Become a Premium Publisher via MonetizeMore!


Transcript of Become a Premium Publisher via MonetizeMore!

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MonetizeMore Overview

MonetizeMore is an industry leader in website monetization. This is achieved with state of the art technology and a

team of dynamic thinkers. MonetizeMore’s business model was pioneered on the fact that publishers know that direct

sales bring in the most lucrative deals. What many publishers don’t know, however, is just how lucrative their unsold

ad inventory can be. Publishers focus their resources on direct sales, and rightfully so, the RPM available through

direct sales is significantly higher than that of an automated ad network. As a result, they ignore the unsold portion of

their advertisements, allowing Google AdSense to handle the ad space they are unable to sell. By leaving the unsold

portion of a publisher’s ad inventory in the hands of an automated ad network, such as Google AdSense, publishers

are missing out on significant revenue. MonetizeMore provides a non-disruptive approach to optimizing unsold ad

inventories, and we do it with no risk to you!

MonetizeMore delivers industry leading ad performance via the following fundamentals:

Ad Optimization – Industry leading ad optimization technology run by a team of dynamic thinkers

Innovation – Revolutionary technology utilized by outside of the box methodologies.

Performance Based Contracts – MonetizeMore is financially incentivized to make you rich.

Optimize your ad inventory today with MonetizeMore and your company will experience exponential growth in


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Industry leading ad optimization technology by a team of dynamic thinkers.

MonetizeMore utilizes its technology and expertise to optimize and expand your current ad inventory to maximize

your ad revenue. Our technology enables four important factors when optimizing your ad inventory:

Increased Targeting: Your ad inventory will be segmented to ensure the most relevant ads are reaching your users.

The segmentation process involves a number of different categories including: verticals, demographics, psycho-

graphics and geographics.

Increased Variety: We expand your ad inventory by introducing a multitude of ad networks to compete against each

other for your impressions. This initiative increases the internal competition within your ad inventory which inevitably

increases the RPM (revenue per thousand impressions) levels as well as increases the variety of advertisements on

your website. Imagine if they showed the same ad six times in a row on T.V. People would be annoyed. So why does

this happen online?

Up to the Minute Day Trading: We act like day traders within your ad inventory. Like buying and selling stocks, our

technology shifts impressions to the highest paying ad networks. Since, RPM levels are always so volatile this is an

essential strategy to maximizing the revenue of every single ad impression. As a result of RPM levels being so

volatile, MonetizeMore works tirelessly in an on-going optimization process to ensure your impressions always go to

the highest bidder.

Strategic Ad Hierarchy: The key to radically increasing ad performance is not by simply adding in several premium

ad networks. Our technology places each ad network in a dynamic interdependent web. Each ad network needs to be

optimized individually and the ad hierarchy is the fundamental basis to each ad network’s optimization. Without an

optimal ad hierarchy, you’ll only have a random rotation of ad networks with underwhelming ad performance.

Once your current ad inventory is optimized an analysis of the ad placements are made. Tests are conducted to find

the most optimal placements for your ad inventory. Once the analysis is completed the advertisements are either

moved to the optimal spots on your website or created. The overall goal of this process is to find the highest paying

ad placements on your website without compromising your users.

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Build new revenue streams without compromising your users.

MonetizeMore doesn’t just optimize standard ad size units; we truly think outside of the box and monetize each

portion of your website:

RSS Feeds

Mobile Sites/Apps

Pre and Post-roll Videos

Exit Pages



The success of our revenue performance results from our custom built optimization process. Unlike our competitors,

who simply plug your website into a cookie cutter design, we develop an innovative optimization strategy for each

website based on its unique characteristics. We are always researching and testing new ways to monetize your

website. Our company is at the forefront of innovative monetization strategies, and we are constantly implementing

new techniques to further improve our client’s ad revenue.

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Our proven performance allows us to offer you a risk free agreement.

MonetizeMore’s innovative technology and customized techniques have proven to create staggering results for our

publishers. If we determine your website is a good fit with our technology, we offer a 100% performance based

contract. We only charge a portion of the additional revenues generated by our optimization strategies and

technology. That means we do not charge if we do not make you additional revenue. We only win, when you win! We

take in all the risk so that you have complete peace of mind when doing business with MonetizeMore.

MonetizeMore offers at least 200% Return on Investment for each performance based contract.