Bebo Presentation - Measurement Camp Dublin

Measurement Camp “So if I spend 12 grand and I get 4000 friends that means I am spending 3 euro a friend?” NO


Phil Macartney from Bebo presents on measuring social media, at Measurement Camp Dublin.

Transcript of Bebo Presentation - Measurement Camp Dublin

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Measurement Camp

“So if I spend 12 grand and I get 4000 friends that means I am spending 3 euro a friend?”


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Engagement Marketing


Traditional OnlineAd Sales

This is what we sell on the site –

• Sponsorships• Product integration

Video advertising / Open Media

• Pre-rolls• Companion banners

• Brand Profiles• Skins• Widgets• Applications

• MPUs• Banners• Skyscrapers

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Traditional OnlineAd Sales

For this part, there is a value measurement.....

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For this part, there is none....

Engagement Marketing

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Lets break down a campaign...

Lets take a Coca Cola Campaign that ran in April 09

Using low averages from both online and offline media we can try and assess what Bebo should have charged

From the findings here can we extrapolate values to other web 2.0 platforms?

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Display media – before click throughs etc this is exactly the same as a newspaper ad or an outdoor ad.

Avg online cpm 3eu (very low estimate)

At a low figure of 20m impressions across this media this gives us a spend of 60k euro

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This measurement gives us a base from which to build our engagement model

Base = display promoting engagement site/profile

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The next level is the action/the click through

Base = display promoting engagement site/profile

17,000 visits to the page. 17,000 calls to action.What is a fair cost per action here. What value does bringing the consumer to the brands page have?

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The next level is the action/the click through

Base = display promoting engagement site/profile

Would this be the part of the pyramid where blogs could count their impressions at?

To price these can we look at advertorial cpt rates?

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Base = display promoting engagement site/profile

In terms of interactions and engagement the Burn profile page had

126 Comments7 photo uploads70 quizzes taken679 skins used

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Base = display promoting engagement site/profile

What medium or marketing product can we use to give us a low base cpm for this type of interaction?

3 eu cpm

15 eu cpm

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Friends – a part of engagement or something more?

Base = display promoting engagement site/profile

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What about cost per engagement ?

Some brands are now looking at this moving forward

Invert the pyramid and the brand pays for how many engagements it achieves at a very high cpm

This would only be fair if the media owner was given carte blanche over the entire campaign

Otherwise the brands creative might be the reason for poor engagement

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Problems for you to solve in the next hour!

Online valuations in Ireland fluctuate wildly and have no real bearing on traditional marketing values – this undoubtedly has an affect on engagement marketing value measurement

Ratios – if we can figure out a ratio between traditional online marketing and marketing 2.0 it will be easier to get buy in from brands

Potency – where does this type of marketing stand within the media mix?

Grading – can we grade engagement to allow easy adoption of new platforms by marketers and brands?

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