Becoming an Effective Rotary Communicator

Becoming and Effective Rotary Communicator Sharon Tallach Vogelpohl 13 & 14 Jun 2017

Transcript of Becoming an Effective Rotary Communicator

Becoming and Effective Rotary Communicator

Sharon Tallach Vogelpohl13 & 14 Jun 2017

Session Overview

• Background on the People of Action campaign• Developing effective communications• Share stories• Bring the People of Action campaign to life

My Story…

• Rotary “Legacy”• The Power of the Rotary brand

• Building relationships• Building a career

• The opportunity to bring them together

“Seek to understand, then to be understood”

- Steven Covey

Global Awareness

60% 75%

2011 2015

Understanding of Rotary

60% surveyed unfamiliar with a local Rotary club

2015 Global Public Image StudyWhile aware of Rotary by name/emblem, the public lacks a clear understanding about Rotary and our impact

2015 Global Public Image Study

Those familiar with Rotary may have their knowledge shaped by misperceptions or half-truths• Rotary is organization for people “not like me”

• Older, male, members are at different educational and professional levels

• Seen as an exclusive

People join for:• Sense of purpose• Champions causes important to me and makes a difference locally• Friendship/fellowship• Networking• Organization has an established reputation/strong heritage

Barriers: Time, money and never been invited

Campaign Narrative

• Highlight Rotarians as People of Action

• Where others see problems, Rotarians see solutions, possibilities for their community

• Share vision with fellow members and community partners and experts to exchange ideas about potential, lasting solutions

• Mobilize others to take action to bring thoseideas to life

People of Action Strategy

• Narrow gap between awareness & understanding

• Define ‘What is Rotary,’ Impact Rotary makes

• Lay foundation for member engagement, cause, donation and other activities

• Allow Rotary clubs to localize ads for relevance

Overheard: A Rotary Story

Rotarians are an elite group of leaders from all over the world.

I’m a ADG-Elect this year, so I get to represent my club at IC17

which is why I’m going to Atlanta. In my local community, we

get together every week to have a great lunch at an exclusive

hotel downtown. We do lots of amazing projects. I know you

know about our End Polio work. But we do lots of great work

locally as well. We start out each year by pulling together a

committee. This year their committee members included an

RPIC, a DMC, and a DGE and we figured out a way to raise

money throughout the year so we can maximize DDF. This

year we raised more money than we ever have and won the

Club of the Year Award. Our members are very active in the

community and are so proud of the work we do…we believe

we are making a big impact!

Overheard: A Rotary Story

Rotarians are an elite group of leaders from all over the world.

I’m a ADG-Elect this year, so I get to represent my club at IC17

which is why I’m going to Atlanta. In my local community, we

get together every week to have a great lunch at a exclusive

hotel downtown. We do lots of amazing projects. I know you

know about our End Polio Now campaign. But we do lots of

great work locally as well. We start out each year by pulling

together a committee. This year their committee members

included an RPIC, a DMC, and a DGE and we figured out a way

to raise money throughout the year so we can maximize DDF.

This year we raised more money than we ever have and won

the Club of the Year Award. Our members are very active in

the community and are so proud of the work we do…we

believe we are making a big impact!

Effective Storytelling

• Is it tailored to the audience?• WII-FM• Something meaningful?• Supporting statistics that show impact?• Personal anecdote for emotional connection?• Free of jargon?• “Elevator-length”?

The Creative Brief

• Why are we doing this?• Who is our audience?• What do we want to communicate?• What proof do we have?• What do we want them to do?

The Creative Brief

• Why are we doing this?• People don’t understand what Rotary is • People have misperceptions about what we

do• People think there is nothing in it for them

The Creative Brief

• Who is our audience?• Non-Rotarians• Anyone who is driven by purpose

• People who want to make a difference in their local communities

• People who are interested in our causes and the impact we make

• People who are looking for other people like them – to build lasting relationships

The Creative Brief

• What do we want to communicate?• Rotarians are People of Action• Together, we make a difference in local

communities and the global community that benefit you

• There are ways for you to engage

The Creative Brief

• What proof do we have?• Local, national and regional projects• 2.5 Billion immunized against polio• Bats• Books• Battalions• Bushels• Bonding

The Creative Brief

• What do we want them to do?• Learn more• Share an idea• Volunteer • Support• Join

People of Action Launch Team

• Set a goal: 12?• Use your club’s social media channels• Engage partners, beneficiaries, youth program


Even More Resources

• Communications pros in your club

• Rotary district and regional leaders

• Brand Center• New People of Action ads• Messaging Guide• Campaign Guidelines• Logos• Photos


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