Before the Station House Officer

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Transcript of Before the Station House Officer

  • 7/31/2019 Before the Station House Officer




    Narayana K.Aged 55 years

    Son of late.Mr.Devayya K.Address: Residing at Battathur HouseBattathur, Post & Village PaneyalHosadurg TalukKasargod District.


    The Station House OfficerBekal Police StationBekal Post, Hosdurga TalukKasargod District.

    Dear Sir,Sub: Complaint against one Mr.Laxmikanatha and Mr.Vishwanatha, bothare sons of late.Mr.Narayana P, residents of Achekere House, Near Panjukkola, Paneyal Village and Post. Reg.

    I respectfully submit as follows:-

    1. That yesterday at around 5 p.m, I, along with my wife Smt.Kamalaxi had attended thefamily discussion meeting held in my father-in-laws residence situated at a place called

    Yerol, [which is situated near Nelyakdka government school]. The said meeting was

    conducted in the presence of an elderly family well wisher namely Mr.Nelyadka Ananda

    Swamy to discuss about post death ceremonies & rites of late Mr.Narayana Yerollu in

    accordance with Hindu custom. [Said late Mr.Narayana Yerollu is my father-in-law and

    maternal grandfather of above said accused persons namely Mr.Laxmikantha and


    2. In the course of discussion, said Mr.Laxmikanatha suddenly diverted the subject and raisedthe issue of construction of his house before partition of the property in a particular location

    of the family property left behind by my father in-law and their grandfather late

    Mr.Narayana Yerollu. At that juncture, I reminded him of the purpose of meeting and

    requested him to assist all of us come to a collective decision on the issue of conducting post

    death rituals and rites rather than discussing about property matters. This enraged said

    Mr.Laxmikantha and his younger brother Mr.Vishwanatha and both got agitated and started

    staring at me and my wife as both of them are attempting to build houses and have already

    started levelling the land / earth moving without the consent of other co-owners including mywife and mother-in-law. Sensing their tensed mood, I asked them to maintain restraint and

    show dignity in the family meeting. At that point of time, Mr.Laxmikanatha addressing me -

    loudly uttered


    _____________ [Roughly translated in English as - who are you tobark here?. You are a

    son of a prostitute]. Also he used many other filthy and abusive words and language which I

    cannot record here as the same is below my dignity and unparliamentarily to record on the

    paper. This he said in the presence of all persons present in the meeting in a loud voice with

    an intention to insult my dignity and reputation. This came as a rude shock and I was

    speechless for a moment. My wife started crying and the attendees of the meeting strongly

    objected for using perse defamatory statement. At that moment I asked him to immediately

    apologise to proceed further with the discussion or else wind up the meeting. At that point,

    Mr.Laxmikantha and his younger brother namely Mr.Vishwanatha rushed near me and

  • 7/31/2019 Before the Station House Officer


    attempted to catch my shirt collar and elder one uttered


    [Roughly translated in English as - I will not let you go from here. I will kill you here itself].

    There was a scuffle and commotion and the atmosphere was emotionally charged. My wife

    intervened and tried to protect me from the attack aimed at me as an attempt on my life. She

    was pushed to the ground by Mr.Vishwanatha and she was called as____________

    [Roughly translated in English as - prostitute ] by Mr.Vishwanatha. At this juncture, the

    people gathered including one Mr.Sundara asked us to leave the spot as the accused might

    use sharp weapons and attempt to kill us as they have lost reason and sense. Hence, we moved

    away from the spot and rescued ourselves by rushing to our home.

    3. It is further submitted that yesterday whole night we could not sleep and mentally agonisedand depressed. Further, I did not have the means of private transportation to rush to the

    police station due to Kerala State wide hartal called by a political party on account of murder

    of a political leader one Mr.Chandrashekaran Nair at Vadagara. Hence, I am lodging this

    complaint today.

    4. I further submit that there is imminent and constant threat to my life and also that of my wifefrom the above named accused persons. They are young men wielding enormous support

    from the local rowdies in the village and will not hesitate to execute their threat of killing us

    for the sake of taking revenge. Hence, I and my wife need protection for life and liberty

    besides stringent legal action for the commission of offence as briefly explained above. I will

    narrate the details of the incident during the course of investigation in Kannada or colloquial

    Malayalam as I can speak in Malayalam. [My mother tongue is Kannada and I am a

    matriculate]. I am lodging this complaint for self and also on behalf of my wife Smt.Kamalaxi.

    5. Under the circumstance, I request your kind self to investigate into the matter, take stern legalaction and provide protection to our life in accordance with law. I am sure that you will do the

    needful and oblige.

    Thanking You,

    Yours faithfully,

    [ Narayana K]


    Note: As I do not know Malayalam language, I could not draft the complaint personally.

    Hence, I took the assistance of Mr.Vivekananda Paniyala to draft this complaint and submitto the police authority as I am not well versed with the legal / prosecution process. I willexplain the full details of the complaint / incident during the course of investigation in myown langauge.

    Copy to:

    1. The Kerala Womens commissionNear Lourdes church P.M.G, Pattom Post,Thiruvananthapuram-4

    2. The State Police ChiefPolice Head Quarters, Thiruvananthapuram