Beating Recession:Islamic/Green Perspectives

DR. MUHAMMAD MUKHTAR ALAM EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR(H) CENTRE FOR ECOLOGICAL AUDIT, SOCIAL INCLUSION AND GOVERNANCE , DELHI, INDIA [email protected] TEL:09968345380,09210490942 Celebrating Ecologically Benevolent Recession: Green/Islamic/Monotheistic Perspectives


The presentation is for sharing the key perspectives emanating from Green and Islamic Discourses. Centre for Ecological Audit, Social Inclusion and Governance while making sense of recessions calls for the protection of ecologically sustainable habitats with distributive justice for the renewable resource based livelihoods, habitats and resource. Urgent policy action is needed for halting the ecologically hostile finance system that has collapsed under its own contradictions. Interfaith common commands against usury needs to be built in regulatory framework at various levels.

Transcript of Beating Recession:Islamic/Green Perspectives

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INDIA [email protected] TEL:09968345380,09210490942

Celebrating Ecologically Benevolent Recession: Green/Islamic/Monotheistic


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What is recession?

Reduction in demand for high end products, properties especially in the urban areas

Reduction in demand for high tech services and products

Deceleration in consumption of ecologically hostile products and services based on non-renewable resources such as fossil fuels

An outcome of the market deregulation with freedom for speculative and usurious finance instruments and excessive focus on the urban development

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recession= reduction in consumption→austerity→pleasure of Almighty

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How it is impacting our lives

A general reduction in demand for high end services and infrastructure

Loss of jobs in the urban areas and creation of distress for many families involved in sectors associated with the exports

Reduction in income for many families leading to food insecurity, starvation especially in urban areas

Reverse migration to ecologically sustainable habitats and halting of migration to ecologically hostile habitats

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Is recession ecologically hazardous? No

Hallowed ‘market’ forces have been proved wrong with the destruction of ecologically hazardous usurious finance system

Industries are finding ecologically sustainable solutions following the economic crisis

Buildings planned for operating efficiently with renewable energy

Financial crisis provides an opportunity for change in exploring options for renewable energy and transformation of consumption patterns

Energy consulting for renewable energy options with measures for reducing the energy needs gets a new vigour as climate change related findings get more and more serious

Recession is ecologically benevolent and it needs to sustained for halting the pace of climate change

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Recession is ecologically benevolent

As it reduces the consumption of Green House Gas emitting services and utilities that has been part of any vision of higher and higher levels of GDP growth of nations, states and cities across the world

It has reduced the number of decisions for using GHG emitting vehicles

Many housing projects have been halted and price of the property has gone down

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Time for recalling the martyrdom and governance for recession

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Why to recall politics and governance?

For electing men and women as leaders who would help in securing ecologically benevolent habitats for present and the future

For assessing how they are contributing to ecologically hostile development of habitats

For discouraging men and women who are party to expanding ecologically hostile development responsible for ephemeral booms

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To accelerate the pace of transition for ecologically sustainable habitats with reduction in the emission of green house gas emissions

To ensure that leaders are indeed leaders for the ecologically sustainable change

To ensure that there are simultaneous adoption of policies for change

To ensure election of leaders committed to the agenda of socially inclusive and ecologically safe India

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Tackling recession: what governments can do?

Announce living family allowances for unemployed

Enhance the allowances for senior citizens, disabled ,single women ,widows and others seeking social security

Food stamps for poor/ Expanded access to PDS supplies of essential commodities

Distributive justice for renewable (land, water, forest) resources

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Role of Private Sector

Planning ecologically sustainable green business strategy

Integrating ecological audit in all operationsSharing of profits with poor directly or

through voluntary organizationsEliminating unsustainable wage differentials Minimizing green house emissions in all

operationsPlanning for the end of petro-modern age

considering the peak oil production

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Recall the Day of Judgment for death of ecologically hostile Satanic engagements

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Signs of the Day of Judgment

Music in all homesRebellion against commands of God through

governments and shrinking of power for men and women establishing the standards of piety

Extraction of mines maximised without understanding the limits for exhibitionist needs

rebellion celebrated with condemnation of men and women calling for establishment of moral standards

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Celebrating recession

Through organising carbon neutral neighborhood discussions/ consultations/meetings/ conferences

Breaking the barriers and reaching out to all who need support and counseling

Going back to farms , cattle rearing and planting trees for clean air

Assisting relatives in reviving ecologically sustainable agriculture, plantation and cattle rearing

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Culture of prayer for halting climate change

Offering prayer 5 times a day keeps us away from using ecologically hostile leisure such as dancing and drinking

Its global adoption would generate reduction by millions of tons of Green House Gas emission across the cities where people are using ecologically hostile means for leisure by visiting dancing halls and discotheques

Its integration in the cultural policy and environmental policy of all the organisations is the need of the hour

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Recession= celebration for birds and tigers