Berthe Morisot

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Transcript of Berthe Morisot

Anlisis del sector


Was a 19th century art mouvement. The impressionists refused traditional conventions and the official painting of worshop. Their subjects were neither mythological, neither historical, nor religious. All could be painted.


1.- Visible brushstrokes

Final painting (by Monet)

Blue sea (by Monet)

2.- Open composition

Gardens of the Hermitage in Pontoise (By Camille Pissarro)

3.- Emphasis of light

Their colours were moresharp, clearer and luminous, The shades themselves were coloured.

The bridge of Moret-on-loing (by Alfred Sisley)

The faces were strewn with shone upon reflections, while the contour became vaguer, vaguer.

Portrait of Miss Jeanne Samary (by Renoir)

4.-The inclusion of mouvement

Madame Monet and her son.


It is important to express oneself... the feelings are real and are taken from your own experience

(Berthe Morisot)

She was born in Bourges, Cher in 1841, into a sucessful bourgeois family.

By age 20, she had met a landscape painter, Camille Corot.

He introduced her to other artists and teachers. Under Corot's influence, Morisot took up the plein air method of working.

In the park

Morisot convinced Monet to attemp plein air painting

Seascape, by Claude Monet

In 1874, Morisot married Monet's brother, Eugne, and they had one daughter, Julie. Monet became the subject for many of her mother's paintings.

Eugne and Julie Monet

Historia del sector

Julie Monet

Her painting reflects the 19th century cultural restrictions of her class and gender. She focused on domestic life and portraits with his family and friends
as models.

The crib

She avoided urban and street scenes as well as the nude figure. Why? Because she was a WOMAN.

Berthe Morisot died in 1895 in Paris, at 54 years old

See some of her works.



Madame Pontillon

Port de l'Orient