Beneath the Onyx Sun

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Transcript of Beneath the Onyx Sun

  • 8/2/2019 Beneath the Onyx Sun


    Beneath the Onyx Sun

    Volume I:Book I

    by: Daecaunt A.D. 2010

    i. Prefaceii. Introduction

    **I. The CleansingII. gods of MenIII. Sign of Six

    IV: Fate of the Fierla

    **Accompanying Audio track:

    The Hour of Reckoning


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    Here we are, six, three, one, three, six, and one all marked for repetition marked uponour Souls. What is in a soul? We wonder. What binding thought or damning desire hasbrought to us this fate? What surviving notion has marked us for selection, that we mightoffer together- some final absolution? We know not. We are the Twice of Twenty marked near our beginning and collective until the end.

    I am the final one. It was by no sacred or noble virtue that I was selected; but rather bymere immediate necessity. I do have my own story a tale of desire and despair.However, my secrets are my own; and they shall remain as such for the spite that I havelearned to harbour of myself. But of the others, theirs has been a time twice tarriedtogether. For an Age, has this Unity walked upon the Earth. It is only suiting that theydesire for theirs to be rendered in ink. So I have decided to do this as a pardoning favourbefore the Cleansing, again, begins.


    "We came unto this Place thrice our Paths hath made.Of Light our Wind did send,

    Unto the shades that cursed our Stay.Unto the gods of men that paved our Way.

    Unto the beacons that heralded We.Unto the kingdoms powered be.

    We came unto this Place thrice our Paths did make.Of Light our spears to scathe

    Our Words their Poison to drink.

    We came unto this Place"

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    ii: Introduction

    It began in Faicastes, with the sending of the Lucaifem. From the heavens they descendedupon the Earth to bring a balance by countering the plague of the Fierla. Each was

    assigned a vessel to begin their mission; and then permitted to seek replacements asnecessary. Unlike the methods of the Fierla (whom seize their vessels by crude force orenchantment), the Lucaifem must find a willing (and frequency compatible) host withwhose vessel to co-inhabit. Finding such a vessel is rather a difficult task, as most vesselsare exclusively suited to a specific environment. The vessel itself must also be able tohold multiple individuals and yet function efficiently. Thus the selection of a propervessel can yield a lengthy search before a suitable one is discovered.Likewise, in regard to suitability of a vessel, the host must be willing to forfeit theremainder of their natural journey and permit the crew command of direction for a newcourse. As there are few hosts without personal (and rightful) attachment to their natural

    journey; those who are unable to reconcile their existence (usually following a significant

    tragedy) are most probable to welcome the exchange. And yes, it is an exchange of sorts;for in return for permission and promise to facilitate their vessel, the host is granted a staywith the crew in any future vessels for the entire length of the journey. In addition to this,they often find a measure of reconciliation for the very regret that motivated the forfeit of their natural journey. It was this very regret that motivated my own decision. For theothers however, a variety of motivations is to acclaim.

    Another minor appeal -that being a host offers- is that for each new crew member that avessel contains, their skills and accumulated knowledge are added collectively to allwithin the vessel. It is much as a perpetually educational experience one that theworlds finest minds and seekers may only dream of knowing. Yes, this perhaps is myown selfish lust as well the satisfaction that is found in experience.Yet aside any exchange of wills, it is by design that it occurs this way for a Lucaifem tochoose their host.

    For in thy heart a tempest roared

    So as one of the Lucaifem consecutively sought his replacements, it was during the firstcleansing of the Second Age that the first six of we were collected.Ebla, Thetiaz, Ascaitila, Ievn, Dakanarr, and Aetlantium, were among the great lands thatwere cleansed from the World beneath the veil of the Onyx Sun. One soul from each of these in a span of six and six centennia- was spared as a vessel selection for theparticular mark of the Daecaunt .


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    I: The Cleansing


    The Cleansing of Ascaitila :

    O fateful morn that upon this land has fallen. What cowering heart can withstand thegaze of the Sentinel here? The shadow has upon thee veiled, from beneath the Onyx Sun.A gentle breeze caresses the tomb that is soon to be. It hails the wicked soul; it calls tothe dawn. Dearest Ascaitila, yours is a song without tone. Blotted from the Heavens, noLight of thee shall remain. O dearest Ascaitila, your eulogy is written upon the Stones.O dearest Ascaitila, justice approaches - and her name is Dies Irae.

    Twas night befallen in a forstrayed landWhere all doeth will upon their whim.

    Therein this land rested well,Nei pureness of heart to save themselves.

    Herein all virtue is cursed.Lust be love in all form.

    Fornificate the hinterland- with thane chiseled epitaph.

    Come hither ye foreignCome hither the gates

    Our righteous lay dead in the streets.

    No power of Earth can scathe our brilliance Nei Spirit can stray our way .


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    O Light! One star! Heaven doth spell.Fate hath cast its eye upon thee.

    From thence cometh Judgment into thy land.A rose amongst the thorns is she.

    Dies Irae, sweet Dies IraeFair Maiden from Faicastes is she.Spirit and Virtue and Thought adorned

    Amidst the darkness she sees.

    Glory abound as the peoples did shoutWhat horrible tragedy hath bequeathed?!The flames so fierce cast from her gaze,

    Fair Maiden smiled with gleam.

    Her skin fair white as fleece

    Her hair shone grey with ecstasy.In one swift whisper her breath like winterDid then freeze the land from its flames

    Dies Irae, sweet Dies IraeThy song is Hell releasedDies Irae, sweet Dies IraeBring justice to this place.

    Dies Irae, sweet Dies IraeBind not mercy with thy peace.

    With one swift word speak Fire then Ice Grace this land with your embrace.


    Twas dawn becoming in a familiar landThe people like ash- flew in the wind.

    Round and round the pillars of DisAnd here shall they remain for eternity.

    Death they welcome, yet it comes to them notForever they must tarry.

    By the very whim of their hearts dethronedGranting them ner again such peace.

    In remembrance of one fair Maiden shall they plea.Pureness hath she brought from the stars

    .and her name was Dies Irae.

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    This land -that was never my home- had seen its day of Reckoning, and I was spared. I wandered the Icy remains glad to have witnessed this cleansing; yet puzzled at the lifestill within me. It was there in the ruins that he came to me, this cloaked man, with anoffer that I could not refuse. I would bear the mark and remain time enough to witness

    the final day of reckoning and the dawn of a new Age. I am Evirrah , and my life began inthe late Ascaitila.

    -------The Cleansing of Aetlantium:

    Aetlantium: the greatest achievement of architecture, prism, and society that the Fierlaupon Earth had yet rendered. Together in a pact to bring order (their order) to the World,

    Seven Fierla upon the girth of slaves and science- erected this magnificent Kingdom.Never before had Earth been so closely christened as to Faicastes. Never before had itseemed so similar to the Heavens from which they were exiled. Aetlantium, how vast andgrand was this mockery.

    We the Lucaifem- watched for three millennia, as the weak, the feeble, thedowntrodden, and the humble were cast unto the sea. For entertainment, the ill-bornbabes would be dashed against the trees. For sport, the poor were hunted and speared.The entrails of the ill given to the dogs. There are no inferior citizens in Aetlantium.There are no weak to bear the crest. How ironic then that the mighty and opulent gatesshould be raised by slaves?

    Is this your Heaven, Adreizel? Is this your glory?We have for you an answer. It comes via messenger from the East. It is carried by thefalcon, and reads: No, our prodigal brother, this is not your glory. It shall surely be yourend.

    We sent our chanters to surround the City. From the mountain tops they stood firm withtheir arms clasp against their chest. They offered a song for the Reaper; to summon the

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    winds and waters to dance. The Abyss calls you home, Adreizel; and the worms awaitthee below the waves. What wonders the world did ever see on this the day of Aetlantium!


    I am nameless . I was the son of a slave, born in Vedetia a city of the Southern cape of Aetlantium. My father and two brothers were cast unto the sea for injuries they sustained whilst making repairs to the house of Niddin. Without a will to live, I decided to cast myself as well unto the sea. I was stopped by the house guards and badly beaten. Becauseof my defiance I was to be sold for sport to merchants in the great city. Upon the road to

    Aetlantium, a man, cloaked in sackcloth, appeared in our path. The guards immediatelydrew their swords and approached this figure. Without a word of protest, he raised hisright hand with a gesture (the sign of the Six) and the guards fell cold. I pleaded with thisman to take my life also; but that was not his intention. I was offered an opportunity toreconcile the wrongs done to my family and people. I was given this rare circumstance to

    fight the disease that had plagued the Earth the Fierla.

    He cloaked me in his garment and we walked eighteen days and nights to Mountains. Inthe while, the Sun began to cease its light. There was a strange air fallen upon the land. An eerie song from the peaks was carried by the wind. It was when we reached the Mountainside that the land began to tremble. Because of the dark, we could not see; but we heard the cries, the crashing of the buildings, the rushing waters and then Silence.This song was sung by the Chanters as we escaped:

    Down down beneathe the waters sank....For faltering voices hath sang....

    The song for a wicked wicked land....

    Of Earth, Fire und Water....Shall together conspire thy fate und....

    Away the sentence be carried....

    O' Aetlantium, art thou faellen

    Thrice Heralded we thy wager....A Krystael dungeon of one favour....To merry thy journey beneath thee....

    What sins shouldst spoken become this,....That our eyes shouldst turn away from here?....

    Of our abode we hath shunned thee....

    O'.. Aetlantium, we chain thee....O' .. Aetlantium, we gave thee....

    Down Down beneathe the waters here....

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    The Cleansing of Dakanarr

    Dakanarr one whose enemies called Babylonia-, for you we have no eulogy.Let there be no tear shed. Let there be no regret. Who weeps for thee?

    Not he who you cast to the streets. Not he whose tongue spoke no lies yet you stole forlack of praise. No Dakanarr, Lebil weeps for you not.

    He came to me in some still night. Or so it was a night that had yet continued for what should have been two days. I was a boy of 9 years in the rule of he whose name I shall

    not speak. This man came to me on that most still of nights. He could not return mytongue. He could not restore the love of my family. He could not offer me any promise of

    lasting peace; and I could not offer him my care. The life that I had known was aterrible place. Oh there was laughter; and there was a peace. It was found in the mire of

    all the citizens whose pride reached the Heavens. Gods they called themselves, whilst singing hymns of praise for a people whose greatness rested on the backs of slaves. I

    would pass by the constructing beacon; and I would cringe at hearing the cracking whip. Many of these slaves were children of my age whose families were sold to us. They

    would be forced to carve our images from the stone, and build our immortality with their blood. How could I continue to eat, and dance and sing in this vanity? How could we all?

    A chariot of the man-gods, seated at the top of the monument, marked the honour that I one day- refused to pledge. One sentence that I could not utter; and my own prideful

    father drew his dagger for the glory of the State and took my ability to speak. He presented my tongue to a keeper of the codes where it was nailed to a post for all to see

    all who praised the deed for the glory of Dakanarr. You would have my hate, Dakanarr if only I had ever known love.

    This man came to me in the stillest night and offered me escape. Escape to any other land than Dakanarr, and I was his to take. We traveled to a land of Mountains high. There inthat silent place we slumbered for many years, until the water subsided. We awoke as

    one, to find the land not as we had left it; and containing none with whom else to speak.

    In Cleansings that followed, three more were collected. Two of we remain nameless as wealso were, the third Hnauk- preferred to not give his account.

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    II. gods of Men

    Children borne of the Stars: O Grigorii, ye sacred Fierla whom have fallen so far to taintthe innocent with your caress. You are the weeds, and we are the sickle.

    "Poison Star hath carried theea Blessed Breath of Reckoning.

    O' Daughter of Neptis cries! Hers ... chained Beneathe the Ice..."

    And the many were cleansed from the Earth bound beneath the Ice. But as for the

    accounts of Rahh, Aehhvramen, and Akmahn - theirs called unto the winds for theirescape. They took to the farther lands to the three deserts of Stone, Water and Sand.There they solemnly planted their seeds amongst the daughters of men and gods they

    were named. And the great cities were again rebuilt; as men lusted the rewards of theirstay. For their gods, they constructed the ultimate vessels. With these three corners, theFierla had no longer need of only a single host; for now they could inhabit all who bore

    their mark and who dwelt beneath their beacons. And many came unto these lands,seeking the gifts of the gods. They brought with them slaves and warriors, and a will to

    serve. Captive were the innocent; and their blood cried from the stained Earth.


    These gods of men sew their arts into the lands. With them they brought new ambitionsof Science that exceeded the understanding of man. This is the greatest blasphemy of theFierla to corrupt the innocent flesh all for accord of their own lust for a Nature that isnot theirs, that is not fashioned by their own hands. You have known them in your songs,in your dance, in your writings and in your tales. You have tasted the poison and fallendeaf. I am Raihna , and this is my prayer: That all who are yet to awaken shall never

    know their touch. That on the glorious day of Reckoning, all shall be Pure.

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    I was a daughter of the Nile my heart reared by fear. I was born beneath a half waxingmoon; and as all girls who were born the same, I was required to receive the mark for the Seitudahnd. My mothers sister had received the Seitudahnd upon her birth aswell. It was the mark for women who were chosen to bear offspring that would be the

    sacred gaurds, by conception with the seed of both beast (lion) and man. As was rite after

    the birth of the Seitudahnd, the mother would be slain by a priest and her flesh preserved to feed the offspring. My mother knew this fate that would await me as it did her sister, soshe silenced our servants and disguised me as a son. My father, before my birth, was sent across the east sea on a campaign of conquest for lesser lands; and my mother knew hisreturn would be no less than 6 years. For this time, she prepared a plan to send me from

    the Nile and with the expectation that I would never return.

    She instilled within me a fear, that I should never reveal myself to anyone and what terrible fate would await me if I did. I was taught to be silent and to avoid the suspicion

    of our neighbors. She said of me (to our neighbors) that I was to be dedicated as a temple priest as was my Fathers wish before he left. During the anniversary of my fifth year of

    birth, she sent me with the guidance of a hired thief and four servants to be taken to her cousins estate in the north eastern lands. It was arranged that I would have lived thereunder the guise as a daughter of one of his servants, and to be raised in his house and

    never return to this place. I was sent with these four servants and thief. For twenty daysand seven we traveled against the warm days and cool nights and dry heat. On the twentyeighth day, I awoke to shouts and screams. The thief had arranged for the servants to be

    slain in their sleep, and I was taken to be sold as a slave.

    I was returned to the city and sold upon the market to the house of Hdurr. There I wastrained to dance and to sing. I was cloaked in finer attire and made to have the scents of flowers and spice. For the first in my life, a girl I was. The house servants were kind to

    me as was the mistress of the home. Although taught to be mindful of my place, I stilllonged for my freedom my mothers voice. As the following years carried on, I aged fromgirl into a young lady. My evenings were often occupied in song and entertaining of the

    house guests.

    The course of my life shifted on the winds of one Solstice day; when a servant came to thehouse seeking a purchase. For my beauty and ability to sing, the mistress of the house

    was offered a price that she deemed greater than my worth. I was sold as acongratulatory prize to a returning warrior from a long campaign. Because my

    innocence had been preserved to add value to my stay, I was unaware of the true appealof my being. I arrived cloaked and veiled to a room of joyous noise. A celebration was in

    place for this warriors long awaited return. There was song, drink and dance that I could hear from behind the curtains of the room. Finally after what seemed to hours of occasion, I was brought from behind the wall and presented to this man as a gift. Whenthe veil was lifted, all I could see was awe on the faces and the silence that followed in

    astonishment of my beauty. As the lady of house signaled and sent the guests and servantsaway, she spoke a final word of congratulations before we were to be left alone. It was

    upon hearing her voice that I immediately gazed to her and realized that she was my ownmother. She did not recognize me for my form as a lady and my place as a slave!

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    I was in sudden terror as he and I were left alone. He was with consumption and I feared for my spirit when his hands began to touch me. I knew that this man was my father and that he knew it not; but as I was bound by a worse fate to reveal myself so I remained the part of a slave. Silent and reluctantly, I allowed my disgrace. Upon the morrow that

    followed, I was again taken to another place. This time it was an un-earthen room

    beneath the house. I could smell an ominous odor in that chamber and when the lampswere lit, I recognized that it was a tomb. In panic, I broke free from the house guards and ran up the stairs and out into the inner court. The guards then caught up with me and

    subdued me to return me to the tomb. Before again we descended, through my cries and tears, I took notice of a raven - perched and watching my plea. I was taken again

    beneath, bound, and laid within a case. Then I was inserted into the wall and over adrain. The guards then left to return to the surface and extinguished the lamps upon their exit. From above me, I could hear faint sounds of talk then a door closing and nothingother than a ravens muffled call. In that moment, having remembered seeing the otherscases upon the walls, I knew that this was surely my end and I reserved myself to death.

    Time seemed to cease yet endure, as my quieting mind crept into sleep.

    I was awoken suddenly by a terrible trembling. The earth above and around me wasshaking violently and beneath it all, I could hear the distinct shrill of screams. The

    shaking continued for what must had been half a day; and during this time I was hopingwith certainty that the ceiling above me might fall and end my shame. Then, as sudden asit began, the trembling ceased; and all was quiet and calm above. Curiosity overwhelmed

    my thoughts with wonder and fear. For yet another hour or two I was there in darknessand silence. Then again I heard a sound from above it was the call of a raven followed

    by footsteps. The door to the chamber opened and my eyes, wide, gazed to the steps. Down came a man, cloaked in black and holding a lamp. He approached my side and

    knelt to my case. Our eyes locked and I no longer felt fear. He aided me to my feet and my bindings fell. Without words spoken, I began tounderstand. This man, who had no voice, offered me both life and death. I ascended with

    him to the inner court and to my awe the city around us was level to the earth, buildingsand all. The light was dim, so I assumed it night until I glanced to the sky and saw the

    Sun. It was dark yet not; and a breeze did follow. Through the ruins all that stood werethe three beacons the vessels of the gods. It was then that I acknowledged and accepted

    this bind. It was then on that most Hallowed day, that the Nile was Sentenced.

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    As the Chanters surrounded the city from far around; no stone was left unshaken, and noliving thing left undone. We left the cradle of the vessels and all the treasures behind. ASentinel removed the hearts of the three beacons, encased them in bronze shroud, and

    buried them deep beneath the earth. It would be a century before the land therein wasagain settled, but only a decade before the Third Light would cross the Sea to find itsbrothers kingdom, buried beneath the ruins. They would come to the beacons to seek

    their awaiting kings; but find only the insult that we left chiseled into the still standinggates. These words, that proclaimed Rahhs fate, would likewise herald the storm that we

    had yet to bring to the Third Light that lay across the Sea.

    Sancte , have you spoken? Look at me as I die

    I must fade so you may liveSacred death comes over me.

    O Hallowed one, what do you see? Ejik jahktei. Taccje Nuolscpe-je-cei.

    Eye of one, buried beneath the dunesUnholy curse, forever wandering the Earth

    Relinquish the chains; bound are you neighCradle of the Pyramid, three corners Divine.

    O Hallowed one, what do you see? Ejik jahktei, Tacceje Nuolscpe-je-cei

    In the decades to follow, they brought their ships and their warriors and their tents. Thensoon the slaves arrived and the re-construction began. A memorial city was erected to

    honour the once great kingdom of Rahh. But Aehhvramen could not remain, so the landwas ruled by men. And in the likeness of the Fierla they did create for themselves; andfor the hopes that as they gods they would be. O foolish keepers of corruption, in your

    wake awaits a greater plague! For the land is cursed and so shall you ever also be. Cursed

    are all whom drink from the wells of Rahh, and bear his mark upon their being.You may never know peace.


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    Third Light

    May you slumber soundly beneath the cooled shadow stone.

    May our kiss calm thy worries for an eventual return.Third Light, sleep well and dream of the last day You had seen.Are not thy ruins magnificent? Does not the Moon grace the grave?

    Sleep forever, Third Light, for better days shall not to thee come.


    A Cleansing is oft a delicate matter, particularly so when the subjected Civilization

    contains any inhabitants yet of a measure of virtue. This was the circumstance within theEmpire of the Third Light; for as Aehhvramen had established a rule unique to his

    immortal brethren, this land appealed to many peoples from distant Kingdoms. He didnot rely upon the greater Sciences and Mysteries to fulfill his Fierla whim. Aehhvramen

    was a serpents spawn, and could tempt the inner beast. Wanderers, travelers, traders allwere welcomed as guests and to be treated and given the same blessings as

    Aehhvramens own citizens. There was neither need nor want here, for all were fed,clothed, and entertained for the glory of Aehhvramen in hopes that more would thenpledge their worship and bear his mark. This seemed as subtle a gesture for many, tosimply offer their honour as paid respects for so many gifts and appeasing things. For

    what is ones Soul, if not a bargaining stone to cast wager with? A Soul that can be cast

    and corrupted for riches, gratification, and splendor is indeed a Soul for the Beast.

    And so Aehhvramens subjects increased to a great number, so until it had achieved thenumber of Man. And for those whom were not counted among these, a single warning

    was sentcarried by a messenger who bore the Sign of Six.

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    She came from the East on no lesser than a perfect Summers morn. It was the day of once per Score, when the land would pay tribute to their god. I noticed her, and only her

    from amidst the masses entering from beneath the welcoming Arches. I, from mymasters merchant table, took leave and sought to trail near her as she parted from thedispersing crowd. It was almost as the instinct of a dog to follow its master; yet I could

    not understand this impulse for a stranger apart from her apparent beauty alone. A song from her heart had reached my own, one of sorrow and of love. Her stride wasunwavering, yet hesitant as she would frequently pause and then continue much like

    that of a reluctant Shepherd, that leads its lamb to the market to be sold and eaten. Thismysterium pondered in my thoughts as I curiously followed; wondering what her matters

    were in this place as they were clearly not that of the traders or buyers.

    Finally, she arrived to her apparent destination. We stopped in the center of the city,where all paths gather their ends to the reflection pool. It lay before the Temple of

    Aehhvramen where many receive his mark and bear allegiance to his name. It is also

    upon the stairs where traitors and prophets were slain. She stood at by the front of the pool, gazing into the waters. As I carefully watched her face from my distance, I could see that her eyes were not beholding her own beauty; but rather gazing into the reflectionto see the sky. I waited there, watching her in a mesmerized state of mind. Nothing else

    pressed upon my thoughts only her and I. For hours she stood there without evenshifting her feet. Her gaze continued so that it seemed she was dreaming. It was almost

    mid-day, and the crowds were emptying the streets. They were congregating into theTemple to pay worship to their king. Thousands they were as they entered there and

    assembled together. Just as the Sun had made its journey to the height of the sky, I beganto approach her to inquire and know her thoughts. It was as instantly as my first step

    toward her that she broke this eternal pause.

    She stretched forth her hand over the water and covered the reflection of the Sun. Cloudsimmediately gathered and the Moon blotted out the Sun. The earth began to shake and the pillars throughout the whole city came undone. I trembled in fear as the earth wasremoved from my feet. She then turned her face toward me and our eyes entwined. Sheapproached and offered her hand for me with our eyes still locked. I took her hand and

    stood and our calm exchange occurred; whilst the land all around us continued totremble in the dark. We embraced for a time, despite the screams and crashing sound

    that competed with the dark. Then finally the Sun began to return, and the Earth returned to calm. The jewel of the Temple had been shattered to pieces. None therein were spared,

    only her and I. As we departed from through these ruins, time mattered no more.


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    Harlequin, pleasing is the river that flees from your veins. I, Darian , was spared this fate that should claim the mark of Aehhvramen and the gloryof the Third Light. Nothing remained. For the confirmation of the few whom heeded the

    warning to flee before the Reckoning Day, theirs was certainly granted. From the Templecentre to the Kingdoms outer gates, every stone was turned to call the crows feast.

    She led me along the coast unto the western port of Orresedt where the waters were yet at unrest from the Cleansing of the Third Light. She bade me to part from her there and

    seek for myself a new beginning across the sea once the waters were again at peace. Shethen removed the Onyx stone that hung from around her neck and placed it over my head.

    Despite all circumstance that should have made my heart to ponder, I without discussion- understood. This moment had I foreseen in my earliest dreams and finally her face I recognized. We parted from each other, and I sought for my destiny in the land of

    Mountain fire knowing that she and I would be reunited again.


    Twelve days until death. Twelve days until birth.We reserve our thoughts and mire for the new dawn. I can taste the approaching

    departure; as have the others many times before. For myself however, it is a flavor not sowelcomed. Perhaps I am not as brave regarding the uncertain this ageless vessel that was born my very own; I am not entirely willing to part from. Slumber is coming soon,and when we awake my body will be no longer. I am not ready; but I am willing. With

    Darian, we have many tidings to bring. - Raihna

    Cold Slumber, where the dying shall the living be.Pass us from this to thy vessel, and carry us with thee across the Sea.


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    Sheep truly are an appropriate simile: How they care only for the moment.

    How they blindly follow one another from leisure to leisure.

    How their thoughts ponder not despite the danger about them.How easily they are subdued with sooth.

    And though there may be Rams among them, even those with horns can never chargebeyond the flock. Yes these are appropriate creatures; so innocent and not.

    A height of stone and flowfrom there to see the Earth below. Betrayers, traitors, thieves and fiends, have become to lead the sheep astray. They bore

    upon them mischief to earn their attention. They displayed before them knowledge of theSciences to earn their awe. They gave unto them fruits of the heavens to fill their hearts

    with longing; and drink the wine to take their minds. These fallen Stars poisoned the

    waters - that the sheep ignored the bitter taste and drank.


    gods of Men, that have upon the Earth brought sorrow: let the Light burn them clean.For they have corrupted that which was pure. For they have destroyed for the sake of

    vanity. For they have molded armies of children that learned to slay and take slaves; andraised for this desecration- kingdoms of hate. They are cursed by the right of their owndoing; as are all whom take from their cup. Let them drink only of their own poison, and

    eat only the crops of their famine stricken land. This is the charge of the blood spilledinnocents. This is the howl of the Wolves who circle the Beast .


    Akmahn wandered in the land to the west of the centre sea. There he called up thecreatures of the wooden hills just above the waves; and raised for himself a military of men and fangs. And they tarried then into the northern lands to conquer there, for the

    solitary conceals that which should be kept from being seen. There he began theconstruction of the Valhln city and sought therein to spread his seed; but the winds

    claimed his valor and left for his children to claim the reign. Runes chiseled against theanchor-stone, herald the cold winter breeze. They warn of the nightly voices that call up

    from beneath the frost. They plead for no mercy as none shall be granted. All whom enterhere are possession of the Noeriehj ; and of their grasping enchantments from within their

    silent gaze.

    The lights above the Pine guide the forbidden way.

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    III: Sign of Six

    Carried aloft by tattered wings

    shall he ascend on light wind.Fro the eastern mountains of the Dveui,for the valleys of the great black sands.

    The arising be his strength,fro up the depths of the sunken past.

    The ruined city of his becoming,- of his solace that hath been him denied.

    One ancient voice to be partaken,Out of its grail shouldst he drink.

    The sour wine therein that consumeth him,To remove the grip of passing from his breath.

    Fro the corners whence night and day meet,Shall the winds be held against their paths.

    And to the way of both seas and land,Shall he trod and tarry.

    One sword to slay thy famine, One measure of peace for thy suffering.

    The Prince of the West will to him beseech,That shouldst the world to know not unity.Then shall the earth open its mouth again,to taste the sweetness of the great cities.

    And of the heavens shall out-pour upon him,For the knowing of men should not be.That their eyes shall further be blinded,

    till the hour of truth to be.

    And he shall again cloak himself in darkness,and walk amongst the children of Eve.

    That all may be unknowing of his presence,that none might see to believe.

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    I have slept for long, and the awakening is to a cold, howling wind. A feeling of restlessness and vitality is overcome me; and the many questions that once were are all

    now serene and clear. As I clutch the Onyx that dangles from around my neck, I know

    that her mind is now my mind; and their minds are now ours, and mine is theirs. I havetheir thoughts, their memories, their lives and deaths; and they have my own being at their equal command. I understand now, and we are one and that we move, speak, and breathe as one. This body is full of fire and light. The senses heighten to a perception I

    had never before. Desires that once were are no longer. There exists no wants of mortalmanner; no longing for trivial things. There is no self now; and vain grievances of flesh -such as this cold, hollow wind- are not even a deterrence. All is clear and we know where

    we are to go and to be. The earth is at our use as are the elements of Nature within. And unlike that of our opponent, Grace sends upon us from the Heavens to aid for the

    sake of reckoning.

    There is a sound in the air; it arises from the soil beneath - a plea from the blood of thethousands and thousands whom have fallen prey to the Beast. It cries of those whom havebeen taken and subjected to the wicked thingsthe cries of souls whose bodies were

    desecrated in terrible ways by both Fierla and their Beasts. They are the cries also of theinfants that where cheated of their place, as they were murdered by their own mothers inhonour of a perfect race. We are drawn infinitely to their call; and follow the chanting to

    hunt the Fierla, each and every one. They shall flee us as -before them- their kingdoms fall. They shall pass through every willing woman, child, and man seeking any whom

    will host their stay; but their eyes shall always reveal them. They shall take to wing tocall upon their might and will; but the elements shall not comply. There is no hiding from

    the Sign of the Six; for the right of Nature cannot grant them peace.


    A mark was given unto the Silent ones - that they should become the Chanters.A mark was given unto the Chaste ones that they should become the Sentinels.A mark was given unto the Beaten ones that they should become the Healers.A mark was given unto the Virtuous ones that they should deliver the Justice.

    A mark was given unto the Slain ones that they should accuse their Murderers.A mark was given unto the Chosen ones that they should attain all Others.


    And the Chanters, cloaked in grey, carried their lanterns unto the peaks. They hummed acall for the Wolves to bargain for their allegiance. And the Wolves did comply, to hostthe Slain for a time. They then departed to lead the Sentinels to their prey; and upon them

    bearing the Sign of Six along their way.

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    IV: Fate of the Fierla:

    Fallen from the night Sky,Children born of the Stars.

    They flee from our Presence,now they hide in your Hearts.

    Memories have they spoken, Images of the Past.Tears all are sullen,

    No-where to hide from us.

    Death has become us,Saviour cloud reigns Ash.The Dawn awakens Silent,

    No more Sun for your Path.


    The being of a Fierla moves amongst hosts of vessels at will. They understand thisscience of Spirit and Soul that is kept from the knowing of Man. Although the body canalways be defeated, the possessor thereof- must be captured and encased. Otherwise, it

    shall simply seek yet another vessel and begin the consummation again. Many havechosen rebellion of Nature, and have fallen from their appointed places. So, as many menhave offered themselves as vessels in exchange for experience. These mistaken Souls fall

    prey to their own folly, for a Fierla is no respecter of persons. Nor do they care for thevirtue of their hosts. Men are mere pawns in their game and with a seemingly endless

    supply they are certainly expendable. Yes, it is misfortunate that many men do choosethis path and cast their lot with the damned.

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    And as of the fate that awaits them: ash and wind blowing round about them for alleternity. Is there a greater madness? Is there more appropriate a cell? The light of

    Attesius is the portal that carries them there; and our script chiseled into their stones.Behold the justice that is divine, for it matters not when the Earth shall know its end. The

    Fate of the Fierla is certain; as it was written in the stars.


    For Twenty-four days had we followed the howls that had guided our path. Forward wedid tread without food or rest, until we reached our destination. We were greeted by a

    scent of death and woe that lingered heavily in the stale, summer air. The flames were yet deadening at the hour of our arrival; as we crested the final hill. Smoke settled in the

    valley before us, as faint cries haunted the earth. We arrived to the entrance to behold that every abode had been scorched. Cuts of sword were evident upon the stone wall and beyond it, the charred, cut bones of the families were left scattered about. Bones of men,bones of women, bones of fifty-two children - they were all arranged in patterns of seven

    - to curse the ground beneath them. Their skulls were left piled in the flame-pits that consumed them. Stains of their blood marked the gate stones at the exit of the village,with a four-one-seven sign of the moon. This was the mark of the Svihha, one lineage of Fierla for the day of Dakanarr. And this was the place of a raid upon their journey togather hosts for the Kingdom of Neirikum. Reverently we paused, for truly a horrific

    event had occurred. Our sorrow for these innocents, however, quickly turned todetermination. We cannot offer hatred for these, the damned Grigorri; for even hatred requires a measure of care. No, they have only our apathy. There is no passion in our

    cause only calm, cold unfeeling.

    We parted in two. The Chanters remained behind so that they might shade the Sun from

    the earth there, for Three days and nights. After this errand of pity, they would make their way to the Mountain in the north, and there call the vultures from their nests for thecoming feast. We continued to the west, with our Sentinel and our fanged companions toguide us stopping only for brief moments to drink of the native waters. The Fierla knew

    that we were approaching, as they could hear our guides accusing song. So they prepared in the forest before our path in effort to bring us to our end. In preparation for conflict, they called their science from the waxing Moon, to hide them within the shadows

    of the trees. There, they waited patiently for our intrusion.

    When we came to the forests edge, we sent the wolves to encircle it. They held their song for two days as we waited at the entrance. We posted there, unwavering, as we greweager for the second Night. Then, as the Full Moon was finally above us, the wolves

    released their cry. With the Sentinel remaining behind us in the field, standing beneaththe full moons light, we entered into their wooded fortress with our sight as clear as

    the days. We attacked them without our blades, but turned them against their ownswords. They could not use their eyes to see us; for by their own science we had stolentheir sight. The fight was short endured and some of our prey did flee the forest as the

    battle came to end. Their sentence, however, was delivered by the wolves that had waited for them outside the forests edge.

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    Within our solemn piercing SongAfire the penance thy wills have sought

    Afoot we hunt thy marked ones.

    An the boughs o Hell upon thee Fall.

    Kempt beneath the trodden foot,Cast unto a waning MoonMerry be the day we bow

    As the boughs o Hell upon thee Fall.

    Morrows too this joy is wonO cursed children of thy spawnTwice the cries have sounded of

    The madness burning in our Soul.


    None escaped the justice that fell upon them that night. Their vessels were defeated, and their possessors imprisoned in our Sapphires. We left for the canyon near the coastal

    steep, until we came to the foot of the two peaks. There we bound and cast our stones together- into the moonlit river. They sank, to be left undiscovered, until the day of final

    Reconciliation whence shall they be claimed by Attesius.


    One prayer we offer hereOur Sentinel heart keep beating still

    Sounding thirteen, eighty-twelve,Ninety-two, and sixty-one.

    Plead for us the joyous one,O Faellen stars from above the Sun

    For the laughter in our heartsFor this Gift we offer thee.

    Morrows too this joy is wonO blessed madness from your mark Twice the cried have sounded, andThe boughs o Hell upon thee Fall.


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    What vice or madness should overcome the will of one, to lead him from light into

    darkness and damnation? What temptation can be so alluring for one to forfeit hisgoodness, and exist for trivial pleasures of a mere moment? The disease that is love of self- consumes the body of life and all that it connects.

    His name was Valluihr, and he suffers a traitors curse. He knew the cost of the Fierla upon mankind, yet offered his vessel in exchange for theblasphemy of a vain cause. For this treason, he shall wander the Ice alone- for eternity. And for his sin against me for his sin against love he shall wander with regret. My

    name is Alexeus , and I am not of the Twice of the Twenty; but I was a part of their journey. For their respect and honour of me, I am invited here to give my story a story

    of an Apprentice and his treachery...a story of forsaken love.

    When I was a young girl, my mentor warned me of communing with the Sentinels. It wassaid that they should not be tempted by the while of human kinship, nor should any suchoffer be entertained. For a young girl being trained in the disciplines of the Chanters, I

    was seldom belated by any such circumstances involving a Sentinel save few occasionsto even become well-acquainted with any Sentinel. Their caste was the most exclusive of all castes of Lucaifem. Apprentices for Sentinels were selected in their early youth, and only a specific manner of withdrawn, chaste spirit was sought in a child prodigy. Theywere trained and tailored to abstain from all mortal vice, and to spontaneously host a

    Lucaifems will at random. To be a Sentinel is to forfeit your humanity yet be bound for the sake humanity. Sentinels need not be reminded of the innocent delights of mortal

    intimacy; for such longings would only distract them from their tasks. Any interactionbetween our Castes should be strictly confined to the matters of our tasks alone. Thoughthis was sound advice, it was neither enforced nor monitored. Foolishly, I dismissed this

    advice and gradually developed an intimate friendship with one Sentinel Valluihr. Ourswas a solemn passion, together, for our cause and for each other. By a seemingly

    unbreakable bond of understanding and love, we were kept secure in our paths. It fellheavily upon me when that bond was broken.

    The power to corrupt is the greatest weapon that a Fierla may possess. For even with theopportunity of communion with the Heavens, a human subsides at his own nakedness

    before the spirits of the Infinite. Even though as the own heir of the Creator did taste of the mortal grail of death, humankind may ever seek to avoid that passing. Valluihr did cast love upon me; but not as much so as he sought love upon himself. In his heart, helonged for an eternity, not of innocence or selflessness, but of gain and authority. Thiswas an eternity not given of the life of our path; but it was the way of the Fierla. Who

    should stand in the way of ones own gain? What power over the strong should the pleading of the weak wield? Love thyself first; and, in forsaking all others, give only

    then from thy abundance. A Fierla apprentice whom Valluihr showed mercy upon and released- told him this; and he kept it within his heart.

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    For three weeks, I was unaware of any conspiracy from within Valluihrs mind. We, withour team of four, had been consumed for every waking moment in preparation for the planned cleansing of a Fierla firm in the south-west Balkans. All seemed to feel in

    accordance with an inevitable victory soon to have been at our hands; but this was not true. Valluihr had plotted an alternative outcome of our encounter. I am unsure of when

    or where he attained the opportunity to contact and arrange for our failure; but we wereindeed captured through the given location of our camp. I felt it before it happened that night. I sensed something contemplative stirring within Valluihr as he sat by the edge of

    our circle keeping watch not for our security, but to confirm our presence to our enemy. I fell asleep watching his back turned to me, believing that somehow he would keep us

    safe as we rested. I remember my light dreaming that night. It was nothing of consequence, but it is vivid still. The sun was following us through a winters night; and it was melting the snow before our path. I then awoke to a brief yet gargling sound. As I

    yielded my head to its side I beheld Franz and Reiner as they lay lifeless with thesilhouette of a sinister figure standing over their cut corpses. With haste, I sprung to my feet and leapt backward right into the waiting arms of Valluihr. He turned me and

    attempted to quiet my hysteria as the figures in the dark stood patiently to the side.Alexeus he said, I give you this chance to truly be with me and forever as one.Together we can conquer the world, if only youll take my hand. I couldnt grasp the

    situation that was happening and what was being said. My voice escaped me as I finallyrealized what Valluihr had become. I broke free from his embrace and pushed him awaywith a spurn of disgust. So be it he said with a calm and steady voice. He paused for a

    moment and then turned to depart with his new company. But as he walked toward theedge of camp, he glanced back briefly to me with a gleaming smile on his face. He thenturned his back and departed into the darkness of the night. I felt nothing that moment,

    only the cool numbing of the blood-stained snow beneath my feet. I waited until dawn to pile stones before I headed back.


    An apprentice bargains far more than his virtue and purity. It is light and true love that islost in the trade; and it only these things that can render completion. Without them, thespirit is departed and is always wandering and wanting. It is never full, and it never

    knows peace. A spirit without love is ventured into darkness; and without light to accentit it is a worse solitude than that of an unquenched desire. Happiness then becomes

    comatose as all pleasures lose their sensation. An apprentice of a Fierla learns this lessononce his task is complete; and it is then too late for him to decide otherwise. Humans arenot loved by the Fierla; but are regarded completely as possession. Though Millenia of

    cohabitation, Fierla have come to regard Humans as cattle, beasts of burden, andinnocents to be corrupted for temporary muse. To a Fierla, it matters not the right of lifegiven by Nature; and the mortality a human is no concern better than that considered of avessel. An Apprentice foolishly believes that he is of importance, and that he may growto emulate his Fierla master. An apprentice is consumed by a selfish lust and is blind to

    the truth that awaits him.

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    But for the stay that is granted him during his time of usefulness to his Fierla master, heexperiences many vain vices and aspects not known by sheep. With his innocence lost, he

    advances in knowledge and learns of the hidden sciences. An apprentice learns theintricacies of his own natural-born vessel. He learns the necessities of nutrition,

    avoidance, refreshing, and dormancy required to sustain the body for a lengthier duration.

    He learns to understand many hidden communions with natural environment - that humanignorance prevents the masses from knowing. An apprentice learns the workings of spiritual consciousness; and he uses this knowledge as the Fierla do- to manipulate theperception of men. He comes to recognize value in reclusiveness, although he will shy

    not from exploiting the taste of superiority. Through these things, you have known onlyof those whom history has ignorantly noted. Wizards, Sorcerers, Enchanters, and Seers you have known of them from times before reason. But now, these mysteries do not

    exist as such for there is no evidence to satisfy the skeptic. An apprentice, of this time,knows this and is educated of the modern conveyance. He has learned the value in putting

    on the sheeps clothing, and walking amongst the flock.


    We enter the remains of this fortress that once was. Here, high upon the west slopingside of a mountain ridge, the earth continues to claim what craft of stone and wood wasleft by human hands. Moss taints the outer edges where sunlight gleams through patchesof the trees from the south-east side. Vines have spent their years creeping up the jagged,cracked stairs unto the falling inner walls where they slowly pull them down stone bystone. Crows often circle above while keeping watch on the many frequent visitors that come to this place. The visitors come here to ponder its distant history and that of their

    enslaved ancestors who carried its stones upon their backs. They are given to curiosity of to why this Castle was built so far away from the valley and towns. They ask why, here

    the clouds seem to ever cover the moon at night and why the song birds never sing. Amysterium grips their minds; and as some dare themselves to lean close to the steep outer walls edge, they begin to yield their imaginations to the many tales that have been passed along though the ages tales of ghosts and of possessed men with sinister

    command over the soul. Here they entertain their many guesses all of pasts that never were. They stand here upon this very stone floor, guessing - whilst the truth of the secrets

    that they ponder are scattered openly beneath their very feet.

    It was the caste of Drevuil that produced an Apprentice in this place. As is done unto allselected locations, they scarred the soil and stone with their mark. I recognized this mark and identified it with the one that I beheld - that fateful night upon Valluihrs left arm.We had consulted the archives to confirm the mark. I would have otherwise doubted my

    recollection of the image had that nights event been any other than it was; for most of usknow this mark as expired - having belonged to a caste that had long since been cleansed from the Earth. To our dismay, we now knew this belief to be false. It was this revelation

    that lead us here.

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    Immortality is a matter of the Soul and not of the vessel. Even so no Spirit may evercease to exist, the collective consciousness of that Spirit may tarry in the same world

    should it possess the authority and knowledge to assume a new vessel when each

    previous vessel is no longer of use. As for an Apprentice, the mutual habitation of hisvessel yields his consciousness to consummate with that of the hosted Fierla and all theconsciousnesses that the Fierla has previously consummated. The Soul remains stable inthis regard as all the knowledge and acclimation -of the said Spirit- is now continuing its

    encounter with this environment and growing yet. This immortality is a vital ingredient inthe creation of such an evil; for without a solemn reverence for the natural right of Death,

    actions are made without regard to Life.


    The Drevuil were a pact of authority and order. Lead by Hajnvaihle (once a

    Lucaifem who fell into lust for power and became a rogue traitor), they endeavored anempire from which to control their order upon all of humanity. And the mode for thecontrol that was exercised by them was that of great carnal fear and terror. Hajnvaihledared his blasphemy of lust over love and sought to establish order upon the working of the Spirit itselfto force mans heart to submit rather than his body. With his knowledgeof the tendencies of human thought (and of its sign), he plotted to ultimately persuade allof humanity into one union of will and submission. The Drevuil began their conquest byestablishing a lineage for through to arrange a suitable vessel in the correct time and

    place to launch their campaign. During this span of seventeen decades, they accumulated a false reputation of nobility as a protective order- from the inhabitants of the land. A

    seemingly noble cause was certainly with sly intentions, for as the inhabitants of the

    region would grow dependent upon their protection they would willingly accept their authority. This nave notion was eventually put to trial when the time finally arrived for the chosen Apprentice to be assumed.

    Pre-determined to be the vessel for his time, Teurresh possessed the traits that encourage arrogance coupled with ambition. Though being with the natural born humanright of self-governed will, a selectively bred apprentice usually (though not always) is

    predisposition to compromise their birthright in exchange for power. Teurresh chose this path in the earliest days of his youth and accepted the Fierlas bargain. By his influenceand granted authority over the Drevuil, Teurresh accumulated a great force of subjects

    both willing and unwilling to execute his will throughout the land. For those whorebelled or displayed reluctance to his rule, the most horrifying methods of death awaited

    them along with their families. During this time, thousands of murdered souls pleaded justice from the stained Earth. Their cries haunted the forests and the hills. Laughter was

    a fools dying wish as word spread through the neighboring lands of the powerful Ruler whose cruelty knew no limits.

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    Through Teurresh, the Drevuil raised this fortress and brought the Onyx of their legionto stand dormant beneath it. In this fortress, they plotted to build the song-stone; and

    from this fortress - to release the sign of man.






    End of Book I, Volume I.

    All images and words copyright Daecaunt 2012