Being Thin and Fit Are Two Different Things

Being thin and fit are two different things. Do not obsess over size zero, instead take a cue from diet and fitness experts and put to practice healthy eating and exercising, writes our guest columnist, Vani Mahesh. Doesn’t size zero imply you don’t exist? I often wonder why being thin is fashionable. I personally liked Katrina Kaif during her ‘Partner’ days when she was pleasantly plump than her reed-thin self now. To me, she looked livelier with a healthier glow on her face back then. Now Sonakshi Sinha, who is refreshingly different from all the heroines with insubstantial weights, hopefully keeps her frame and does not succumb to the thin brigade. Some people are born skinny like Kangana Ranaut. But when one is not genetically thin, why try to achieve the unnatural? How can one size suit all? Fashion magazines and ramp shows have models with sunken cheeks, pouted lips and a body which is almost not existent. How many of us really follow that kind of fashion? Can we wear the clothes they strut around in? Can we use the makeup they use – the blue eye liners and purple lipsticks? Then why are we hung up on wanting their thin bodies? We often forget, that those models are getting heavy pay checks for their thin frames. It is their profession to look that skinny, so they can showcase the clothes they wear in the best possible manner. We at best, should look at them, admire whatever we want to admire, take a practical tip or two. That is where the obsession with the fashion industry should end. Books on fitness If you look at recent book releases, you will find a slew of diet and fitness books. None of these ask you to starve or recommend going on hunger suppressants. These books give you tips on healthy eating. Rujutha Diwekar’s ‘Don’t Lose Your Mind, lose your weight’ makes for an interesting read, especially for us Bollywood fascinated. She shot to fame for helping actor Kareena Kapoor achieve a size-zero body — but how she did it — is inspiring. She had Kareena on a diet where she ate at two-hour intervals. She was allowed some non-healthy foods alongside nutrition-packed eats. Namita Jain, another wellness expert, also advises on what constitutes a healthy, wholesome meal through her books. One book every weight-obsessed woman, young or old, must read is Yana Gupta’s ‘How to love your body and get the body you love’. It is a part-autobiographical account where Yana candidly admits to the toll the fashion industry took on her health. When she tells you how, as a thirteen- year-old, she lived on cigarettes and one meal a day to not gain weight, you can’t but shudder. Yana then goes on to explain how she turned her life around through a balanced eating and exercise regime. The book ends with advice on how to engage the mind to get away from ‘fat’ thoughts. . One should not be obese. That is a disease in itself. And one must definitely be fit at any age. Our weight should be at an optimal BMI to keep good health. Nevertheless, wanting to lose weight for the sake of looking thin, is a wasted effort. An intelligent mind is as desirable as a beautiful body, if not more – and much longer lasting too! So nurse that intellect in you. Read more, watch some meaningful TV, and take up Yoga to keep yourself collected and be comfortable in your own skin. Hi Yaana! Thanks for talking to us. You are known for your ultra-toned body. Tell us, what does good health mean to you? The English word “health” comes from the Old English word hale, meaning wholeness, or being whole so in that sense to be

Transcript of Being Thin and Fit Are Two Different Things

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Being thin and fit are two different things. Do not obsess over size zero, instead take a cue from diet and fitness experts and put to practice healthy eating and exercising, writes our guest columnist, Vani Mahesh.

Doesn’t size zero imply you don’t exist?I often wonder why being thin is fashionable. I personally liked Katrina Kaif during her ‘Partner’ days when she was pleasantly plump than her reed-thin self now. To me, she looked livelier with a healthier glow on her face back then.

Now Sonakshi Sinha, who is refreshingly different from all the heroines with insubstantial weights, hopefully keeps her frame and does not succumb to the thin brigade.

Some people are born skinny like Kangana Ranaut. But when one is not genetically thin, why try to achieve the unnatural? How can one size suit all?

Fashion magazines and ramp shows have models with sunken cheeks, pouted lips and a body which is almost not existent. How many of us really follow that kind of fashion? Can we wear the clothes they strut around in? Can we use the makeup they use – the blue eye liners and purple lipsticks? Then why are we hung up on wanting their thin bodies? We often forget, that those models are getting heavy pay checks for their thin frames. It is their profession to look that skinny, so they can showcase the clothes they wear in the best possible manner. We at best, should look at them, admire whatever we want to admire, take a practical tip or two. That is where the obsession with the fashion industry should end.Books on fitness

If you look at recent book releases, you will find a slew of diet and fitness books. None of these ask you to starve or recommend going on hunger suppressants. These books give you tips on healthy eating.

Rujutha Diwekar’s ‘Don’t Lose Your Mind, lose your weight’ makes for an interesting read, especially for us Bollywood fascinated. She shot to fame for helping actor Kareena Kapoor achieve a size-zero body — but how she did it — is inspiring. She had Kareena on a diet where she ate at two-hour intervals. She was allowed some non-healthy foods alongsidenutrition-packed eats.

Namita Jain, another wellness expert, also advises on what constitutes a healthy, wholesome meal through her books.

One book every weight-obsessed woman, young or old, must read is Yana Gupta’s ‘How to love your body and get the body you love’. It is a part-autobiographical account where Yana candidly admits to the toll the fashion industry took on her health.

When she tells you how, as a thirteen-year-old, she lived on cigarettes and one meal a day to not gain weight, you can’t but shudder. Yana then goes on to explain how she turned her life around through a balanced eating and exercise regime. The book ends with advice on how to engage the mind to get away from ‘fat’ thoughts.


One should not be obese. That is a disease in itself. And one must definitely be fit at any age. Our weight should be at an optimal BMI to keep good health. Nevertheless, wanting to lose weight for the sake of looking thin, is a wasted effort. An intelligent mind is as desirable as a beautiful body, if not more – and much longer lasting too! So nurse that intellect in you. Read more, watch some meaningful TV,

and take up Yoga to keep yourself collected and be comfortable in your own skin.

Hi Yaana! Thanks for talking to us. You are known for your ultra-toned body. Tell us, what does good health mean to you?The English word “health” comes from the Old English word hale, meaning wholeness, or being whole so in that sense to be “healthy” doesn’t just mean one is free from illness or pain on a physical level. It is more than that. Being healthy means being balanced on many levels, it is about the condition of one’s mind, body and spirit. So to me optimal health would be an ability to deal with all life’s challenges (physical, psychological, emotional) without experiencing stress or resulting in any imbalance.Tell us more about your fitness regimen. How often do you exercise in a week? What kind of workouts do you do? Do you prefer running, yoga, sports etc.?I exercise every day (unless I am travelling a lot but even then I find some time to stretch, at the very least). My fitness routine has changed over the years as I evolved as a person and came to a point where I understood my body’s needs and followed them, rather than following my mind, working out for the purpose of achieving some ‘perfect’ body shape. Before I understood this, I used to work out very intensively (doing weight training or cardio) for an hour every day which I feel now was too much for my body (and caused physical stress) as I often pushed myself too hard (after I got high on double espresso so I could manage to even pull it off).My routine today is much more peaceful as my goal is purely health and happy/balanced state of mind. I love to sweat a lot (plus that is what makes the exercise healthy as that is what gets the toxins out) so I do work out intensively sometimes, but for much shorter periods of time (perhaps 20 min) and then I go into something I call a

‘pleasur-ise’ . It’s a combination of all the movements I find pleasurable and fun to do. It includes lot of dance movements, stretches and bits of yoga and it’s very spontaneous and different every time. I just follow my body and do whatever it needs and feels like doing in that moment. The main goal of this is to connect with my body, stretch it in such a way that the energy starts flowing through my whole body and mainly do it all with feeling love for myself. At the end I feel very positive and I end up laughing a lot too as I sometimes develop some new crazy weird funny moves or stretch my facial muscles by making funny faces at myself in the mirror. It’s all a lot of fun and a great way to start your day and make it a kick-ass day!!!:-)Tell us about managing stress. You’re in an industry that can be quite unpredictable. How do you stay calm and happy?I think lot of stress diminishes when one stops running after achieving things all the time. My focus is; whatever I do, I should enjoy it or else not do it at all. Money and fame is not what gives you any happiness anyway, so better to focus on just enjoying each moment, being creative and doing what you enjoy and giving your best even if it doesn’t bring you money or some other outcome. Outcome in general should not be the reason why we do things, it’s should be the enjoyment of the process itself.Want more of Yaana? Stay tuned for the next chapter where Yaana discloses her beauty secrets!Yaana, moving on to food, we read in an interview that when you were a teenager, you had a tendency to go on extreme diets? What effect did that have on you? I used to go on crazy diets not just as a teenager but till about five years ago! It was very harmful, I have to say. On all levels! It made my body’s immunity so low that at some point I was falling sick every forty days. This went on for years till I met my teacher (a zen-master and an acupuncture doctor) and learnt from him how to take care of my body better and mainly eat properly. I was also vegetarian for long time, which apparently didn’t suit my body so my immunity improved a lot after I started eating fish. I went through a huge roller

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coaster with food and diets over the years and I describe it all in detail in my book ‘How to love your body and get the body you love.What’s your relationship with food like now? What’s a typically daily meal plan like? We’re curious to know what a model eats!I generally eat smaller portions of food 5 to 6 times a day and I keep it quite healthy (I do eat unhealthy foods occasionally too, but I really do enjoy healthy foods, so if I can get my hands on it, it will always be my preference). I love Indian food and if I can have homemade food than nothing like it. However, I’d prefer it to have it less oily and accompany it with lots of vegetables (either steamed or as a salad) and eat it with brown rice instead of white rice or chappati, etc. I also eat fish and occasional lamb, but whatever meal it is, I will always have tons of vegetables with it and as a snack I often eat fruits and some soaked almonds, superfood smoothies or huge salads. What are some of your favourite foods?Apple is my most favourite food but I also go crazy about anything that is made with coconut (such as a coconut chutney, curries or simply food with grated coconut in it like they do in south). I love all kind of daals and really healthy looking brown breads.There’s been news of a book you’re going to release. It’s called “How To Love Your Body And Get The Body You Love”. What made you write a book? What’s it about? We’d love to know more!The book is already out and it’s about my journey with food, dieting since I was 16 and developing an unhealthy relationship with food (and my body). It talks about the psychology of eating, negative body image and negative thinking. It also has details on how to eat healthy, exercise and be fit or even lose weight but in a healthy, peaceful and loving way.Now onto skin care! How do you maintain such glowing skin? Any secrets you swear by?The secret is really eating healthy as any toxins you receive through eating or unhealthy life-style will project on your skin. State of the mind however is very crucial as well as stress or negativity creates disease in our body and will surely affect the look of our skin as well.Finally, there are so many young girls who’d love to look like you, but can’t! Do you have a positive message about self-esteem for our readers?You can be the best looking woman/man and believe me, you can be still miserable. Looks have nothing to do with if you’re happy or not. Mainly, it is very superficial and one day it will go away, so if you identify yourself with the way your body looks (or your beauty) you’re going to go downhill and feel terrible and unhappy one day, when that goes away. So focus on the beauty inside and first of all start loving yourself unconditionally. This is not as easy as it sounds but when you get there, it will transform your life totally. Then self-esteem won’t be an issue. Looks won’t matter either. The way others perceive you and what they think of you won’t matter either. This is a true path towards freedom…and happiness.Q. Nina, you’ll always be known as one of India’s supermodels. Over the past few years, you’ve moved from mainstream modelling to hosting shows. Is being and looking fit as important to you even now or do you take it a little easier?A: Fitness has been a part of my lifestyle from way before I became a model, so there is no taking it easy. I still do cardio and weights as regularly as I can. I believe in the saying “To feel good is to look good” and one of the ways to feel good is by exercise. It is a great way to start your day. Q. What’s your fitness regimen like these days?A: I do cardio thrice a week and weights thrice a week. There are times I skip a day or two but I am only human!I exercise for an hour everyday. I used to use the cross trainer for the longest time but now I have started running, alternating it with brisk

walking at an incline. And the weights are not heavy weights at all. I use them just for toning. In the summer I try to include Pilates to the days that I do my cardio.I just recently got back to New York, so I need to start my training sessions with my trainer. He has these amazing classes called T Rex classes, which I’m looking forward to trying. From what I understand, it’s exercise with some kind of band.

Q. How about food? Is there anything you make sure you eat or avoid eating?A: I am a pure non-vegetarian. And I mean it! So I have to make a conscious effort to eat some greens. I try to stay away from junk food as much as possible. And I try to eat home food as much as possible as I dislike eating out. Q. Tell us about your skin and hair care regimen. Any secrets you swear by?A. I only use the creams and face washes given to me by my dermatologist. Even though I live in New York I make sure that I have all his products stocked with me. They are way better than using all the other products I have used in the past.I also put oil in my hair at least once a week and I try to do a deep conditioning treatment once in 2 weeks. Q. In a country obsessed with fairness, you’ve established yourself as a leading model not only in spite of, but because of your sultry glowing skin. Was it difficult to break into the business?A: It was not difficult to break into the scene. I knew what my strengths were and I focussed on those. Q. Any health/fitness/diet advice for our readers?Drink lots of water. Exercise regularly, sleep well and try to stay away from alcohol. That is the worst thing you can do to your body.Eat greens, stay away from junk food and most importantly, stay positive! Top 10 food myths – Busted!January 22, 2013 By mDhil Editorial Team 0 Comments and 5 ReactionsFood myths are like UFOs, you always hear about them but nobody really knows whether there is any truth to them!There is no shortage of food myths floating around on the web. We got an experts’ view on the most common food myths we could find! Have more? Ask us!Top 10 food myths – Busted! Myth #1: Drinking water in between your meals will mess up your digestionThis one been passed down from generations. While drinking water will fill you up, it certainly will not damage your digestive process. Heck! It might even do your system a world of good. So keep that glass nearby and ensure you are drinking enough through the day.Myth #2: Having fruits immediately after a meal is not good for you Surprise surprise! There is actually some truth to it. Experts say having fruits immediately after a meal may cause digestive problems like gas and acidity. Fruits also hamper with the digestion of certain nutrients which is why it’s advisable to wait an hour before reaching for that fruit bowl after a heavy meal.Myth #3: Papaya should be avoided during pregnanciesThis one is extremely common in India. While raw papaya or even a semi ripe one has been known to trigger uterine contractions, a

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completely ripe papaya is rich in vitamins and minerals which are actually beneficial for pregnant women. However, if you are pregnant, check with your doctor before including papaya in your diet.Myth #4:The skin of an apple contains no nutrients This, by far has to be the most ludicrous one! The apple peel in fact, is known to have a higher concentration of antioxidants than the flesh! Unfortunately, nowadays the apples available in the market are polished with wax to make them look shiny and glossy. So rinse your apple properly before biting into that crunchy and fresh apple. Myth #5:Eating after 7 pm will make you fatExperts say that its not when you eat that can make you fat. What you eat and the amount of calories you consume makes you fat. The only thing late night eating does is promote unhealthy snacking and hamper with your sleeping pattern. Myth #6:Having milk immediately after eating fish Some believe that the combination makes you sick while some believe it makes spots appear on your skin. Rest assured, there is no scientific reason why you cannot have milk and fish together. In fact, there are many wonderful and healthy recipes around which combine the goodness of fish and milk.Myth #7: You should not swim/shower immediately after a mealThe myth says that blood flows to your stomach during digestion, reducing blood flow to other muscles which may lead to cramps and drowning. Experts maintain that it’s not just swimming which makes you feel uncomfortable, any intense work out immediately after eating may induce vomiting and cramps. So if you’re out for a leisurely dip after a meal, go right ahead!Myth #8: Having chocolate causes acneAgain, a myth which is so common that most teenagers and their parents believe it! There has been no conclusive scientific to prove this claim. Experts maintain that different foods may cause your skin to breakout into pimples and for some people that food just may be chocolate. Myth #9: Having kesar (saffron) during pregnancy makes your baby fairEven though milk and saffron is good for you, it’s not going to help your baby become fairer. The skin colour of the baby depends solely on the parents genes.Myth #10: If you swallow a chewing gum, it stays in your stomach for seven years before it gets digested While it is true that your body cannot digest a chewing gum, it certainly does not take seven years to pass through your body! It goes through your system, intact and is excreted quite normally. A word of caution though, if you’re going to swallow large amounts of chewing gum, it may result in intestinal blockage.


When crime against women becomes uncontrollable and the lawmakers of the country cannot come up with an effective solution, innovative technocrats take over and create something as practical and sensible as anti-rape underwear. The beauty about this innovation is that it makes women wearing it feel a certain sense of security while defending themselves against attackers knowing that they have this powerful bodyguard hidden underneath their clothes. The undergarment has been named- SHE (Society Harnessing Equipment).

How does the anti-rape underwear work?

Manisha Mohan, Rimpi Tripathy and Niladri Basu, inventors of the anti-rape underwear, are currently doing their engineering from SRM

University, Chennai. The trio was inspired to come up with this innovation after the brutal gang rape of a 23-year-old Delhi girl in December 2012. The device is a camisole-like garment with shock technology placed in the chest. When the anti-rape underwear detects unwanted pressure or force, it gives out an electric shock of 3800 kV to the attacker. As soon as the wearer is attacked, her undergarment changes into an effective weapon that can stun the attacker. If the attacker tries again, the undergarment can emit up to 82 electric shocks that can immobilise him on the spot, giving the girl sufficient time to escape to safety.

Besides this, the undergarment is also equipped with in-built GPS and GSM systems. These tracking systems send out SMS alerts to parents of the girl and police station, informing them about the location of the wearer when she is attacked. The inventors are now working on a technology to integrate the underwear with Bluetooth, which can help transmit ‘stress messages’ to friends and family.

The very fact that anti-rape underwear works on the principle of electricity brings up many questions. One of the first questions is about how is the wearer going to protect herself against being electrocuted? Secondly, can the garment be washed just like other garments? Thirdly, is it affordable for an average middle class family?

Mohan, Tripathy and Basu have considered all these aspects and they assure us that the underwear comes with a strong lining of insulation that prevents the wearer from being hit by current. The trio is now experimenting with different waterproof materials that can protect the circuits and allow users to wash the underwear just like any other garment. As for affordability, the inventors are working on that front as well and checking out fabric options that can bring down costs.According to the young inventors, anti-rape underwear is their answer to men who do not think much before physically abusing women. They say that their invention is not only meant to be a protection for girls, but also a means of instant punishment for the would-be molester or rapist.

The biggest advantage of anti-rape underwear when compared to tasers and sprays is the reduced reaction time.

Buoyed by the response received by their invention, the trio is now planning to take it one-step further. While they are experimenting to bring down costs, they are also in talk with major industrialists who can finance production of anti-rape underwear on a commercially viable scale.

Until the attitude of men, the society and lawmakers undergoes any positive changes, anti-rape underwear can definitely help women protect themselves. This is an example of how technology can be used to address one of the most pressing issues in the country as well as the world at large.10 deadly sins that keep you poorWonder why you’re always out of cash? These are poor habits that keep you from getting rich. These are mostly spending sins.

The author P V Subramanyam is a Chartered Accountant by qualification and a financial trainer by profession. Writing being a passion he also regularly pens his thought in his blog

1. 1. Using credit cards or debit cards:

The card has become such an important part of our lives we cannot live without it. I have always argued that the card dramatically reduces our need to print notes, etc…however if you wish to reduce your expenses, stop using the card, shift to cash.

2. 2. Emotional Shopping:

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Stop and think why you are buying things. Is it because you had a fight? an argument with your boss? time-pass? as entertainment? you have been waiting for a friend and you were supposed to meet in a mall? Or do you really need the things that you are staring at in a shop? Instant gratification is great – so what if it creates debt in the long run?

3. 3. Entitlement shopping:

Amazing how many people think ‘this much is basic’ how can I not travel by air, taxi, auto…or ‘it is my wedding anniversary, I MUST BUY HER a diamond ring’ or ‘sir we just need an I pad’ . Amusing to see kids buying a mobike, car, house, …all on such ‘sir everybody borrows to buy a house’ theory. Entitlement based on dad’s earnings is even funnier to watch.

4. 4. Peer pressure:

where you live, what you buy, where you eat out, what you do – all this is decided by colleagues, classmates, etc. who are actually chasing you. Funny situation is it not? No clue who is chasing whom – seem to be running in circles and wondering where have they reached!

5. 5. Addictions can be expensive:

shopping, tobacco, eating at fancy joints, buying expensive things, alcohol, travel – anything which becomes an obsession or addiction sucks money out of your system, and fast!

6. 6. A victim of the media:

today your entertainment has to be going to a mall, bowling, playing other games, movies or eating out. To imagine that reading a book, carrom, going for a walk, cycling around, etc – those which you can do together but does not cost money have been so beautifully killed as entertainment thoughts! Wow media, you have achieved your goals!

7. 7. Self worth is completely dependent on what you have.

So all ‘show off ‘ assets HAVE to be branded. There is a whole gen out there which has been beautifully told that Brand = Value. Excellent for me as a shareholder of cos. where I am a shareholder…but it is hurting you like mad, wake up!

8. 8. No plan:

no plan of expenditure, career, savings, retirement, …so it hardly matters.

9. 9. No understanding of investment concepts

like start early, compounding, power of small numbers – leading to fatalistic statements like – what will I be able to do saving Rs. 4000 a month? or I will never be able to buy a house in Mumbai, so let me live it up!

10. One more loan won’t matter

I anyway have X amount of student debt, x amount of car debt, y amount of personal debt…so what if I added another small amount

13 Jokes That Every Math Geek Will Find Hilarious

Back when the internet was young, the primary users were its builders, math and tech-oriented academics spread around the country.

As a result, math jokes have an elemental role in the history of the internet.

From the earliest Usenet threads to the techiest subreddits, geeky math jokes — some implicit swipes at less-pure disciplines, other puns or plays on words of different concepts — have been a major part of the modern history of math.

What's more, these japes also have the effect of making those who didn't get the joke to look into what makes it funny, teaching people some of the more obscure concepts.

Here are just a few of the best ones. Where necessary, we'll do the unthinkable and the tacky and explain the joke. JOKE #1

Three statisticians go out hunting together. After a while they spot a solitary rabbit. The first statistician takes aim and overshoots. The second aims and undershoots. The third shouts out "We got him!"

Source: chjilloutdamnit / Reddit


Two random variables were talking in a bar. They thought they were being discrete but I heard their chatter continuously .

Source: armchairdetective / reddit

Explanation: When you roll a die, you either get a 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6. Since there are a finite number of possibilities, the statistic involved is called a discrete random variable. When you select any real number from between 0 and 1, there are an infinite number of possible draws. The statistic involved is called a continuous random variable.


There was a statistician that drowned crossing a river... It was 3 feet deep on average. JOKE #4

Write the expression for the volume of a thick crust pizza with height "a" and radius "z".

Source: Reddit

Explanation: The formula for volume is π · (radius)2 ·( height). In this case, pi · z ·z ·a.


A: "What is the integral of 1/cabin?"

B: "log cabin."

A: "Nope, houseboat--you forgot the C."

Source: Reddit

Explanation: We're treating "cabin" is a variable.

The integral of 1/x is loge(x).

However, since it's integration, you've got to add a constant.

So ∫(1/cabin) = loge(cabin) + c, or "a log cabin plus the sea."


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Algebra. By Serge LangQ: Why did the chicken cross the road?

A: The answer is trivial and is left as an exercise for the reader.

Source: Reddit


This is a common refrain found in mathematics texts.

It is widely considered a cruel professor's malicious cop-out by particularly lazy students of mathematics.


Q: How many mathematicians does it take to change a light bulb?

A: One: she gives it to three physicists, thus reducing it to a problem that has already been solved.

Source: MathOverflow

Explanation: Mathematicians try to reduce an unsolved problem to a form which has already been solved before. Once that's done it's considered complete, as the previously derived formula is taken as written.

There are many light bulb jokes about physicists. Finding several are left as an exercises to the reader.


A physicist, a biologist, and a mathematician are sitting on a bench across from a house. They watch as two people go into the house, and then a little later, three people walk out.

The physicist says, "The initial measurement was incorrect."

The biologist says, "They must have reproduced."

And the mathematician says, "If exactly one person enters that house, it will be empty."

Source: Reddit


The B in Benoît B. Mandelbrot stand for Benoît B. Mandelbrot.

Source: Reddit

Explanation: The Mandelbrot set is a fractal. As you zoom in on portions of the fractal, you ee a self replicating image. So the infinite paradox in the joke is a shoutout to the problem. Here's an example of what we're talking about with a gif of zooming in on a point of infinite complexity in the Mandelbrot set: JOKE #10

WikipediaInfinitely many mathematicians walk into a bar. The first says, "I'll have a beer." The second says, "I'll have half a beer." The third says, "I'll have a quarter of a beer." The barman pulls out just two beers. The mathematicians are all like, "That's all you're giving us? How drunk do you expect us to get on that?" The bartender says, "Come on guys. Know your limits."

Source: Reddit

Explanation: This is a reference to a converging infinite series.

The limit of this:

from n=0 to ∞ Σ (1/2n) = 1 + 1/2 + 1/4 + 1/8 + ... = 2

JOKE #11

An infinite number of mathematicians walk into a bar. The first one orders a beer. The second orders half a beer. The third orders a third of a beer. The bartender bellows, "Get the hell out of here, are you trying to ruin me?"

Source: Reddit

Explanation: This is another hilarious reference to an infinite series — the harmonic series — which is not convergent but instead diverges to infinity.

from n=1 to ∞ Σ (1/n) = 1 + 1/2 + 1/3 + 1/4 + ... = ∞

See a full explanation in this slideshow >

JOKE #12

When a statistician passes the airport security check, they discover a bomb in his bag. He explains. "Statistics shows that the probability of a bomb being on an airplane is 1/1000. However, the chance that there are two bombs at one plane is 1/1000000. So, I am much safer..."

Source: Andrej and Elena Cherkaev

Explanation: While this statistician is correct that the joint probability there are two bombs on a plane is 1/1,000,000, his bringing one on doesn't change the prior probability that there is still a 1/1,000 chance of his flight being the one with a random bomb.

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Also, the TSA is not known for its logical prowess.

JOKE #13

What do you get when you cross a mosquito with a mountain climber?

Nothing. You can't cross a vector and a scalar.

Source: Reddit

Explanation: A vector is a mathematical entity with both magnitude and direction in any number of dimensions. You can take the cross product of two vectors to form a new vector, similar to multiplication of real numbers.

A scalar is just a real number, a directionless magnitude in vector space. You cannot take a cross product of a scalar and a vector.

Hence, you can't cross a mosquito (disease vector) and a mountain climber (a scalar).

That is one terrible pun. I'm sorry.

How to get fit post pregnancyOne of the most daunting challenges within the niche of weight loss is losing weight gained during pregnancy. Women undergo significant hormonal changes during pregnancy which makes the body inclined to retaining fat even after childbirth. Trying to losing the extra pounds along with tending to your newborn can be rather demanding. However, we will try our best to provide you with some handy tips to fight this battle for regaining your fitness.Develop the Right Weight Loss ApproachNew mommies should understand that it takes about ten months for them to gain weight for their baby’s sake and losing it too will take some time. Taking upon extreme dieting will only make matters worse. Dieting can induce sudden weight loss which in turn, leads to loss of muscle tone. This causes development of saggy skin and might induce hormonal imbalances.Choose Super FoodsEat foods that support weight loss without compromising upon nutrition. Breastfeeding mothers cannot afford to suffer from nutritional deficiencies. Thus, they need to choose, low-calorie, high-nutrition foods. The best example of this is Fish. Loaded with omega-3 fatty acids, fish ensures that nutrition level of breast milk is maintained. Fish provides all the necessary amino acids without the calorie overload found in meats. Similarly, yogurt prepared from low-fat milk is a great choice. The high calcium content keeps the bones healthy apart from helping the body regain its hormonal balance.Choose to BreastfeedBreastfeeding is extremely good for the mother. While the baby receives wholesome nutrition, the mother gets to lose substantial body fat via breastfeeding. This is why nursing mothers tend to lose weight more easily as compared to non-nursing ones.Get Moving in Every Possible WayThe most integral part of your post-pregnancy, weight-loss strategy should be being active throughout the day. This helps in burning more calories. This invariably includes taking care of the baby. However, don’t stop at that. Explore other ways to get physical. For instance, take upon more household chores. This helps to get rid of the hormonal surplus that often induces extreme mood swings after childbirth. Try to develop a basic, home-based workout regimen. This

should include light weights and a bit of stretching. You can do cardio in the form of skipping.Don’t Neglect SleepMany weight-loss guides insist that mothers should not sleep during the daytime. However, this is a misconception. Not getting enough rest and being tired tends to slow down the overall metabolic rate. The body’s ability to lose weight is compromised as a result. Thus, keep yourself active with one or two naps of about 40 minutes each.Don’t Skip Meals, Transform ThemIf you want to lose your pregnancy-induced weight even faster, replace your meals with a combination of fluid-based options and salads. For instance, rather than having a proper meal, cook different types of vegetable soups. Between your soups, eat small portions of salads containing lots of green veggies. These low-calorie foods take a longer time to digest and contain fiber. This induces a feeling of fullness.Bollywood’s New Mommies & their Struggle with Pregnancy Weight GainRecently spotted at an Ambani party, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan seemed bloated from head to toe. Baby B, Aaradhya must be a challenge to Ash just like all newborns are expected to be but the manner in which Aishwarya has let her waistline expand has stunned everybody. Aishwarya isn't the only new mommy in B-Town. Lara Dutta went through a similar grind recently. It seems that Lara is working hard towards getting back in shape. While Lara Dutta seems to be inching slowly but steadily towards her former, exotic silhouette, Aishwarya seems to be struggling.5 Tips for a Happy Marriage after MotherhoodMotherhood is the best thing that can ever happen to a woman. It completes you and makes you reach the ecstasy of life. But motherhood increases the accountabilities for a woman. At this time she craves for the support of her partner to withstand the bizarre lifestyle that comes up and the humongous task at hand; handling the baby and balancing life together. At this point your relationship faces a crisis situation that needs handling. Your partner needs you, your child needs you and so do you need yourself. So what will you do for a happy marriage after motherhood where you feel less stressed about the whole situation? There are ways to handle it and they are easy too.Communication always worksCommunication is the key to a happy marriage after motherhood. Ask for support from your partner when you are going through your pregnancy, communicate your issues with him; you could even ask your partner to be there while you are delivering the baby. Post birth you may not be too inclined towards sex while your partner might want it. It’s best to communicate how you feel about everything to him and try and figure out a mid-way to save yourself from a distressed marriage.Enjoy the New ShapePost childbirth you are bound to have a different figure. You won’t reshape into your original size and you won’t fit into your old clothes overnight. Please do remember that. Get used to this new shape till it lasts and enjoy your post pregnancy life without feeling bad.Nurture your child togetherWhy not be together when nurturing your child. It so happens that when you are balancing your child care and home duties you would not be in a position to pay enough attention to your husband. Seek his help in balancing your life. He can feed the kid or maybe do the dishes whatever he is comfortable with. This would reduce your load and make you give more time to your partner.Partner timeYou have been on a date with your partner to many places outside, how about a date at home while watching TV on the comfort of your couch and eating some restaurant food. It would feel good and you can even get unprompted and physical while at it. You can also go out for a coffee while leaving your child in the care of your relatives or

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probably your neighbours. Remember an hour or two’s break from regular life can work well for a happy marriage after motherhood.The “Me-Time”It’s very necessary for every woman to spend some time on herself, be it reading a book or watching TV to reduce her stress so that she can enjoy time with her husband and child.You and partner both need to put in efforts towards a happy marriage after motherhood. If you don’t support each other and communicate your feelings you might just have a ‘not so happy’ life together.0 Indian Foods That Help You Lose WeightThere is a preconceived belief that Indian food is fattening and high on calories. That is the reason that almost all health conscious individuals are shifting to salads and other western foods these days. However, there are numerous ingredients used in Indian cooking that have great nutritional value and help in burning extra calories. It is wiser to incorporate these ingredients in your daily diet rather than moving on to low-fat continental diet.TurmericTurmeric is one of the basic ingredients used in almost all Indian dishes. It is known to have anti-cancer, antiseptic and healthy weight loss properties. A compound called curcumin present in turmeric is known to help reduce insulin and leptin resistance levels, both of which are responsible for fat deposits. Turmeric also helps in maintaining desired blood pressure and helps in removing bad cholesterol from the body.GarlicGarlic, another vital ingredient of Indian cuisine is known for its medicinal properties. Allicin, a sulphur compound present in garlic has anti-bacterial properties. Garlic also has anti-inflammatory properties that also help in burning fat deposits. CardamomAnother Indian spice that not only works in flavoring but also helps in burning calories is cardamom. This spice is full of digestive properties and helps in enhancing the metabolic activity.Mustard oilMustard oil is as healthy as olive oil is for westerners. When compared to other cooking oils, mustard oil has very low quantity of saturated fat. It also has a host of other beneficial elements like fatty acid, linoleic acid, oleic acid, erucic acid, essential vitamins and antioxidants which help in reducing the cholesterol level and maintaining an optimum body weight.HoneyMost of us are aware of honey’s power in reducing calories. Honey dissolved in warm water consumed in the morning helps in cutting down fat within the body.Curry leavesCurry leaves not only provide flavor to our food, but they also help in removing harmful toxins and unwanted fat deposits from the body.ChiliesChilies are a staple ingredient in Indian cuisine. Powered with a key element called capsaicin, chilies help in increasing the metabolism activity and the heat generating property of capsaicin helps in burning additional fat within the body. Bean sproutsBean sprouts are quite beneficial because they have loads of essential vitamins, minerals and fiber. They reduce hunger pangs and aid in weight reduction. CabbageCabbage is grown locally in almost all parts of India. It slows the process of transformation of carbohydrate and sugar contents into fat, which in turn helps in maintaining the fat content.MilletsMillets such as ragi, jowar and bajra are rich in dietary fiber and help in maintaining a good cholesterol level. Millets also enhance bile secretion which burns down the extra calories

Benefits of drinking lemon water

here are plenty of benefits of drinking lemon water early in the morning right after waking up, and many people follow this as a good health practice. Lemon is a citrus fruit that is available easily all across the world, and it has various nutritional and medicinal benefits for the human body. Apart from being used in a wide range of recipes, lemon can also be consumed as a mixture with water.

Being a citrus fruit, lemons are very rich in Vitamin C, and also carry a tarty taste due to the presence of citric acid. Some other important elements in a lemon are Vitamin B, Riboflavin, Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorus and a large amount of carbohydrates as well as proteins. All these vitamins and minerals present in a lemon makes it a very beneficial and healthy fruit to consume.

Many people prefer to drink fresh lemon water in the morning, and this is something that is very healthy indeed. By consuming this lemon water diet on a regular basis, the individual provides his body with numerous benefits, and the effects of this can be seen in the long run. Here are some known benefits of drinking lemon water, or lemon juice, every morning.

Boosts Immune SystemThis is something that lemon water achieves due to its high proportion of Vitamin C. It strengthens the immune system greatly, and also helps the body in healing various wounds and injuries. The threat of an infection due to viruses or bacteria gets diminished by drinking lemon water.

Aids in DigestionThe digestive tract in the body, and the stomach, benefits greatly from the practice of consumption of a lemon along with hot water. If you consume a lemon along with hot water, it will be very good for your stomach. Various symptoms like heartburn, flatulence and belching are reduced due to lemon juice. Even the bowel movements of the individual gets improved, because the lemon juice helps in flushing out all the unwanted materials.

Purifies the BloodThere are qualities in lemon juice, that makes it act like a blood purifier and a cleansing agent. These qualities and lemon health benefits makes lemon juice useful in battling hiccups and constipation as well. It also acts with the liver and induces it to produce more bile, and it even removes gallstones from the body and reduces the amount of phlegm produced by the body.

Cleanses the SkinAny agent that is purifying the blood is also useful for an individual to get clear skin. If you are facing problems of acne, boils or other rashes, then it is happening because there are certain impure materials present in your blood. These can be cleansed out by lemon water, taken regularly in the morning.

Diuretic PropertiesLike all other diuretics, lemons elevate the rate of urination in the body, thus forcing out all unwanted and unnecessary toxins at a faster rate. This makes lemon juice very useful for someone who has some kind of urinary tract infections, and it is even beneficial for people suffering from arthritis and rheumatism. Various infections and ailments can be countered.

Along with these health benefits of lemon water, here are some more advantages it carries. By consuming this on a daily basis, you are decreasing the acidity in your body. Lemons are alkaline in nature, and this combats the acidic effect of all other food items consumed.Lowers high blood pressureCures throat infectionsReduces fever and temperature

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Aids in recovering from respiratory disordersHelps in weight lossAids in dental careCleanses the hair folliclesIt is evident now that drinking lemon water in the morning has a lot of benefits for the human body, as it cleanses out a lot of waste products, and strengthens the body immeasurably. This is a healthy lifestyle habit that everyone should adopt.WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF DRINKING LEMON & HONEY IN WATER?The combination of honey, lemon and water results in a tasty, beneficial drink. Honey with lemon is an age-old remedy believed to soothe a variety of ailments. It is easy to make -- using household ingredients -- for pennies a serving.ColdsHoney and lemon in water sometimes helps loosen congestion and prevent dehydration. Sip the mixture daily as needed. Suggested amounts of lemon juice are one-half to one lemon a day, stirred into 8 oz. of water two to three times a day. Add honey to your desired level of sweetness.advertisementHoneyHoney raises the level of immune-enhancing, disease-fighting antioxidants in the blood, says Heidrun B. Gross, PhD, department of nutrition, University of California, Davis. Dr. Gross explains that honey contains a large percentage of polyphenols, antioxidants known to be important in prevention of cardiovascular disease and cancer.EnergyConsuming sugar typically provides a very brief spike in blood sugar. It has been found that honey might maintain optimal blood sugar levels for a full two hours, according to findings of Dr. Steven G. Pratt from Scripps Memorial Hospital in La Jolla, California. One to two tsp. is best, taken several times a week in your lemon water or alone.CleansingWaste in human bodies has a direct effect on disease. Lemon is sometimes useful in cleansing the body of waste. Daily drinks of lemon and honey in water might help keep your system clean. Daily honey consumption might help prevent constipation, reduce cholesterol and lower blood pressure.How to Lose Weight Using Cinnamon Powder and Honey

Discussion threads, articles, gossip and talk all over the

Internet are all a twitter about how to lose weightusing

cinnamon powder and honey. While some insist that

they've seen no difference after trying this combination,

others enthusiastically recommend it as a surefire way to

reduce weight.

Weight Loss with Cinnamon and Honey

The recipe for this allegedly miraculous weight loss aid is

very simple. You can make it in minutes and store it in the

refrigerator for one day, or until needed. Mix up one batch

each morning before breakfast.

Try using different types and flavors of local honey as well

as different types of cinnamon until you get the results you

desire or to change the flavor and palatability of the drink.

Recipe Ingredients

1 teaspoon honey

1/2 teaspoon cinnamon powder

1 cup of water


1. Combine the cinnamon and honey with the

water in a small saucepan.

2. Bring the mixture to a boil.

3. Filter the liquid into a cup and divide into two

half-cup quantities.

4. Consume one half an hour before breakfast and

the second half an hour before going to sleep at


Helpful TipsKeep these helpful tips in mind:

Some proponents recommend adding raw

honey after the water has boiled to retain

nutrients and thus the benefits.

By following this regimen, it is suggested that a

dieter may easily lose three to five pounds

within one week without changing anything else

within his or her diet. Differences in results may

be due to the cinnamon used. There are three

types of cinnamon available in stores: Ceylon

cinnamon, Indonesian cinnamon, and Cassia


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Keep in mind that while Cassia is sold as a

cinnamon, it is not actually the same spice and

may, therefore, produce different results.

The Effect It Has on the Body

According to materials and articles recommending this diet

aid, this mixture of cinnamon powder and honey stops the

body from accumulating fat.

Flax seedsHere is some more useful information : Flaxseeds are known as ALSI in Hindi, Gujarati, and Punjabi, Ali Vidai in Tamil. In Marathi, it is also known as jawas, alashi, and linseed. n Bengali, it is known as Tishi, in Oriya its Pesi. In Kannada, its called Agasi, and telugu people call it Avise ginzalu. Finally, in Kerala, the Malyalis call it Cheruchana vithuThere are a few things one needs to bear in mind while using flax seeds . (Flax oil, as such, is not easily available in India).

Avoid eating flax seeds whole. They have the nasty habit of leaving your body in the same condition they came in ....

Its best to lightly roast the seeds, either in a kadhai till they start crackling (similar to til or sesame seeds). Raw Flax seeds, contain a substance called cyanate, which can be harmful to the body in larger quantities.

Ideally , one should grind the roasted flax seeds, This is easily done in a grinder. The recommended amount per day, is about 1-2 tablespoons.

People who suffer from constipation, may find these a useful change. Conversely, those whose intestines go into peristalsis at the slightest excitement, may find that they need to take a lesser daily quantity. (In case you are wonderingwhat I am saying, it means that overindulgence in these may cause increased trips to the toilet).

A decent combination, just learnt from the lady who helps me at home : FLAX SEED chutney !

--Grind together 250 gms roasted flax seeds, a big palmful of dried red chillies, and 1-2 whole garlic (the whole thing). Add salt to taste. Enjoy on toast, curd rice, boiled veggies, dal-rice , what else....... (On second thoughts, this is like manna from heaven for cardiac types....flax, garlic, frying, )

---For those who are anti-garlic, a ground mixture of dried kadhipatta leaves, flax seeds and dried red chillies is also very tasty.

--- Make a delcious mixture of juice of a few lemons, salt, red chilly powder, fenugreek powder(methi), haldi (turmeric), and add in ground flax seeds chutney, or just plain ground seeds. This makes a delicious sandwhich spread.

How long one can store homemade garlic/ginger/chilli paste in fridge

In many cuisines, ginger garlic paste is used as an essential ingredient. The taste, flavor and aroma of ginger-garlic mixture is so unique that it boosts up the overall sense of taste of the dish. For

ease of use, one can prepare this ginger-garlic paste and can store it in refrigerator for later use. This saves time and effort for making this paste every day or for almost every dish.

There are two ways to prepare ginger-garlic paste. Let us see each of them.


Ginger - 1 large pieceGarlic - a handful of garlic clovesWater - 3 to 4 spoonOil - 1 tablespoon

1st Method

1. Peel off the skin of ginger and garlic properly and wash them with water to remove any impurities.2. Cut them into small chunks.3. Grind them together in a mixer grinder by adding sufficient water just to make them in a paste form.4. Put this paste in a container and add 1 spoon of pre-heated oil on top of it. You can take 1 spoon of oil and show it over the flame of the stove so as to heat it up.5. Refrigerate this air tight container. It will stay for a month or so.

2nd Method

1. Peel off the skin of ginger and garlic properly and wash them with water to remove any impurities.2. Cut them into small chunks.3. Grind them together in a mixer grinder by adding one or two spoons of oil to it. 4. Take a pan and put the prepared ginger garlic paste to it. 5. Cook them for 2 to 3 minutes by closing the lid of the pan.6. Refrigerate this mixture in an air tight container. This paste also will stay for a month or so.

Tips . Adding oil is necessary because, sometimes the color of the paste will change owing to the contact with the air. It can lead to many confusions like, we will not be definitely sure if the mixture is spoilt or not. So its always better to use oil in either of the two ways while making ginger-garlic paste.

. The proportions of ginger and garlic should be taken as 40% and 60%. Because ginger is much stronger than garlic. So ginger can be taken 40% and garlic 60%. It will make sure that it doesn't add a pungent taste to the dish.

. Its better to refrigerate the prepared mixture almost immediately after use. It will ensure that the paste will last for long time.

Store unopened, manufacturer-sealed garlic paste in a cool, dark place, such as a pantry. Do not place it in a warm area, such as the cabinet above the stove and oven, or in direct light, as this may break the seal or cause the flavor to change.

Wipe any garlic paste residue from the rim of the jar or tube with a clean cloth. Replace the lid or cap on the garlic paste immediately after opening and using it.

Place the remainder of the paste in the refrigerator after it is opened. Keep store-bought garlic paste up to the use-by date marked on the package. Store homemade garlic paste for up to one week. Tips & Warnings

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Some commercial garlic pastes have other ingredients, such as ginger or tomatoes. This may alter the shelf life of the product, so always verify storing procedures on the label.

Dispose of garlic paste immediately if it develops a bad smell, the color changes or it begins growing mold.

Do not freeze garlic paste. The oils in the paste do not freeze completely, which may cause separation or loss of flavor.