Being Heard as Possibility (talk at the 2015 Conference for Global Transformation)

“e-Patient Dave” deBronkart Being Heard as Possibility Generating a Conversation in Medicine for Partnership with Patients Rochelle Frank, MD acknowledging the support of Lorin Bacon, NP

Transcript of Being Heard as Possibility (talk at the 2015 Conference for Global Transformation)

“e-Patient Dave” deBronkart

Being Heard as Possibility

Generating a Conversation in Medicine for

Partnership with Patients Rochelle Frank, MD

acknowledging the support of Lorin Bacon, NP

The Question: How does one speak

into a predominant network of conversations

in a way that occurs as insight and not as a threat

to be defended against?

2007: My “Incidental Finding” Routine shoulder x-ray, Jan. 2, 2007

“Your  shoulder      will  be  fine  …      but  there's        something        in  your  lung”  

Classic Stage IV, Grade 4

Renal Cell Carcinoma

Illustration on the drug company's

web site

Median Survival: 24 weeks

“My doctor prescribed ACOR” (An online community of my patient peers)

Note: the ACOR group is now at

Equipped Engaged Empowered Enabled”

“e-Patients are

Pt of future

The idea of empowered patients

continues to gain acceptance:




And yet many – like the Belgian government! –

still say “don’t google it”

Belgian government’s Google Ad campaign, 2014

Insulting image from the campaign

showing a man who googled a symptom

and ended up scaring himself,

thinking he had this imaginary disease

What do you say in a situation with

such conflicting views?

Things look different when you shift your perspective

Source: Wikipedia, Copernican Revolution

Things look different when you shift your perspective

Source: Wikipedia, Copernican Revolution

They might even get way simpler

What could be said that would make any difference?

The question to ask if you want to generate a new conversation:

There really is no point saying anything else – right?

Also known as… Listening for Workability

First: Get in their world.

See things as they do.

“How can this be, if things are the way

we’ve been trained to think??”

Next: Ask a paradigm-busting question

How can it be

that the most useful and relevant and

up-to-the-minute information

can exist outside of traditional channels?

The one I use:

My answer slide for that question:

(The internet’s “capillaries” have changed how information can flow)

Point out precedents that they can see have been all around

Next: “This is not new”

“E” is not a new idea

•  Doctor Spock’s Baby and Child Care (1946)

•  Our Bodies, Ourselves (1973) “We weren't encouraged to ask questions, but to depend on the so-called experts,” Hawley told Women’s eNews. “Not having a say in our own health care frustrated and angered us. We didn't have the information we needed, so we decided to find it on our own.”

The one I use:

In short, remember: you want to generate

a conversation

First get in their world

“I don’t know what I said until I know what you


A lesson from international diplomacy – being responsible for how you’re heard

To transform their view, see life as they do and then point out

something new.

Answer an unanswerable question in a way they can get

and a new view of life emerges.

The constraints the past imposes on their view of life disappear.

Their experience of being alive can transform.

This is transformation: the genesis

of a new realm of possibility.