Best Forex Software Trading Tips: Are you an Ideal Candidate for Forex Trading?

Best Forex Software Trading Tips: Are you an Ideal Candidate for Forex Trading? By: Marcello Ducille From: Many people that are trying to climb their way out of debt or into greener financial pastures shoot themselves in the foot before they even begin. They know that money can be made in bigger markets or investment portfolios or even in something as simple as currency exchange, but they don’t believe that they are one of the special ones that can do it well. Does this sound like you? You don’t need to be “special” to be a Forex trader. We’ve already talked about how you don’t need to be a rocket scientist to be a Forex trader, but you do need to be an ideal candidate. Believe it or not, if you have even just a little discipline in your soul, you are an ideal candidate for Forex trading. So before you shoot yourself in the foot and decide that you can’t do it, read here on how yes you can, if you know how to do it right. There is only one job description for Forex traders, but you will never see a posting for it or statements like “An ideal applicant would have....”. Why? Because there is no rule in stone on what makes a successful trader over one who isn’t successful. Generally speaking, the ideal candidate for Forex trading is one that is realistic in nature, and can exude some discipline in their overall daily lives. For example, let’s just say that there are two people, each with the same poor financial outlook but exactly the same education level, and each are given $500 for investment purposes. The money is free for them, they don’ t have to work for it, but the only rule is they need to use it in some way to try and make more money for themselves. If they can invest it well, they can keep everything. If they don’ t, they will lose whatever they lose. Now you know where this is going right? Person A is going to use it on short term gains methods. Gambling, lottery tickets, casino fun, etc. They might make some money off of it, but more than likely, without discipline, they are going to lose most if not all of it. Person B on the other hand might invest it differently. Maybe they will put it all in stocks, mutual funds, or they might even consider something like currency exchange. Person B however is not going to take their money and run to the nearest or most convenient cash cow. They are going to take it home, sit on it, and think about it for a


Many people that are trying to climb their way out of debt or into greener financial pastures shoot themselves in the foot before they even begin.

Transcript of Best Forex Software Trading Tips: Are you an Ideal Candidate for Forex Trading?

Best Forex Software Trading Tips:

Are you an Ideal Candidate for Forex Trading?

By: Marcello Ducille


Many people that are trying to climb their way out of

debt or into greener financial pastures shoot

themselves in the foot before they even begin. They

know that money can be made in bigger markets or

investment portfolios or even in something as simple

as currency exchange, but they don’t believe that they

are one of the special ones that can do it well. Does

this sound like you? You don’t need to be “special” to be a Forex trader. We’ve already

talked about how you don’t need to be a rocket scientist to be a Forex trader, but you do

need to be an ideal candidate. Believe it or not, if you have even just a little discipline in

your soul, you are an ideal candidate for Forex trading. So before you shoot yourself in

the foot and decide that you can’t do it, read here on how yes you can, if you know how

to do it right.

There is only one job description for Forex traders, but you will never see a posting for it

or statements like “An ideal applicant would have....”. Why? Because there is no rule in

stone on what makes a successful trader over one who isn’t successful. Generally

speaking, the ideal candidate for Forex trading is one that is realistic in nature, and can

exude some discipline in their overall daily lives.

For example, let’s just say that there are two people, each with the same poor financial

outlook but exactly the same education level, and each are given $500 for investment

purposes. The money is free for them, they don’t have to work for it, but the only rule is

they need to use it in some way to try and make more money for themselves. If they

can invest it well, they can keep everything. If they don’t, they will lose whatever they

lose. Now you know where this is going right? Person A is going to use it on short term

gains methods. Gambling, lottery tickets, casino fun, etc. They might make some

money off of it, but more than likely, without discipline, they are going to lose most if not

all of it.

Person B on the other hand might invest it differently. Maybe they will put it all in

stocks, mutual funds, or they might even consider something like currency exchange.

Person B however is not going to take their money and run to the nearest or most

convenient cash cow. They are going to take it home, sit on it, and think about it for a

little bit. The most disciplined will do some research, find the best thing to do with it,

and watch it grow in direct correlation to the amount of time they put into understanding

it well.

The point is, there is no right or wrong way to invest that $500. And one person is not

“smarter” than the other, they just do things differently, that’s all. Guess which one of

those folks would make the best Forex trader? Person B, of course. Because that’s

exactly what Forex trading is. Anybody can be successful at it, and the more discipline

and research you put into it, the better you get at it. At the end of the day....Anybody.

Can. Do. It.

You would actually be surprised at the levels of education in Forex trading that lose the

most money. That’s right. It’s the doctors and college professors of the world that don’t

know what else to do with their six figure incomes. They get addicted to the rush of it

like it’s a slot machine, but they don’t actually take the time to figure out how to execute

the slot machine to their advantage. So they just keep spinning the arm and end up

losing thousands. The truly successful Forex traders know that success in the market is

not about how smart you are, but how good you are making logical rational and

disciplined decisions at the right time. And like anything else, practising that discipline

makes you that much better.

Best regards, Marcello Ducille Professional Online Entrepreneur/Senior Forex Trader

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