BEHOLD, THE LAMB OF GOD....2021/01/17  · THE LAMB OF GOD. JOHN 1:36 2 Parish O 8ce 17 Grove...

Ave Maria Parish Our Lady of the Assumption and Saint Maria Goretti Second Sunday in Ordinary Time January 17, 2021 BEHOLD, THE LAMB OF GOD. JOHN 1:36

Transcript of BEHOLD, THE LAMB OF GOD....2021/01/17  · THE LAMB OF GOD. JOHN 1:36 2 Parish O 8ce 17 Grove...

Page 1: BEHOLD, THE LAMB OF GOD....2021/01/17  · THE LAMB OF GOD. JOHN 1:36 2 Parish O 8ce 17 Grove Street, Lynn .eld, MA 01940 O 8ce Hours: Monday - Thursday 8:00 am– 4:00 pm

Ave Maria Parish Our Lady of the Assumption and Saint Maria Goretti

Second Sunday in Ordinary Time January 17, 2021


JOHN 1:36

Page 2: BEHOLD, THE LAMB OF GOD....2021/01/17  · THE LAMB OF GOD. JOHN 1:36 2 Parish O 8ce 17 Grove Street, Lynn .eld, MA 01940 O 8ce Hours: Monday - Thursday 8:00 am– 4:00 pm


Parish O ce 17 Grove Street, Lynn eld, MA 01940

www.avemarialynn O ce Hours:

Monday - Thursday 8:00 am– 4:00 pm Friday 8:00 am-12 noon

Our Lady of the Assump on Church 758 Salem Street, Lynn eld

781-598-4313 Fax: 781-598-0055

Mass Schedule Saturday Vigil: 4:00 pm Sunday: 7:30am, 11:00am Daily: 9:00 am on Monday, Wed., and Friday Confessions: Saturday 3-3:45pm and by appointment

Saint Maria Gore Church 112 Chestnut Street, Lynn eld

781-334-2367 Fax: 781-598-0055

Mass Schedule Sunday: 9:30 am Daily: 9:00 am on Tuesday and Thursday Confessions: By appointment

Mission Statement

No matter what your present status in the Catholic Church,

No matter what your current family or marital situation,

No matter what your current personal history, age, income, background, gender, race, ethnicity

or spirituality, No matter what your own self-image or holiness

or virtue - You belong to Christ and belong to us!

You are invited, accepted and respected here at Ave Maria Parish. We welcome you.

We want to share our Roman Catholic way of life with you!



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Ave Maria Lynn eld

Rev. Paul E. Ri Pastor pri

Rev. Anthony Luongo Parochial Vicar [email protected]

Deacon Thomas O’Shea Permanent Deacon [email protected]

Audrey Sullivan Finance & Human Resources Manager [email protected]

Donna Hegan Pastoral Associate [email protected]

Kate McGrath Pastoral Associate [email protected]

Marie Lagman Director of Media Ministry [email protected]

Gina Kolenda Director of Liturgical Music [email protected]

Janine Sano Administra ve Assistant [email protected]

Dan Whelan Facili es [email protected]

For lists of Parish Council and Commi ee members, please visit our website: www.avemarialynn

Contact Informa on

Page 3: BEHOLD, THE LAMB OF GOD....2021/01/17  · THE LAMB OF GOD. JOHN 1:36 2 Parish O 8ce 17 Grove Street, Lynn .eld, MA 01940 O 8ce Hours: Monday - Thursday 8:00 am– 4:00 pm


FROM THE PASTOR’S DESK There are many phone calls we would rather not answer---like those annoying telemarke ng calls at dinner me---or those “bad news” calls from rela ves and friends, when they have to tell us something bad or sad has happened---or those calls from people who go on and on without regard for your me or interest. Then there are those phone calls you long for, and await with great an cipa on---like the cell phone call from a loved one who bears good news about the birth of your grandchild, or a call from your teen that is late ge ng home but safe and on their way. Answering calls is a staple of our lives---some we avoid like the plague; others we really crave.

The readings this Sunday are all about God’s calls to us. Samuel was so naïve that he did not even recognize God’s voice calling him while he was dozing in the Temple of the Lord. In fact it took several calls from God and the help of a wise man named Eli to get through to Samuel that the Lord was calling him to serve his people. The gospel passage, too, is all about a call. Andrew hears Christ calling him to come and see where he lives and what he is about. As it turns out, Andrew is not only taken with Christ himself, he invites his brother Peter to join him in spending me with this Anointed One of God. These stories remind us that Christ calls all of us to be his disciples and to follow him. Christ calls all of the bap zed to serve him; to bear witness to his love; to build up his Body, the Church; and to advance the Kingdom of God by picking up their cross and living virtuous lives. In other words, we all have a common voca on to holiness, that universal call to live in loving communion with the Lord every day. Then there is another call from the Lord, a call to embrace a par cular voca on or pathway to holiness: in marriage, single adulthood, ordina on or religious life, and to live with a form of chas ty that is appropriate for that voca on.

There is yet another call embedded in today’s Scripture lessons, and it is the call issued to all Jesus’ followers and people of good will everywhere to uphold the sanc ty of life in all it stages, and the dignity of each and every human person. St. Paul puts it very well in Sunday’s second reading: he says: “The body is not for immorality; it is for the Lord. And so, you are not your own. You have been purchased at what a price! So glorify God in your body.” In other words, St. Paul is teaching us that our bodies, in fact our very lives belong ul mately to God, not to us or anybody else but to God. Our bodies, our lives are a gi from God; they are on loan to us from God; they have been created and redeemed by God and their nal des ny is to be with God in the glory of heaven.

News and Notes: This coming week marks the 48th anniversary of the Supreme Court decision, Roe vs. Wade. It is so tragic that millions of our youngest human lives have been snu ed out through acts of abor on since that legal decision was rendered. Bodies that ul mately belong to God have been violated; lives that are a gi from God have been destroyed; and all under the guise that human beings should have the right to terminate the lives of unborn children. The bishops of our country have designated this coming Friday, January 22, as a special day of penance for all Catholics. We are invited to do some form of penance for the viola ons of the sanc ty of life and the dignity of the human person that have been commi ed through acts of abor on. And so, I invite you to fast or to give alms in memory of all the vic ms of abor on, and in support of all women who are experiencing anguish and remorse because they have procured an abor on in the past. In addi on, join me in praying for all those mothers who are currently feeling pressure to end their pregnancy through an abor on. God is calling all of us to be advocates for the precious gi of life…may the Eucharist, the gi of Christ’s Body, help us to hear and answer this noble call.

Blessings to all of you in the week ahead!

If you are visiting our parish, we extend a warm welcome. Please feel free to introduce yourself to the celebrant. If we can be of service to you in any way, please let us know. We look forward to seeing you again.

Page 4: BEHOLD, THE LAMB OF GOD....2021/01/17  · THE LAMB OF GOD. JOHN 1:36 2 Parish O 8ce 17 Grove Street, Lynn .eld, MA 01940 O 8ce Hours: Monday - Thursday 8:00 am– 4:00 pm



Note: By Thursday noon of each week, please sign up for the Mass you plan to a end by contac ng Janine Sano at 781-598-4313 or [email protected], or by lling out our website’s Contact Us form (www.avemarialynn Please give us your name, phone number, the number of people a ending, and the Mass you are a ending. When entering our churches, you need to wear a mask or face covering, and observe social distancing guidelines. For as long as Lynn eld is designated as a high incidence COVID-19 community, temperature checks will be required prior to entering our churches.

Mass Inten ons Saturday, January 16 4:00 pm Celebrant: Fr. Paul Robert Viera Memorial Sunday, January 17 7:30 am Celebrant: Fr. Tony Pat and Tom O’Shea Memorial 9:30 am Celebrant: Fr. Tony James Cahill 25th Anniversary Cecily Cahill 4th Anniversary 11:00 am Celebrant: Fr. Paul The Bises Family Memorial Monday, January 18 9:00 am Inten on of the Celebrant Tuesday, January 19 9:00 am Inten on of the Celebrant Wednesday, January 20 9:00 am Inten on of the Celebrant Thursday, January 21 9:00 am Inten on of the Celebrant Friday, January 22 9:00 am Inten on of the Celebrant Saturday, January 23 4:00 pm Celebrant: Fr. Tony Reno and Millie Quin liani Memorial Sunday, January 24 7:30 am Celebrant: Fr. Bucciferro Inten on of the Celebrant 9:30 am Celebrant: Fr. Paul Jim McGovern Memorial 11:00 am Celebrant: Fr. Tony Mary V. Henaghan 11th Anniversary

Rosary Virtual: Videos for praying the Rosary are available on our website’s Devo ons page www.avemarialynn ons) and our YouTube channel.

In person/Zoom: Our Rosary Group meets at 8:30am every Wednesday at OLA. If you would like to join via Zoom, contact Piri: [email protected].

Zoom: Corinna Tavano is also leading live Zoom rosary prayer groups on Tuesday mornings at 8am. Email her at [email protected] and use the word ROSARY (all caps) in the subject line.

Please visit our website’s Prayer Inten ons page: www.avemarialynn ons

Please pray for the repose of the souls of Marjorie E. Cusick, Regina Sullivan, and Leonard Marino whose funerals were celebrated this past week. Kindly remember in your prayers the deceased members of our parish, those who have asked for our prayers, and those who have no one to pray for them by name. In your charity, please pray for:

John Andruskiewicz Richard Anzuoni, Sr. Stu and Joyce Atkins Jodi Brean Christopher Campbell Debbie Catalano Sco Covey Mark Donovan Nick Esposito Marie Evans Rosemarie Giordano Jay, Nancy, and Shawn Jack Kennedy

Brenda Kolenda Pauline LoVerme Rosemarie Lovetere Helene Mader Lloyd Mader Elle Marie Megan & unborn baby girl Virginia (Ginny) Meole Rosemary Mitchell Greg & Kathy Mochi Chris and Judy Nikitas Msgr. Kevin J. O'Leary Candace Orlando-Siegel

Richard W. Polhemus Paul Protz Jim Rich Lillian Ross Patricia A. Saba David Sakurai Linda Silverio Robert Strickland Marianne Supino Richard A. Trainito Christopher Waterman George Weickert

We pray for those currently serving in the military and deployed overseas

Tom Hathaway, USMC Ma hew J. Maimone, US Navy

Cover photo courtesy of Marie Lagman

Page 5: BEHOLD, THE LAMB OF GOD....2021/01/17  · THE LAMB OF GOD. JOHN 1:36 2 Parish O 8ce 17 Grove Street, Lynn .eld, MA 01940 O 8ce Hours: Monday - Thursday 8:00 am– 4:00 pm


AmazonSmile In these days of social distancing, many of us are doing more online shopping. Remember that you can support St. Maria Gore and Our Lady of the Assump on while

you shop by using Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible purchases to

SMG or OLA whenever you shop on AmazonSmile. Go to avemarialynn to nd

the links for your church.

Virtual Mass We con nue to o er a virtual Mass celebrated at St.

Maria Gore every weekend. Check our website www.avemarialynn or our parish Facebook

pages for the link. As a reminder, you can also watch daily and Sunday Mass on your computer, mobile device, or TV on CatholicTV, which is broadcast here in Boston.

Funerals We have resumed the celebra on of Funeral Masses in our churches, with social distancing restric ons. Please

contact our Business O ce at 781-598-4313.

Ministry to the Sick and Homebound Priests, Deacons, and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion cannot bring the Eucharist to the sick in

nursing homes or other health care ins tu ons at this me. Specially trained priests will visit the dying when

the Sacrament of the Anoin ng of the Sick is requested. Contact our Business O ce at 781-598-4313.

Baptisms The Sacrament of Bap sm is usually conferred on the second Sunday of the month at 12:30 pm at both OLA

and SMG. For more informa on, contact Janine Sano at [email protected] or 781-598-4313.

Weddings Engaged couples should contact the church o ce at

least 6 months prior to your wedding date. For schedules of marriage prepara on programs o ered by

the Archdiocese, please visit:

NOTEWORTHY Supporting Your Church

We ask for your prayerful and though ul con nua on of your normal contribu ons during this challenging me. You may drop o /mail your contribu ons to our parish

o ce at 17 Grove Street, Lynn eld 01940 or sign up for Online Giving. We are most grateful for your faithful stewardship. If you have any ques ons, please contact

Audrey at [email protected].

News Deadline All parish bulle n submissions must be submi ed to Marie Lagman at bulle [email protected] no later than 12:00 noon on the Friday of the preceding week. We maintain the editorial right to priori ze submissions.

St. Vincent de Paul If you know someone who may need help with heat,

food, clothing, or even rent/mortgage, please call 781-513-6695. All informa on received is kept strictly

con den al.

Ave Maria Parish Offertory (includes online, basket, and mail-in dona ons)

Week of January 3 $16,939

In your generosity, please be sure to make checks payable to Ave Maria Parish. For those who have set up

automa c checks from your banking account, please update the payable line to Ave Maria Parish. May God

bless you for your con nued stewardship.

Phishing Alert Be aware that parishioners throughout the Archdiocese are being targeted by scammers disguising their emails

by using their pastor’s name as the sender or by using an email address that could be mistaken as one from the

church o ce. Our clergy and sta do not email, text, or call to request the purchase gi cards, your personal

banking informa on, or money transfers. If you would like to verify a communica on, please call the parish

o ce at 781-598-4313. Second Collections

This week’s special collec on is to assist with the cost of our u li es and winter expenses. Though we do our best to conserve, our buildings use a

lot of energy and the maintenance costs of our facili es con nue to rise.

Next week’s second collec on supports the Church in La n America and the Caribbean. This collec on provides support for pastoral projects

in nancially poorer dioceses, funding cateche cal and lay leadership programs, and forma on programs for religious, priests, and deacons.

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PARISH NEWS Love Your Neighbor Ministry This new ministry aims to reach out to parishioners -- who are going through a

tough season, who have su ered a loss, who are ba ling an illness, or who are isolated due to COVID -- and remind them that they are in our hearts and prayers. Many su er from a post-holiday slump, so we’re gearing up for our next round of pick-me-ups. If you would like to volunteer to send gree ng cards, drop o li le wellness care bags, sign up to bake cookies or mu ns, o er tech help for seniors, or just be a friendly voice on the other end of a phone line, please contact Kate at [email protected] or 781-598-4313 x224.

For His Service to Our Parish A group of Ave Maria parishioners have ini ated a collec on to purchase a new pall for St. Maria Gore Church in memory of Jim McGovern and in honor of his many years of service to the church. If interested, please make your dona on to “Ave Maria Parish” and send it to the o ce at 17 Grove St., Lynn eld. Please contact Marie at [email protected] or 781-598-4313 x218 if you have any ques ons.

St. Vincent de Paul Throughout the Winter, OLA and SMG One of the most requested items at shelters is warm socks. Many homeless walk several miles a day to access food

and shelter. Socks are essen al to keep feet warm and dry, especially if the shoes they are wearing have holes in them. So, we have placed “Socks Boxes” in the ves bules of OLA and SMG churches. Thank you for your generosity. Masks Sold to Benefit Blood Cancer Research January 29-mid-March Two of our Con rma on students are selling masks to raise funds for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, whose goal is to raise awareness and money for blood cancer research. Please contact Natalie at [email protected] or Catherine at [email protected]. Monetary dona ons are also gratefully accepted.

Holy Hour for Life with Eucharistic Adoration Friday, January 22 Video Link available all day

As part of the Na onal Day of Prayer and Penance marking the anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision legalizing abor on on demand, we will pray for those who have been wounded by abor on, for respect for the dignity of human life from concep on to natural death, for those facing death, and for holiness in the Church. Due to COVID restric ons, this year we are o ering this virtually. The link will be available all day on our website’s Respect Life page: www.avemarialynn For more informa on, contact Deacon Tom O’Shea at [email protected].

Word of God Sunday Pope Francis declared the third Sunday of Ordinary Time, “Word of God Sunday.” This year, that falls on January 24. We are encouraged to devote me to the study and dissemina on of the Word of God, and pray for those who are Ministers of the Word in any way: clergy, lectors, cantors, etc. During the weekend of January 23rd and 24th, let’s remember those in our parish and church universal who exercise that ministry. h ps:// h ps:// cal-sunday/human-dignity/enthroning-the-bible h ps://

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Page 8: BEHOLD, THE LAMB OF GOD....2021/01/17  · THE LAMB OF GOD. JOHN 1:36 2 Parish O 8ce 17 Grove Street, Lynn .eld, MA 01940 O 8ce Hours: Monday - Thursday 8:00 am– 4:00 pm



Kathryn McGrath [email protected] OLA Coordinator GK-8

Jamie Bossi [email protected] Elementary Coordinator

Robyn Yannone [email protected] Adolescent Coordinator

Doing Small Things with Great Love People are always talking about incorpora ng faith into our everyday lives, making our homes a “domes c church,” and raising children with strong founda ons in Church teachings. But when you’re helping your 3rd-grader with his remote learning classes, trying to keep your toddler from ea ng the cat food, and doing Zoom work calls from your bedroom closet, perhaps the only prayer your children have heard you saying lately is “God help me.” But like everything else, the key is to take it one day at a me, not to be too ambi ous, and to prescribe to St. Thérèse de Lisieux’s “Li le Way” philosophy to become a saint: “Do small things with great love.”

Here are some simple, li le habits, tradi ons, and ideas that can help to bring God into our homes and our children’s hearts:

Even before you get the kids out of bed, say a morning o ering with them like “Good morning, dear Jesus. This day is for you. We ask that you bless, all we think, say, and do” or “I give to you my Lord this day; All I do, think, and say.” Over breakfast or as you go around the house opening the window blinds, start with a statement of praise on the gi of the day like, “What kind of beau ful day did God give us?” and encourage posi ve responses no ma er what the weather, such as “a sunny play day,” “a cloudy cozy day,” or “a snowy blanket day.” When you’re helping your children on with their shoes in the morning, make a Sign of the Cross on the toe of each shoe and pray “May God guide your steps.”

There is usually a dona on bin right next to the supermarket exits. Teach your children about dona ng to the needy by having them pick out a small food item (remember, this needn’t be a prime rib!) to place in the bin. When you hear a police, re, or ambulance siren, pray for those in whatever distress with a simple Sign of the Cross or a short “Hail Mary full of grace, to the su ering please make haste!” Celebrate the feast day of the saint your child is named for or the anniversary of his/her bap sm. It’s a great opportunity to talk about living a saintly life. Have a special dessert or decorate with paper crosses. Light a candle at dinner me or prayer mes to help your family remember that Jesus is the Light of the World. Find ways to sneak Scripture into the everyday. If you have a child who o en gives up easily on tasks, encourage him/her with “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!” Or when something good happens, make a habit of exclaiming “All good things come from our Father above!” Instead of hanging a cross up high over a bed or a doorway, hang it low in your child’s room so they can kiss it good night before bed me. When you’re tucking your babies in at night, ask them what they are most thankful for that day. Point them to God “who gives us everything we have and knows what we need.”

Resources: le/ ng/making-faith-part-of-everyday-life/

h p:// ng-rituals.html

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OLA SCHOOL | Contact: Cynthia Donovan, Principal, at [email protected]

Learning about the Epiphany in PreK The PreK recently celebrated the wise men’s journey to baby Jesus and learned more about the Epiphany! They

made watercolor pain ngs and a crown to celebrate.

OLA Virtual Open House January 24, 12noon

OLA School is hos ng an Virtual Open House for new prospec ve families on January 24th at 12

noon. Families who are interested in Enrollment for the 2021-2022 school year may register

online by comple ng the inquiry form on our website, under Latest News. We are currently o ering di erent learning op ons for our families, ranging from in-person, hybrid, and remote. Join us on the 24th to learn more

about all the great things happening right now at Our Lady of the Assump on School!

Upcoming School Calendar

Jan 15 Early Dismissal Teacher PD Jan 22 Report Cards Jan 24 Virtual Open House Jan 31 Kicks off Catholic Schools Week Feb 12 Re-Enrollment ends

Our PreK scholars also learned

about Guardian Angels and drew their own Angel.

Page 10: BEHOLD, THE LAMB OF GOD....2021/01/17  · THE LAMB OF GOD. JOHN 1:36 2 Parish O 8ce 17 Grove Street, Lynn .eld, MA 01940 O 8ce Hours: Monday - Thursday 8:00 am– 4:00 pm

“Be a Servant” Matthew 20:26

Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, businesses and consumer behavior

are significantly impacted.

Please consider supporting the sponsors on the back pages to help

keep the local economy strong.

Also, visit their websites to see how they can assist you with any of their services

you may need through these difficult times.


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Page 11: BEHOLD, THE LAMB OF GOD....2021/01/17  · THE LAMB OF GOD. JOHN 1:36 2 Parish O 8ce 17 Grove Street, Lynn .eld, MA 01940 O 8ce Hours: Monday - Thursday 8:00 am– 4:00 pm

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Page 12: BEHOLD, THE LAMB OF GOD....2021/01/17  · THE LAMB OF GOD. JOHN 1:36 2 Parish O 8ce 17 Grove Street, Lynn .eld, MA 01940 O 8ce Hours: Monday - Thursday 8:00 am– 4:00 pm

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Page 13: BEHOLD, THE LAMB OF GOD....2021/01/17  · THE LAMB OF GOD. JOHN 1:36 2 Parish O 8ce 17 Grove Street, Lynn .eld, MA 01940 O 8ce Hours: Monday - Thursday 8:00 am– 4:00 pm

Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, businesses and consumer behavior

are significantly impacted.

Please consider supporting the sponsors on the back pages to help

keep the local economy strong.

Also, visit their websites to see how they can assist you with any of their services

you may need through these difficult times.


508.875.7600371 Worcester Rd., Rte 9 (Rear) / Framingham Amana - Speed Queen - Kitchen Aid - Maytag Whirlpool - Frigidaire - GE - LG - Electrolux


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Catholic Cruises and Tours to Worldwide Destinations

Call us today at 860-399-1785 or email [email protected]


kCatholic Cruises and Tours

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Page 14: BEHOLD, THE LAMB OF GOD....2021/01/17  · THE LAMB OF GOD. JOHN 1:36 2 Parish O 8ce 17 Grove Street, Lynn .eld, MA 01940 O 8ce Hours: Monday - Thursday 8:00 am– 4:00 pm



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Page 15: BEHOLD, THE LAMB OF GOD....2021/01/17  · THE LAMB OF GOD. JOHN 1:36 2 Parish O 8ce 17 Grove Street, Lynn .eld, MA 01940 O 8ce Hours: Monday - Thursday 8:00 am– 4:00 pm

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