Mathematical Finance, Vol. 26, No. 1 (January 2016), 122–148 BESSEL PROCESSES, STOCHASTIC VOLATILITY, AND TIMER OPTIONS CHENXU LI Guanghua School of Management, Peking University Motivated by analytical valuation of timer options (an important innovation in realized variance-based derivatives), we explore their novel mathematical connection with stochastic volatility and Bessel processes (with constant drift). Under the Heston (1993) stochastic volatility model, we formulate the problem through a first-passage time problem on realized variance, and generalize the standard risk-neutral valuation theory for fixed maturity options to a case involving random maturity. By time change and the general theory of Markov diffusions, we characterize the joint distribution of the first-passage time of the realized variance and the corresponding variance using Bessel processes with drift. Thus, explicit formulas for a useful joint density related to Bessel processes are derived via Laplace transform inversion. Based on these theoretical findings, we obtain a Black–Scholes–Merton-type formula for pricing timer options, and thus extend the analytical tractability of the Heston model. Several issues regarding the numerical implementation are briefly discussed. KEY WORDS: timer options, volatility derivatives, realized variance, stochastic volatility models, Bessel processes. 1. INTRODUCTION Over the past decades, volatility has become one of the central issues in financial mod- eling. Both the historic volatility derived from time series of past market prices and the implied volatility derived from the market price of a traded derivative (in particular, an option) play important roles in derivatives valuation. In addition to index or stock options, a variety of volatility (or variance) derivatives, such as variance swaps, volatility swaps, and options on VIX (the Chicago board of exchange volatility index), are now actively traded in the financial security markets. As a financial innovation, Soci´ et´ e G´ en´ erale Corporate and Investment Banking (SG CIB) launched a new type of option (see Sawyer 2007; Fontenay 2007; or Hawkins and Krol 2008), called “timer option,”for managing volatility risk. As reported in Sawyer (2007), “the price of a vanilla call option is determined by the level of implied volatility quoted in the market, as well as maturity and strike price. But the level of implied volatility is often higher than realized volatility, reflecting the uncertainty of future market direction. In simple terms, buyers of vanilla calls often overpay for their options. In fact, I am grateful to Professors Dilip Madan (Editor) and Jerome Detemple (Co-Editor), an Associate Editor, and two anonymous referees for their extensive and constructive comments. This research was supported by the Guanghua School of Management, the Center for Statistical Sciences, and the Key Laboratory of Mathematical Economics and Quantitative Finance (Ministry of Education) at Peking University, as well as the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Project 11201009). It was also initially supported in part by the faculty fellowship at Columbia University during the author’s PhD study. Manuscript received March 2012; final revision received January 2013. Address correspondence to Chenxu Li, Guanghua School of Management, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China; e-mail: [email protected]. DOI: 10.1111/mafi.12041 C 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 122

Transcript of BESSEL PROCESSES, STOCHASTIC VOLATILITY, AND TIMER … · In the Heston (1993) stochastic...

Page 1: BESSEL PROCESSES, STOCHASTIC VOLATILITY, AND TIMER … · In the Heston (1993) stochastic volatility model, a Feller square root diffusion (see Feller 1951; also known for its application

Mathematical Finance, Vol. 26, No. 1 (January 2016), 122–148



Guanghua School of Management, Peking University

Motivated by analytical valuation of timer options (an important innovation inrealized variance-based derivatives), we explore their novel mathematical connectionwith stochastic volatility and Bessel processes (with constant drift). Under the Heston(1993) stochastic volatility model, we formulate the problem through a first-passagetime problem on realized variance, and generalize the standard risk-neutral valuationtheory for fixed maturity options to a case involving random maturity. By time changeand the general theory of Markov diffusions, we characterize the joint distribution ofthe first-passage time of the realized variance and the corresponding variance usingBessel processes with drift. Thus, explicit formulas for a useful joint density related toBessel processes are derived via Laplace transform inversion. Based on these theoreticalfindings, we obtain a Black–Scholes–Merton-type formula for pricing timer options,and thus extend the analytical tractability of the Heston model. Several issues regardingthe numerical implementation are briefly discussed.

KEY WORDS: timer options, volatility derivatives, realized variance, stochastic volatility models,Bessel processes.


Over the past decades, volatility has become one of the central issues in financial mod-eling. Both the historic volatility derived from time series of past market prices and theimplied volatility derived from the market price of a traded derivative (in particular,an option) play important roles in derivatives valuation. In addition to index or stockoptions, a variety of volatility (or variance) derivatives, such as variance swaps, volatilityswaps, and options on VIX (the Chicago board of exchange volatility index), are nowactively traded in the financial security markets.

As a financial innovation, Societe Generale Corporate and Investment Banking (SGCIB) launched a new type of option (see Sawyer 2007; Fontenay 2007; or Hawkins andKrol 2008), called “timer option,”for managing volatility risk. As reported in Sawyer(2007), “the price of a vanilla call option is determined by the level of implied volatilityquoted in the market, as well as maturity and strike price. But the level of impliedvolatility is often higher than realized volatility, reflecting the uncertainty of future marketdirection. In simple terms, buyers of vanilla calls often overpay for their options. In fact,

I am grateful to Professors Dilip Madan (Editor) and Jerome Detemple (Co-Editor), an Associate Editor,and two anonymous referees for their extensive and constructive comments. This research was supportedby the Guanghua School of Management, the Center for Statistical Sciences, and the Key Laboratory ofMathematical Economics and Quantitative Finance (Ministry of Education) at Peking University, as wellas the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Project 11201009). It was also initially supported inpart by the faculty fellowship at Columbia University during the author’s PhD study.

Manuscript received March 2012; final revision received January 2013.Address correspondence to Chenxu Li, Guanghua School of Management, Peking University, Beijing

100871, China; e-mail: [email protected].

DOI: 10.1111/mafi.12041©C 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


Page 2: BESSEL PROCESSES, STOCHASTIC VOLATILITY, AND TIMER … · In the Heston (1993) stochastic volatility model, a Feller square root diffusion (see Feller 1951; also known for its application


having analyzed all stocks in the Euro Stoxx 50 index since 2000, SG CIB calculates that80% of 3-month calls that have matured in-the-money were overpriced.” To ensure thatinvestors pay for the realized variance instead of the implied one, a timer call (put) optionentitles the investor to the right to purchase (sell) the underlying asset at a prespecifiedstrike price at the first time when a prespecified variance budget is consumed. Insteadof fixing the maturity and letting the volatility float, timer options do the reverse byfixing the variance budget and randomizing the maturity. Thus, a timer option can beviewed as a call option with random maturity, where the maturity occurs at the first timea prescribed variance budget is exhausted.

Several features of timer options can be seen as follows. First, according to SocieteGenerale, a timer call option is empirically cheaper than a traditional European calloption with the same expected investment horizon, when the realized volatility is less thanthe implied volatility. Second, with timer options, systematic market timing is optimizedfor the following reason. If the volatility increases, the timer call option terminates earlier.However, if the volatility decreases, the timer call option simply takes more time to reachits maturity. Third, financial institutions can use timer options to overcome the difficultyof pricing the call and put options whose implied volatility is difficult to quote. Thissituation usually happens in the markets where the implied volatility data does not existor is limited. Fourth, in consideration of applications to portfolio insurance, portfoliomanagers can use timer put options on an index (or a well-diversified portfolio) to limittheir downside risk. They might be interested in hedging specifically against suddenmarket drops such as the crashes in 1987 and 2008. Fifth, from the perspective of thefinancial institutions who offer timer options, if there is a market collapse, the suddenhigh volatility will cause the timer put options to be exercised rapidly, thus protectingand hedging the fund’s value. By contrast, European put options do not have this feature.With a timer put option, some uncertainty about the portfolio’s outcome is representedby uncertainty about the variable time horizon (see Bick 1995 for a similar discussion).

Stochastic volatility models have widely been employed in option valuation, see, e.g.,surveys in Broadie and Detemple (2004) and Fouque, Papanicolaou, and Sircar (2000).In particular, applications in pricing volatility derivatives can be found in, e.g., Detempleand Osakwe (2000), Broadie and Jain (2008), and Kallsen, Muhle-Karbe, and Voß (2011)among others. The motivation of this paper lies in the modeling and valuation fortimer options under the celebrated Heston stochastic volatility model (see Heston 1993),which is popular among others for its analytical tractability. To generalize the risk-neutral valuation for options with fixed maturities to random maturities, we begin byformulating the timer option valuation problem as a first-passage time problem. Basedon such a representation, a conditional Black–Scholes–Merton-type formula for pricingtimer options follows immediately. To derive explicit formulas for pricing timer options,we apply stochastic time-change techniques to find that the variance process in theHeston model, running on first-passage time of the realized variance, is indeed equivalentin distribution to a Bessel process with constant drift (see Linetsky 2004), which isknown for its application in queuing theory and financial engineering. This naturallymotivates the investigation of analytical formulas for a joint density on Bessel processesand the integration of its reciprocal via Laplace transform inversion. Finally, explicitBlack–Scholes–Merton-type formulas for pricing timer options are established as novelgeneralizations of Black and Scholes (1973), Merton (1973), and Heston (1993). Thechallenge of practical implementation for the analytical formula, as demonstrated in thispaper, can be circumvented by an application of the algorithm proposed by Abate andWhitt (1992) for efficient computation of Laplace transform inversion via Fourier seriesexpansion.

Page 3: BESSEL PROCESSES, STOCHASTIC VOLATILITY, AND TIMER … · In the Heston (1993) stochastic volatility model, a Feller square root diffusion (see Feller 1951; also known for its application

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In the Heston (1993) stochastic volatility model, a Feller square root diffusion (seeFeller 1951; also known for its application in modeling spot interest rates, see Cox,Ingersoll, and Ross 1985) is employed for modeling the stochastic variance process. Asone of the most popular and widely used stochastic volatility models, the variance process{Vt} is assumed to follow the stochastic differential equation:

dVt = κ(θ − Vt) dt + σv


where {Wt} is a standard Brownian motion. The Feller diffusion (see Feller 1951), alsocalled “square root diffusion,” is widely used in financial modeling due to its favorableproperties. The Heston (1993) stochastic volatility model has received much attentionfrom both academia and industry due to its analytical tractability. The popularity startedfrom its explicit formulas for pricing European options via the inversion of closed-formcharacteristic functions proposed in Heston (1993). We also note that exact simulationstrategies based on the explicit distributions of the Heston model have been proposed, see,e.g., Broadie and Kaya (2006) and Glasserman and Kim (2011). However, the distributionof first-passage time of realized variance, as advocated for converting variance uncertaintyto time randomness in Geman and Yor (1993), has not yet drawn enough attention.Mathematically speaking, the first-passage time for realized variance can be definedthrough the first time for the total realized variance to achieve a certain level, i.e.,

τb := inf{

u ≥ 0;∫ u

0Vsds = b


for any b > 0. It is obvious that such a random time runs fast if the volatility is high andruns slow if the volatility is low. For the Hull and White (1987) stochastic volatility model,Geman and Yor (1993) established an explicit formula for the distribution related to τb

using some remarkable analytical properties of Bessel processes. In this paper, motivatedby the pricing of timer options, we connect the distribution of (τb, Vτb ) to Bessel processesvia stochastic time change and the general theory of Markov processes; see Revuz andYor (1999).

The organization of the rest of this paper is as follows. In Section 2 we introduce themodel and some basic setup. In Section 3 we formulate the timer option valuation problemas a first-passage time problem. In Section 4 we investigate the connection between theFeller square root diffusion and Bessel process with constant drift and derive a jointdensity of Bessel processes needed for characterizing the distribution of our interest. InSection 5 Black–Scholes–Merton-type formulas for pricing timer options are proposedand analyzed in comparison to existing literature on business time hedging and quadratic-variation-based strategies. In Section 6, an efficient algorithm for implementing theformulas is proposed and demonstrated through numerical examples. Section 7 concludesthis paper and points out some limitations and further research opportunities. All proofsare collected in Appendices A, B, and C.


For an investment horizon T large enough, let us define �t = T/n as the time incrementand suppose that the asset price is observed at ti = i�t for i = 0, 1, 2, . . . , n. For example,according to the daily sampling convention, �t is usually chosen as 1/252 correspondingto the standard 252 trading days in a year. Let {St} denote the price process of the

Page 4: BESSEL PROCESSES, STOCHASTIC VOLATILITY, AND TIMER … · In the Heston (1993) stochastic volatility model, a Feller square root diffusion (see Feller 1951; also known for its application


underlying stock (or index). The annualized realized variance for the period [0, T] isdefined as

σ 2T := 1

(n − 1)�t







see, e.g., Broadie and Jain (2008). The (cumulative) realized variance over time period[0, T] is accordingly defined as

RV T = T · σ 2T ≈







which records the total variation of the asset return. Upon purchasing a timer calloption, an investor specifies a variance budget calculated from B = σ 2

0 T0, where T0 isan expected investment horizon and σ0 is the forecasted realized volatility during theexpected investment period. Thus, a timer call option pays out max(ST − K, 0) at thefirst time T when the realized variance (2.1) exceeds the level B, i.e.,

T := min







≥ B

}· �t.(2.2)

Similarly, a timer put option with strike K and variance budget B has a payoffmax (K − ST , 0).

In this paper, we assume that the asset {St} and its instantaneous variance {Vt} followthe Heston stochastic volatility model (see Heston 1993). In a filtered probability space(�, P,G, {Gt}), the joint dynamics of {St} and {Vt} are specified as

dSt = μStdt +√

Vt St(ρd Z(1)

t +√

1 − ρ2d Z(2)t),

dVt = ε(ϑ − Vt) dt + σv


t ,

where {(Z(1)t , Z(2)

t )} is a standard two-dimensional Brownian motion. Here, μ representsthe return of the asset; ε is the speed of mean reversion of {Vt}; ϑ is the long-termmean-reversion level of {Vt}; σv is a parameter reflecting the volatility of {Vt}; ρ is thecorrelation between the asset return and its variance. Let us also recall that the Hestonstochastic volatility model is equipped with a particular linear functional form of themarket price of volatility risk �(t, Vt) = η


For computational convenience, the valuation of variance (volatility) derivatives usu-ally calls for continuous approximation of the realized variance (2.1). Through quadraticvariation calculation for {log S(t)}, it is straightforward to find that, for any t > 0,







= lim�t→0


(log Sti − log Sti−1

)2 =∫ t


Thus, we define

It :=∫ t


as a continuous-time version of the cumulative-realized variance (2.1) over the timeperiod [0, t]. As a special case of the τb defined in (1.1), we introduce a first-passage time

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τ := inf{

u ≥ 0;∫ u

0Vsds = B


It is obvious that τ is a continuous-time approximation of T defined in (2.2). In afinancial market with relatively high trading frequency, e.g., daily, a timer call option canbe regarded as an option paying out max (Sτ − K, 0) at the random maturity time (2.4).In the following expositions, we will focus on this continuous-time setting.


We assume that timer options can be dynamically replicated using the underlying andauxiliary assets reflecting market price of volatility risk. Without loss of generality, weemploy variance swaps to do such a job. Because the replication needs to be done untilthe random maturity τ , we replace expired variance swaps with new ones until the totalvariance budget is consumed at the time τ . More precisely, we regard [0, τ ] as a disjointunion of hedging periods

Di :=⎡⎣⎛⎝ i−1∑



⎞⎠ ∧ τ,

⎛⎝ i∑j=0


⎞⎠ ∧ τ

⎤⎦ for i = 1, 2, . . . ,

where T0 := 0 and T1, T2, . . . represent the maturities of the variance swaps employed inreplication. In other words, on each Di , the timer option is replicated by dynamicallyrebalancing the portfolio consisting of the underlying asset with price {St} and a varianceswap with maturity Ti and price process {Gt(i )}.

By generalizing the risk-neutral valuation theory for pricing derivative securities withfixed maturity to a case with random maturity, a heuristic replication argument allowsus to establish a boundary value problem for pricing timer options, dynamic hedgingstrategies, as well as risk-neutral expectation representations for timer option prices inwhat follows. The literature of stochastic volatility has witnessed various treatment ofreplication and valuation, see, e.g., Cvitanic, Pham, and Touzi (1999), Frey and Sin(1999), Frey (2000), Hobson (2004), Biagini, Guasoni, and Pratelli (2000), Hofmann,Platen, and Schweizer (1992), and Romano and Touzi (1997). However, in this paper, weassume that the market is completed by trading auxiliary volatility-sensitive derivatives,e.g., variance swaps, which are priced in a risk-neutral probability measure Q. Under Q,

the Heston model dynamics follows

dSt = rStdt +√

Vt St

[ρdW (1)

t +√

1 − ρ2dW (2)t


dVt = κ(θ − Vt)dt + σv

√VtdW (1)

t ,(3.1b)

for some κ, θ, σv > 0. Here, r is the risk-free rate. We also assume that −1 < ρ < 1.

Without loss of generality, we assume that a variance swap with large enough maturitystruck at some level can be used as an auxiliary asset for replicating timer options.According to Broadie and Jain (2008), the price for variance swap Gt = G(t, Vt, It) forsome function G on R3

+ of the class C1,2,1 satisfies the PDE


+ κ(θ − v)∂G∂v

+ v∂G∂x

+ 12σ 2

v v∂2G∂v2

= rG,

Page 6: BESSEL PROCESSES, STOCHASTIC VOLATILITY, AND TIMER … · In the Heston (1993) stochastic volatility model, a Feller square root diffusion (see Feller 1951; also known for its application



d(e−rtGt) = e−rt ∂G∂v



t .

To replicate a timer option, suppose at time t, an investor holds �St shares of the

underlying asset with price St and �Gt shares of the aforementioned variance swap with

price Gt. The remainder of the portfolio value, �t − �St St − �G

t Gt, is fully invested inthe risk-free money market account. In order for the portfolio to be self-financing, wehave

d�t = �St dSt + �G

t dGt + r(�t − �S

t St − �Gt Gt


which is equivalent to

d(e−rt�t) = e−rt[�St (dSt − r Stdt) + �G

t (dGt − rGtdt)]

= e−rt[�G



√VtdW (1)

t + �St

√Vt St

(ρdW (1)

t +√

1 − ρ2dW (2)t)]


On the other hand, we assume that the timer (put or call) option struck at K with payofffunction H(s), i.e.,

H(s) = max{K − s, 0} for a timer put option,(3.2a)

H(s) = max{s − K, 0} for a timer call option,(3.2b)

has price Pt∧τ = u(t ∧ τ ; St∧τ , Vt∧τ , It∧τ ) for some function u(t; s, v, x) on R4+ of the class

C1,2,2,1. In other words, u(t, s, v, x) denotes the price of the timer option at time t withunderlying value s, variance level v, strike K, and variance budget B − x. Thus, we have

d(e−rt Pt) = e−rt[


+ κ(θ − Vt)∂u∂v

+ r St∂u∂s

+ Vt∂u∂x

+ 12σ 2

v Vt∂2u∂v2

+ 12

S2t Vt


+ ρσv StVt∂2u∂s∂v

− ru]

dt + e−rt[



√VtdW (1)


+ ∂u∂s

√Vt St

(ρdW (1)

t +√

1 − ρ2dW (2)t

) ].

Replication yields that

d(e−rt Pt) = d(e−rt�t),

which results in the following PDE boundary value problem


+ κ(θ − v)∂u∂v

+ rs∂u∂s

+ v∂u∂x

+ 12σ 2

v v∂2u∂v2

+ 12


+ ρσv sv∂2u∂s∂v

− ru = 0,


u(t, s, v, B) = H(s),(3.3b)

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for (t, s, v, x) ∈ [0, +∞) × [0, +∞) × (0, +∞) × (0, B] as well as the following replicat-ing strategy:

�St = ∂u

∂sand �G

t = ∂u∂v



In the following proposition, we represent the timer option price as a risk-neutralexpectation of discounted payoff, which further leads to a conditional Black–Scholes–Merton-type formula. For such a purpose, we define the following functions, whichgeneralize the corresponding components in the celebrated Black–Scholes–Merton for-mula (see Black and Scholes 1973 and Merton 1973) for pricing European options. Welet

d0(v, ξ ) : = ρ

σv(v − V0 − κθξ + κ B) − 1

2ρ2 B,(3.4a)

d1(v, ξ ) : = 1√(1 − ρ2)B




)+ rξ + 1

2B(1 − ρ2) + d0(v, ξ )


d2(v, ξ ) : = 1√(1 − ρ2)B




)+ rξ − 1

2B(1 − ρ2) + d0(v, ξ )


where, indeed, the following relation holds

d2(v, ξ ) = d1(v, ξ ) −√

(1 − ρ2)B.

Also, denote by

N(x) = 1√2π

∫ x

−∞e− u2

2 du

the standard normal cumulative distribution function.

PROPOSITION 3.1. The price of a timer put or call option with variance budget B andpayoff function H(s) defined in (3.2a) or (3.2b) admits the following Feynman–Kac-typerepresentation for its arbitrage-free price at time t ∧ τ,

u(t ∧ τ, s, v, x) = EQ[e−r (τ−t∧τ ) H(Sτ ) | St∧τ = s, Vt∧τ = v, It∧τ = x],(3.5)

which is indeed independent of t ∧ τ in the sense that

u(t ∧ τ, s, v, x) ≡ EQ[e−rτB−x H(SτB−x) | S0 = s, V0 = v ],(3.6)

where τB−x and τ are defined in (1.1) and (2.4), respectively. Equivalently, the initialarbitrage-free price of the timer put option satisfies the following risk-neutral representationand conditional Black–Scholes–Merton-type formula

P0 = EQ[e−rτ max(K − Sτ , 0)](3.7a)

= EQ[Ke−rτ N(−d2(Vτ , τ )) − S0(1 − ed0(Vτ ,τ ) N(d1(Vτ , τ )))];(3.7b)

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similar expressions follow for the time call option, i.e.,

C0 = EQ[e−rτ max(Sτ − K, 0)](3.8a)

= EQ[S0ed0(Vτ ,τ ) N(d1(Vτ , τ )) − Ke−rτ N(d2(Vτ , τ ))


Proof. See Appendix A. �REMARK 3.2. Based on (3.5), it follows that ∂u/∂t = 0 for the PDE boundary value

problem (3.3a) and (3.3b). Denote by w(s, v, x) = u(t, s, v, x). Thus, we characterize thearbitrage-free timer option prices using the following Dirichlet problems of degeneratedelliptic PDEs with boundary condition on a plane {(ξ1, ξ2, B), ξ1 ∈ R, ξ2 ∈ R}:


+ 12σ 2

v v∂2w∂v2

+ 12


+ ρσv sv∂2w∂s∂v

+ κ (θ − v)∂w∂v

+ rs∂w∂s

− rw = 0,

w(s, v, B) = H(s).

Indeed, this characterization reconciles the fact that timer option prices are independentof the initial time, but solely depend on the initial asset price, the variance level, and thevariance budget. We also note that the remaining variance budget x can be regarded asa temporal variable corresponding to the stochastic variance clock (2.3).

An immediate mathematical reconcilement with the Black–Scholes–Merton formu-las resides in the case of ρ = 0, σv = 0, κ = 0, under which {W(2)

t } is the only drivingBrownian motion. In this case, the variance Vt ≡ V0 is a constant and

dSt = r Stdt +√

V0StdW (2)t .

For a variance budget B = V0T, it is obvious that τ = T. Thus,

Sτ ≡ ST = S0 exp{

r T − 12

B +√



It is obvious that d0(v, ξ ) defined in (3.4a) equals zero; d1(v, ξ ) and d2(v, ξ ) defined in(3.4b) and (3.4c), respectively, reduce to the Black–Scholes–Merton case, i.e.,

d1(v, ξ ) = 1√V0T





(r + 1




d2(v, ξ ) = 1√V0T





(r − 1




The price of the timer call option with variance budget B = V0T coincides with theBlack–Scholes–Merton price of a call option with maturity T and strike K . That is,C0 = S0 N(d1) − Ke−r T N(d2).


Motivated by the valuation of timer options, we present a characterization of the jointdistribution of the first-passage time τ defined in (2.4) and the variance Vτ via a Besselprocess with constant drift. Also, a related joint distribution on Bessel processes isinvestigated.

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First, we introduce some notations and briefly recall some fundamental facts aboutBessel processes and Bessel processes with constant drift. According to Linetsky (2004), aBessel process with drift μ and index ν > − 1

2 , or equivalently, dimension δ = 2(ν + 1) >

1, has a state space E = [0, ∞), a scale function s(x) = x−2νe−2μx, and a speed measurem(dx) = 2x2ν+1e2μxdx. Its infinitesimal generator is given by

A f (x) = 12

f ′′(x) +((

ν + 12


+ μ

)f ′(x),(4.1)

with the corresponding domain

DA ={

f | f ,A( f ) ∈ C0([0, +∞)),d f +(0)

ds= 0


where the reflecting boundary condition is defined by

df +(0)ds

= limx→0+

f (x) − f (0)s(x) − s(0)

= 0.(4.3)

For μ = 0, the case reduces to a standard Bessel process, see Revuz and Yor (1999) fordetailed discussions.

Let {Rt} be a δ-dimensional Bessel process labeled as BESδ. For any δ ≥ 2, {Rt} is adiffusion process governed by the SDE:

dRt = δ − 12Rt

dt + dWt, R0 > 0,(4.4)

where {Wt} is a standard Brownian motion. Conventionally, BESδ is alternatively denotedby BES(ν), where ν = δ/2 − 1 is its index. For any μ ∈ R, let {Rμ

t } be a δ-dimensionalBessel process with drift μ. For any δ ≥ 2, {Rμ

t } is a diffusion process {Rμt } governed by

the SDE:

dRμt =

(δ − 12Rμ

t+ μ

)dt + dWt, Rμ

0 > 0.(4.5)

Similar to the Bessel process without drift, let BESδμ or BES(ν)

μ denote such a process,where ν = δ/2 − 1 is its index. For the case of δ ≥ 2 (ν ≥ 0), the point zero is unattainablefor both {Rt} are {Rμ

t }; however, for the case of 2 > δ ≥ 1 (0 > ν ≥ −1/2), the point zerois attainable but instantaneously reflecting for both {Rt} are {Rμ

t } (see Revuz and Yor1999 and Linetsky 2004). According to exercise 1.26 in chapter XI from Revuz and Yor(1999), it is known that (4.4) and (4.5) still hold for 2 > δ ≥ 1; however, these equationsare regarded as semimartingale decompositions, which imply the following integrabilityproperties: ∫ t



ds < ∞ and∫ t



sds < ∞.(4.6)

In queuing theory, Bessel processes with constant drift have appeared as heavy trafficlimits (see Coffman, Puhalskii, and Reiman 1998); in financial engineering, Bessel pro-cesses with constant drift relate to some nonaffine analytically tractable specifications forspot interest rates, credit spreads, and stochastic volatility (see Linetsky 2004). For moredetailed studies on Bessel processes and Bessel processes with drift, readers are referredto Revuz and Yor (1999), Karatzas and Shreve (1991) as well as Linetsky (2004).

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4.1. A Distributional Identity

Based on (3.7b) and (3.8b), the valuation of timer options calls for the joint distributionof (Vτ , τ ). It turns out that for the Feller diffusion

dVt = κ(θ − Vt) dt + σv

√VtdW (1)


the distribution of (Vτ , τ ) can be characterized by using a Bessel process with constantdrift.

PROPOSITION 4.1. Under the risk neutral probability measure Q , we have a distributionalidentity for the bivariate random variable (Vτ , τ ):

(Vτ , τ ) D(

σv XB,

∫ B


dsσv Xs


where τ and B are defined in (2.4) and {Vt} is defined in (3.1b). Here {Xt} is a Besselprocess with index ν = κθ/σ 2

v − 1/2 (dimension δ = 2κθ/σ 2v + 1) and constant drift −κ/σv

satisfying the stochastic differential equation:

dXt =(


σ 2v Xt

− κ


)dt + dBt, X0 = V0/σv ,(4.9)

where {Bt} is a standard one-dimensional Brownian motion.

Proof. See Appendix B. �This proposition can be regarded as parallel to a characterization investigated in

Geman and Yor (1993) for the Hull and White (1987) stochastic volatility model. Indeed,when the Feller condition 2κθ − σ 2

v ≥ 0 holds, the dimension (resp. the index) of Besselprocess with drift (4.9) satisfies ν = κθ/σ 2

v − 1/2 ≥ 0 (resp. δ = 2κθ/σ 2v + 1 ≥ 2). Thus,

zero is an unattainable point for both the variance process {Vt} and the Bessel process {Xt}as introduced in (3.1b) and (4.9), respectively, according to the Feller test for classifyingboundary points (see Section 5.5 in Karatzas and Shreve 1991). Thus, in the case of2κθ − σ 2

v ≥ 0, the identity (4.8) follows from a stochastic time-change argument. Whenthe Feller condition is violated, i.e., 2κθ − σ 2

v < 0, zero is attainable and instantaneouslyreflecting. The distributional identity (4.8) follows from the general theory of Markovdiffusion processes and machineries from real analysis.

4.2. A Joint Density on Bessel Process

For the Bessel process {Rt} with index ν ≥ 0, the joint distribution of (Rt,∫ t



and its applications in applied probability and stochastic modeling are well studied in,e.g., Geman and Yor (1993), Revuz and Yor (1999), and Yor (2001). However, the law of(Rt,

∫ t0


du) and its applications received much less attention. For any arbitrary s > 0,let

p(x, t; s) dxdt := P

(Rs ∈ dx,

∫ s



∈ dt)


To further apply the joint distribution in (4.8) for the analytical valuation of timer options,we find an explicit expression for p(x, t; s) in what follows.

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Now, we derive an expression for (4.10) by employing Laplace transform inversion ona joint density on Bessel processes involving exponential stopping given in Borodin andSalminen (2002). According to Borodin and Salminen (2002), the joint distribution onBessel process and the integration functional of its reciprocal stopped at an independentexponential time admits the following closed-form representation; i.e., for the Besselprocess R with index ν starting at R0 > 0 and an independent exponential time T withintensity λ > 0, we have that


(RT ∈ dx,

∫ T



∈ dt)

= q(x, t; λ) dxdt,(4.11)


q(x, t; λ) := λ√


Rν0 sinh



) exp

⎛⎜⎝−(R0 + x)

√2λ cosh






)⎞⎟⎠ I2ν

⎛⎜⎝ 2√






with Iν(·) representing a modified Bessel function for the first kind defined by

Iν(z) :=+∞∑k=0

1k!�(ν + k + 1)

( z2


We note that the exponential stopping (4.11) is equivalent to a Laplace transform ofp(x, t; s) on the time variable s, i.e.,

H(λ) :=∫ +∞

0e−λs p(x, t; s) ds ≡ q(x, t; λ)


holding for all positive real values: λ > 0. To obtain p(x, t; s) through Laplace transforminversion, we perform analytical continuation in order to extend the domain of theLaplace transformH(λ) to the following complex region of convergence (see, e.g., chapter3 in Doetsch 1974):

D = {λ ∈ C, Re(λ) > 0}.(4.14)

In what follows, we articulate the analytical continuation of q(x, t; λ)/λ, i.e., we considerhow this function is defined for λ = γ + iy with γ > 0 and i = √−1. First, we note thatthere is no problem to define

√λ = √

γ + iy as a single valued analytic function becauseγ + iy lies in the principal branch (−π, π ] as y increases from −∞ to ∞. Denoted by

A(y) := 2√

2(γ + iy)R0x




) .(4.15)

In Figure 4.1, we observe the winding of A(y) through the winding of a scaled argument

γ (y) := A(y)log log |A(y)|

|A(y)| .

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FIGURE 4.1. Winding of the Bessel argument A(y).

We also note that brute force extension of the modified Bessel function (4.12) results in amultivalued function when the index ν is not an integer.1 Thus, to ensure the analyticity ofI2ν(A(y)) on the region D, we employ the following well-known analytical continuation,i.e., see page 376 in Abramowitz and Stegun (1984), for any m ∈ N,

Iν(zemπ i ) = emνπ i Iν(z).(4.16)

Thus, to preserve analyticity, the value of the function q(x, t; λ)/λ on a branch differentfrom the principal one (−π, π ] needs to be defined by multiplying the value on theprincipal branch by a factor emνπ i .

It is obvious that the Laplace transform is absolutely convergent in the region (4.14)in the sense that ∫ +∞

0|e−λs p(x, t; s) | ds < ∞, for λ ∈ D.

Note that Laplace transform is analytic in the region of absolute convergence, see, e.g.,chapter 6 in Doetsch (1974). Therefore, the uniqueness of analytical continuation (see,e.g., chapter 8 in Ahlfors 1979) guarantees that (4.13) holds for any λ ∈ D with thefunction H(λ) defined on D through the aforementioned analytical continuation pro-cedure. Similar argument for analytical continuation of Laplace transform applied tomathematical finance can be found in appendix D of Davydov and Linetsky (2001b).Thus, according to section 2.4 in Doetsch (1974) (see, e.g., theorems 24.3 and 24.4),the joint density (4.10) can be obtained from a Bromwich integral for inverting Laplacetransform, of which the literature has seen various applications, see, e.g., Davydov andLinetsky (2001a), Davydov and Linetsky (2001b), Petrella (2004), Fusai (2004), Kou,Petrella, and Wang (2005), Cai, Chen, and Wan (2009, 2010), and Cai and Kou (2011,2012).

1This is because the complex power function is multivalued. Indeed, the power functionzα := |z|αei (arg(z)+2nπ )α, for any integer n, has different values when α is not an integer.

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PROPOSITION 4.2. The joint density (4.10) admits the following analytical representationthrough Laplace transform inversion: for any damping factor γ > 0, we have

p(x, t; B) = limz→∞

12π i

∫ γ+i z

γ−i zeBλH(λ) dλ,(4.17)

where the function H(λ) is defined in (4.13) and the above procedure of analyticalcontinuation.

Before closing this section, we bring out the joint law of a standard Bessel processsatisfying the stochastic differential equation (4.4) and its driving Brownian motion as aby-product of the previous results.

COROLLARY 4.3. The joint density of Rt and Wt in (4.4) has the following representation

P (Rt ∈ dx,Wt ∈ dw) = 2ν + 12


x,2(x − w − R0)

2ν + 1, t)



In this section, we apply the results established in the previous sections to derive Black–Scholes–Merton-type formulas for pricing timer options. Such formulas can be regardedas generalizations of the celebrated Black–Scholes–Merton formula (see Black andScholes 1973 and Merton 1973) as well as the semi-closed-form formula under theHeston stochastic volatility model (see Heston 1993) for pricing European options. Un-der an assumption that the interest rate is zero, our formulas can be simplified to theBlack–Scholes–Merton formula with appropriate parameters, based on which we pointout some connections with existing literatures and untangle a puzzle on the comparisonbetween timer options and European options.

Now, using d0(v, ξ ), d1(v, ξ ), and d2(v, ξ ) defined in (3.4a), (3.4b), and (3.4c), the jointdensity p(x, t) explicitly obtained in Proposition 4.2, and an auxiliary function definedby

c(v, ξ ) := κ

σ 2v

(V0 − v) + κ2θ

σ 2v

ξ − κ2

2σ 2v


we obtain the following proposition.

PROPOSITION 5.1. Under the Heston (1993) stochastic volatility model (3.1a) and(3.1b), for strike K and variance budget B, the initial price of a timer call option is givenby

C0 := S0�c1 − K�c


the initial price of a timer put option is given by

P0 := K�p2 − S0�

p1 .(5.2)

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Here, for i = 1, 2,

�ci :=

∫ ∞


∫ ∞



(σv x,


)p(x, t; B) dxdt,(5.3)

�pi :=

∫ ∞


∫ ∞



(σv x,


)p(x, t; B) dxdt,


�c1(v, ξ ) = N(d1(v, ξ )) exp{d0(v, ξ ) + c(v, ξ )},

�c2(v, ξ ) = N(d2(v, ξ )) exp{−rξ + c(v, ξ )},

�p1 (v, ξ ) = (1 − N(d1(v, ξ )) exp{d0(v, ξ )}) exp {c(v, ξ )} ,

�p2 (v, ξ ) = N(−d2(v, ξ )) exp{−rξ + c(v, ξ )},

and p(x, t; B), as given in (4.17), is the transition density of a standard Bessel process withindex ν = κθ/σ 2

v − 1/2 and initial value R0 = V0/σv .

Proof. See Appendix C. �An idea similar to timer options can be traced back to Bick (1995), which proposed

a quadratic variation based and model-free portfolio insurance strategy to synthesize aput-like protection with payoff max{K ′erτ − Sτ , 0} for some K ′ > 0. Though the timeroption payoff max{K ′ − Sτ , 0}, for some K ′ > 0, considered in this paper is differentfrom the put-like protection, timer put options may serve as effective tools for portfolioinsurance. With a timer put option written on an index (a well-diversified portfolio),the uncertainty about the index’s volatility is replaced by the variability in time horizon.Dupire (2005) applied a similar idea to the “business time delta hedging” of volatilityderivatives under the assumption that the interest rate is zero. Working under a generalsemimartingale framework, Carr and Lee (2010) investigated the hedging of options onrealized variance. As an example, Carr and Lee (2010) provided a model-free strategyfor replicating a class of claims on asset price when realized variance reaches a barrier.Using the method proposed in Carr and Lee (2010), one is able to price and replicate apayoff in the form: e.g., max(Sτ − Kerτ , 0). It is worth noting that this payoff coincideswith Societe Generale’s timer call option with payoff max(Sτ − K, 0), when the interestrate r is assumed to be zero.

When r = 0%, a much simpler version of the Black–Scholes–Merton-type formulas(5.1) and (5.2) for pricing timer options can be directly derived from the risk-neutralrepresentations (3.7a) and (3.8a). Indeed, we have that

St = S0 exp{∫ t



u − 12

∫ t



where Wsu = ρW(1)

t +√

1 − ρ2W(2)t . Recall that the variance budget is calculated as B =

σ 20 T0, where [0, T0] is the expected investment horizon for some T0; and σ0 is the forecasted

annualized realized volatility. Based on the definition of τ in (2.4), we apply the Dubins–Dambis–Schwarz theorem (see, e.g., chapter 3, theorem 4.6 in Karatzas and Shreve 1991)to obtain that ∫ τ



u = W sB,

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for a standard Brownian motion {W st }. This leads to that

Sτ = S0 exp{W s

B − 12



It is easy to obtain the following result for pricing a timer call option under the assumptionr = 0%.

PROPOSITION 5.2. Assuming r = 0%, the price of the timer call option with strike K andvariance budget B = σ 2

0 T0 can be expressed by the Black–Scholes–Merton (1973) formula:

C0 = EQ [max{Sτ − K, 0}] = BSM(S0, K, T0, σ0, 0),(5.4)

where BSM(s, K, T, σ, r ) is the Black–Scholes–Merton formula for pricing European calloptions, i.e.,

BSM (s, K, T, σ, r ) := sN(d1) − Ke−rT N(d2),

with the functions

d1 : = 1




( sK


(r + σ 2




d2 : = 1




( sK


(r − σ 2




Based on this proposition, we provide a theoretical justification of the following claimgiven in Sawyer (2007), i.e., “High implied volatility means call options are often over-priced. In the timer option, the investor only pays the real cost of the call and does notsuffer from high implied volatility.” More precisely, we verify that the timer call optionwith strike K and expected investment horizon T0 and forecasted realized volatility σ0

(variance budget B = σ 20 T0) is less expensive than a European call option with strike

K and maturity T0, when the implied volatility σimp(K, T0) associated to strike K andmaturity T0 is higher than the realized volatility σ0. Indeed, by (5.4), we deduce that

EQ [max{Sτ − K, 0}] = BSM(S0, K, T0, σ0, 0) ≤ BSM(S0, K, T0, σimp(K, T0), 0).

Comparing with European put options, timer put options are able to offer relativelycheaper cost of portfolio insurance and protection. If the realized variance is low, the timerput options take a long time to mature. Comparing with the regularly rolled European putoptions for protecting the downside risk of a portfolio, the timer put options require lessfrequency of rolling, resulting in a reduction in the cost for implementing the protection.

The comparison between timer options and European options heuristically motivatesan option strategy for investors to capture the spread between the realized and impliedvolatility risk. For example, if an investor strongly believes that the current impliedvolatility is higher than the realized volatility over a certain period, she would takea short position in a European call option with maturity T0, strike K, and impliedvolatility σimp(K, T0); and take a long position in a timer call option with the same strikeK and variance budget B = σimp(K, T0)2T0. By the above analysis, the net value of thisportfolio is zero at time zero. However, the timer call option has a maturity larger thanT0. At the time T0, a positive profit is realized due to the premia of the timer option.

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In this section, we briefly discuss the implementation of the analytical formulas proposedin theorem 4. An ad hoc Monte Carlo simulation scheme is also proposed in order to pro-vide numerical benchmarks. Comparing with the Monte Carlo discretization approach,the analytical formula is bias-free since the numerical errors are entirely from Laplacetransform inversion and numerical integration.

The implementation of the Black–Scholes–Merton-type formulas given in theorem 4mainly consists of the following steps. To begin, we map the infinite integration domainto a finite rectangular domain [0, 1] × [0, 1] via a transform according to u = e−x andz = e−t. Then, the two-dimensional integration on [0, 1] × [0, 1] converted from (5.3)can be implemented via the trapezoidal rule. Thus, the key task is to efficiently evaluatep(− log u, − log z; B) at each grid point on [0, 1] × [0, 1]. The implementation of thejoint density p(x, t; B) proposed in Proposition 4.2 requires correct valuation of specialfunctions and numerical inversion of Laplace transforms.

When the inverse Laplace transform in (4.17) is implemented, the analytical continua-tion discussed in Subsection 4.2 needs to be taken into account. In practice, the windingof A(y) defined in (4.15) must be captured to ensure the analyticity of the transformedfunction H(λ) in (4.17). However, most computation packages automatically map thecomplex numbers into the principal branch (−π, π ]. This fact might cause the discon-tinuity of the Bessel function when its argument A(y) goes across the negative real line.Therefore, an algorithm needs to be implemented to keep track of the winding numberof the argument A(y) by counting rotations and performing the analytical continuationvia (4.16). This allows us to simply calculate the function on the principal branch andmultiply it by a factor emνπ i . A similar type of analytical correction can be found inBroadie and Kaya (2006) for exact simulation for the Heston stochastic volatility model.Figures 6.1(a) and (b) show the effect of rotation counting on the phase angle of A(y).

Based on the correct valuation of the Laplace transform through analytical continu-ation as discussed in Subsection 4.2, we obtain the joint density (4.17) via an algorithmfor inverting Laplace transforms. Numerical valuation of Laplace transform inversionshas become popular in option pricing, see, e.g., Davydov and Linetsky (2001a), Petrella(2004), Fusai (2004) , Kou et al. (2005), Feng and Lin (2011), Cai et al. (2009, 2010), andCai and Kou (2011, 2012). In this numerical experiment, we employ a well-known andwidely used algorithm for inverting Laplace transforms from Fourier series expansion

FIGURE 6.1. Correction for valuation of the Bessel argument A(y).

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proposed by Abate and Whitt (1992). A proper way of discretization and truncation aswell as a suitable choice of damping parameter γ are essential for the efficient imple-mentation. According to Abate and Whitt (1992), the trapezoidal rule works well foroscillatory integrands, since errors tend to cancel with each other. According to Abateand Whitt (1995), the damping parameter γ is usually chosen as γ = A/(2B), whereA = δ log 10, in order to have at most 10−δ discretization error for some integer δ. Inpractice, Abate and Whitt (1992) suggests that the choice of A = 18.4 should producestable and accurate results. According to Abate and Whitt (1992), an efficient Euleralgorithm for approximating the inversion can be proposed as follows:

p(x, t; B) ≈m∑



)2−m sn+k(B),

wheresn+k(B) := eA/2





)}+ eA/2



(−1) j Re{H

(A+ 2 jπ i



for some integers m and n. Detailed analysis of this efficient Laplace transform inversionalgorithm can be found in Abate and Whitt (1992, 1995).

To set up benchmark values for illustrating the accuracy of our implementation basedon the analytical formulas, we propose a Monte Carlo simulation scheme as follows. Notethat alternative simulation strategies for pricing timer options have been investigated inBernard and Cui (2011) . Instead of using the discounted payoff e−rτ max{Sτ − K, 0} asthe estimator directly, the expression (3.8b) offers a conditional Monte Carlo simulationestimator, which leads to the enhancement of efficiency through variance reduction. Onthe time grids ti = i�t, for i = 1, 2, . . . , the bivariate distribution (Vτ , τ ) is approximatedvia a “time-checking” algorithm based on an exact simulation of the discretized samplepath of {Vt}. According to Cox et al. (1985), it is known that the transition of the squareroot diffusion

dVt = κ(θ − Vt) dt + σv

√VtdW (1)


follows a noncentral chi-squared distribution. More precisely, Vt given Vu for 0 < u < t,up to a scale factor, is a noncentral chi-squared distribution, i.e.,

Vt = σ 2v (1 − e−κ(t−u))

4κχ ′2



σ 2v (1 − e−κ(t−u))



where the degree of freedom is d = 4θκ/σ 2v and the noncentrality parameter is λ =


σ 2v (1−e−κ(t−u)) Vu . By approximating the total variance

∫ t0 Vsds using a trapezoidal rule, i.e.,

∫ j�t

0Vsds ≈ �t

[V0 + V( j�t)





we check the first time when the variance budget is exhausted by searching the first j ∈ N

(denoted by jmin) such that


[V0 + V( j�t)




]≥ B.

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TABLE 6.1Timer Call Option Price: Analytical Valuation and Monte Carlo Simulation

B = 0.01 B = 0.04

K = 90 K = 100 K = 110 K = 90 K = 100 K = 110

Analytical values 12.3978 5.1835 1.4619 20.7765 14.0857 8.9501CPU times (seconds) 58.28 60.31 59.15 59.35 58.96 60.72Simulated values 12.3994 5.1818 1.4626 20.7693 14.0922 8.9576Simulated exercise times 0.7130 0.7130 0.7130 3.6287 3.6287 3.6287Standard errors 0.0059 0.0044 0.0024 0.0118 0.0105 0.0088CPU times (seconds) 1551.84 1553.83 1550.63 1977.35 1977.44 1977.95

Notes. The parameters are set similar to those employed in Heston (1993) as S0 = 100,

ρ = −0.3, V0 = 0.02, κ = 2, θ = 0.01, and σv = 0.1, where the Feller condition holds.

TABLE 6.2Timer Call Option Price: Analytical Valuation and Monte Carlo Simulation

B = 0.045 B = 0.18

K = 90 K = 100 K = 110 K = 90 K = 100 K = 110

Analytical values 17.1397 11.1517 6.8609 29.7440 24.6997 20.4382CPU times (seconds) 59.38 57.92 56.59 58.13 58.62 57.33Simulation values 17.1300 11.1606 6.8545 29.7317 24.6916 20.4203Simulated exercise times 0.9660 0.9660 0.9660 2.9249 2.9249 2.9249Standard errors 0.0118 0.0101 0.0082 0.0128 0.0121 0.0113CPU times (seconds) 15137.3 15087.7 15079.1 75070.2 71875.2 72936.7

Notes. The parameters are set similar to those employed in Broadie and Kaya (2006)as S0 = 100, ρ = −0.3, V0 = 0.09, κ = 2,θ = 0.09, and σv = 1, where the Feller con-dition is violated.

Thus, we obtain an approximation (Vτ , τ ) ≈ (Vjmin�t, jmin�t). Finally, we evaluate theestimator as

Cτ = S0ed0(Vjmin�t, jmin�t) N(d1(Vjmin�t, jmin�t)) − Ke−r jmin�t N(d2(Vjmin�t, jmin�t)).

In the numerical experiments, we price timer call options using two sets of modelparameters corresponding to the cases when the Feller condition (2κθ − σ 2

v ≥ 0) holds ornot, for which numerical results are reported in Tables 6.1 and 6.2. For each parameter set,we consider both small and large variance budgets (B = σ 2

0 T0) and representative strikescorresponding to different moneyness (S0 = 100, K = 90, K = 100, and K = 110). InTable 6.1, we assume the expected investment horizon as T0 = 0.6 (resp. T0 = 3.5) andassume the forecasted volatility σ0 = 0.13 (resp. σ0 = 0.11). In Table 6.2, we assume theexpected investment horizon as T0 = 0.96 (resp. T0 = 2.9) and assume the forecastedvolatility σ0 = 0.22 (resp. σ0 = 0.25).

Analytical values are obtained from implementing the analytical formulas proposedin Proposition 5.1 by plugging in the joint density (4.17). For simulating timer option

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price, we imitate the asymptotically optimal rule proposed in Duffie and Glynn (1995)for allocating computational resources by specifying k = [

√n], where n denotes the total

number of simulation trials and k denotes the expected number of time steps in theexpected investment interval [0, T0]. In numerical experiments, we choose the number ofsimulation trials n such that standard errors are at a magnitude of about 10−2 or less.

The algorithms are implemented in Mathematica and performed on a laptop PC withan Intel(R) Pentium(R) M 1.73 GHz processor and 2 GB of RAM running WindowsXP Professional. The computing times for analytical calculation through our pricingformulas (5.1) and (5.2) are around 1 minute on average, see the CPU times (seconds)reported under the analytical values. Since the Abate–Whitt algorithm for Laplace trans-form inversion is notably efficient, most of the computing time is employed by correctevaluation of the Laplace transform function (4.13) using the aforementioned analyticalcontinuation algorithm. However, for obtaining simulation results with standard errorsat most 10−2 as those listed in Tables 6.1 and 6.2, the elapsed CPU times for simulatingeach price range from about a half to several hours. We note that all our analytical valuesare contained in the 95% confidence intervals constructed via the simulated values and±1.96 times of the corresponding standard errors. This demonstrates the accuracy andefficiency of our analytical implementation.


Motivated by analytical valuation of timer options, we explore their novel mathematicalconnection with stochastic volatility and Bessel processes (with constant drift). Underthe Heston (1993) stochastic volatility model, we formulate the problem through a first-passage time problem on realized variance and generalize the standard risk-neutralvaluation theory for fixed maturity options to a case involving random maturity. By timechange and the general theory of Markov diffusions, we characterize the joint distributionof the first-passage time for realized variance and the corresponding variance usingBessel processes with drift. Thus, explicit formulas for a useful joint density related toBessel processes are derived via Laplace transform inversion. Based on these theoreticalfindings, we obtain a Black–Scholes–Merton-type formula for pricing timer options andthus extend the analytical tractability of the Heston model. Several issues regarding thenumerical implementation are briefly discussed.

As for further research topics, it will be interesting to investigate the valuation of timeroptions under more sophisticated models such as jump-diffusion stochastic volatilitymodels. Due to the uncertainty in the maturity, it is also interesting to take into accountmore risk factors, e.g., the interest rate and dividend. It is also worth exploring moreproperties for Bessel process (with drift) and their applications in various fields.


Proof. The proof of (3.5) and (3.6), and equivalently, (3.7a) and (3.8a), follows from ageneralization of the standard argument for risk-neutral valuation to a case of randommaturity. For the sake of space, I omit the detailed argument and focus on the derivationof the conditional Black–Scholes–Merton formulas (3.7b) and (3.8b) instead. Withoutloss of generality, we establish (3.7b) as follows.

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We begin by representing the solution to the stochastic differential equations (3.1a)and (3.1b) as

St = S0 exp{

rt − 12

∫ t

0Vsds + ρ

∫ t



s +√

1 − ρ2

∫ t





Vt = V0 + κθ t − κ

∫ t

0Vsds + σv

∫ t



s .

Through straightforward algebraic computations and the definition of τ in (2.4), weobtain that

Sτ = S0 exp{

rτ − 12

∫ τ

0Vsds + ρ


(Vτ − V0 − κθτ + κ

∫ τ



√1 − ρ2

∫ τ




}= S0 exp

{rτ − 1

2B + ρ

σv(Vτ − V0 − κθτ + κ B) +

√1 − ρ2

∫ τ





Since the variance process {Vs} is independent of Brownian motion {W(2)s }, an analogy to

Example 4.7.3 in Shreve (2004) (see page 173) yields the following distributional identity:

∫ τ



s |FVτ D N


∫ τ



τ ≡ N (0, B) |FVτ ,

where {FVt } denotes the filtration generated by {Vs}. Because τ and Vτ are FV

t − measur-able, we deduce that

P0 = EQ[EQ

[e−rτ max{K − Sτ , 0} |FV


]]= EQ


[e−rτ max{K − S0 exp{p + q Z}, 0} |FV



where Z is a standard normal variable independent of FVτ and

p = rτ − 12

B + ρ

σv(Vτ − V0 − κθτ + κ B) and q =

√(1 − ρ2)B,

Thus, it follows that

EQ[e−rτ max{K − S0 exp{p + q Z}, 0} |FV


]= e−rτ EQ

[(K − S0 exp{p + q Z})1{S0 exp{p+q Z}≤K}|Vτ , τ

]= e−rτ KQ

(Z ≤ 1




− p) ∣∣∣∣Vτ , τ

)− e−rτ S0


exp{p + q Z}1{Z≤ 1


(log K


)}∣∣∣∣Vτ , τ


Hence, the representation (3.7b) for timer put options follows from straightforwardcalculations of the above two terms based on the standard normal distribution. �

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Proof. Recall from the definition (1.1) that

τt = inf{

u ≥ 0,

∫ u

0Vs ds = t


For the local martingale

Mt =∫ t



s ,(B.1)

the Dubins–Dambis–Schwarz theorem (see, e.g., chapter 3, theorem 4.6 in Karatzas andShreve 1991) yields that

M(τt ) =∫ τt



s = Bt,(B.2)

where {Bt} is a standard one-dimensional Brownian motion.To begin, we prove the distributional identity (4.8) under the Feller condition

2κθ − σ 2v ≥ 0, under which Vt > 0 for all t ≥ 0. Since f (u) = ∫ u

0 Vsds is an increasingdifferentiable function, we have that

τt =∫ t




Owing to

Vτt = V0 +∫ τt

0κ(θ − Vs) ds + σv

∫ τt



s ,

it follows that

Vτt = V0 +∫ t



κ(θ − Vτs ) ds + σvBt.

For Xt := Vτt /σv , we have that

Xt = V0


∫ t



σ 2v Xu

− κ


)du + Bt.

Observing that 2κθ/σ 2v + 1 ≥ 2, the uniqueness of the solution to the SDE (4.9) yields



Thus, we obtain that

(Vτ , τ )D=

(σv XB,

∫ B


dsσv Xs


For the case 2κθ − σ 2v

< 0 where the Feller condition is violated, zero is attainable butinstantaneously reflecting for the process {Vt}. So, the state space of the Markov process{Vτt

} is [0, ∞). In what follows, we employ the general theory of Markov diffusionprocesses (see chapter VII in Revuz and Yor 1999) to establish the distributional identity(4.8). The proof is carried out in the following three major steps.

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First, we find the infinitesimal generator for {Vτt}. For the process {Vτt

} starting atVτ0 ≡ x > 0, we introduce a first hitting time for zero as follows:

T0 = inf{u > 0, Vτu = 0}.

For an arbitrary function f ∈ C2, let

Mft := f (Vτt ) − f (x) −

∫ t

0(B f )(Vτs ) ds,

where the differential operator is defined by

B f (x) = 12σ 2

v f ′′(x) +(


x− κ

)f ′(x).(B.4a)

We note that, for all u < T0, (B.3) implies that

dτu = duVτu


Thus, we deduce that


= f (Vτt∧T0) − f (x) −

∫ t∧T0

0(B f )(Vτs )Vτs dτs

= f (Vτt∧T0) − f (x) −

∫ τt∧T0

0(B f )(Vu)Vudu

= f (Vτt∧T0) − f (x) −

∫ τt∧T0


[12σ 2

v Vu f ′′(Vu) + κ(θ − Vu) f ′(Vu)]


=∫ τt∧T0

0f ′(Vu)σv


u .

Now, based on (B.1), we perform integration variable substitution via u = τr and applythe Dubins–Dambis–Schwarz theorem (see, e.g., chapter 3, theorem 4.6 in Karatzas andShreve 1991) to deduce that


=∫ τt∧T0

0f ′(Vu)σv d Mu =

∫ t∧T0

0f ′(Vτr )σv d Mτr =

∫ t∧T0

0f ′(Vτr )σv dBr .

Thus, {Mft∧T0

} is a martingale. According to section VII.1 in Revuz and Yor (1999), weconclude that the infinitesimal generator of Vτt on (0, ∞) is (B.4a).

Second, in order to prove the instantaneous reflecting property at zeros, we resort tothe method for analyzing boundary behavior of Markov diffusion discussed in chapterVII of Revuz and Yor (1999). Let mξ (A) denote the speed measure of a set A for a process{ξt}. Since zero is an instantaneously reflecting point for the variance process {Vt}, wehave mV({0}) = 0. Thus, the zero set of {Vt} has zero Lebesgue measure, i.e.,

λ{t ≥ 0 : Vt = 0} = 0, a.e. �.

This implies that the zero set of {Vτt } has Lebesgue measure zero

λ{t ≥ 0 : Vτt = 0} = 0, a.e.�.

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Thus, the speed measure satisfies mVτ({0}) = 0. According to proposition (3.13) in chapter

VII of Revuz and Yor (1999), for any test function f in the domain for the infinitesimalgenerator of {Vτt }, we have

d f +

ds(0) = mVτ

({0})B f (0) = 0.

Finally, the theory of general Markov diffusion process guarantees that Vτt is character-ized by the infinitesimal generator

B f (x) = 12σ 2

v f ′′(x) +(


x− κ

)f ′(x),

with domain

DB ={

f∣∣∣ f ,B( f ) ∈ C0([0, +∞)),

d f +(0)ds

= 0}


where the reflection condition is given by (4.3). Hence, we showed that {Vτt /σv } isequivalent in distribution to a Bessel process {Xt} with drift μ = −κ/σv and index0 > ν = κθ/σ 2

v − 1/2 > −1/2; i.e., {Vτt }D{σv Xt}.Finally, we prove

τt =∫ t




For almost every ω ∈ �, we define

g(t, ω) :=∫ t

0Vs(ω) ds.

It is obvious that g is continuously differentiable. Let

Z := {s > 0, Vs(ω) = 0}

be the zero set of V(ω). For any t ∈ Zc, the function g has a nonzero derivative g′(t, ω) =Vt(ω). According to the inverse function theorem (see pp. 221–223 in Rudin 1976), gis invertible in a neighborhood of t ; the inverse g−1 is continuously differentiable andsatisfies that (

g−1)′ (g(t, ω), ω) = 1g′(t, ω)


Based on the definition of function inverse, we have

g−1(s, ω) = τs(ω) = inf{

t ≥ 0,

∫ t

0Vu(ω) du = s


Thus, (B.5) implies that


ds(ω)|s=g(t,ω) = 1

g′(t, ω)= 1


Since g is absolute continuous, the Luzin property (see Rudin 1976) guarantees thatthe Lebesgue measure for g(Z, ω) is zero. We also note that the process {Vt} is ergodic

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(see discussions in Going-Jaeschke and Yor 2003 and Alaya and Kebaier 2011) andproposition 4.2 in Alaya and Kebaier 2011 implies that



∫ t

0Vsds = θ

almost surely. So, we have∫ t

0 Vsds → ∞ as t → ∞. Thus, the range of g(t, ω) is R+

for almost all ω ∈ �. Hence, for almost every s ∈ R+, there exists t ∈ Zc such thatg(t, ω) = s. So, from (B.7), we have


ds(ω) = 1

Vg−1(s,ω)(ω)= 1

Vτs (ω),

holding almost everywhere for s > 0. Therefore, integration on the both sides leads to

τt(ω) ≡ τt(ω) − τ0(ω) =∫ t



ds(ω)ds =

∫ t


1Vτs (ω)

dsD∫ t


1σv Xt(ω)



Proof. Based on Proposition 3.1 and Proposition 4.1, we obtain that

C0 = EQ


(σv XB,

∫ B0

dsσv Xs



(σv XB,

∫ B


dsσv Xs


−Ke−r∫ B


σv Xs N((

σv XB,

∫ B


dsσv Xs



P0 = EQ

[Ke−rτ N


(σv XB,

∫ B


dsσv Xs



(1 − ed0

(σv XB,

∫ B0

dsσv Xs



(σv XB,

∫ B


dsσv Xs


To apply the density given in Proposition 4.2, we change the probability measure Q to anew one under which {Xt} is a standard Bessel process. Indeed, we let Bt = Bt − κt/σv .

By the Girsanov theorem, {Bt} is a standard Brownian motion under a new probabilitymeasure Q constructed through the Radon–Nikodym derivative




= exp

σvBt − 1






Thus, under the probability measure Q, {Xt} is a standard Bessel process satisfying thefollowing semimartingale decomposition:

d Xt = κθ

σ 2v Xt

dt + dBt, X0 = V0/σv .

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Some algebraic computation yields that




= exp


(Xt − V0


)− κ


∫ t



σ 2v Xs

ds + 12





It follows from (C.1) that

C0 = EQ


(σv XB,

∫ B0

dsσv Xs



(σv XB,

∫ B


dsσv Xs


∫ B0

dsσv Xs N

((σv XB,

∫ B


dsσv Xs





Thus, the timer call option price admits the following representation:

C0 = EP0



(σv XB,

∫ B


dsσv Xs

)− K�c


(σv XB,

∫ B


dsσv Xs


where the functions �c1(v, ξ ) and �c

2(v, ξ ) are defined in Proposition 4.2. Combiningwith the joint density given in Proposition 4.2, we establish the Black–Scholes–Merton-type formula (5.1) for pricing timer call options. The formula (5.2) for pricing timer putoptions can be similarly proved.


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