Best dreadlocks


Transcript of Best dreadlocks

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Really in a need for dreadlocks? Have you prepared your mind for dreadlocks. Dreadlocks are awesome but they need to cared just like kids as they need lots of love and care for maintenance when they are new. You can have dreads by starting from today and lock up your hair today only!Starting for dreadlocks is not all a difficult procedure, the only thing you need to know is whether you are doing the right thing or not. There are various methods by which you can get dreadlocks of your own. These have become popular all over the world and people have become crazy for dreads. Dreads can be permanent or temporary, what kind of dreads you want is upon you only. People find it a crazy thing and many have already opted dreadlocks in Melbourne.

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There are various methods by which you can have dreads which are as follow:

Back combing: Dreads formed by back combing get tightens and smooth as they mature, but the results in this are instant. When you will start back combing you will come know that they have started taking their shape. A good soap and wax is a key component in the development of dreads. These take at least 3-4 months for reaching to the maturity level. In some cases, dread continue to grow of their own but sometimes they need a little help. Rubbing roots of the dreads in clockwise against the scalp also helps in forming dreadlocks.

Wool sweater or wool rubbing: In this method a wool sweater or hat is used and is rubbed in circles for 15 minutes. After that you will see knot have been formed if you have long hair. Try hair knot to rip off and try to separate them into dreads. Repeat the process till you get the desired results.

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Neglect method: In neglect method you have to do nothing, just keep your hair clean, but some don't even wash hair. This could be simply unhygienic and it also slows down the growth of dreadlocks. Just let it grow and it will take a year to form knots, but complete dreads and attaining good texture will take at least 3 years. Dread Perms: By this you only need to find a salon that does


Since, dreads are the new journey which you are going to start and is also permanent. It will be a turning point in your life.

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