Before i go to sleep, poster analysis

The main image is a combination of 3 close up shots. On the left hand side is half an image of a male actor, similarly on the right hand side of the page is half an image of another male actor. This portrays the idea that if they are brought together they create one unit, making them stronger and more efficient at succeeded at whatever it is they want to. Furthermore they are illustrated in black and white creating an overall negative persona of the two characters, almost suggesting that the mood of the entire movie will be emotional with hints from the ‘dark side’. Contrastingly the middle actor, Nicole Kidman is the only natural colour on the page. As if she is the ‘good girl’. In addition she has deep blue eyes which has connotations of purity and calmness, unlike the other character. As she is positioned between the two males it almost suggests that she is trapped between both of them, perhaps in a love triangle. The title ‘Before I go to sleep’ is the biggest text on the page highlighting that it is an important element in order to draw the attention in from the viewer. The word ‘Before’ informs the audience that something is going to happen because of a previous event, intriguing the audience and making them want to know the storyline. In addition the phase ‘I go to sleep’ is directly below the female characters image, inferring that it is aimed at her. Again this text is in a grey, unlike the rest of the title in red. Highlighting that this is when it all goes wrong for her. The facial expression of all characters are extremely similar. Very flat and bland with no extremely noticeable changes between any of them. Portraying the genre of the movie is a mystery thriller as they are not hinting towards any action instantly suggesting that they purposely not letting anything be go making the audience even more interested. It is emphasises that it is based on a ‘international best-selling novel’ as it is the only text at the top of the page. Meaning that they must be quite reliant upon the already existing audience to ensure that the film is successful. The tag line “who do you trust?” again is positioned in the center of the poster, below the women, suggesting that it is connected to her, maybe due to a lack of trust between her and the two women. As the ‘trust’ is in red, it highlights that this may be a strong theme carried out throughout the film. She may be betrayed by the two men causing her to ‘go to sleep’ As the film ‘Before I go to sleep’ is released in the month of October , it almost contradicts the idea of it being a mystery thriller genre, as October is known for horror movies being released. This is purely because Halloween is during this month and it gets people in the mood going up to the lead up. Teenagers commonly go to watch horror movies leading up to Halloween, suggesting that 15-21 year olds may be their target audience.

Transcript of Before i go to sleep, poster analysis

Page 1: Before i go to sleep, poster analysis

The main image is a combination of 3 close up shots. On the left hand side is half an image of a male actor, similarly on the right hand side of the page is half an image of another male actor. This portrays the idea that if they are brought together they create one unit, making them stronger and more efficient at succeeded at whatever it is they want to. Furthermore they are illustrated in black and white creating an overall negative persona of the two characters, almost suggesting that the mood of the entire movie will be emotional with hints from the ‘dark side’. Contrastingly the middle actor, Nicole Kidman is the only natural colour on the page. As if she is the ‘good girl’. In addition she has deep blue eyes which has connotations of purity and calmness, unlike the other character. As she is positioned between the two males it almost suggests that she is trapped between both of them, perhaps in a love triangle. The title ‘Before I go to sleep’ is the biggest text on the page

highlighting that it is an important element in order to draw the attention in from the viewer. The word ‘Before’ informs the audience that something is going to happen because of a previous event, intriguing the audience and making them want to know the storyline. In addition the phase ‘I go to sleep’ is directly below the female characters image, inferring that it is aimed at her. Again this text is in a grey, unlike the rest of the title in red. Highlighting that this is when it all goes wrong for her.The facial expression of all characters are extremely similar. Very flat and bland with no extremely noticeable changes between any of them. Portraying the genre of the movie is a mystery thriller as they are not hinting towards any action instantly suggesting that they purposely not letting anything be go making the audience even more interested.It is emphasises that it is based on a ‘international best-selling novel’ as it is the only text at the top of the page. Meaning that they must be quite reliant upon the already existing audience to ensure that the film is successful. The tag line “who do you trust?” again is positioned in the center of the poster, below the women, suggesting that it is connected to her, maybe due to a lack of trust between her and the two women. As the ‘trust’ is in red, it highlights that this may be a strong theme carried out throughout the film. She may be betrayed by the two men causing her to ‘go to sleep’ As the film ‘Before I go to sleep’ is released in the month of October, it almost contradicts the idea of it being a mystery thriller genre, as October is known for horror movies being released. This is purely because Halloween is during this month and it gets people in the mood going up to the lead up. Teenagers commonly go to watch horror movies leading up to Halloween, suggesting that 15-21 year olds may be their target audience.