‘Best People’ Management and Leadership Development … Competen…  · Web viewDesigned to...

Introduction This programme has been created to support the development of staff with line management responsibilities working in all professions at Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust (PHT). It provides a structured competency framework for all of the key skills a manager needs to have. Many managers in the organisation have progressed to their management role as a result of being good at their clinical or technical roles, and have not received formal management training. This framework, along with the leadership interventions described in the Management and Leadership Development Matrix, provide a comprehensive pathway of development for new, existing and aspiring managers to build and further develop capability to meet the requirements of the CQC Well Led domain, using a combination of e-learning, classroom based sessions, shadowing, formal certificated national and local programmes and modules accessed via the internet. The programme is separated into 5 levels which apply to all staff, determined by their role (see What level am I? ) based on management responsibilities for an individual or team, a range of teams/services, a Clinical Service Centre or Corporate Function. This set of competencies is Level 5. V2 Page 1

Transcript of ‘Best People’ Management and Leadership Development … Competen…  · Web viewDesigned to...

IntroductionThis programme has been created to support the development of staff with line management responsibilities working in all professions at Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust (PHT). It provides a structured competency framework for all of the key skills a manager needs to have. Many managers in the organisation have progressed to their management role as a result of being good at their clinical or technical roles, and have not received formal management training.

This framework, along with the leadership interventions described in the Management and Leadership Development Matrix, provide a comprehensive pathway of development for new, existing and aspiring managers to build and further develop capability to meet the requirements of the CQC Well Led domain, using a combination of e-learning, classroom based sessions, shadowing, formal certificated national and local programmes and modules accessed via the internet.

The programme is separated into 5 levels which apply to all staff, determined by their role (see What level am I?) based on management responsibilities for an individual or team, a range of teams/services, a Clinical Service Centre or Corporate Function. This set of competencies is Level 5.

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Level 1 - Frontline staff

Managing self., with no direct management responsibility eg. Staff Nurse, AHP, Secretary, Junior Doctor

Level 2 - Managers and team leaders

Line management responsibility for a team or individual eg. Admin manager, Ward manager, Consultant

Level 3 - Managing managers

Line management responsibilty for a staff with line management responsibilities eg. Matron, Clinical Director, Business Manager

Level 4 - Managing multiple services

Line management responsiibility for multiple functions or a CSC, eg. CSC Management Teams, Deputy and Associate Directors

Level 5 - Trust Board

Executive and non executive directors

Personal Development Plan Your line manager will support and coach you through this competency programme and formally discuss progress with you as part of your annual Performance Appraisal and regular one to ones.

Each level has a 5 step process:Step Activity TimeframeStep 1 Identification of appropriate level At recruitmentStep 2 Newly Promoted or Newly appointed managers to attend Management Induction Within first 4 weeksStep 3 A developmental conversation takes place between individual and line manager to identify any development needs

and consider what additional development is requiredWithin first 4 weeks

Step 4 Individual organises a mentor and undertakes their agreed programme. (Follow this link for formal mentor options) Within first 3 monthsStep 5 Individual and manager meet and discuss learning, its application and impact and sign off competencies. Within first 6 months

The competencies below are relevant for Level 5 managers. The programmes and development opportunities below will assist in gaining the underpinning knowledge to support achievement. For details of how to book, follow the links within individual programmes and courses to the Prospectus of development available.

Level 5 Managers Trust Board eg. Executive and Non Executive DirectorsA experienced senior leader responsible for large functions; developing management and leadership skills that help influence beyond their immediate sphere and across traditional boundaries. An individual ready to make a fundamental difference to the quality of care across the organisation and wider health economy.Subject Area Competency Formal

developmentSelf Development(follow links for how to book)

Evidence of Achievement

Recruiting and selecting staff

I am responsible for the recruitment and selection of staff in line with Trust policy.

Values Based Recruitment: Interviewing Skills and Techniques

Recruitment Masterclass

Participating in recruitment activity

Building and managing teams

I am competent in ‘team building’ techniques to develop the team.

Leading a High Performing Team


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I can manage my team, talent manage my staff and succession plan. I use coaching and mentoring skills to effectively develop my team.

Developing and communicating team/ department objectives and purpose

I develop and communicate organisational objectives and directionI ensure that there are effective systems in place for communicating organisational objectives and direction across the Trust, including external to the organisation

Appraisal Performance Review


Planning the workforce

I am able to identify the long term (i.e. next 5 years) workforce requirements of my organisation and how these will be satisfied, taking into account strategic objectives and plans of the organisation, changes in requirements of law, professional bodies, workforce availability and affordability, etc.

Business Planning Delegated activitiesShadowing

Leading and motivating staff

I lead and motivate staff effectivelyI set direction, drive for results, win trust and seize the future.I act as champion for the organisation locally and nationally.

Leading a High Performing Team

Edward Jenner Leadership eLearning

Healthcare Leadership Model Self Assessment and 360 FeedbackShadowingMentoring

Encouraging innovation

I promote a culture of continuous innovation and improvement.

Managing Transformational Change

Innovation Champion

Managing change I lead change in my organisation and across the whole system by creating a clear directionI form and communicate a strong visionI ensure the necessary support is in place for people to make change happen

Managing Transformational Change

ShadowingMentoringStaff Engagement Champion

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Conducting appraisal I promote the use of appraisals as a tool for supporting and developing staff and improving performanceI support staff in carrying out appraisals

Appraisal Performance Review


Managing individual and team performance

I promote accountability across the Trust

Appraisal Performance Review

Leading a High Performing Team


Coaching to improve performance

I coach and mentor across the organisation and beyondI promote a coaching / mentoring culture to aid performance and efficiency

Developing a Coaching Style of Leadership


Developing staff (e.g. identifying development needs and appropriate solutions)

I promote a learning culture in the organisation

Appraisal Performance Review

Developing a Coaching Style of Leadership

Talent management I actively seek out and support talented individuals

Appraisal Performance Review

Developing a Coaching Style of Leadership

Promoting equality and diversity

I develop a culture that promotes equality and values diversity

Essential Skills

Promoting employee wellbeing

I champion employee wellbeing in the trust and ensure that my staff are effectively trained to promote the wellbeing agenda

Development of Individual and Team Resilience

Psychological Resilience

ShadowingMentoringRepresentative/ Champion

Promoting working I develop working relationships with Difficult Myers Briggs Type

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relationships, managing and reducing conflict

stakeholders which are productive in delivering my work and that of the organisation

Conversations Conflicts and How

to Resolve Them Engaging for

Success Conflict

Resolution: Managing Positive Conversations in Difficult Situations

indicator (MBTi)

Managing employee relations in line with HR Policies (e.g. absence management, grievance, disciplinary, consultation)

I manage staff inline with HR policy to include acting as Investigation manager in grievance investigations, acting as a hearing or dismissal manager, conducting formal consultations with staff and unions, managing organisational changeI support staff to manage their own staff

Attendance Management and Occupational Health Referrals

Managing Poor Performance

Chairing a Hearing

MentoringChairing meetings

Budget management I can manage an organisations budget. Advanced Budget Management, Contracts and Activity

1:1’s with Management AccountantMentoring

Financial awareness I have a comprehensive understanding of NHS and trust finances including funding streams, commissioning and savings programmes

Advanced Budget Management, Contracts and Activity

1:1’s with Management AccountantMentoring

Commercial acumen I manage the business environment within which the organisation operatesI shape strategic direction for the trust and identify opportunities for its expansion. I evaluate these opportunities in terms of their Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats

Advanced Budget Management, Contracts and Activity

Business Case Development

Responding to Tenders

1:1’s with Management AccountantMentoring

Knowledge of wider I am up-to-date with changes in NHS Leaders InductionV2 Page 5

NHS policy, process, structure and pressures.

policy, process, structure and pressures and understand how these affect the Trust. I am able to take such changes into account when I plan for the Trust

MentoringReference to policy

Managing resources to meet customer demands and Trust targets

I am responsible for the organisation managing its resources appropriately

Advanced Budget Management, Contracts and Activity

Business Planning Procurement E-


1:1’s with Management AccountantMentoring

Managing the workforce to meet customer demands and Trust targets (e.g. planning staff rotas)

I am responsible for the overall delivery of services within the trustI have to assure myself that Clinical Service Centre teams plan to deliver customer demandsI sign of capacity and business plans and in doing so assure myself the workforce has been planned to meet demands for the organisation.

Business Planning Advanced Budget

Management, Contracts and Activity


Capacity & Business planning

I sign off Clinical Service Centre or Corporate Functions business plans and contribute to the completion of the trusts business planI understand capacity planning and can identify effects of this on the wider trust. I use capacity information to inform the trusts business plan.I ensure all business plans triangulate effectively considering Activity, Workforce and Finance.

Business Planning Advanced Budget

Management, Contracts and Activity

Performance data and dashboards

Making Better Decisions – Using data to Manage and Improve

1:1’s with Performance ManagerMentoring

Planning business cases

I can recognise strong business cases and can make effective decisions on whether or not to approve cases presented to me.

Business Planning Business Case



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Delivering operational plans

I develop and implement the Trust’s strategic business plans

Business Planning Mentoring

Evaluating services, identifying and implementing improvements

I work in partnership with others to develop, take forward and evaluate direction, policies and strategies to make improvements across the local health economy C2 L4

Managing Transformational Change

Making Better Decisions – Using data to Manage and Improve


Project management I can challenge project design and influence outcomes to deliver the project benefits. I can predict and manage project issues both locally and system wide. G5 L4

Managing Transformational Change

Project Management


Service Improvement

I develop strategies for lasting and large-scale service improvement programmes within my organisation and system wide, building in short-term ‘wins’ as well as longer term deliverablesI develop systems to monitor and assess transformational change and service improvement programmes

Managing Transformational Change

Process mapping, Capacity and Demand

Lean Thinking

MentoringVisits / Shadowing

Handling complaints I listen, investigate and take actions to rectify any complaints received in line with Trust Policy and Procedure, ensuring that complaints are investigated by the appropriate member of staff in a timely fashion and that actions are followed up

Governance Essential Skills


Ensuring compliance with health and safety requirements in your area

I maintain and develop an environment and culture that improves health, safety and security C3 L4

Essential Skills Represent at H&S CommitteeMentoring

Risk Management I know the Trust policies and strategy on Essential Skills Mentoring

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risk management and how to report a Safety Learning Event. I am able to review safety learning events and implement an action plan

Datix Reviewer Training

Risk Assessment Training


Level 5 completionDevelopmental discussion with line manager, either a separate meeting or part of appraisal and personal development planLine Manager sign off as competent to level 5:

Demonstrates competence at Level 2 within role.

Demonstrates alignment to Portsmouth Hospitals core values and leadership behaviours

Values■ Respect and dignity■ Working together■ Quality of care■ Efficiency

Evidence statement:

AgreementIndividual’s Name Signature Date

Managers Name Signature Date

Please email a completed copy of this form to [email protected] and place a copy in the individual’s personal file with Performance Appraisal Document

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Prospectus of development availablePeople Management Processes (OD/P2M) Back to competenciesDevelopment Programme Description How to access Time

CommitmentLearning Outcome Evidence of

CompletionAppraisal Performance Review

A concise workshop to develop your understanding of the theory and skills behind the Appraisal Performance Review Policy

Automatic invite for newly appointed or promoted managersorBook via ESR

2 hour workshop

You will understand the seven principles of performance review and feel confident to undertake a meaningful appraisal performance review with your team

Recorded onto your learning record within ESR (which can be printed)

Attendance Management and Occupational Health Referrals

A concise workshop to develop your understanding of the theory and skills of managing staff on short term or long term sick (4 weeks or more), return to work meetings and Occupational Health referrals

2.5 hour workshop

You will understand managers responsibilities for: Reporting non-attendance and unauthorised absence Absence Reporting and Return to Work Meeting form Sections

A&B Sickness absence and Fitness for Work Certificates and

recording absence Trust triggers and breaches Occupational Health Referrals Annual Leave and returning to work Redeployment/ Ill Health Retirement /Injury Benefits

Managing Poor Performance

A concise workshop to develop your understanding of the theory and skills of managing staff under the Trusts Capability Policy

1 hour workshop

You will understand responsibilities in relation to : The skills needed to manage poor performance within your

team Ensuring consistency throughout formal HR processes Ensuring fair and effective management of staff to maintain

high quality patient careValues Based Recruitment Interviewing Skills and Techniques

You have selected your candidates to interview, this 1 hour workshop will now guide you through the skills required to undertake a values based interview.

1 hour workshop

Understand the stages of carrying out interviews and shows them how to conduct an effective interview so that they are able to attract the best candidates and choose the best person for the job.

Recruitment Master Class This concise 1 hour workshop will prepare you for the full recruitment process using the 8 step system; writing your advert, attracting applicants, managers responsibilities, shortlisting etc.

1 hour workshop

Knowledge of tools, techniques and resources helping you to attract and recruit the right candidates with the right values to your department.

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People Management Processes (OD) Back to competenciesDevelopment Programme

Description How to access Time Commitment

Learning Outcome Evidence of Completion

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Chairing a Hearing An interactive workshop to prepare senior managers to act as the Chairperson at a formal employee hearing (Disciplinary, Capability, Ill Health, appeal)

Book via ESR 3 hours To equip managers with the required knowledge to be competent and confident with chairing Employee Hearings.

To ensure managers make fair, reasonable and consistent decisions in line with Trust Policy and employment law.

Recorded onto your learning record within ESR (which can be printed)

Developing a Coaching Style of Leadership

These are about developing coaching skills; they will not provide individuals with the skills or qualifications to become a coach. The programmes provide a foundation in learning to apply practical coaching skills that will adapt and develop your leadership style

Book via ESR 2 day programme

These skills will enhance your success in working with others to deliver quality improvements to your service and will enable you to:

Demonstrate personal confidence in using coaching skills

Articulate a clear understanding of when a coaching style is appropriate

Demonstrate attainment of the foundation coaching skills

Have a basic understanding of skills required to coach teams

Be able to provide effective feedback

Development of Individual and Team Resilience

This workshop is intended for line managers and will provide you with the tools and techniques to develop your own resilience and enable you to work with your team to develop their skills, delivered by facilitators highly trained in counselling, psychotherapy and mental health

By Application Contact [email protected]

Full day workshop

Identify what resilience is and what you need to be resilient to.

Develop techniques for developing your own resilience both at work and at home.

Develop strategies for maintaining resilience Be equipped with the skills and techniques to

enabling your team to be more resilient

Engaging for Success A workshop to explore how engaged staff deliver high levels of performance at work for the benefit of themselves and patients and how line leaders can create an environment that encourages this.

Book via ESR 2 hour workshop

Define staff engagement and be able to describe what it looks and feels like

Understand the business and clinical importance of engaging staff

Know how staff engagement is measured in the NHS and in our Trust

Understand how to create an environment that improves staff engagement

Understand and have taken part in a staff led change methodology event (Listening into Action)

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Conflicts and how to resolve them

A workshop to develop skills to effectively manage conflict using a range of techniques.

Book via ESR Full day workshop

Identify why conflict arises and the trigger points for stress, tensions, conflict and aggression;

Identify what motivates others and how to use the information to improve the relationship in conflict situations;

Identify and explain the root cause of conflict and causes of interpersonal friction in a variety of situations;

List and explain behaviours that can help or hinder interactions with others;

Take responsibility for minimising and resolving conflict professionally , proactively and confidently using different selectively appropriate techniques

Recorded onto your learning record within ESR (which can be printed)

(Managing) Difficult Conversations

Develop skills to effectively handle conversations that are awkward, difficult or challenging. Particularly helpful to managers undertaking Appraisals

Book via ESR 3 hours This short, interactive workshop will explore the practical steps we can take to control our emotions and handle difficult discussions in constructive and purposeful ways

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Personal Development (OD) Back to competenciesDevelopment Programme

Description How to access Time Commitment

Learning Outcome Evidence of Completion

Healthcare Leadership Self-Assessment ToolTo access this tool you must first register with the academy gateway, follow the link in the ‘How to access’ box for instructions

To help you manage your own learning and development by allowing you to reflect on which areas of the leadership framework you would like to develop further

Link to the Healthcare Leadership Model and self-assessment

At your own pace

Provides valuable insight into your leadership behaviour, which will inform the priority development areas for you to focus on and discuss with you line manager whilst utilising your strengths to reach your goals

Include self-assessment in appraisal and personal development plan

360 degree feedback (Mandatory for bands 8b and above/Clinical Director and above)

A feedback tool most often collated from subordinates, peers and supervisors as well as a self-evaluation which will help individuals develop themselves, their teams and the organisations

Contact [email protected] to register an interest

A questionnaire to be completed – feedback will be provided by a skilled practitioner

The results from a 360-degree evaluation are often used by the person receiving the feedback to plan and map specific paths in their development. It will help you better understand your leadership capability and development through consideration of direct feedback from your peers

A report will be provided

Presenting with Impact The ability to make an impression when you speak is an invaluable tool in the NHS. The concise articulation of your viewpoint can often be only half the battle. Body language, pace and mannerism can all affect how effectively you get your point of view across.

Suitable for those in a leadership role, developing leaders or where presenting is a key role function

Contact [email protected] to register an interest

This workshop will help you: Develop your ability to communicate with

confidence Discover the seven core qualities for concise,

measured messages Return to your department with techniques to share Acquire a ‘failsafe’ presentation technique to fall back

on in an emergency Challenge your preconceptions of effective verbal

communication in a supportive environment Build spontaneity and improvisation into your

repertoire so instant impact is ensured.

Recorded onto your learning record within ESR (which can be printed)

Myers Briggs The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) assessment is a psychometric questionnaire designed to measure psychological preferences in how people perceive the world and make decisions

Contact [email protected] to register an interestCost to department for all staff, unless prior agreement with Head of OD.

A questionnaire to be completed – feedback will be provided by a skilled MBTI practitioner

This will allow you to discover your personality type and leadership style. The model of personality tells you about some of those similarities and differences. By raising awareness of yourself and others, it can improve your relationships. It can also help you make better decisions about your future, your career, and your development

A report describing your personality type

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Service Management Processes (OD/P2M) Back to competenciesDevelopment Programme

Description How to access Time Commitment

Learning Outcome Evidence of Completion

Budget Management The aim of this bite size course is to equip managers with the skills they need to effectively manage a budget.

Automatic invite for newly appointed or promoted managers or contact [email protected]

1 hour At the end of this session you will have a thorough understanding of;

• Budgets & Financial Codes• Your Budget Statement• Cost Improvement Schemes

Recorded onto your learning record within ESR (which can be printed)

Performance Measurement and Dashboards (NEW)

New programme for 2017/18 to support new managers in understanding operational quality, efficiency and productivity information to be used for managing services effectively, and how to access this information.

1 hour TBC

Governance (NEW) New programme for 2017/18 to support new managers in understanding PHT’s Governance processes.

2 hours Participants will develop an understanding of: The definition of quality and National drivers and

context The quality priorities for the Trust (National and local

requirements) How we move to a CQC rating of ‘outstanding’ The importance of understanding the quality of care we

deliver (e.g. quality metrics re falls, pressure ulcers etc.) The mechanism to measure and monitor quality from

ward to board (e.g. perfect care, quality care reviews, frontline peer reviews, ward accreditations, clinical dashboards, safety thermometer)

The systems, structures and processes for understanding the experience of patients, families and carers

The importance of a timely and accurate response to any issue of concern to a patient, family member or carer

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Procurement and the Supply Chain

To provide an understanding of the procurement process and the services offered by South of England Procurement Services.

eLearning via ESR 1 hour to 1.5 hours

• PHT Standing Financial Instructions – how are these used?

• Procurement & Order Process• Tender Process• Supply Chain management• Savings Targets• Risk – mitigating• Procurement Champions

Recorded onto your learning record within ESR (which can be printed)

Advanced Budget Management, Contracts and Activity (NEW)

New programme for 2017/18 to support new managers in managing budgets for multiple cost centres and understand the principles of managing contracting and commissioning services.

Automatic invite for newly appointed or promoted managers or contact [email protected]

7.5 hours TBC

Business Planning (NEW)

New programme for 2017/18 to support new managers in understanding the principles of business planning, covering strategy, demand and capacity, investment and disinvestment and triangulation of Workforce, Finance and Activity .

7.5 hours TBC

Managing Transformational Change (NEW)

New Programme for 2017/18 to provide staff involved in quality improvement with key skills and overview of the Model for Improvement (PDSA), Staff Engagement and Project management

7.5 hours TBC

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Leadership (OD) Back to competenciesDevelopment Programme

Description How to access Time Commitment Learning Outcome Evidence of Completion

Leading a High Performing Team

Work with other managers to explore practical ways of addressing your priorities and follow up back at work with your team and with the support of your manager

Book via ESR 3 hoursSome pre and post course work

This session aims to equip you to enhance team working within your department and beyond with a focus on how it impacts on the patient and staff experience

Recorded onto your learning record within ESR (which can be printed)

PHT Leading Together Leading Together is jointly run with Southern Health and delivered in house by employed clinicians. It seeks to develop leaders from both the hospital and community trust in the same classroom.Link to - Leading Together

Contact [email protected] to register an interest

12 half day modules delivered over 12 months

Focusing on educating leaders together in order to break down the artificial divides that can naturally build up between organisations. The mission for both organisations is the same – to deliver high quality patient care. It therefore makes sense to develop our leaders together by using patient pathways that are shared between both organisations to illustrate how leadership skills can empower front line staff to drive change to improve clinical effectiveness, for example, the discharge pathway or admission avoidance.

Certificate of completion

Licence to Lead: The Effective Leader

Bespoke programme of development for staff in leadership roles at band 8a and above (or identified in Succession plan)

Contact [email protected] to register an interest

10 full day workshops delivered over 12 months

This programme aims to: Further develop the essential personal skills and

emotional intelligence to lead our most complex services.

Develop essential skills in staff development and resilience to maximise individual and group effectiveness.

Improve your knowledge and skills in developing strategies for improving your service.

Develop your ability to put healthy conflict to work productively and constructively.

Develop and achieve personal objectives relating to specific change or improvement project or personal development challenge.

Certificate of completion

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National Leadership Academy Programmes (OD) Back to competenciesDevelopment Programme

Description How to access Time Commitment

Learning Outcome Evidence of Completion

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Edward Jenner(Launch and Foundations)Leads to NHS Leadership Academy Award in Leadership Foundations 1

This is an online learning programme designed to give you confidence and competence in your role. Aimed at staff in all roles within healthcare especially aspiring leaders.

Access via Thames Valley & Wessex Leadership AcademyLink to Edward Jenner

A flexible resource: learn in your own time at your own pace

Designed by clinicians working on the frontline of care, it is highly practical and patient-focused – making it a valuable resource for all staff who want to build a more compassionate NHS. Designed to help you use your own experiences as part of your learning process, self-assessment in key leadership areas and continuing professional development.

ESR/E-Learning record of completion and practice based reflective tools discussed and considered with line manager. At the end of each module print completion certificate

Edward Jenner Advanced

This is a PHT part funded programme and approval must be received from the Head of OD before proceeding to an application.Leads to NHS Leadership Academy Award in Leadership Foundations 2

This is for participants who have completed the first two units of The Edward Jenner programme – Launch and Foundations.

Apply via [email protected]

Link to Edward Jenner

Online learning and 3 x 1 day workshops

The programme will support you as you develop essential leadership skills. The programme has been designed with health and care staff, for everyone working in a health and care context. Highly practical and patient-focused, it’s a great way to understand the purpose, challenges and culture of the NHS.

National Leadership Academy – Mary Seacole

This is a PHT part funded programme and approval must be received from the Head of OD before proceeding to an application.Leads to NHS Leadership Academy Award in Healthcare Leadership

Transform your natural empathy and resilience into an inspiring, practical and resourceful leadership style to make you a prime candidate for your first recognised leadership role.

Boost the skills needed to be a great leader, inspiring others, making informed decisions and focusing even more on the patients, service users, carers and families you support, while learning how to make the NHS values even more central to your daily role and working environment.

Apply via [email protected]

Link to - Mary Seacole

6 month programme

5 hours study a week

Total 100 hours online learning

3 x 1 day workshops

This programme is a leadership development programme which is grounded in reality and results in real workplace application covering the following areas: You will be able to look at how it feels for you to be a leader

in healthcare, and the challenges that you face. Review the patient experience, and how this can be

improved and evaluated Lead teams and improve performance Identify how your leadership of processes and systems

can improve outcomes, safety and the experience of care

Understand, judge and navigate the organisation and its politics

Engage with the human aspects of delivering compassionate care

Successful completion award from the National Leadership Academy

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National Leadership Academy – Elizabeth Garrett AndersonThis is a PHT part funded programme, approval must be received from the Head of OD before proceeding to an applicationFully accredited leading to a Masters in Healthcare Leadership and an NHS Leadership Academy Award in Senior Healthcare Leadership

The programme structure is based around a number of set themes which support the development of self, teams, and organisations.This programme aims to equipthose in mid-level leadershippositions with the confidence todrive lasting change and improvethe patient experience.

Apply via [email protected]

Link to - Elizabeth Garrett Anderson

24 months to complete

Up to 15 hours a week study and 3 residentials

This intensive programme will give you the skills to drive and sustain real change – building a culture of patient-focused care at a wider departmental or functional level.

Designed to give you high-level people management skills and world-class business acumen to prepare you for the demands of senior leadership in today’s NHS.

Certificate of completion

National Leadership Academy – Nye BevanThis is a PHT part funded programme, approval must be received from the Head of OD before proceeding to an applicationLeads to an NHS Leadership Academy Award in Executive Healthcare Leadership

The Nye Bevan programme has been shown to increase individuals’ progression into executive roles by helping them perform better at board level and help boards better meet operational challenges today and enable change for tomorrow.

Apply via [email protected]

Link to - Nye Bevan

12 months to complete

18 days on residential

Aimed at developing the best executive leaders, it offers support and learning to build resilience, confidence and capability.

Designed with national and international experts in health and organisational performance the programme offers support and learning to build personal resilience, confidence and capabilities over 12 months.

National Leadership Academy – Stepping Up Programme

This programme is open to aspiring BAME leaders, with 2 cohorts, one for band 5 and 6, and another for people in band 7.

Link to – The Stepping Up Programme

The Stepping Up programme is a leadership development programme for black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) colleagues in bands 5 - 7 (or equivalent) roles, who work within healthcare (the NHS or an organisation providing NHS care). The programme is designed to bridge the gap between where applicants are and where they need to be, to progress into more senior roles.

National Leadership Academy – Ready Now programme

This programme is open to aspiring senior BME leaders, currently working at band 8a or above.

Link to - The Ready Now programme

12 months to complete

Includes 3 day residential

Ready Now is the innovative and inspirational positive action programme from the NHS Leadership Academy. The year-long programme will take senior leaders from a BME background on a transformational learning journey, helping them to realise their potential and to take that next step up to a more senior role, to the boardroom and beyond.

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Return to Work Mentoring Programme

The Return to Work Mentoring Programme is designed to support staff transitioning back into the NHS, which is a complex and changeable system. This can be a difficult and lonely journey, which is why an inclusive mentoring support package for leaders at all levels.

Link to – Return to Work Mentoring Programme for Senior Leaders

It is designed to address issues by offering support around: Considerations when preparing to take leave such as

handover and succession planning Staying connected with the organisation while on leave Considerations for transitioning back into the workplace

after time off Recalibrating one’s identity in the run up to, during and

after a significant life change Coping with and managing change Getting a balance between personal and work life Developing and maintaining resilience when facing

career and personal pressures Reconnecting and developing new networks

Leadership TVWLA (OD) Back to competenciesDevelopment Programme

Description How to access Time Commitment Learning Outcome Evidence of Completion

Influencing the System A programme designed to support leaders to influence transformation and change across health and social care systems.

Link to - Wessex Influencing the System

3 day programme This practical three-day programme provides participants with the insight, skills and behaviours to influence both within their own organisations but also across other health and care partner organisations. By understanding our influencing styles we can expand our influencing toolkit to intelligently adapt our approaches to working with different organisations, teams and individuals and work with the differing power dynamics at play.

Certificate of completion

Lead and be Led A programme to increase understanding of the healthcare system and enhance both individual insights and behaviours.

Link to - Lead and be Led

2 day residential programme

This residential multi-professional course has been designed to help enhance your skills as a manager and leader. It also aims to develop self-awareness and awareness of others.

Mentoring for Leadership

Develop skills that can be used in everyday working life – for those who wish to be a mentor or develop mentoring skills

Link to - Mentoring for Leadership

2 days plus preparation

This programme will help you develop skills than can be used to mentor individuals – mentoring is a learning relationship which helps people take charge of their own development, to release their potential and achieve results which they value

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NHS Elect Workshops Back to competenciesDevelopment Programme

Description How to access

Conflict Resolution: Managing Positive Conversations in Difficult Situations

Conflict is invaluable within bounds. Too little conflict stifles creativity and challenge. Too much conflict stifles creativity and appropriate risk taking as well as promoting a culture based on buck-passing and blame. This session aims to demonstrate how we can put conflict to work productively which includes naming and managing conflict that has become unhealthy and surfacing submerged conflict when false consensus is stifling effective team working.

Follow this link for NHS Elect Information

Your management style and how to use it more effectively using MBTi

Psychological profiling tools like OCEAN, Merrill & Reid and MBTI help us to understand our own preferences about assessing situations, taking action and working in teams. They also help us to lead and influence more effectively through an enhanced ability to understand other people’s perspectives and bring colleagues together to maximise team performance.

Psychological Resilience The second part of the session will move on to examine the habits that build or erode psychological resilience with the aim of helping delegates manage their own capacity to operate sustainably under pressure and to create a picture of the do’s and don’ts of creating resilient teams.

Responding to Tenders Many of NHS Elects facilitators have significant commercial experience, which is brought to this workshop to help delegates respond effectively and convincingly to tenders.

Business Cases The ability to write and assess a business case is a core management skill. This session takes an interactive approach to the fundamentals of structure and content. Attendees will come away with an ability to clearly state and secure the benefits sought from their case as well as the capacity to develop and assess options, manage risk, gain support from influential stakeholders and sell the case to a broad audience of potential funders.

Project management This session aims to Demystify the concepts and principles of project management and show you some of the ideas and approaches that can be utilised in delivering successful change management for “sticky problems”. We will discuss what we mean by project management because by understanding the key steps and processes involved we hope you will see how it is applicable to any initiative that you undertake. We will also discuss the role of the project manager as a ‘change leader’.We will share with you lessons from Project Management on managing each step of an initiative involving change and how to develop a document that sets out for you – and others – how you will go about achieving your goal.

Process Mapping, Demand and Capacity

There are a number of simple tools and techniques that support Lean thinking and Service Improvement. Recommended by the NHS Institute’s 7 Ways to No Delays and the Modernisation Agency’s Ten High Impact Changes, these are proven to help staff reduce waiting lists.This workshop will focus on: Process mapping and analysis; What is ‘true’ demand and capacity and how do you measure it; Understanding the impact of variation on your system; Strategies for improving the flow through the system, including reducing queues, extending roles, gaining capacity, recognising carve out and segmentation and scheduling; Use of process templates to aid scheduling your capacity

Negotiating and Influencing

Negotiation and influence are life skills. Every day we practice on friends, family, colleagues, patients, the boss and the people who work for us. This workshop was developed specifically for the needs of NHS leaders using evidence based research and techniques

Facilitation Skills An interactive one day workshop exploring the role of a facilitator aimed at those who often find themselves facilitating workshops, meetings and events. The day will cover successful event design, facilitator tools and techniques, how groups make decisions and how to deal with common facilitator challenges.

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Lean Thinking This workshop covers the key principles of lean thinking, and how to apply them to enable organisations to be less wasteful. Follow this link for NHS Elect Information

Making Better Decisions – Using data to Manage and Improve

The practice of using quantitative data to drive improvement in health services has occasionally been brought into disrepute by crude analyses of suspect data followed by hasty action. This session aims to identify useful techniques which can account for data quality issues while suggesting practical avenues for improving the quality and value of services through techniques such as statistical process control (SPC).

Managing Change In this session we will get to grips with the theory and practice of two complementary approaches; John Kotter’s 8 Step change programme which is great for avoiding unforced errors when planning, executing and sustaining change. The second technique is Ralph Stacey’s model for understanding and dealing with complex and uncertain changes. We will explore the approaches and apply them to real NHS examples.

Social Media for the NHS This workshop will cover:• Tools and techniques for engaging with millennials through social media• The potential successes and pitfalls of using social media in the NHS• How to campaign effectively using social media• Ways to use social media for recruitment• Future trends in social media

Delivering Great Patient and Customer Experience

We can all copy some other organisation’s business or marketing plan but the one thing that is difficult for your competitor to copy is your customer service. How your staff behave on a bad day is your competitive advantage. Speakers this year include NHS organisations as well as other public sector organisations. This workshop provides tips and techniques for delivering great patient and customer experience and making them sustainable by engaging staff in meaningful way to their day-to-day job tasks.

Stepping Stones to marketing NHS Services

This session provides an introduction to the key concepts of marketing and branding. It is suitable both for those with some previous experience of marketing who are looking to refresh their knowledge as well as absolute beginners. The key concepts of marketing and branding and how they apply to the delegate’s role and organisation

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