Benefits of Passing NCEES FE Exam

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This article is about the benefits of taking a NCEES FE Exam and passing it. The Licensure exam has been administering FE Examination since 1965. Since then its main aim has been to be a leading provider of professional licensure of engineers and surveyors through exemplary uniform laws and licensing standards while upholding professional ethics. NCEES has been ensuring that public health, safety and welfare are given the prominent position while providing professional licensure.

Transcript of Benefits of Passing NCEES FE Exam

Benefits of Passing NCEES FE Exam

NCEES is an abbreviation for National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying. This non-profit organization has been providing Professional licensure to engineers and surveyors so that the Engineering and Surveying standards are maintained throughout US. The prime importance is placed on the public health, safety and welfare while they scrutinize an engineering candidates, if they are qualified for the licensure.

The standards are strictly adhered to ensure that structures meet the requirement specification while safety and quality is given a lot of importance. In order to acquire a Professional Engineering Licensure an aspirant Professional Engineer needs to first clear Fundamental of Engineering Exam. The Engineers having cleared the NCEES FE Exam have started their route towards procuring PE Licensure after four years of professional training under a qualified and licensed Professional Engineer. The Licensed Engineer is a select group of people. They can perform various act which a non-licensed engineer cannot perform and that sets them apart from Engineers who have not cleared their PE Licensure.

When the Engineers get their licensure they are qualified to perform the function of Professional Engineers. As licensed Engineer an individual is allowed to a lot of things which is approved by the State in US. Each State has separate requirement and an Engineering candidate with all the prerequisite having met is ready to take up the exam. Once they clear the Exam then they are provided with the Licensure for that State in which they have decided to work professionally in.

As a Professional Engineer holding a Licensure that individual can perform the following actions:- Stamp and seal designs Professional Engineer can stamp and seal designs and blueprints thus approving structural plan.

Bid for government contracts Professional Engineer can bid for government based building contracts. Such a person on the strength of his licensure is capable of quoting price and gaining right to create the government contractual buildings and structures. These contracts involve vast amount of public and their usage would mean that the structure should be sturdy and reliable.

Be principal of a firm Professional Engineer can own and run a company that builds structures. A Company run by a Professional Engineer is capable of meeting the standards set by the US Government.

Perform consulting services A Professional Engineer is he/she choose to be a consultant to other companies then they may do so. The licensure gained from NCEES gives the Engineer the professional qualification to take up consulting services.

Offer services to the public A Licensed Professional Engineer can also offer their services to the public. NCEES Exam sets higher professional standard for Engineering to ensure that the safety and well-being of the public using these structures are maintained. Inversely, the NCEES PE Exam also acts a way to find out if the Engineering Universities quality of education level is on par professionally.

An Engineer who is qualified and license holder is responsible and reliable educational knowledge in the Engineering subject. This qualifying exam is given uniformly to all so that there is no dissention on the issuance of the licensure. The Non-Profit Organization continually is improving its testing standards and credential standards so that it ensure that the public safety, welfare and health is never compromised for poor quality structures.

Benefits of acquiring a PE Licensure post passing the FE Exam should be a must do task list if they so wish to be a professional engineer who meet the professional standards requirements in their work.