Berenstain Bears and the Easter Story


Transcript of Berenstain Bears and the Easter Story

Page 1: Berenstain Bears and the Easter Story
Page 2: Berenstain Bears and the Easter Story

“He has risen!”

—Mark 16:6


The Berenstain Bears® and the Easter Story

Copyright © 2012 by Berenstain Publishing, Inc. Illustrations © 2012 by Berenstain Publishing, Inc.

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Zonderkidz, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49530

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication DataBerenstain, Jan, 1923 –2012

The Berenstain Bears and the Easter story / written by Jan and Mike Berenstain. p. cm. Summary: Brother, Sister, and Honey Bear know more about Easter candy than Easter itself until their Sunday School teacher, Missus Ursula, takes them to see a passion play performed by another class. ISBN 978-0-310-72087-4 (softcover) [1. Easter—Fiction. 2. Jesus Christ—Passion—Fiction. 3. Jesus Christ—Resurrection—Fiction. 4. Christian life—Fiction. 5. Bears—Fiction.] I Berenstain, Mike, 1951- II. Title. PZ7.B44826Bds 2012 [E]—dc23 2011023553

All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

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Editor: Mary Hassinger Art direction: Cindy Davis

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“He has risen!”—Mark 16:6

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Page 3: Berenstain Bears and the Easter Story

It was springtime in Bear Country, and Brother, Sister, and Honey Bear were thinking about Easter. Actually, they were thinking about Easter candy. They loved Easter candy—there were so many different kinds! They were even thinking about it on their way to Sunday school one fine spring morning.

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Page 4: Berenstain Bears and the Easter Story

“My favorite Easter candy is chocolate bunnies,” said Brother. “My favorite is marshmallow chicks,” said Sister. “Jelly beans!” cried Honey Bear. Their Sunday school teacher, Missus Ursula, overheard them. “I like the black jelly beans best,” she smiled. “But, you know, there’s much more to Easter than chocolate bunnies, marshmallow chicks, and jelly beans—black or otherwise.” “Sure, we know that,” said Brother. “Sure,” said Sister. “Sure!” said Honey.

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Page 5: Berenstain Bears and the Easter Story

“Oh?” said Missus Ursula. “Then why don’t you tell the class all about Easter?” “Well,” said Brother, scratching his head, “it’s about stuff in the Bible.” “Yeah,” agreed Sister. “Bible stuff.” “Stuff!” nodded Honey. “Hmmm,” said Missus Ursula. “Maybe it’s time we learned a little more about this ‘Bible stuff.’ It happens that the cubs in the next class are about to put on a play called The Easter Story.” “Can we watch, Missus Ursula?” the cubs asked. “Just what I was about to suggest,” she said.

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