Ben aztec


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The Aztec Empire

The Aztec Empire was around since the 14

century to the 16 century. • For social studies we chose to

work on the Aztec and we chose four different topics to base our research on.

• Food

• Lifestyle

• Rituals

• Religion

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Food-What The Aztec Ate

• The Aztec ate a simple diet such as.

• Corn-as their staple food

• Tomatoes-because it is a very important food in Mesoamerica

• Atole- atole is corn mixed with vegetables

• Tamales-tamales is corn wrapped in dough shaped into balls

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Life Style Of The Aztec

• Aztecs lived in homes built out of adobe and a sun dried brick. Usually people lived in one room inside of a square building with a flat roof.

• The Aztec daily life was quite simple. In fact the culture back then was very similar to modern day culture. For example, the husband was always responsible for supporting the family and the wife’s role was to provide the family with clothing and food.

• The Aztec daily life for many of the men was to farm or engage in craftwork. The female Aztec life on the other hand, mainly focused of weaving and cooking. Most Aztec households included the husband and wife and their unmarried children. Many of the husband’s relatives lived with the family in their home. The Aztec daily life was filled with work. Every member of the house, including children, helped in the housework.

• Many also created goods that could be used by the empire in trade for goods that were highly valued in the Aztec culture, such as Jaguar skins. Education was important to the Aztec people. Fathers were responsible for educating the boys in the family until they reached the age of 10. After this age, the boys were educated in a school connected with a temple. These schools taught religion and provided military training. Girls sometimes attended these schools, as well. Otherwise, they stayed at home and learned household skills important to daily life from their mothers.

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• Sacrifice was a really important part of the Aztec religion. Gods have even been Sacrificed. When people were sacrificed they were cooked and eatent once they had been rolled down the steps of the temple.One thing that will stay in your mind about the Aztec rituals was the way they buried their dead. When a person died or was sacrificed they would decorate them in all kinds of jewelry.

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• There are hundred of gods related with the Aztec. These are some of the prominent gods also called the creater gods.

• Huitzilopochtli:Also called the “Hummingbird Wizard. "War and Sun God Main God of the Aztecs Conquered warriors were sacrificed to him yearly. As many as 20,000 a year may have been killed to sacrifice to this god.

• Tezcatlipoca:Also called “Smoking Mirror”. God of Night and all materials.

• Quetzalcoatl:“The Plumed Serpent”. The god of civilization, priesthood and learning.

• Tlaloc:The Rain God.Children were drowned as sacrifices to him. Main agricultural god.

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• There are hundred of gods related with the Aztec. These are some of the prominent gods also called the creater gods.

• Huitzilopochtli:Also called the “Hummingbird Wizard. "War and Sun God Main God of the Aztecs Conquered warriors were sacrificed to him yearly. As many as 20,000 a year may have been killed to sacrifice to this god.

• Tezcatlipoca:Also called “Smoking Mirror”. God of Night and all materials.

• Quetzalcoatl:“The Plumed Serpent”. The god of civilization, priesthood and learning.

• Tlaloc:The Rain God.Children were drowned as sacrifices to him. Main agricultural god.