Believe and Do Not Question

 1 "Believe and do not question" or "Question and do not believe"? Father Dan Bădulescu Who has not heard sometime this criticism came from the atheists, agnostics, profane, humanists, secular and free thinkers, be they philosophers, scientists and intellectuals or common  people. And when bring those ones the above rep roach, and to whom? When the y are forced to accept certain dogmatic statements and religious teachings that they can not receive and which seem hostile to their mind and of the world in which they live and whose children feel to be. "Believe and do not question" is combined then with "I'm not dogmatic," "I can not have preconceptions," " I’m not obtuse" (in the sense of "narrow", although that angle is the widest...), "I do not want to bear horse blinders on"," narrow minded", and the like. What exactly demand those people? They demand unlimited freedom of research and not accept those "horse blinders" of dogma. It is obvious that people have forgotten why they invented the horse blinders: precisely because the horse to see only the march ahead, being driven by his coachman, and not to be disturbed or frightened by what he could see aside. The horse is led by spurs, bridle and blinders, being subject of his master. The wild horse does not have and do not know these things and can run about anywhere his impulses draw him. He ought to be caught and tamed, trained to serve his master, man. The same goes for our minds, in our natural state, wild, passionate and sinful, in need of these funds, "bridle, spurs and horse blinders" to obey the Master, i.e. God, who leads it to the spiritual pasture, i.e. the Kingdom of heaven. With no divine dogmas, i.e. those landmarks, or "horse blinders", the mind gets disturbed and scared easily, leaving the right track and wandering into the abyss. Such it is with research: it should be done with humility, fear and measure. And then, what shall we do? Believe and do not question, as, apparently, the suppressor Church teaches us to do? In this antithesis, as it was presented by the free thinkers and humanist atheists, it would seem that the Church  believes, but not question/searches   so, only faith (more or less blind), while the science questions/investigates and does not believe (and even less hopes), but has solid evidence and certainty. So we have the separation of religion by science and faith by research. We will see that this is a new work of the one who divides, the devil, and that it was not the way that in the past, when religion and science were united, and faith and research, but not even today. The Church has also research, but it is a quite different one from the scientific research. But since there is not and there can never be a man devoid of any faith, the scientists too "believe" something, they believe in something, but that "something" is different from the revealed truth, and faith (for them) is heretical. Prejudices,  preconceived ideas, there will be plenty of it in the science camp too, no matter how they deny the obvious. Our adversaries say that "believe and do not question" would be find in Scripture. Of course, if we put them to show us the spot they will not find it anywhere, because the form itself is not there, it was taught not at church but came from the Marxist anti-religion courses. However, we find in Scripture passages with this meaning, and even the commandment! - but given in another spirit than that raised by the atheists and free thinkers masons:

Transcript of Believe and Do Not Question

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