Benito Mussolini

Social Science Dictators Of The World Benito Mussolini


A Powerpoint Presentation on Benito Mussolini

Transcript of Benito Mussolini

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Social ScienceDictators Of The World

Benito Mussolini

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The Fascist Dictator Of Italy

Born: July 29,


Died: April




Period: 1922-


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Born on July 29, 1883, in Dovia di Predappio, Italy, Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini was the eldest of three children. His father, Alessandro, was a blacksmith and an impassioned socialist who spent much of his time on politics. His mother, Rosa Maltoni, was a devout Catholic schoolteacher who provided the family with some stability and income. His father instilled in him a passion for socialist politics and a defiance against authority.

Personal Life

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Benito's Childhood

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• Mussolini set up a Fascist Party and promised to solve Italy’s problems.

• Promised to rebuild Italy and recreate the Roman Empire.

• Organized armed gangs called the “Blackshirts”.

• Come to power in 1992 and was appointed Prime Minister by King Victor Emmanuel to prevent a Communist Revolution in Italy.

Rise To Power

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He created a new ideology called Fascism out of a combination of much out of Nationalist and Socialist views. 

Fascism is a system where one leader has complete power over a nation, with a goal of making it completely independent of other nations.

Fascism also states that the goals of the nation being more important than anything else, including citizens.


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Parliamentary System was changed.Secret Police were used to put down the

Opposition Party(Blackshirts).Mussolini had strict censorship.Use of Force to keep order.Practiced Terrorism.Trade Union’s independence were taken and

were under government’s control.Government control over industries.The government was highly corrupted.

Mussolini As A Dictator

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When Mussolini found his country blacklisted by the League of Nations and it forced his relationship closer to Nazi Germany . Mussolini realized that the League of Nations did not have the backbone to stop Hitler or himself in gaining new colonies, so he pressed forward.On May 22,1939, Italy and Germany cemented

their alliance with the Pact of Steel.

Beginning of the alliance

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The fall of Germany caused Mussolini to

flee .While escaping to Lake Como, Switzerland , Mussolini was captured by Italian partisans and tried by court. On April 28 1945 Mussolini along with his mistress Clara Petacci were shot dead and hanged in a public square in Milan. They were buried in an unmarked grave.


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Benito Mussolini through violation , became the Prime Minister Of Italy. Even though he said that his party would function for the people and for the nation , he never listened to the people . He was one of the worst dictators in the world.

From the ruling style of Benito Mussolini we could understand that the worst form of government is “dictatorship” .We should not redo the mistakes which we have done in our past . History shows that countries which had followed dictatorship have been forced finally to become Democracy.


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