Benefits of LED Lighting

5 Benefits Of LED lighting Tuesday, 11 September 12

Transcript of Benefits of LED Lighting

5 Benefits Of LED lighting

Tuesday, 11 September 12


1LED lights are usually around 3mm - 8mm long. The small size and profile of the LED lights allow them to be used where other light bulbs may not fit.

Tuesday, 11 September 12


2Where other lights give off more energy by shining in different areas, LED lights only shine in a specific direction becoming more efficient.

Tuesday, 11 September 12


335,000 to 50,000 hours, compared to 750 to 2,000 hours for an incandescent bulb, 8,000 to 10,000 hours for a compact fluorescent and 20,000 to 30,000 hours for a linear fluorescent bulb.

Tuesday, 11 September 12


4LEDs remain cool. In addition, since they contain no glass components, they are not vulnerable to vibration or breakage like conventional bulbs. LEDs are thus better suited for use in areas like sports facilities and high-crime locations.

Tuesday, 11 September 12

Energystar Led’s

5Poorly designed LEDs may not be long-lasting or as efficient as they should be. LEDs that are EnergyStar-qualified should provide quality stable light output over their projected lifetime.

Tuesday, 11 September 12

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Tuesday, 11 September 12