Beating the Clock: Time Management Strategies Science Foundations Ms. Johnson.

Beating the Clock: Time Management Strategies Science Foundations Ms. Johnson

Transcript of Beating the Clock: Time Management Strategies Science Foundations Ms. Johnson.

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Beating the Clock: Time Management Strategies

Science FoundationsMs. Johnson

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Developing a Study Schedule

• “If procrastination was an Olympic sport, I would win the gold medal.”– Almost half of you can instantly identify

with this statement– There are so many things (Facebook,

Twitter, Insta, texting, eating, sleeping, randomly staring at the wall) that preoccupy us that we forget about the important tasks at hand

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Developing a Study Schedule

• After a long day of classes, clubs, sports, and work, many students have very little mental fire-power left to work with at the end of the day

• The best way to counter this and get the best out of your studying: break it up over time and use that time to the fullest.

• Use the time when you have the most energy• If you study when you are alert, you will find that

you are more productive• This saves your precious, precious time that you devote

to social media, TV, and watching paint dry (aka nothing).

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Effective Studying Tips

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Effective Tips for Studying

1. Break down your studying into small, manageable bits

2. Use a planner to break down your studying time

3. Be flexible about scheduling your time using a nightly to-do-list

4. Get energized to study5. Reward yourself

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Break Down Your Studying Into Small, Manageable Bits

• You will feel less pain if you divide your studying into smaller units of time, versus trying to cram it all in one session

• If you study when you are better rested, you will utilize your time better, and be able to devote time to other things

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Break Down Your Studying Into Small, Manageable Bits (cont.)

• Raise your hand if you are the type of student who crams the night before an exam…– Studies show this is not effective for the vast majority of


• Your mind needs time to process new information– So while there are a few who have made a talent out of

cramming and passing, most of you are not able to study all the material the night before a test

• Some subjects (history and science mainly) require so much memorization that familiarizing yourself with the material takes several nights– The day before a test should always be left for any last

minute details you want to confirm you know correctly and getting a decent night of sleep

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Use a Planner to Break Down Your Studying Time

• It is important to take time and sit down and put your assignments into some sort of organizer (don’t have the time? Make the time ASAP)– Smart phone– Calendar– Planner

• Once you put the assignments into something you can physically see, it is a lot easier to start backdating (breaking down your work day by day to amply prepare for assignments and tests).

• When you begin studying for a test, take into account all the smaller tasks involved in preparing for that test.– For example a test on volcanoes:

• reviewing your notes (3 sets)• reviewing your vocabulary • reviewing models• Complete the review guide

– If you are preparing for a test, come up with a list like this (↑) so you know what tasks you needs to complete

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• In this schedule example, you can see how studying is broken down– Go a step further and

write what you actually plan to study

– Planning ahead allows you to collect missing materials (such as missing notes)

– Planning ahead also allows you the necessary time to ask questions during class review

– With a study plan in place, it keeps you from studying alllllll day and night over the weekend and gives you leisure time.

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Be Flexible About Scheduling Your Time Using a Nightly To-Do List

• If you make a study schedule, and don’t stick to it, DO NOT feel defeated and give up (this will lead you back down the sad road of procrastination)– Learn to be flexible with your schedule– Schedule more time than you will need, so that

if something falls through, your whole system doesn’t cave in

• Don’t fall prey to “magical thinking” (the idea that you will always do what is on your schedule days)

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Be Flexible About Scheduling Your Time Using a Nightly To-Do List (cont.)

• An easy way to stay on track is to have a daily To-do list

• Put the tasks in priority order (maybe do things do earlier in the week first)

• Check them off when you complete them

• Tasks you haven’t completed that night, transfer over to the next nights list

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Delaying Daniel• Daniel, a 7th grader with ADD

and struggles to plan his study time, disagreed with his parents and teachers about the need to set up a structured study schedule. His teachers helped him set up schedules to prepare him for upcoming tests, but he found he could never stick to them. As a result, he would get frustrated and decide to throw away the study schedule entirely.

• How could Daniel have avoided his frustration with the study schedule?

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Get Energized to Study

• Being a student is exhausting (sometimes adults forget this)you go to school all day, have afterschool activities such as a club or a job, spend time with friends, do chores, homework, etc.

• While adults may forget all the baggage you guys carry on your shoulders, sometimes even you guys forget how tired you are as well– you forget that the brain requires rest,

relaxation, and energy to work well

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Get Energized to Study (cont.)

• You need time for your mind to recover after school in order to take on your work and studying– “Recovering” your mind does not mean doing

nothing and wasting time on social media and playing video games for hours (this can actually exhaust your mind more)

• To get your brain refreshed for studying, try:– Taking a 20 minute jog– Listen to some relaxing music for a few minutes– Take a “Power Nap” (no more than 30 mins;

anything longer will leave you feeling more tired)

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Reward Yourself

• Building small rewards into your studying can help you stay on track (the ultimate reward being a good grade, obviously)– For example, each night you cross off all the to-dos in

your calendar, reward yourself by watching TV or hanging out with friends

• Make time in your schedule to fit in time for a reasonable reward that allows you to get your work done but enables you to take a break along the way (consider it the light at the end of the tunnel; “If finish reviewing this chapter tonight, I can take a break and watch TV for a bit”)

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The Top 10 Obstacles

to Studying and How to Defeat


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The Top 10 Obstacles

10. You are distracted by computer games, Facebook, and other electronic amusements.9. You can’t sit down.8. You don’t have time.7. You hate the material.6. You hate the teacher. (but not Ms. Johnson )

5. You aren’t doing well in the class.4. You don’t understand the material.3. You feel too pressured.2. You have too much time.

And the number one Obstacle?

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1. You don’t see the point.

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Combat Electronic Distraction

• UNPLUG– This may sound extreme, but some people

need that. If you’re studying at home and often find yourself checking FB, tweeting, liking Insta pictures, texting, etc. turn it OFF

– If anything, put it on “do not disturb”• You might even find the peace relaxing

– You’ll accomplish a lot more, a lot quicker than checking every six seconds for updates

• Use school computers for homework, and home computers for fun

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Learn to Sit Still

• Once you sit down and get rolling, studying can be easy– The procrastination sets in when you can literally

find anything and everything else to do, but study.• “oh you know, I haven’t given the dog a bath in like 6

years, I should do that now.”

• How to focus:– Get a study buddy (one who forces you to study…so

maybe not your friend who also has focusing problems)• You don’t even really need to talk to the person, some

people can focus just by sitting at a table with a study buddy

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“Where Do I Find the Time????”

• If you find you are constantly pressed for time, step back and analyze what you are doing with your week– You’ll be how much time you spend watching TV, texting, zoning

out, etc.

• Come up with a new schedule that puts studying in place of these “time wasting” activities (but don’t forget the relaxation time slots as well)– For example, stop staring into space, study the subject for 45

minutes serioulsy, and afterwards watch 30 minutes of TV

• Put reminders in your phone so you know when to study• If you are not wasting your time, and genuinely do not have

the time to study, reanalyze your schedule– Cut back on hours at work, reduce hang out time with friends, ask

your coach for study session time instead of practice for a few days.– Remember the point of being in school is to graduate- if these other

tasks become your primary sight, then you are wasting the 4 years of work you put in here

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“I Hate Science” (said no one ever)

• Its unrealistic to expect that you are going to like everything you study in school– You might find that, whether you like it or not,

the more you tend to study a subject and learn it, you can find the material relatable to your life, therefore making it more interesting

• Sometimes your reasoning for not liking a subject may be that you do not understand it– Try asking for help from a student who seems

like they enjoy the subject (they probably understand it pretty well)

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“Professor McGonagall is Soooo Cool, but Professor Snape is Always Such a Jerk…”

• It is also unrealistic to expect that you will like every teacher you come across in your life

• While you may not like the teacher, it does not validate your excuse not to study or care about the class

• If you are having some issues– Talk to the teacher (not

comfortable with that, talk to your Counselor or another teacher about it)

• Fact: people like people who like what they like– Show interest in

the material you are learning (even if you have to fudge it a little bit)

– Participate

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“I’m Failing, and I’m Never Going to Get My Grade Up….”

• It is your job, as a student, to figure out why you are not doing well in class

• Take the time to ask the teacher how to study better– Before a test, you can even ask the teacher what

material to study more specifically or an effective study method

• Set realistic expectations for yourself (set your expectations as stepping stones)– Don’t‘ expect to be failing and instantly go to an A– Each time you do well, reward yourself; it may take

time, but you will get to where you want your grade to be

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“I Just Don’t Get Quantum Mechanics” (yeah, no one does)

• If you don’t understand the material when you sit down to study:– Step 1: stop denying it, and admit it– Step 2: find help (tutor, teacher, parent, etc.)

• Realizing you just don’t get it is the first step towards helping you succeed

• Very few people are naturals; many people need to work, keep working, and work some more to master something

• If you are like 99.9% of the human race when it comes to asking for help, realize you can be better and go ask for help

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Too Much Pressure

• “I’ll just think about that tomorrow.”• Procrastination can be the result of

too much pressure• Feeling stressed:– First figure out why– Give yourself the time necessary to

learn new material (Rome wasn’t built in a day)

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“I Have SOOOO Much Time, I Don’t Know What to Do With It!”

• If you have too much time, you may feel no pressure at all to study, and as a result will fritter away your time

• Too Much Time?– Put some structure in your schedule• Add some productive activities (join a club

or something)• This can put some pressure on you to do

your work during the time you have remaining in your day

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“What is the point of this?”

“I’m never going to use this!”

“How does this apply to my life?!”

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The Point of It All

• Not seeing the point is THE HARDEST OBSTACLE TO OVERCOME

• If you don’t see the point in learning about photosynthesis, you probably won’t work very hard to try to

• Super Easy Solution: Ask what the purpose of it is!– It’ll help you see the point more directly– Teacher can’t answer it? Ask a different one…or ya know

Google works too

• Keep in mind that some subjects you learn in high school are introducing you and preparing you for concepts and skills you will apply later in life (college and beyond)

• Think of it as a game in which you can learn strategy and apply it to earn points

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What are some time constraints you face in your
