BELLMORE SMITHVILLE SOUTH BALDWIN...| at Rockville Centre Wednesday even - i they wjn resume. A...

1-'v;- L ' ,/ ' -A 'U. :>'tj Ji m m * fe;-:-' liEi For the ........................ . ... ................... --------- ------- ------------------------------------------- A reliable means of communication between the villages of Rock ville, Centre, Baldwin, Freeport, Roosevelt, Merrick, Bellmore, Issued Weekl)i: South Side* of r> ■ Subscription Long Island Smithville South, Watitagh, Seaford, Massapequa and Amityville. $1.00 a Year 'S ip t VOL. 1, NUMBER 22 FREEPORT AND BELLMORE, N. Y., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1908 PRICE, 5 CENTS nr: FQFFPODT Steve Pettit is engaged in the erec- j I ItLLI vl% I tion of several attractive bungalows in > ------ —j—------------------------ 1 the new addition known as Woodcleft! Next Friday being Christmas, this i Beach, which are a welcome improve-' paper will be issued one day earlier and ! ment. it will be necessary for us to ask th a t: ------ ----- copy for news and advertisements be in Special xservices [for Christmas Sun- j the Messenger office by noon Wednes- j day, (Dec. 20, have been arranged for j day and not later than three o'clock. ) the Methodist Episcopal Church, asfol- ' i lows: At 10.30 a. m., the pastor, Dr. ! The residents of the Bavyiew section ; W. A. Richard, will preach a sermon ' are hoping that the L. I. Exp. will ex- : appropriate to the season, the Sunday j tend its delivery and collection route to | School scholars meeting with the con- | cover their entire section, at present j gregation. The regular Sunday School only partially taken up. The Phi Alpha Club will have hand ball .tournament tomorrow even ing, Dec. 19, for a handsome prize. Milton Raynor is manager. * .This club has plans on for a banquet to be given in January. Members re port that their affairs are in a flour ishing condition. session will be held as usual at 2.30 p. m. At 7.30 the reinforced choir of the a i church will render the beautiful can tata “ Promise and Fulfillment.” All are cordially invited. N O T I C E To subscribers, reacfers, advertisers and others: The South Side Messenger has moved its office of publication from the Messenger Building, Bellmore, N. Y., to No. 24 Brooklyn Ave., Freeport, N. Y. All business con nected with the editorial, circulation and business depart- ifients should be sent to that address for attention. S outh S ide M essenger Company, James A. Stiles, Phone 176 Freeport * ( Editor Wantagh. For a big saving in absolutely newest designs in Lace Curtains, Carpets, Rugs, in all sizes, Art Squares. Furniture,etc!, visit the New Store. E. H. Olsen, 88 Sontli Main St., Freeport. Christmas suggestions. 2t Mrs. Ella Powell ha's left for the city j to engage in business there. School will re-open, after the Holi- | days, on Jan. 4. School closes Thurs- J day, giving the pupils a 10 day vaca- Ition. Excursion to Inauguration BELLMORE Catholic services in Firemen's Hall A meeting of Bug House Hose Com- g un(jayS have been discontinued for the pany s excursion committee was held pa8t few weeks. ■ It is not known when | at Rockville Centre Wednesday even - i they wjn resume. A reception was held at the home of | ing.when arrangements were completed Mrs. Nich Meyer has been visiting friends in the city for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Hyman Schloss Sunday \ for the excursion to Washington to at- afternoon, in honor of the confirmation tend Taft’s inauguration, of Bar Mitzra of their twelve-year-old A special vestibuled train of eight son, Mervin Livingston. The services cars on the Pennslyvania Railftmd, con- | Robert Willmarth has moved with of confirmation were held in the Teiji-} sisting of one baggage, six coaches and f his family from his hotel on High Hill pie of Israel at Rockaway Beach, Sat- a Pullman chair car, was engaged. | Beach to John VanNostrand’s house urday morning. The price of the ticket as fixed a t ! south of the tracks, for the Winter. . $16, to include transportation from ------ For a big saving in absolutely newest | New York to Washington and return, i* Tomorrow evening at 8.80 will occur r n™ <” Hn,re 1---------- ‘ — ------ ' the wedding of Miss Ethel Russell and Mr. Willipm Parkerson of New York, at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Russell on Grand Ave. Rev. Dr. Richards of the M. E. Church Freeport will perform the cereptany. i^u S i^ re^ ’l^mitnr^etc?, luncheon on train going, three nights’ annex in South Main St., Freeport' Christmas Washington, a felt hat, cane and badge visit the Ni South Mai suggestions. ‘What is Religion?” “ What is j for the inaugural parade. Train will leave New York March 3rd at 9.30 a. m. and arrive in Washington at 3 p. Christianity” and “ What is Church > • Returning, leave Washington after which the couple will ejyoy a iu ali sizes. Art Squares,'Furniture,etc.,’ Membership?” will be discussed in March 6th at noon and arrive m New short, hnnuvmimn thon tnlronn timir i.i.„ xt v ur qu their common relationships in a series ! York at 5:30 p. m. of three successive evening sermons at i . v deposit of $o is required Membership?” will be discussed in March 6th at noon and arrive in New short honeymoon and then take up their of r. rv, i residence in New York. Miss Russell of three successive evening sermons at i A deposit oi ->o is-requirea on each is one of the popular young Ipdies of the First Presbyterian Church, begin-! ticket before January 10th, balance of : this village and 'she has in this intere=<.- ning Dec. 20. Rev. Charles Herbert' $*1 to be paid ^fore Feb. 10. Reser- j ing hour the well wishes of the Messen- Scholey’s sermon this Sunday morning I vations of ro o * in hotel are made in j ger, and this publication congratulates will be a Christmas theme, “ Follow- the order that deposits on tidkets are the groom-to-be on the acquisition of ing a Star.” received. such a charming young lady for a wife. ---------- | Deposits for tickets should be sent May the good things of life be their Work on the Otten building is pro- to Archer B. Wallace or Jesse F. Be- share for years to come. grossing rapidly and the owner, Mr. dell, Freeport; John Munk or Fred I ----------- Otten, peports that thestores, offices Heins, Rockville Centre: George H. Samuel Murphy is now living in T. and lodge rooms will be ready for be- Schiffmacher or Charles A. Schiffmach- B. Smith’s house. cqpancy in about a month. Two stores er> Woodmere; George H. Hoffman, ~ are already taken and there will be a j Glen Cove. Geo. Nevvland is the school tax col- eafe in the store on the West end of I' Although the excursion is under the lector and receives all payments daily. the building, run by Otten himself. auspices o f the Bug House organiza- Rate 1.01 per $100. tion the party will parade as “ Neigh- | %,_u T . . bors of President Roosevelt” and will The appointment of the commission- fhe Jakesonia Club, fathered by the . be accornpanied bv a band. ers Saturday resulted in engineers of only Jake Post, got together in the structure erected for their special ben efit on Main St.*, next to the Post Guild House. Mrs. Carrie Rich suffered a second stroke of paralysis the forepart of this week, leaving her in a serious condi tion. week This is the second stroke in a The long delay in finishing the con crete ridge between this village and Bellmore is ended. Contractor Smith has finished this job, also the installa- tinon of a big iron pipe between the reservoirs Tuesday evening Mr. and Mrs. Peter Avagadro entertained a number ofttheir friends, the occasion being the fifth anniversary of their wedding. Mrs. Some Seaford folks who have been j Avagadro proved a charming hostess, away or are going on visits more or >n giving a pleasant less extended, are reported as follows: Mrs. J.-W. Albro visiting her daughter, Mrs. Edward Waring, at L. I. City. Samuel Post and Frank Condit en route for Merritt, Fla. Miss Gwendolin Carman about to leave for a visit to friends in the city. A number of families are entertain ing friends over the Holidays. For a big saving in absolutely newest designs in Lace Curtains, Carpets,Rugs, i evening for those present. Wantagh’s Brass Band had a suc cessful dance in Ultsfli’s Hall Tuesday and realized quite some money, which will go towards the purchasetoTanstni- ; ments for its members. This band is igoing to be a success, watch it. SMITHVILLE SOUTH The funeral services of Miss Martha Powell, whose sad death was recorded in last week’s Messenger, was held Sunday from the home of her parents. The funeral was largely attended. In terment St Greenfield. For a big saving in absolutely newest designs In Lace Curtains, Carpets,Rugs, in all sizes. Art Squares, Furhiture.etc., visit the New Store. E. H. Olsen, 88 South Main St., Freeport. Christmas suggestions. 2 t visit the New Store. E. H. Olsen, 88 South Main St, Freeport. Christmas suggestions. 2t Mr. Milton Updike wishes to t^ank the Willing Workerp and all those who attended the entertainment and dance given for his benefit Wednesday night, also Miss Etta Beniston, who got up the entertainment, and all those who took part. Officers for the year 1909, at Y. M. I. C., are as follows: Pres., Wm. B. Rhoades; v. p., Louis Ketcham; sec., Chas. “Michenfelder; treas., Ed. F. Ver ity; warden, F. Hawxhurst; collector, Joe Verity; chaplain, Tom Roberts. The Seaford H., L. and E. Co. have fifty dollars being for a hook and ladder, which is very realized. Will Decker secured the much needed in this town. petticoats that were chanced off. Rob Frisch attended the bicycle races in the city last Sat. evening. Mr. Chisholm here last week. was a business caller , be accompanied by a band. . , . Thus far orders for tickets have the department immediately appearing a subscription list out to raise funds success, ! been received as follows: Freeport, on the scene to go over the grades and t t , , j 30; Rockville Centre, 10; Woodmere, place stakes for excavation. Great iq- Office. Saturday night and made merry I ^ mij;yVjiie 3 . Baldwin Ocean terest is manifested in the new devel- over oyster stews, coffee and other good G,en Coye> 2’ each; Floral Park, opments that have arisen in connection things, all cooked on the kitchen range, . Lynbrook, Brooklyn, Inwood, Garden i with this matter. An account of the which is in plain sight of the members j q-. Wantagh, 1 each. appointment of the commissioners is who can see that their chef will put Tbe accommodations at Washington reported in another column, nothing but the best in the mixture they are to eat while listening to the local, state and national affairs that are being discussed. Next morning there was a pile of oyster shells in the roadway in the front, which is in keep ing with those,being deposited else where in the village “ to fill up the holes.” The Leap Year party under the aus pices of the Ladies’ Auxiliary was a about are limited to 250, so it behooves those i _ , . ........................ who want to go on this special train ! d *<>r g S°C ^ to send in their deposits soon. I n f X iz e s , Art S-iuanlJ FurmYure.etc",' visit the New Store. E. H. Olsen, 88 s iiiT V l/ll I F South Main St.. Freeport. Christmas /lIVII I I VILl Lsv suggestions. ___ ____ 2t Samuel Self, Real Estate agent, has A raffle is to be held Christmas j The Xmas exercises at the school Eve for meat and poultry and a shoot- will be held Thursday aftemooon at ing Christmas Day for real live pigs, two o’clock. All are invited. at Y. M. I. C. Hall. 1 | ---- ----- Mf. Duggan spent Sunday as the Ernest Howell has purchased the gUest of his daughter, Mrs. S. Arkeis. high-power launch owned by Mr. Hearn ____ . of this village. . , Mr. and Mrs. Benj. Carmen have Igone to Florida for their health. WANTAGH Christmas services at Saint Mary’s aold the property on Bellmore Ave Mrs. Rath and daughter Henrietta are spending a few days in the city. It has been repotted that the State Superintendent of Education has stated : 12 p. m. Church Amityville, L. I . : Christmas Eve—Midnight Eucharist, in a letter to a resident of Freeport that voting by ballot at the recent special school meeting in Freeport would have been proper and legal if the majority of those present had de cided to vote that way and further gave the opinion that there was vir- Christmas Day—Holy Eucharist, 10.30 a. m. Sunday after Christmas—Low cele bration of the Holy EuchaAt, 7.30 a. m .; Choral celebration and Sermon, 10.45 a. m. The music at this service will be of special character, under the near the dock and formerly owned by Joel Ackley, to Wm. F. Kilgore of Sag Harbor. George Halstead had two hogs killed by Adolph Frisch, which together weighed 1015 pounds. This is the heaviest reported from this neighbor hood. tually but one resolutinon to be voted direction of Charles F. Smith, choir i Ladies Aid Society of the M. >on. master. Processional, 449, “ Ades|te This was the contention, it will be j Fideles;” Kryie Eleison, Cruikshank, remembered, that was raised by Coun-1 E. flat; Gloria Tibi, Cruikshank, Efiat; seller Fishel at the recent special Gratias Tibi, Cruikshank, E flat; Cre- meeting at the school here. do, Cruikshank, E flat; sermon hymn, ------------ 58. “ O little town of Bethlehem;” offertory anthem, “O pray for the The special committees appointed on the Union Evangelistic services for January 7—26, are earnestly at work for the success of the meetings. The peace of Jerusalem;” Sursum Corda, Sanctus. Benedictus qui venit, Agnus Dei, Gloria in Excelsis Deo, Cruik- "Chari, Willel E. Church are elated over the success of their Fair held recently at Firemen’s Hall. They extend their thanks for the help given them and especially to John Adel, who paid for the use of the hall. The newly, organized choir of the Bellmore M. E. Church announce that commencing Sunday, December 20th, there will be special music at the regular Sunday services. Sunday, December 27th, there will beua special Christmas service, program of which will be announced later. Christmas services will be held in the Memorial Church next Sunday morn- Several young people surprised Mr. ing and evening. The choir is prepar-1 and Mrs. John M. Schneider at their ing appropriate music, and the pastor, j home last Saturday evening, the occa- Rev. T. S. Braithwaite, will deliver j sjon being the birthday of their little sermdns in accord with the season. daughter Ruth. Cards furnished the , , \ j amusement of tne evening. Miss The Christmas fes iva , , , ." Edith Spates won the ladies’ first prize n?ori^.L Sunday Schoo wi e e in and gam Seaman the gentlemen’s first the Church next Wednesday evening, j j z e 6 when the scholars will render a service 1 F *y called The Lig^tof the Sta^. ^ There Mrs. pickelsvgave a party last Sun- wi be reci offering- wiH ' afternoon to a few of her friends to Mken for the Home Missionary ! and the her Society. ! ----- birthday. J David Dickinson, chief officer of the i Steamship “Atlas” recently from | Hamburg, has been visiting his uncle, Rev. T. S. Braithwaite, this week. ROOSEVELT SEAFORD committees are constituted as follows: shank, E flSt; Recessional, 51, “ Hark, General Committee—Boards of the the Herald Angels Sing.” Choral Ves- Baptist Methodist Episcopal and Pres- pers, 7.30. Processional, 49, “ Adeste byterian Churches. 1 Fideles;” Psalms 89, 110, 132; Mag- Committee on Cottage Meetings— nifleat, Marks B flat; Nunc dimittis, Fowler, H. L. Crandell, E. S. Marks B flat; office hymn, 59, “ It came , Geo. M. Randall, Wm. C. upon the midnight cleart1* sermon Smith. hymn, 55, “ Calm on the listening ear Committee on Printing—S. R. of night;” offertory anthem, “ Sing Al- --------- Smith, C. D. Smith, W. A. Richard, leluia,” Dudley Buck; Vesper hymn," The lifesaving station at Zach’s in- S. W. Roberts, 6 . H. Scholey. quartette, “ O little town of Bethele-: let ia being improved considerably by Committee on Visitation—R. A. Mil- j hum;” Recessional Hymn, 61, “ Hark, j having a new roof, being repainted and ler, Valentine Smith, L. H. Ross, Geo. *»-*- * rm"~ T. ’VanRiper, Mrs. J. H. Walling. ,l Committee on Choir—Alvin G. Smith, H. P. Libby, J. E. Brown, Roji L. Smith, Miss Maryp. Pitcher, W. A. Richard, advisory.* Committee on Personal Workers— R. Smith, R. H. Hunt, John M. -Baxter, W. S. Southard, F. E. Pitcher, >Wednesday evening, Dec. 23, Con gressman W. W. sCocks will give an il- Miss Martha A. Seaman has been con- lustrated lecture on his trip through fined to the house for several days by j the Philippines, in the Board of Trade v ; Hall, Wood »Ave. Everyone iqvited. reason of illness. Note that the Wimqg Workers of 1 Memorial Church have arranged a re -1 ception and danpe for the evening of j ! Admission free. The first card-party arid dance under Die- J- Bremen-, H.H I to go towards the piano fund. A good urfay OT,„j„g in the Mw Board oi what mean those Holy voices? The ; y,e skipper’s room enlarged. Every soloists for the day will be Mrs. Edward ' y,ing for comfort, as it should be. Schmitz, Mrs. Chas. F. Smith, Mr. --------- Louis Duupnhauer. Holy Inriocents’ Day, Monday, 28th— Holy Eucharist, 9 a. m. Sunday School Christmas tree and cantat^ “ Santa Claus at Miss Primr’s” in Par ish Hall at 8 p. m. Glad to note that the benefit for Mil-1 ton Updike Wednesday was- a success. An entirely Satisfied crowd was at the hall to enjoy the .evening. Mr. Up dike deserves success and we hope to hear of his early rerestabliahment in bnaipess. \ ... ............ , Dec. 26. (St. time is promised and the affair doubt less will be well suppported. The Gun Club have arranged for a shoot Christmas morning, to be held on Fussell’s farm. . Mrs. Corodon Norton has been sub stituting as teacher in the Hicksville[ school during the absence of the regu lar teacher. Trade Hall; a large number were in attendance and a very enjoyable even ing passed. The dances will be held in the hall every Saturday evening. Music by Prof. Mole. Tuesday evening, Dec. 22, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Edwards will hold their tenth wedding anniversary at the home of Mrs. Chas. Edwards, Main St. I ;e James’ infant daughter I Mr. Garland Gadei and family were 1 only stayed in this world twelve j in town Sunday. , was called Home Saturday. The j 1 took place Monday. and all new committees will be appoint ed. Other business of importance will come before the meeting. For a big saving In absolutely newest designs in Lace Curtains,Carpets, Rugs, in all sizes, Art Squares, Furniture,etc., visit the New Store, E. O. Olsen, 88 South Main St., Freeport. Christmas suggestions. 2t A masquerade ball will be given by the Alpha Hook and Ladder Co. in Fire men’s Hall Thursday everting, Dec. 24* Admisssion 25 cents. Music, by Prof. Mole. Sunday, Dec. 19, Miss Grace, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. John Collins, will be married to Mr. Morris Denton, both residents of Roosevelt, at her home on Park Ave. The couple will reside here. Postmaster Sea bury is trying to ’ get a noon mail for the village and also trying to have the evening mail "ar rive at the post office at 6.15. The present hour of arrival of the evening mail is from 7 to 7.20 p. m. If this goes through it will be a gi'feat benefit to the people of Roosevelt, ------- A largely attended meeting took place in the Board of Trade hall Tues day at 3 p. m. Its object was to give the people of the village, an opportun ity to express their views in regard to the granting of a franchise for a pro posed water company. Some thought the village was too small for a water company at present. A committeejwas appointed to confer with the 1 Town Board in reference to the matter. The committee appointed by Chairman Cox was Edwin D. Seabury, Richard DeLap, David H. Brown, jr., John T. Post and Harlan Crandell. BALDWIN Silas Smith called out the fire de partment at 10.30 Saturday night to extinguish a fire in the residence of his mother on Harrison , Ave. An oil stove, from some unknown cause, caught fire and was dragged through the rooms to the bath room, 4eaving a trail of fire, which at one time threat ened the building. The department re sponded promptly and made short work of the flames. The damage was confined to the furniture and woodwork of the lower floor, and is not reported as being very great. H. Gerhold mourns the destruction of a plate glass show window which was broken in by one man thinking he was the better fighter, in an argument last week. The other fellow was equally willing to show his ability to put up his fins, and the result is the ^mashed' window reported above. The Friday dances at Seaman’s Hall will be discontinued until after the Holidays, by request. They will be resumed the 8th of January, the second Friday in the New Year. ----------- / . % For a big saving iu absolutely newest designs in Lace Curtains,Carpets, Rags, infill sizes, Art Squares, Far ni tore,etc., visit the New Store, E. H. Olsen, 88 South Main St., Freeport, Christmae. suggestions. 2 t If you miss the Carnival Ball at Merrick tonight you miss one of the season’s big social events. Stages will run to Baldwin to accomodate those desiring to return after the last train. Cards are out for the wedding of Miss Mabel Claire Southard, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Southard, and Lieut. Ernest Friederick, U. S. N. The wedding will take place at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Southard, New Year’s night, Jan. 1, and the cere mony is to be performed'by,the Rev. E. O. Tree, a former pastor of the M. E. Church. The young couple will re side in San * Francisco, which is the present station of Lieut. Friederick. ----- -C --- An improvement of importance1 which is reported to this paper is the installation of a concrete gutter on both sides of the Merrick Road, running 80(1 feet east to Harrison Ave., from Gr Ave. Contractor Edwin H. has the work in charge. He will * widen the macadam road for L length of the new -gutterway, makir it solid from curb to curb. 1 thanks of this community are due pervieor Smith Cox for these imj ments ordered through him. Saturday night a number spf 1 friends presented Henry with a handsome gold mounted pipe i got up a surprise for higi. It wi anniversary of his 50th birthday 1 pleasant was spirit by

Transcript of BELLMORE SMITHVILLE SOUTH BALDWIN...| at Rockville Centre Wednesday even - i they wjn resume. A...

Page 1: BELLMORE SMITHVILLE SOUTH BALDWIN...| at Rockville Centre Wednesday even - i they wjn resume. A reception was held at the home of | ing.when arrangements were completed Mrs. Nich Meyer

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A re liab le m ea n s o f co m m u n ica tio n b etw een th e v i l la g e s o f R o c k ­

v ille , C entre, B a ld w in , Freeport, R o o se v e lt , M errick , B ellm ore ,

Issu ed W eekl)i:

S o u th Side* o fr> ■

S u b scr ip tio n

L o n g Is la n d S m ith v ille S ou th , W a tita g h , Seaford, M assap eq u a an d A m ity v il le . $1 .00 a Y ear ' S

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F Q F F P O D T Steve Pettit is engaged in the erec- jI I tL L I vl% I tion of several attractive bungalows in >

------ —j—------------------------1 the new addition known as Woodcleft!Next Friday being Christmas, this i Beach, which are a welcome improve-'

paper will be issued one day earlier and ! will be necessary for us to ask th a t : -----------copy for news and advertisements be in Special x services [for Christmas Sun- j the Messenger office by noon Wednes- j day, (Dec. 20, have been arranged for j day and not later than three o'clock. ) the Methodist Episcopal Church, asfol- '

i lows: At 10.30 a. m., the pastor, Dr. !The residents of the Bavyiew section ; W. A. Richard, will preach a sermon '

are hoping that the L. I. Exp. will ex- : appropriate to the season, the Sunday j tend its delivery and collection route to | School scholars meeting with the con- | cover their entire section, at present j gregation. The regular Sunday Schoolonly partially taken up.

The Phi Alpha Club will have hand ball .tournament tomorrow even­ing, Dec. 19, for a handsome prize. Milton Raynor is manager. *

.This club has plans on for a banquet to be given in January. Members re­port that their affairs are in a flour­ishing condition.

session will be held as usual at 2.30 p. m. At 7.30 the reinforced choir of the

a i church will render the beautiful can­tata “ Promise and Fulfillment.” All are cordially invited.

N O T I C ETo subscribers, reacfers, advertisers and others:

T he South S ide M essenger has moved its office of publication from the M essenger B uild ing, B ellm ore, N. Y., to No. 24 Brooklyn Ave., Freeport, N. Y. A ll business con­nected with the editorial, circulation and business depart- ifients should be sent to that address for attention .

S outh Side Messenger Company,James A. Stiles,

Phone 176 Freeport * ( Editor

Wantagh.For a big saving in absolutely newest

designs in Lace Curtains, Carpets, Rugs, in all sizes, Art Squares. Furniture,etc!, visit the New Store. E. H. Olsen, 88 Sontli Main St., Freeport. Christmas suggestions. 2t

Mrs. Ella Powell ha's left for the city j to engage in business there.

School will re-open, after the Holi- | days, on Jan. 4. School closes Thurs- J day, giving the pupils a 10 day vaca- I tion. ■’

Excursion to InaugurationBELLMORE

Catholic services in Firemen's Hall A meeting of Bug House Hose Com- gun(jayS have been discontinued for the

pany s excursion committee was held pa8t few weeks. ■ It is not known when | at Rockville Centre Wednesday even - i they wjn resume.

A reception was held at the home of | ing.when arrangements were completedMrs. Nich Meyer has been visiting

friends in the city for a week.Mr. and Mrs. Hyman Schloss Sunday \ for the excursion to Washington to at- afternoon, in honor of the confirmation tend Taft’s inauguration, of Bar Mitzra of their twelve-year-old A special vestibuled train of eightson, Mervin Livingston. The services cars on the Pennslyvania Railftmd, con- | Robert Willmarth has moved with of confirmation were held in the Teiji-} sisting of one baggage, six coaches and f his family from his hotel on High Hill pie of Israel at Rockaway Beach, Sat- a Pullman chair car, was engaged. | Beach to John VanNostrand’s house urday morning. The price of the ticket as fixed a t ! south of the tracks, for the Winter.. $16, to include transportation from —------ —

For a big saving in absolutely newest | New York to Washington and return, i * Tomorrow evening at 8.80 will occurr n™ <” Hn,re 1---------- ‘ — ” ------ ' the wedding of Miss Ethel Russell and

Mr. Willipm Parkerson of New York, at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Russell on Grand Ave. Rev. Dr. Richards of the M. E. Church Freeport will perform the cereptany.

i u S i ^ r e ^ ’l^m itnr^etc?, luncheon on train going, three nights’annex in

South Main St., Freeport' Christmas Washington, a felt hat, cane and badgevisit the Ni South Mai suggestions.

‘What is Religion?” “ What is j

for the inaugural parade. Train will leave New York March 3rd at 9.30 a. m. and arrive in Washington at 3 p.

Christianity” and “ What is Church > • Returning, leave Washington after which the couple will ejyoy a iu ali sizes. Art Squares,'Furniture,etc.,’ Membership?” will be discussed in March 6th at noon and arrive m New short, hnnuvmimn thon tnlronn timir i.i.„ xt— v ur qutheir common relationships in a series ! York at 5:30 p. m. of three successive evening sermons a t i . v deposit of $o is required

Membership?” will be discussed in March 6th at noon and arrive in New short honeymoon and then take up their • • of r. rv, i residence in New York. Miss Russell

of three successive evening sermons a t i A deposit oi ->o is-requirea on each is one of the popular young Ipdies of the First Presbyterian Church, begin-! ticket before January 10th, balance of : this village and 'she has in this intere=<.- ning Dec. 20. Rev. Charles H erbert' $*1 to be paid ^ fo re Feb. 10. Reser- j ing hour the well wishes of the Messen- Scholey’s sermon this Sunday morning I vations of ro o * in hotel are made in j ger, and this publication congratulates will be a Christmas theme, “ Follow- the order that deposits on tidkets are the groom-to-be on the acquisition of ing a Star.” received. such a charming young lady for a wife.

---------- | Deposits for tickets should be sent May the good things of life be theirWork on the Otten building is pro- to Archer B. Wallace or Jesse F. Be- share for years to come.

grossing rapidly and the owner, Mr. dell, Freeport; John Munk or Fred I • -----------Otten, peports that thestores, offices Heins, Rockville Centre: George H. Samuel Murphy is now living in T.and lodge rooms will be ready for be- Schiffmacher or Charles A. Schiffmach- B. Smith’s house.cqpancy in about a month. Two stores er> Woodmere; George H. Hoffman, — ~ —are already taken and there will be a j Glen Cove. Geo. Nevvland is the school tax col-eafe in the store on the West end of I' Although the excursion is under the lector and receives all payments daily.the building, run by Otten himself. auspices o f the Bug House organiza- Rate 1.01 per $100.

tion the party will parade as “ Neigh- |%,_u T . . bors of President Roosevelt” and will The appointment of the commission-

fhe Jakesonia Club, fathered by the . be accornpanied bv a band. ers Saturday resulted in engineers ofonly Jake Post, got together in the structure erected for their special ben­efit on Main St.*, next to the Post

Guild House.

Mrs. Carrie Rich suffered a second stroke of paralysis the forepart of this week, leaving her in a serious condition.week

This is the second stroke in a

The long delay in finishing the con­crete ridge between this village and Bellmore is ended. Contractor Smith has finished this job, also the installa- tinon of a big iron pipe between the reservoirs

Tuesday evening Mr. and Mrs. Peter Avagadro entertained a number ofttheirfriends, the occasion being the fifth anniversary of their wedding. Mrs.

Some Seaford folks who have been j Avagadro proved a charming hostess, away or are going on visits more or >n giving a pleasantless extended, are reported as follows:Mrs. J.-W. Albro visiting her daughter,Mrs. Edward Waring, at L. I. City.Samuel Post and Frank Condit en route for Merritt, Fla. Miss Gwendolin Carman about to leave for a visit to friends in the city.

A number of families are entertain­ing friends over the Holidays.

For a big saving in absolutely newest designs in Lace Curtains, Carpets,Rugs,

i evening for those present.

Wantagh’s Brass Band had a suc­cessful dance in Ultsfli’s Hall Tuesday and realized quite some money, which will go towards the purchasetoTanstni-

; ments for its members. This band is i going to be a success, watch it.

SMITHVILLE SOUTHThe funeral services of Miss Martha

Powell, whose sad death was recorded in last week’s Messenger, was held Sunday from the home of her parents. The funeral was largely attended. In­terment St Greenfield.

For a big saving in absolutely newest designs In Lace Curtains, Carpets,Rugs, in all sizes. Art Squares, Furhiture.etc., visit the New Store. E. H. Olsen, 88 South Main St., Freeport. Christmas suggestions. 2t

visit the New Store. E. H. Olsen, 88 South Main S t, Freeport. Christmas suggestions. 2t

Mr. Milton Updike wishes to t^ank the Willing Workerp and all those who attended the entertainment and dance given for his benefit Wednesday night, also Miss Etta Beniston, who got up the entertainment, and all those who took part.

Officers for the year 1909, at Y. M.I. C., are as follows: Pres., Wm. B.Rhoades; v. p., Louis Ketcham; sec.,Chas. “Michenfelder; treas., Ed. F. Ver­ity; warden, F. Hawxhurst; collector,Joe Verity; chaplain, Tom Roberts.

The Seaford H., L. and E. Co. havefifty dollars being

for a hook and ladder, which is very realized. Will Decker secured the much needed in this town. petticoats that were chanced off.

Rob Frisch attended the bicycle races in the city last Sat. evening.

Mr. Chisholm here last week.

was a business caller

, be accompanied by a band. . , .Thus far orders for tickets have the department immediately appearing a subscription list out to raise funds success,

! been received as follows: Freeport, on the scene to go over the grades andt t , , j 30; Rockville Centre, 10; Woodmere, place stakes for excavation. Great iq-

Office. Saturday night and made merry I ^ mij;yVjiie 3 . Baldwin Ocean terest is manifested in the new devel- over oyster stews, coffee and other good G,en Coye> 2’ each; Floral Park, opments that have arisen in connectionthings, all cooked on the kitchen range, . Lynbrook, Brooklyn, Inwood, Garden i with this matter. An account of thewhich is in plain sight of the members j q-. Wantagh, 1 each. appointment of the commissioners iswho can see that their chef will put Tbe accommodations a t Washington reported in another column, nothing but the best in the mixture they are to eat while listening to the local, state and national affairs that are being discussed. Next morning there was a pile of oyster shells in the roadway in the front, which is in keep­ing with those,being deposited else­where in the village “ to fill up the holes.”

The Leap Year party under the aus­pices of the Ladies’ Auxiliary was a


are limited to 250, so it behooves those i _ , . ........................who want to go on this special train ! d *<>r g S°C ^to send in their deposits soon. I n fX iz e s , Art S-iuanlJ FurmYure.etc",'

visit the New Store. E. H. Olsen, 88 s i i i T V l / l l I F South Main St.. Freeport. Christmas/lIVII I I VILl Lsv suggestions. ___ ____ 2t

Samuel Self, Real Estate agent, has

A raffle is to be held Christmas j The Xmas exercises at the school Eve for meat and poultry and a shoot- will be held Thursday aftemooon at ing Christmas Day for real live pigs, two o’clock. All are Y. M. I. C. Hall. 1 | ---- -----

Mf. Duggan spent Sunday as the Ernest Howell has purchased the gUest of his daughter, Mrs. S. Arkeis.

high-power launch owned by Mr. Hearn ____.of this village. . , Mr. and Mrs. Benj. Carmen have

I gone to Florida for their health.WANTAGH

Christmas services at Saint Mary’s aold the property on Bellmore AveMrs. Rath and daughter Henrietta

are spending a few days in the city.

I t has been repotted that the StateSuperintendent of Education has stated : 12 p. m.

Church Amityville, L. I . :Christmas Eve—Midnight Eucharist,

in a letter to a resident of Freeport that voting by ballot at the recent special school meeting in Freeport would have been proper and legal if the majority of those present had de­cided to vote that way and further gave the opinion that there was vir-

Christmas Day—Holy Eucharist,10.30 a. m.

Sunday after Christmas—Low cele­bration of the Holy EuchaAt, 7.30 a. m .; Choral celebration and Sermon, 10.45 a. m. The music a t this service will be of special character, under the

near the dock and formerly owned by Joel Ackley, to Wm. F. Kilgore of Sag Harbor.

George Halstead had two hogs killed by Adolph Frisch, which together weighed 1015 pounds. This is the heaviest reported from this neighbor­hood.

tually but one resolutinon to be voted direction of Charles F. Smith, choir i Ladies Aid Society of the M.>on. master. Processional, 449, “ Ades|te

This was the contention, it will be j Fideles;” Kryie Eleison, Cruikshank, remembered, that was raised by Coun- 1 E. flat; Gloria Tibi, Cruikshank, Efiat; seller Fishel at the recent special Gratias Tibi, Cruikshank, E flat; Cre- meeting at the school here. do, Cruikshank, E flat; sermon hymn,

------------ 58. “ O little town of Bethlehem;”offertory anthem, “ O pray for theThe special committees appointed on

the Union Evangelistic services for January 7—26, are earnestly at work for the success of the meetings. The

peace of Jerusalem;” Sursum Corda, Sanctus. Benedictus qui venit, Agnus Dei, Gloria in Excelsis Deo, Cruik-


E. Church are elated over the success of their Fair held recently a t Firemen’s Hall. They extend their thanks for the help given them and especially to John Adel, who paid for the use of the hall.

The newly, organized choir of the Bellmore M. E. Church announce that commencing Sunday, December 20th, there will be special music at the regular Sunday services. Sunday, December 27th, there will beua special Christmas service, program of which will be announced later.

Christmas services will be held in the Memorial Church next Sunday morn- Several young people surprised Mr. ing and evening. The choir is prepar-1 and Mrs. John M. Schneider at their ing appropriate music, and the pastor, j home last Saturday evening, the occa- Rev. T. S. Braithwaite, will deliver j sjon being the birthday of their little sermdns in accord with the season. daughter Ruth. Cards furnished the

, , \ j amusement of tne evening. MissThe Christmas fes iva , , , ." Edith Spates won the ladies’ first prize

n?ori .L Sunday Schoo wi e e in and gam Seaman the gentlemen’s first the Church next Wednesday evening, j j z e 6when the scholars will render a service 1 F *ycalled The Lig^tof the Sta^. There Mrs. pickelsvgave a party last Sun- wi be reci offering- wiH ' afternoon to a few of her friendsto Mken for the Home Missionary ! and the herSociety. !----- birthday. J

David Dickinson, chief officer of the i Steamship “ Atlas” recently from | Hamburg, has been visiting his uncle, Rev. T. S. Braithwaite, this week.



committees are constituted as follows: shank, E flSt; Recessional, 51, “ Hark,General Committee—Boards of the the Herald Angels Sing.” Choral Ves-

Baptist Methodist Episcopal and Pres- pers, 7.30. Processional, 49, “ Adeste byterian Churches. 1 Fideles;” Psalms 89, 110, 132; Mag-

Committee on Cottage Meetings— nifleat, Marks B flat; Nunc dimittis,Fowler, H. L. Crandell, E. S. Marks B flat; office hymn, 59, “ It came , Geo. M. Randall, Wm. C. upon the midnight cleart1* sermon

Smith. hymn, 55, “ Calm on the listening earCommittee on Printing—S. R. of night;” offertory anthem, “ Sing Al- — ---------

Smith, C. D. Smith, W. A. Richard, leluia,” Dudley Buck; Vesper hymn," The lifesaving station at Zach’s in-S. W. Roberts, 6 . H. Scholey. quartette, “ O little town of Bethele-: let ia being improved considerably by

Committee on Visitation—R. A. Mil- j hum;” Recessional Hymn, 61, “ Hark, j having a new roof, being repainted andler, Valentine Smith, L. H. Ross, Geo. *»-*- * rm"~T. ’VanRiper, Mrs. J. H. Walling.,l Committee on Choir—Alvin G.Smith, H. P. Libby, J. E. Brown, Roji L. Smith, Miss Maryp. Pitcher, W. A.Richard, advisory.*

Committee on Personal Workers—R. Smith, R. H. Hunt, John M.

-Baxter, W. S. Southard, F. E. Pitcher,

>Wednesday evening, Dec. 23, Con­gressman W. W. sCocks will give an il-

Miss Martha A. Seaman has been con- lustrated lecture on his trip through fined to the house for several days by j the Philippines, in the Board of Trade

v ; Hall, Wood »Ave. Everyone iqvited.reason of illness.Note that the Wimqg Workers of 1

Memorial Church have arranged a re- 1 ception and danpe for the evening of j

! Admission free.

The first card-party arid dance underDie- J- Bremen-, H.H Ito go towards the piano fund. A good urfay OT,„ j„ g in the Mw Board o i

what mean those Holy voices? The ; y,e skipper’s room enlarged. Every soloists for the day will be Mrs. Edward ' y,ing for comfort, as it should be. Schmitz, Mrs. Chas. F. Smith, Mr. ---------—Louis Duupnhauer.

Holy Inriocents’ Day, Monday, 28th— Holy Eucharist, 9 a. m. Sunday School Christmas tree and cantat^ “ Santa Claus at Miss Primr’s” in Par­ish Hall a t 8 p. m.

Glad to note that the benefit for Mil-1 ton Updike Wednesday was- a success. An entirely Satisfied crowd was a t the hall to enjoy the .evening. Mr. Up­dike deserves success and we hope to hear of his early rerestabliahment in bnaipess. \ ...............,

Dec. 26. (St.

time is promised and the affair doubt­less will be well suppported.

The Gun Club have arranged for a shoot Christmas morning, to be held on Fussell’s farm. .

Mrs. Corodon Norton has been sub­stituting as teacher in the Hicksville[ school during the absence of the regu­lar teacher.

Trade Hall; a large number were in attendance and a very enjoyable even­ing passed. The dances will be held in the hall every Saturday evening. Music by Prof. Mole.

Tuesday evening, Dec. 22, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Edwards will hold their tenth wedding anniversary a t the home of Mrs. Chas. Edwards, Main St. I

;e James’ infant daughter I Mr. Garland Gadei and family were 1 only stayed in this world twelve j in town Sunday.

, was called Home Saturday. The j 1 took place Monday.

and all new committees will be appoint ed. Other business of importance will come before the meeting.

For a big sa ving In absolutely newest designs in Lace Curtains,Carpets, Rugs, in all sizes, Art Squares, Furniture,etc., visit the New Store, E. O. Olsen, 88 South Main St., Freeport. Christmas suggestions. 2t

A masquerade ball will be given by the Alpha Hook and Ladder Co. in Fire­men’s Hall Thursday everting, Dec. 24* Admisssion 25 cents. Music, by Prof. Mole.

Sunday, Dec. 19, Miss Grace, daugh­ter of Mr. and Mrs. John Collins, will be married to Mr. Morris Denton, both residents of Roosevelt, at her home on Park Ave. The couple will reside here.

Postmaster Sea bury is trying to ’ get a noon mail for the village and also trying to have the evening mail "ar­rive at the post office at 6.15. The present hour of arrival of the evening mail is from 7 to 7.20 p. m. If this goes through it will be a gi'feat benefit to the people of Roosevelt, -------

A largely attended meeting took place in the Board of Trade hall Tues­day at 3 p. m. Its object was to give the people of the village, an opportun­ity to express their views in regard to the granting of a franchise for a pro­posed water company. Some thought the village was too small for a water company at present. A committeejwas appointed to confer with the 1 Town Board in reference to the matter. The committee appointed by Chairman Cox was Edwin D. Seabury, Richard DeLap, David H. Brown, jr., John T. Post and Harlan Crandell.

BALDWINSilas Smith called out the fire de­

partment at 10.30 Saturday night to extinguish a fire in the residence of his mother on Harrison , Ave. An oil stove, from some unknown cause, caught fire and was dragged through the rooms to the bath room, 4eaving a trail of fire, which at one time threat­ened the building. The department re­sponded promptly and made short work of the flames. The damage was confined to the furniture and woodwork of the lower floor, and is not reported as being very great.

H. Gerhold mourns the destruction of a plate glass show window which was broken in by one man thinking he was the better fighter, in an argument last week. The other fellow was equally willing to show his ability to put up his fins, and the result is the ^mashed' window reported above.

The Friday dances at Seaman’s Hall will be discontinued until after the Holidays, by request. They will be resumed the 8th of January, the second Friday in the New Year.

----------- ■ / . %For a big saving iu absolutely newest

designs in Lace Curtains,Carpets, Rags, infill sizes, Art Squares, Far ni tore,etc., visit the New Store, E. H. Olsen, 88 South Main St., Freeport, Christmae. suggestions. 2t

If you miss the Carnival Ball at Merrick tonight you miss one of the season’s big social events. Stages will run to Baldwin to accomodate those desiring to return after the last train.

■ —Cards are out for the wedding of

Miss Mabel Claire Southard, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Southard, and Lieut. Ernest Friederick, U. S. N.The wedding will take place at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Southard,New Year’s night, Jan. 1, and the cere­mony is to be performed'by,the Rev.E. O. Tree, a former pastor of the M. ’ E. Church. The young couple will re­side in San * Francisco, which is the present station of Lieut. Friederick.------C---

An improvement of importance1 which is reported to this paper is the installation of a concrete gutter on both sides of the Merrick Road, running 80(1 feet east to Harrison Ave., from Gr Ave. Contractor Edwin H. has the work in charge. He will * widen the macadam road for L length of the new -gutterway, makir it solid from curb to curb. 1 thanks of this community are due pervieor Smith Cox for these imj ments ordered through him.

Saturday night a number spf 1 friends presented Henry with a handsome gold mounted pipe i got up a surprise for higi. I t wi anniversary of his 50th birthday 1pleasant was spirit by