Being Safe on the Internet



Story book about Internet safety

Transcript of Being Safe on the Internet

Page 1: Being Safe on the Internet


Page 2: Being Safe on the Internet

Becoming a big boy or girl comes with new

ideas and exciting things to learn to do.

Page 3: Being Safe on the Internet

Today me and boots are going to learn

how to use the internet. Do you want to

learn with us? Come on amigo.

Page 4: Being Safe on the Internet

Hola I’m boots. First thing you will need to know never get on the computer without your mommy or daddy. Dora’s mommy says that’s not safe.

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“Hola mama,”said Dora. “Will you please

come and get on the computer with us?”

“Yes I will,” said Dora’s mom. Come on now

it’s time to explore.

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So boots, Dora and her mommy got online

but thirty minutes later Dora’s mommy

walked away to cook.

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They begin to play and pulled up different

websites. Finally something scary and bad

came across the screen. “Uh-oh,” said Boots.

“I think we should call my mom,” said Dora.

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When Dora’s mom came into the room she

seen the messages on the computer. They

had a cyber stalker. Dora’s mom told her and

boots good job because they told her as soon

as they seen the messages.

Page 9: Being Safe on the Internet

“Cyber Stalking or bullying is bad,” said


“Yes it is,” said Dora’s mom and I’m so proud

of you and Dora for coming to get me so I

can block this website.

Dora and Boots smiled because they knew

they had practiced good online safety tips.

Page 10: Being Safe on the Internet

“Here are some safety tips to follow with me

and boots,” said Dora.

1: Never get on a computer without your

mommy or daddy.

2: Always remember never give out any

information to strangers.

3:Never get on any websites without asking


Page 11: Being Safe on the Internet

So today me and boots learned about being

safe online. I hope you did to.

We did it, we did it, we did it, yayyyyyyyy!!!