Best Yoga and Exerc

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Transcript of Best Yoga and Exerc


    Best Yoga and Exercises To Increase Height

    Exercise and yoga are the most powerful

    method to gain height fast and naturally. The

    exercises and yoga accelerate the

    metabolism in the body and helps in higher

    secretion of the fluid of the pituitary gland.

    Physical exercises develop and make the

    body muscles strong. You can do some

    effective yoga poses to increase height fast.

    Physical exercises and yoga are help to

    increase your height as well as the body

    muscles; yoga is very useful to controlling the

    body and mind. Yoga has a proven key or

    method to live healthy from ancient time. It

    has to be very useful as an alternative

    medicine for any disease.

    Yoga is the physical, mental exercises which used to stimulating (transforming) the body and mind

    and as well as body hormones. With yoga you can control the body and mind.

    Therefore, wake up and use these healthy techniques to live long without diseases. You can

    follow these effective exercise and yoga techniques to increase your height.

    Exercises Exercises helps to grow your muscles and make the bone structure strong. Physical

    exercise always gives positive results for healthy body. Even after that you can feel agile and fit

    body. To grow your height naturally, you should follow these exercises to get effective results.

    They are -

    1. Stretching Stretch means strain. It is a physical exercise; in this exercise you can do a

    seated, forward bend stretching position. Also you can do some warm-up exercises to get relief

    the body muscles. This is very effective for strong your body muscles and grows your bones


    2. Hanging with hands It is also called as body-weight exercise or pushes up and pulls up. In

    this section many kinds of the hanging exercises are available; you can do some exercises

    regularly to get effective results. The chin ups also includes in this section, it helps to stronger

    your body muscles and bones.

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  • 3. Swimming swimming is an exercise, spot and entertainment. Swimming is effective to

    develop the body structure in a proper way. So, you should become a swimmer to grow your body


    4. Bicycling: - Bicycling is an effective way to boost your body hormones; its an energizer for our

    body and muscles. Those people, who have been bicycling daily at least 20 to 30 minutes, are live

    as fresh mind and body. It accelerates the body hormones and maintains the physical fitness.

    Yoga Yoga is the traditional and ancient medicine science of India. Yoga can helps to generate

    positive energy in your body. It activates the body tissue and works for developing them. Yoga

    generates the positive energy in the body.

    You can follow these effective yoga and stretching exercises are mentioned below -

    1. Mountain pose It is very simple and effective yoga poses, in this yoga pose, you have to

    stand freestyle and raise up both hands and stand on force of your legs fingers (as shown in

    figure). Thereafter bend backwards with hands and then once again come to your actual position.

    In this yoga poses, first take up both your hands with breathing in and stand on your toes for some

    time. Keep both hands up and pull your body upwards and stay for awhile. Then breathe out

    slowly and bring it to normal position. You can do this posture 10 to 15 times in a day.

    2. Tadasana (Tree pose) - It is also called as vrikshaasana. It is similar to mountain posture. In

    this yoga pose, you have to stand freestyle and it is an ideal posture to lengthen and straighten

    your spine to increase the height.


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  • 3. Paschimottanasana or Seated Forward Bend Pose - In this yoga poses, you can sit straight

    with tall your feet, then slowly bend your head and hands down parallel to your legs. Keep this

    position for 30 second and then comes again on first position. You should do this posture at least

    5 times in a day.

    4. Bhujangasana or Cobra Pose Bhunhangasana is the position with palms and legs on the

    floor and the chest is lift upwards. It helps to strengthen and lengthen the spine and chest. Even it

    makes stronger shoulders and relieves stress and fatigue.

    This is an effective posture to increase your height. You should follow this posture and grow your


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  • height rapidly.

    5. Chakrasana or Wheel Pose This is also called as upward facing bow pose. In this yoga

    posture, keep your hands and feet on the floor. You can make a position which is given below

    picture. You can try this posture 5 to 10 times in a day.

    6. Dhanurasana or Bow Pose - In this yoga posture first lies down on the belly, hold the feet with

    hands and make a shape of a bow. This is an effective yoga posture to strengthen your spine with

    muscles. It also works for accelerate the metabolism activity and increase the hunger.

    7. Padahastasana or Hand Under Foot Pose In this posture, hands are stretch down under

    the feet. This yoga posture helps to increase the spinal structure and stimulate the pituitary gland

    hormones. You can make a position as below image.


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  • posture is divided in two parts, first is right facing triangle pose and second is left facing triangle


    It helps to improve the flexibility of the spine and makes strong the shoulders. You can also get rid

    from back pain, neck pain, metabolism disorder and knees pain. This posture helps to recover

    from the ligaments of the arms and legs.

    9. Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutation Pose This is the best yoga posture ever, many of the

    yoga posture includes in this posture. Or we can say that it is one to many. Sun salutation is

    divided in 12 steps. The sequence of sun salutation pose is gives in the picture below, so you

    should follow this step by step method.

    10. Warm ups Do warm up your body before and after these yoga postures.

    Note (Caution)- If you suffering from back pain, spinal pain or any other disorder then you

    shouldn't try to perform these yoga poses. Also dont try these yoga postures in pregnancy. You

    can try these yoga poses under the yoga trainer.

    Special Advises

    Breathing inside when doing the yoga posture and breathing outside when you are

    coming back to first position.

    Breathe inside = when performing the yoga poses.

    Breathe outside = when come back to freestyle or first step to do again.

    Breathe slowly and deeply.

    Try these yoga poses 10 to 12 times in a day to live healthy and fit.

    Dont try to perform any yoga posture when you feel uncomfortable or pain.


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    Posted by Arvind at 11:23 PM

    Lables: Exercises, Grow Your Height, Yoga

    More include the milk, green vegetables and fruit in your diet.

    Hoping that, these exercises and yoga pose will help to grow your height rapidly. You can also

    comments for any suggestion or advise.

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