BEFORE THE CALIFORNIA CITIZENS REDISTRICTING …...Jun 07, 2011  · Certificate of Reporter 97 1 ....

CALIFORNIA REPORTING, LLC 52 Longwood Drive, San Rafael, California 94901 (415) 457-4417 BEFORE THE CALIFORNIA CITIZENS REDISTRICTING COMMISSION In the Matter of Full Commission Business Meeting University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law Classroom C 3200 Fifth Avenue Sacramento, California VOLUME III Tuesday, June 7, 2011 6:34 P.M. Reported by: Peter Petty

Transcript of BEFORE THE CALIFORNIA CITIZENS REDISTRICTING …...Jun 07, 2011  · Certificate of Reporter 97 1 ....

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In the Matter of

Full Commission Business Meeting

University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law

Classroom C

3200 Fifth Avenue

Sacramento, California


Tuesday, June 7, 2011

6:34 P.M.

Reported by:

Peter Petty

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Commissioners Present

Lilbert R. “Gil” Ontai, Chairperson

Gabino T. Aguirre, Vice-Chairperson

Angelo Ancheta

Vincent Barabba

Maria Blanco

Cynthia Dai

Michelle Di Guilio

Jodie Filkins Webber

Stanley Forbes

Connie Galambos Malloy

Jeanne Raya

Michael Ward

Peter Yao

Commissioner Absent

M. Andre Parvenu

Staff Present

Dan Claypool, Executive Director

Kirk Miller, Legal Counsel

Janeece Sargis, Administrative Assistant

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Also Present

Presenters (* via phone)

*George Brown, VRA Attorney, Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher

Dan Kolkey, VRA Attorney, Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher

Tamina Alon, Q2 Data & Research, LLC

Alex Boyle, Q2 Data & Research, LLC

Jaime Clark, Q2 Data & Research, LLC

Ana Henderson, Q2 Data & Research, LLC

Kyle Kubas, Q2 Data & Research, LLC

Karin Mac Donald, Q2 Data & Research, LLC

Alex Woods, Q2 Data & Research, LLC

Public Comment

Sergio Santos

Anu Natrajan

Yogi Shugh

Bill Harrison

Benjamin Hagerty

Van Rainey

Anil Godhwani

Aref Aziz

Shobana Ram

Alex Hilke

Raj Salwan

Dave Bonacorsi

Bridgeth Hendricks

Ajay Bhutoria

Ishan Shah

Derek Cressman, Common Cause

Paul Mitchell, VICA

Peter Van Meter, City of Sausalito

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1. Commission Provides Direction to Q2 for Assembly 5

District Line-Drawing

2. Commission Provides Direction to Q2 for

Congressional District Line-Drawing 11

3. Commission Provides Direction to Q2 for

Senate District Line-Drawing 57

Break (8:26 p.m. – 8:33 p.m.) 71

4. Commission Provides Direction to Q2 for

Bureau of Equalization District Line-Drawing 71

Adjourn 96

Certificate of Reporter 97


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P R O C E E D I N G S 1

JUNE 7, 2011 6:34 P.M. 2

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: Okay, the Commission is 3

reconvening after a dinner break and so we’ll jump right 4

into the continuation of the Assembly Districts. Nicole? 5

I mean, Jaime, I’m sorry. Why am I calling you Nicole? 6

MS. CLARK: Okay, if next we can move on to this 7

East Fresno Assembly District on page 32? This district 8

hasn’t had any dramatic changes to it, just along this 9

boundary here with the West Fresno District and that’s 10

it. The City of Fresno is split and, obviously, the 11

County of Fresno is split, and those are the only splits. 12

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: All right, comments? Good? 13

Let’s move on. 14

MS. CLARK: Okay, if we can move on to page 33 to 15

look at this Kings Section 5 district. This also hasn’t 16

changed since you’ve last seen it. There’s the intact 17

County of Kings, Northern Kern County, and then along the 18

I-5 there’s the curl. 19

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: Comments. Mr. Kolkey? 20

VRA ATTORNEY KOLKEY: Yes. And so, for the 21

record, after working through this, were you able to find 22

any more compact configuration that avoided retrogression 23

with respect to the district covering Kings County? 24

MS. CLARK: Really, the only other option for 25

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this is to have the curl going in the opposite direction, 1

unless we’re talking about splitting Kings County, which 2

would be another Section 5 district. 3

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: All right, thumbs up? All 4

right, let’s move on. 5

MS. CLARK: Okay, on page 34, oh, actually maybe 6

back to page 33, I’m sorry, I skipped Tulare County 7

District, it is the entirety of Tulare County and then 8

northern regions of Central Kern County for population. 9

This also hasn’t changed since the last time you saw it. 10

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: Comments. Looks good? All 11

right, let’s move on. 12

MS. CLARK: Okay, so this district is the rest of 13

Kern County, all of the rest of Bakersfield is included 14

in this county, there is only one city split based on 15

that southeastern area of Bakersfield. And the rest of 16

the county, excluding this lower southeastern portion of 17

the county, which was needed, as you saw earlier in 18

Alex’s Assembly districts for population. 19

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: Comments. Commissioner 20

Barabba. 21

COMMISSIONER BARABBA: What was the total 22

population of Kern County? 23

MS. CLARK: The total population of Kern County 24

is approximately 840,000. 25

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CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: Comments? Looks good? 2

COMMISSIONER BLANCO: I have a question. You 3

mentioned some – you said unless we wanted to split and 4

have another Section 2 county, what did you say about 5

Kings Section 5? What did you mean? I’m just looking at 6

that 6.4 percent Latino CVAP, is that what you were 7

referring to, that it’s so high? 8

MS. CLARK: The benchmark Latino CVAP for this 9

district is 63.39 percent, so it’s – 10

COMMISSIONER BLANCO: Okay, I just wasn’t sure 11

what the comment was. 12

MS. CLARK: It was regarding a question about 13

compactness of the Kings District. 14


MS. CLARK: But to meet that high CVAP benchmark, 16

I think that, for that Kings District, that’s the best 17

option, keeping Kings intact. 18

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: Commissioner Filkins Webber, 19

did you have your hand up? Okay, any others? All right, 20

looks good? Let’s move forward. Either you’re tired or 21

your hands are just getting very very heavy. 22

MS. CLARK: If we move on to the San Luis Obispo-23

based district, page 34, because there is this hard line 24

here for Assembly between Monterey County and San Luis 25

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Obispo County, and also this line here between San Luis 1

Obispo and Kern County, the entire county of San Luis 2

Obispo is intact and then, coming down here into Santa 3

Barbara County, Buelton and Santa Inez are included with 4

San Luis Obispo, Santa Maria, Vandenberg Air Force Base, 5

and the City of Lompoc is split. 6

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: Okay, questions. 7

MS. CLARK: The split in Lompoc is in a slightly 8

different place, it’s further south, there’s more 9

population now. 10


COMMISSIONER FORBES: I noticed that this 12

district plus the two Ventura districts are all one and 13

three-quarter percent plus two percent, I mean, you’ve 14

got too many people. 15

MS. CLARK: Uh huh. 16

COMMISSIONER FORBES: Thoughts on where you might 17

shed those at this point, if you have any? 18

MS. CLARK: Unless the split, or, I’m sorry, the 19

hard line between San Luis Obispo and Monterey changes, 20

then they’re all going to have to move south into Ventura 21

County, and then potentially, unless they stay in L.A. 22

County somewhere in Southern California, or move up to 23

the Valley. 24

COMMISSIONER FORBES: Basically they’ll all have 25

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to shift south? 1

MS. CLARK: Yes. 2

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: Commissioner Di Guilio, then 3

Commissioner Barabba. 4

COMMISSIONER DI GUILIO: So, I think this was 5

mentioned earlier, we have that hard line of the 6

Monterey, San Luis Obispo for Assembly and Senate, 7

correct? And then when we determine there’s a boundary, 8

obviously, with the ocean and then with the coastal 9

range, our options based on population are very little 10

and it ends up, when it gets down to Ventura County, 11

that’s where we’re going to have a lot of that slice and 12

dice. Is that correct? 13

MS. CLARK: For Senate, we have a configuration 14

that nested the West Monterey seat and this seat that 15

we’re looking at, that pushed everything down for Ventura 16

County and Ventura County is more intact. 17


Congressional, then, that’s the one place where that line 19

isn’t a hard line, that’s a re-crossover, but again it 20

has repercussions, okay. So, all right, I’ll wait to see 21

what happens. 22

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: Any other comments? Okay, 23

all right? Let’s move on. 24

MS. CLARK: Okay, moving on to this Santa Barbara 25

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and West Ventura area, the line hasn’t changed 1

dramatically since you last saw it. It would be about 2

30,000 or so more people have gotten moved into this area 3

and then also, as Commissioner Forbes noted, I sort of 4

tried to see what would happen if the deviations were 5

boosted a little bit further north just to see how far 6

into Oxnard we could get, how close we could get to 7

keeping that city intact and that COI intact. 8


MS. CLARK: So, now, El Rio is included with the 10

Santa Paula, the Fillmore Piru area. 11

COMMISSIONER DI GUILIO: Is that split both for 12

Oxnard and Port Huenemi? 13

MS. CLARK: Port Huenemi and Channel Islands are 14

both intact. 15

COMMISSIONER DI GUILIO: Port Huenemi and Channel 16

Islands go with Western Ventura County. 17

MS. CLARK: Yes. 18

COMMISSIONER DI GUILIO: That was a good job. 19

MS. CLARK: Thank you. 20

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: Any other comments? 21

VICE CHAIRPERSON AGUIRRE: And the comment was 22

that it looks like there’s –- I couldn’t figure out a way 23

of getting away from splitting Oxnard within this 24

configuration and I couldn’t come up with an alternative, 25

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but my concern would be whether Oxnard as a city is split 1

in the Senate or Congressional District, as well. No. 2

All right, thank you. 3

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: All right, very good. Looks 4

good? Okay, let’s move on. 5

MS. CLARK: Okay, can we move on to 6

Congressional? 7


COMMISSIONER DI GUILIO: Could you, I’m sorry, 9

just real fast, could you tell me what the split is for 10

Oxnard, just out of curiosity. 11

MS. CLARK: Sure, one moment. Approximately 17 12

percent of the population is in this West Ventura area. 13

COMMISSIONER DI GUILIO: Following earlier 14

comments by Commissioner Dai that a majority of that is 15

kept intact, so it’s in another district. 16

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: All right. Okay, let’s move 17

on. 18

MS. MAC DONALD: So we are now looking at pages 19

36 through 51 for Congressional Districts. And we’ll 20

start with page 36. 21

MS. CLARK: Okay, so looking at the North Coast 22

Region, these are the intact Counties of Del Norte, 23

Humboldt, Trinity, and Mendocino, there is a split in 24

Sonoma, and I believe that Marin is intact. Last time, 25

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in our last discussion, the Commission had directed me to 1

move or to look into moving this area of Sonoma County 2

into the North Coast District, however, that would entail 3

moving Del Norte, Trinity, Humboldt, and at least part of 4

Mendocino County out of that district, which would sort 5

of alter the north to south idea, but that’s what 6

happened, then. 7

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: Comments. Okay, I’ve got one 8

thumb, two thumbs? Or a question? 9


CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: Question. Commissioner Dai. 11

COMMISSIONER DAI: So, I understand we were able 12

in the Assembly to move the western part of Siskiyou 13

over, I’m just wondering if you looked at that option for 14

this, and whether that would change any of the splits in 15

Sonoma County. 16

MS. CLARK: I didn’t look at that for this. 17

Yeah, I would imagine, unless I was to split another 18

county that exactly the population would just move west a 19

little bit. 20

COMMISSIONER DAI: Could we look at the split in 21

Sonoma, then? 22

MS. CLARK: Certainly. 23

COMMISSIONER DAI: I’m just thinking, you know, 24

we did that in the Assembly and, since this is dealing 25

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with Native American tribal areas, then Congress might be 1

important. 2

MS. CLARK: So maybe an option for that would be 3

to move Sebastopol or Rohnert Park, one of these smaller 4

communities here, outside of Santa Rosa. 5

COMMISSIONER DAI: Any thoughts from -- 6

COMMISSIONER BLANCO: Well, Sebastopol would make 7

sense. 8

MS. CLARK: Yeah, to put it with the rest of the 9

West Sonoma County community. 10

COMMISSIONER BLANCO: Definitely the Russian 11

River and –- 12

COMMISSIONER DAI: Because it’s not very many 13

people, right? 14

COMMISSIONER BLANCO: Yeah, it’s small. 15

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: Remind me, is that a 16

registered tribe? Do we know? Is it a registered tribe 17

with the Federal Government? 18

MS. MAC DONALD: I can have Bonnie look it up in 19

the COI testimony if we have it. 20

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: That’s all right, don’t do it 21

now. The question was is the Indian community that we’re 22

referencing, is it a federally registered tribe. 23

COMMISSIONER FORBES: I think it is. Is that the 24

Hupa Reservation up there? 25

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CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: Yes, all right. 1

MS. CLARK: I have a question for the Commission. 2

If the direction is to add Western Siskiyou County to 3

this visualization, if there had to be –- it if was an 4

option just in the population breakdown, if there was an 5

option to move Siskiyou in, but to split a city, then 6

what is the preference of the Commission? 7


COMMISSIONER BARABBA: I think I’d leave it as it 9

is if I had to split a city. 10

COMMISSIONER DAI: Is Sebastopol currently whole? 11

You said it looks like there are some fingers sticking 12

out. 13

MS. CLARK: These are non-contiguous parts of the 14

City of Santa Rosa. So, Sebastopol is, excuse me, is in 15

this western north coast district. 16

COMMISSIONER BLANCO: Oh, it is already. 17

MS. CLARK: But maybe Cotati or Penngrove? I can 18

look at it and get back to you. 19

COMMISSIONER BLANCO: Where is the river on 20

there? 21

MS. CLARK: The Russian River? 22


COMMISSIONR FORBES: Let me, so I can get closure 24

here based on what Commissioner Barabba said. If we have 25

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to split a city, do we want to split Siskiyou County? 1

Are we willing to split a city to split Siskiyou County? 2

And his answer was no, that’s why I’m interested, but I 3

want to see where the Commission is. 4

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: Is that the Commission’s 5

consensus? 6

COMMISSIONER BLANCO: On this map, you know, when 7

I’m looking at Windsor being up there, Windsor, Santa 8

Rosa and Windsor are just one line up the freeway, it’s 9

usually thought of very – Healdsburg is different, but 10

Windsor is pretty much on, what is that, 101? 11

COMMISSIONER FORBES: Yeah, there are almost 12

30,000 people there. There are not 30,000 people on the 13

western part of Siskiyou County. 14

COMMISSIONER BLANCO: That is pretty connected to 15

Santa Rosa. 16

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: So what direction shall we 17

give the Mappers? 18

COMMISSIONER DAI: Jaime, do you know how many 19

people? Is it about 20,000? 20

MS. CLARK: In Western Siskiyou, I don’t know the 21

number. I would say 20,000 is a reasonable guess. 22

COMMISSIONER BLANCO: So could you look at that 23

option of putting Windsor in with Santa Rosa since it’s 24

very – I think it is part of one stretch on the 101. 25

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COMMISSIONER DAI: It actually looks like there’s 1

another – Larkfield? 2

MS. CLARK: Right, Larkview? Yeah. 3

COMMISSIONER DI GUILIO: Maybe we could just make 4

a note for Jaime to look at this in terms of, again, 5

whether it’s whole for the other districts, as well, too, 6

and note it for this, see if there’s any options 7

available and then, if not, maybe we can reference the 8

other districts if they are together. 9

MS. CLARK: Okay, thanks. 10

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: Okay, do you want to try 11

that? 12

MS. CLARK: Yes. 13

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: Give it a shot, let’s see 14

what we get. All right, clear? All right, let’s move 15

on. 16

MS. CLARK: Moving on to this Mountain Cap 17

District, also page 36, Siskiyou, Modoc, Lassen, Shasta, 18

Tehama, Loomis, Sierra, and Butte Counties are intact. 19

Nevada County is split for population, and Eastern Placer 20

and El Dorado Counties are split for population. And to 21

keep the integrity of this Lake Tahoe Basin, Meyers is 22

also included in this visualization. And I believe that 23

there is this little tiny bit of Glenn County also to get 24

that zero population and to keep this district as compact 25

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as possible without –- 1

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: Comments. Looks pretty good, 2

huh. Okay, let’s move on. 3

MS. CLARK: This is the Yuba County District, 4

also on page 36, also on page 37. This district includes 5

Yuba, Sutter, Glenn, Colusa, Lake, and then parts of 6

Sonoma County, Napa County, and Yolo County. 7

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: Comments. Thumbs up? All 8

right, let’s move on. 9

MS. CLARK: Okay. This is an area where mine and 10

Tamina’s regions sort of start to blend together in some 11

of these districts, so we’re going to call her. Oh, 12

she’s going to call. Maybe we can look at this 13

Sacramento County –- or let’s look at the City of 14

Sacramento, first. This district is the intact City of 15

Sacramento and the City of Elk Grove, as well as West 16

Sacramento. This district, I believe that the lines 17

haven’t changed since you’ve seen it last. 18

MS. MAC DONALD: She should call any second. I 19

just want to make sure you’re okay with the telephone. 20

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: Yeah. Hello? Okay, we’re 21

set. 22

MS. CLARK: Okay, so these three districts 23

surrounding the City of Sacramento, the lines have 24

changed since you’ve last seen them, and this is based 25

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on, I think, direction that was given to Tamina in her 1

regions. And also, based on this zero deviation –- 2

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: We’re on page 37, right? 3

MS. CLARK: Yes. Maybe the first one that we 4

should talk about is this Sacramento County area. It’s 5

this eastern part of Sacramento County, just everything 6

east of the City, Galt is included which is different 7

than last time, and that was for population that was sort 8

of based on this district, actually. And I think that 9

we’ll have more context for this when we look at the rest 10

of the Bay Area and in context with the Solano County 11

District. 12

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: Comments? Looks good. 13

MS. CLARK: Okay. If we look at this Yolo, 14

Southern Yolo, and Solano Counties District on page 39, 15

also including this very southwestern area of Sacramento 16

County, and then it moves along the Bay for the Delta, 17

and comes and grabs Port Costa and some of these areas 18

just in very northwestern Contra Costa County, and then 19

this is the Solano Napa border, and right here is the 20

Solana Sonoma border, but this is the water. 21


COMMISSIONER FORBES: That’s a good district, 23

there’s always been a lot of talk about the I-80 Corridor 24

and that really picks it up quite well. 25

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CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: Very good. I saw one thumb 1

up. Are you all okay? All right, let’s go forward. 2

Next. 3

MS. CLARK: Next, I would like to look at this 4

San Joaquin-based district. 5


MS. CLARK: Page 40. So this is the City of 7

Stockton and the rest of San Joaquin County. South of 8

Stockton is Lathrop, Manteca, Tracy, and Escalon are 9

split from the City of Stockton, and then it comes here 10

into very east Contra Costa County and pick up Antioch 11

West. Antioch is not split. 12


COMMISSIONER FORBES: If that map doesn’t get 14

Commissioner Di Guilio the key to the City of Stockton, I 15

don’t know what will. 16

COMMISSIONER DI GUILIO: Thank you, we’re moving 17

my transition back home tonight. 18

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: All right, so I take it this 19

is all thumbs up? All right, let’s move on. 20

MS. CLARK: Maybe this is moving entirely into 21

Tamina’s regions, so maybe she can decide what is next. 22

Maybe again starting with San Francisco and working east? 23

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: So what page are we on? 24

MS. MAC DONALD: Hold on one second, I’ll just 25

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shout to her – is she still on? 1

MS. ALON: Would you like to start in the Contra 2

Costa Area or San Francisco Area? 3


MS. ALON: I’ll start in San Francisco. 5

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: Okay, that’s page 41. 6

MS. ALON: Okay, so San Francisco, really just 7

taking as much of the county as possible to bring it down 8

to the [inaudible] [00:27:56] deviation without, of 9

course, going over the hard line into Marin. 10

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: Comments. Commissioner 11

Ancheta. 12

COMMISSIONER ANCHETA: Yeah, this is the same 13

question regarding the neighborhood planning boundaries 14

and, again, we hadn’t given Q2 instructions previously 15

regarding official boundaries, but I don’t know if you 16

actually had access to that layer when these were drawn 17

–- and I haven’t looked at it, so I don’t know how 18

tightly drawn these are relative to the actual district, 19

the neighborhood maps. 20

MS. CLARK: These are the same lines that we saw 21

last time. And I helped Tamina to draw this district 22

just based on –- I used to live in San Francisco and 23

based on my working knowledge of the general boundaries 24

of the neighborhoods. The Sunset is intact, which is 25

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what the only COI testimony about neighborhoods, I 1

believe, are. And this just follows the 280, up here is 2

Twin Peaks, and it’s mostly intact, but for zero 3

population it has to be –- 4

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: So I’m assuming, to be 5

consistent, you’re going to recommend that we follow the 6

neighborhood lines, as well as officially adopted by the 7

City? 8

COMMISSIONER ANCHETA: I would suggest that. I 9

mean, the one thing that I can tell just from eyeballing 10

is that, again, the 280 split in the southern part of the 11

City divides at least one –- the Outer Mission 12

neighborhood is divided. Again, the 280 is a significant 13

divider, generally, but officially the neighborhood is 14

divided in half by the 280. 15

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: Okay, so you’re going to 16

still provide, then, those lines, right? 17


CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: Okay, is that okay with the 19

Commission? Thumbs up? All right, let’s move on. 20

MS. MAC DONALD: All right, so if I just may 21

clarify, so the direction is that we will get guidance 22

from you tonight on where these lines should go based on 23

the San Francisco Planning Commission’s Neighborhood 24

designations? 25

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COMMISSIONER ANCHETA: Right and I’ve already 1

sent you an email that covers the Assembly District. 2

I’ll need to confer with you regarding the 3

Congressionals. But the map that I –- or the link to the 4

official Planning Department map would be the same 5

boundaries for the Congressional. I just don’t know how 6

-– again, I haven’t looked -– I don’t know the level of 7

detail for the current visualizations, so I don’t know 8

how close these lines on the screen are to the 9

neighborhood boundaries. 10

COMMISSIONER DAI: I think it should just be 11

noted for the record that, again, because we’re dealing 12

with a Congressional District, it’s quite likely that 13

some of those neighborhoods are going to be split. 14

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: Yeah. But using the City 15

adopted -– the neighborhood community lines, or 16

neighborhood boundaries as at least a benchmark. 17

COMMISSIONER ANCHETA: And again, the advantage 18

of San Francisco is that it is a peninsula, so you just 19

need to take out -– it’s 805,000 minus 703,000 and -– 20

there’s not too much variation in terms of where you’re 21

going to go. 22

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: Okay, all right. Shall we 23

move on? Got it? All right, let’s move on. Is Tamina 24

still on or …? 25

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MS. CLARK: If we move on to San Mateo County 1

District, page 42? 2

MS. ALON: San Mateo, straight down the freeway 3

here, taking on as much of San Mateo County as possible, 4

and just trying at the bottom part, you can see the East 5

Palo Alto line there in the bottom eastern side of the 6

district, that’s actually the county line there for San 7

Mateo County. East Palo Alto is intact there and the 8

city split here is in Redwood City. 9

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: Comments. Looks good. All 10

right, let’s move on. 11

MS. CLARK: Tamina, will you move on to the next, 12

San Mateo? This is on page 45. 13

MS. ALON: Okay, so this is our Silicon Valley 14

District and so we have maps for Cupertino, Saratoga 15

area, as well as coming down and getting the Scotts 16

Valley area in Northern Santa Cruz, as was suggested by 17

the Commission. Cupertino, Saratoga, Santa Clara, all of 18

those are intact and you have just the split that was 19

leftover from Redwood City. 20

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: Comments. Looks good. 21


CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: All right, let’s move on. 23

MS. CLARK: So next, Tamina, is South Santa 24

Clara. It’s on page 45, as well. 25

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MS. ALON: Okay, South Santa Clara, the vast 1

majority of the lines you’re seeing in this district are 2

the county lines of Santa Clara County, and so that is 3

what this is. You have Gilroy and Morgan Hill and San 4

Martin all together here, and then coming up into the 5

non-contiguous southern areas of San Jose, and some of 6

San Jose which reaches into the Campbell- Cambrian Park 7

area. And that northern boundary is just the Santa Clara 8

border. 9

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: Looks good? All right, let’s 10

move on. 11

MS. CLARK: Okay, the San Jose-based district is 12

also on page 45. 13

MS. ALON: This district has the balance from San 14

Jose, the balance of the city limit of San Jose, rather, 15

and it has most of Fremont and Newark, and the Milpitas-16

Berryessa COI. 17


COMMISSIONER DAI: Okay, so this is where we said 19

we would see if there is something creative we could do 20

here in terms of trying to keep the tri-city area 21

together, so I would love to hear any suggestions from 22

Tamina here, I think it’s going to be hard to grab it all 23

based on what I’m looking at. 24

MS. ALON: It’s really tricky because you have 25

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the Monterey areas coming up. Let me think. Going east 1

you run into Merced. I can look some more, I really did 2

try to do it, it’s just a population issue in this area. 3

COMMISSIONER DAI: Would it be fair to say that, 4

for us to keep the tri-city area together, we would have 5

to break this Golden Gate Bridge barrier? 6

MS. ALON: Yes. 7

MS. CLARK: Just a note for the Commission, 8

approximately 45 percent –- or, I’m sorry, 35 percent of 9

the city is split of Fremont. 10

COMMISSIONER DAI: If we had to shift population, 11

I just want to get this all on the record, so if Union 12

City is about 70,000 people, and then the remaining part 13

of Fremont is how many people? 14

MS. CLARK: Sorry, could you repeat that? 15

COMMISSIONER DAI: How much is the part of 16

Fremont that is split off, that is in the yellow 17

district? Approximately? 18

MS. CLARK: It’s 65 percent of 214,000. 19

COMMISSIONER DAI: 214,000 –- I don’t perform 20

math in public. 21


That’s the part that’s in, do you want the other part? 23

COMMISSIONER FORBES: Between 65,000 and 70,000. 24

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: That’s a significant split. 25

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something out for the Commission to think about because I 2

think that the Golden Gate Bridge is one of the only COIs 3

that we have kept as a sacred boundary throughout all the 4

layers of the maps. I think that, at this point, 5

Coachella Valley is in a similar position, but I think 6

that we will have to explore different options, maybe not 7

for this round, but the second round. I have some 8

concerns about what it means to maintain the Golden Gate 9

Bridge as absolute if it means that we have to sacrifice 10

what we have heard, and we will continue to hear, is very 11

strong COI testimony over here in the Fremont Area. I 12

would be interested in thoughts from other Commissioners 13

on if we are able to respect the Golden Gate Bridge and 14

other maps, is it absolute that it has to be respected in 15

the Congressional map? 16

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: Why is it a Sacred Cow? 17

COMMISSIONER DAI: I don’t think it is. I mean, 18

I think there is a fair amount of conflicting testimony 19

that says Southern Marin has, you know, there is an urban 20

part of Marin and a more rural part of Marin, and that 21

would allow us to shift everything back up that way. 22

COMMISSIONER FORBES: I don’t agree. I look at 23

this report we have here and, next to San Francisco, you 24

have 98 no’s and five yes’s. I mean, overwhelming COI 25

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was not to cross the Bridge. 1


overwhelming COI is to keep the tri-city area together. 3

COMMISSIONER FORBES: Right, and I don’t think we 4

can do that, I really don’t think so. I think it’s 5

desirable, but we keep talking about we’re being asked to 6

keep 350,000 people together between Newark and Fremont 7

and Union City, or 320,000, and you just can’t keep 8

320,000 people together. 9

COMMISSIONER DAI: Well, I guess this is a 10

question for the Commission, why are certain COIs more 11

Sacred Cows than others, because we’ve agreed to share 12

the pain everywhere else and I am just wanting to know 13

why we’re making an exception here. 14

COMMISSIONER DI GUILIO: I’m curious as to, I 15

mean, we’re framing it in the context of the Bridge COI 16

vs. this COI, but I’m curious if we break the bridge, 17

well, it seems like with this we’ve been able to keep 18

most COIs intact with the exception of Fremont, the Tri-19

City. But if we break the bridge, how many other COIs do 20

we break with the visualizations of that? I know we 21

can’t have an answer for it now, but I think there is 22

something to be said about investigating it and seeing 23

where we come up because, again, I think we owe it to 24

communities who raise an objection, that we look at 25

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options, and if those options aren’t viable –- I’m just 1

concerned that, if we break that bridge that the 2

implications to the other communities and their COI will, 3

you know, once you break one COI, you kind of start 4

breaking the down the road. 5

COMMISSIONER FORBES: Just another comment, I 6

think that you’re talking about, I mean, this Tri-Cities 7

has more population than all of Marin County. I think 8

another thing is that we are hemmed in on both the east 9

and the south by Section 5 counties, to hold these 10

together is to push half way into Marin County and maybe 11

more. And I think that’s just completely contrary and 12

that completely disrupts the design of the northern part 13

of the state. 14

VRA ATTORNEY KOLKEY: If I might just make one 15

legal observation that may or may not help, but I would 16

note that with respect to the tri-city area, at least as 17

I see it, it’s not a single local community of interest, 18

what you have there are several local communities of 19

interest that would like to be together, that you need to 20

consider that vs. breaching a county boundary just -– and 21

I’m not saying what is the right thing to do, I’m just 22

saying just in terms of criteria, you want to minimize 23

dividing your local communities of interest, counties, 24

and cities, and you certainly are free to rework things 25

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to combine a couple of local communities of interest and 1

put them in a single district to address concerns of 2

constituents; but I think just focusing on the legal 3

criteria might be useful, too. 4

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: Commissioner Blanco. 5

COMMISSIONER BLANCO: I think another thing we 6

should look at is, in looking at this district, it’s at 7

45.9 percent Asian CVAP, is that correct? 8

MS. CLARK: These are VAP numbers. 9

COMMISSIONER BLANCO: Oh, these are VAP, okay, 10

never mind. I thought those were CVAP. 11


entirely works out, but I was also considering whether, 13

as opposed to doing the Hayward District and the Fremont 14

District north-south, on top of each other, whether you 15

might split east-west and go farther down and pick up; 16

then, you would on the west side have a better connection 17

with Hayward and Newark and, on the east side, you have 18

the connection with Union City and Fremont, which isn’t 19

exactly what the COI asked for, but it’s closer to it 20

than what we’ve currently done. 21

COMMISSIONER DI GUILIO: Could you say that 22

again, Commissioner Galambos Malloy? I like the idea, I 23

just want to follow it through visually. 24


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shorthand, let’s say go down and do an 880 corridor split 1

of some sort, so you have the west side of the 880 and 2

the east side, I don’t know if population-wise that works 3

out, but then – 4

COMMISSIONER DI GUILIO: So you’re taking Hayward 5

and putting it into San Jose, and then bumping Fremont 6

and putting it with Union City up in yellow. 7


mean, just trying to explore options here because when 9

you look at –- I think the strongest COI was for the 10

three cities going together, but the expanded COI was San 11

Lorenzo, Ashland, Cherryland, which don’t have huge 12

populations, Castro Valley, Hayward, Newark, Union City, 13

and Fremont, and so we would have kind of two districts 14

that, in each of the districts, I believe you would have 15

some aspect of the tri-cities that would have a majority. 16

COMMISSIONER DI GUILIO: Just roughly, what does 17

that population work out to? 18

MS. MAC DONALD: May I actually – Tamina just 19

chatted me that she has actually tried this out and it 20

doesn’t work, so perhaps – she says there’s not enough 21

population on that side of the freeway. 22


MS. MAC DONALD: Because it’s very close to the 24

Bay. 25

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COMMISSIONER FORBES: Let me offer another 1

possibility, then, and I don’t know if it has any merit. 2

Let’s say you keep the Newark, Fremont, and Union City 3

together with Hayward and San Leandro, and then you run 4

another district from the southern part of that district, 5

San Jose, or what have you, and run it – now, we have to 6

cross the mountains in this case, but maybe crossing the 7

mountains is more desirable than splitting the cities. 8

You cross the mountains into Sunol, Dublin, Livermore, 9

and so that – you have a north-south district, so you 10

have one that goes along the 880 and one that goes due 11

north. 12


the population numbers are such that, unless we’re 14

willing to explore crossing the Golden Gate Bridge, we’re 15

really hemmed in here, and I appreciate having another 16

suggestion to look at, but knowing the area well and 17

even, I think, with the COI testimony, I mean, we’ve had 18

strong COI testimony that doesn’t make sense to pair, 19

given the geographic divide, the tri-city area with the 20

tri-county area. 21

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: Commissioner Yao. 22

COMMISSIONER YAO: I know in the Los Angeles area 23

we have the Burbank, Glendale, so on, that comes close to 24

the 300,000 people, and 300,000 community of interest is 25

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really a tall order. I don’t know how many communities I 1

would recognize as being able to call 300,000 people a 2

single community of interest, so while we should try to 3

honor it, I would feel that perhaps breaking a 300,000 4

block is perhaps more acceptable than breaking something 5

significantly smaller, so if we can accommodate it, we 6

will; but, on the other hand, asking 300,000 people to be 7

put together in a single district is sometimes very very 8

difficult and I think we’re seeing that right now. 9


sorry, this is probably a repeat -- you mentioned the 11

Fremont, how much of Fremont is on the north side and how 12

much is on the south side. Can you repeat that one more 13

time? What percentage of the population? 14

MS. CLARK: It’s approximately 35-65 percent 15

split. 16



CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: In real numbers. 19

COMMISSIONER FORBES: Between 65,000 and 70,000. 20

MS. CLARK: So on the north end of this split is 21

35.82 percent, which is 76,697 people, and in this San 22

Jose-based district is 64.18 percent, which is 137,392 23

people. 24


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Forbes, can you talk again about your idea about this 1

north-south split? 2

COMMISSIONER FORBES: Well, the idea, okay, so 3

you have one district that goes Fremont, Newark, Union 4

City, Hayward, and San Leandro. The other district would 5

go to the part of the district we see there that is south 6

of Fremont and goes north, picks up Sunol, Dublin, 7

Livermore, that whole area. 8


COMMISSIONER FORBES: And I haven’t run in my 10

head the population numbers, but at least it would keep 11

them together and, again, the main liability is it goes 12

over the mountain. 13

MS. MAC DONALD: May I add something? Bonnie 14

just chatted me, because I’m chatting on multiple windows 15

here, that this particular district actually keeps the 16

Berryessa COI together that we heard a lot about, and 17

then Tamina added to that, that it’s the Berryessa, 18

Milpitas, Fremont COI, so if you keep Fremont together, 19

you break the Berryessa COI. 20


COI we kept together in the Assembly and in the Senate, 22

correct? 23


MS. ALON: Yes, that’s correct. 25

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interested in exploring Commissioner Forbes’ idea. I 2

don’t know what other Commissioners feel on this. 3

COMMISSIONER BLANCO: I would too and not just 4

because of the testimony, I wasn’t here, but I sort of 5

heard what the crux of it was, but also just knowing the 6

area, people do talk about San Leandro, Hayward, Union 7

City, Newark, Fremont, that’s a very defined area when 8

you live in the Bay Area, you know, it’s all one corridor 9

that you go from one end to the other for all kinds of 10

stuff. So, actually, not having Newark and Fremont in 11

there with Hayward and Union City is a big of a stretch, 12

actually. 13

COMMISSIONER BARABBA: The other issue that came 14

up is that that whole eastern part of that Livermore, 15

Dublin, Pleasanton is probably more aligned with the 16

district above it than it is to the areas to the east of 17

it, and so I don’t know if there’s any play there that 18

you could do to free up some space. I mean, if you drive 19

through those areas, they’re really different. 20

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: Okay, we’re searching for a 21

solution here, so we’ve got, I think, a germ of an idea 22

here. Did you guys follow that? 23

COMMISSIONER DI GUILIO: Just out of curiosity, 24

to follow-up on Commissioner Barabba’s idea, since we’re 25

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changing that, I don’t know what the top of that district 1

is, but if you take the Livermore-Dublin and push it up 2

into the San Ramon Valley, you’re going to have to push 3

up there, can you come up and wrap -– I’m not sure where 4

the district goes, if it goes northeast, maybe not, I 5

don’t know if you could push that back over onto the 6

Oakland side and back down to make up – to push those 7

together down in the Hayward, Union City, I don’t know if 8

you can do that kind of push there, maybe just something 9

to consider. 10

COMMISSIONER BARABBA: Commissioner Ontai? 11


COMMISSIONER BARABBA: I would suggest that the 13

general direction is that if we have to live with this 14

district, we will, but if you can find ways to ease the 15

concern that we heard this morning, you should experiment 16

with that a little bit and see what you can come up with. 17

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: Yeah, but between now and 18

Friday. If you can’t, we’re going to go with this. All 19

right? 20

COMMISSIONER DAI: And I’ll just again note for 21

the record that they are kept together in the Senate. 22

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: Yes, absolutely. Okay, is 23

that clear? All right, let’s move on. 24

VRA ATTORNEY KOLKEY: So I’ve got to excuse 25

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myself for the evening, but it’s been a privilege to be 1

here today. I was hoping we’d get to Monterey before I 2

left, I just want to note that, at least from what I can 3

see on the new maps, you know, the Section 5 data looks 4

very good; on Monterey, though, for the Latino CVAP, 5

there’s a one percentage point difference lower, and it 6

goes from 27.72 percent to 26.46 percent CVAP, so when 7

you get to that, you just ought to clarify whether there 8

are any alternatives just to bring this up by this one 9

percentage for the Latino CVAP and, again, thank you very 10

much. 11

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: Commissioner Ward. 12

COMMISSIONER WARD: Thanks, Mr. Kolkey, before 13

you take off, I just want to clarify -– I took a note 14

here that I’m not sure if I have it right, but we still 15

have some State Senate maps to go through and I think you 16

said earlier that you hadn’t reviewed any of those? Is 17

that correct? 18

VRA ATTORNEY KOLKEY: I hadn’t reviewed –- we 19

hadn’t reviewed the nesting because we hadn’t seen the 20

nesting until late last night. 21

COMMISSIONER WARD: Are we going to have the VRA 22

review on that prior to releasing a first draft? 23

VRA ATTORNEY KOLKEY: Well, what I’ve discussed 24

with the Chair and Kirk is to put together some 25

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directions on some thoughts on nesting pursuant to the 1

legal criteria, which I will try and get off tonight to 2

Kirk for distribution to the Commission. 3

COMMISSIONER WARD: I just want to make sure that 4

when we endorse a first set of maps, we’re going to have 5

had a full VRA review of those maps, right? Before we 6

endorse them and send them out to the public? 7

VRA ATTORNEY KOLKEY: Well, obviously, we won’t 8

have a VRA in terms of a Racially Polarized Voting 9

Analysis for those VRA districts, so we will simply have 10

analysis with respect to compactness. 11


CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: Any other questions from the 13

Commissioners before Mr. Kolkey leaves? Otherwise, Dan, 14

we want to thank you very much for being with us tonight 15

and we look forward to your bullet points. 16


CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: All right, shall we continue? 18

MS. MAC DONALD: Do we have Tamina back on the 19

line? 20

MS. CLARK: While we’re waiting for Tamina, may I 21

please clarify the direction for this last district that 22

we spoke about? 23

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: Okay, who can best describe 24

that? Commissioner Forbes, do you want to try it again? 25

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COMMISSIONER FORBES: Okay. The thought I had, 1

and I actually have a variant on it since I’ve been 2

sitting here thinking about it, and I know you’re happy 3

to hear that, is to have an 880 Corridor district that 4

ends at the southern end of Fremont, then you have a 5

north-south district that comes out of the Berryessa area 6

and goes north and picks up Dublin, Livermore, Sinole, 7

exactly that way. Now the variant I had is that, you 8

know, this is called three-quarters of a loaf, if not a 9

full loaf, is you come south from Hayward, and if you 10

can’t get all of the tri-cities, you put Union City, 11

Newark, and the bulk of Fremont into one district. At 12

least that gets you Union City and Newark and a good part 13

of Fremont together, so as opposed to right now Union 14

City is not there at all and you’ve lost a chunk of 15

Fremont; that approach would allow you to get like two 16

and a half cities out of it. 17


you’d have all those smaller northern areas, the 19

unincorporated parts of Alameda County and Castro Valley, 20

etc. Did Q2 get that? 21

COMMISSIONER BARABBA: And if it doesn’t work, go 22

with what you’ve got. 23

MS. CLARK: Okay. 24


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call us for additional guidance on how to make it work. 1

COMMISSIONER DI GUILIO: Is that for this round 2

or for the next round? 3


intention is that we want – 5

MS. ALON: I’m here. 6


able to hear what we just proposed? 8

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: No, she was cut off. 9


direction and you can feel free to call Commissioner 11

Forbes or myself. 12

COMMISSIONER DI GUILIO: And I was just curious 13

as to whether that was for this round. 14

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: No, we’re going to proceed if 15

you cannot come up with the numbers, you’re going to 16

explore it, but if you can’t, we’re going to go with this 17

plan. Right? 18


MS. CLARK: Should we, then, move on from this? 20


MS. CLARK: Can we please look at this district 22

labeled “Oakland?” 23

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: And what page is that? 24

MS. CLARK: I’m trying to find it. 25

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CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: It looks like 41, is that 1

right? 2

MS. CLARK: Yes, page 41. 3

MS. ALON: Okay, so this district has Oakland 4

intact, it has Alameda intact, Berkeley intact, Albany 5

intact, and the majority of Richmond, but as you can see 6

on the western end here, the parts of Richmond which are 7

not connected are the ones which weave through these 8

other little areas you can see in the Contra Costa 9

District. Some are non-contiguous and some just, like I 10

said, weave through a lot of the other little cities in 11

this area. But the direction was to kind of take -– to 12

move El Cerrito in order to try and take up more of 13

Richmond, and so that’s what we’ve done here. 14


that northern border, which of those cities – I see a 16

Bayview and “Mountain” something, are they included or 17

excluded? 18

MS. ALON: Bayview, Terry Hills, and [inaudible] 19

[00:58:57] Manor are not included, that is the Richmond 20

City border to the north, though Pinole is not included 21

or split. 22

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: Any other comments? All 23

right, looks good. Let’s go forward. 24

MS. CLARK: Can we look at the district labeled 25

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“Contra Costa,” page 40? 1

MS. ALON: Okay, Jaime talked a little bit about 2

this district already, but this has the COI impact of La 3

Mirinda down to San Ramon, without crossing the county 4

border, and then it goes up a little bit north to the 5

other northern county border by taking Martinez, Concord, 6

and Pickford. On the western end, we do have San Pablo 7

and El Cerrito in there for population reasons. 8

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: Comments. Commissioner Di 9

Guilio. 10

COMMISSIONER DI GUILIO: One little question 11

about the far eastern part, Byron, just a little guy 12

that’s been kind of an orphan there, I’m not sure what 13

the population is, but I’m wondering what the 14

Commissioners think about picking that up with Discovery 15

Bay and then taking a little off –- it would require 16

shaving a little off of Antioch over with Pittsburgh, 17

maybe it’s not worth it to split, but that one little 18

community of Byron, I’m not sure even how much population 19

is there, whether we want to kind of orphan one little 20

community there or if we want to take a little off of 21

Antioch. 22

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: What’s the population there? 23

MS. CLARK: I can select it by tract, but for 24

some reason when I transferred my plan to this machine, 25

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the population field on Census places didn’t work, but I 1

can take up Byron really quick. 2

MS. ALON: If we include Byron here, then, just 3

so you know, Antioch has 102,000 people, and so you would 4

definitely have to split Antioch in order to get that 5

population. 6

COMMISSIONER DI GUILIO: Right, I just didn’t 7

know if it was worth it to split a little bit of Antioch 8

in order to pick up Byron, or if we just should kind of 9

leave it. 10

MS. CLARK: It’s just over 2,500 people. 11


COMMISSIONER DAI: Yeah, I guess the question is 13

how do you get to Byron. 14

COMMISSIONER DI GUILIO: Well, that’s the point, 15

you have to go around through Antioch, down there, you 16

can’t actually -– that’s Mt. Diablo right there, right? 17

It’s connected technically by the mountain, but it’s 18

removed from Pittsburgh and everything points west, so I 19

just feel like maybe that small number that it should be 20

picked up and a little taken off of Antioch, but that’s 21

just my personal feeling, but for the sake of little 22

Byron there…. 23

COMMISSIONER DAI: Well, I actually tend to agree 24

because, I mean, it really is kind of orphaned there, 25

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which kind of makes me wonder, did we forget about them 1

in the previous Assembly? 2

COMMISSIONER DI GUILIO: Sometimes it’s hard to 3

see the level of exact detail on our maps because it’s 4

shaded and you can’t sometimes read if there are words 5

under there, but I would suggest maybe for this 6

justification for that small number to break just maybe 7

the western boundary of Antioch and include Byron. 8

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: All right, let’s move on. Is 9

this something you can do real quick? It’s not a 10

problem? 11

COMMISSIONER DI GUILIO: We don’t forget about 12

the little guys. 13

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: All right, then let’s just do 14

it. 15

MS. CLARK: So the direction for this district is 16

just to include -- to move Byron into San Joaquin County 17

and to split the very western boundary of Antioch. 18

MS. ALON: May I ask a question regarding that? 19

There are no cities or Census places in between Byron and 20

way over with the block over there. Did you want just 21

Byron severed off? Or did you need to go Pittsburgh and 22

go directly south for compactness reasons, and then just 23

take a little bit more of Antioch? 24

COMMISSIONER DAI: So there’s some unincorporated 25

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areas with some people in it? Is that the –- 1

MS. ALON: There’s a lot of somewhat sparsely 2

populated [inaudible] [01:03:53] areas which is not 3

within a Census place or a city, it is between Byron and 4

kind of that Blackhawk area, and so I could just kind of 5

split off Byron and put it into the adjacent district, or 6

I can go over to where Pittsburgh is and kind of draw a 7

line south, and then just take some more of Antioch. 8

COMMISSIONER DI GUILIO: I would suggest just 9

taking that line under Brentwood and just drawing it from 10

there down to the corner –- no, even like just diagonal 11

to the corner of the orange. Yeah, that’s what I would 12

suggest and keep the other communities if there is some 13

sparsely populated, probably are more over with Blackhawk 14

anyways, I would imagine. 15

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: All right. Can do? All 16

right, little Byron is important, but we’re spending too 17

much time with little Byron. 18

MS. ALON: Okay, so, I’m sorry, so take Brentwood 19

south, right? Is that what the direction was? 20

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: It’s a diagonal line. 21

MS. ALON: Okay, diagonal line just taking Byron. 22


MS. ALON: Gotcha, okay. 24

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: All right, can we move on? 25

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All right, let’s move on. 1

MS. MAC DONALD: This is it for Tamina, so we can 2

say goodbye to Tamina. 3


MS. ALON: Good bye. 5

MS. CLARK: I would like to move on to the 6

Stanislaus County, southwestern San Joaquin County 7

District, page 44. In this district, the entire county 8

of Stanislaus is intact and then, in Southern San Joaquin 9

Counties are the Cities of Tracy and Manteca, Escalon. 10

Escalon is split and that’s a Census place. 11

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: Comments. Looks good? All 12

right, let’s move on. 13

MS. CLARK: If we could move on to this Merced 14

District, page 46? The only change in this district 15

since last time I saw you was that I had an instruction 16

to sort of make this finger move up closer to Madera and 17

Merced. It used to come down here further along the 99 18

corridor and now it’s a little bit more west. Fresno is 19

the only city split. 20

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: Questions? Looks good. All 21

right, let’s move on. 22

MS. CLARK: Next, could we please move on to 23

Kings County, page 49? So these lines are also the same 24

with the exception of right here where it borders Merced 25

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County and the Merced boundary is changed. 1

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: Comments. Looks good, thumbs 2

up. Let’s move on. 3

MS. CLARK: I’m going to zoom out a little bit 4

and we can look at the Foothills district. The only 5

county splits in here are Fresno at the very south end 6

and Nevada at the very north end, and this is just for 7

population up here on this end. I believe that’s the same 8

as last time you saw it, Grass Valley and Nevada City are 9

in the same district. 10

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: What page is that? 11

MS. CLARK: Page 38. 12

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: Okay, comments. Looks good? 13

All right, let’s move on. 14

MS. CLARK: Okay, if we go back down here to 15

Fresno, page 48. This is grabbing the rest of the City 16

of Fresno and then coming down here sort of into Tulare 17

County, picking up Visalia and Tulare. Fresno is the 18

only city split. 19

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: Comments? Is it all right? 20

Okay, let’s move on. 21

MS. CLARK: We could go to page 49 and 50, this 22

is the San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Western Ventura 23

district. The only difference here is that last time 24

Ojai was included with Santa Barbara and now Ojai is with 25

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East Ventura. There is still this issue of access. 1

COMMISSIONER DI GUILIO: What are the population 2

numbers that you have to grab? I’m not sure if that is 3

Minors Oak, or Oak View, or what you’re grabbing there. 4

MS. CLARK: I’m not sure because those are places 5

and so they’re not included in the City Splits Report. 6

COMMISSIONER DI GUILIO: I would just consider 7

this as an area to maybe solicit input if the county 8

would prefer to have a little bit of Western Ventura 9

proper, as opposed to these areas that are geographically 10

very isolated included with Santa Barbara. I think last 11

time you said the number was about 7,000? 12

MS. CLARK: For Ojai, yeah, about 7,500. 13

COMMISSIONER DI GUILIO: So you happened to pick 14

it up from the Ojai Valley vs. Western Ventura, an area 15

of the community you could designate. Personally, I 16

don’t know what Commissioner Aguirre thinks, but I think 17

there is more to be said about taking a little bit off of 18

Western Ventura as opposed to just reaching up and 19

grabbing something out of Ojai Valley for 7,000 people. 20

COMMISSIONER AGUIRRE: Yeah, and I would agree 21

with that. 22

COMMISSIONER DI GUILIO: So that might be the 23

only change I’d make for this one, unless we want to keep 24

it and just see what they say. 25

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MS. CLARK: So the direction is to keep Ojai in 1

this area with Santa Barbara County and then to just take 2

off that needed population from Western Ventura, City of. 3

COMMISSIONER DI GUILIO: Commissioner Aguirre, 4

would you agree to take that 7,000 off of Western Ventura 5

and then keep the Ojai Valley with Ventura? 6

COMMISSIONER AGUIRRE: Yes, Ojai Valley has a 7

direct connection with Ventura and Santa Paula. 8

MS. CLARK: Okay. 9

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: Any other comments? All 10

right, let’s move on. 11

MS. CLARK: Okay, next to East Ventura, the 12

population for this district and then also for Tulare is 13

–- oh, this is on page 51 –- is a little bit off because 14

there were 2,000 missing persons and then we found them 15

last night. And this visualization includes intact this 16

Highway 126 corridor into Ventura, Oxnard, Port Huenemi, 17

and El Rio, and as well as Simi Valley, Moorpark, 18

Camarillo, the City of Thousand Oaks is split. 19


MS. CLARK: And assuming we pick up those 2,000 21

extra people, we would push further into Thousand Oaks, 22

unless a different city split is better. 23

COMMISSIONER DI GUILIO: Again, may just fly this 24

for a discussion point for later in terms of since 25

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Thousand Oaks has been split a number of times, that 1

maybe the county may have some ideas about maybe Simi 2

Valley doing this, I don’t know, maybe it can’t go into 3

the Santa Clarita area, well, Commissioner Aguirre? 4

COMMISSIONER AGUIRRE: Yeah, and of course there 5

was testimony with both Simi Valley wanting to remain 6

part of East Ventura County, but there was also a 7

willingness on both the part of Simi Valley and Santa 8

Clarita as having similar COI, as well. 9

COMMISSIONER DI GUILIO: I didn’t know if that 10

was just an option to consider that Commissioner Aguirre 11

was saying in terms that maybe not splitting Thousand 12

Oaks, but taking off Simi Valley with Santa Clarita. 13

Maybe this is just, again, an area we have to explore 14

later on, but Thousand Oaks seems to be taking the brunt 15

of a lot of these district splits. 16

COMMISSIONER BLANCO: Are they split in all the 17

maps? 18

COMMISSIONER DAI: The ones we’ve seen so far. 19

COMMISSIONER DI GUILIO: I think all three, 20

they’re split, so I’m not sure, maybe in the 21

Congressional they are included. Westside Village is 22

always split because the City of Westside Village sits at 23

the county line, but maybe Simi Valley going with -– it 24

just –- we’ll throw it out there for now. 25

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COMMISSIONER DAI: Can you tell us how many 1

people are in the part that was excluded from Thousand 2

Oaks? 3

MS. CLARK: In this East Ventura District, 4

approximately 30 percent of the population, which is 5

38,000 are included and 88,000 people are in this San 6

Fernando Valley. 7

COMMISSIONER DI GUILIO: So 88,000, you’d have to 8

take 88,000 from Simi, so you would be splitting Simi 9

88,000 vs. 40,000. 10

COMMISSIONER BLANCO: And excuse my lack of 11

knowledge about this area, is this partly because 12

Thousand Oaks is in two counties? 13

COMMISSIONER DI GUILIO: Thousand Oaks is not 14

West Lake Village. 15

COMMISSIONER BLANCO: West Lake Village is the 16

one that is in both, yeah, down there, okay. 17

COMMISSIONER DI GUILIO: I think Thousand Oaks 18

just happens to be in a bad spot. 19

COMMISSIONER DAI: I know, but I think what we’re 20

talking about is, if we took all of Simi Valley out, how 21

much of Thousand Oaks would be able to – 22

COMMISSIONER DI GUILIO: Right, I think if you 23

included all of Thousand Oaks, you might get the numbers 24

right; and if you included all Thousand Oaks, you’d be 25

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splitting Simi. You’d be taking whatever, I guess maybe 1

the eastern part and putting it or maybe something else. 2

So the question is, one of those is going to have to be 3

split, I guess, it’s whether or not in this case we want 4

to split -– I don’t particularly have any –- Commissioner 5

Aguirre, too, I mean, I know the area to some extent, but 6

the level of detail –- but I think there may be something 7

about just spreading the pain for Thousand Oaks. And 8

Simi Valley would be another logical one to say that it 9

could split off into this Los Angeles, Santa Clarita, 10

Western San Fernando Valley, and I think still have a lot 11

of legitimacy to it. 12

COMMISSIONER BLANCO: So you’re saying put it in 13

the West San Fernando in its entirety? 14

COMMISSIONER DI GUILIO: No, you won’t be able to 15

put it in its entirety. Right now, split Thousand Oaks 16

is put in with that San Fernando Valley and Santa 17

Clarita. The option is maybe, instead of having Thousand 18

Oaks always bear the brunt, is to make it whole and to 19

take that portion of Thousand Oaks population and split 20

off what’s needed from Simi Valley, which is, what, 21

80,000? 22

COMMISSIONER BLANCO: And put all of Thousand 23

Oaks in Ventura. 24

COMMISSIONER DI GUILIO: Put all of Thousand Oaks 25

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in Ventura and take the 80,000 of Simi and have Simi bear 1

the brunt of the split. So, maybe just to keep moving 2

on, maybe our Mappers can look at these options for 3

Congressional and the other split, I can’t even recall 4

exactly what happened in the Assembly and Senate, but 5

maybe spreading that – I know, I’m saying I can’t 6

remember what happened in the Senate and Assembly, so 7

this is what is happening here as a suggestion, maybe 8

that could be supplied to the other districts and you 9

could make a decision which would be – 10

MS. CLARK: Yeah, I’ll work in tandem with Nicole 11

to see what is happening on the other end. 12

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: Is that the directions we 13

want to give the Mappers? Commissioner Yao. 14

COMMISSIONER YAO: You know, maybe it does make 15

sense to try to keep Thousand Oaks whole. This way, you 16

don’t have a district where you go all the way from the 17

ocean, all the way into Burbank, and the West San 18

Fernando Valley. In other words, if you just keep the 19

Thousand Oaks whole, along with the Coastline, then pick 20

up the new population from Simi Valley, and whatever else 21

you need to split cities to make an inland district. 22

COMMISSIONER DI GUILIO: Yeah, I think that would 23

be good. I think the point Commissioner Yao makes adds 24

the element of the coastal which is an additional point. 25

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CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: Commissioner Forbes. 1

COMMISSIONER FORBES: I guess, as I recall our 2

conversation, Bell Canyon only has access, I’m not sure 3

where from, so as we include Thousand Oaks with the West 4

Ventura, which I think is a good idea, I want to be sure 5

we don’t end up isolating Bell Canyon. 6

COMMISSIONER BLANCO: So is that for this round 7

or next round? 8

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: What do you think? What can 9

you guys do between now and Friday? 10

MS. CLARK: We can look into it. Yeah, it’s just 11

tomorrow, so –- 12

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: So let’s just go with this, 13

however, let’s explore some of these options that we 14

talked about. 15

MS. CLARK: Yes. Ideally, tomorrow. I’m not 16

sure how much direction Nichole has as far as how much 17

she needs to change. 18

COMMISSIONER DI GUILIO: I think if it could be 19

done for this round, maybe that’s a starting point. 20

MS. CLARK: Okay. For Congressional, we just 21

need to look at the Monterey County Section 5 Districts. 22

MS. MAC DONALD: And we have written notes from 23

Tamina about this, and I’m looking for the page, just one 24

second. 25

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MS. CLARK: Page 47. 1

MS. MAC DONALD: Okay, so let me just read what 2

she says. She says it’s not changed at all. Monterey is 3

intact, San Benito is intact, Monterey Bay is intact, and 4

Santa Cruz split is at the north at Scotts Valley. 5

COMMISSIONER DI GUILIO: Commissioner Barabba, 6

will this be good for you? 7

COMMISSIONER BARABBA: It’ll be good for the 8

Monterey Bay. What was Mr. Kolkey’s concern about 9

numbers? I didn’t understand what he was talking about 10

at the time. Is there much retrogression here? 11

MS. MAC DONALD: Just one second. 12

COMMISSONER BARABBA: Oh, it was one percent on 13

CVAP, right? 14


COMMISSIONER BARABBA: Okay, I’m comfortable. 16

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: Any other comments? 17

MS. MAC DONALD: Yeah, I mean, you usually look 18

at VAP for these, not at CVAP. 19

MS. CLARK: And I’m going to put the VAP numbers 20

up right now. For VAP, the Latino VAP for the benchmark 21

is 44.16 percent, and this is 42.58 percent. 22

COMMISSIONER BARABBA: Given the Merced district, 23

I don’t know what you could do to make that any better, 24

and then still keep the population. What if you went up 25

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into –- no, I don’t know where you would go. 1

MS. MAC DONALD: That is the highest she can get 2

without going into Merced. 3

COMMISSIONER BARABBA: Yeah, so if you can’t go 4

into Merced, then it’s a done deal, I think. 5


MS. MACDONALD: Or Fremont, she said, and she was 7

told no, not to go into Fremont or Merced. 8

COMMISSIONER DI GUILIO: So I’m just curious from 9

our legal people, too – 10

MS. MAC DONALD: Fresno, I’m sorry, not Fremont. 11

COMMISSIONER DI GUILIO: Is that, even though 12

it’s a slight dip, is that within the realm of what we’ve 13

heard from our legal consultants about that four percent 14

error rate? Or not? Because we are going down a little 15

bit, even in VAP. Is that correct. 16

MS. CLARK: About one and a half percent. 17

MS. MAC DONALD: Yeah, but I’m not sure that we 18

can actually change anything for the first draft maps on 19

this. 20

COMMISSIONER DI GUILIO: I’m not – I’m just 21

curious where that leaves us because we can’t do the –- 22

we’re really hemmed in. Is that correct? 23

MS. MAC DONALD: Right. She’s checking her notes 24

really quickly. She says she could go into Gilroy and 25

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try that, but that would split Monterey Bay. 1

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: And has this map been sent to 2

Gibson, Dunn? 3

MS. MAC DONALD: Everything has been sent to 4

Gibson, Dunn. 5


MS. MAC DONALD: At least once. 7

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: At least once. All right, so 8

Legal will take a look at it, as well, and we’ll get some 9

response back. Any other comments? 10

COMMISSIONER BARABBA: Yeah, what is the 11

population? She said she’d go into Gilroy? What’s the 12

population of Gilroy? 13

MS. CLARK: Forty-nine thousand. 14

COMMISSIONER BARABBA: Okay, yeah. The only 15

thing you could think about is cutting off that north 16

part of Santa Cruz County somewhere. I don’t think 17

there’s much population up there. 18

MS. MAC DONALD: I would like to read off of what 19

she just sent me. She said she could do Monterey plus 20

San Benito plus Gilroy, San Martin, Morgan Hill, South 21

San Jose, Lexington Hill, Los Gatos, Campbell, East 22

Foothills, and Alum Rock in San Jose, and she is still 23

typing. That was the other option, but the Commission 24

liked this one better, and you’ve seen both options. 25

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COMMISSIONER BARABBA: Yeah, okay. Let’s go with 1

it and see what happens. 2

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: Yeah, let’s just go with this 3

and see what happens. Is that all right? All right. 4

MS. CLARK: Can we move on to Senate Districts? 5


MS. CLARK: So we nested a majority of this plan. 7

If we start again on the North Coast, pages 52 through 62 8

are the Senate Plans. On page 52, this is the North 9

Coast, so all of these counties, the only counties split 10

are Siskiyou and Sonoma and Napa. And these are based on 11

the Assembly Districts presented today. 12

COMMISSIONER DAI: Did we consider matching the 13

North Coast with the Marin Districts so that you’d have 14

the whole coast? 15

MS. CLARK: Yes, these were the districts that, 16

based on our previous meeting, that the Commission 17

directed us to nest together. 18

COMMISSIONER DAI: So I just want to suggest 19

that, after we fix the Marin District, as we directed for 20

the Assembly, it might actually make a lot more sense to 21

nest those, too. 22

MS. CLARK: If the Commission wanted to nest 23

those two, then presumably this Napa district would get 24

nested with Yuba, and then the mountain cap district 25

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would be nested maybe with the Foothills, which would 1

make for a very long district. 2

MS. MAC DONALD: We actually looked at a lot of 3

nesting options and, after we exclude some of them 4

because we had orphans in the middle of Northern 5

California that had no place to go and no population to 6

pick up anywhere, we pretty much figured out that this 7

really – it’s really like a puzzle. I mean, if you 8

wanted to nest, there’s very – there’s really just one 9

option, but what we can do is, of course, to do clean-ups 10

once we’ve nested, so I call it de-nesting, you know, is 11

another term for it. But it’s probably not a whole lot 12

is going to happen before Friday, but most definitely, I 13

mean, whatever changes you made in the Assembly, they’re 14

going to be reflected in this map, as well. And I should 15

add that a lot of that has to do, of course, with the 16

Section 5 seats, as well, because that’s really what 17

drives a lot of Northern California, as you’ve seen. 18

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: All right. Shall we move on? 19

All right, let’s move on. 20

MS. CLARK: Also on page 52 is this mountain cap 21

district nested with Yuba. Again, the county splits are 22

El Dorado and Placer to maintain this Tahoe Basin, and 23

then Yolo County. 24

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: Commissioner Forbes, what do 25

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you think? 1

COMMISSIONER FORBES: I think it’s fine, but can 2

I look at the southern end of Yolo County? I just want 3

to see where Woodland is. Okay, thank you. 4

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: All right, looks good? Let’s 5

move on. 6

MS. CLARK: Okay, this is the Marin District 7

nested with the Solano District. There’s a small view of 8

it on page 53 –- oh, there we go, page 55. 9

COMMISSIONER DI GUILIO: Remind me, based on the 10

changes that we made of the Assembly, the Vallejo split, 11

how would that change this, then, in terms of nesting? 12

MS. CLARK: Well, the changes that were discussed 13

had to do with Marin County and then this Napa area, and 14

Sonoma, so I don’t know that nesting these would – the 15

configuration would change too greatly. 16

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: All right, comments? 17

COMMISSIONER BLANCO: You’re saying this 18

configuration would not change a lot, it would still go 19

from the ocean out to –- 20

MS. CLARK: Yes, because this Assembly District 21

was thumbs up. 22

COMMISSIONER DAI: Yeah, this is an example of 23

where it’s not a great pair. 24

COMMISSIONER BLANCO: It’s really not. Right, 25

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but she’s saying that even with the change, this won’t 1

look that different. 2

COMMISSIONER DAI: Yeah, it’s not a good –- 3

MS. CLARK: One change could be to put Napa and 4

Solano together and Marin and the North Coast together. 5


COMMISSIONER DAI: Yeah, that would be better. 7


COMMISSIONER DAI: I think a perfect nesting here 9

is going to result in a bad Senate District. 10

MS. CLARK: Okay. Yeah, we can do that by 11

tomorrow. 12


MS. CLARK: Next, if we move on to this City of 14

Sacramento area, it’s the northern regions of the City of 15

Sacramento, Davis, U.C. Davis, West Sacramento, then 16

South Sacramento and Elk Grove. 17

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: And we are looking at page 18

55? 19

MS. CLARK: Yeah, it’s on page 55. There’s a 20

bigger view of it on page 54. Also on page 54 is this 21

East Sacramento County District, including very eastern 22

El Dorado, El Dorado Hills and Cameron Park are the 23

towns, and then this very western Placer County area. 24

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: Comments. Looks good? All 25

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right, next. 1

MS. CLARK: Now if we move onto the Bay Area, I 2

can show you the nested districts. This, of course, is 3

San Francisco and Daly City. There’s a small view of it 4

on page 56, oh, page 57 is a larger view. Any comments? 5

COMMISSIONER ANCHETA: The Farallons look 6

unusually large, but I don’t think they’re that big, 7

right? Those big circles? 8

MS. CLARK: What was that? 9

COMMISSIONER ANCHETA: The Farallon Islands 10

obviously are not that big. 11

MS. CLARK: I think that has some of the water 12

surrounding it included. 13

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: Okay, looks good. 14

MS. CLARK: Moving on to San Mateo, this is page 15

58, this was nesting the North San Mateo and South San 16

Mateo Districts. 17

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: Comments. It’s all right? 18

Okay, let’s move on. 19

MS. CLARK: Okay, next, if we look at the Silicon 20

Valley, San Jose District. 21

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: Comments? This is nice and 22

neat. All right, let’s move on. 23

MS. CLARK: Okay, this is the Milpitas, Hayward, 24

West Alameda County District. It’s on page 58. And this 25

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is the plans that we’re –- the tri-city area is intact –- 1

oh, page 56. 2

COMMISSIONER BLANCO: Where is East Foothills? 3

MS. CLARK: East Foothills was in the last 4

Assembly Districts, that was again with South Santa Clara 5

County, I believe, and so that is included. 6

COMMISSIONER BLANCO: So Alum Rock here is 7

separated from San Jose? 8

MS. CLARK: Yes. 9

COMMISSIONER BLANCO: That’s potentially an 10

issue. I know that’s a very -– people consider that 11

really to be part of San Jose, I don’t know what you can 12

do about that, but – 13

COMMISSIONER DAI: It’s part of the Merced 14

District, right? 15

COMMISSIONER BLANCO: Is it Merced? Yeah. 16

MS. CLARK: Yeah. 17

COMMISSIONER BLANCO: Yeah, probably can’t do 18

anything about it. 19

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: Okay, any other comments? 20

Commissioner Barabba? 21

COMMISIONER BARABBA: The Senate District might 22

have the potential of, when we get down to a 23

Congressional District, that might be more acceptable to 24

the visitors we had this morning. I’m not saying we 25

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should do that, but I’m just saying when we think about 1

the next generation, I think this would be much more 2

amendable to what they were talking about, something like 3

this, and I understand you have to put 300,000 people 4

out, but – 5

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: Yeah, you’re right. That’s 6

exactly what we’re talking about. Okay, this is good. 7

MS. CLARK: Okay. 8

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: Commissioner Ancheta. 9


Merced Senate? 11

MS. CLARK: On the Merced Senate? 12




MS. CLARK: For all groups or –- 16


MS. CLARK: Okay. 39.72. 18

COMMISSIONER ANCHETA: Okay, thank you. I just 19

wanted to confirm something. All right, that’s fine. 20

COMMISSIONER DAI: And as I recall, we looked at 21

two iterations of this and this was the only one that 22

wasn’t going to retrogress. Is that correct? 23

MS. CLARK: For the Merced Senate District? 24

Actually, we –- okay, moving forward to this, I guess, we 25

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discovered that we could nest this East Monterey District 1

with the Merced Assembly District where the Merced 2

District used to come down here and pick up this area in 3

Madera County, and this does not retrogress, as well. If 4

we were not to next these two seats, then we found that 5

just because of differences in the boundaries and 6

therefore differences in population, there was a pocket 7

of 200,000 individuals that were without a district, and 8

moving those around obviously just the population in 9

Northern California is so spread out that it would have 10

had a major impact on the configurations of all of the 11

Senate Districts to the north and would potentially not 12

be able to respect geographic boundaries. 13

COMMISSIONER DAI: I think it’s just important to 14

note this for the record because we’re kind of, as I 15

remember, we’re kind of killing two birds with one stone 16

here –- 17

MS. CLARK: Yes. 18

COMMISSIONER DAI: -- we’re dealing with both the 19

Merced District and the Monterey Section 5 Districts and 20

enabling non-retrogression in both cases. 21

MS. CLARK: Right. And actually, at least for 22

the Merced end of things, then there previously was 23

concern about the API VAP numbers and they’re boosted in 24

this configuration. 25

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COMMISSIONER DAI: Seriously boosted. Yeah, 1

because I think this is one of those things where people 2

are going to say, “Hey, you went over the mountains,” and 3

so this is a Section 5 –- 4

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: Yeah, it’s a lock. Okay, any 5

other comments. 6

COMMISSIONER DI GUILIO: And this is the only 7

time we did break that mountain rule, is it not? In all 8

our districts, this is the only time we went over the 9

mountain, as I recall. 10

MS. CLARK: Yes, that’s right. 11

COMMISSIONER DI GUILIO: Okay, so it’s just 12

simply for Section 5. 13

MS. CLARK: Yes. 14

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: Commissioner Barabba. 15

COMMISSIONER BARABBA: There are a lot of 16

highways that have got to cross there to those mountains. 17

MS. CLARK: Should we continue with the Bay Area? 18

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: Yeah, let’s continue. It’s 19

all right, okay? All right. 20

MS. CLARK: If we take a look here at this 21

Oakland-Richmond-based district, and we’re sort of 22

following -- on page 56 -- following the 880 Corridor. 23

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: Comments? Looks good. All 24

right, let’s move on. 25

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MS. CLARK: If we move on to East Alameda-West 1

Contra Costa, on page 56, as well, again, this is just 2

this East Alameda Assembly District nested with the West 3

Contra Costa District. 4

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: Comments? Looks good. 5

MS. CLARK: All right. So here is the Stockton, 6

San Joaquin, and East Stanislaus County seats nested. 7

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: Yeah, what map is that? 8

MS. MAC DONALD: One moment. Here we go. Page 9

61. 10

COMMISSIONER DI GUILIO: I just feel bad for Lodi 11

in the Assembly and the Senate, it’s just not a part of 12

this region which it really is. You know, the trade-off 13

between you put Tracy up there with Solano County, just 14

in a bad place. The only thing I would say is maybe in 15

regards to –- I think in terms of San Joaquin County, the 16

Stanislaus County, you know, you have Delano, did you 17

have to do what you did in the Merced Western Stanislaus 18

for population based and going into the City of Modesto? 19

Because I think there’s a more natural break with Delano 20

in with the Stanislaus Merced, and keeping more Modesto 21

whole, but maybe -– I don’t know if you had to do that 22

for numbers. 23

MS. CLARK: I think that we can change that, just 24

looking at the benchmark matched between East Monterey 25

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and Merced, I think that it should be fine. I could sort 1

of do a more clean break here at Modesto and then include 2

Turlock in Stanislaus County. 3

COMMISSIONER DI GUILIO: I think that would 4

probably be better. I think Modesto bore the brunt on 5

some of those other ones, so maybe if you try –- and I 6

think you could do that legitimately and it would be for 7

the southern part of Stanislaus County. Thank you. I 8

don’t talk about illegitimacy on the record. 9

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: Any other comments? All 10

right, let’s move on. Hold on. Note-takers asking a 11

question. 12

MS. MAC DONALD: I’m sorry, a clarification about 13

Delano? 14

COMMISSIONER DI GUILIO: I was suggesting that if 15

you put Delano into the Merced Stanislaus one and then 16

instead try to keep the integrity of more of Modesto and 17

to the San Joaquin-Stanislaus. Does that make sense? 18

MS. MAC DONALD: Yes. Thank you. 19

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: All right, next. 20

MS. CLARK: So we already saw this Merced 21

Monterey District. I’d like to move on to Kings, page 22

60. The boundaries haven’t changed on this district 23

since you saw it last. 24

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: Comments? We are done. 25

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MS. CLARK: Okay. 1

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: It’s good, good for now. 2

Let’s go. Next. 3

MS. CLARK: On page 53, the Foothills District, 4

this was one of the areas that we couldn’t nest because 5

of Kings. Those boundaries can’t really change because 6

the LVAP is so high and, to meet the benchmark, there is 7

just really very specific places where the lines cannot 8

go. But here I nested this with as much for population 9

with as much of Eastern Fresno County as possible, and 10

then came in here to Western Fresno County and picked up 11

the remainder of the City of Fresno for population and I 12

believe that, unless the Commission is interested in 13

nesting it with like the mountain cap district, then 14

there is not really another option than to nest it with 15

like some Metropolitan area just for population reasons. 16

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: Comments. Commissioner 17

Blanco. 18

COMMISSIONER BLANCO: Just a question. Is Fresno 19

split in all three maps? 20

MS. CLARK: Yes. And because of Section 5 21

issues, I don’t believe that there’s a way not to split 22

it, as well as there being quite a bit of COI testimony 23

advocating for the split. 24

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: All right, any other 25

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comments? Looks good? All right, let’s move on. 1

MS. CLARK: If we move on to this Tulare 2

District, which is just south of the Foothills. Page 60. 3

So this is just the western –- I’m sorry, the southern 4

part of East Fresno County. On the north end of this 5

district, it does come up here into the Fresno 6

Metropolitan Area and picks up the City of Clovis and 7

then in here it grabs Visalia and the City of Tulare, the 8

remainder of Tulare County that is not in this Kings 9

District, and then picks up the rest of Kern, including 10

Bakersfield, or the remainder of Bakersfield that is not 11

in the Section 5 District. 12

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: Comments. Looks good? All 13

right, let’s go forward. 14

MS. CLARK: If we look at this Central Coast 15

District, this is nesting West Monterey County with San 16

Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara. This again is a Section 5 17

District and it does not retrogress. 18

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: Comments. Looks good? Okay, 19

let’s go forward. 20

MS. CLARK: So that was on page 60. 21

COMMISSIONER DI GUILIO: I’m sorry, what was that 22

southern boundary in Santa Barbara? 23

MS. CLARK: North Goleta. 24

COMMISSIONER DI GUILIO: Yeah, that’s right, 25

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north of Goleta. Okay. Thank you, just a reminder. 1

MS. CLARK: Okay, and this one isn’t nested yet, 2

but it’s this West Ventura into Coastal Santa Barbara 3

County and it would be nested with this Assembly 4

District, as well, which we –- yeah. 5

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: What map are we looking at, 6

62? 7

MS. CLARK: This is page 62. 8

COMMISSIONER DI GUILIO: So, on page 62, that’s 9

half the district, the other half would be the eastern -– 10

MS. CLARK: Right, that’s half the district. I, 11

at the time of printing, wasn’t sure what those Eastern 12

Ventura boundaries would look like just based on merging 13

with the Los Angeles County Districts. 14

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: Other comments? All right, 15

looks good. 16

COMMISSIONER AGUIRRE: Just one question. Does 17

that keep most of Ventura whole? 18

MS. CLARK: Yes, most of Ventura would be whole 19

with the exception either of, again, either splitting 20

Thousand Oaks or Simi Valley. 21

COMMISSIONER AGUIRRE: Okay, let’s move on. 22

MS. CLARK: That’s it for Senate Districts. I 23

could use a few moments to put my Senate District lines 24

and Tamina’s with Nicole and Alex’s, and then we can move 25

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on to Board of Equalization. 1


MS. CLARK: Yes, please. 3

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: All right, let’s take 10 4

minutes. If anybody needs to go, go right ahead. 5

(Recess at 8:26 p.m.) 6

(Reconvene at 8:33 p.m.) 7

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: All right, let’s begin. 8

MS. MAC DONALD: We’re going to try to put the BOE 9

Districts together since we haven’t talked about those at 10

all, and basically the way to do this would be to select 11

10 Senate Districts for each Board of Equalization 12

District. Just FYI, we currently have two BOE Districts 13

that have a Section 5 County in them, so we’re looking at 14

two potential retrogressions from that particular 15

perspective. And I would just suggest that we perhaps –- 16

I mean, I don’t know, do you want to look at the current 17

BOE Districts? Because they’re usually kind of a mystery 18

and nobody really looks at them. So, we’ll put them up 19

right now. Would you like us to put up the counties? Or 20

does this give you a general idea? You can see this 21

okay? All right. 22

COMMISSIONER DAI: So I think it makes sense to 23

put all the L.A. ones together. 24

MS. MAC DONALD: Should we start at the top, or 25

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would you like to start at the bottom? Or how would you 1

like to do it? 2

COMMISSIONER DAI: I was just going to say just 3

start with L.A. because that’s kind of obvious. 4

MS. MAC DONALD: Okay, we’re going to get ready 5

to select them. Okay, we can start with L.A., I’m just 6

concerned because we have Section 5 and retrogression 7

issues, so are you sure you want to start down there? 8

No, we can make changes later, it’s just that in L.A., I 9

mean, it’s four districts, you know, we’ve just gone 10

through, what, 170-something, so…. 11

MS. CLARK: That’s seven. Where should the 12

other three be? 13

COMMISSIONER BARABBA: Would it be better to drop 14

the Santa Clarita one and pick up the Ventura one? 15

MS. CLARK: I would like to also remind everybody 16

that these two districts will be one district, right? So 17

they weren’t joined as one Senate District, but this West 18

Ventura and East Ventura is one district. 19


back up for a moment? 21

COMMISSIONER ANCHETA: Just for the record, we 22

need to have some kind of underlying principle because 23

this is sort of the pretty picture criteria being 24

developed here. I would like to start with the Section 5 25

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retrogression issue and then work around that. 1

MS. MAC DONALD: That’s a great idea. 2

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: Good comeback. 3

MS. MAC DONALD: Would you like to start on the 4

east or on the west? West. One, two – 5

COMMISSIONER ANCHETA: So, do you have benchmark 6

numbers for the current? 7

MS. MAC DONALD: Yes, we have them. 8

MS. CLARK: We do. So right now, Kings, Yuba, 9

and Merced are in the same Board of Equalization 10

District. The percent Latino VAP is 34.34, the percent 11

Black VAP is 5.49, and the percent API VAP is 8.27. And 12

for Monterey, the percent Latino VAP is 22.61, the 13

percent Black VAP is 5.78, and the percent API VAP is 14

20.86. Would anybody like me to repeat any of those? 15

COMMISSIONER BARABBA: Chair? I have a question. 16

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: Commissioner Barabba. 17

COMMISSIONER BARABBA: How far off are the 18

current districts from people population? 19

MS. CLARK: One moment. This is negative 3.83 20

percent deviation. Oh, just this one which is the North 21

Coast and it comes all the way down past Monterey County. 22

COMMISSIONER BARABBA: Well, wouldn’t it be 23

easier to just take the existing ones and refine them so 24

that they come out to equal population? 25

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MS. MAC DONALD: I would like to pose that 1

question to our General Counsel and what does Proposition 2

11 say about that. 3

MR. MILLER: I would ask the Reporter to repeat 4

the question. 5

COMMISSIONER BARABBA: The question is, can we 6

take the existing districts which are not equal 7

population and just modify them until they are? 8

MR. MILLER: Well, I don’t think there is a 9

separate rule for Board of Equalization Districts in 10

terms of starting with those districts, as compared with 11

other districts under the proposition. The law tells us 12

to draw the new districts without regard to the old 13

districts and it’s not a separate –- there isn’t a carve-14

out exception for Board of Equalization. 15

COMMISSIONER BARABBA: Okay. We’ve got to find 16

seven districts. 17

COMMISSIONER BLANCO: Does it say without regard 18

to the existing districts, or to political incumbency? 19

MR. MILLER: I’d double-check, but my 20

recollection is that this, well, okay, let me double-21

check that language. I’ve been reading that to mean -– 22

and I don’t mean to quibble here -– I’ve been reading it 23

to mean the existing districts as opposed to incumbency. 24

I guess we can ask the question, is there another fair 25

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meaning, other than looking at the districts if we, you 1

know, with respect to incumbency. 2

COMMISSIONER BLANCO: I mean, I remember very 3

early in this process we talked about whether we were 4

going to start with a blank map, or with existing, and it 5

was an open question. We chose to do it the way we did, 6

and I’m glad we did it, but I don’t read Prop. 11 to say 7

that we can’t adjust for population in an existing 8

district, as long as we don’t do all the prohibited 9

things that are listed in Prop. 11 and we do all the 10

things we have to do in Prop. 11, so if we could look at 11

these districts, which I suspect are so large that, 12

unless they’re really crazily gerrymandered, which of 13

course is always a possibility, that we might be able to 14

do this as long as we do our traditional criteria that 15

we’re bound to follow. 16

MR. MILLER: Well, certainly I think there is 17

less risk of giving deference to an incumbency in these 18

large districts like this, than, say, in an Assembly 19

District where you’re doing a similar analysis. You 20

know, if you want to consider what districts are within a 21

Board of Equalization District, particularly at this 22

stage, I think that’s a reasonable analysis to make. 23

But, as you point out, we do want to be cautious that 24

incumbency is not asserted as one of the criteria that 25

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was used even if it comes in through back door way. 1

COMMISSIONER BLANCO: I would agree. I don’t 2

have a preference, I just think it’s a little – maybe it 3

is quibbling, but I think it’s a little bit different, 4

you know, with these very large things and we weren’t 5

told explicitly to not look at a district. 6

MR. MILLER: I would just say I think you’ve 7

taken the right road by starting with a blank map and I 8

think that goes a very long way toward erasing an 9

argument that incumbency could be raised as a 10

consideration in any of the districts that you’ve just 11

drawn. 12

COMMISSIONER ANCHETA: Can I just –- if we go 13

back to the retrogression analysis, because I think we 14

have two districts that have Section 5 issues, so why 15

don’t we just do the first one, and then do the second 16

one, which covers half of the state, basically? So, 17

basically just putting up what is close to what is the 18

current western Board of Equalization District and just 19

see what the numbers produce. 20

MS. CLARK: Okay. So there is one. So, I just 21

added this one in here because this is the Section 5 22

District in the current like West Coast Board of 23

Equalization District, so just to have this one covered 24

for sure, and then the next eight can be up to the 25

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Commission? Okay. Maybe attaching them together would 1

be –- 2

COMMISSIONER DAI: I was going to say, let’s make 3

Monterey whole. 4

MR. MILLER: If it’s helpful to the process, I 5

did look at the language here and Commissioner Blanco has 6

stated this correctly, and based on the language here, if 7

you wanted to look at the existing Senate Districts that 8

are used, I think that would not be inappropriate under 9

the statute. 10

MS. MAC DONALD: And furthermore, I’m reading, 11

I’ve actually just pulled it up myself, as well, 12

basically it’s the same nesting criteria that we have for 13

everything else, so if it doesn’t conflict with any of 14

the other criteria, then we can nest 10 Senate Districts 15

for a Board of Equalization District and we can certainly 16

start there, we can make modifications, there’s nothing 17

that says we absolutely have to. 18

COMMISSIONER DAI: So did we get the other half 19

of Monterey? 20

COMMISSIONER ANCHETA: Yeah, how many are left 21

until we get to Monterey? 22

MS. CLARK: The other half of Monterey is right 23

here and, right now, it is wholly intact in one Board of 24

Equalization District, however, with the way that these 25

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Senate Districts are configured, then that would also 1

pull Merced into this Board of Equalization District. 2

COMMISSIONER DAI: That’s okay, though, right? 3

MS. CLARK: That’s okay, but it might make both 4

–- I believe that would make both Board of Equalization 5

Districts required to meet the Merced standard -- the 6

Merced benchmark -- so instead of just Monterey needing 7

to meet 22.61 and Merced needing to meet 34.34, it would 8

make both need to meet 34.34. 9

COMMISSIONER DAI: So I would suggest just 10

cleaning this one up, I mean, this might be an example 11

where we don’t want to nest exactly, then. So, just go 12

with the counties and put Merced -– this would be the 13

clean-up. It will be a perfect nesting. 14

MS. CLARK: Okay. 15

COMMISSIONER DAI: Does that make sense to 16

everyone? 17

COMMISSIONER DI GUILIO: So say that again? So 18

you’re saying just do the eastern part of Monterey –- 19


COMMISSIONER DI GUILIO: -- without –- take –- 21

COMMISSIONER DAI: Take out Merced, basically, 22

and unnest [sic] it and it makes that in its own 23

district. 24

COMMISSIONER DI GUILIO: Yeah, you’ll have to 25

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split another Senate somewhere. I don’t think that’ll be 1

too difficult, but …. 2

MS. CLARK: So, something like this? So that’s 3

about five Senate Districts, so –- 4

COMMISSIONER BARABBA: So you need to fill in all 5

the way – 6

COMMISSIONER DAI: Fill in the Bay Area? That’s 7

five. 8

MS. CLARK: Yeah, I think that that’s 10. 9

COMMISSIONER DI GUILIO: So what’s that little –- 10

is that the little one right there that we left off 11

because there was a split? So Santa Clara is going to 12

have to go with –- 13

COMMISSIONER DAI: With the rest of Monterey. 14

MS. CLARK: Okay. 15

COMMISSIONER DAI: Yeah, because that was 16

originally attached to the Monterey District. 17

MS. CLARK: Okay, something like that? 18

COMMISSIONER DAI: Something like that. 19

MS. CLARK: Okay. 20

COMMISSIONER DAI: I have a question maybe for 21

other folks who might know a little bit more about the 22

Board of Equalization. I would imagine that it would 23

make sense, with the exception of trying to equalize 24

population that we try to keep counties whole for the 25

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State Board of Equalization? And then just try to only 1

split one county? 2

COMMISSIONER BARABBA: It appears that’s what the 3

current districts look like, the current districts tend 4

to be made up of counties. 5

COMMISSIONER DAI: So there might be some clean-6

up. 7

MS. CLARK: Yes. 8

COMMISSIONER DI GUILIO: So, Commissioner Dai, 9

you are suggesting that we kind of keep this framework, 10

but then shift it so that it respects county boundaries? 11

Okay. 12

COMMISSIONER ANCHETA: So is this 10 or 10 and a 13

half, or nine and a half? 14

MS. CLARK: I think that’s 10 because Merced went 15

east and then Santa Clara was included, so –- 16

COMMISSIONER ANCHETA: It adds up to 10. 17

COMMISSIONER YAO: Chair Ontai, may I suggest a 18

similar but slightly different approach? First of all, 19

color the Section 5 counties in a different color, just 20

the counties, not Senate Districts, just the counties by 21

itself. Okay, now go from the coast and also go from the 22

east side and start working it in, and fill out as many 23

complete counties as you can, and then what’s left are 24

the counties that would include -- districts that would 25

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include these Section 5 counties, and then we could give 1

direction about how to split these up equally so that 2

half of it falls into the district on the mountain side, 3

and the other half falls into the district on the coastal 4

side. And keep the counties the same way as the current 5

Board of Equalization Districts so that you can basically 6

meet the similar requirements. 7

COMMISSIONER BARABBA: But you can’t keep the 8

same counties because we’ve shifted population. 9

COMMISSIONER YAO: No, it’s the county that has 10

the Section 5 requirement, so as long as we keep the 11

county intact, then we can basically meet the Section 5 12

requirements. 13

COMMISSIONER ANCHETA: No, that’s not true, not 14

necessarily. Can we just get the numbers so it will 15

allow us to compare the Section 5 benchmark with the 16

current? 17

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: Can we do that? 18

MS. CLARK: We would have to watch the blue 19

circle spin for a while. 20

MS. MAC DONALD: You know if you wanted to, you 21

could just give us direction and we could figure it out 22

if you’d like to keep as many counties as possible 23

together, and then basically make sure that we meet the 24

benchmark, and then, with some general direction about 25

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L.A. and Southern California, because I think we’re kind 1

of boxed in with Northern California anyway? I mean, if 2

you’re comfortable with that. I mean, I just texted Ana 3

for some guidance on Section 5 because, you know, she did 4

used to work on Section 5 for the DOJ, so she does know a 5

lot about it, but she is apparently not reachable right 6

now, unfortunately. So -- 7


know, is Mr. Kolkey available by phone, or Mr. Brown? 9

And were they tracking the BOE issues or anticipating 10

them at all? 11

MR. MILLER: We have not discussed the Board of 12

Equalization Districts. Now, whether they’ve 13

independently thought of them, I’m not sure. I will be 14

glad to see if I can reach one. I can’t guarantee at 15

this point. 16

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: Commissioner Barabba. 17

COMMISSIONER BARABBA: I would suggest that we 18

take Ms. Mac Donald up on her suggestion, with the 19

condition that whatever they come up with that it looks 20

equal, and is reviewed by our counsel, and then we would 21

see the results of that. 22

MR. MILLER: There certainly is the opportunity 23

to have some colloquy between now and Thursday about 24

them, between the two. 25

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COMMISSIONER DAI: Yeah, I mean, I agree with 1

Commissioner Barabba, I think we should just do this 2

approximately and then have them tweak as needed. But, I 3

mean, if we have a general agreement on what these 4

districts look like, I mean, I think we’re going to do an 5

L.A. District, we’re obviously going to do the other half 6

of Northern California, and then there’s going to be a 7

southern district, so I don’t think it’s going to be a 8

big surprise, but let’s just see what the 10 districts, 9

this way, look like and then we’ll just give direction to 10

Q2 to clean it up. 11

MS. MAC DONALD: I would like to look at L.A. 12

perhaps one more time, just so you can give some general 13

direction about which way you’d like to move. 14

COMMISSIONER DAI: Well, I actually think we 15

should just fill in the right half of the Northern 16

California and see how far down it goes. And that will 17

tell us a little bit about L.A., I think. 18

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: Commissioner Yao. 19

COMMISSIONER YAO: Chair Ontai, I think we over-20

simplified the Board of Equalization District. The 21

district has an identical requirement from the Assembly 22

District and the Senate District and the Congressional 23

Districts, we have to take the community of interest into 24

consideration, it is not just a population balance. The 25

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existing district, or the way we have to start drawing 1

it, we can argue that we have coastal communities, they 2

have similar communities of interest, and likewise 3

perhaps with the snow cap -– I guess that was the term 4

used, or the mountain regions, and likewise in the 5

Southern California area we can say Los Angeles proper 6

would be one district. But I don’t think we can just 7

simply let it happen, that as long as the population is 8

okay, then that would meet the requirement. I don’t 9

think that’s our charter at all. 10

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: Commissioner Ward. 11

COMMISSIONER WARD: I think the way I understood 12

it in regards to communities of interest and something 13

such as the Board of Equalization, is the communities of 14

interest are always local, and with the size of a Board 15

of Equalization District, it’s virtually impossible to 16

consider community of interest testimony because over 17

such large areas, they can never be defined as local, 18

they are competing and they are segregated throughout. 19

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: Commissioner Dai, 20

Commissioner Barabba. 21

COMMISSIONER DAI: I wonder if we can just, 22

unless there is great objection to filling in the right 23

half of Northern California to see how far south it goes? 24

I’d rather just do that than continue to debate the 25

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process here. 1

COMMISSIONER BARABBA: I was going to say, I 2

think what they’ve done on the existing maps is they have 3

a coastal Board of Equalization which looks like a 4

community of interest, and then they have the eastern 5

part of the state, but then the eastern part actually 6

goes right now into Ventura and part of Santa Barbara, so 7

I think they’ve tried their best, but then L.A. is not –- 8

not all of L.A., the current one –- but then everything 9

else is south. And so they’ve tried their best, but 10

maybe you can’t get a community of interest, I think, 11

this size. 12

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: Any other suggestions? 13

COMMISSIONER DAI: How many is that? 14

MS. MAC DONALD: This is nine. 15

COMMISSIONER DAI: And we’re going to have Merced 16

in that one, too, right? 17

MS. MAC DONALD: Yes, it just hasn’t been joined 18

yet. 19

COMMISSIONER DAI: Yeah, so that’s 10 right 20

there, so then that gives us an idea –- it looks like the 21

Santa Clarita one is going to go in the L.A. one, then. 22

MS. MAC DONALD: Okay, so we have eight and a 23

half right now. 24


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COMMISSIONER DI GUILIO: Well, if you have that 1

Lancaster part in San Bernardino, right? That Lancaster- 2

Palmdale, then shouldn’t you go over and get Santa 3

Clarita? 4

COMMISSIONER DAI: Yeah, get Santa Clarita, but 5

then you’re linked with the San Fernando Valley. Is that 6

the Foothills District over there? 7

MS. MAC DONALD: Okay, now we have nine and a 8

half. 9

COMMISSIONER DAI: So we can clean this up, 10

right? So if we want to cut out, we can cut out on the 11

L.A. County line if we want, that could be some of the 12

clean-up. So, what do you think, get the rest of San 13

Bernardino and, well, take the Mountain Foothills 14

District there. 15

MS. MAC DONALD: I think we’re going to start 16

from the bottom and see? 17

COMMISSIONER DAI: Yeah, sounds good. 18


interesting for – again, I’ll speak on behalf of poor 20

Ventura County –- it’s got a split personality, half of 21

it is going to go all the way up the coast to the west, 22

and the other half will go all the way up to the Oregon 23

border on the east. 24

MS. MAC DONALD: So we have five right now. All 25

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of Ventura County right now is in one BOE District. 1


thought it was originally going – 3

COMMISSIONER DAI: Put Orange in. 4

MS. MAC DONALD: Put Orange into this? 5



COMMISSIONER DAI: Remember, we can fix this. 8

MS. MAC DONALD: Six, so that’s seven, eight -– 9

COMMISSIONER DAI: What about –- go east. Nine. 10

MS. MAC DONALD: Nine. 11

COMMISSIONER DAI: Ten, right there. 12


COMMISSIONER DAI: So the rest are L.A. And I 14

think we can fix the county lines here. 15

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: That makes sense. 16

COMMISSIONER YAO: There’s really no reason to 17

change the Senate Districts in these areas where it 18

really doesn’t matter; in other words, why wouldn’t you 19

honor the county line more so than the Senate District? 20

COMMISSIONER BARABBA: I think some of their 21

taxes are paid at the county level, aren’t they? So when 22

you look at the current districts, they’re pretty much 23

tied to the counties. 24

COMMISSIONER DAI: That was the reason I 25

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suggested that we stick to counties. 1

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: Yeah, because the counties 2

are responsible for collecting taxes, right? And sales 3

tax, and general tax, and property tax. 4

COMMISSIONER BARABBA: I think it’s something you 5

might want to check with the Board of Equalization and 6

see whether that’s an issue or not. 7

COMMISSIONER FORBES: Counties do not collect 8

sales tax. You fill out something and you send it to the 9

Board of Equalization, and then they send money back to 10

the county, but it all goes to the BOE. 11

COMMISSIONER DI GUILIO: It’s distributed back 12

through the counties. Yeah, so the exit point is to the 13

BOE, the entrance point is through the County. So can we 14

get the general direction again to Q2, that these are our 15

frameworks, so then we work with –- 16

MS. MAC DONALD: I actually have a question. So, 17

if you’d like to clean up some of the county boundaries, 18

what should the deviation be for the purpose of the draft 19

maps? 20

COMMISSIONER DAI: Didn’t we pass the guidance on 21

this already? 22

COMMISSIONER DI GUILIO: Wasn’t that part of –- 23


MS. MAC DONALD: It’s five percent – 25

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COMMISSIONER BARABBA: Five total, yeah. 1


each side. 3

MS. MAC DONALD: Yeah, yeah. 4

COMMISSIONER DI GUILIO: No, the five is the 5

highest, not necessarily 2.5 high and 2.5 low. 6


yes, I see what you’re saying. 8

MS. MAC DONALD: Total deviation of – okay, and 9

then we’ll see what we can do with respect to taking 10

these visualizations and cleaning them up. 11


CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: All right, is that clear? 13

COMMISSIONER DAI: Subject to checking 14

retrogression, of course. 15

MS. MAC DONALD: Yes, and I just want to make 16

clear that the attorneys will have to look at this 17

tomorrow. 18

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: Oh, absolutely. That’s fine. 19

MR. MILLER: I think it’s fair to say the 20

methodology for Board of Equalization is just like it is 21

for the Senate, but on a much larger scale. 22

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: All right, that will be done. 23

So are we done? 24

MS. MAC DONALD: We’re done. Thank you. 25

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CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: It’s clear? Do you have 1

information, all the data you need to wrap it up? 2

COMMISSIONER BARABBA: Now if we just have the 3

time. 4

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: Your note-taker has all the 5

information? 6

MS. MAC DONALD: Yes, she has all the information 7

except for this one because this is actually a screen 8

shot. 9

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: Okay, so we will let you 10

alone and your team, totally alone, to crank this all up 11

all day tomorrow. 12

MS. MAC DONALD: Yes, we will do what we can 13

tomorrow and we’re expecting Commissioner Dai and 14

Ancheta’s notes on San Francisco for whatever I don’t 15

have yet. 16

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: The neighborhood boundary 17

lines. 18

MS. MAC DONALD: Because I have one email about, 19

I think, Assembly, and so I would appreciate getting some 20

further guidance tonight since our Guam office is working 21

at the moment! 22

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: Absolutely. Very good. I do 23

want to ask the Vice Chair Aguirre to give us a rundown 24

of the remainder of the schedule for this week. 25

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COMMISSIONER AGUIRRE: Sure. Thank you very 1

much. Yes, and of course this is for the benefit of not 2

only ourselves as Commissioners, but for the public, as 3

well. Tomorrow, June 8th, we don’t have any meetings 4

planned, although I might remind Commissioners that there 5

is a schedule for PR Training and we have Dai, Ward, and 6

Parvenu at 11:00, Raya, Yao, and Forbes at 11:45, Blanco, 7

Di Guilio and Ontai at 1:00, and myself and Ancheta at 8

1:45. And that’s at our office, 901 P. Street. So that 9

is for tomorrow. Also, if I could remind Commissioners – 10

COMMISSIONER BARABBA: There are some other 11

people that meet later in the afternoon, as I recall, I 12

being one of them. 13


I’m not sure that that’s a complete schedule. 15


COMMISSIONER RAYA: Well, I can look at the 17

schedule if anybody has a question. I accidentally sent 18

the first schedule before I finished it, so then I sent 19

the second one. So, sorry, I have to -– since 200 emails 20

have come in since then…. 21


Barabba and I know when we’re supposed to show up. 23


COMMISSIONER RAYA: Okay, I think everybody is 25

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good for tomorrow. 1

COMMISSIONER AGUIRRE: Also, let me just remind 2

Commissioners that, for the Thursday Agenda, as we’ve 3

done previously, leads should be sending in their details 4

on agenda items for discussion on Thursday and if you 5

could also include a detailed estimated timeline on the 6

items that you suggest? And back again, then, on 7

Thursday, of course, we’ve posted a Business Agenda, 8

which starting at 9:00 in the morning, we expect to work 9

all day, so I’m not sure what that means, other than it 10

will probably be most of the day, if not all day into the 11

evening, but on Friday, June 10th, we are agendizing a 12

business line-drawer meeting from 9:30 in the morning 13

until 12:00 noon for a Q2 presentation on the maps, as 14

noted above, and then we will need to take a vote on 15

those maps and then we have scheduled a Press Conference 16

sometime in the early afternoon. I’ve been asked also if 17

we could possibly on Thursday have lunch at noon because 18

there are some commitments that have come up for the noon 19

hour, so that seems totally reasonable, given our 20

Business Meeting Agenda. So, are there any questions? 21

MR. CLAYPOOL: Commissioner? 22


MR. CLAYPOOL: We’re looking at it, I believe 24

it’s 9:00 until close of business both Thursday and 25

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Friday. 1



CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: All right, any questions from 4

the Commissioners? Commissioner Yao. 5

COMMISSIONER YAO: Could you also cover the 6

Friday agenda, as well? 7


COMMISSIONER YAO: The Press Conference is 9

scheduled at 1:00 sharp? 10

COMMISSIONER AGUIRRE: I’m not sure, has it been? 11

Okay, yes, it will be 1:00 sharp. And is that at the 12

State Capitol? Room 112 at the State Capitol. 13

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: Commissioner Galambos Malloy. 14


little more clarification regarding the Press event, 16

about how long do we anticipate it will take? And then, 17

are we reconvening after the Press event? Or are we 18

going back to our respective regions? 19

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: I was hoping Rob would be 20

here, Mr. Wilcox, but my understanding is that, at 11:30, 21

correct me if I’m wrong, we have a Press Release 22

somewhere between 11:30 and 12:00, and then we have a 23

lunch break, and then we come back at 1:00 to meet with 24

the Press, and I think that’s for an hour, so at 2:00 on, 25

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we’re free to go back to our respective homes. 1

COMMISSIONER AGUIRRE: Does that follow your –- 2

MR. CLAYPOOL: Right, and as I spoke with Rob 3

Wilcox yesterday, and knowing that these plans do change 4

almost hourly sometimes, but yesterday the plan was for 5

you to do press releases in your own region on Monday, 6

but he’ll clarify that tomorrow. So that would free you 7

up from Friday. 8

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: Commissioner Dai. 9

COMMISSIONER DAI: Yeah, I was just going to add 10

that I know there are a number of us scheduled for 11

interviews in Sacramento Friday afternoon after the Press 12

Conference. 13

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: Yeah, and again, I was hoping 14

Mr. Wilcox would be here to fill us in, but I think 15

that’s the general schedule for Friday. Commissioner Di 16

Guilio. 17

COMMISSIONER DI GUILIO: Okay, I think I know 18

what I’m supposed to do, but just to clarify where I’m 19

supposed to be, Thursday we’ll be here? 20


COMMISSIONER DI GUILIO: Friday morning, we’ll be 22

here. 23


COMMISSIONER DI GUILIO: Friday afternoon, we’ll 25

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52 Longwood Drive, San Rafael, California 94901 (415) 457-4417

be at a location yet to be confirmed? It will be the 1

Capitol, you’re sure? Okay. Thank you. 2

MR. CLAYPOOL: And actually it was confirmed that 3

we had a room in the Capitol for the Press Conference 4

earlier. 5

COMMISSIONER AGUIRRE: And I would expect that 6

any questions that you have about the actual details of 7

the conference itself will be shared with us by Rob 8

tomorrow during our training. 9

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: And did Mr. Wilcox recommend 10

that our consultants be there, as well, during the Press 11

Conference? Do you know? 12

COMMISSIONER RAYA: We haven’t discussed that. 13

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: Okay, I mean, they’re here, 14

so you need to tell them that. And, if not, you’re 15

excused. 16

COMMISSIONER RAYA: Well, it’ll be discussed 17

tomorrow. 18

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: All right, any other 19

questions. All right, I want to thank our Mappers 20

[applause] for a yeoman’s job! Terrific. And for our 21

Note-Taker, and Chris, of course, and our Stenographer 22

back there, thank you very much for sticking it out with 23

us. And to the Commissioners, themselves, for a sterling 24

job of commitment and stamina! 25

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52 Longwood Drive, San Rafael, California 94901 (415) 457-4417

COMMISSIONER DI GUILIO: And all our Chairs who 1

got us to this point, thank you, Chairs, for taking that 2

responsibility. 3

CHAIRPERSON ONTAI: And all the Chairs, too. 4

Let’s go home and rest. 5

(Adjourned at 9:15 p.m.) 6