Belgian Office Taipei - Federal Public Service...

Belgian King’s Day Reception Belgian Office Taipei NOV 20 14 On the 14 th of November, the Belgian’s Kings Day was celebrated in Taipei, and the guest of honour of this year’s edition was….Adolphe Sax, born in the Belgian city of Dinant exactly 200 years ago and the inventor of the saxophone. If the birth of the saxophone in 1846 went rather quietly, the instrument became a world success in the beginning of the 20 th century when it was discovered by American jazz artists like Charlie Parker and John Coltrane, and it hasn’t left the music scene since. Nowadays, if the saxophone is globally known to be a Belgian invention, it is actually…Taiwan who is among the biggest producing countries. Together with the Chang Lien Cheng Saxophone Company, and Wallonie Bruxelles International, the BOT set up a small exhibition with cartoons designed by Belgian’s most famous cartoonists, some explanations about Adolphe Sax and the saxophone manufacturing process, and some saxophones, among which an original model built by Adolphe Sax himself, normally on display at the Chang Lien Cheng Saxophone museum in Houli. The BOT also received help of some majors importers and distributors of Belgian food, to offer our guests some of the best food available. Many thanks to for their big contribution to this event and to the overall image of Belgium and Belgian food in Taiwan. 十一月十四日,比利時台北辦事處舉辦了比利時國王節慶祝酒會,而今年我們所邀請的特別嘉賓是兩 百年前出生於比利時迪南的薩克斯風發明人-阿道夫薩克斯。 薩克斯風發明於 1846 年,在二十世紀被美國爵士樂手 Charlie Parker John Coltrane 推廣發展後, 便開始廣傳於世,成為音樂界不可或缺的一員。 時至今日,大家都知道薩克斯風是比利時的發明,但是,臺灣卻是薩克斯風最大的製造國。 比利時台北辦事處連同張連昌薩克斯風博物館,以及瓦隆尼亞布魯塞爾國際部一同展出了一系列由比 利時知名漫畫家以漫畫呈現有關阿道夫薩克斯的介紹薩克斯風的製造工法薩克斯風展示,其中 展出了位於台中后里張連昌薩克斯風博物館典藏的阿道夫薩克斯原創打造的薩克斯風。 此次晚會,比利時台北辦事處獲得了許多比利時進口商與經銷商的協助,為我們的賓客提供了最經典 的比利時美食,讓此盛會更加圓滿。在此,我們由衷感謝以下公司的支持,謝謝他們的贊助加深臺灣對 比利時與比利時美食的完美印象。

Transcript of Belgian Office Taipei - Federal Public Service...


King’s Day Reception Belgian Office Taipei

N O V 2 0 1 4


On the 14th of November, the Belgian’s Kings Day was celebrated in Taipei, and the guest of honour of this year’s edition

was….Adolphe Sax, born in the Belgian city of Dinant exactly 200 years ago and the inventor of the saxophone.

If the birth of the saxophone in 1846 went rather quietly, the instrument became a world success in the beginning of the 20th century when it was discovered by American jazz artists like Charlie Parker and John Coltrane, and it hasn’t left the music scene since. Nowadays, if the saxophone is globally known to be a Belgian invention, it is actually…Taiwan who is among the biggest producing countries. Together with the Chang Lien Cheng Saxophone Company, and Wallonie Bruxelles International, the BOT set up a small exhibition with cartoons designed by Belgian’s most famous cartoonists, some explanations about Adolphe Sax and the saxophone manufacturing process, and some saxophones, among which an original model built by Adolphe Sax himself, normally on display at the Chang Lien Cheng Saxophone museum in Houli. The BOT also received help of some majors importers and distributors of Belgian food, to offer our guests some of the best food available. Many thanks to for their big contribution to this event and to the overall image of Belgium and Belgian food in Taiwan. 十一月十四日,比利時台北辦事處舉辦了比利時國王節慶祝酒會,而今年我們所邀請的特別嘉賓是兩

百年前出生於比利時迪南的薩克斯風發明人-阿道夫•薩克斯。 薩克斯風發明於 1846年,在二十世紀被美國爵士樂手 Charlie Parker 與 John Coltrane推廣發展後,便開始廣傳於世,成為音樂界不可或缺的一員。 時至今日,大家都知道薩克斯風是比利時的發明,但是,臺灣卻是薩克斯風最大的製造國。 比利時台北辦事處連同張連昌薩克斯風博物館,以及瓦隆尼亞布魯塞爾國際部一同展出了一系列由比

利時知名漫畫家以漫畫呈現有關阿道夫•薩克斯的介紹、薩克斯風的製造工法暨薩克斯風展示,其中展出了位於台中后里張連昌薩克斯風博物館典藏的阿道夫•薩克斯原創打造的薩克斯風。 此次晚會,比利時台北辦事處獲得了許多比利時進口商與經銷商的協助,為我們的賓客提供了最經典






Sponsor List: 贊助商名單: AB-INBEV Taiwan AWEX Baker's Kingdom Int'l Inc BELGA F&B Business Co. Ltd. Benelux International CO. Ltd Bilishi Co., Ltd Café Liegeois Taiwan Co., Ltd Delicieux International Development Co., Ltd. Eagle Cold Storage Enterprise Co., Ltd. LE BAR COFFEE CO., LTD Pallieter Int'l Co. Ltd Rih Rih Wang Food (Roger & Roger) Tong Jih Co., Ltd

百威英博 比利時瓦隆尼亞經貿組 科麥股份有限公司 比利家餐飲事業 荷豐國際股份有限公司 比利喜有限公司 烈日咖啡有限公司 迪利斯國際開發有限公司 裕國冷凍冷藏股份有限公司 老爸咖啡有限公司 保力得國際有限公司 日日旺貿易有限公司 統記食品有限公司