Be/Differently (part 1) with Ron Roecker of The Enfluence Group

All information copyright of Enfluence Group © 2011 1 differentl y . sm be / PRSA Western District Conference April 29, 2011


BeDifferently presentation by Rob Roecker and Laura Herlovich at PRSA's 2011 Western District Conference in Las Vegas

Transcript of Be/Differently (part 1) with Ron Roecker of The Enfluence Group

Page 1: Be/Differently (part 1) with Ron Roecker of The Enfluence Group

All information copyright of Enfluence Group © 2011


dif f er ently .


b e /

PRSA Western District ConferenceApril 29, 2011

Page 2: Be/Differently (part 1) with Ron Roecker of The Enfluence Group

All information copyright of Enfluence Group © 2011

B e /W e s t e r n d is t r ic tly .


P!nk is the New BDif

Challenges Facing PR Pros


Clients & Favors & Bears…

Social Media Capabilities (if this is a separate department or practice area, remember “if you have to say you’re cool…”)

Case Studies

Dialogue Navigationsm (New Tools for the PR Driver)

Chums: Laura Herlovich & a Surprise Celebrity Guest (both priceless)

(Note: cool free crap will be given out throughout this presentationas a not-so-subtle way of trying to make you pay attention. We know you people…)

Page 3: Be/Differently (part 1) with Ron Roecker of The Enfluence Group

All information copyright of Enfluence Group © 2011

be / differentlydifferently. .

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T h e d e f in i t io n

Page 4: Be/Differently (part 1) with Ron Roecker of The Enfluence Group

All information copyright of Enfluence Group © 2011

B e / d if f e r e n t l y & S h e S p u n d o wn f r o m t h e r a f t e r s …

…s h e w a s a S u p e r s t a r …

…a t la s t .

…in t o a s e a o f 12 ,0 0 0 f a n s wh o , a l l o n t h e ir f e e t , we r e l e t t in g h e r k n o w…

Page 5: Be/Differently (part 1) with Ron Roecker of The Enfluence Group

All information copyright of Enfluence Group © 2011

Social/Technological RevolutionRecession/Economic Crisis


Global Unrest (Human-Driven)Global Unrest (Nature-Driven)

More4Less MentalityWe Are Fame-ily

There’s No “We” in Faith!

No Consequences

And Media?!X2 BILLION

Content is King




Page 6: Be/Differently (part 1) with Ron Roecker of The Enfluence Group

All information copyright of Enfluence Group © 2011

W h a t d o a l l t h r e e o f t h e s e h a v e in c o m m o n ?


B e /f r a n k ly .

S e c r e t a r yS t e w a r d e s s

D is c J o c k e y

Page 7: Be/Differently (part 1) with Ron Roecker of The Enfluence Group

All information copyright of Enfluence Group © 2011

• Stewardess/ n. A woman flight attendant; a woman who attends to the comfort of passengers either on a ship, plane or bus.

Coined 1625-1635


B e /f r a n k ly .

Secretary/ n. A person employed to handle correspondence and do routine work in a business office usually including dictation, filing and the like; secret employee.

Coined in 1360

Disc Jockey/ n. a person who selects, plays, and announces records on a program or at a discotheque.

Coined 1940

Page 8: Be/Differently (part 1) with Ron Roecker of The Enfluence Group

All information copyright of Enfluence Group © 2011

S t e w a r d e s s , D is c J o c k e y, S e c r e t a r y , P e t R o c k , a n d M y S p a c e :

“’P u b l ic is t ’ – y o u a r e …t h e

we a k e s t l in k !”


B e /f r a n k ly .

(Mullet Concurs)

Page 9: Be/Differently (part 1) with Ron Roecker of The Enfluence Group

All information copyright of Enfluence Group © 2011


B e /L i t t le d .

Publicist: n/ An expert or

com m entator on public

affairs; one who publicizes

as in “press agent.”

“Kim Kardashian, Exec Prod, The Spin Crowd.”

Page 10: Be/Differently (part 1) with Ron Roecker of The Enfluence Group

All information copyright of Enfluence Group © 2011


P a r t n e r /w is e ly .

Page 11: Be/Differently (part 1) with Ron Roecker of The Enfluence Group

All information copyright of Enfluence Group © 2011



Quarterly eNewsletter

(A Google Networked Blog)

FACEBOOK *more than 1,100 influential friends


LinkedIn(Network of more

than 800,000)


L iv e /s o c ia l ly .

(2500- influencer Outreach)




Page 12: Be/Differently (part 1) with Ron Roecker of The Enfluence Group

All information copyright of Enfluence Group © 2011

Ase-Cay Tudies-Say