Bellbird Museum of History

Thursday June 22nd , 2017 Kindergarten Enrolment 2018—It’s time to enrol Do you have a child starting kindergarten in 2018? If so, it is important that they have enrolled to allow us to start planning for their successful transition to big school next year. This allows us to liaise with preschools and parents, and ensure we keep you informed of upcoming events and relevant news. It is also important for our school to get an idea around student numbers for 2018 which helps with school planning. Please complete an enrolment form and return to the school office by the end of term. Enrolment forms are available from the school office or by downloading one from the DoE’s website at https:// Non-local Enrolment The Department’s Enrolment of Students in Government Schools: A Summary and Consolidation of Policy 1997 requires each school to set an enrolment ceiling, which is based on the school’s permanent classroom accommodation and includes a buffer to cater for local students arriving throughout the school year. This requirement ensures that there is a place for every eligible child at his or her local school. Under this policy, Bellbird Public School has currently exceeded its ceiling and will most likely be unable to take non-local enrolments in 2018. While special consideration for non-local enrolment (including siblings) can be made where there is available space, they cannot be accepted when the school has reached its enrolment ceiling. In the meantime, if you intend to apply for enrolment as a non-local placement at our school in 2018, we ask that you complete a non-local enrolment application which can be obtained from any school office. These must then be handed to your local school by July 1st 2017. They will then forward details to our enrolment panel for consideration, with an outcome reached by 1st September 2017 once a more accurate idea of potential student numbers in 2018 are known. If you have any concerns or queries please see Mr Anderson. To determine if you are a locally zoned student, please visit Bellbird Museum of History Parents and family members are invited to attend our Museum of History which will be open next week in the hall. The museum will showcase the amazing work of our students during rich tasks this term which have included Dinosaurs, Exploration and Aboriginal Culture. Make sure you come along to see some amazing artefacts and work samples. The Museum will be open to all students and parents to explore the museum at their leisure each morning and afternoon on : Special presentations will also be on each afternoon where stages will talk about their section of the museum in detail giving an insight into their learning journey this term. Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 8.30-9.15am 8.30-9.15am 8.30-9.15am 3.15-4pm 3.15-4pm 3.15-4pm 3.15-4pm Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 2.30-3.15pm 2.30-3.15pm 2.30-3.15pm 2.30-3.15pm Stage 3 Stage 2 Stage 1 Kindergarten

Transcript of Bellbird Museum of History

Thursday June 22nd , 2017

Kindergarten Enrolment 2018—It’s time to enrol

Do you have a child starting kindergarten in 2018? If so, it

is important that they have enrolled to allow us to start

planning for their successful transition to big school next

year. This allows us to liaise with preschools and parents,

and ensure we keep you informed of upcoming events and

relevant news. It is also important for our school to get an

idea around student numbers for 2018 which helps with

school planning. Please complete an enrolment form and

return to the school office by the end of term.

Enrolment forms are available from the school office or by

downloading one from the DoE’s website at https://

Non-local Enrolment

The Department’s Enrolment of Students in Government

Schools: A Summary and Consolidation of Policy 1997

requires each school to set an enrolment ceiling, which is

based on the school’s permanent classroom

accommodation and includes a buffer to cater for local

students arriving throughout the school year. This

requirement ensures that there is a place for every eligible

child at his or her local school.

Under this policy, Bellbird Public School has currently

exceeded its ceiling and will most likely be unable to

take non-local enrolments in 2018.

While special consideration for non-local enrolment

(including siblings) can be made where there is available

space, they cannot be accepted when the school has

reached its enrolment ceiling. In the meantime, if you

intend to apply for enrolment as a non-local placement at

our school in 2018, we ask that you complete a non-local

enrolment application which can be obtained from any

school office. These must then be handed to your local

school by July 1st 2017. They will then forward details to

our enrolment panel for consideration, with an outcome

reached by 1st September 2017 once a more accurate idea of

potential student numbers in 2018 are known. If you have any

concerns or queries please see Mr Anderson.

To determine if you are a locally zoned student, please


Bellbird Museum

of History

Parents and family members are invited to attend our

Museum of History which will be open next week in

the hall. The museum will showcase the amazing work

of our students during rich tasks this term which

have included Dinosaurs, Exploration and Aboriginal

Culture. Make sure you come along to see some

amazing artefacts and work samples.

The Museum will be open to all students and parents to explore

the museum at their leisure each morning and afternoon on :

Special presentations will also be on each afternoon where stages

will talk about their section of the museum in detail giving an insight

into their learning journey this term.

Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

8.30-9.15am 8.30-9.15am 8.30-9.15am

3.15-4pm 3.15-4pm 3.15-4pm 3.15-4pm

Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

2.30-3.15pm 2.30-3.15pm 2.30-3.15pm 2.30-3.15pm

Stage 3 Stage 2 Stage 1 Kindergarten

not. Students arrived in bright yellow shirts, blue floppy

hats, red zinc on their faces and green hair. The house

spirit was certainly on display. Our younger students

enjoyed taking centre stage and rotating through a range

of activities, which will help them in future years when they

are old enough to compete. Our older students jumped,

threw and ran all morning. Many future stars were

unveiled and I am sure the Olympic committee will be

phoning the school in no time at all. Our house captains

were wonderful leaders and helped every student they

could. They wanted to win each event, but they wanted to

lose their voice during the cheer off just as much. With the

new addition of finals and a toddler race, after lunch the

excitement continued. Luckily, our runners were record

breakers and allowed for all of Bellbird to finish on time

and hop on the bus to head back to school. Everyone

involved had a great day out.

Congratulations to our kindergarten students for attending

their first of many athletic carnivals and congratulations to

our year 6 students for attending their last BPS athletics


A big thank you must go out to all the wonderful parent

helpers and the amazing P & C who are the secret (not

really a secret) to our success. You make carnivals an

absolute joy to organise and participate in for both staff

and students. Carnivals would not be possible if it was not

for your support and lightning quick reflexes on the


Public Speaking skills on display

Our school public speaking competition wrapped up this week

with finals held to determine our winners and runner up in each

stage. There were some amazing skills on display with the

finals allowing for other students to see what goes into a great

speech. Winners stood out for their use of expression and

gestures as well as strong beginnings and conclusions. The

winner and runner up for each stage will also now progress to

the Zone finals held at Nulkaba next term

Congratulations to the following students:

Using Science to solve crimes

On Tuesday this week, Stage 2 and 3 students were lucky

enough to have a visit from a forensic scientist. Nat explained to

the students what a forensic scientist does and had a scenario

set up for them to solve. She told us that a 12 year old diabetic

boy had gone missing and then showed us all the things found

at the scene for the students to use to work out what had

happened and where the boy was. The students had to

examine objects under a blue light, use a magnifier to look

closely at other objects, examine scat (I'll let them tell you what

that is!) found at the scene and several other activities. Luckily

by the end of the investigation the students were able to solve it

and find the location of the missing boy. Everyone had a great

time and learned all about forensic investigation.

Fun for all at the Athletics Carnival

With dark clouds the first to arrive at Turner Park, it

seemed that we were in for a second swimming carnival at

one stage. Mr Anderson and Mr Branigan performed their

rain dances well before any competitor arrived in hope for

another great day at the track. The dance moves were

questionable, but the speed of our first competitors was

Stage Champion Runner Up

Kindergarten Charley I Owen S

Stage 1 Lucinda S Aurora T

Stage 2 Hannah A November T

Stage 3 Blake R Kayla C

The Australian Red Cross Blood Service is Coming to

Town! The Mobile Blood Donor Centre will be visiting Cessnock

Plaza (Charlton Street side Carpark) Keene Street.

Opening Times:

Monday 10th July 9:30 – 15:00

Tuesday 11th July 13:00 – 18:30

Wednesday 12th July 13:00 – 18:30

Thursday 13th July 13:00 – 18:30

Donating is even easier and more satisfying than you might

think. It only takes one hour and you can save up to three lives!

To make an appointment call 13 14 95 or visit

Notes Home

The following notes have been sent home this fortnight. If you

have not received them they are available on our website for


Hot Dog Day

Year 6 Shirts

Reusable Lunch Bags available

If you experience difficulties downloading the notes off the

website the office has copies available

Congratulations to the following students for receiving their Bronze Award


Jake B Draygan M Willow P


Dylan B Colt C Abby C

Jackson C William D Katelyn D

Thomas H Sophia H Sienna J

Charles K Thomas M Taylah M

Jasmine P Sharna P Bethany R

Tom S Keilea S Ayden S

Jackson T Annabelle T November T

Zac W Kaitlyn W


Bellbird Community Hall—Tuesday & Thursday

6.00 to 7.00pm

Cessnock Scout Hall—Monday

6.00 to 7.00pm

New School Uniform

The new school uniform has arrived at Flanagan’s Mens-

wear. Please see prices below.

Bellbird Polo $26.95

Sports Polo $24.95

Tunic $44.95

Sport Shorts $19.95

School Shorts $24.95

Fleecy School Jacket $29.95

Spray Jacket $29.95

Black Spray T/Pants $24.95

Dates to Remember

Term 2, 2017

Week 10

Monday June 26

Assembly Item KH & S2M

Thursday June 29

Playgroup 2.30pm

Friday June 30

Last Day Term 2

Term 3, 2017

Week 1

Monday July 17

Staff Development Day—No Students

Tuesday July 18

Students return—Day 1, Term 3

Wednesday July 19

Fete Meeting 9.15am

Playgroup 2.30pm

P&C Meeting 4.30pm

CANTEEN ROSTER Commencing 26 June 2017

Monday Dianne D / Cherie C

Tuesday Dianne D / Cherie C—Hot Dog Day

Wednesday Chelsie I / Belinda J

Thursday Dianne D / Kristy W / Leanne W

Friday Kristin B / Cherie C / Lesley P

Commencing 17 July 2017

Monday Staff Development Day

Tuesday Lee M / Jaya B

Wednesday Chelsie I / Belinda J

Thursday Katrina W / Cathy P / Lisa A

Friday Rosezanne T / Jenny H / Tabatha

Devils Ark Fund Raiser

In Week 7 the SRC held a mufti day to raise money for Devils

Ark. Devils Ark has a breeding program in the Barrington

Tops to help endangered Tasmanian Devils. Students had to

dress in black, red and white and provide a gold coin donation

for the fundraiser. Bellbird Public School raised $210 to help

feed the endangered Tasmanian Devils.

There was also a colouring competition and the winners re-

ceived a toy Tasmanian Devil.

There winners were....

Early Stage One - Shelby O

Stage 1 - Connor B

Stage 2 - William L

Stage 3 - Nathan A