Betabrand's Bet on Building a Loyal Community

1 @macknuttie Aaron Magness @macknuttie Aaron Magness @macknuttie


Betabrand's ability to create passion for its products and to capture the imagination of its customers is due to a smart, irreverent voice driven by their core audience. With a focus on entertaining content directed to a specific demographic, Betabrand has been immensely successful in building a loyal community and establishing a brand identity. Hear Aaron Magness, vp of marketing for the company, explain Betabrand's unique content strategy and how brands can find their personality.

Transcript of Betabrand's Bet on Building a Loyal Community

  • 1. 1@macknuttie Aaron Magness @macknuttie Aaron Magness @macknuttie

2. 2@macknuttie OUR MOTTO AN EVIL MULTINATIONAL CORPORATION HAS TO START SOMEWHERE. FOR NOW: PANTS! 3. 3@macknuttie 99% FICTION 1% FASHION 4. 4@macknuttie 5. 5@macknuttie CORDAROUNDS THE CROTCH HEAT INDEXHEAT INDEX 6. 6@macknuttie FACT: CORDAROUNDS DRASTICALLY LOWER YOUR CROTCH HEAT INDEX. 7. 7@macknuttie FASHION FW: 8. 8@macknuttie 9. 9@macknuttie FACT: VAGISOFT IS THE 2ND SOFTEST THING IN THE UNIVERSE 10. 10@macknuttie TURNS OUT, BIKERS ARE BLOGGERS AND VICE-VERSA. 11. 11@macknuttie DRESS PANT SWEATPANTS TAILORED FOR TWEETS Hate + Love = Traffic 12. 12@macknuttie Industry news! AT LAST SOCK INSURANCE! 13. 13@macknuttie EXECUTIVE HOODIE NEWS JACKING 14. 14@macknuttie HELP ME, HELP YOU DRESS PANT YOGA PANTS 15. 15@macknuttie NEW IDEAS NON-STOP 16. 16@macknuttie Digital Photos plus Cheap Storage plus Social Networks equals An Infinite Clothing Catalog 17. 17@macknuttie MODEL CITIZEN 18. 18@macknuttie AT LAST ITS FASHIONABLE TO BE: DRUNK & BLURRY. BLURRY & OVERWEIGHT. OVERWEIGHT & LOOK LIKE AN IDIOT. THANK YOU, INTERNET. 19. 19@macknuttie 20. 20@macknuttie 21. 21@macknuttie 22. 22@macknuttie 23. 23@macknuttie 24. 24@macknuttie 25. 25@macknuttie 26. 26@macknuttie 27. 27@macknuttie 28. 28@macknuttie 29. 29@macknuttie Connected consumers behave differently Over 20,000 uploaded photos Second purchase 36% faster Average Order Size 32% higher 30. 30@macknuttie Thanks for listening! Friends & Family Discount: macknuttie