Behind the door

Twenty One Doors Behind one door is some treasure but behind the other 20 are the most dangerous things in the world! Do not open these doors! What goes in the door, stays in the door! Be Warned! Turn back or you will die! So be warned and never come back!

Transcript of Behind the door

Page 1: Behind the door

Twenty One DoorsBehind one door is some treasure but behind the other 20 are the most dangerous things in the world!

Do not open these doors!What goes in the door, stays in the door! Be Warned! Turn back or you will die! So be warned and never come back!

Page 2: Behind the door
Page 3: Behind the door

This is a trap. When you go in you are tempted by the diamond at the other side. But the ground has wide cracks in it with lava spitting out. Blake

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Behind the door is a man-eating, fire-breathing, lava-spitting, STARVING, spike-covered, evil sun that eats everything in its path. He breathes fire on diesel and spits lava like nothing else! He is invincible!Sam

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Behind the door is a hallway with a ruby at the end. The floor is covered with napalm (highly explosive jelly-like blobs) and the roof is dripping sparks that set fire to the napalm.Neo

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A gigantic man-eating yeti, called Yetzor, who has knives for hair. His eyes can shoot deadly laser beams that glide over 100 metres. His hands can shoot acid in the worlds strongest winds. Yetzor is very lethal!Amy

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Behind the door is a blood sucker. He is undefeatable and he can eat anything with blood! He can laser people and he can catch them. His laser can wrap around them, making them come back to him.Robert

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This is Super Sonic Shark. He pretty much eats anything, but his favourite thing to eat is children and he sure does do big burps! He is very dangerous because he has chainsaws for fins and razor sharp teeth for chomping his enemy's bones. Super Sonic Shark has mini automatic guns that are just below his mouth. Good Luck making it out alive!Manaia

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Behind the door is a fire-breathing T Rex, with a sword for a tail, two spikes on his back and he has not eaten for two hundred years. His hands can transform into ANY dangerous thing, such as spikes that shoot fire or an automatic AK47.Fern

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Behind the door is a dragon that spits out the hottest acid ever. She has a bombyknocker tail that knocks over anything in her path and fins that kill you. She will sizzle you to death!Elizabeth

Page 12: Behind the door

Suzena the evil sun can breathe fire and shoot fireballs at any distance. He has spiky curls that blaze out and he can strike them anywhere! Sivanah

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Behind the door is a hammer that knocks you into piranha-infested boiling water. There is only one way to escape- by climbing up a ladder covered in grease.Georgia

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A monster with daggers for fingers, with eight eyes and it can blow fire. It has a shield that protects him and a shotgun on his back. Alex

Page 15: Behind the door

This hallway has a line of dangerous buttons and if you step on one a trapdoor opens, the wall closes in slowly, flame throwers turn on and spikes come out of the wall. There is a missile launcher and it says treasure to trick people. Lastly, there is a treasure box at the end of hallway. Good Luck!Carl

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Behind the door is the most mad thing in the world! One of his arms is a mini gun and his other arm is a robot. His fingers are missiles!Bray

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Behind the door is Crazy Fish Dragon. When you go behind this door you go to the sea. Crazy Fish Dragon is half dragon because he can spit fire and zoom around the sea. His fish half spits poisonous fish food at you! His spikes are filled with deadly venom.Ariana

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Behind the door is a trap with falling sharp rocks and stones. There is a ghost with a deadly sword that is filled with toxic acid. The floor is made up of falling platforms with spikes underneath.Brodie

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The zombie eats people, animals, houses and trees. The zombie has spikes and he is dangerous. The zombie is the biggest in the world and he can turn into an alien. Keisha

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It is a dinosaur. It eats people and it breathes fire. It is so big that it is half the size of the world. Nic

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Behind the door is a hole that you fall down. At the bottom is a door that says home. You go inside, up some stairs and into another door. Behind that door is a pool of cold, icy water. You swim through it, go up a slippery ladder and down a slippery slide. When you go down the slide all the air is sucked out of your body. Finn

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Behind the door is a blob as big as the world and it picks up everything in the way. Once something is picked up it can never get out. It breathes fire and it uses its tentacles to catch people.Fletcher

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A bridge of lava that kills dogs and everything. There are flames at the start of the bridge. Erin