Become a Better Human Being

Become a better Human Being To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else - means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting.

Transcript of Become a Better Human Being

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Become a better Human Being

To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else - means to fight the hardest battle which any human

being can fight; and never stop fighting.

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Here are 10 ways to grow as a person and become a better human being:

1. Compliment Yourself: Whatever you were, wherever you are, whoever you are, be happy with yourself.

Increase your happiness & heighten your happiness quotient each day.

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2. Don’t make excuse, don’t complain & don’t procrastinate.

Stop pointing fingers at your boss, spouse, children or customers. It is a fruitless exercise.

By complaining, you give up your control to others.

Never procrastinate. Never delay or put off things.

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3. Let Go of Anger. It is extremely normal and human to get angry, frustrated, irritated.

To become a better person handle anger wisely and concretely to bring positive results in your life.

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4. Practice Forgiveness. It is not at all easy for anyone to forgive & forget people who have hurt you consciously or unconsciously.

Anyway forgive them. Be as light like a feather & don’t carry these baggage's which will be burdensome. Forgive & forget people who have hurt you & move on.

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5. Be Honest & Straight Forward. Always tell the truth & state as clearly as possible.

If you want to be a better human being, learn to articulate your thoughts, feelings and ideas in an open and honest manner.

If you handle your thoughts / feelings, you will automatically handle yourself well.

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6. Listen to Others. Listening to others is a great virtue. Being a listener by heart and mind can change your life in a purposeful & positive manner.

In mythology, Lord Ganesha is liked & loved by all. It is said that the Almighty God listens more through his large ears & speaks less through his small mouth.

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7. Be Helpful. Help people without any expectations. If you start and continue the practice of helping people at work and at home, your life will turn into a magic.

The happiness, satisfaction and fulfillment which you derive from helping others cannot be expressed in words. It will give immense satisfaction.

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8. Always be Polite. Be polite to people and these simple acts of kindness can make someone’s day.

Even if somebody is curt, behaves badly at your workplace or at home front reciprocate the same by being polite to him. The action of yours shall have a lasting impact.

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9. Be Open to Change. People change, weather change, season changes. Nothing remains constant.

When you visit a new office, or meet a new customer or visit a new country, place initially you feel scared & unsettling. Be open to change & this allows you to grow because you are experiencing something very novel.

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10. Educate Yourself. Being in the globalized economy, we need to be interconnected and bring in the awareness of different cultures, people into our lives.

This will broaden your perspectives about people, places and work ethics.