Bella Italia: The Soffritti Aspartame Study

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  • 8/13/2019 Bella Italia: The Soffritti Aspartame Study


    Bella Italia: The Soffritti Aspartame Study

    The Europeans have the United States beat hands-down when it comes to respectable research on

    chemical food additives. Why? Well, I have ! opinions, and it depends upon with whom youspea".

    any scientists at presti#ious $merican universities will tell you they cannot #et #rants for

    continued research on aspartame or Splenda%, or their department heads have been told to drop all

    discussions on the topic. Some will say aspartame research isn&t worth the effort because they

    cannot #et published in $merican scientific 'ournals. (thers claim the research centers constructed

    by the lar#e corporations, such as )u"e University&s Searle *esearch +enter, were desi#ned with

    mana#ed research as a construction proviso.

    So, we've crossed the pondfor some of the most pro#ressive and hi#hly respected academic

    research on aspartame currently performed. )r. orando Soffritti of the +esare altoni +ancer

    *esearch +enter, European *amaini oundation of (ncolo#y and Environmental Sciences, hasperformed such esteemed wor". This research, nonetheless, is not surprisin# news to the

    independent research scientists in the United States who studied the dan#ers of aspartame over /

    years a#o. 0See ori#inal report10 )r. Soffritti honored1

    )r. 2ohn (lney, Washin#ton School of edicine, )r. *ichard Wurtman, IT, )r. )iana

    )ow-Edwards, SU3! 3ew !or", and )r. Woodrow onte, $riona State University are but a few

    of these renown aspartame researchers. Their laboratory studies resulted in findin#s such as holes

    0lesions1 in the brains of lab rats fed aspartame in the early 456/s, deformed fetuses and lab pups

    born with lower I7s from aspartame consumed in utero, nerve dama#e, seiures, and death as a

    result of aspartame administered durin# research studies performed in The United States.

    8ut this research has been pushed bac" from the public eye receivin# little attention. eanwhile,corporate research and advertisers have financially pressed on, harder and louder, than the

    independent science. 3ot so in Europe these days...

    The Soffritti Studyis the most recent e9perimental demonstration of the multipotential carcino#enic

    effects of aspartame administered in feed to Spra#ue-)awley rats. The primary scientists

    performin# this study are )rs. orando Soffritti, iorella 8elpo##i, )avide )e#li Esposti, :uca

    :ambertini, Eva Tibaldi, and $nna *i#ano4. The US 3ational To9icolo#y ;ro#ram 03T;1 provided

    a second opinion on the research results, and helped in the final statistical analysis. Each of the

    ori#inal authors of the study defends they did not have competin# financial interests in relation to

    the submitted article, "# b.w. 0milli#rams per "ilo#rams per body wei#ht1, much less than the

    current $)I 0$vera#e )aily Inta"e1 for humans in Europe 0/ m#>"# b.w.1 and in the United States

    0@/ m#>"# b.w.1. (n the basis of these research results, the Italian research team has recommended a

    re-evaluation of the present #uidelines on the use and consumption of aspartame as

  • 8/13/2019 Bella Italia: The Soffritti Aspartame Study


    41 $n increased incidence of mali#nant tumor-bearin# animals with a positive si#nificant trend in

    males and females, in particular those females treated at @/,/// ppm

    =1 $n increase in lymphomas and leu"emias with a positive si#nificant trend in both males and

    females, in particular in females treated at doses of 4//,///, @/,///, 4/,///, =,///, // ppm

    1 $ statistically si#nificant increased incidence with a positive si#nificant trend of transitional cell

    carcinomas of the renal pelvis and ureter 0urethra throu#h the bladder1, and their precursors0dysplasias1 in females treated at 4//,///, @/,///, 4/,///, =,/// and // ppm

    1 $n increased incidence of mali#nant schwannomas of peripheral nerves with a positive trend in


    In this particular study, the number of animals per se9 per #roup was much #reater, allowin# a more

    thorou#h and reliable statistical analysis. Secondly, uniue to the Italian e9periment, the lab rodents

    were not "illed at the typical 44/ wee"s of a#e, but rather were observed until their natural deaths to

    allow the aspartame to fully e9press its carcino#enic potential.

    "# b.w., much less than the current

    $)I for humans in Europe 0/ m#>"# b.w.1 and in the United States 0@/ m#>"# b.w.1.

    The study also demonstrates the results of carcino#enicity bioassays in rodents are consistent

    predictors of human cancer ris"s=. The results of the study call for an ur#ent re-e9amination of the

    present #uidelines on the use and consumption of aspartame. ehp.A644. $vailable at httpD>>d9.doi.or#>. (nline 46 3ovember =//@.=Cuff. 4555B Tomatis et al. 45A5B *all 455@.

    ;osted ebruary =//F G ;ermanent :in"