Benchmark_American Government ST - Recovered

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  • 7/24/2019 Benchmark_American Government ST - Recovered


    American Government

    Benchmark Assessment

    1. Read the excerpt from the Magna Carta below. Which of the following rights in the U.S. Bill of

    Rights was influenced by this passage

    a. freedom of assembly c. no excessi!e punishmentb. trial by "ury d. freedom of religion

    #. Read the excerpt below from the $nglish Bill of Rights. %his passage influenced what right in theU.S. Bill of Rights

    a. no fines as punishment c. freedom from punishmentb. freedom from bail d. no unreasonable punishment

    &. Read the excerpt below from the $nglish Bill of Rights. %his passage influenced what right in theU.S. Bill of Rights


    Today you will be taking the American Government Benchmark Assessment. This assessment

    consists of 100 questions. Read each question carefully and rovide your best answer orresonse.

    !or multile choice item identify the choice that best comletes the statement or answers the

    question.!or e"tended resonse items answer in comlete sentences.

    #ultile choice items are worth .$ oint% short answer items are worth &1 ' oints% and e"tended

    resonse items are worth & 1' oints. All test items will total 100 oints.

  • 7/24/2019 Benchmark_American Government ST - Recovered


    American Government

    Benchmark Assessment

    a. right to bear arms c. right to form an armyb. right to shoot in self'defense d. freedom of religion

    (. What document completes the timeline

    a. )etition of Right c. Mayflower Compactb. %he *ederalist )apers d. +rticles of Confederation

    ,. Refer to the abo!e $xcerpt from the Magna Carta. %his particular excerpt is the foundation forwhich +merican righta. passage out of the country c. trial by "uryb. habeas corpus d. freedom of speech

  • 7/24/2019 Benchmark_American Government ST - Recovered


    American Government

    Benchmark Assessment

    -. +nalye the diagram below. Which of the following periods is B$S% described by the rights and

    powers listed

    a. Renaissance c. /reat +wa0ening

    b. /lorious Re!olution d. $nlightenment

    . Refer to the excerpt from the 2eclaration of 3ndependence. %he rights described in this passagereflect the ideas first expressed by what $nlightenment thin0er

    a. 4ohn +dams c. %homas 4effersonb. Baron de Montes5uieu d. 4ohn 6oc0e

    7. 3n the passage below8 which of the following arguments was this $nlightenment thin0er ma0ing

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    American Government

    Benchmark Assessment

    a. + 0ing is a better leader because he can enforce laws without outside influences.b. +n elected official will be more honest because he must obey the laws he carries

    out.c. + 0ing can effecti!ely enforce laws8 but popular go!ernments cannot.d. 9nly an elected official is moral enough to decide when someone should be


    :. Refer to the abo!e excerpt from the 2eclaration of 3ndependence. 4efferson;s phrase ammurabi d. 4ulius Caesar

    1?. Refer to the abo!e 2eclaration of 3ndependence excerpt. %he phrase

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    American Government

    Benchmark Assessment

    a. allow all citiens to !ote on laws c. protect indi!idual rightsb. pro!ide for public security d. ma0e the people happy

    1&. Read the passage below from TheFederalist.3n it8 the writer argued that the nationalgo!ernment would not become too strong because @@@@.

    a. it shares power with state go!ernmentsb. its power comes from consent of the go!ernedc. separation of powers pro!ides chec0s and balancesd. the Constitution re5uires it to control itself

    1(. 3n the debate o!er ratification of the Constitution8 the ideas shown in the box represent the!iews of the @@@@.

    A strong executive branch will abuse its power.

    The Constitution does not protect individual rights enough.

    A powerful central government will ignore the will of the states.

    a. Whigs c. *ederalistsb. +nti'Republicans d. +nti'*ederalists

    1,. 2uring the debate o!er ratification of the Constitution8 +merican leader @@@@ expressed his!iews in The Federalist Papers.a. %homas )aine c. +braham 6incolnb. +lexander >amilton d. /eorge Washington

    1-. Mercy 9tis Warren made the statement below during the effort to ratify the new Constitution.>ow would you summarie Warren;s biasor personal opinion regarding the document

    a. 3t would create too many

  • 7/24/2019 Benchmark_American Government ST - Recovered


    American Government

    Benchmark Assessment

    1. 3n Federalist 10,4ames Madison argued that the ill effects of special interests Afactions couldbe pre!ented by what form of go!ernmenta. a monarchy c. a federal republicb. a democracy d. a parliamentary system

    17. What written wor0 contained arguments in fa!or of ratifying the new Constitution

    a. Common Sense c. The Federalistb. Declaration of Independence d. Poor Richards Almanac

    1:. Which of the following terms means that go!ernment is created by and sub"ect to the will of thepeoplea. legislati!e c. "udicialb. popular so!ereignty d. separation of powers

    #?. What is the form of go!ernment defined by the U.S. Constitution in which representati!es areelected by the people to create and enforce lawsa. republicanism c. the electoral systemb. constitutional monarchy d. federalism

    #1. What term describes a go!ernment in which so!ereignty resides in citiens who !ote for officersthat are responsible to both the electorate and the law

    a. socialism c. republicb. monarchy d. direct democracy

    ##. %he diagram illustrates what principle of the Constitution

    a. chec0s and balances c. separation of powersb. federalism d. limited go!ernment

    Federal System Under the U.S. Constitution

  • 7/24/2019 Benchmark_American Government ST - Recovered


    American Government

    Benchmark Assessment

    owers of the!ational "overnment

    # $ %



    owers ofState "overnments

    #&. Study the abo!e diagram of the *ederal System under the U.S. Constitution. Which of the

    following choices belongs in area of the diagrama. le!y taxes c. establish criminal'"ustice systemb. establish schools d. declare war

    #(. Study the abo!e diagram of the *ederal System under the U.S. Constitution. Which of thefollowing choices belongs in area D of the diagrama. ma0e marriage laws c. le!y taxesb. regulate foreign trade d. establish criminal'"ustice system

    #,. Study the abo!e diagram of the *ederal System under the U.S. Constitution. Which of thefollowing choices belongs in area E of the diagrama. declare war c. ma0e foreign policyb. le!y taxes d. establish schools

    #-. %he following box contains examples of what principle of the Constitution

    The president may veto laws made by Congress.

    Congress may impeach the president.

    The Supreme Court may rule a law unconstitutional.

    a. republicanism c. popular so!ereigntyb. separation of powers d. chec0s and balances

    #. Which of the following completes the table below concerning the effect of the grie!ances listedin the 2eclaration of 3ndependence on the U.S. Constitution

    &eclaration of 'ndependence "rievance U.S. Constitution rovision

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    American Government

    Benchmark Assessment

    %he 0ing had absolute power.

    %he colonies were taxed without theirconsent.

    9nly Congress8 elected by the people8can le!y taxes.

    %he 0ing made war against the colonies. 9nly Congress can declare war.

    a. Chec0s and balances limit executi!e power.b. %axation is completely illegal.c. %he 0ing has limited power.d. *reedom of speech is guaranteed by the constitution.

    #7. Refer to the description of the Senate in the abo!e excerpt from the U.S. Constitution8 +rticle 3.What phrase in this description was replaced by the Se!enteenth +mendmenta. shall ha!e one !ote c. for six yearsb. two Senators from each State d. chosen by the 6egislature thereof

  • 7/24/2019 Benchmark_American Government ST - Recovered


    American Government

    Benchmark Assessment

    #:. Refer to the abo!e excerpt from the U.S. Constitution +rticle 38 Section 7. What is this passagesometimes calleda. the clause of delegated powers c. the elastic clauseb. the enumerated clause d. the clause of reser!ed powers

    &?. Refer to the abo!e excerpt from the U.S. Constitution +rticle 38 Section 7. %his clause is thebasis for which of the following powers of Congressa. implied c. expressedb. inherent d. delegated

    &1. %he Constitution grants the power to interpret laws to the @@@@ branch of the nationalgo!ernment.a. executi!e c. legislati!eb. federal d. "udicial

    . What powers complete the table regarding chec0s and balances among the three branches ofthe federal go!ernment

    Chec(s and )alances in the Federal "overnment

    Chec( on*xecutive )ranch

    Chec( on+egislative


    Chec( on,udicial )ranch


    '' can !eto bills


    can impeach thepresident

    ''can impeach federal



    can declare executi!eactions unconstitutional

    can declare lawsunconstitutional


    a. can use military action to pre!ent !otes

    b. appoints "udgesc. can ha!e "udges; terms limitedd. can transfer executi!e powers to states

    &&. %he decision in the case Mar!r" !.Madison was a !ictory for the system of chec0s andbalances. 3t set up a chec0 by the @@@@.a. legislati!e branch on the "udicial branchb. "udicial branch on the legislati!e branchc. executi!e branch on the "udicial branchd. legislati!e branch on the executi!e branch

    &(. %he ideas expressed in the box support a @@@@ point of !iew.

    )y ratifying the Constitution- the states agreed to ma(e it the law of the land.

    There can be no nation if a state can withdraw whenever it does not li(e afederal action.

    The people- not states- created the Constitution.


    popular so!ereignty c. nationalist

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    American Government

    Benchmark Assessment


    states; rights d.


    &,. Many southern members of Congress who opposed the #ro$n!. #oard of %d!cationdecisionclaimed that the Supreme Court had o!erstepped its bounds. What did these congressmenbelie!e was !iolated

    a. the *irst +mendment c. states; rightsb. the *ourteenth +mendment d. Pless" !. Fer&!son

    &-. %he *irst +mendment protects not only pure speech8 but also @@@@.a. seditious speech c. symbolic speechb. slanderous speech d. defamatory speech

    &. Study the diagram of *irst +mendment freedoms below. What freedom should replace the5uestion mar0 in the diagram

    )asic Freedoms

    a. freedom from unreasonable searchesb. freedom from cruel punishmentc. freedom of speechd. freedom to bear arms

    &7. %he Supreme Court has found that a state law re5uiring the teaching of creationism in publicschools !iolates which clause of the *irst +mendmenta. the establishment of religion clause c. the right to assemble clauseb. the freedom of speech clause d. the right to petition clause

    &:. + state re5uirement that all students say the )ledge of +llegiance was found by the SupremeCourt to !iolate which clause of the *irst +mendment

    a. the right to assemble clause c. the free exercise of religion clauseb. the right to petition clause d. the freedom of speech clause

    (?. %he Supreme Court has found that a law re5uiring parents to send their children to public highschools !iolates which clause of the *irst +mendment

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    American Government

    Benchmark Assessment

    a. the right to petition clause c. the right to assemble clauseb. the free exercise of religion clause d. the freedom of speech clause

    (1. %he Supreme Court has found that a state'composed school prayer !iolates which clause of the*irst +mendmenta. the right to assemble clause c. the freedom of speech clause

    b. the establishment of religion clause d. the right to petition clause

    (#. Which of the following has F9% been deemed unconstitutional under the

  • 7/24/2019 Benchmark_American Government ST - Recovered


    American Government

    Benchmark Assessment

    (7. Read the excerpt below from the *ifth +mendment. 3t refers to a grand "ury. %he purpose of agrand "ury is to decide @@@@.

    a. guilt or innocence in all murder casesb. guilt or innocence in all felony casesc. if the e!idence is sufficient to "ustify a triald. if the rights of the accused person ha!e been !iolated

    (:. What amendment in the Bill of Rights allows people accused of a crime to refuse to testifyagainst themsel!es in a trial

    a. +mendment - c. +mendment &b. +mendment # d. +mendment ,

    ,?. Refer to the abo!e *ifth +mendment excerpt. %his amendment pro!ides protections for theaccused or any citien against @@@@.a. cruel and unusual punishment c. un5ualified "uriesb. double "eopardy d. due process of law

    ,1. Refer to the abo!e excerpt from the *ifth +mendment. What is the result of an indictment by a/rand 4urya. e!idence against a person c. finding of guilt or innocenceb. sentence for a particular crime d. formal charge against the accused

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    American Government

    Benchmark Assessment

    ,#. Which of the following is F9% prohibited by the *ifth +mendmenta. to be tried twice for the same crimeb. to ha!e to testify against one;s selfc. to be depri!ed of property without due process of lawd. to be sub"ect to cruel and unusual punishment

    ,&. %o re"oin the Union after the Ci!il War8 Confederate states had to meet certain re5uirements.9ne re5uired them to ratify a constitutional amendment that granted citienship to all peopleborn in the United States. What amendment was this

    a. 1# c. 1&b. 1( d. 11

    ,(. Refer to Section 1 of the *ourteenth +mendment. %his amendment is the first time that the U.S.Constitution extends which earlier pro!ision to the statesa. naturaliation c. due process of lawb. immigration d. states; rights

    ,,. %he *ourteenth +mendment is the first time that the U.S. Constitution defines which of thefollowinga. citienship c. immigrationb. naturaliation d. states; rights

    ,-. Refer to Section 1 of the *ourteenth +mendment. %his amendment is the first time that the U.S.Constitution guarantees which of the following to citiensa. e5ual protection of the laws c. the right to !ote

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    American Government

    Benchmark Assessment

    b. freedom from sla!ery d. the right to bear arms

    ,. Which amendment supported the Supreme Court;s decision in the case of #ro$n !. #oard of%d!cation of Tope(a,1:,(a. *irst c. $ighthb. *ifth d. *ourteenth

    +andmar( /th Amendment &ecisions

    &ate Case 'ssue

    17&The Sla!&hterho!seCases

    2oes the *ourteenth +mendment;s e5ualprotection clause prohibit a state'grantedmonopoly

    17:- Pless" !.Fer&!sonCan a state re5uire separate railway cars forwhite and +frican +merican passengers

    1:,(#ro$n !. #oard of%d!cation of Tope(a

    +re segregated public schools within theboundaries of e5ual protection

    1:-( )eserr" !. Sanders+re une5ually populated congressionaldistricts constitutional

    ,7. Refer to the chart outlining 6andmar0 1(th +mendment 2ecisions. 3n #ro$n *. #oard of%d!cation,the Supreme Court ruled that @@@@.a. separate facilities are inherently une5ualb. segregated schools are inherently e5ualc. married indi!iduals must !ote in separate districtsd. the *ourteenth +mendment was unconstitutional and should be repealed

    ,:. Refer to the chart outlining 6andmar0 1(th +mendment 2ecisions. 3n The Sla!&hterho!seCases,the Supreme Court ruled that @@@@.a. 6ouisiana could not grant a monopolyb. the *ourteenth +mendment does not interfere with state citienship issuesc. the *ourteenth +mendment was unconstitutional and should be repealedd. slaughterhouses were illegal

    -?. Refer to the chart outlining 6andmar0 1(th +mendment 2ecisions. 3n Pless" *. Fer&!son,theSupreme Court ruled that @@@@.a. separate facilities8 e5ual or not8 were unconstitutionalb. trains could no longer carry passengersc. if facilities are e5ual they may be separate

    d. railways had to hire an e5ual number of white and +frican +merican employees

    -1. Refer to the chart outlining 6andmar0 1(th +mendment 2ecisions. 3n )eserr" *. Sanders,theSupreme Court ruled that @@@@.a. !oting districts must be nearly e5ual in populationb. !oting districts must be nearly e5ual in siec. each state must ha!e the same number of !oting districtsd. no state could ha!e more than ten !oting districts

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    American Government

    Benchmark Assessment

    -#. Refer to the abo!e 6andmar0 1(th +mendment 2ecisions chart. Which case denied e5ualprotection to +frican +mericansa. )eserr" !. Sanders c. #ro$n !. #oard of %d!cationb. Pless" !. Fer&!son d. The Sla!&hterho!se Cases

    -&. Refer to the abo!e 6andmar0 1(th +mendment 2ecisions chart. Which case influenced the

    Supreme Court;s decision in the case of Re"nolds !. Simsa. )eserr" !. Sanders c. Pless" !. Fer&!sonb. #ro$n !. #oard of %d!cation d. The Sla!&hterho!se Cases

    -(. Refer to the abo!e excerpt from Chaplins("!. +e$ ampshire.What does 4ustice*ran0 Murphy call speech that is intended

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    American Government

    Benchmark Assessment

    a. + newspaper is not presenting both sides of an issue.b. %he nation is at war.c. + magaine constantly disagrees with the president on a critical issue.d. + group is promoting a radical idea on a Web site.

    -7. %oday;s debate o!er the death penalty arises from what right protected in the Bill of Rightsa. right to speedy and public trial by "uryb. protection from double "eopardyc. right to due process of lawd. protection from cruel and unusual punishment

    -:. Which of the following protections appears in the Bill of Rightsa. right to !ote may not be denied based on sexb. protection from poll taxesc. protection from unreasonable searchesd. right to !ote may not be denied based on race

    ?. %he *ourth +mendment allows authorities to search someone;s home only if they first get asearch warrant based on @@@@.

    a. a guilty !erdict by a court c. a good reason supported by oathb. an indictment from a grand "ury d. an eyewitness;s testimony

    1. +ccording to the Sixth +mendment8 the accused shall en"oy all of the following rights $DC$)%@@@@.a. to be confronted with the witnesses against him or herb. to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusationc. to ha!e a speedy public triald. to choose the "udge

    #. 3n -ideon !. )ain$ri&ht, the Supreme Court decided that what Sixth +mendment right appliesto all defendantsa. to ha!e the assistance of an attorney c. to be able to post bailb. to plea bargain d. to plead not guilty

    &. What amendment to the U.S. Constitution ga!e formerly ensla!ed +frican +mericans the right to!otea. %hirteenth c. Sixteenth

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    American Government

    Benchmark Assessment

    b. *ifteenth d. Se!enteenth

    (. Read the abo!e text of the *ifteenth +mendment. $!en after this amendment was passed8 thestates denied +frican +mericans the right to !ote in all of the following ways $DC$)% through

    @@@@.a. poll taxes c. literacy testsb. blac0 primaries d. grandfather clauses

    ,. What does the phrase

  • 7/24/2019 Benchmark_American Government ST - Recovered


    American Government

    Benchmark Assessment

    7. What U.S. Constitutional +mendment completes the timeline below

    a. %hirteenth +mendment8 outlaws sla!eryb. *ourteenth +mendment8 ci!il rightsc. $ighteenth +mendment8 prohibitiond. Fineteenth +mendment8 womenIs suffrage

    :. >ow did the %wenty'fourth +mendment affect who was elected to political office in the Southa. 3t allowed much younger !oters to choose candidates.b. 3t allowed wealthy !oters to ha!e a greater influence on candidates.

    c. 3ts grandfather clause permitted more elderly people to run for office.d. 3t allowed more poor +frican +mericans to choose candidates.

    7?. Before the %wenty'sixth +mendment was passed in 1:18 nearly all states re5uired !oters to beat least how olda. 17 c. 1-b. #1 d. &,

    71. What argument was used to influence the passage of the %wenty'sixth +mendmenta. %hose who are old enough to fight in wars should be old enough to !ote.b. )oor +frican +mericans li!ing in the South should not be denied !oting rights.c. %hose who are old enough to run for U.S. )resident should be allowed to !ote.

    d. )eople whose grandparents !oted should not ha!e to pass literacy tests to !ote.7#. +n amendment to the U.S. Constitution may be proposed by a two'thirds !ote in both houses8

    and then ratified by @@@@.a. a popular !ote c. the Supreme Courtb. the president d. three'fourths of the states

    7&. Based on foundational $nglish and +merican documents8 which principle of democratic societyde!eloped latesta. right of all citiens to !ote c. right to meet peaceablyb. e5ual protection under the law d. right to a "ury trial

    7(. +fter an amendment has been proposed8 it must be ratified by @@@@ of the state legislatures to

    become part of the Constitution.a. all c. two'thirdsb. "ust o!er half d. three'fourths

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    American Government

    Benchmark Assessment

    7,. Study the diagram below. What should replace the 5uestion mar0 in the diagram

    a. national constitutional con!ention c. nationwide popular !oteb. state constitutional con!entions d. both houses of Congress

    7-. Refer to the diagram below. What should replace the 5uestion mar0 in the diagram

    a. national constitutional con!ention c. state legislaturesb. nationwide popular !ote d. popular !ote in each state

    7. 3f two'thirds of state legislatures petition Congress to propose a constitutional amendment8 thenCongress must @@@@.a. propose itb. call a national con!ention to propose itc. ratify itd. call state con!entions to ratify it

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    American Government

    Benchmark Assessment

    77. 3n order for Congress to propose an amendment to the Constitution8 the proposal must win thesupport of @@@@ of the members of both houses.a. o!er half c. two'thirdsb. three'fourths d. all

    7:. >ow did members of the +merican 3ndian Mo!ement A+3M focus attention on the terrible

    conditions on Fati!e +merican reser!ations

    a. by ac5uiring +lcatra 3slandb. by publishing a sociological studyc. by supporting the 3ndian Ci!il Rights +ctd. by seiing the town of Wounded Hnee

    :?. *or what reason did >ispanic +mericans form 6a Raa Unidaa. to impro!e wages for migrant farm wor0ersb. to elect >ispanic candidates to go!ernment officec. to guarantee the right of >ispanics to ser!e on "uriesd. to assure that their children attended schools that were not segregated

    :1. What is

  • 7/24/2019 Benchmark_American Government ST - Recovered


    American Government

    Benchmark Assessment

    a. Mar!r"!. Madison c. McC!lloch!. Mar"landb. #ro$n!. #oard of %d!cation d. -ions!. &den

    :&. Read the diagram below8 which summaries the effects of the case Mar!r"!. Madison. Whatanswer should fill in the blan0 on the diagram

    a. president c. Supreme Courtb. Congress d. Senate

    :(. When 4ohn Marshall was chief "ustice8 rulings by the Supreme Court tended to expand thepower of @@@@.a. the state go!ernments c. the presidencyb. the national go!ernment d. the common people

    :,. Refer to the chart listing Marshall Court 2ecisions. 3n which case did the Supreme Court declarea /eorgia statute null and !oid

    2arshall Court &ecisionsCase 'ssue &ecision

    Can /eorgia;slegislature depri!e apurchaser of land thathe bought

    + state cannot impair the!alue of lawful contractsrights.

    Can the State ofMaryland place a tax on

    %he necessary and properclause permits Congress

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    American Government

    Benchmark Assessment

    McC!lloch !. Mar"land, 1/1 the Fational Ban0 to establish a ban0. + statecannot tax a national ban0.

    Dartmo!th !. )ood$ard,1/1

    Can Few >ampshiretransfer control of apri!ate school82artmouth College8 to

    the state

    %he charter is a contractprotected by theimpairments of contractclause in +rticle 3.

    -ions !. &den, 1/2

    2oes the State of FewEor0 ha!e control o!er>udson Ri!er traffic

    +ll forms of businessacross state lines comeunder the commerceclause of the Constitution.

    a. -ideon !.)ain$ri&ht c. Mar!r" !.Madisonb. Fletcher *. Pec( d. +ear !.Minnesota

    :-. Refer to the abo!e excerpt from the McC!lloch !. Mar"landdecision. %his paragraph waswritten to support the @@@@.a. Maryland State legislature c. %ariff of 171-b. Second Ban0 of the United States d. states; rights position

    :. Refer to the abo!e excerpt from the McC!lloch !. Mar"landdecision. What Chief 4usticepenned these words in 171:a. $arl Warren c. Charles $!ans >ughesb. 4ohn 4ay d. 4ohn Marshall


    1. %he following passage from the 2eclaration of 3ndependence expresses a message of e5ualityand rights. 2iscuss how

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    American Government

    Benchmark Assessment

    #. $xplain the purpose of the system of chec0s and balances. 2escribe how the system wor0s8using at least three examples.

    &. Since 17:8 o!er 118??? amendments to the Constitution ha!e been proposed. 9nly # ha!ebeen ratified. Why do you thin0 so few ha!e been accepted 2o you thin0 this is a flaw in the

    amendment process $xplain.