of reflection with his staff onWednesday night Major Lyons summed up the event, Asa Fund Raiser it was a success, as a Dance, it was asuccess, and, as an old fashion good time, it was asuccess.

    Major Carter, Deputy commander said One the mosthectic, stressful and enjoyable days of my life The bandwas awesome, Every guest had a smile, the Cadetsperformed spectacularly and the parents were extremelygenerous with their time and assistance When can wedo this again?

    Lt Parsons added, What a night!! I am so impressed byall of the Senior Members and cadets who put so muchtime into making this happen. This once again provesthat no matter how big the challenge, Beverly CompositeSquadron can make it happen.

    The First Annual WWII Hanger dance is over, the planesare back in the hanger, the bar and bandstanddismantled, and the planning and preparations for theSecond Annual WWII Hanger Dance are already under weigh.

    normal duty. b. Bronze Medal of Valor. Distinguished andconspicuous gallantry and heroic action, where danger toself is probable and known.

    Because of the approval of the original designed Medalof Valor by the Fine Arts Commission Washington DC.To distinguish the difference between the Silver andBronze Medals, it was necessary to add three Silver Stars to the Silver Medal of Valor Medal and Ribbon.

    Silver Medal of valor

    Brionze Medal of Valor


    As of the March 1992 by National HQ records there havebeen a total of 92 presentations to 91 individuals.

    The first and only Medal of Valor was presented to CadetJohn C. Barton C48-5528, Lake Charles Louisiana CadetSquadron, for heroic actions on 19 April 1957.

    The first Silver Medal of Valor was approved for Staff Sergeant Charles T. Foster, SN 10002348, LynchburgComposite Squadron, Virginia Wing, for heroic actions onthe 2 July 1957.

    The first member of the National Board to have receivedthe Silver Medal of Valor was Brigadier General RichardL Anderson, as a Lt Col assigned to Arkansas Wing for heroic actions on 21 Jan 1983.

    The only individual to have received two Silver Medals of Valor is:

    1LT Gerald W Alsum, Colorado Wing on NHQ PA# 4, 20Jan 1979, for heroic actions on 5 Dec 1979.

    CPT Gerald W Alsum, Colorado Wing on NHQ PA# 12,22 Apr 1982, for heroic actions on 2 Jan 1982.

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    AE continued from Page 4

    AE continues on Page 14

    began an extensive and determined search for thisplanet. This search effort failed and Percival diedsuddenly in 1916.

    This search was based at the Lowell Observatory inFlagstaff Arizona, which was founded in 1894 byPercival Lowell himself. After Percival died severalyears of legal battles over his legacy prevented a newsearch starting up again. In 1925 Percivals brother George financed the construction of a new 13 inchtelescope to resume the search.

    Clyde Tombaugh

    The Lowell Observatory director Vesto Slipher turnedthe search over to Clyde Tombaugh in 1929. Althougha relative newcomer to astronomy Clyde Tombaugh

    threw himself into the task and began searching theheavens for planet X

    On 18 February 1930 Mr. Tombaugh announced to hisboss that he had discovered an object he felt sure wasthe elusive Planet X. Confirming photos showed themoving object to be just six degrees from the positioncalculated by Percival Lowell. The Harvard CollegeObservatory was informed by telegraph on 13 March

    1930 of the discovery.

    Discovery of Pluto

    Estimates of Plutos mass were continually reviseddownward until in 1978 American astronomer JamesW. Christy and Robert Sutton Harrington of the USNaval Observatory used the newly discovered moon of Pluto, Charon, to calculate the latest mass of Pluto tobe one sixth of earths moon.

    Discovery of Charon _ID=572

    Nix and Hydra are the second and third moons of Plutowere discovered in mid 2005

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    AE continues on Page 15

    AE continues from Page 13

    but the IAU has not ruled on them yet.

    CeresClassified originally as a planet, then as an asteroid, andnow a Dwarf Planet, Ceres was discovered on 1 January1801. It was the first of the bodies now classified asDwarf Planets to be discovered. Thought to consist of adense core and a mantle of lighter materials. It is thoughtto have water ice buried under its crust.

    Mosaic of Ceres

    This dwarf is named after the Roman goddess of plants.In Greece it is called Demeter, the Greek goddess of grain and fertility, marriage, and scared law, and for ashort time Hera in Germany .

    In the above image from the Hubble Space Telescope,astronomers optimized spatial resolution of the surface of Ceres to try and give us a better idea of what the dwarf looks like.

    The NASA mission Dawn is scheduled to fly by Ceres in2015

    All of Plutos Friends

    Image Credit: M. Mutchler ( STScI ), A. Stern ( SwRI ), andthe HST Pluto Companion Search Team , ESA, NASA

    The NASA mission New Horizons is scheduled to fly byPluto in 2015 and will hopefully send back moreinformation on this fascinating solar system object.

    Parenthetically, the reader might be interested to note theadvancement in technology between the last two images.

    The first of the two is a pair of photo negatives from anearth bound telescope and the second is from the HubbleSpace telescope. Thirty years of difference, and thedifference is dramatic.

    Dwarf PlanetsIn 2006 the International Astronomical Union (IAU)passed a resolution defining what constitutes a planet.

    1. The object must orbit the sun

    2. The gravity of the object must be capable of pulling the object into a spherical shape.

    3. It must have cleared the vicinity of its orbit.

    Pluto fails in the third condition, and the IAU thereforeresolved that Pluto be classified in a new category calledDwarf Planet. Three other objects were classified by theIAU in with Pluto, Ceres, Makemake, and Eris. Severalother object are under consideration as Dwarf Planets,

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    AE continues from Page 14

    Commander continues From Page 2

    ame Diameter(km)

    Mass(x10 22 kg)

    OrbitRadius (AU)


    Earth 40,000 597.36 1 1Ceres 974 0.095 2.77 4.6Pluto 2306 1.305 39.48 248Makemake 1500 ~0.4 45.79 309Eris 2400 1.67 67.67 557

    Dwarf Planet Chart

    IN the chart, some of the characteristics of the dwarfsPlanets are compared to the earth.

    Sources: , , , , , , ,

    MakemakeDiscovered on 31 March 2005 and classified as a Dwarf Planet on 11 July 2008. This object is the third largest of the Dwarf Planets. The name comes from the name of the creator of the human race as mythos or religion of thenative people of Easter Island.

    Located more than 6 AUs outside the orbit of Pluto this isthe second most distant dwarf planet. It has no knownmoons, takes 309 earth years to circle the sun and is thethird largest of the known Dwarfs.

    ErisPhysically the same size as Pluto, as best we can tell,Eris has a slightly larger mass, (it is more dense). It islocated further out from the sun than Pluto. Discoveredon 21 October 2003, this little lovely was once referred to

    by the mainstream press as the tenth Planet.

    Eris and Dysnomia

    Eris is named after the Greek goddess Eris, apersonification of strife and discord.

    Dysnomia is the name of the moon that orbits Eris. Thismoon was discovered in2005 by a team at the KeckTelescopes in Hawaii, and named after the Greek demonof lawlessness, Eris daughter.

    dance with the bombers in the background. You allhelped to make an idea come to life.

    Next Focus Let's get ready for next year now.

    Anyone interested in special activities and scholarshipslet me know immediately.We are looking for squadron activity ideas as well.Emergency Services and Aeronautical ratings are our

    next major focus. I want everyone to be rated and trainedin the next couple of months.I will be looking for promotions . Some of us are ready

    and need to move up.

    Stay safe, get ready for E.S. and start training.I am very proud of all of you..

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    The Eagle Eye 16

    Promotions continued from Page 1

    Promotions continues on Page 17

    Sprains continued from Page 5

    Sprains continued on Page 19

    In addition to the Unit Citation Airman Gotts has earnedthe General Hap Arnold Achievement Ribbon, Curryachievement, and the Encampment Ribbon for attendingthe Mass Wing 2008 Sumer Encampment.

    Cadet Parsons Promoted

    Cadet Airman Kent Parsons was promoted to Cadet Airman First Class this month.

    Cadet Airman First Class Kent Parsons

    Hamilton teen C/A1C Kent Parsons is a 7 th grade studentat the St. Johns in Beverly. Airman Parsons has been amember of the Beverly Composite squadron since Marchof 2008. Kent says his favorite subjects in school arescience and history.

    When not doing school work or working on Civil Air Patroladvancement, Airman Parsons enjoys Swimming, playingsoccer and baseball. His hobbies include astronomy andcollecting Fire memorabilia, with the help of his FireFighting Father.

    In addition to the Unit Citation C/Amn Kent Parsons hasearned the General Hap Arnold Achievement, and theGeneral J. F. Curry Achievement.

    Cadet Earns Community Service Award Cadet Senior Master Sergeant Steven Davidson waspromoted to Cadet Chief Master Sergeant this month.

    Byfield teen C/SMSgt Steven Davidson is a Senior atSaint Johns Preparatory School in DanversMassachusetts. Sergeant Davidson has been a member of the Civil Air Patrol since November of 2004 and heldthe staff positions of Cadet Administrative Officer and,

    StrainsThe AAOS defines a strain as "a twist, pull and/or tear of a muscle and/or a tendon" and tendons as "fibrous cordsof tissue that attach muscles to bone." Common sites for strains include backs, hamstring muscles in the back of the leg, hands, forearms, and elbows.

    How They Happen Acute strains come from a one-time trauma or shortlyafter overdoing it. Chronic strains result from overuse(repetitive movements over time).

    Signs Expect pain, muscle spasms, swelling, limited motion,and muscle weakness.

    Mild: muscle/tendon is stretched a bit

    Moderate: muscle/tendon is overstretched and torn a bit

    Severe: muscle/tendon is ruptured all or part of the way

    Treatment for Sprains and Strains See a doctor for all but minor sprains and strains. Your plan of care may include:

    RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation) therapy for the first 24 to 48 hours to reduce pain and swelling

    Immobilization and surgery for severe injuries, followedby months of therapy

    Rehabilitation exercises and activity modification for mildand moderate injuries

    Working with health care providers to determine whenyou can return to activities -- length of time to return tofull activity levels will vary from weeks to a year

    Prevention You can't avoid all risks but you can do the following:

    Stretch daily

    Eat a healthy diet and keep your weight

    appropriate Wear shoes that fit properly and replace them

    when they begin to wear out

    Condition yourself for the sports you do

    Warm up before and cool down after activities

    Bow out of the game or exercise if you are

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    The Eagle Eye 17

    Promotions continued on Page 22

    Promotions continues from Page 16

    Flight Commander and is presently the squadrons CadetFirst Sergeant. Sergeant Davidson attendedencampment in July of 2005.

    Cadet Senior Master Sergeant Steven Davidson

    In addition to the Unit Citation C/MSgt Steven Davidsonhas earned the General J. F. Curry Achievement,General Hap Arnold Achievement, Mary Feik

    Achievement, Wright Brothers Achievement, CaptainEddie Rickenbacker Achievement, Charles Lindbergh

    Achievement, Doolittle Achievement, Red Service Ribbon(2), Community Service Ribbon, Cadet Recruiter, oneEncampment Award, and the VFW Civil Air Patrol NCO


    Cadet Earns Red Service Award

    Cadet Second Lieutenant Anthony Scicchitano wasawarded the Red Service ribbon for CAP membership of two years.

    Cadet Second Lieutenant Anthony Scicchitano

    Danvers teen Cadet Second Lieutenant AnthonyScicchitano has been a member of the Civil Air Patrolsince July of 2006. Cadet 2d Lt. Scicchitano recently

    completed his General Emergency Services training andcan now pursue specialized ES training. He is a Junior atBeverly HS. Outside of school and Civil Air Patrol SecondLieutenant Scicchitano enjoys extreme physical training,biking and gaming. He is employed at Heritage Danversand helps out at the Beverly High School Marine CorpsJunior Reserves Officer Corps program. Cadet 2 d Lt.

    Scicchitano is currently the Cadet Commander for theBeverly Composite Squadron. He was also a flightcommander for the 2008 summer Encampment at fortDevens where his flight won the coveted Honor Flightaward for the week long activity.

    In addition to the Unit Citation Cadet 2 d Lt. AnthonyScicchitano has earned the General J. F. Curry

    Achievement, General Hap Arnold Achievement, MaryFeik Achievement, Wright Brothers Achievement,Captain Eddie Rickenbacker Achievement, Charles

    Lindbergh Achievement, General Jimmy Doolittle Achievement, Dr. Robert H. Goddard Achievement, Neil Armstrong Achievement, Mitchell Award, Red ServiceRibbon, Cadet Recruiter Award, the Encampment ribbon(2007) with one clasp (2008), and the VFW Civil Air Patrol NCO Award.

    Cadet Earns Red Service Award Cadet Senior Master Sergeant Alexander Ortins wasawarded the Red Service ribbon for CAP membership of two years.

    Cadet Senior Master Sergeant Alexander Ortins

    Beverly teen C/SMSgt Alexander Ortins is an Honor Rollfreshman at Beverly High School in BeverlyMassachusetts where he is also a member of the crosscountry team and a Private First Class in the Marine

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    The Eagle Eye 18

    ES continued from Page 3

    Reports DueJames M. McIntosh, Major CAP

    Administration Officer

    The following reports are due NLT October 10 to WingHeadquarters.

    Monthly Unit Safety Report (SE)MWF 2-17 A/C Report & NER Flight Log (DOO/FMM)CAPF 99, Flight Release Log (SD, DO)MWF 73, Vehicle Inspection (LGT)Quicken RPT 173-2, Quarterly Finance (FM)Quarterly Public Affairs (PA)Flight Release Officer Roster (DO)MWF 15-3, DDR report (DDR)

    The following reports are due NLT November 10 to WingHeadquarters.

    Monthly Unit Safety Report (SE)MWF 2-17 A/C Report & NER Flight Log (DOO/FMM)CAPF 99, Flight Release Log (SD, DO)MWF 73, Vehicle Inspection (LGT)

    A reminder that any reports that are to be submitted toWing HQ, especially by the Responsible Department andIS NOT mailed through the Squadron Admin Office, acopy must be submitted to Administration for our records.

    and volunteer in their communities. For more informationon how to get more involved in preparedness activities goto:

    Civil Air Patrol takes preparedness seriously. We havedeveloped a preparedness survey that I would like asmany members as possible to take by the end of NationalPreparedness Month. It will allow CAP to be better ableto compare our personnel to the general population of theUnited States and also help us develop better preparedness strategies for the future. I have taken itmyself and expect it will take most members between 5and 10 minutes to complete. The national headquartersstaff will release the results later this year once they havetime to compile and compare the results. Thanks inadvance for your time and efforts to better prepare CAPfor the future!

    I'd like to thank you for your outstanding support of National Preparedness Month. Civil Air Patrol membersdo great things to help their communities every day, andyour efforts to help your communities to prepare for emergencies will pay great dividends. Preparedness didnot end with the end of National Prepardness Monththough. We hope that you have seen throughout thismonth that preparedness should be a part of what we alldo every day. Keep up the relationships that you haveestablished with your partner agencies and

    organizations.Take the time to review your emergency plansperiodically and update your kits. Know what is going onin your community, and get involved to make it a safer place to live. And remember, there are always toolsavailable to you to help you in your preparedness effortsat

    If you have not completed the survey we announcedFriday 26 September 2008, please take a few minutesand complete it today.

    Survey link:

    Note: If you receive a site security warning when trying toaccess the survey, it is likely because you do not havethe DoD Root Certificates installed on your computer.Most computers do not have them pre-installed. Moreinformation and directions for how to download and install

    the certificate are available at:

    AMY S. COURTERMajor General, CAPNational Commander

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    The Eagle Eye 19

    Sprains continues from Page 16 PAO continues from Page 9

    Please join me in supporting these two cadets in thisnew cadet venture, Im expecting all members of thesquadron, senior and cadets alike to do whatever ittakes to make this cadet activity a success.

    Hanger DanceThe dance is over, the bandstand taken apart, thepictures of revelers cropping up all over the pace. Nowwe are gathering data on what went right, and whatwent wrong with this activity. The reason is, and this isa secret, there will be a 2 nd annual Beverly SquadronWWII Hanger Dance Fundraiser next year.

    I sent out questionnaires to all the seniors and parentlooking for feedback. I will collect these, compile theanswers and report to the commander and the dancecommittee. The goal is to make next year even better than this year.

    If you got one, please fill it out and send it to me, I have5 Seniors and two parents so far and looking for more.If you didnt get a questionnaire, just email me [email protected] and tell me what worked and whatdidnt. You dont have to solve the problem, just tell uswhere the problems were. Feel free to give all theadvice you can come up with.

    Thanks A MillionOnce again I am indebted to the Officers of the BeverlyComposite Squadron for terrific job they do every monthproviding the information that you all read in thesepages. There is no way I could more than two or threepages by myself. I do hope that the information that iscoming your way in useful, interesting, and worth thetime both writing it and reading it. Thanks, guys!

    Oct 2008 Squadron Stats

    Cadets Seniors

    2 0 Promotions

    1 2 New Members

    22 32 Current Membership

    3 0 Awards

    0 0 ES Quals

    X 24 Specialty - Enrolled *

    X 12 Specialty - Technician *

    X 5 Specialty - Senior *

    X 3 Specialty - Master *

    0 Mission callouts, 0 Missions, 0 Finds

    * Only active seniors tabulated

    extremely tired or in pain

    Remove fall hazards at home

    On the Road Again Sprains and strains are common injuries for both amateur and professional athletes. Ironically, you can also getinjured just walking from your car to your front door. But if

    you follow your doctor's instructions after an injury andpractice prevention, maybe you'll find the road a littlesmoother.

    This article was taken from, author, TrinaLambert

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    The Eagle Eye 20

    Fire continues from Page 5 AE CE continues from Page 4

    The Search would continue as each find we eliminated.Rumors few, speculation ran wild as the search teamsconcentrated on finding the missing man.

    Bellanca Super Decathlon

    It is not known if the CAP particiated in this latest search,alllthough the organization did fly an extensive number of hours during the initial search.

    The authorities have indicated that the remains of SteveFosset have not been located but that the severity of theimpact would have been impossible for him to havesurvived.

    The wreckage of the airplane has been moved to a

    warehouse so the NTSB can continue to investigate thecrash. Several bone fragments were sent to a lab todetermine if they belong to Fossett.

    Snow falling in the area stoped further searching, andauthorities believe that it will be next summer beforemore searching can be safely conducted in the area.

    Sources: AP, Wikipedia, , andCNN

    Inspections Have the chimney and flue inspected by a qualifiedmason prior to use. Cracks in the flue or mortar joints canallow flames and heated gases to extend into thestructure.

    Proper Use Most chimney fires occur due to a build-up of creosote,a tarry by-product of burning wood. Have your chimneyflue cleaned before each heating season. Burn only dry,well-seasoned, hardwood to reduce creosoteaccumulation.

    Do not use flammable liquids to start the fire.

    Never leave children unattended near the stove.

    Check that the damper is open before lighting the fire.Failure to do so can result in an accumulation of smokeand carbon monoxide within the home. Do not close thedamper before the fire has died out and the embers arecold.

    Use a fireplace screen to prevent flying sparks andembers from falling out onto the floor.

    Install and maintain smoke alarms and carbonmonoxide detectors to provide protection for your family.

    Proper Ash Disposal Ashes cleaned out from the stove or fireplace should beshoveled into a metal bucket with a metal lid, placedoutside, on the ground, away from the building, toprevent fires. Do not place ashes into a paper bag or cardboard box. Ashes and embers can stay hot for daysand ignite combustibles.

    Carbon Monoxide & Smoke Alarms Carbon monoxide alarms are required now in all homeswith chimneys or woodstoves.

    Install one on every habitable level and no more than 10feet from every bedroom door. Smoke alarms should beinstalled on every level of your home, at the bottom of every stairwell and outside each sleeping area.

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    The Eagle Eye 21

    DCC continued from Page 2

    One of the first opportunities you will have with your newly minted certificate is to attend one of the manyNational Cadet Special Activities (NCSAs) where youcan spend a week (or more) exploring Aerospace &

    Aviation, Air Force, Technology and Leadership Careers.In 2008 there were more than 30 different NCSAsprovided for our CAP cadets, too many to list all in thissection, but here is a brief list for you to consider:

    Aerospace & Aviation Careers:1) Aircraft Manufacturing &

    Maintenance AcademyCessna Aircraft Company Independence KS

    2) National Blue BeretEAA Air Venture Oshkosh WI

    Air Force Careers:1) Specialized Undergraduate Pilot

    Training Familiarization CourseColumbus AFB, MS

    2) Air Force Pararescue OrientationCourseKirkland AFB, NM

    Technology Careers:1) Aerospace Education Academy

    Oshkosh, WI2) Engineering & Technology Academy

    Auburn University, Auburn AL

    Leadership Careers:1) Cadet Officer School

    Maxwell AFB, AL

    2) International Air Cadet ExchangeWorld Wide

    Remember this is just a short list of NCSAs that wereoffered in 2008. For a complete list and detailedinformation on what the courses covered, go under members and click on CadetPrograms NCSAs are normally announced inNovember of each year.

    In 2007, there were some adjustments made to theselection process for National Activities. With more than3000 applicants for approximately 1200 activity slots, apoint system was developed to provide an objectivescoring system. The points are assigned based on age,achievement (Wright Brothers, Mitchell etc.) Longevity inthe program and prior activities (points for those never attending a National Activity and lower for higher thosewho have attended).

    The application process is to review the activities for theyear as published by National HQ (normally aroundNovember 1 of the year proceeding the year of the

    activity (example for 2009 summer activities the listshould be released around Nov 1, 2008). This list will befound on the National Web site under Cadet Programs /National Activities. Once you have determined anyactivity you would like to participate in (more than 1 canbe applied for), you will apply via E-Services (under themembers tab on the National Web site).

    Application normally can be made between December 1and January 15 (1 Dec 08 to 15 Jan 09). It is best tosubmit your application as early as possible as in thepast the more popular activities get swamped early on.Traditionally Massachusetts Wing holds activity reviewboards and I would expect that for the 2009 activities, thiswill also hold true. Normally the review boards will beheld between Jan 16 and Feb 15 of the year of theactivity. Between Feb 16 and Feb 28 National HQ, willslot cadets (based on the point system noted above) andthen announce those cadets slotted (selected for theactivities) on the National Web Site by Mar 1. Cadets willbe required to pay the activity fee by 15 th of Ap(Please note all dates are based on the 2008 Activities.Dates may not be accurate and should be confirmed atthe NCSA web page ( ).

    Yes there is a possibility that you may not receive aninitial slot at one of the activities. Do not let this preventyou from applying, some cadets over apply and thendecide not to go. If you are on a wait list you might get agift in March or April. National Activities are a great wayto meet other cadets from units located around the US,Puerto Rico and international locations where you couldmake new friends with like interests.

    As well do not forget that you can also apply for and

    possibly be chosen as one of the Massachusetts Wing2009 (and on) Encampment Cadet Staff members, agreat way to expand your leadership practical training.You can always speak with C/2Lt. Scicchitano andC/CMSGT Condon (through proper chain of command)about their experience as Cadet Leaders at the 2008summer encampment, who I am sure will tell you it was agreat experience and one that will be remembered for years to come.

    WWII Hangar Dance Wings of Freedom

    I would like to take this time to thank the parents of our cadets who volunteered to help out at our first annualWWII Hangar Dance and Fundraiser. Because of your assistance the dance was a huge success. Thank you for your dedication to our program, our cadets, and our unit.

    I would also like to thank every one of our cadetmembers, those who assisted at the dance and duringthe two days of the Wings of Freedom event. We know it

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    The Eagle Eye 22

    DCS continued from Page 2

    Promotions continues from Page 17 DCC continues from Page 21


    For the November Eagle EyeColumns 2 November 2008 DCS, DCC, Safety Officer, Professional Development Officer,

    AEO, ESO, FO, and of course from the Squadron Commander.

    News stories 9 November 2008 Promotions, Missions and other late breaking material.

    W E B P L A C E S





    reminder, achievements and tasks to track theserequirements are now available in Ops Quals. Training isentered and validated at the unit level, and, oncevalidated, will automatically post to a member's 101 cardfor tracking purposes. Most training is available online at . (Note: These areDHS online courses, and do not automatically post to

    Ops Quals.) ICS 300 and 400 training must be completedin residence so members needing this training should tryto complete training sooner rather than later so they aresure they meet published deadlines.

    Please visit these web sites and at the least complete IS700, ASAP

    Also check the chart below and plan your trainingaccordingly!!!!

    was a very long day and weekend for everyone. Your dedication, enthusiasm, energy and drive were aninspiration to all of our Senior Staff. Your contribution hasensured the longevity of our unit at its present location aswell as continued induction of new cadet members. Manyof you came to our unit from the Wings of Freedom showin 2007. I have already been contacted by several

    prospective cadets and parents from this years eventand it has only been one day! 2008 will be no different. Iwould also like to mention that during the two days I hadbeen approached by other youth organizations, teachersand the general public on how professional all of youconducted your selves. My Hat goes off to you all!

    JROTC program. When not busy with school work, Civil Air Patrol or JROTC advancement, C/SMSgt. Ortins enjoyspaintball. C/SMSgt Ortins has been a member of the Civil Air Patrol since July of 2006, and is currently the squadrons EchoFlight Commander." Beyond Civil Air Patrol, becoming a plebeat the US Military Academy, West Point is a goal SergeantOrtins has set for himself.

    In addition to the Unit Citation C/SMSgt Alexander Ortins hasearned the General J. F. Curry Achievement, General Hap

    Arnold Achievement, Mary Feik Achievement, Wright Brothers Achievement, Captain Eddie Rickenbacker Achievement,Charles Lindbergh Achievement, Doolittle Achievement, anEncampment ribbon (2008) and the VFW Civil Air Patrol NCO

    Award .

    SeniorsThere were no senior promotions this month, again, once

    more, as for the past several months.

  • 8/2/2019 Beverly Squadron - Oct 2008


    The Eagle Eye 23

    Welcome New Members

    Cadets Nancy Davidson ByfieldBradley Dill - Lynn

    Seniors None

  • 8/2/2019 Beverly Squadron - Oct 2008


    The Eagle Eye 24

    Health continued from Page 8

    Service Members

    The Magnet

    SGT. Aaron CuscunaC-Trp 2-1 CavFOB Warhorse

    APO AE09336

    Kelly Buck

    US Post Office

    Cadet Kelly BuckP.O. Box 0736West Point, NY 10997

    debris) can be picked up by the prop wash andWHACK, right into the eye. Wind blown dust and dirt, itcan go anywhere.

    Proper safety glasses, wrap around side shield could bea great investment. It might be the best idea of equipment that is added to our field gear.

    For those of us who wear prescription safety glasses,there are styles available that will fit over our regular glasses.

    And the reasons for wearing eye protection are endless.

    Prevent Blindness America recommends that athleteswear sports eyeguards when participating in sports.Prescription glasses, sunglasses and even occupationalsafety glasses do not provide adequate protection.Sports eyeguards come in a variety of shapes and sizes.Eyeguards designed for use in racquet sports are now

    commonly used for basketball and soccer and incombination with helmets in football, hockey andbaseball. The eyeguards you choose should fit securelyand comfortably and allow the use of a helmet if necessary. Expect to spend between $20 and $40 for apair of regular eyeguards and $60 or more for eyeguardswith prescription lenses.

    The following guidelines can help you find a pair of eyeguards right for you:

    If you wear prescription glasses, ask your eye doctor to fit

    you for prescription eyeguards. If you're a monocular athlete (a person with only one eye that sees well), askyour eye doctor what sports you can safely participate in.Monocular athletes should always wear sportseyeguards.

    Buy eyeguards at sports specialty stores or opticalstores. At the sports store, ask for a sales representativewho's familiar with eye protectors to help you.

    Don't buy sports eyeguards without lenses. Only "lensed"protectors are recommended for sports use. Make sure

    the lenses either stay in place or pop outward in theevent of an accident. Lenses that pop in against your eyes can be very dangerous.

    Fogging of the lenses can be a problem when you'reactive. Some eyeguards are available with anti-fogcoating. Others have side vents for additional ventilation.Try on different types to determine which is most

    comfortable for you.

    Check the packaging to see if the eye protector youselect has been tested for sports use. Also check to seethat the eye protector is made of polycarbonate material.Polycarbonate eyeguards are the most impact resistant.

    Sports eyeguards should be padded or cushioned along

    the brow and bridge of the nose. Padding will prevent theeyeguards from cutting your skin.

    Try on the eye protector to determine if it's the right size. Adjust the strap and make sure it's not too tight or tooloose. If you purchased your eyeguards at an opticalstore, an optical representative can help you adjust theeye protector for a comfortable fit.

    Until you get used to wearing a pair of eyeguards, it mayfeel strange, but bear with it! It's a lot more comfortablethan an eye injury.

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    The Eagle Eye 25

    ESTO continued from Page 3

    PDO continued from Page 8

    has been publically available for months (CaptainHeusser highlighted the memo from General Courter inthe May issue of the Eagle Eye). Everyone in ES shouldtake ICS700 before December 31.

    approaching an assigned task. Take a few minutes toreevaluate a task before wasting time and energy tryingto overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles. Useyour brain before you use your head.

    The Complaining Trap As an effective follower, your job is to make the squadronwork in spite of good or poor leadership. Complainingabout policies and poor leadership is very easy andnatural for us to do. Think about the offshoot of your complaints. By complaining about decisions andleadership, you undermine the chain-of-command.Instead of complaining, find creative ways to make thesituation better. Keep in mind that complainers can sinkthe morale in a squadron very quickly.

    CAP Core ValuesThe CAP Core Values are the bedrock to a trustingenvironment. Lip service to them will do nothing butundermine the mission of the individual units and theentire Civil Air Patrol. Applying these values in your everyday life is a personal thing. You cant force them onanyone, and youll eventually be able to spot a fraud.Having a personal mission statement that you can refer to throughout your life will help you incorporate thesevalues in your lifestyle and increase your effectiveness asa dynamic follower.


    Last Revised 03/07/00

    Oddball FileBy Andrew W. Buck, Captain CAP

    Assistant Aerospace Education Officer

    In 1944, the obscure American airplane manufacturer Cornelius

    Aircraft Corporation of Dayton Ohio designed one of the oddestaircraft ever to fly, the XFG-1 fuel transport glider, which was anunpowered fuel tanker with forward-swept wings.

    Cornelius XFG-1 photo: Earl Ware

    The Fuel glider was designed to carry 764 gallons of fuel andbe towed behind a powered aircraft for long-distance flights.Only two of the ugly-looking craft were built by Spartan AircraftCorp of Tulsa OK for Cornelius.

    Cornelius XFG-1

    Work on this project was cancelled by the end of the war. Thisglider is often confused with the Eberhardt XFG-1 experimentalfighter design from 1927 because the army reused the FXGdesignation.


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    The Eagle Eye 26


    Links or references to individuals, businesses or companies does not constitute an endorsement of any information, product or service you may receive from such sources. The Eagle Eye reserves the right to not publish any ad submission.

    The current Eagle Eye Newsletter (circulation 174 ) ad rates per issue, payable in advance:

    Cadets Seniors Commercial50 words or less $1.00 $3.00 $10.0051 to 100 words $2.00 $5.00 $20.00

    Picture or artwork $1.00 $3.00 $10.00

    All money made from the newsletter will go into the generalfund for the Beverly Composite Squadron. All ads must beapproved by the Squadron Commander.Ad copy must be received before the 15th of each month to beincluded in the following issue. Thank you for helping supportthe Beverly Composite Squadron.

    Moose MiniaturesNeed to keep those restless fingers busy? Stop byMoose Miniatures 160 Newburyport Tpke in RowleyMass and purchase a high quality model kit. Moose islocated next door to the Agawam Diner on the corner of Routes 113 and 1 in Rowley Massachusetts.

    Wanted - Cell PhonesUsed cell phones to recycle into calling cards for thetroops in Iraq and Afghanistan See Captain Buck.


    Fund raising ideas. The best ideas include someonewilling to run the fundraiser. All fundraisers must complywith all local, state, federal laws and the regulations of the Civil Air Patrol. Anyone with an idea, best or other wise should contact Major Thomas Lyons anyWednesday night at the squadron HQ. You can alsoreply to the Eagle eye, and we will see to it that your ideagets to the Major

    Northshore MallPeabody

    Let us feed your herd.Chick-fil-A is open Monday through Saturday, 8:30 a.m. to 10 p.m. for breakfast, lunch and

    dinner. Chick-fil-A is anywhere you are.Online ordering available at:

    Any occasion. Anywhere!Let Chick-fil-A be a part of your community, organization or next event.

    For more information contact Bill Minton our Marketing Director at(978) 766-8317 or email him at [email protected] .

    And remember to Eat Mor Chikin.

    Something Different CafeHungry? stop into the Something Different Cafe located at

    Beverly Airport East side, Tuesday - Sunday 7 AM to2PM. Also opening Friday and Saturday nights startingLater this June.

  • 8/2/2019 Beverly Squadron - Oct 2008


    I N S I D E T H I S I S S U E

    1 Cadet of the Month, Promotions 15 Aerospace

    2 Commanders Message, DCC, DCS 16 Safety, Promotions

    3 ES Officer, ES Training, SAREX Schedule 17 Promotions

    4 Aerospace Aerospace Current Event 18 Safety

    5 Safety, Fire Safety 19 Hanger Dance, Health Services

    6 Hanger Dance 20 Fire Safety, Aerospace Current Event

    7 Ribbon Fun, IT Bits and Bytes 21 DCS

    8 Health Services, PDO Message 22 Deadlines, Web Places, DCC, DCS

    9 PAO, Logistics 23 DCS, Welcome10 IT Bits and Bytes 24 Health Services, Service Members

    11 Hanger Dance 25 Oddball File, PDO, ESTO

    12 Hanger Dance, Ribbons 26 Ads

    13 Aerospace 27 Calendars, Index

    14 Aerospace

    Squadron Calendar Night Uniform Cadets Seniors All15 October 08 BDU ES TBD22 October 08 Blues Review Boards, Leadership Training ES29 October 08 Civvies Commanders Night Out5 November 08 Blues AE, Moral Leadership Staff Meeting Promotions & Awards12 November 08 BDU Testing, PT TBD Safety Briefing

    Special Events

    Date OIC Event13 Oct 2008 Major Lyons Airport commission meeting18 & 19 Oct 2008 TBD SAREX1 -2 Nov 2008 Major Beldon SLS Westover ARB10 Nov 2008 Major Lyons Airport commission meeting22 & 23 Nov 2008 TBD SAREX27 Nov 2008 ALL Thanksgiving Day

    Beverly Composite SquadronHeadquartersBeverly Municipal Airport

    56 L.P. Henderson RdBeverly, Ma. 01915978-921-5454

    Links or references to individuals, businesses or companies does not constitute an endorsement of anyinformation, product or service you may receive from such sources.