Bethel United Methodist Church January 2017...

Bethel United Methodist Church January 2017 Bellringer Calendar of Upcoming Events Bible Study every Thursday morning at 10:00am in the conference room. Lead by Marilyn Dobrik Gamblers Anonymous Meets every Saturday morning at 11:00am in the conference room. Lead by Tom Shelton Prayer Gathering: Every Sunday @ 6:30pm in the conference room, lead by Brian Bays January 1st:: One Service at 10:00am January 15th: Youth Mission Mtg. 5:15pm January 16th: Worship Mtg. 6:30pm January 19th: Ad Council Mtg. 7:00pm In This Issue Calendar of Events…….…………..1 Message from Pastor Bill.…2 & 3 Emmaus Community……………..4 Youth Mission Trip…………….....5 Food for Thought: ..………….…...6 Word Puzzle…………..………...…..7 Bible Verses / New Year…. 8 & 9 New Year’s Resolutions………...10 Birthdays……………..…..…..….....11 Contact Information……..….… .12

Transcript of Bethel United Methodist Church January 2017...

Page 1: Bethel United Methodist Church January 2017 · Bethel United Methodist Church January 2017 Bellringer Calendar of Upcoming

Bethel United Methodist Church

January 2017 Bellringer

Calendar of Upcoming Events

Bible Study every Thursday morning

at 10:00am in the conference room.

Lead by Marilyn Dobrik

Gamblers Anonymous Meets every Saturday

morning at 11:00am in the conference room. Lead

by Tom Shelton

Prayer Gathering: Every Sunday @ 6:30pm in the

conference room, lead by Brian Bays

January 1st:: One Service at 10:00am

January 15th: Youth Mission Mtg. 5:15pm

January 16th: Worship Mtg. 6:30pm

January 19th: Ad Council Mtg. 7:00pm

In This Issue

Calendar of Events…….…………..1

Message from Pastor Bill.…2 & 3

Emmaus Community……………..4

Youth Mission Trip…………….....5

Food for Thought: ..………….…...6

Word Puzzle…………..………...…..7

Bible Verses / New Year…. 8 & 9

New Year’s Resolutions………...10


Contact Information……..….… .12

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Welcome to the New Year!

By Pastor Bill Garver

Philippians 3:13b-14 “One thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining to-

ward what is ahead. I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has

called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.”

In a classic scene from the movie “The Gumball Rally”, Italian race car driver Franco Ber-

tollini has entered a cross country race. Sitting next to him is another man and he gives him this

instruction. “And now my friend, the first-a rule of Italian driving is,”

[Franco rips off his rear-view mirror and throws it out of the car] “what's-a behind me its not im-


But later in the movie, Franco finds out, on repeated occasions, that what is behind him ‘is’

important. What he doesn’t see coming can still have an impact on his life. It was a lesson I took

to heart. It is also a lesson many Christians tend to overlook.

I have heard countless Christians ask, “Isn’t forgetting the past biblical? Doesn’t the Bible

instruct us to forget the past?” Isn’t there a command to purge our minds of all bad memories

and move ahead clean and fresh in Christ?

After a tough year like 2016, it would be great to be able to forget some of the struggles and

heartache and move on – but it doesn’t really work that way. In fact, some of our struggles and

challenges - make us who we are. Those who have lost loved ones, don’t want to forget and


In fact, Jewish history gives us a very different understanding about our memories. If you

do a word search for remember or related words you will find 242 references to remembering.

But if you do a similar search for the word forget; you will only find 64 references. The truth is;

to forget someone was considered an insult or a put down. The greatest thing one

could do is to remember.

God tells us that ‘he washes us white as snow’ and that he forgets our past – but we should

not and others can not or will not. In this world, we are still held accountable for our actions. We

should learn from it and others expect us to re-build trust. There is no clean slate here on earth.

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Paul’s life reflected this trend. He often reminded others of his past. He was a

persecutor and attacker of Christians until his conversion. Others knew that and

did not trust him, at first. He had to live a life of commitment that others could

see and believe. His past didn’t just magically disappear, he had to make amends

and live faithfully.

So what was Paul writing to the Philippians? To get the full understand-

ing, we have to go back to Philippians 3:7 “But whatever was to my profit I now

consider loss for the sake of Christ.” What Paul is saying is this: my achieve-

ments mean nothing next to the goodness of God. We must trust on the grace

and mercy of God, not our own works for salvation.

Forgetting means “no longer caring for or reminding ourselves

of” our past victories or defeats. We shouldn’t puff ourselves up - or

tear ourselves down – but instead focus on Christ for our direction. It

is easy to live in the past, in our victories or defeats but it doesn’t keep us mov-

ing forward.

Our identity and hope is in Christ alone. He is our future and

he helps us live with our past. What we must do is learn from our past,

good or bad and then move forward with confidence in Christ. Our past is part

of our lives, good or bad, but we don’t have to allow us to control us forever.

This year, press on. This year, keep Christ first. This year, learn from the

past but do not be bound to it. Remember and then move forward - into the new

promises of Christ ahead of us.

This new year, celebrate all that Jesus has done for you. Remember how

far he has brought you and share his promises with others. The future is not won

by us; he has already taken control of the future. But what we are called to do is;

be used by him, to serve others in their need. We are called to share the gospel

and the Good News so others can come to Christ. Happy New Year!

See you on Sunday, Pastor Bill.

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North Indiana Emmaus - is alive and growing!

Upcoming Walks in 2017 at Epworth Forest

February 16-19, 2017 - Men's Walk #241


October 5-8, 2017 – Men’s Walk #243


October 12-15, 2017 – Women’s Walk #244

Sign up Today!!

February 23-26, 2017 - Women's Walk #242

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Questions? Contact Cindy voice or text at 620-0960

WHY does this matter????

Because God give us hope and unconditional love. God needs us to share it with others who need it too.

Because New York is awesome! Attention teens entering grades 9-12 next fall and parents / guardians.

Summer Mission Trip

Information Meeting

Sunday, January 15, 2017

at 5:15 pm

Bethel UMC Fellowship Hall

Can you imagine the possibilities on a trip to New York City where you can meet other Christian teens

from around the country? Play with children and help them learn about God's love? Serve in a soup

kitchen? Learn from the people of the community you serve? See the World Trade Center Memorial?

Ride a subway or see the ocean? Imagine an experience that can grow your faith through new experi-

ences, as well as teamwork, journaling, and group worship.

Please come to a meeting where you can learn more and make an informed decision to participate.

Also, there is still just a small window of time for you to give input in the destination choice. We'll answer

questions about expectations, cost, fundraising, and dates. Most importantly, think about why this is so


Both parents and students are urged to attend together so you can better discuss your decision.

Want to know more? Come Jan. 15 at 5:15. Snacks will be served.

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Food for Thought

January is tough. The joy of Christmas and the celebration of

the New Year have ended. It is cold, windy, snowy, and my

freezer supply of fresh frozen cucumbers and onions have

been demolished, now what?

Isaiah 55:10 says “For as the rain and the snow come down

from heaven, and do not return there without watering the

earth and making it bear and sprout, and furnishing seed to

the sower and bread to the eater.”

I take comfort in this verse, knowing that the snow that blan-

kets the ground today will be the needed moisture for my gar-

den in the Spring.

By: Mandy McAlarney

Cream of Chicken and Wild Rice Soup


1 pound boneless skinless chicken, cooked

and shredded

8 ounces frozen carrots

4 cups chicken broth

2 cups water

2 cups heavy cream

1 (14.5 ounce) package quick cooking long

grain wild rice with seasoning packet

3/4 cup all purpose flour

1/2 cup butter

1/2 teaspoon salt

1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper

1 loaf of crusty French bread for dipping



1.In a large pot over medium heat, combine

broth, water, and chicken. Bring to a boil,

add rice (reserving seasoning), cover, remove

from heat.

2.In a small bowl combine salt, pepper, and flour.

3.In a medium saucepan over medium low heat,

melt butter. Stir in contents of seasoning

packets until mixture begins to bubble.

Reduce heat to low, gradually add flour mix to

form a roux. Slowly add the cream, whisking

continuously as the roux and cream mix. Once

all the cream is added, pour mixture into pan

with the broth and rice. Stirring until cream is


4.Add carrots to soup, return to medium heat, al-

lowing to simmer 10-15 minutes .

5.Break bread and serve with soup for dipping.

Recipe found at::

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Bible Verses and Scriptures About the New Year

Read what Scripture tells us about God's promises and face the new year with hope! Our Lord

wants us to seek out His will for our lives and to live life FULLY alive. Stop Satan's goal in making

you feel defeated and overcome, you can start this New Year renewed!

ISAIAH 40:30-31

30 Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall;

31 but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles;

they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

2 Corinthians 5:17

17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!

1 Sing to the LORD a new song, for he has done marvelous things; his right hand and his holy arm

have worked salvation for him.

Psalm 98: 1

Romans 8:18

18 I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in


ISAIAH 43:19

19 See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wil-

derness and streams in the wasteland.


22 You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being

corrupted by its deceitful desires; 23 to be made new in the attitude of your minds; 24 and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.

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Deuteronomy 7:13

Bible Verses and Scriptures About the New Year

13 He will love you and bless you and increase your numbers. He will bless the fruit of your womb, the crops of your land—your grain, new wine and olive oil—the calves of your herds and the lambs of your flocks in the land he swore to your ancestors to give you.

Jeremiah 29:11

11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Proverbs 23:18

18 There is surely a future hope for you, and your hope will not be cut off.

Psalm 31:23-24

23 Love the LORD, all his faithful people! The LORD preserves those who are true to him,

but the proud he pays back in full.

24 Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the LORD.

1 Peter 1:3

3 Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,

Lamentations 3:22-23

22 Because of the LORD’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail.

23 They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.

For 7 more Bible Verses and Scriptures About the New Year go to:

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New Year's Resolutions - Christian New Years



For Christians, if God is central in the New Year’s resolution, it has a better chance for success. God gave human beings free will,

and He never oversteps that freedom to make choices. God’s Word certainly has made clear which choices are better than others,

but God never forces His people to comply.

Choosing to do the will of God is always a right choice and, of course, has God’s endorsement. God’s favor and blessings should be

incentive enough to pursue Godly goals. God’s Word is filled with what is right and good, therefore reading and learning the Bible

is a good place to start and a good place to stay.

The Christian’s first priority should be making time or more time to read and study the Word of God. This may necessitate getting

up an hour earlier, or maybe less TV time. One will always make time for whatever or whoever is loved. Jesus said, “You shall love

the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the

second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” (Matthew 22:37-39)

This is a good place to start for any believer. Goals set in this light would include spending more time in personal devotion to God,

Bible reading and time in prayer. This time is usually best first thing in the day, before all the demands and activities of daily life

make quiet time with God impossible.

Other resolutions might include memorizing verses of Scripture, perhaps one a day or one a week. Pick positive and encouraging

passages, and inspirational promises of God. Prayer time should be purposeful, perhaps with a list of people or situations that need

prayer. One might even have a prayer journal, jotting down how and when God answers the prayers.

Financial giving is certainly a solid Biblical principle which includes tithing and special additional offerings for different church

needs or perhaps for the support of missions work. The only way to improve on the principle of tithing is to increase the proportion

of the amount. It may be that in order to give more, the resolution might include spending less on sodas, or coffees or movie rentals.

These kinds of resolutions are blessed decisions. If one has more time than money to offer, perhaps volunteer in the children’s de-

partment at church, or make a plan to visit the sick or elderly. Maybe it’s time to restore a damaged relationship with a family

member or an old friend.

Personal resolutions might include watching less TV, spending more time with spouse or children, such as playing games or going

out to sports events or picnics in the park. Resolutions might include planning dinner parties for friends and neighbors, becoming

better organized at home, in the office or garage, or maybe getting additional education on a subject by taking a community college

course or online class. Better financial management is an important goal, which could include renegotiating insurance policies, util-

ity expenses, reevaluating food costs and auto usage, and perhaps making a savings plan for a family vacation.

Ecclesiastes 9:10 says, “Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might,” and similarly, Colossians 3:23 and 24 state, “And

whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheri-

tance; for you serve the Lord Christ.” Loving God first with heart, soul and mind includes and can be expressed in having an enthu-

siasm and exuberance for many things in life. God’s desire is for His people to live life to the fullest and to flourish, having good

health and prosperity, among many other blessings. Resolutions and goals selected with love for God and done thoughtfully in

prayer can be life enhancing and enriching.


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Steve and Terri Allen January 2

Melvin and Phyllis Shaul January 13

Steve Hill January 1

Caleb Harvey January 7

Jeff Judd January 12

Marilyn Dobrik January 12

Todd Garver January 17

Susan Downey January 17

Pam Harvey January 17

John Kanable January 19

Jodi Judd January 21

Ervin Berry January 30

Ruth Leakey January 31

Amanda McAlarney January 31

New Year's Resolutions - Christian New Years



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Your Committee Chair Person:

Executive Council: Susie Downey

Pastor/Parish: John Kanable

Finance: Brian Bays

Trustee: Steve Hill

Missions: Becky Hill

Nominations: Bill Garver

Music/Worship: Pastor Bill

Education: Sally Jones

Sparks: Susie Downey


Pastor: Rev. William Garver

Youth Pastor: Cindy Garver

Secretary: Becky Hill

Treasurer: Casey Contos

Financial Secretary: Shirley Harvey

Custodian: Peggy McConnell

Music:: Jackie Woolsey

Chris Davis

Tara Tremaine


ANDERSON, IN 46011 PHONE:765/643-5554

EMAIL: [email protected]

Find us at our new website:

Office Hours: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9:00am-12:00noon Pastor: Bill Garver

Sunday Worship: 9:00 am & 11:15 am

Sunday School: 10:15 am

Classes: Children: Pre-Kindergarten, Teacher Marla Shelton

Children: 1st—3rd Grade, Teacher Alicia Bays

Children: Pre-Teens, Teacher Sally Jones

Children: Sr. High, Teacher Cindy Garver

Young Adults, Teacher Brian Bays

Adults: Teacher Miles Leisure

We provide a nursery attendant for your convenience.