Bee (Earlington, Ky.). (Earlington, KY) 1905-11-23 [p 6]. · A 1d ilk o 1 S THE BEE EARLJNBTON KY a...

A 1d ilk o 1 S THE BEE EARLJNBTON KY > < > i a MaTTER OFhTALTH Elf K J I fi at i + i hL J < LIKI 1 POWDERAbsolutely ii r r HAS MO SUBSTITUTE < A Cream of Tartar Powder ° I free from alum or phos i 1 phatic acid i trc rri 2 MOTION TO KILL Eighty Per Gent of Union Miners Present at Meeting Voted to Slay NonUnion Men FEARFUL TESTIMONY GIVEN BY MEMBER OF UNION IN TENNESSEE Whitwell Term Nov 18 Startling testimony was given before the jury of inquest this evening by a former methber of the minors union who testified that he was present at a meeting of the union since the strike had been on and that Tobe Oux also a member made a motion that each uuion man take a gun and go and Iin4CsClh This witiifss declared that when this motion was put her- eC3yero about seventy five mem bets present rindabout 80 per- cent of those present voted in the affirmative He says that President Bowden aiiitided1tth the mOil trot to resort to such lawless methods as this Another witness described a letter which ho said was written hy District to Board Member Gary a friend at Dunlap in which the witness declared Gary sait in substance that We went after them last nighty an 1 that we lire going to stop tins cole pulling here This was said to have been written the next day after the first fusilade occurred at which time a uumber of houses oqcu pied by coko pullers were rid died with bullets and twp thin nuuion men were shot Another witness testified to i seeing long range rifles loaded with steel bullets in j W Walkx ers store Gov Cox and Gen Hannah are expected bece Mon lay Resolutions The members of Earlington Court No 55k Ben ITur Lodge in session at their lodge adopted the following resolutions in re- gard ¬ to the loss of their beloved member Hugh Olymer whose death occurred Friday Oct 0 1005 Whereas An unwise Creator has seen fit by his mysterious ordering to remove from our midst Bro Hugh Olymer on the Oih day of October Resolved That in the death of Hugh Olymer the lodge has been deprived of the service of a faithful consistent and earnest lllWlIlberI Resolved That our commun ity has loss an excellent citizen till one whose life is worthy of emulationResolved That wo tender our deepest and truest sympathyI to the bereaved Ones in the Jos of their loved one Resolved That these resolu ¬ sinus be spread on the minutes of the lojge a copy sent to be- reaved ¬ ones and published in the E Arlington Bee uuutttntt4 t SJ EiFAWOKTT B JOHNSON 6 HANCoqKi v 8 Attention Farmers All the tobacco growers of Hopkins county ago requested to nrret 111 MadisonviJle Saturday NQV 25 as this is the day set for closing the books Hon Joel B rust of Tennessee willaddress tilE m ting and every tobacco growerin Hopkins county is ur ¬ gently requested to come BRADLE WILSON Acting Chairman Many a patent leather shoe covers t cloven ho > r n ° WE PROVE THAT SPECIFIC BLOOD POISONING IS CURED IP nu TO STAY CURED BY FOERGS REMEDY Imagine the extreme gratitude of a man to Induce him lo per ° wit the publication of such n testimonial as the following I Henry Milan of Evansvillo Ind formerly of EddyvlilOj Ky stato that 1 was cured of a bait case of Blood Poison of three months standing by tho use of Foergs Remedy in the year 1890 or J897 only taken 4 hot tIes I state that I am now and havo never boon troubled with f return of that disease This Remedy cured the sound and well and I recom- mend ¬ it to anyone suffering with that Signed HENRY MILAN Attest SANFORD MoGOWAN and fJD LESTER above information before you if you go on suffering from the curse of tainted blood either primary constitutional as aresultol mercurial treatment dont rail at fate but simply blame yourself for here is a cure absolute fcnd sure Tainted blood manifests itself in the formaf Scrofula Eczema Rheumatic Pains Stiff or Swollen oints Eruptions or Coppercolored Spots on the Face or Body Little Ulcers in the mouth or on the Tongue Sore Throat Swollen Tonsils Falling out of the Hair er Eyebrows and finally a LeprousLike Decay of the Fleshand Bones If you have any one of these symptoms dont delay till too late but go to your druggist and get a bottle of FOERGS REMEDY BOER THE GREAT ALL DRUGGISTS GUARANTEE IT Dont delay but go to your druggist and get a bottle If for druggist does not handle this remedy Bond us for ono 1Yttloor5OO six potties with our absolute or money refunded by or this company- in full All packagcssentln plain wrappers All correspondence strictly confidential I FOERG REMEDY CO Evansvflle a Indiana tl v For Sale Locally By + iV ST BERNA 1 A DRUG STORE and JNO X TAYLOR i r 1 ANOTHER BLOODY nAY ATKISHINEPP 1 If Roughs Kill Jews at End of Church crTiae While the Polict r rLook On HUNllrIS OF PERSECUTED ONESI SLOWLY DYING OF SURYATIIN The ITHtk lUver Which Dlvldea nolhiaulR ami lle arabln Giving Up the Dcnil Slain In Ilemiaralila and ConMlKiied io If Waters Mptl Corpses of Jews St Petersburg Nov 21 Hundreds of Jews were killed and wounded In Kishlnef Sunday when there was a re- newal of the antiSemitic riots The trouble began early in the morning and was at its height Just after the end of church services when the streets were crowded with worshipers The students joined with the Jews to fight the antiJewish element which consisted largely of the criminal ele ¬ ment and there was much bloodshed The militia and police were Inactive the disorders coming to an end late Sunday afternoon when the Jews and their allies forced the roughs to ro ¬ tireScores of shops owned by Jews were demolished by the mobs and women and children who were attending them were attacked w The suffering here among the Jews js terrible Hundreds are slowly dying of starvation St Ptterburlot Strike IB BcliiB Ended St Petersburg Nov 21The gen ¬ oral strike throughout the city Is being brought to a close Workmen every ¬ where are returning to their positions a MnisBcre Vietanis Bullies la lUver Bucharest Nov 21As a ghastly sequel bf the recent bloody outbreaks and massarea in the Russian province of Bessarabia in which Bo many per soils principally lost t 1i11veiJl corpses ot Jews arefoljnd constantly floating down the Pruth hl b divides Roumanla from DessjarabJaI Many of these bodies have bond washed aSKore and others have been takW from the water by Roumanians Whenever the bodies are washed against the Bess rablan shore C0S sacks throw them buck into the rlvflr Roumanians however have been tak from the water and lug the corpses burying them- MuilncerN J irrlve fit America Philadelphia Nov 12A numbQr OJ Russian J who were sailors on boardtfte Kniaz Potcmkinewhca iho mutinjoc curretl last summer arrived r on the Britsh flteamsfilp Merioil Thej and tai ettpNel were met by friends Yorkj Vns nicw Oliici firadunriy Detroit Koy 22Rpv Jo f j Of Lord whowns rrr Uintnil fi91V university in 1831 and taB the oldest living alumnus < 1W Nthe- home of his daughter Mrs wrJ SU lotson at Lalngslmrg Mich PI yearn aY tfJ h St retcrM iir lee Dound- St Petersburg Nov 22 Thoiporla of St Petersburg and Oronstnil are icebound thus precluding the pb3slj uillty of the Minneapolis pr any other American warship visiting those port Will starry A IlHttcibcrK Madrid Nov 2LKing Alfonso ot Spain and Princess Bna of Battehberg only daiighter of PrIncess BVatrice widow of Prince Henry of Battenberg are to be mrrled in May 1006 Death of Editor VrcetorlHM St Louis Nov 21t EmtlPie torius editor of the estliche Post died at his homo in this cttyaged8 years of blood poisoning whldVi fol ¬ lowed a more scratch European Jlaclo American Uoin jr- Schieb iBchPrussia Nov 18r A band of countefr itera who made a specialty of inakiig bogus American m n yihas been apprehendpdi and arresLr > 1 1a- k Y a c AWFUL TRAGEDY IN ILLINOIS Rejected Suitor Mortally Wounds Girl and Cuts His Throat Shot Away Her Jaw and Thea Beat Her Over the Heart With a Club fcprlngfleld I11 NOV 21One of the host horrible tragedies In this history central Illinois wee committed at Vaverly Morgan county Clement Gray mortally wounded Miss Nellie May Rogers with gunshots and then cut his own throat dying almost In ¬ stantly Gray demanded that Miss Rogers marry him They had frequent quarrelsGray went to her home and renewed his demands She again refused He pulled a revolver The first shot tore away her jaw The second acid third went wild She fled into the yard where he beat her head in a frightful manes with a club Believing her dead ho drew a razor across his throat Some time ago Gray consulted a for ¬ tuneteller who predicted his death In two weeks Say Stories lucre KTHUK crated New York Nov 21 Officers of the British squadron which recently vis- Ited New York and Annapolis do rlared on the eve of sailing for Glb rnltnr that the stories of desertions from the squadron wore grossly exag- gerated ¬ Nevertheless fully two hun- dred sailors were lest behind Prize Fur a Story Denver Col Nov 20Fred G Schaffer a wealthy mining manot Denver has given to the Denver Press dull a 1000 bar of bullion to be given as a prize for thebcit storY on Colo ¬ rado written by anyone attending the annual meeting of the National Asso ¬ elation of Press clubs i w Over One Hundred Elves Lot London Nov 20One hundred anfl twentyeight lives were lost by the wreck of the Southwestern railways crosschannel steamer Hilda from Southampton England for St halo on the north coast of France Mnny llvc Kiulnnifered Chicago Nov 22Many lives were endangered by a fire that partially de ¬ stroyed the Commercial building a flveflfory structure In 3olthCbicago Mrs Broadhurst war severely hurt by falling through a skylight The riilll > i lmx Are Ours Kansas City Mok Nov 1Sficretary Taft speaking before the Commercial club of this city on The Philippines declared that The Philippine Islands are ours end must be ours for more than a generation 0 lllfgelow nrettUIiiKT Ujuivi- tLeavenworth Kan Nov 22 Frank G Btgciow the defaulting Milwaukee banker cbnflned In the government prison at Fort Leavenwofth Is said to be shovlri slgns btbr njing down It Is 1ctn Open QucMtlilu iVashtngton Nov 22rAUhough the board of consulting Engineers dacidif In favor of a sea level canal acroaa the isthmus It Is yet anv opelt question as the decision of the board Is not luai A HttFruisfwntHM- onmouU Illr NOV 22 Thepdore P Shonts chairman of the Isjthmlan canal commission his given to Mon ¬ mouth college his alma mater 610 000 towards the college library fund From ltJlhyxfn tit n St Louis Nov 2ThCT coronets Jury found that Minnie Mitchell and Alice Bowers cam to their deaths from asphyxiation They were found dead In their room list Thursday A IlriitrU MUHlwiiil tec l Evansvnie Ind Nov21EUas MU- ter ¬ a laborer threw hot wstpr on his wife nearly scalding her to death because she refused to arise in the morning before he hunt a fire iteported Lent Dur1xoilfi Halifax N S Nov r h ei9iwe Tgian Turbln and crew 16 melt to reported fjff J J of nova Scotia during the re enVgalV n l o FS Yy r r Thanksgiving Turkeys Free Every day until Thanksgiving this store will fur ¬ nish free of charge a nice fat country fed turkey to every purchaser of 1500 or over This is the great- est ¬ treat the people of Evansville and vicinity havei ever had and it will pay you to come 100 miles to ChIIddrins h Remember every article is marked in plain figuresOJ and one price to all L207 MAIN ST EVANSVILLE IND FRED FEILER Passes Away Early Saturday Morning From Hemorr > has of the Brain REGRETFUL SURPRISE TO rRIENDS Mr Fred Feller aged 05 years one of Earliiigtoas well known and respected citizens died Sat urday morning at 1220 oclock from an attack of hemorrhage tho brain from which he suffered several hours earlier at the res- taurant in which he was a co- partner ¬ with Mr Frank B Ar ¬ cold Mr Feiler was born in Gcr4j many on July 7 1850 and came to this country at the age of 3 years with his parents and set ¬ tIed at Louisville He came to Earhugton in 1870 and except for a short tilde had resided in or near this city since theu1 For years Mr Feiler was em ¬ played as weighmnstcr for the St Bernard Mining Oo at their mines and only resigned a short time ago to engage in business He had been a member of the I 0 OF for years gu ¬ mended tion of that order the funeral His parents Mr and Mrs Henry Feiler of Louisville were present at the funeral The intofmeHt took place at Grapevine cemetery Sunday af ¬ ternoon at 3 oclock Services were conducted by Rev J F storyof that vicinity at the cemetery The deceased leaves a wife and one son Win Feiler to survive him The sincere sym ¬ pathy of the community is ex ¬ tended to the bereaved oncsinI their dark hour of sorrow Resolutions St Bernard Lodge Wo 240 Earl ington Ky Nov201905I- Yherefis It has pleased the Supreme Grand Master of tho Universe > tp call from our whist to the GrandLodge on High our lamented and esteemed friend Bro Fred FOllerand- VhtHel In his grand charaC ter of Odd Fellow he displayed by his itfFectionafe regard and lave Ijiflvdeliglit In oiir pleftsnre and prosperity hisI lUituing enr cry for promotipn of aU good atttLchirity nndc Whereas By his atQrling qtiai ities lie won our apprdciatiori kindest affection jind fegards therefore be it f Resolved That in th9 deathQf Bro Feiler tKiRJpdge has lost a noble faith fill and worthy m Ul1 ber and brother and hi wifip a devot c1kinqMl1d loving lius bonaReSolvedThatthis Toile ex- tend ¬ to the bbr ate widot its most profound sympRtJiy in this hour of irreparable loss arid may God ever watch over and protect her Resolved That a memorial page Abe set apart upon the fee ¬ ords of this ledge and that these rt SolUttQtitt bo pre 1 iheiieon 7 iir = < rJ c h 207 MAIN ST > EVAN5V1LLE INpI copy be sent to his family and a copy be sent to the Earlingtpu Bee and the Madisonville Hut tier for publication T R Farq1har 1 Committee J W Lester J E Skeen SEED DISTRIBUTION WiH bt Bc Iun by AirlcuKural Depart ment on Dumber lit Washington Nov 10x The annual distribution of vegetable anti flower seeds by the Depart ¬ inent of Agriculture will begin on Dec 1 and before planting time it is expected tub entire amount aggregating 138000000 packages will be in the hands of the people in all sections of tho country Congress for the past several years has appropriated 250000 for this purpose but a portion of the amount in used for foreign exlyetitneottr other fritTared mutters T h e bulk of the 88000000 packages is subject to the order of Sen ¬ ators and Representatives for distribution among their con- stituents ¬ the Secretary of Ag ¬ riculture reserving one fifth of the entire amount to supply the statistical corps correspondents the Weather Bureau and for other purposes The country haf been divided into six sections with especial regard to climate and soils and the seeds will be sent only to those localities in which their propagation and especIally ¬ of tho and flower va ¬ rieties the department sends out quantities of corn forage and Held seeds to localities to which they are best suited and from which it is thought good result may be obtained G 3 Burhans Testifies After 4 Years GB Burlmns of Carlisle Center N YM writes About four years ago I wrote you stating that I had boon entirely cured of a severe ked nay trouble by taking less than twa bottles of Foloys Kidney curl It entirely stopped tho brick dust wtUf 1 flCittney glad to tray that 1 have never hud ft symptomsduring elapsed and I am evidently urea td stay carob and recommend nlsUfTeihiJ trouble Sold by Juo X Taylor HECLA NEWS liov Mr Boll of Greenville hold aervl s at tlio Hoola ohUroh on last oldI friends wgre Rind to have hUnwUw uYtJtafn MrJno Knot Is adding awothar rOIUtt their cottage home- MissdsQhiiflloJonulpgsatld Gefirr gleBoatlok visited friends in Mor ¬ tons Gap on Tuescj ayv Mr Alexander ancV Dr Gardner are about to oroctfventtw luwe in Tramway street Qhristtanoounty Wilson on Sunday and Monday t MrJno attehdad lAetSunday r a1 rxI on ar leatie > fh9lll You lire tilsw bmk t i1 0 J 1 1

Transcript of Bee (Earlington, Ky.). (Earlington, KY) 1905-11-23 [p 6]. · A 1d ilk o 1 S THE BEE EARLJNBTON KY a...

Page 1: Bee (Earlington, Ky.). (Earlington, KY) 1905-11-23 [p 6]. · A 1d ilk o 1 S THE BEE EARLJNBTON KY a i Elf MaTTER OFhTALTH K J I fi at i + i hL LIKI J < 1 POWDERAbsolutely ii r r HAS


1d ilko







fi at i +

i hL

J <

LIKI1 POWDERAbsolutely ii



HAS MO SUBSTITUTE< A Cream of Tartar Powder °


free from alum or phosi

1 phatic acid itrc rri



Eighty Per Gent of Union Miners

Present at Meeting Voted toSlay NonUnion Men



Whitwell Term Nov 18Startling testimony was givenbefore the jury of inquest thisevening by a former methber ofthe minors union who testifiedthat he was present at a meetingof the union since the strike hadbeen on and that Tobe Oux alsoa member made a motion thateach uuion man take a gun andgo and Iin4CsClh

This witiifss declared thatwhen this motion was put her-

eC3yero about seventy five membets present rindabout 80 per-cent of those present voted inthe affirmative He says thatPresident Bowden aiiitided1tththe mOil trot to resort to suchlawless methods as this Anotherwitness described a letter whichho said was written hy District

toBoard Member Gary a friendat Dunlap in which the witnessdeclared Gary sait in substancethat We went after them lastnighty an 1 that we lire goingto stop tins cole pulling here

This was said to have beenwritten the next day after thefirst fusilade occurred at whichtime a uumber of houses oqcu

pied by coko pullers were riddied with bullets and twp thin

nuuion men were shotAnother witness testified to i

seeing long range rifles loadedwith steel bullets in j W Walkxers store Gov Cox and GenHannah are expected bece Monlay


The members of EarlingtonCourt No 55k Ben ITur Lodgein session at their lodge adoptedthe following resolutions in re-


to the loss of their belovedmember Hugh Olymer whosedeath occurred Friday Oct 0

1005Whereas An unwise Creator

has seen fit by his mysteriousordering to remove from ourmidst Bro Hugh Olymer on theOih day of October

Resolved That in the deathof Hugh Olymer the lodge hasbeen deprived of the service ofa faithful consistent and earnestlllWlIlberI

Resolved That our community has loss an excellent citizentill one whose life is worthy of

emulationResolvedThat wo tender

our deepest and truest sympathyIto the bereaved Ones in the Josof their loved one

Resolved That these resolu ¬

sinus be spread on the minutesof the lojge a copy sent to be-


ones and published in theE Arlington Bee



Attention Farmers

All the tobacco growers ofHopkins county ago requested tonrret 111 MadisonviJle SaturdayNQV 25 as this is the day set forclosing the books Hon Joel Brust of Tennessee willaddresstilE m ting and every tobaccogrowerin Hopkins county is ur¬

gently requested to comeBRADLE WILSON

Acting Chairman

Many a patent leather shoe coverst cloven ho > r




FOERGS REMEDYImagine the extreme gratitude of a man to Induce him lo per

° wit the publication of such n testimonial as the followingI Henry Milan of Evansvillo Ind formerly of EddyvlilOj Ky stato that

1 was cured of a bait case of Blood Poison of three months standing bytho use of Foergs Remedy in the year 1890 or J897 only taken 4 hottIes I state that I am now and havo never boon troubled with

f return of that disease This Remedy cured the sound and well and I recom-mend


it to anyone suffering with that Signed HENRY MILANAttest SANFORD MoGOWAN andfJD LESTER

above information before you if you go on suffering fromthe curse of tainted blood either primary constitutional as aresultolmercurial treatment dont rail at fate but simply blame yourself forhere is a cure absolute fcnd sure Tainted blood manifests itself inthe formaf Scrofula Eczema Rheumatic Pains Stiff or Swollen ointsEruptions or Coppercolored Spots on the Face or Body Little Ulcersin the mouth or on the Tongue Sore Throat Swollen Tonsils Fallingout of the Hair er Eyebrows and finally a LeprousLike Decay of theFleshand Bones If you have any one of these symptoms dont delaytill too late but go to your druggist and get a bottle of


ALL DRUGGISTS GUARANTEE ITDont delay but go to your druggist and get a bottle If for

druggistdoes not handle this remedy Bond us for ono 1Yttloor5OO six pottieswith our absolute or money refunded by or this company-in full All packagcssentln plain wrappers All correspondence strictlyconfidential


FOERG REMEDY CO Evansvflle a Indianatl v For Sale Locally By







IfRoughs Kill Jews at End of Church

crTiae While the Polictr rLook On


The ITHtk lUver Which DlvldeanolhiaulR ami lle arabln GivingUp the Dcnil Slain In Ilemiaralilaand ConMlKiied io If WatersMptl Corpses of Jews

St Petersburg Nov 21 Hundredsof Jews were killed and wounded InKishlnef Sunday when there was a re-newal of the antiSemitic riots Thetrouble began early in the morningand was at its height Just after theend of church services when thestreets were crowded with worshipersThe students joined with the Jews tofight the antiJewish element whichconsisted largely of the criminal ele ¬

ment and there was much bloodshedThe militia and police were Inactivethe disorders coming to an end lateSunday afternoon when the Jews andtheir allies forced the roughs to ro ¬

tireScores of shops owned by Jews weredemolished by the mobs and womenand children who were attending themwere attacked w

The suffering here among the Jewsjs terrible Hundreds are slowly dying

of starvation

St Ptterburlot Strike IB BcliiB EndedSt Petersburg Nov 21The gen ¬

oral strike throughout the city Is being

brought to a close Workmen every¬

where are returning to their positionsa

MnisBcre Vietanis Bullies la lUverBucharest Nov 21As a ghastly

sequel bf the recent bloody outbreaksand massarea in the Russian provinceof Bessarabia in which Bo many persoils principally lost t 1i11veiJlcorpses ot Jews arefoljnd constantlyfloating down the Pruth hl b

divides Roumanla from DessjarabJaI

Many of these bodies have bond washedaSKore and others have been takWfrom the water by Roumanians

Whenever the bodies are washedagainst the Bess rablan shore C0S

sacks throw them buck into the rlvflr

Roumanians however have been takfrom the water andlug the corpses

burying them-



irrlve fit AmericaPhiladelphia Nov 12A numbQr OJ

Russian J who were sailors on boardtfte

Kniaz Potcmkinewhca iho mutinjoccurretl last summer arrived r

on the Britsh flteamsfilp Merioil Thejand tai ettpNelwere met by friendsYorkj

Vns nicw Oliici firadunriyDetroit Koy 22Rpv Jo fj Of

Lord whowns rrr Uintnil fi91Vuniversity in 1831 and taB the

oldest living alumnus < 1W Nthe-

home of his daughter Mrs wrJ SUlotson at Lalngslmrg Mich PIyearn aY tfJhSt retcrM iir lee Dound-

St Petersburg Nov 22 Thoiporlaof St Petersburg and Oronstnil areicebound thus precluding the pb3sljuillty of the Minneapolis pr any otherAmerican warship visiting those port

Will starry A IlHttcibcrKMadrid Nov 2LKing Alfonso ot

Spain and Princess Bna of Battehbergonly daiighter of PrIncess BVatricewidow of Prince Henry of Battenbergare to be mrrled in May 1006

Death of Editor VrcetorlHM

St Louis Nov 21t EmtlPietorius editor of the estliche Postdied at his homo in this cttyaged8years of blood poisoning whldVi fol¬

lowed a more scratch

European Jlaclo American Uoin jr-

Schieb iBchPrussia Nov 18r A bandof countefr itera who made a specialtyof inakiig bogus American m n yihasbeen apprehendpdi and arresLr> 1 1a-





Rejected Suitor Mortally WoundsGirl and Cuts His Throat

Shot Away Her Jaw and Thea BeatHer Over the Heart With

a Club

fcprlngfleld I11 NOV 21One of thehost horrible tragedies In this history

central Illinois wee committed atVaverly Morgan county ClementGray mortally wounded Miss NellieMay Rogers with gunshots and thencut his own throat dying almost In¬

stantly Gray demanded that MissRogers marry him They had frequent

quarrelsGraywent to her home and renewed

his demands She again refused Hepulled a revolver The first shot toreaway her jaw The second acid thirdwent wild She fled into the yardwhere he beat her head in a frightfulmanes with a club Believing herdead ho drew a razor across his throat

Some time ago Gray consulted a for¬

tuneteller who predicted his death Intwo weeks

Say Stories lucre KTHUK cratedNew York Nov 21 Officers of the

British squadron which recently vis-Ited New York and Annapolis dorlared on the eve of sailing for Glbrnltnr that the stories of desertionsfrom the squadron wore grossly exag-


Nevertheless fully two hun-dred sailors were lest behind

Prize Fur a StoryDenver Col Nov 20Fred G

Schaffer a wealthy mining manotDenver has given to the Denver Pressdull a 1000 bar of bullion to be givenas a prize for thebcit storY on Colo¬

rado written by anyone attending theannual meeting of the National Asso ¬

elation of Press clubs i


Over One Hundred Elves LotLondon Nov 20One hundred anfl

twentyeight lives were lost by thewreck of the Southwestern railwayscrosschannel steamer Hilda fromSouthampton England for St haloon the north coast of France

Mnny llvc KiulnniferedChicago Nov 22Many lives were

endangered by a fire that partially de¬

stroyed the Commercial building aflveflfory structure In 3olthCbicagoMrs Broadhurst war severely hurt byfalling through a skylight

The riilll > i lmx Are OursKansas City Mok Nov 1Sficretary

Taft speaking before the Commercialclub of this city on The Philippinesdeclared that The Philippine Islandsare ours end must be ours for morethan a generation


lllfgelow nrettUIiiKT Ujuivi-

tLeavenworth Kan Nov 22 FrankG Btgciow the defaulting Milwaukeebanker cbnflned In the governmentprison at Fort Leavenwofth Is saidto be shovlri slgns btbr njing down

It Is 1ctn Open QucMtliluiVashtngton Nov 22rAUhough the

board of consulting Engineers dacidifIn favor of a sea level canal acroaa theisthmus It Is yet anv opelt question asthe decision of the board Is not luai

A HttFruisfwntHM-onmouU Illr NOV 22 Thepdore

P Shonts chairman of the Isjthmlancanal commission his given to Mon ¬

mouth college his alma mater 610

000 towards the college library fund

From ltJlhyxfn tit n

St Louis Nov 2ThCT coronetsJury found that Minnie Mitchell andAlice Bowers cam to their deathsfrom asphyxiation They were founddead In their room list Thursday

A IlriitrU MUHlwiiil tec lEvansvnie Ind Nov21EUas MU-


a laborer threw hot wstpr on hiswife nearly scalding her to deathbecause she refused to arise in themorning before he hunt a fire

iteported Lent Dur1xoilfiHalifax N S Nov rhei9iwe

Tgian Turbln and crew 16

melt to reported fjff JJ

ofnova Scotia during the re enVgalV

nl o FSYy r


Thanksgiving Turkeys Free

Every day until Thanksgiving this store will fur¬

nish free of charge a nice fat country fed turkey toevery purchaser of 1500 or over This is the great-est


treat the people of Evansville and vicinity haveiever had and it will pay you to come 100 miles to

ChIIddrins h

Remember every article is marked in plain figuresOJand one price to all



Passes Away Early SaturdayMorning From Hemorr >

has of the Brain


Mr Fred Feller aged 05 yearsone of Earliiigtoas well knownand respected citizens died Saturday morning at 1220 oclockfrom an attack of hemorrhagetho brain from which he sufferedseveral hours earlier at the res-

taurant in which he was a co-


with Mr Frank B Ar ¬

coldMr Feiler was born in Gcr4j

many on July 7 1850 and cameto this country at the age of 3years with his parents and set ¬

tIed at Louisville He came toEarhugton in 1870 and exceptfor a short tilde had resided inor near this city since theu1For years Mr Feiler was em ¬

played as weighmnstcr for theSt Bernard Mining Oo at theirmines and only resigned a shorttime ago to engage in businessHe had been a member of the I0 OF for years gu¬

mendedtion of that order thefuneral His parents Mr andMrs Henry Feiler of Louisvillewere present at the funeral

The intofmeHt took place atGrapevine cemetery Sunday af¬

ternoon at 3 oclock Serviceswere conducted by Rev J Fstoryof that vicinity at thecemetery The deceased leavesa wife and one son Win Feilerto survive him The sincere sym ¬

pathy of the community is ex¬

tended to the bereaved oncsinItheir dark hour of sorrow


St Bernard Lodge Wo 240 Earlington Ky Nov201905I-

Yherefis It has pleased theSupreme Grand Master of thoUniverse> tp call from our whistto the GrandLodge on High ourlamented and esteemed friendBro Fred FOllerand-

VhtHel In his grand charaCter of Odd Fellow he displayedby his itfFectionafe regard andlave Ijiflvdeliglit In oiir pleftsnreand prosperity hisIlUituing enrcry for promotipn of aU goodatttLchirity nndcWhereas By his atQrling qtiaiities lie won our apprdciatiorikindest affection jind fegardstherefore be it f

Resolved That in th9 deathQfBro Feiler tKiRJpdge has lost anoble faith fill and worthy m Ul1ber and brother and hi wifip a

devot c1kinqMl1d loving lius

bonaReSolvedThatthis Toile ex-


to the bbr ate widot itsmost profound sympRtJiy in thishour of irreparable loss arid mayGod ever watch over and protecther

Resolved That a memorialpage Abe set apart upon the fee ¬

ords of this ledge and that thesertSolUttQtitt bo pre 1 iheiieon



=< rJ

c h

207 MAIN ST >


copy be sent to his family anda copy be sent to the EarlingtpuBee and the Madisonville Huttier for publication

T R Farq1har 1Committee J W Lester

J E Skeen


WiH bt BcIun by AirlcuKural Depart

ment on Dumber lit

Washington Nov 10x Theannual distribution of vegetableanti flower seeds by the Depart ¬

inent of Agriculture will beginon Dec 1 and before plantingtime it is expected tub entireamount aggregating 138000000packages will be in the hands ofthe people in all sections of thocountry Congress for the pastseveral years has appropriated250000 for this purpose but aportion of the amount in usedfor foreign exlyetitneottrother fritTared mutters T h ebulk of the 88000000 packagesis subject to the order of Sen ¬

ators and Representatives fordistribution among their con-


the Secretary of Ag ¬

riculture reserving one fifth ofthe entire amount to supply thestatistical corps correspondentsthe Weather Bureau and forother purposes The country hafbeen divided into six sectionswith especial regard to climateand soils and the seeds will besent only to those localities inwhich their propagation and

especIally ¬

of tho and flower va ¬

rieties the department sends outquantities of corn forage andHeld seeds to localities to whichthey are best suited and fromwhich it is thought good resultmay be obtained

G 3 Burhans Testifies After 4 YearsG B Burlmns of Carlisle Center

N YM writes About four yearsago I wrote you stating that I hadboon entirely cured of a severe kednay trouble by taking less than twabottles of Foloys Kidney curl Itentirely stopped tho brick dust wtUf 1flCittneyglad to tray that 1 have never hud ft

symptomsduringelapsed and I am evidently urea tdstay carob and recommend

nlsUfTeihiJtroubleSold by Juo X Taylor


liov Mr Boll of Greenville holdaervl s at tlio Hoola ohUroh on lastoldIfriends wgre Rind to have hUnwUwuYtJtafn

MrJno Knot Is adding awotharrOIUtt their cottage home-

MissdsQhiiflloJonulpgsatld GefirrgleBoatlok visited friends in Mor¬

tons Gap on Tuescj ayvMr Alexander ancV Dr Gardner

are about to oroctfventtw luwein Tramway street

QhristtanoountyWilson on Sunday and Monday


MrJno attehdadlAetSunday r

a1 rxI on arleatie >fh9lll You lire tilsw bmk

