Beautiful Feet



A daily devotional for young women. This is only a sample preview. Full E-book coming soon!

Transcript of Beautiful Feet

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Precious in His Sight“3 Do not let your beauty be that outward adoring of arranging the hair, of wearing gold, or putting on fine apparel— 4 rather let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible ornament of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of God.”

1Peter3:3-4 (NKJV)

It’s been said that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. So, who’s holding you? Sometimes as we stare in the mirror, we ask ourselves the question “Am I beautiful?” We begin to doubt God’s Word when He said that all He has created is good. We begin to doubt ourselves (God’s work of art!) We begin to change the clothes we wear; way we walk and communicate with others. Becoming something we are not. We try to become like other people around us. We lose our individualism or our identity

just to feel beautiful. When in all reality, we’ve just made ourselves look worse. You may feel good physically, but what about spiritually or even mentally? Think about it. You try so hard to impress (look good) for someone who had never noticed you before you changed. But, once you’ve finally caught their interest, are they really interested in YOU?! 1Peter3:3-4 stays we shouldn’t be so focused on our outer appearance, but our inner self. If you’re focusing so much on who you are on the outside, how can a guy find interest in you when you have nothing to show for the inside? Don’t get me wrong. Grooming and hygiene are important. But, what’s more important is a person’s attitude and her inner-self. So, begin to ask yourself the question, “Am I beautiful on the inside?” What makes you on the inside is just as important to keep attractive just as much as your outer appearance.

Reflection1. What is a gentle and quiet spirit? What is beautiful about a gentle and quiet spirit?2. Why do we sometimes worry about our appearance rather it is clothes, make-up, hair?

What does God say we must do?3. Why do you think God is more concerned with our inner beauty?4. What is beauty to you? Define beauty in your own words.5. In your own words, what makes a person beautiful?

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Does He Know You?21 “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. 22 Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ 23 And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’

Matthew 7:21-23 (NKJV)

Yes, God has created each and every one of us, and knew us by name when we were in our mother’s womb. But if He doesn’t have a relationship with us, does He really know us? Think back in the school years, rather you were the popular kid or not. Everyone knew the popular kids. They knew their names, the parties they threw, where they lived, and who their friends were. Like you, all the other kids weren’t really their friends. They knew of them, but they didn’t know them. Their friendships were either non-existent, or limited. But no relationship was formed. You never knew their dreams and aspirations, their struggles or anything. You just knew what everyone else knew.

That is just like Christ. Back in the day when He walked the earth, people said they knew Him or heard of Him, but the disciples followed Him and lived life with Him. They gotten to know Him and build a relationship with Him. Just like today, some of us hear about Him from our friends and loved ones, grew up learning about Him, been introduced to Him, but only a few entered into a relationship with Him. How can He get to know you in a relational way if you never accept His love into your heart, or take time to talk and walk with Him, read His Word, or better yet, find out for yourself Who He say He is? Instead we replace Him with other people, things, and events in our life thinking their relationship with us will satisfy. But Jesus said that everyone who thinks they know Him just because they go to church, don’t really mean they know Him or He them. He warns us by telling us in verse 24-27 we MUST build our foundation on Him! HE IS THE ONLY WAY TO THE FATHER! (John14.) We MUST have a relationship with Him. What better time than now?! What better than start surrendering our hearts to Him!

Reflection1. How could one know the heart of God?2. What are some contents that make a good relationship?3. What do you think Jesus meant by “I never knew you!” though He knows all things.

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4. In what ways could you grow in your relationship with Jesus right now?5. Is there anything hindering you from making this change right now? If so, what?

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Unbreakable Love!37 Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. 38 For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, 39 nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Romans 8:37-39 (NKJV)

This verse says that nothing can or will separate us from His love! There’s nothing we can do or say that will make Him stop loving us. So, if there’s nothing we can do to make Him stop loving us. That means there’s nothing we can do or say to make Him love us anymore. He already loves us to the full capacity that our minds can even fathom! In verse 38 Paul uses the word ‘persuaded’. To persuade someone, it means to convince them or cause to believe something that you believe. This means Paul been through some things walking this

faith. He says he’s convinced that NOTHING can EVER break God’s love for us! No death, life, angels, fallen angels, principalities, powers (worldly powers, evil powers), present things, future things, height, depth, creation, NOTHING! Because His love is found in His Son! Sometimes in life, when we sin, we feel as if God will never love us, can never forgives us, but as we see in Romans 8, it’s far from the truth! Nothing we do or say will separate us. No matter what anybody say about us, it will never separate us! If it could, then that means we work for His love. But we see that in Ephesians 2 that He has given us a FREE gift of eternal life in His Son. We see in John 3:16 that He sent His Son to die for us out of love. If I could earn his love, what purpose would I need for Jesus? Jesus is the ETERNAL sign of His great divine love. And no matter what, His love stands until the end of time. He first created me with divine love, and that love still remains to this day!

Reflection1. Have you ever felt like God couldn’t love you, or stopped loving you at any time in your

life? How did it make you feel?2. After reading this verse and understanding that nothing will break His love for you, how

does it make you feel now?3. How can you apply this truth to your life right now?

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The Gift!8 For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, 9not of works, lest anyone should boast.

Ephesians 2:8-9(NKJV)

If you look up the definition of gift, it will say it is given voluntarily. That person didn’t do anything special to earn it. Like a birthday gift. We didn’t ask to be born, but here we are. Once a year we receive all types of gifts for our birthday. They didn’t

have to buy it, they wanted to. It came from the heart. The only way to receive it, we must reach out and accept the gift. It’s not really ours until we grab it and open it up. It’s the same thing with God. He gives us the gift of eternal life through our faith in His Son! And it’s by His grace that we have this life! But we must accept the gift first. We didn’t do anything to earn this beautiful gift. We just accepted His Son as Lord and Savior in our lives. We can’t work our way up to heaven! Isn’t it wonderful to see that you God died for you, so you wouldn’t have to? It’s simply amazing!

Reflection1. What is eternal life to you?2. What does verse 8 and 10 begin with? What does this word mean or how is it used?3. List 1-3 of the greatest gifts you have received. What made them great gifts?4. God said this salvation is a ‘gift of God’ (vs.8). What is Paul trying to stir up in our hearts

and minds?5. Read vs.9 Paul speaks about good works here. List a few works people consider “good.”

What does he say in this verse? What is he so concerned about? What might people miss about salvation?

6. Why might God want no one to be able to boast about what he has contributed to salvation?

7. Think about you walk so far, have you lived as if you were trusting in your own works for salvation?

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Precious in His Sight“3 Do not let your beauty be that outward adoring of arranging the hair, of wearing gold, or putting on fine apparel— 4 rather let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible ornament of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of God.”

1Peter3:3-4 (NKJV)

It’s been said that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. So, who’s holding you? Sometimes as we stare in the mirror, we ask ourselves the question “Am I beautiful?” We begin to doubt God’s Word when He said that all He has created is good. We begin to doubt ourselves (God’s work of art!) We begin to change the clothes we wear; way we walk and communicate with others. Becoming something we are not. We try to become like other people around us. We lose our individualism or our identity

just to feel beautiful. When in all reality, we’ve just made ourselves look worse. You may feel good physically, but what about spiritually or even mentally? Think about it. You try so hard to impress (look good) for someone who had never noticed you before you changed. But, once you’ve finally caught their interest, are they really interested in YOU?! 1Peter3:3-4 stays we shouldn’t be so focused on our outer appearance, but our inner self. If you’re focusing so much on who you are on the outside, how can a guy find interest in you when you have nothing to show for the inside? Don’t get me wrong. Grooming and hygiene are important. But, what’s more important is a person’s attitude and her inner-self. So, begin to ask yourself the question, “Am I beautiful on the inside?” What makes you on the inside is just as important to keep attractive just as much as your outer appearance.

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Reflection1. What is a gentle and quiet spirit?

What is beautiful about a gentle and quiet spirit?

2. Why do we sometimes worry about our appearance rather it is clothes, make-up, hair? What does God say we must do?

3. Why do you think God is more concerned with our inner beauty?

4. What is beauty to you? Define beauty in your own words.

PrayerWhat is beauty to you? Define beauty in your own words. Hdkjshfjkdshfjhdsjhfjdshfjdshfjhdsjfhsdjhfjdshfjkdshfjdshfjsdhfjhdsjhfdsjhfjdshjhfdjshfajhdsjfhadsjhfjhdsfjhdjhfjhdjfhdjhfjdhsfajhldfhadsjhfjdhsfjahdsjhfdjhfhdsjfhdsufhkjfijdfjkldfkjdlkfjdkljfkladsjfkjdhsfahdjfhjdhfjdskfuerioufdsijkfdkgfmglkfkyhtl;h.;ghlkghpkjphgjhlgknlhkljgkljhdklgjhkldjgfjhdiogfudjsdkjafakjhfbndmngvjbjvfjovw ecmfjkifdg jfmjklfdmoi

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